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Story Time August 2016

Lesson Plan

1. Introduction and warm up.
2. If You're Happy and You Know it Song
3. Hello Song: I’m in the Mood
4. Story Time: From Head to Toe
5. Song Time: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
6. Spell the book name game
7. Song Time: From Head to Toe Song
8. Action Song for Kids/The Singing Walrus
9. Dot-to-Dot sheet. Tie the dots and see what it is. Begin at 1.
10. Goodbye Action Rhyme: Tickle the Clouds

Hello! Good afternoon, kids, mommies, daddies, grandmas and grandpas. Oh oh sorry, no
daddies here. Anyway, it’s good to be here with you. My name is Starrie. My daughter and
my son are here with me. This is my daughter, Yichin. She’s 3 years and 7 months old.
(Counting…) And this is my son, Yanchen. He’s 1 year and 10 months old. (Counting…)
He’s turning 2 in two months. ​One month… two months… then he will be 2 years old.

How do you feel today? Happy… sad… scared… angry… Are you happy? I’m happy and
nervous. It’s my first time to be here and read you a book. And you? Are you happy? Say
“Yes. I’m happy.” Oh oh I can’t hear you. Say “Yes. I’m happy.” (Yes. I’m happy.) Good job.
Give me five. Are you happy? (Yes. I’m happy.) Show me how happy you are. Smile. Good.
You have a lovely smile. I like your smile.

If you’re happy and you know it, give me five.

If you’re happy and you know it, give me five.
If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it. If you're happy and you know
it, give me five.

Okay, it's story time. I hope you got your listening ears ready. Are you ready? Can you clap
your hands on the knees and in the air? Like this.

I’m in the mood for reading. Hey, how about you/

I’m in the mood for...

Today’s book is called ​From Head to Toe, From Head to Toe, From Head to Toe​. Can you
sing the song, ​Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes?​ Sing along with me.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes…

Okay. Let's open the book, ​From Head to Toe​. Can anyone help me open the book? Give
me a hand, please. Thank you. You’re a good helper. Okay, let’s turn to page 5.
Useful Sentences
● Are you all ready to hear a book? Okay. Let’s do it.
● Show me. Get on your hands and knees.
● What’s the next animal going to be? Let’s turn the page to find out.
● Pretend to be a buffalo and raise your shoulder.
● Say it with me. Fabulous.
● Go ahead.
● Everybody, 1, 2, 3! (I can do it.)

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