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The United Arab Emirates (UAE)

The climate
of the UAE generally is very hot
and sunny during the day but at
night it
becomes very cold. The hottest
months are July and August,
when average maximum
temperatures reach above 50 °C
(122.0 °F) on the coastal plain.
South Korea During the late Canada
summer months, a humid Weather
has a temperate climate with four southeastern wind known as the Canada is
distinct seasons. Winters are sharqi makes the coastal often associated with cold
usually long, region especially unpleasant. weather and snow, but in reality,
cold and dry. Summers are very its climate is as
short, hot, and humid. Spring and Economy diverse as its landscape.
autumn are It is the Generally, Canadians enjoy four
pleasant but also short in 18th country with the freest very distinct
duration. Spring and autumn are economy in the world. The seasons, particularly in the more
pleasant but also base of it economy the business populated regions along the US
short in duration. of border.
The country oil and natural gas. Daytime summer temperatures
generally has enough rainfall. can rise to 35°C and higher, while
Amounts of precipitation can Tourist places lows of -25°C
however vary from Dubai are not uncommon in winter.
year to year. Especially in August Abu Dhabi More moderate temperatures are
and bring torrential rains. the norm in spring
and fall.
Korea is the Economy
25th country wiht the frees It’s the 9th
esconomy in the world. The base with the freest economy in the
of it economy is of world. The base ofi t economy is
industrialization and technology. the oil and the
forestry industry.
Tourist places Tourist
N Seoul Tower places
War memorial of korea Moraine Lake
Butchart Gardens

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