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Evidence: Interactive activity “My schedule

1. This interactive activity reinforces topics related to describing celebrations,

special occasions and how to make arrangements and predictions.
Please, follow the instructions given by the multimedia.

List of celebrations of international character

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According to
the country
International Party that commemorates
Mother's Day (usually
Day mothers.
a Sunday)

Celebration in
commemoration of the
United Nations International
24 october anniversary of the entry
Day Day
into force of the Charter of
the United Nations.

Valentine's International
14 february
Day Day Party that commemorates
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International Party that commemorates

Tree day 21 march
Day the trees.

According to International Fiesta that commemorates

Father's day
the country Day parents.

Feast that commemorates

International women as architects of
8 march
Day history, advocating for their
Womens day
social equality.

International International Party by antonomasia of

1 may
workers' day Day the world labor movement.

Feast that commemorates

International 19 International men as architects of
Men's Day november Day history advocating for their
social equality.
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International Celebration that

Book and 23 april commemorates the books
Copyright Day and the author rights.

These are some of the most important and relevant dates of our country in
Colombia and other countries.

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