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- SOE NGO visits its beneficiaries in the NORTHWEST of Côte d'Ivoire


Dear donors and partners, dear beneficiaries and friends, we hope you are all doing well in this time
of pandemic. May the Lord keep you safe and sound. Another Soe Newsletter in this time of
lockdown as a result of the COVID pandemic19. Yet another proof that SOE NGO always wants to be
close to its partners, donors, beneficiaries and all its friendships. Highlights in this newsletter will
focus on the SOE missions to the northwestern region of Côte d'Ivoire, a flashback on the latest
selection committee for new beneficiaries. In this edition, SOE's psychosocial follow-up from 2015 to
2019 is reviewed. For the orphans-beneficiaries, the follow-up, in this time of health crisis, was
carried out remotely by the members of the office. There is also a window of opportunity for all
those who want to improve their level through reading. Good news for the beneficiaries of the SOE
NGO regarding their medical care: this will take effect at the beginning of the next school year. With
you on our side, the SOE NGO will go far with its orphans.

- In this time of global health crisis, this is a good opportunity to start reading and devouring what we
have acquired in terms of books that have never been opened. This is a good time to discover the
benefits of reading and allow ourselves to be carried away by beautiful pages and stories that can
help us improve both our experience and our level in French. And what if we challenge ourselves to
read in this time of lockdown, what we have not dared to do before? And what if, with the
confinement, we did some feats to avoid being carried away by the gravity of the atmosphere? And
what if we surpassed ourselves by reading? And what if we take stock of ourselves after the
lockdown about our reading progress? Let everyone give it their all !!!!


The child of ( 4-8 months): Deliberate behaviours.

The child perceives himself/herself as distinct from the outside world. The child repeats an act that
was initially done by chance and that brought him or her some satisfaction. These are secondary
circular reactions, i.e. with awareness of the external environment. The child aims to reproduce facts
that just happened by chance. For example, he touches a moving rattle, which proves that he is able
to separate his hand from the rattle and other objects; he no longer touches it by chance, but

- Selection Committee session 2020: 12 new orphans from Côte d'Ivoire and Gabon join the list of
beneficiaries of the NGO SOE.

- SOE's independent international orphan selection commission completed its work in March 2020.
Due to the VIDOC 19 pandemic, the work was conducted online. 12 new orphans join the SOE NGO's
list of beneficiaries. 10 from the RCI and 2 from Gabon. Like the other beneficiaries of the NGO SOE,
they will be supported in their education until the end of their university studies.


- Medical coverage for SOE orphans: effective start, start of the school year 2020-2021
- The news is good news for the orphans cared for by the NGO SOE. One of the areas of intervention
of the NGO SOE in favour of orphans is medical follow-up. This care began with the financing of
optical glasses for orphans since the year 2018. The office of the NGO SOE is concerned about the
welfare of orphans and is working to strengthen the quality of service offered to beneficiaries. Thus,
from the start of the next school year (2020-2021), orphans will benefit from comprehensive medical
coverage. The third party paying public insurances set up in the different countries where the
orphans reside, will be fully paid by the NGO SOE. Through this decision of the NGO SOE office, the
orphans taken in charge will thus be able to benefit from quality health care despite their vulnerable


- SOE orphans have been followed up despite the COVID epidemic 19.

- As a result of COVID 19, the SOE office adapted its working methods to continue its psychosocial
and educational follow-up activities for orphans. To this end, in April 2020, a remote monitoring was
organized for the 45 orphans residing in Côte d'Ivoire, TOGO and GABON. Each member of the NGO
was assigned orphans. Exchanges were carried out by telephone with the families and children. The
objective of this special activity was to learn about the following points: Change of residence due to
epidemic, management of studies during confinement, daily program and management of the
epidemic of COVID 19.



The mission of the NGO SOE is to support the education of orphans from

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