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Characteristics of living things

· movement

· respiration

· sentivity (interaction)

· growth

· reproduction

· excretion

· nutrition


rich: rico

lipids: grasas

both: ambos

Composition of living things

Inorganic substances


mineral salts

present in living and non-living things

only living things are made of cells

Organic substances


proteins an nucleus acids

present only in living things

The life processes

nutrition: all living things take in nutrien to feed themselvesandot obtein energy.

heterotrophic: nutrition feed on oder living things ej: animals

autotrophic: they make their on food

sensitivity (interaction): living things receive information from both and internal environmentand they
produce responses.

reproduction: living things reproduce to make copies of themselves.

Eating habits

herbivores: they eat only plants or algae Ej: rabbits, garden sanils and butterflies.

carnivores: they eat other animals

· predators: they eat their preit

· scavengers: they eat dead animals.

Ej: liny, frog, spiders...

omnivores: they eat plants and other animals.

Ej: bears, foxes, human beings...

Digestive system

food faction: food thatb animals eats needs to be transform into simpler substances

digestive system: - mouth - oesophagus - stomach - small intestine - large intestine - anus.

two processes
mechanical digestion: food is chaved and ground in the mouth

chemical digestion: the digestives juices tranform food into nutriens

jugos digestivos nutrientes


When we breathe, we take in oxygen and we release carbon dioxide.

Types of respiration:

1. pulmonary respiration: (respiración pulmonar) - lungs Examples: mammals, birds, reptiles...

2. tracheal respiration: (respiracion traqueal) - trachea Examples: insects

3. gill respiration: (respiracion branquial) - gill Examples: fish, amphibian larvae...

4. cutaneous respiration: (respiracion cutanea) - skin(piel) Examples: earth worm, frogs...


It is responsible for transporting nutriens to cells and collecting waste products from cells. Excretion is
the process of eliminating the waste products produce in cells.

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