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Socio-Economic Aspect


Any individual can be the consumer of this product called Alco-pen that ensures safety of every

individual to stop spreading the virus. Moreover, alcohol and pen is an essential object and for personal

used that everyone need as global pandemic exists. In line to this, each individual should have this pen

for personal use to right information and for tracking purposes as well. Additionally, alcohol to reduce

virus dissemination to disinfect and sanitize our hands as well as thing used. As a brief, a combination of

alcohol and pen called Alco-pen would be the one of best solution that everyone must have and for

conveniency as well.


As Philippines faced this global pandemic called COVID-19, this product called Alco-pen a

combination of 2 in 1 built alcohol and a pen will be helpful to stop the spread of the virus as an

essential tool to fight spreading the said virus. Moreover, this is an essential tool to the society to that

benefit each individual for personal, safety and hygiene purposes that reassure everyone’s safety

precautions that everyone must have amidst of this pandemic.


As a business owner to this newly innovated product, the proponents not chasing for the profits

to be earned rather this product aims to the benefits and how to help each and everyone as global

pandemic exist. Aforementioned, the two-in-one product serves as conveniency since it is a combination

of both pen and alcohol that is an essential tool to write down information for contact tracing as well as

disinfecting and sanitizing hands and things.

just for the sake of income, but this product will benefit all and has a lot of purpose for personal

and hygiene purposes with or without viruses.


This aspect tackles on how Alco-pen contributed to the economy, society and in the community

as Philippine faced this global pandemic, COVID-19. In addition, this product with a combination of 2 in 1

built alcohol and a pen will be helpful to stop the spread of the virus as an essential tool to fight

spreading the said virus.

Moreover, in economic state of the country Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the overall product

produces every year or quarter. In line to this, if the GDP is high, is it a very good sign not only for the

country but also to small businesses like this. If this product became commercially success, this business

could be the top supplier here in the Philippines wherein there is still lack of Alco-pen manufacturer

here in the country. Not just for the sake of income, but this product will benefit all and has a lot of

purpose for personal and hygiene purposes with or without viruses.

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