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Southern castle

Yatta is a Palestinian city located in the West Bank, 12 km south of

Hebron, I called Yotah; Which means flat land, and there are accounts of
its inception which say that our master Zakaria, peace be upon him,
dwelt in it and his son Yahya, peace be upon him, was born to him, and
that the Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ, peace be upon him, visited
her when she visited her cousin Um Yahya, and it is bordered from the
south by the town of As Samu 'and Tel al-Saba' and from the east by the
sea. The Dead Sea, on the west, is bordered by the city of Dura and to
the north by the city of Hebron.
The area of the city of Yatta and its traveler is about 133 square
kilometers, and the city of Yatta has an ancient history dating back to the
Canaanite era, where the ancient Canaanites inhabited Palestine in
previous eras,Yatta also has moderate climate with hot and dry
summers, and a beautiful cold and rainy winter,Yatta is 820 meters
above sea level, and its population is about 200,000. The city of Yatta
has a lively commercial market and crowded throughout the week, the
city is famous for its dairy products from livestock.
The city of Yatta is characterized by calm and picturesque nature in its
beautiful travelers, and due to the ancient history of Yatta, it contains
many monuments, the most important of which are the old Omari
Mosque, the Roman amphitheater, and the old town in the city center,
which are the old houses that our ancestors inhabited in the past, and
the city of Yatta contains many government departments, including the
Directorate Education, the Directorate of Health, and others. As for the
city's problems, it suffers from its lack of infrastructure, and the
repeated attacks by settlers and the occupation army against our people
in the city traveler.
After exposure to the city’s problems, I look forward to the interest in
the city and its traveler, which is a continuous and daily fusion point with
the usurper Zionist occupation, to reach a city like it.

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