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Baler Bonding: CED Team Building 2017

“Take time to smell the flowers”. This is a time-tested adage that has been the antidote for a
grueling year at work. The College of Education faculty members and staff were grateful to have the
chance to, in a manner of speaking, “take time to smell the sea breeze” as we headed to Baler, Aurora
for a much-needed team building session.

At around two o’clock in the morning of May 26, we were on our way to our destination. We
passed by the provinces of Nueva Ecija and Nueva Vizcaya. ASCOT (Aurora State College of Technology)
gave us a warm welcome with refreshments for our Institutional Visit. We were acquainted with the
college and their president as well. Our very own University President, Dr. Max Guillermo also gave his
thanks in behalf of TAU to the College as he was traveling with the faculty members of the College of
Agriculture. We were given a personalized tour of their campus and its breathtaking view.

The lush scenery and the winding road to Dinadawian was part of the excitement in the journey.
“Are we there yet?” was the clamor when two hours have passed and still no resort in sight. Good thing
we had a gastronomic sea food feast at Picnic by the Bay before heading to Dona Luz. When we finally
reached the resort, we let out a sigh as we realized the long trip was worth it. We were greeted by a
homey place, with the beach as our landscape. After freshening up and resting for a while, we were
treated to a delicious dinner prepared by our colleagues.

Early morning of May 27 saw us taking part in the Zumba and afterwards, the team building
activities. We were divided into two teams. Laughter and good-natured teasing abounded as the games
and the participants became more competitive. Both won in each of the games hence it was a tie before
everyone succumbed to a hearty breakfast. Island Hopping was the second itinerary of the day. Cloudy
skies gave way to sunny ones when we reached the island where most of us swam in the pristine waters
while others strolled along the sand.

Lunch was once again at the Picnic by the Bay after a unanimous decision. The Pasalubong
Center was the last stop before the essential “I Love Baler” Photo Op. We arrived at Camiling around
past nine o’clock in the evening and went home with memories of Baler tucked safely in our hearts.

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