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ADJECTIVES (People- Situations-Description)

fussy – hard to please

lax – not sufficiently strict a lax visa policy, a lax teacher
gullible- naïve, easily persuaded
treacherous -perilous, precarious, sly (ύ πουλος)
a treacherous virus/ treacherous behavior/a treacherous person/enemy
stingy – mean, avaricious
proponent – a person that supports an idea ≠detractor
proponents of the smoking ban claim that it will help in the battle against smoking and
the health issues it can cause.
be destined for great things/success/ greatness
ardent – very enthusiastic or passionate, an enthusiast
Jim is an ardent supporter of Manchester United.
an aficionado – an enthusiast, a fan
contradictory – inconsistent (αντιφατικό ς)
controversial – contentious, provocative, scandalous * (noun) controversy
Tthe elections have given rise to controversial views about modern politics
There is a lot of controversy surrounding the new reality show.
oblivious (to) – not aware, not concerned of what is happening around
he kept being oblivious to the repercussions of the current situation and behaved as if
everything was normal.
glamorous- extravagant
adept – skillful, talented.
Buoyant – cheerful and optimistic buoyant spirits/mood
Charismatic – naturally gifted/talented
A charismatic singer/ president/ leader
Nifty – skillful and effective, fashionable
Nifty footwork / a nifty suit/ hairstyle e.g. A very nifty gadget with lots of potential.
Spiffy (American slang)- trendy, fashionable
A spiffy new suit
Mischievous - someone, usually a child who has fun by being cheeky usually a child who has fun by
being cheeky (noun) mischief

Jack is a mischievous child.
He has fun by creating trouble or disruption but that's not too serious.

Idle -lazy,sloth
He moved in an idly way, as if he had no hurry in the world
Gregarious ( person)- fond of company, sociable
Despondent- in low spirits from loss of hope or courage
Disheartened-despondent- dejected

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