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English II

Actividad #1



Catalina Barreto Id: 654852

Docente: Leidy Carolina Guerrero

Administración de Empresas



Today August 24, 2020, I was in the shopping center with my

sister buying some jewelry that she was giving me for my
birthday when we saw that a boy was hugging one of those
who attended us, my sister got scared and ran in search of
help, some policemen were listening to his call for help, they
immediately arrived at the scene and arrested those who were
robbing, when they asked them.
They said that they only observed the jewels and when they
were seized they had firearms and a can of money that was
what they had been taking from the cash register, it is still
expected to expand the news to find out if they are processed.

Hoy 24 de agosto de 2020, estaba en el centro comercial con

mi hermana comprando unas joyas que ella me estaba
regalando de cumpleaños cuando vimos que un chico estaba
abrazando a uno de los que nos atendían, mi hermana se
asustó y salio corriendo en busca de ayuda, unos policías
estaban escuchando su llamado de auxilio, llegaron
inmediatamente al lugar y arrestaron a los que estaban
robando,cuando les preguntaron
dijeron que solo observaban las joyas y cuando los
requisaron tenían armas de fuego y una lata suma de dinero
que fue la que habian estado sacando de la caja registradora,
todavía se espera ampliar la noticia para saber si están

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