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Netiquette Notes

Online etiquette are the rules that apply when we are communicating over the
internet. With so many people doing school and work from home sometimes it is a
good reminder to review the guidelines for how to be polite and respectful online.
Let me know if I missed any important ones!

Your teachers, counselors, coaches, and staff miss you and want to hear from you!

We aren’t on our emails 24/7 but we do check daily and would love to hear from you. How are
you doing? Do the assignments make sense? Do you need help with anything? Feel free to
email us anytime but know that it may take up to 24 hours for us to get back to you. Log on and
connect with your peers but don’t forget to also log off and spend time with your family.

If you wouldn’t do it in real life, don’t do it online.

This one is a classic rule for a reason. When online always imagine that everything that you type,
post or message is being archived forever. Is the thing that you are writing something that you would
want to see again in in five years? Is the message you are sending something you would say in front
of your grandma? Is the picture you are posting one that represents your best self? If the answer is
no. Stop and reconsider if this is something that you want to share.

A little respect goes a long way.

This one might sound a lot like the last one, because, well it is. But it is also a good reminder. We want to
make sure that we are remembering that each one of us has different thoughts and ideas and that we
are being respectful of that. Just because someone thinks differently than you, does not mean that they
are wrong. The great thing about online platforms, is that you have the ability to log out, and log off if
needed. There is no reason to get into a fight that can be easily avoided. However, if someone says
something mean or hurtful to you or posts something that makes you uncomfortable, tell your parents or
report it. No one has the right to make to be mean. Everyone has the right to a safe space.

Spellcheck is your friend

Proofread before you hit the send key. Make sure that everything is spelled correctly. Even in texts,
use correct grammar and write out the whole word, k? Humor and sarcasm can be difficult to translate
into written text because we cannot hear the inflection in your voice or see the expression in your
eyes. Check to see if you hit “reply” or “reply all”. Considering reading what you wrote out loud, often
we can catch mistakes when we hear them easier than when we read them.
The Golden Rule
Do onto other as you would have them do unto you.
Treat other people the way you would want to be
treated. Be positive, be kind, be connected.

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