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Distinguished Lecture on 1 December 2010, The Federation of Engineering Institution of

Southeast Asia and Pacific (FEIAP) Meeting, Melia Hotel, Hanoi. 44 Ly Thuong Kiet



Author: Prof. Nguyen Truong Tien; Email:

Vice President of AEAN Engineer Register (VUSTA)

Member of monitoring committee of Ministry of construction, Vietnam

Fellow of ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology (AAET)
President of Vietnamese Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (VSSMGE),
AA-Corp and G&P-AA International consulting JSC and Vietnamese Geotechnical Institute

Secretary: Trinh Xuan Quyet; Email:

Tran Xuan Viet; Email:
Nguyen Duc Nam; Email:
Asean and Pacific are dynamic, sharing and caring regions with a rich cultural and
engineering value. The slogan of ASEAN Countries is “From Vision to Actions”. We need to
plant trees, use land, water as well as to develop engineering technology and green projects
to build a better world and for a better quality of life. In order to know and understand today
and tomorrow, we need to know the past, to learn from the history as well as to keep balance,
equilibrium between tangible and intangible value, engineering and cultural value. This
lecture is organized in the occasion of FEIAP meeting in Hanoi. The Author would like to
make the review on our concepts, the way of thinking, our situation, our condition, our
opportunities and challenges… and our vision, our solution with proposal projects and
innovated ideas for the cooperation of Engineers in Asia, Pacific and other regions. We can
learn, study, research, share and work together with combined strength, intellect and
concerned effort and undertake concrete actions, Projects, Plan to contribute to the
development of our region and to combating global poverty, climate change. We need Green
Engineers and Green People.
Contents of this Lecture:
1. Who are we? Where from we come? What are lesions learned from the Past?
2. Our problems, our situations, challenges in this small world and common House
3. Our concept, philosophy and visions to develop engineering, technology and green
4. New opportunities to build a better world, a better quality of life for sustainable
development. What we can share, care and transform “Vision to Actions”?
5. Conclusions and Recommendation “We can sow seeds for the fruitful trees. God
know alone what is the best fruit in the World Green Garden”.
I have the pleasure to deliver this distinguished Lecture in this important event in the
occasion of 1.000 years of Thang Long – Hanoi in this Melia Hotel, where my colleagues
and I build the bored pile foundation, 14 years ago. The Building is Technical Excellence,
Reliability and Safety. Because we have Innovated Idea, add Value, good Teamwork and
high Code of Ethic. As Engineers we uphold Integrity, creating opportunities, providing the
best engineering solutions to meet people’s satisfaction, happiness, safety…, From this point
of view, we are together to love, to study, to learn, to know, to understand, to live, to share
and to care green society, green buildings, to use Green Energy, Green Road, Green Water,
Green Land…
1. Who are we? Where from we come? What are lesions learned from the Past?
1.1. Big bang and our universe
On 8th November 2010, according to the information of CERN, we know that for the first
time the “mini Big Bang” was tested successfully in the Tunnel, which is located in the
boundary of France and Swithzeland using “Large Hadron Collider”. The equipment and all
system of 10.000 tons are located at a depth of 100 km, in the tunnel of 27 km, the high is
16m, and the width is 26m.

Fig . Particle beam acceleration and collisions for dummies (Picture by CERN)
The velocity of light is created in A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE). The Fire Globe
was created by the meeting of Pb ions of high velocity. The Fire Globe has a temperature of
10.000 Billions Co degree. 1 Million Time of the temperature of the core of the Sun. In the
moment of 1/1.000.000 second, when proton and neutron are destroyed and form quark-
gluon in plasma state. This event happened nearly 14 billion years ago, creating universe
today including our Globe, our Moon, our Sun …

Now we know that Big Bang produced Fire Globe. The Temperature of the Universe,
including our Globe is created from Fire. Fire is the Symbol of Phoenix. She is fire, is our
Mother, our Earth and our Mother Land.
The Globe was of very high temperature from very beginning, why the earth is warm today?
And why has climate changed?
We know form Newton,
Force: F = ma
We Know form Einstanh Albert
Energy: E = mc2
Where m = mass, a = acceleration
c = Velocity of light. The mass (m) is too small in the above big bang experiment.
What will be happen if m goes to be zero?
For the existing of the life in this Fire Globe what need to do by God, Mother Land, Sun
Father and Moon Mother after Big Bang? May be needs to have other kind of Big Bang to
create water (to reduce the temperature of our land) then we has Yin and Yang, Fire and
Water. To create ecosystem, people and all, we need to have other Big Bang, other Power,
other Energy, other kind of arrangement. Fire, Water, Tree, Land and Metal are formed and
we have 5 basic materials to represent 108 materials and air in the world today. The
foundation of our Building is education, love.
The roof is Value. 5 floors are:
Water Wood Fire Earth Metal Water
Science Engineering Technology Investment Trade Science
Love Courtesy Gratitude Knowledge Confidential Love

Fig . Happy building

1.1. Asian and Vietnamese Cultural Value

Asian and Vietnamese people have the history of more than 10.000 years (Van Xuan –
10.000 springs) and rich Cultural Value. Vietnam was the first country to produce rice, to use
bamboo to build the house and plant “Dau Tree” to produce textile … 5.500 years ago
Vietnam fabricated Drum Bronze.

Fig . Drum Bronze

Fig . Vietnam map

About 2.500 years ago Vietnam produced the Vietnamese symbols and to show Vietnamese
Power. About 2.200 years ago Vietnam was a great country which covered an area from
south of China (Nam Viet) the north and central area of Vietnam. In South of Vietnam, Phu
Nam was the name of the country was covered Mekong Delta River, Cambodia, and Thai
Lan. Vietnamese symbol (Two Ring Dragon & Phoenix):

Fig . Vietnamese Symbol

Vietnam had long history with our Philosophy and belief in the main concepts as:
Ying and Yan: (+) and (-)

Fig . Ying & Yan and Vietnam
Each person has destiny, never died and is born in the years of: Rat, Buffalo, Tiger, Cat,
Dragon, Snake, Horse, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.
Our Mother is: Moon, Phoenix, Earth, Water, Love.
Our Father: Sun, Dragon, Knowledge

Fig . Vietnamese symbol (2.500 years ago) and the Cultural Values of National Traditions
Our Great Soldier: Thanh Giong and Our Great Master: Kim Quy Deity

Fig . Thanh Giong and Kim Quy

Fig . North, South, East, West and Life
Our 4 Great Man and Woman (who never die) are: Tan Vien, Lieu Hanh, Thanh Giong, Chu
Dong Tu.
Feng Shui = Environment
= Sustainable Development
= Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal need to be used in the best way
Cause and effect are always correct. We plant the Tree for 10 years and to grow a person for
100 years. Trees and People are very similar and have Spiritual value.
Heaven is our life
You need to know where from you come, and then you know where you will go.
Intangible Value is most important than Tangible value.
Live is temporary, die is forever.
We need to know who we are. What is our destiny, our duty, and our responsibility our
We need to respect and take care of our Fathers and our Mothers.
We need to Love All and Respect All.
We need to appreciate our Cultural Value.
Value and our Spiritual Value.
We need to form a Triangle by:
We need to keep balance between Yin and Yang:
(Materials and Spiritual Value)
(Tangible and Intangible Value) Fig . Triangle
We can learn so much from Cultural value, old Vietnamese letters, words, music, song,
Pagoda, temple and Historical Monument …
We can make imagination and dreams for a better quality of life.
We need to combine our value for a sustainable development.

Western Civilization + Eastern Cultural Value

We accept to practice all religion in Vietnam and made the adaptation of all religion to
Vietnamese life using Vietnamese way of thinking.
Nguyen Trai was our Great Master of Vietnam, he said:
“Use the love and gratitude to overcome any brutal actions
Use our knowledge and sentiment of people to replace any power”
Nguyen Du was our great Master:
“For the prediction of 100 years, you need to go back to the original point in order to know
the roots and starting point of Small River”
Nguyen Cong Tru said:
“Next generation, please do not to be person
Should be Thong tree, standing in the Sun and sing the happy song”
Nguyen Binh Khiem made the predictions on 1574:
“500 years later (2044) Vietnam will be Happy Country
People from 10 directions will come.
Sons and Daughters know to come back to their Great Fathers and Mothers”.
Ho Chi Minh said:
“All Hung Kings (108) have the Merit of Protect our Country.
We need to work together to build our country”.
Nguyen Thi Dinh (1920-1992) said on 1959:
“We do not have any way to go.
We need to be standing to defend our land and our people”
“We need to go to the North again to bring weapon for the liberation of the South of
Vietnam” (1960)
“She lives as General and when she dies becomes great Diety, who has ability to help and
support us…”
Our Great Mother and Father are teaching:
“The Kings need to pay attention on:
To provide the foods for people
To take care the souls and funeral ceremony of died people
To worship of Great Mothers and Great Fathers”
In this world we need to be understanding
Never loss the opportunities. we need to do an important thing to day and not tomorrow.
We need to study all day and discover a new thing.
We need to be kind and never become a bad man.
We need to know and understand to have a new land:
“We need to choose a correct land to live”.
We need to keep silence before you know what will happen.
We need to keep a good relationship with all people.
We need to respect all.
We need to know when you can make official announcement.

We need to know and understand:
“Who are you?”
“Why do you come to this land?”
“What you can do? Who are your colleagues and your friends?”
“Where you can live and work? And when do you come back to your permanent house?”
Nothing is casual, everything and every person has destiny and soul
We need to be empty; you need to be vacuum in order to receive right information (water,
energy, air) from your great Mother and great Father.
We need to know.
We need to be indeed to observe everything.
We need to be center go to the left side in order to become a right person.
We need to have love and knowledge.
We need to have a right idea and/or innovated ideas.
We need to have a good family and know to be a good mother or father.
We need to know how to be leader of your country or your village.
We need to know how you can be a leader or a King of the world.
We need to practice and build:
Love, Courtesy
Everything and every people have Cause and Effect.
We need to understand what the meaning of each number is:
1 = Starting Point and Final Point
2 = Yin and Yang
3 = Sun, Earth, People
4 = 4 Directions and 4 Sessions
5 = 5 Basic Materials
6 = Iching Number
7 = Catholic Number
8 = Buddist Number
9 = The Number of our great Mother and great Father
Iching is our Philosophy. You can read Iching in Bronze Drums. Iching is the Law of nature.
The moon is our Mother. The Moon brings water to all trees.
Water is starting of everything.
Water is supporting you.
Water is the love of your Mother.
Water is your starting point and your departure point forever.
If you still have Mother
“Please let her happy and she never need to cry for your performance and your behavior”.
“If you need any help and support, Please ask me, Kim Quy Deity, Thanh Giong, and other
people, who always take care of you with infinite love as the sea”.
“If you are smart you will die, if you are stupid you will die too, only you can survive if you
“Solidarity, solidarity, great solidarity, Victory, victory and great victory” (Ho Chi Minh’s
slogan). To remember yours Mothers, Fathers is to remember our origin. To Love your
country, people is to love your motherland.
Our foundation to build new projects is Long, Ly, Quy, Phuong in 4 directions

Long, Ly, Quy, Phuong in 4 directions

Fig . Drum Bronze Fig . Long

Fig. Dragon & Phoenix

Fig . Ly

Fig . Lotus Fig . Quy

Fig . Phuong

We can use Asian Cultural value for new Projects, applyied in all following things:
 Yin and Yang
 Buddhist and other Religion available in Vietnam
 Five basic materials: Water, Wood, Earth, Fire, Metal
 Feng Shui
 Iching

Fig . Dragon and Vietnamese Cultural value

 Western Value.
 Innovated Ideas.
 Green Concepts.
 The lectures of our Mothers, Fathers, Thanh Giong, Kim Quy, Great
Masters of Vietnam and of all Countries over the World.
 Increasing value, quality and reduce cost. Quality and Value are intangible
value, cost is tangible value.
 To build project of very high value for all generations.
 To bring all value together for our generation and next generations.
From Asian Cultural and Asian Philosophy we know the concept of Triangular: Sun Earth,
People. The Vietnamese people said:
“One tree can’t build mountain
Three Trees will establish High Mountain”
The three trees are: Rice, Bamboo and Dau, which are used for eating, living, clothing and
defending our Country by Thanh Giong and Kim Quy.

Fig . Rice, Bamboo and Dau tree
We also know:
“God creates 4 sessions: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter”
“Mother Land has 4 directions: East, West, South, and North”
People have 4 ethical characters: Work hard, Saving, Transparen, Correction.
Lack one session, we do not have universe or God.
Lack one direction, we do not have mother Land.
Lack one ethical character, never you become person (or Green Engineer)

2. Our problems, our situations, challenges in this small world and common House
2.1. Fact and Data
Federation of Engineering Institutions of AESAN and the Pacific (FEIAP)
Number Country Capital Area Population GDP 2009 GDP 2009/ person Increase GDP per year


1 Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan 5,765 km2 388,190 $10,54 million $25,386 2.6%

2 Cambodia Phnom Penh 181,035 km2 14,8 million $ 10,87 million $805 6.8%

3 Laos Vientiane 236,800 km2 6,3 million $5,59 million $886 7.59%
4 Myanmar Naypyidaw 676,578 km2 50 million $34,262 million $571 4.919%
5 Malaysia Kuala Lumpur 329,847 km2 28,3 million $192,9 million $6,950 6%

6 Indonesia Jakarta 1,919,440 km2 240 million $514,9 million $2,329 4.546%

7 Philippines Manila 299,764 km2 91,9 million $161,19 million $1,748 1.061%

8 Singapore Singapore 710.2 km2 4,9 million $182,2 million $52,200 8.2%

9 Thailand Bangkok 513,120 km2 67,0 million $263,9 million $8,200 -2.248%.

10 Vietnam Hanoi 331,690 km2 85,8 million $93,16 million $1,068 5.3%

The Pacific Ocean

11 Australia Canberra 7,617,930 km2 20,6 million $994,246 billion $45,285 1.246%

12 Bangladesh Dhaka 147,570 km2 162,2 million $94,602 million $583 5.64%

13 China Beijing 9,640,821 km2 1,3 Billion $4,98 trillion $3,735 9.096%

14 Canada Vancouver 9,984,670 km2 33,7 million $1,3 trillion $39,658 -2.462%

15 Chile Santiago de Chile 756,950 km2 17 million $161,781 million $9,516 -1.529%

16 Hong Kong Hong Kong 1,104 km2 7 million $210.570 million $29,803 -2.761%

17 Japan Tokyo 377,944 km2 127 million $5 trillion $39,740 -5.217%

18 Mexico Mexico City 1,972,550 km2 111,2 million $1 trillion $8,134 -6.538%

19 Mauritius Port Louis 2,040 km2 1.28 million $8,589million $6,704 2.545%

20 Peru Lima 1,285,216 km2 9 million $126,766 million $4,356 0.862%

21 Papua New Guinea Port Moresby 462,840 km2 6,7 million $7,907 million $1,247 4.535%

20 New Zealand Wellington 268,021 km2 4,29 million $ 117,794 million $48,209 -1.593%

22 Republic of Korea Seoul 100,210 km2 4,3 million $832,512 million $17,074 0.196%

23 Russia Moscow 17,075,400 km2 142 million $1,229 trillion $8,681 -7.9%

24 Taiwan Taipei 35,980 km2 23,046,177 million $378,524 million $16,372 -1.909%

25 United States Washington, D.C 9,826,675 km2 30,5 Million $14.256 trillion $45,934 -2.633%

26 Fuji Suva 18,274 km2 849,000 $2,948million $3,464 -2.23%

2009 List by the International Monetary Fund

From the below table, we know much information of developed and developing countries.
The gap of income between them is larger and difficult to be filled. Help and support the poor
people is our responsibility.

Fig. Economic data of Vietnam, Indonesia and China

After 9 months of 2010 Vietnam has attracted US $12 billion of FDI (the Government is
targeting US $22 billion year’s end). May need Vietnam is going to hard and learn all.
2.2. Our challenges
2.2.1. Sea lever rise
Tibetan glacier (Serves 1/3 the population of the world) is sharing by ~ 1.2m/year.
Melting speed increase 10 – 15 times per year
Sea level increase 1.8 mm per year
0.74oC increases for last 100 years
Severe water shortage
Decrease water supply by 1/3 in 25 years
Cultivated land area are reduced
2.2.2. Energy Problems
Exhaustion years of Energy:
Oil: 42 years
Gas: 60 years
Coals: 133 years
Uranium: 240 years
Global issues:
The Utilization of energy need to move to further conservation, high-efficiency. Energy
structure of the world is going to change dramatically in the coming 50 years. Green Energy
and low carbon energy should be adopted.

2.2.3. Challenges from Nuclear Power Plants

Barack Obama
“I will tap our natural gas reserves, Invest in clean coal technology and find ways to safely
harness nuclear power”. Facts of nuclear:

 413 unit in operation in 31 countries
- Europe: 198 Units
- North America: 198 units
- Asia: 111 Units
- South America: 4 Units
- Africa: 2 Units
Total Global Nuclear Power = 807 GW (2030); 327 GW (2008)

Fig. Chart “The world's nuclear arsenals”

Nuclear units under preparation and construction
We need to face the following challenges using nuclear Power:
a) Safety and security of nuclear power plant installation and operation.
b) Safeguard of nuclear materials and enhances nuclear non proliferation.
c) Safe storage of radioactive waste and spent fuels management.
d) Securing economical and stable financing.
e) Supply of excellent nuclear power professional and manager.
f) Saving of construction time and generation cost for nuclear plants.
g) Stronger public acceptance and support for nuclear energy.
h) Sustainable R& D efforts and innovations for better performance Knowledge in
i) Support fully international cooperation for Nuclear Renaissance.

2.2.4. Challenges from Increasing Prices, Natural Disasters and Consumption of good
and food.
 The average oil prices had maintained at a historical height of US 70 dollars,
about 4.4 times higher than the oil price at the end of last millennium.
 Natural disasters occur more frequently occurent devasting in many parts of the
world such as:
- Irrawaddy Delta in Myamar devasted by Cyclone Nargis in May 2008.
- Typhoon Ketsana on September 2009 struck Philippines, Vietnam,
Cambodia, Lao and Thai Land Learning hundreds dead and million
- Since 10th October 2010, heavy rains produced severe flooding disaster in
Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thai Land and Malaysia. Hundreds dead
and damaged more than 1.000 kilometers of farmland.
- In the Summer of this year experienced four consecutive warmest months
record globally, while it was also the warmest ever recorded period for land
areas in the North Hemisphere, Precipiting the occurrence of a severe heat
wave that impacted most countries across the continent of North America,
Europe and Asia, resulting in wide spread wild fires and prolonged and farm
- 67% of the world supplies of coal in US 27%, Russian 17%, China 13% and
India 10%.
- Green house gases (especially CO2) are over concentrated in the
atmosphere, resulted in global warming, which will affect long term climate
change with negative impacts on humanity. The world needs to move from
high Carbon economy toward a low – carbon economy.
- Global consumption of energy and materials. The culture of sustainable
consumption need to be taken into account.
Challenges from the consumption of good and food:
1. Cost of Supplying Basic Education to All children US$ 6.0 Billion per year.
Cost of US spending for cosmetic US$ 8.0 Billion per year.
2. Cost of Provision of water and Sanitation for all US$ 9.0 Billion per year.
Cost of Spending on Ice Cream in Europe US$ 11.0 Billion per year.
3. Cost of basic Health for all US$ 13.0 Billion per year.
Cost of Spending on Cat Food in USA & Europe US$ 17.0 Billion per year.
4. Cost of Elimination of Malnutrition through improved Agriculture US$ 40.0
Billion per year.
Cost of Slimming Aids to counter obesity and over – eating in the developed world
US$ 40.0 Billion per year.
According to American Development Report (1998)
2.5. General Facts and Challenges of Vietnam
2.5.1. Soil Conditions
- Soil stratigraphy in Red River and Mekong Deltas include up to 40 m of soft clay. The
clay often has high organic content.
- Groundwater table is near ground surface (at 0.5 to 2.5 m depth).
- Natural water content is often higher than liquid limit.
- Typical N value of SPT: from 0 to 5
- Typical untrained shear strength: 10 to 40 kPa
- Compressive index: 0.6 to 1.0

- Initial void ratio: 1.5 to 2.0
- Annual precipitation 1.000 to 2.000 mm
2.5.2. Problems with Soft Soils in Vietnam
• Foundation of roads, buildings and other structures are subject to
– Settlement: large settlement. In many areas of Mekong delta, the settlement is
about 3 – 5 m with the embankment high is about 5-8 meters.
– Stability: bearing capacity, stability of embankment slope, soil pressure on
retaining wall.
– Permeability: sand boiling, quick sand, piping.
– Liquefaction: earthquake, dynamic loadings due to traffic, railways loadings.
• Problems:
– Construction of roads, dikes and other structures
– Soil improvement of existing roads and dikes
– Soil improvement for structures in flooding areas
– Landslides along highway systems
– River-bank and sea-bank stability
– Construction of hydroelectric plants, dams, reservoirs, highways and railways.
– Underground structures, tunnel, parking, subway system.
– Land reclamation and offshore construction
The problems of construction and soft soil condition are shown in:

Fig. Problems with soft soil

2.5.3. Geotechnical and Geodisaster problems
 Road construction:
- Slope stability of nature slope. Vietnam does not have available technology to protect
slope stability.
- Embankment in soft soil as Van Thanh Bridge (Ho Chi Minh City). The final
settlement can be 3.0 meters. It is about 10% of the thickness of the soft clay under the

- Different settlement between Roads and Bridges.

Fig. Slope stability of slopes Fig. Settlement of Van Thanh bridge on

Nguyen Huu Canh street

Fig. Cantho Bridge and Drilled hole position and soil condition

 Failure of Can Tho Bridge

The failure of Can Tho Bridge is caused by different settlement between the principal piers
(13, 14, and 15) and temporary supports for construction. In the principal piers and the bored
pile to about 80 meters of depth is used, in the temporary supports, driven piles of 37 meters
of depth are used. However, during the construction, the temporary supports play the role of
principals’ piers. Those support more load of
concrete slabs.

Fig. The temporary supports for construction (Axis 13-15),
Failure of temporary support due to the differential settlement (Report of National
Committee 7-2008) Steel supports: Steel column H350x350 Steel structure: The joint
between columns and pile cap is bolt nut

Fig . Soil condition under the foundation support

Fig . The columns of the temporary supports for system for The temporary supports for construction.
construction (Axis 13-15)
(Foundation pile: concrete pile 300x300 14 pile per
grillage Deepness about -37m)

Fig. Bridge pier (Axis 13-15) Fig. The temporary supports for construction was
collapsed, 54 people died
5 minutes before accident on 26.Sep.2007

Fig. Research the problems of all parts of the temporary supports

 Excavation and Construction of basement for high rise buildings
In Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh cities, a lot of high rise buildings are under construction. The
basements of 1 to 5 floors are excavated. Failures and collapsed of nearby buildings are
occurred. The reasons of a failure are the mistakes from soil investigation, design and
construction of diaphragm wall, protection of water flow and soil movement as well as
management, quality control, quality assurance and monitoring ... The consulting services in
many cases are not professional and lack of ethic codes.
Fig. Failure of Institute of Social Science, HCM City (Oct. 2007) due to excavation and
construction of basement of Pacific Project.

Fig. Failure of the house (with 3 floors), Hanoi, due to the excavation of a new foundation

Fig. Failure of Pile of cement silo, Hiep Phuoc, due to the design, pile driven and excavation
2.5.4. Natural Disasters & Climate change
 Flooding, Climate change, severe natural conditions
During the last 50 years, the average temperature is increased 0.7oC. Vietnam will be one of 5
countries has serve impact due to the rising of sea water level. If the sea water level is rising
1m, flooding will occur in Red and Mekong Delta Rivers. 70% of Mekong Delta area is
under water.

Fig. Farmers land and flood damages (Oct.2010) and surface water raises up to 4 m in
flooding area (Nov.2007)

Fig. Poor people and countries are more vulnerable to nature and human induced disasters

Fig. Tropical cyclones track

Fig. Images flooded when the rainy season to Hanoi

Fig. Typhoon frequently hit Vietnam

Fig. Red mud flood in Cao Bang District on 7th Nov 2010

2.5.5. Summary of our challenger and opportunities of Vietnam
Strength Weakness Opportunities Threat
 Ambulance of land  Lack of good  Undeveloped land and  Climate change and porverty
area infrastructure. offshore  Low quality of Human
 Young and  Weak financial capacity.  Expansion of resources and consulting
growing  Technology not as infrastructure. services
population. advanced as other  Need for skill training.  Corruption and Risk
 High economic country.  Need for professional  No transparency in tender.
grow (more than  Lack of research and registration.  Unemployment.
7%/year) information.  Development of material  Low efficiency of investment.
 Dynamic  Low quality of education, and technoloty of  Loan and borrowed money
development of training and human construction. become heavy load
private sector. resources.  Government recognition  Low quality of many projects,
 Good contribution  Lack of professional, of the private sector as an short time of services.
to GDP from FDI skilled workers and good important engine for  Deterioration of environment.
and private sector. project managers. growth.  Natural and man make
 Increasing of  Lack of track record and  Major Player looks at disaster.
export and import. experience in large construction  Contamination of soil, water,
 42% of GDP in infrastructure projects i.e. opportunities in foreign chemical product (dioxin).
Investment. highway, tunnel, bridges, countries.  High cost of land in cities.
 Culture value. airport, refinery, land  High chances of getting  Gaps between rich and poor
 Historical lessons. reclamation, protection of project due to “who you are extended.
 Appreciation of water soil. know” culture.  About 80% of population has
foreign people.  Lack of finance for  Local infrastructure and the income less than 1 USD/
 Good contribution investment in large Tunnels project. day.
to ASEAN project. Underground Spaces  Materialism, individualism…
policies.  No participation of  Venture into other are dominant.
 Establish joint- private sector in countries because have  No promotion for continuity
stock companies infrastructure the financial and study.
(state private, development. technological.
 Trade activities in education,
private). PPP  Very few BOT and PPP  Investment in urban research business.
 Increment of FDI. projects. development, housing,
 Total borrowed budget is not
 Gain experiences  Lack of technology and program, material
to be clear.
knowledge for our professionalism production, energy
 Total income from the Tax is
integration  Lack of transparency, infrastructure.
about 8 billions USD/year.
 Growth of responsibility and  Need trends of
 Every 5 years government
construction sector democracy. construction industry.
needs to pay 15000 billion
is from 10 – 12%.  Profit/ loss are not clear.  International integration.
VND for state companies and
The increasing of  Patronage – Client  Increase the number of organization in order to be
turnover of a good relationship people for export of labor survive
Vietnamese  Lack of regulations service Want to be best,
 Vinashin Corporation cost 6
construction firms standards, study, law… better quality of life.
billions USD
is about 20-30% per  Definition of value  New mega projects
 10 ha of forest = 1 MW of
year  Increasing the population  Can create a new electricity.
to live in city (70 projects  Vietnam has 880 Hydro power
millions in 2030)  Establish Education and plants.
 Innovation is limited Research Institute
 10.000ha of cultivate land
 Recognition of talent is  Vietnam become Dragon become new urban area per
limited or Phoenix each year
 Mega Projects and Risks

2.6. What Vietnam need to do for our integration
2.6.1. Education and Training
 Vietnamese Government and Vietnamese people give very high priority to
improve our education system. The government need to provide scholarship
(25 USD/month) for good students. Students can receive the loan and credit
form Social Bank of Vietnam. 900 millions of USD spent by government as
during the last 4 years credit for students. Until 2010, Vietnam has 13.122
students are studying in USA (increase 3% per year).
 Until now we have 9.000 Professors and Assistance Professors.
 Vietnamese Government and private sector are working hard to establish.
International Universities and Research Institutes in Vietnam
 Established the Foundation for Education Development ?
The main difficulties of our engineers are:
 We have more than 500.000 Vietnam Engineers, however until now do not
have Vietnam Institution of Engineers (VIE). VUSTA need work as VIE.
 The Laws or Act for Registration of Professional Engineers and Consulting
Services are not available.
 Do not exist any National Organization for Accreditation, Assessment of
quality of Education and Recognition
 Lack of Continuity Professional Development (CDC) Program, which provide
Knowledge, Skills and expertise for our engineers. It is rather difficult to
arrange a short course with registration fee.
 Engineering books, Text Books, Manual…and Engineering Library are very
 Until now, we do not have an available Laboratory for dynamic testing and
2.6.2. Research and Development
 The Research and Development in Vietnam is very poor in comparison with
other countries in the region. From 2003 to 2010 all Universities and Research
Institutes have 244 applications for patented and only 30 meet requirement for
registration. This means 3 Patents/year.

 It is rather difficult to receive the budget for research and development due to
the management system and allocation of fund research and development
 The budget for research and development is very low and often use to increase
an income of our engineers. To work out one building code in two years, the
teamwork received about 7.000 USD. The research work of PhD Thesis cost
about 1.000 USD.
 The copyright and intellectual properties are often violated. In many cases
she/he made the copy of the books, papers, and become professor. Some
engineers used more than 70% the content of PhD thesis of other researcher
and received the Title of Dr too. Some engineer asked the Supervisor to write
for him/her a Thesis.
 The Research Institutes, Engineering Universities do not have facilities for
research works.
 The researches and Lectures are concentrated to work as consulting engineer
or contractors…in order to increase.
 The contribution for Research and Development is rather difficult to be
calculated, evaluated, and appreciated.
 The environment and conditions for Study – Research – Work are facing a lot
of difficulties:
- Lack of Leaders and Teamwork.
- Competitiveness replaced by creative innovated ideas are not
- Lack of integrity and code of ethic.
- Management system is heavy. An Engineer wish to become the boss or
high ranking staff than an excellent engineer.
- Lack of Transparency .
- Standard and criterion to make the evaluation, examination of
engineers, researchers and consulting engineer, need to be established.
 It is easy to buy a Title and Position.

 To become rich from Land, Projects, Powers, relationship rather by
knowledge, love, skill, innovated ideas…the Science and love of getting Rich
are misunderstanding.
 The knowledge or intellectual market do not exist
2.6.3. Consulting Services

Consulting services are facing the same challenges as Education, Training,

Research and Development.
 The consulting fee is very low due to our management system and salary
policy. The total consulting fee for one project is about 3-4 % of total cost of
investment. In many cases the consulting fee is only 30% of international fee.
 The Quality of Consulting service is difficult to be evaluated by our fact. We
do not have Vietnamese Professional Engineers and Professional Consulting
Companies according to Vietnamese Laws
 It is rather difficult to find a consultant company, which can provides
innovative problem solving, offering safe, cost effective and practical
engineering solutions of high standard.
 It is very difficult to find a consulting, who has the philosophy to provide safe,
innovative and cost effective design with due consideration to the environment
and to ensure easy of construction.
 It is rather difficult to find a consulting company, who can make a clear
commitment to understanding client’s need, looking for new ways of
providing quality service best suited to the projects concerned and
environment issue.
 It is rather difficult to find Professional Engineers who works in the office of
Developer, who is manager of a mega project or medium project.
 The license for consulting service today is provided by Government,
Ministries, Departments, and local Authorities. Professional Societies,
Association, Institution and VUSTA are not the member and do not have any
right to be involved.
 Example for the Consulting fee and Salary in Vietnam:
- Detailed Planning of a new Project (Urban, Rural development): 200 -
700 USD/ha
- Static load Test of Pile : 7 USD/Ton
- Average salary of Engineer : 500 USD/month
- Senior Engineer, Manager : 1500 – 2500 USD/month
- Senior Engineer : 1000 USD/month
- Junior Engineer : 700 USD/month
- Young Engineer : 400 USD/month
- Training Engineer : 150 – 250 USD/month
- Basic minimum Salary of worker : 40 USD/month
- Maximum salary of staff of our
Administration System, State Owner
(Project Manager Unit, PMU) : 600 USD/month
Our salary system and consulting fee need to be improved and calculated by hours or day as
other countries. We often loss a lot of the time for technical meetings with very low fee (2.5 –
10 USD/hour) the same for lecture.
The Consulting fee is low. The Salary for one month of working of one Vietnamese engineer
is equal to one day of working of an oversea engineer in Vietnam. He or She is receiving 150
USD to 800 USD per month. Need to work 10 hours per day. The cost of the rice is 0.5
USD/kg and the shirt costs 5 USD/each. This mean the salary of our young engineer per
month can buy: 300kg/rice or 30 shirts. A square meter of apartment in Hanoi or Ho Chi
Minh City costs about 1.000 USD/m2. One square meter of a land to build a small villa in
new urban area costs about 6.000 USD/m2. It is very difficult for them to have a house or to
have a budget to improve their knowledge or to buy engineering books or to pay the fee for
any training course
2.6.4. Companies and Developers in Vietnam
During the last 25 years, Vietnamese market is open, flexible and adopt the policy of free
market. Many small and medium size companies already made a lot of contribution to our
development. 98% of private companies are Small and medium size. Average Legal Capital
of Small and medium private companies is increasing from 1.29 billion VND (50.000 USD,
2000) to 11.16 billion VND (500.00USD, 2010). The FDI companies already made the
investment of 43 billion USD. The companies made the contribution to reduce the poverty
from 50% to 15%. They create a new job opportunity, export, benefit, and development of
many sectors in Vietnam. Investment for one new job opportunity:

Company Cost (million VND) Cost in USD

State company 436 22.000

FDI Company 249 12.000

S&M Companies (private, 224 11.000


The Total figure of investment in Vietnam per year is about 40% of our GDP (42/93 Billions
The main difficulties for business development in Vietnam are:
 Infrastructures need to be improved. Hanoi has only 5.9 m2/person, which to use
for transportation and need to have 25 billion USD in the next 10 years for the
investment of infrastructure.
 Skilled workers need to be trained and retrained.
 Qualified engineers need to be selected and update their knowledge, and skills.
 Lack of capital, Credit, Loan and Land. Everything takes time.
 Laws, Act, Standard, need to establish for many activities, specially for registration
of engineers and accreditation.
 Energy becomes critical. Master plan and Plan for our development need to be
reviewed. Production of steels and cement is about 2 times of consumption.
 Take time and need to pass many steps and procedures.
 Low quality of Consulting Services and lack of transparency.
 Low quality of Decision maker. This matter also is related to the quality of our
engineers. Do not promote innovation.
 Code of Ethic and Continuity Professional Development need to be
developed. Due to the fact that everything is depending on quality of People,
Person and Engineer. Therefore we need to pay attention to our Education.
Education is the foundation of our Vietnamese Green Buildings.

3. Our Concept and Vision for Future Development
3.1. Triangle Philosophy: The figure and image person is A, is plane to build and to sow
Triangle keeps balance, it is stable, simple, smart, safe, smooth, sincere, small, smiling,
speaking (9S). The triangle ABC can bring many meanings for future development
road bridge road
science ENGINEERING technology
road and birdge are
made by PEOPLE

c b

Fig. Triangle Philosophy and Alternative to combination establish 9 triangles

1. A1, B1, C1 = Science, Engineering, Technology (Engineering is the Bridge)
2. A2, B2, C2 = Power, Knowledge, Budget (Country need to explore)
3. A3, B3, C3 = Health, Knowledge, Love (Person need to have)
4. A4, B4, C4 = Past, Present, Future (Time need to take into account)
5. A5, B5, C5 = Eat, House, Clothes (Revilement of person to live)
6. A6, B6, A6 = Eat, Funeral, Worship (The leader or King need to take care for people)
7. A7, B7, C7 = Think, Study, Work (People or person need to do)
8. A8, B8, C8 = Government, Business man, Intellectual (Engineers) need to be
9. A9, B9, C9 = Government, Intellectual (Engineers) and Finance (Credit, Loan, Gold)
= Education, Engineering, Technology, Education
= Study, Research, Development
= Love, Respect, Transparency.
Science is water = People, Innovated idea.
Engineering is Tree = Engineer have planted a seed God know alone the quality of future
Technology is Fire = Mother is Phoenix. She comes from fire after Big Bang. Which was
started moment of universe and our Globe, 14 billion years ago (That is on 10.20 am,
Monday 8 November 2010), mini big bang was tester successfully by A Large Hadron
3.2. The Vision of our Engineer or 5 Stars Engineers for future development

What is the Engineers Models for 2040?

May be he/she needs to have the following knowledge, Skills and Characters:
a) Knowledge and Understanding
- Basic Science
- Science Engineering
- Engineering Technology
- Natural Laws and Nature
- Philosophy, History, Asian Cultural
- Cultural and Engineering Value
- Tangible Value & Intangible value
- Learning is a game for all life
b) Skills and Ability:
- Observation
- The way of thinking
- Certain ways to be rich
- Communication , presentation
- Imagination
- Innovation
- Right Decision and know Problem solving
- Intelligent, know how to write, to speak and work
- Know to speak 3 languages
- Know how to exchange, motivate, connect, invest more time and money, and spend
less of time and money.
c) Code of Ethic:
- Kindness
- Respects, Courtesy
- Appreciation, Gratitude
- Confidential, Sincere, Open, Flexible, True.
d) Good Health
e) Love and Respect all

3.4 Our Relations NORTH
China - Russia

Government of Vietnam and Policies


Sustainable Development

Environment to build a
 Strength, weakness.
 Globalization  Opportunities, threat.  Australia

better world

 USA, EU  Challenges.
 AMERICA  Conditions & Demand.  Developed
 CUBA  Cấu trúc  Countries.
 LAO, THAI  Determinant
LAI  Indicators, Cultural
 Perspectives.

Poverty Alleviation a better quality
of life


The factors, relations, conditions, cooperation, measures and objectives to develop

engineering and Technology in Vietnam. We are preparing to receive all friend and
colleagues to visit Vietnam. The world is understanding our: Weakness, Opportunities and
3.5. What we can do for a better quality of life?

3.5.1. Responsibility
The most important responsibility of Engineers is to build a better quality of life using Green
Technology for public’s demands. Engineers need to keep the balance between the
development and conservation of nature, make the satisfaction to our generation and future
generation. According to the ASEAN culture:

Fig. Green Houses in Mekong Delta River

Sustainable development = keep the Balance of Negative and positive (Ying and Yang)
Stable development = According and follow the Principles of 5 basics materials.
Continuously Development and Renovation = Iching.
Protection of Environment = Respect the Feng Shui.
In this actual situation, the responsibility and tasks of Vietnamese Engineers are:
To make the contribution for engineering building capacity poverty alleviation, sustainable
development, international integration, reduce the gaps between the rich and poor people,
increasing the competitiveness by engineering solutions and technology transfers as well as to
have innovated idea and green village, green technology, providing by green people.
3.5.2. The Engineers need to protect the environment
The Engineers need to provide engineering solutions and technology to use less and less
natural resources, less and less waste, reuse, recycle, remanufacture of materials (3R),
protection and mitigation of disaster and contamination. We also are facing a risk of sea water
level rising and climatic change. Long time ago, the Earth existed only mountain, highland,
rivers, lakes, trees, sea … men were living in a caverns mountains, use the rivers as main
roads and living by lake, forest and trees. Today, we build up high rise building dams, bridges
and roads. This means:

Fig. Bridge, Road and Dam

a) High rise building = Mountain and highland.
b) All kind of roads = Rives.
c) Dams and lakes = Small sea.
d) Bridges = Cross of old road (river) and new road (high way)
3.5.3. Engineers need to protect Lake, Sea, Forest, and Bio-diversity for today and
The Engineers need to have high standard of ethical code and practice in their professional
life: Quality control, reduction of cost, improvement of safety, saving of Energy and water,
prevention of disaster, reuse of materials, clean product, eco-materials in order to achieve and
satisfy cultural value and for people. Asian Cultures referred to the old philosophy to be
gentlemen, good man, who have great value. The Engineers need to be correct, right, she/he
need to know the role of Engineer and his/her behavior to society, environment, colleagues

and friends. He/ she needs to keep the balance of negative and positive in his/her body,
sentiment and knowledge. Please refer to the code of ethics of Professional Engineering.
3.6. Multilateral cooperation, friend of all
Vietnamese Engineers are facing the less competitiveness and very complex problem of
sustainable Development. We need to make the promotion of the cooperation in many forms,
in multilateral directions. We appreciate the international cooperation with 3 East Asia
countries and ASEAN countries and other countries. We need to have close friends in near
countries. We can work together for the creation of the new knowledge and use a new
knowledge in practical life. We need o have concrete engineering solution, technology, pilot
testing and application of new material, new technology. We need to compile the knowledge
and expertise of Scientific, Social, Economical Science, Management … for creation of real
cultural value. We have 5 basic materials: Steel or Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. The
Logic of 5 basic materials is very important for sustainable development. Experience and
knowledge from Asian countries are important for Vietnam. During the last 10 years, the
contribution from oversea Engineers in very valuable for Vietnam.
3.7. Education and Innovation
Poverty alleviation, sustainable development, international integration, increasing of
competitiveness, natural disaster prevention and mitigation and prevention of corruption need
to increase the quality of people/ Engineers, quality of Education and creation, innovation in
science and technology. The engineers need to study, to build up capacity. Text book,
curriculum … should be renovated and updated. Teaching and study on knowledge of
Environment, economy, law, organization, management and work together. The Engineers
need to study professional knowledge, expertise, code of ethics, English, culture value, and
make the Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Geo-engineering to be attractive for
future generation. The Asian philosophy for continuously study is important for professional
Engineers. The competitiveness is dependent on the human resources quality who is working
as Engineers, Corporate Governance, Researchers, Staffs of Authorities, and investor. The
engineer needs to provide the driver force.
3.8. Cause and Effect in Building and Structure
The Buildings and structures are deteriorated and low efficiency:
 Poor Planning and design
 Bad workmanship
 Wrong materials used
 Environmental factors
 Inherent material weakness
 Physical damage

 Poor maintenance
 Lack of code of ethic
 Wrong decision makers
 No innovated solutions
 High cost, low quality and low value
We need to change our concept in planning, design, construction and management to
prevent Loss and increase engineering and Cultural Value. Increasing of consulting fee in
Vietnam and to use right consulting engineer are very important.
3.9. Engineering and technology for future development in Vietnam

Fig. Technology

Fig. Technology for our life

3.9.1. Solar energy

Fig .46 Solar powers and Solar cells panels array monocrystaline

3.9.2. Wind Energy

Fig. Wind Energy

3.9.3. Tidal

Fig. Crown Estate receives 42 bids for Pentland Firth and OceanWorld, CNN, HIE and

3.9.4. Biomass

Fig. Countries use biomass

3.9.5. Geothermal

Fig . Geothermal

3.9.6. Nuclear

Fig. Nuclear

3.10. Priority to develop green Houses, Buildings, Dams, Water

The Engineers work always with engineering and technology. Engineering is the bridge
between the Science and Technology. Engineering solutions and technology of Civil
Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering need to provide the right answers to the following
demands of the life: Design and construction of houses and infrastructure projects in flooding
area, Tay Nguyen, high lands.
Technology and materials of construction for schools and children Garden in poor

Fig. High rise buildings in the city

Fig. Some high rise buildings in Vietnam

Fig. Engineering, technology and material for apartments and high rise buildings.
Protection and prevention of slope stability, debris flow, landslide, river bank and sea bank.
Dams and lake for water
Treatment of water

Fig. Dam and lake Fig. Treatment of water

- Industrial buildings
- Lightweight concrete.
- Nano technology.
- Glass Fiber and light concrete Panels for Houses
- High strength concrete.
- Glass fiber in construction.
- Ferro cement.
- Lime and cement column.
- Band drain.
- Mini pile.
- Embankment in soft soil.
- Offshore construction.
- Treatment of waste
- Cleaning of contaminated soil and water Fig. Solutions built
with new materials
Engineering solutions and technology need to be connected to the investment and Production.
Feasibility study should be made using an experience from developed countries. Need to pay
very high attention for technology transfer from Japan, Korea, China, ASEAN countries to
Vietnam for new technology and new materials.

4. Our opportunities to build a better world, a better quality of life for sustainable
development. What we can share, care and transform “Vision to Actions”?
4.1. Thang Long city underground spaces of Hanoi and To Lich Tunnel project
Now, Hanoi capital has just 1000 years, with a lot of difficulties and limitation. We need to
have a new Master Plan and to undertake mega project for the improvement of infrastructure,
environment and have engineering solutions for flooding, transportation and treatment of
water. We can develop Thang Long city underground spaces of Hanoi in order to explore our
land. In the old Quarter of Hanoi (36 streets) the cost of 1 m2 is about 20.000 – 50.000
USD/m2. The combination of Tunnel (is similar to Smart Tunnel of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
and small underground city can be build. This interesting project needs the help and supports
from colleagues and friends.

Fig. The supermaket underground Fig. Old town underground space of


Fig. Tunnel arrangement Fig. The section of Tunnel

Fig. ToLich Tunneling
4.2. Tam Dao Tunnel and Ring Road No5 of Hanoi Zone
This project will build Tam Dao Tunnel (2km) and 320 Km highway. Which connect 9
provinces in Hanoi Zone and creates new opportunities for our Capital. We proposed the
intelligent road system to protect for drivers. The project will be developed infranstructural
with Green engieenring, technology and sis

Fig. Tunnel Tam Dao and Ring Road N 5 of Hanoi zone

Fig. Tam Dao tunnel

4.5. Memorial park & Green Village
During the two wars (1946-1975), the South of Vietnam received a lot of weapons, foods,
medicine, money, gold and soldiers from the North. On 26 March 1946 and 1 Jun 1961, from
Thanh Phong, Thanh Phu, Ben Tre, Madam Nguyen Thi Dinh and her soldiers opened the Ho
Chi Minh Road in the Sea to go to the North, asked the supports from the North to the South
for our revolution to defend our country. Because He said: “Nothing is more valuable than
Independent and Liberty” and Viet Nam is only one country. Ho Chi Minh Road in the Sea is
innovated solution and it was only one way, one road in the world to make the transportation
of a weapon and good from the North to the South. This way of transportation was in secret
and using a small boat as well as a ships which do not have the Number, the Name.
Vietnamese Soldiers and a lot of farmers made great contribution to fulfill a task. About 6228
Soldiers and farmers were died in the Sea and in the Land. They do not have a simple tomb to
live according our tradition. This project was prepared on January 2004 On 17 October 2010,
the Vietnamese Local Authority and Vietnam Government made the decision to put a piece
of rock in Thanh Hai, Thanh Phu as the beginning of this important project. The Project will
cover an area of 635 ha. The budget for infrastructure is about 1500 billion VND (~ 80
Million USD). The Government also will provide 3800 Billion VND (190 Million USD) for
the construction of dikes , roads, water supply and other facilities Thanh Phong, Thanh Hai
have 20000 people. The income is only 120 USD/ person/ year. They do not have available
roads, bridges, houses, schools and are poorer in Mekong Delta River. The land is rich and
has a lot of resource, surrounding by Sea, Rivers and every year is extended about 100 meter
to the sea.
The objectives of this project are:
 Memorial Park will be a concrete project helping us and next generation to
remember forever our soldiers, our masters and our people who were died in the
 Tourist Centers
 Improvement of the quality of life for our farmers
Creation of facilities and opportunities to provide:
 Job opportunities.
 Education.
 Medical Service.
 Environmental Protection.
 Measure to Protect Land and water from natural disasters and prevent sea water level
 Development of green with innovated technology.
 Apply Science, Engineering and Technology for sustainable development, poverty
alleviation and improve the quality of Human Resources.
 Invite all developers, colleagues and friends to make the Project such as green house,
renewable energy.

Fig . Map of “Memorial park – Ho Chi Minh Road in the sea” project
a) Map of Vietnam (500 ha) showing all value of Vietnam.
b) World Green village (WGV 50 ha), WGV will show the selected value of all countries
(Monument, Temples, Pagoda…)
c) Phu Nam Village (40 ha), including Bronze Drum Cemetery (10 ha). This sub project
is in Con Bung, Thanh Hai.

Fig. Bronze Drum Cemetery (10 ha)

d) Habana Green Village (20 ha). This Project is located at Vam Khau Bang, Thanh

Fig. Auxiliary service area and conservative parks for development of trade villages
e) American Village (20ha) in Vam Khau Bang and in Con Lon
f) ASEAN Green Village (20 ha) is located in Con Lon.

g) World Green Villages (70 ha). The World Green Villages are located in Con Loi, Con
Tra, Ho Co … to show the most important monuments with historical and cultural
value of Humanity.
Form of Investment (BOT, BT, BO, PPP…).
The project will be developed using the budget from Vietnamese Government, Local
Authorities, Vietnamese People, all countries and from our friends and colleagues.
Model and Form of Investment:
The investment forms are proposed such as BOT, BT, PPP and using budget from:
 Budget from Government.
 Budget from private Sectors.
 Budget from oversea.
 Donation and Charity from people, Companies, Organization.
 Loan from Government and Others.
 Other Sources.
4.4. National Green Cemetery, Hanoi

Fig. Natrional Cemetery Park in Hanoi

Fig. the keys constructions project
4.5. Lac Hong Green Village (LHVL) Project
The Asian and Vietnamese Cultural Value will be shown and build in this important project.
LHGV is located in Ba Vi District, 60 Km from Hanoi and it is historical place. The project
will design and build a typical village of Vietnam with traditional Houses, Buildings, Pagod,
temple, Status... The project will create facilities and conditions for tourist service, study,
learn and recreation. The Green Technology will be applied and innovated ideas will be
developed. This is our innovated ideas for this project:

Fig. Lac Hong Green Village
4.6. International Institute for Engineering and Technology (IIET) Project
We wish to propose to establish IIET in Vietnam. IIET will be the leading Institute to
undertake education program for our demand as well as to make the research for our concrete

Fig. IIET in the future

4.7. Green House Program and Green Foundation for Poor farmers
Conclusions and Recommendation: “We can sow seeds for the fruitful trees. God know alone
what is the best fruit in the World Green Garden”. We can establish Green House Program
and Green Foundation to help people.
5. Conclusions and Proposals
5.1. The world today is facing a lot of challenges and conflicts
 Climate change
 Natural Disasters
 Energy
 Water & Food
 Contamination of soil, water, airs
 Safety, Security
 Competitive and Creative
 Model Life
 Lack of Balance, equilibrium
 Wish Gold, US, Houses, High Position and rich
5.2. If we don’t know the Past, the Asian Cultural Value, the history of Civilization and learn
the lessons of our Great Masters, it is difficult to keep a good balance and equilibrium today
and know how we can go to future.
5.3. Our Goals and Targets
- Peace, Safety, Satisfaction, High Value = High Quality/Cost
Value and Quality = Intangible Value (-)
Cost, money, weight, materials = Tangible Value (+)
- Innovated ideas is applying knowledge, expertise, love, and felling to develop our
dream for a better quality of life and to build a better world.
- We build green society, green country, green house for all using our knowledge and
imagination, combining Asian Cultural Value and Western Civilization.
- We wish to have sustainable development and to make the contribution for our
development. Keep balance between:
 Development and conservation
 Ying and Yan
 Materials and Spiritual Value
 Money and Love
 Sun and Moon

 In the top of Ground surface and Underground Structure
5.4. Our duty, responsibility and attentions. As Engineer, we need to change and adopt a
new definition, concept, philosophy for a better behavior.
 Development of Education and Training for future is the most important Task
Education + Observation + Research + Development Investment + Trade …
become the circle.
 Natural Laws, AsianCultural Value, Western Civilization are important
foundation to build the common green House. We can learn from the Past to be
balanced in present and to obtain a solution for future challenges.
 Love, Knowledge and Understanding is Water, Air, Rich People.
 Engineering is the bridge to connect Science and Technology. This is Tree or
woods, strong countries.
 Technology is Fire, Energy, Equality
 Investment is Land, natural resources
 Democracy
 Trade or service is gold, metal, money.
5.5. Development of engineering, Technology and Innovation
5.5.1. Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation (SETI) especially information,
communication, civil engineering, environmental engineering and energy are of fundamental
importance in tackling a wide range of problems facing the development world. The goal of
sustained improvement in the living Standard of nations and State is highly complex and
should be informed and understanding by: Scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, health and
education and other expert in the field of development.
5.5.2. SETI underpin success and sustainable development, including poverty alleviation,
economic growth, climate change, renewable energy as well as in other areas of health,
education, price of goods, public administration, transportation, infrastructure and agriculture.
5.5.3. At the heart of this endeavor, we need to develop strategic Science, Engineering,
Technology and Innovation Plan (SETI - Plan) with vision from Leader of government, donor
agencies, the private sector, civil society organizations and international organization.
5.5.4. We can work together toward our value by hard work, self – reliance and investment in
Education, Research, Development. We must work together to assure a better quality of life
rather than quantities of living. We need to build transportation system of our region, energy,
telecommunication, tunnel, underground spaces, education and health centers, shelter, water,
sanitation, media, internet… take into account:
- Climate change and sea water rising
- Sustainable Development and Green Technology
- Low – carbon Society
- Green Village, Green House
- Low cost, high quality and value (cost effective)
5.5.5. We must be able to develop, adapt and exploit scientific, engineering and technological
solutions appropriate to our specific need, avoiding the risk for more dependent on advice and
assistance from developed countries. We need to have green and qualified Engineer.
It is critical to establish international networks in our region. It is recommended to establish
Technical Committee to work together and to share experience and best practice. Knowledge
sharing for capacity building is the keys for the transfer of Scientific, Engineering,
Technological and innovation capacity.
Investment in higher education is the key issue to improve the quality of human resources. It
is important to develop Universities, Institutes of excellence in Science, Engineering and
Technology. We propose to establish International Institute of Engineering and Technology
in Hanoi Vietnam. Please well come to join us.
5.5.6. We can establish the international assistance programmer for strategist Science,
Engineering Technology Plan, modeled after the Plan of developed countries. Pilot Projects,
Green Projects can be built in Vietnam for future development in other countries.
5.5.7. Private sector, Small and Medium Companies and Civil Society Organization are
fundamental component of national international networks of innovation.
5.5.8. The creation of an ambling environment for innovative business models need the
supports and help from government and Civil Society Organizations.
5.5.9. The development of Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation need to have the
active participation of.
 Government
 International Organizations
 Civil Society Organizations
 Private sector
 Engineers
With multi – Stakeholder, cross – sectoral partnership and private – Public – Partnership

5.5.10. Without adequate funding, nothing will change and now actions will be taken. We
wish to establish. International Foundation for Development of Engineering Technology and
For Research, Development, Education and Investment in this important issues formulation
and implementation of our SETI – Plan is to be under Steering Group with Member State’s
representatives in the Driving seat The SETI – Plan to organize research Projects as well as to
select technologies with the greatest potential and plan on how the money should be invested.
Providing the opportunities for Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to joint with other States using
the advanced toward regional integration.
5.6. The roles of Engineers for future development and 5 Start Engineer, Green Engineers
The Engineers need to have knowledge, skills and code of Ethics to apply in real project
using the best expertise, saving resources, time, budget, equipment energy for sustainable
Development and for a better quality of life.
As Engineers, we need to learn, to observe, to think, to make the communication, exchange,
share and works. He invest time and money, spend let of those. He also can spend time and
money doing what he/she enjoys and contribute to the world in ways that give him and her:
- Satisfaction, happy
- Good health and clear mind
- Total fulfillment
- New experience, greater energy and vitality that make him/ her stronger everyday
- High value, enrich life, know
- The science of getting rich
5.7. As engineers we know and understand that all of us, not matter what our circumstances
and conditions have the knowledge and ability to obtain enough wealth to live as we desire
and to fulfill our purpose in life.
5.8. There exist a science, engineering, technology, innovated ideas, opportunities and
challenges. As Engineers we know to create, build and use opportunities as well as to know
the certain ways to overcome and pass any challenges.

5.5. Proposals
 Plan of actions
“From vision to action”
 Foundation for development of Education
 International Institute for Engineering & Technology

 Support the activities of AFEO, FEISEAP, AAET
 Research Projects:
- Climate Change
- Green Village
- Green Energy
- Conservation of Waters
- Green Engineering and Green Technology
- Green Materials
 Establish New Joint Venture Companies:
- Development of a New Project
- Consulting
- Education
- Energy
 Development of the new Projects:
- Memory Park Road In The Sea and Village in Ben Tre
- Thang Long city (underground space of Hanoi City) and Tolich Tunnel
- Tam Dao Tunnel and Ring Road N 5 of Hanoi zone
- Khoang Dieu – Green National Cemetery Thach that Hanoi
- Others.
We know certain Laws that govern the nature, life and all process. It is not casual that we can
meet and share today our love, knowledge, expertise, information and value. We can learn
together certain Laws and Tao and will follow, then all of us will prosper and happy.
We can sing together the song of world engineers (WFEO and modified by Vietnamese
The Globe is our beautiful Home.
The Mother are Earth Moon, and Phoenix who offer us selflessly and All
The Fathers are God, Universe, Sun Light and Dragon.
We are brave actors for innovated ideas.
A Glory Mission on our shoulders.
No concern about our nationality and rice.
We are the same all and come from the same family.
We have the same destiny, responsibility and duty.
We have a consistent love and Goal, Respect All, Know All, Understanding All.
Develop quicker by concrete actions and works.
Intangible value in more important than tangible value.
We need to be Bridge connecting all people, states, Science and Technology.
We need to be a triangular of love, knowledge and Heath to build a better life and to build
a better world.
We have a common wish.
Protect our green environment
Cherish our natural resources of our Mothers
We are standing on the foreland
For today, for tomorrow, forever
Let us unite the whole world and Call for innovation and change for a better quality of life

Fig. Engineer together

Tham khảo
1. Nguyen Truong Tien et al “Green House Program and Green Foundation for Poor
2. Nguyen Truong Tien et al “Memorial Park – HCM road in the sea”
3. Nguyen Truong Tien et al “National cementery Park”
Công viên nghĩa trang Quốc Gia – Nguyễn Trường Tiến
4. Nguyen Truong Tien et al Tam Dao Tunnel and Ting Road No5 of Hanoi Zone.
5. Nguyen Truong Tien et al “Thang Long city underground spaces of Hanoi and To
Lich Tunnel” project
6. Nguyen Truong Tien et al “Lac Hong Green Village”
7. Nguyen Truong Tien et al “Inter Institute for Engineering and Technology”

8. ong Lee Pee: Proceeding of international Energy Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 30
October 2010 and his Address at 2010 IEC
9. WFEO Song of world engineers
10. AAET Green House Competition
11. Academician Dato Ir Lee Yee Cheong IEC, 2010, Institutional Capacity Building for
Sustainable Energy Policy

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Author: nam toe
Creation Date: 11/29/2010 4:36:00 PM
Change Number: 23
Last Saved On: 1/6/2011 12:06:00 AM
Last Saved By: nam toe
Total Editing Time: 434 Minutes
Last Printed On: 1/6/2011 12:08:00 AM
As of Last Complete Printing
Number of Pages: 55
Number of Words: 11,157 (approx.)
Number of Characters: 56,570 (approx.)

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