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Polymer Clay Chameleon Charm

what you’re going to need is some green caly, a little tiny red clay, if you need to add a
tongue, and you may want to use some translucent liquid sculpey. I didn’t use it. I haven’t
had any problems with these coming off for the feet but you might want to use that to secure
them a little better. I’m not going to use it. And a little black acrylic paint for the eyeballs. A
little dotting tool to make the eyes. You will need your blade, an eye pin or two and your
pliers which mine are all taped up so you have to excuse the way you look.

And what you want to do is take a little ball of clay about that big. And sorry and no. You
cannot tell how big that clay is. But you basically want to shape it the chameleon head is
bigger in the back. So it kind of stands up. They almost got like this, like cone on top of their
head. So you kind of shape it like that. Then kind of round this out. It’s pretty simple shape
and in a way it kind of looks like a little triangle. But you want this piece to be kind of flat.
Okay so just sit that aside.

And take a slightly bigger ball of clay. And you want to kind of pull the end out so you’re
making kind of like a cone. I think i’m going to lay it down to roll it out sorry having gotten
used to working around this camera. yet so sorry y’all hopefully one day I will develop some
better film techniques but right now I just don’t have it. So you’re going to take the tail and
roll it under. I always see the tails rolled under when i go to the pet shop. I don’t ever see
them rolled up but you could probably do it either way I like them.

Then you want to take your head and kind of make sure that you like the way it looks sit on
there and to me looks like a little seahorse now. And the next thing you want to do is take
your dotting tool. And if you don’t have a dotting tool, I used to use the paintbrush thanks to
use this part to smooth everything out. So you can always try that. What you want to do is
just kind of connect his head who and not push his head off like that right. I don’t like where
that’s sitting there. That’s much better you want to like really connect his head. So it’s not
going to come off. And it’s going to give more of an illusion of a neck and look more natural.
So you’re going to do this for a few minutes. So the next thing I want to do is... I cut a thin
little piece. And i’m going to stick it right up here on top of this back and just kind of press it
on kind of stick down in that groove really good press it down like that. And then i’m going to
take my knife on this first one I actually made the trouble of making little triangles that’s really
hard because it’s really small so I’m just going to kind of texture it like this. And in the end I
think it looks like pretty good. But it’s much easier and this also is going to help stick this
down a little better. So it’s going to be even more secure take my tool and kind of pressing
down right there and that’s that. And then I’m going to take a tiny little ball. Stick it on here
for his eye. Chameleons have the coolest eyes you will ever see. They can actually look into
different directions at one time. So if you check them out at the pet store, you’ll see what I’m
talking about. It’s pretty incredible. So i’m going to just leave them like that. Then I’m going to
take my knife and i’m gonna make him a mouth. And this is really easy. You just want to kind
of get in there like that. Be careful not to cut your finger.
Now if you’re going to add a tongue, you want to kind of open this up a little more so that you
can get it in there. And i think i will go ahead and add a tongue to this one. Just so i can
show you how I did it. So it’s mouth pretty open there. I’m just gonna take a little piece of red
that i’ve already rolled out. Take the end and roll it up just like you did his tail. Like that it’s
obviously way too long. So you wanna cut it, stick it in there and then use your tool to really
press it it and stick it in there. Like that and i’m going to kind of like his tongue out a little bit
more in this mouth down just a hair pretty cute. Now the hardest thing about making this guy
honestly is his legs in his feet you wanna cut going to round out for some little green clay
and you want to cut four pieces on a second you must stick them to the side just like that
and save this for last because if you don’t they definitely will get squished and messed up in
the end. So i would recommend you always and the legs last thing. and don’t ever use
porlex until you’re completely done because it works like cornstarch basically so your clay
won’t stck anymore once you use that so you want to make sure you save that for last and
you could actually leave this guy where his feet come together. And you could put a
necklace like some metal through here and then bake him like that. But I’m going to put
some little feet on him like like this you wanna do this all thw way around all of his little feet.
now i can millions back feet i think they have like three little toes on the front they only have
two so i’m going to go ahead and put a little slit in these because they’re front little feet are
the cutest things you’ve ever seen they think they open like this so just wannt put one liitle
slit now when you get into this point he’s going to have some fingerprints on it so the best
thing to do is take some rubbing alcohol and a q-tip and and wipe away all of those
fingerprints so that he’s smooth ok sorry all my camera cut off on me but i think i’m going to
push his legs together so that he can actually grab hold of like a necklace and hang from it
like that and he’s pretty much done except i’m going to take my porlex and that’s way too
much and i’m gonna make him shiny all over and again you wanna save the Pearl x to the
very last and you may even want to put the tongue on after you do this part just because you
don’t wanna get the green porlex but it shouldn’t be a problem because you’re not going to
get this inside his mouth so his tongue should still stick just fine but you’ll notice your fingers
don’t even stick to him anymore once you put this stuff on because he’s not sticky but it
really makes them shiny and pretty and I will turn this off for a minute and bacon and then
show you what it looks like when he’s done so there is for now see you in a minute. so here
he is all finished and all i did was add a little dot of black paint fries i’ve all and glazed him
and also just hung him on this wire to see if this would work because i put his legs together
before baking so that there’s no eye pin he can just hold on to this wire and i just thread it
right there so anyway i hope you enjoyed it and i hope you make some and i hope they turn
out really cute thanks for watching bye.

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