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Institute of Teaching Distance

Second Work of Exercise of Aplication

Second cessation

Mostalina Feliciano Semente, Code: 708208469

Course: Teaching of Geography

Discipline: English
Year of frequency: 1o Year

Nampula, April, 2020



Institute of Teaching Distance

Work of Exercise of Aplication


Second cessation

Mostalina Feliciano Semente, Code: 708208469

Course: Teaching of Geography

Discipline: English

Year of frequency: 1o Year

Group :F

Teacher Name: Richard


Nampula, April, 2020

UNIT 10-COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES................................................................5
Unit 11-THE PAST......................................................................................................................9
Irregular verbs.............................................................................................................................11
IRREGULAR VERBS................................................................................................................13
Unit 12-THE PAST CONTINUOUS.........................................................................................14
Use the SIMPLE PAST or PAST CONTINUOUS....................................................................14
Unit 13-ADVICE AND OBLIGATION.....................................................................................17
Asking for advice........................................................................................................................17
Unit 14-OBLIGATIONS............................................................................................................18
Unit 16-FIRST CONDITIONAL................................................................................................23
Unit 17-SECOND CONDITIONAL..........................................................................................25
Unit 18-PRESENT PERFECT....................................................................................................27


This is the work of English language from Catholic University done through support of
English year 1 module about solving all the exercises contained in the module from unit 1 until
unit 18. The work was assigned as both individual and independent work to be submitted to the
lecturer within the deadline strictly established.

The exercises in the first unit is based on the greetings as language function and the
conjugation of the verb to be in the present simple positive, negative, full forms , short forms and
questions. Because to greet someone and introduce one requires use of the verb to be in different
forms, the unit talks about greetings in line with the verb to be. In the following unit exercises,
the focus is on the two kinds of numbers namely cardinals and ordinal ones.

Cardinals are used to count nouns in amount and ordinals count nouns in a sequence of
them of the same species, or ordinals count nouns in an order. The next unit exercises deal with
family relationships as language function and vocabulary set in line with the verb to have in the
present simple negative, positive, short form and full forms. The fourth unit conjugates the verb
to do in the present simple and past simple as question and negative auxiliary verb of all the verbs
in English except the verb to be. Sooner after this unit comes unit five giving the general rules on
how to conjugate the verbs in English language with major focus on third person singular.

Other tenses dealt with in the exercises are the present continuous tense, past simple,
future, and present perfect. Also, there is a focus on the plurals, conditionals, prepositions with
further explanations.


Copy and complete these sentences by writing one word for each gap in your exercise
book. Choose from these:

(1) If the adjective ends with one vowel and one consonant (wet) (doubles) the consonant:
wetter, wettest.

(2) If the adjective ends with a consonant-y (easy) (changes) the y to i:easier, easiest.

(3) Some two-syllable and all longer adjectives have (more) or less before them for the
comparatives and (most) or least for the superlative.

Make up, and say, sentences comparing the three books. Use the correct forms of these

Heavy, light, big, small, thick, thin, cheap, useful, expensive

(a) The dictionary is more expensive than the textbook;

(b) The textbook is less light than the Bible;

(c) The bible is thinner than the dictionary;

(d) The bible is more useful than the textbook;

(e) The bible is cheaper than the textbook;

(f) The dictionary is bigger than the textbook;

(g) The dictionary is thicker than the textbook;

(h) The textbook is smaller than the dictionary.

(i) The dictionary is heavier than the textbook.


(j) Landrover is more expensive than the Suzuki 4x4;

(k) Suzuki 4x4 is cheaper than the Landrover;

(l) Landrover is noisier than Suzuki 4x4;

(m) Suzuki 4x4 is more comfortable than Landrover;

(n) Landrover is slower than Suzuki 4x4;

(o) Landrover is heavier than Suzuki 4x4.

Read the report in the newspaper. What are the missing words?

This week we compared the Landrover and the Suzuki 4x4. We found that the Landrover
was heavier than the Suzuki-it weighs 1,050 kilos, but the Suzuki weighs only 900 kilos. The
Landrover was also slower than the Suzuki. It could only do 125 km per hour. The Suzuki was
5km/h faster than the Landrover. The Suzuki was more comfortable than the Landrover- the seats
in the Landrover were not very comfortable. But the Suzuki was a noisy vehicle: it was less noisy
than the Landroverwhen it drove normally. And the price? The Landrover is a stronger and more
reliable vehicle than the Suzuki. So which vehicle is better than the other? The Suzuki is better
than the Landrover.

True or False. Write T or F.

1. The Suzuki is heavier than the Landrover. F.

2. The Landrover was slower than the Suzuki. T.

3. The Landrover was less comfortable than the Suzuki. T.

4. The Landrover is less expensive than the Suzuki. F.

5. The Suzuki is more reliable than the Landrover. T


(1) The longest river in the world is the Nile;


(2) The tallest building in the world is The Sears Tower;

(3) The highest mountain in the world is the Mount Everest;

(4) The longest river in South America is the Amazon ;

(5) The biggest city in the United States is New York;

(6) The highest mountain in Africa is the Mount Kilimanjaro;

(7) The biggest desert in the world is the Sahara;

(8) The largest ocean in the world is the Pacific;

(9) The largest lake in Africa is Lake Victoria;

(10) The biggest city in Mozambique is Maputo.

(1) Underline the correct words. African/Asian elephants are smaller.

1. African/Asian elephants are taller.

2. African/Asian elephants are heavier.

3. African/Asian elephants are wilder.

4. African/Asian elephants are more numerous.

5. African/Asian elephants have shorter tusks.

6. African/Asian elephants have flatter foreheads.

Fill in the spaces using the following words: longer, taller, bigger, smaller, faster, hevier.

1. The whale is bigger than the elephant.

2. The snake is smaller than the crocodile.

3. The dog is heavier than the cat.

4. The hummingbird is bigger than the ostrich.


5. The rabbit is longer than the tortoise.

6. The giraffe is taller than the bear.

What are the comparatives and the superlatives of the adjectives below?

1. Beautiful more beautiful, the most beautiful;

2. Cold------colder, the coldest. 6. Near---- nearer, the nearest.

3. Old ------older, the oldest. 7. Bigger-------bigger, the biggest.

4. Ugly------ uglier, the ugliest. 8. Crowded---more crowded, the most crowded.

5. Hot--hotter, the hottest. 9. Far----farther/further, the farthest/the furthest

10. Small-----smaller, the smallest.

11. Exciting----more exciting the most exciting.

12. Noisy---noisier, the noisiest.

13. Busy-----busier, the busiest.

14. Friendly-----friendlier, the friendliest.

15. Quiet-----quieter, the quietest.

16. Cheap----cheaper, the cheapest.

17. Heavy------heavier, the heaviest.

18. Polluted-----more polluted, the most polluted.

19. Expensive-------more expensive, the most expensive.

20. interesting-----more interesting, the most interesting;

21. Wet----wetter, the wettest.

22. Clean----cleaner, the cleanest.


23. boring-----more boring, the most boring.

24. Dry------drier, the driest.

25. Dirty--------dirtier, the dirtiest.

26. modern---- more modern, the most modern

27. Good-------better, the best.

28. Bad-------worse, the worst.

2. Unit 11-THE PAST

All of the following sentences have inaccurate information. Correct them by writing a
negative sentence, and writing an affirmative statement with accurate information.

(1) Wood sank.

Wood didn’t sink. Wood floated.

(2) You took a taxi to school today.

You didn’t take a taxi to school today. You took a motorbike.

(3) You sat on a soft, comfortable sofa.

You didn’t sit on a soft, comfortable sofa. You sat on a soft armchair.

Read this newspaper report and fill in the blanks with the verbs in the box in the past simple.

Yesterday afternoon a large crowd waited for several hours for Rocky Shout the American
rock star to appear at the Central Stadium. When he finally arrived, he sang a number of his most
popular songs. The crowd was very pleased by his performance and went to the music. After each
song they waved and enthusiastically whistled. Rocky danced on the stage until nearly midnight.
After his performance he went back to his hotel. This morning he drove on a tour of the city,
visiting the radio station, the music school, and a children’s hospital.

A Maori speaks: ‘’I was born in a wooden house in a village near Rotorua in New
Zealand. We were not poor, but we were not rich. My mother and my father were farmers. I was
never hungry when I was a small child; I was quite happy really. Life was not hard, but white
people were not always kind to us.

A Dakota Indian speaks: ’I was born in a cloth tipi near Sisseton, South Dakota, in United
States. We were not poor. We were not farmers. We were sometimes hungry when I was a small
child, but we were happy. My mother was a good cook, and my father was a good teacher, life
was not hard, and white people were not usually kind to us.

Read the statements. Write that’s right or that’s wrong. Correct the wrong statements.

(1) She lived in Chicago until 1977.

That’s right.

(2) Her father was very shy.

That’s wrong. Her father was not very shy. He had an outgoing and easy personality and this
sense of humour. She got a lot from him.

(3) She grew up among people of different cultures.

That’s right.

(4) Castillo got most of her education in Chicago.

That’s right.

(5) She taught Spanish in the 1970s.

That’s wrong. In the 1970s she taught English as a Second Language and Mexican history.

(6) She went to France for her PhD.

That’s wrong. She received a PhD in American Studies from Bremen University in Germany in

What is the past simple of these verbs? Some are regular and some are irregular.

Open-------opened. Walk-----------walked. Watch--------watched.

Stay-------stayed. Want-------wanted. Start-----------started.

Arrive--------arrived Laugh-------laughed. Push-----------pushed.

Whistle--------whistled. Dance--------danced. Sing-------------sang.

Go---------went. Wave------waved. Close--------closed.

Drive---------drove. Take-------took. Wait--------waited.

Talk-------talked. Be------was/were.

Write questions for the following answers.

(1) How many poems did Matsuo Basho write?

(2) Which topics did he choose from?

(3) Where was Matsuo Basho born?

(4) Why did he move to Edo (present day Tokyo) and studied poetry?

(5) On which means of transportation did he travel all over Japan?

(6) How many students did he have at the time of his death?

Irregular verbs
Complete the sentences by using the PAST SIMPLE of the given verbs. Use each verb only one

(1) Sue drank a cup of coffee before class this morning.

(2) We ate a delicious dinner at a Mexican restaurant last night.

(3) When it began to rain yesterday afternoon I shut all of the windows in the apartment.

(4) Chris hurt his finger when he was fixing his dinner last night. He accidentally cut it with a
sharp knife.

(5) I don’t have any money in my pocket. I spent my last dime yesterday. I’m flat broke.

(6) Jessica didn’t throw her old shoes away. She kept them because they were comfortable.

(7) I read an interesting article in the newspaper yesterday.

(8) Jack lost his pocket knife at the park yesterday. This morning he went back to park to look
for it. Finally he found it in the grass. He was glad to have it back.

(9) I met Jennifer’s parents when they visited her. She introduced me to them.

(10) Yesterday I called Jason on the phone. He wasn’t home, so I spoke to his sister.

(11) When I introduced Tom to Ryan, they shook hands and smiled at each other.

Complete the following dialogues. Use the words in parentheses. Give short answers where

A: Did you sleep well last night?

B: Yes, I did, I slept very well.

A: Did Tom’s plane arrive on time yesterday?

B: Yes, it did. It got in at 6:05.

A: Did you stay home and studied last night?

B: No, I didn’t. I went to a new movie.

A: Did you like it?

B: It was ok, I guess. But I don’t really like horror movies.

A: Did Mary study last night?

B: No, she didn’t. She watched TV.

A: Did Mark Twain write Tom Sawyer?

B: Yes, he did. He also wrote Huckleberry Finn.


A: Did the children go to the zoo yesterday?

B: Yes, they did. And they had a wonderful time.

A: Did you eat breakfast this morning?

B: Yes, I did. But I had not enough time. I was late for class because my alarm clock didn’t ring.

Complete the sentences by using the SIMPLE PAST of the given verbs. Use each verb
only one time.

(1) Mary walked to school yesterday. Rebecca drove her car. Alison rode her bicycle. Sandy
took the bus.

(2) When Alan slipped on the icy sidewalk yesterday he fell down and hurt his back. His back
is very painful today.

(3) I didn’t have any money yesterday, so my roommate fed me enough so I could pay for

(4) The children had a good time at the park yesterday. They fed the ducks small pieces of

(5) Alice called the police yesterday because someone stole her bicycle while she was in the
library studying. She’s very angry.

(6) Dick left his apartment in a hurry this morning because he was late for school. That’s why
he forgot to bring his books to class.

(7) The children drew pictures of themselves in art class yesterday.

(8) I have a cold. Yesterday I felt terrible, but I’m feeling better today.

(9) Last night I heard a strange noise in the house around 2:00 am, so I got to investigate.

(10) My dog isn’t very friendly. Yesterday she bit my neighbour’s leg. Luckily, my dog is very
old and doesn’t have sharp teeth, so she didn’t hurt my neighbour.




1) At 6:00 PM, Bob sat down at the table and began to eat. At 6:05, Bob was eating dinner.

2) While Bob was eating dinner, Ann came through the door.

3) In other words, when Ann came through the door, Bob was eating dinner.

4) Bob went to bed at 10:30. At 11:00 Bob slept.

5) While Bob was sleeping, the phone rang.

6) In other words, when the phone rang, Bob was sleeping.

7) Bob left his house at 8:00AM and began to walk to class. While he was walking to class,
he saw a car crash.

Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous tense.

(1) As she was climbing the ladder, she fell of it.

(2) I was alone in the house at the time because Mr Smith was working and Mrs Smith was

(3) I went into the kitchen to see what they were doing.

(4) John and Mary were talking about you yesterday.

(5) When he first saw him, he was swimming in the sea.

(6) I was taking a bath, when the phone rang.

(7) Mary ate nothing for lunch; she said she was trying to lose 3 kilos.

(8) From the sounds it was clear Ann was practicing the fiddle.

(9) There was nobody in the car, but the engine was running.

(4a) Complete the sentences using the pairs of verbs. Use the past simple in one space and the
past continuous in the other.

(1) Just as I was getting into the bath the fire alarm went off.

(2) Helen broke her leg while she was skiing in Switzerland.

(3) We met when I was working in a music shop.

(4) When his mother got in the other direction, Steve went away quietly.

(5) I ordered a drink while I was waiting for Pam to arrive.

(6) Our guests were early. They arrived as I was getting changed.

Read the article and answer the questions.

1) The titanic was the British passenger liner considered unsinkable, and was the largest and
the most luxurious passenger ship of its time.

2) It was travelling to New York.

3) It was special because it was the largest and most luxurious passenger ship of its time.

4) It was travelling at a speed of 22 knots(41 km per hour)

5) At the time of the disaster, many of the first-class passengers were celebrating their arrival
in New York the following day.

6) There were a lot of poor people on the Titanic because they were going to America to
look for work and a better life.

7) The ship was carrying 2,224 passengers.

8) Only 711 passengers survived the disaster.

Answer the questions.

1. I was teaching my students at school;

2. Three years ago I was living in Nampula city/ in Napipine village;


3. I was only teaching my students;

4. I was studying Geography subject;

5. I was thinking of fulfilling the English task.

Setting the scene. Ask and answer questions using the prompts.

(1) What area was the Titanic? It was at an area of the Atlantic called the Grand Banks.

(2) Why is the ship travelling at maximum speed? Because the captain wants to break the
record for the fastest Atlantic crossing.

(3) Where was Joseph Dale writing the report? He was writing from the First Class Lounge.

(4) Who are at the Gala Dinner? The first class passengers are at the Gala Dinner.

(5) Whose table is Lord Astor sitting at? He’s sitting at the Captain’s table.

(6) What is the captain doing? He is drinking champagne and chatting to Benjamin

(7) What music is playing? The orchestra is playing a waltz.

(8) Is anyone dancing? Some young couples are dancing.

(9) Why are there cows, chickens and rabbits? To make sure that the passengers have fresh
milk, eggs and meat every day.

(10) Are there any pets travelling with their owners? Yes, there are.

(11) Where are some of the passengers walking along? They are walking along the deck.

(12) What is everybody talking about? Everybody is talking about their arrival in New York
the following day.



Give advice to the following people

1) ‘’One of my teeth is loose’’

I think you should go to the dentist.

2) ‘’I’ve lost my credit cards and cheque book’’

I think you should go to the bank

3) ‘’John wants to drive home, but he hasn’t got his glasses’’

I think he should buy his glasses

4) ‘’Ann’s phone bill was enormous! 10, 000, 00 Meticais!’’

I think he should use it properly

5) ‘’My shoes have got a hole in them. I only bought them last week’’

I think you should go the shoemaker.

6) ‘’Jenny and Tony are only sixteen, but they say they want to get married’’

I don’t think they should get married until they are 21.

7) ‘’My children spent all their pocket money on sweets’’

I think you should give them some little money twice a week.

Asking for advice

(1) Teresa has invited me to a party at her parents’ house.

Do you think I should say yes?

(2) Hazel still hasn’t given me back the money she owes me.

Do you think she should give it to me?


(3) My boss said today that I can have a pay rise if I learn Chinese.

Do you think I should have it?

(4) Lulu isn’t speaking to me today because yesterday I said she was stupid.

Do you think I shouldn’t say it?

(5) Jeremy doesn’t know whether to go to university or travel round the world.

Do you think he should go whether to university or travel round the world?

(6) This stereo’s beautiful, but it’s so expensive.

Do you think I should pay for it?


Complete the following sentences in a suitable way. Use have to, has to, or had to.

(1) I’ve got some tablets from the doctor. I have to take them three times a day.

(2) Thanks for a lovely evening. We have to go now or we will miss our bus.

(3) Remember! When you drive in England you have to drive on the left!

(4) Mary’s in a panic. She has to be at the airport at 2:30, but it is 2:00 and she isn’t ready yet.

(5) ‘’ Can I go and see the dentist when I want?’’

‘’Well, usually you have to have an appointment, unless it’s an emergency’’.

(6) At the weekend Jack wears jeans and a T-shirt. During the week he has to wear a suit and

(7) ‘’Why are you late?’’ Sorry, I had to go to the bank, and there was a queue.

Put a form of have to or should into each gap. Sometimes the verb forms are negative.

(1) Your hair’s too long. I think you should get it cut.

(2) You smell bad you’ve got a cough. You shouldn’t smoke.

(3) I’m going to bed. I have to be up early tomorrow.

(4) I’d like to meet your boyfriend. You have to invite him around.

(5) I have to tell my parents where I am, then they don’t worry.

(6) You shouldn’t come with me if you don’t want to. I’ll go on my own.

(7) If you need some help with your homework, you should go to the library.

(8) If you’ve got a ticket, you haven’t to queue. You can go straight in.

(9) You shouldn’t tell lies. It’s naughty.

(10) Geoff works too much. I think he should take it easy.

Complete the following sentences in a suitable way. Use don’t have to, doesn’t have to,
or didn’t have to.

(a) How much are the tickets for the concert? They’re free. You don’t have to pay for them.

(b) Laidy Vanessa has a maid. She doesn’t have to do any housework.

(c) The holiday was marvellous. We didn’t have to do anything. We just sat by the pool all

(d) I’ve just bought my first car. It’s great! Now I don’t have to ask people for a lift all the

(e) When I go on holiday I take nylon shirts because you don’t have to iron them. You just
hang them up to dry and they are ready to wear.

(f) Paul’s won a million pounds! He doesn’t have to work another day in his life.

(g) Did you go to church when you were young? Yes, I didn’t have to go, but I wanted to.

Put the words in the right order to form a question.

(1) Do you have to wear a uniform in your job?


(2) Why did you have to buy so many books?

(3) Do you have to get a visa to go to the States?

(4) How often does John have to take his pills?

(5) Do you have to look after this plant very carefully?

6. Unit 15-THE FUTURE

Complete the dialogues using a form of will or going to, and any other necessary words.
Sometimes both future forms are possible.

a) I’ve got a headache. Have you got any aspirin? Yes, it is in the bathroom. I am going to
take it for you.

b) Don’t forget to tell me if I can help you. Thank you. I will give you a ring if I think of

c) Why are you making sandwiches? Because we are going to have a picnic on the beach.

d) What a lovely idea! I will buy the towels and the swimming costumes.

e) I’m going now! Bye! What time will you come back tonight?

f) I don’t know. I will phone you later.

g) Who do you think will win the next election? The Frelimo party is going to win,

h) You still owe me ten pounds. Have you forgotten? I’m sorry. Yes, I’d forgotten. I will
come back tomorrow.

i) Wow, Peter! What a lovely new bike! What are you going to do with your old bike?

j) I don’t know. Why? Do you want it? Err… well. Maybe. Fine. You can have it. I will ask
you for it. How much do you want? It’s OK. You can have it for nothing.

Two people are travelling to the car show. Read their conversation and underline the best verb

Jason: I just heard the weather report.

Ariel: Oh? What’s the forecast?

Jason: It’s raining/it’s going to rain tomorrow.

Ariel: Oh no! I hate driving in the rain. And it’s a long drive to the car show.

Jason: Wait! I have an idea. We’ll take/we’re going to take the train instead!

Ariel: Good idea! Do you have a train schedule?

Jason: Yes, here’s one. There’s a train that will leave/leaves at 7:00 A.M.

Ariel: What about lunch? Oh, I know. I’ll make/I’m making some sandwiches for us to take

Jason: Sounds good. You know, it’s a long trip. What are we doing/are we going to do all those

Ariel: Don’t worry. We’ll think/we’re thinking of something.

Jason: You know. We have to get up really early.

Ariel: That’s true. I think I’m going / I’ll go home now.

Jason: OK. I’m seeing you/I‘ll see you tomorrow. Good night.

Ask your class mate the same questions and report his/her answers.

1. What football team will win the Mozambican championship this year?

I think that will be Mambas championship.

My class mate thinks that will be Mambas championship.

2. How many points do you think this team will get?


I think will get three points.

He thinks that will get three points.

3. What football player will score the highest number of goals?

I think will be Tico-Tico who will score the highest number of goals.

He thinks that will be Tico-Tico who will score the highest number of goals.

4. What make of car will win the Formula 1 racing championship?

I think will be ranger racing championship.

He thinks that will be ranger racing championship.

5. What racing driver will win the world championship?

I think will be Charles that will win the world championship.

He thinks that will be Charles that will win the world championship.

6. What country will win the World Cup?

I think will be France that will win the World Cup.

He thinks that will be France that will win the World Cup.

7. What basketball team will win the NBA championship?

I think will be the feminine athletes of U.P that will win the NBA championship.

He thinks that will be the feminine athletes of U.P that will win the NBA championship.

Write about professor Vroom’s plans for next week. Use the information below and the Present
continuous. Add the and a when necessary.

1. On Monday morning he is taking the train to New Haven.

2. On Monday evening he’s giving lecture at Yale.

3. On Tuesday morning he’s going to Washington (8:00 AM).


4. All day Wednesday he’s working in research lab all day.

5. On Thursday morning he is attending annual car show.

6. On Friday morning he’s talking on radio show.

7. On Friday night he is dating with his girlfriend.

Look at the letter above. There are many sentences using the Present continuous and others using

1) Who is writing the letter? Debbie.

2) To whom was she writing? Val.

3) We’re having a party for you the next evening;

We’ll go on a tour of the university and if it doesn’t rain we’ll walk along the river.

We’ll visit Edinburgh, in Scotland. Our cousins are coming there to meet us from
Longbridge. At the end of the tour, we’re staying in London until you leave. Maybe we’ll see the
queen at Buckingham palace or perhaps we’ll meet Anne Boleyn’s ghost in the tower.


Try to complete the following sentences by putting the verbs in the correct forms.

1. He will be surprised if they get home on time.

2. Claudia will bake a cake if you have a party.

3. If you come to the party, I will dance with you.

4. If I get some money, I will buy a new car.

5. It will be difficult to find a hotel if we arrive late.

6. John will pass the test if he studies hard.

Complete the following First conditional sentences.


1. I will be very happy if I pass my exam.

2. If it rains, I won’t go to the beach.

3. If Mary visits me, I will bake a cake.

4. I will give you $50 if you win the game.

5. If you eat that, you will get sick.

6. Julia will hit you if you say that.

7. I won’t go to the party if he is there.

8. I will be angry if you copy in the exam.

9. If Mussa fails the exam, he will not be happy.

10. Claudia won’t be happy if you forget to call.

11. If he works hard, he will get rich.

12. They won’t pass their exams if they don’t study.

13. I will swim if it is hot.

14. If we go to bed late, we will be tired tomorrow.

15. She will get a better job if she has a degree.

16. If there is a nuclear explosion, we will die.

Complete these sentences in the First conditional.

(1) If you invite me I will come;

(2) If it rains we won’t go to the beach;

(3) I will stay in bed if I am sick.

(4) If she cheats in the exam she will get zero.


(5) If you eat that you will be sick.

(6) He will help you if you ask him.

(7) She will be angry if you do that.

(8) If I pass my exam I will have a party.

(9) If you come for dinner, I will cook matapa.

(10) If it is sunny we will go to the swimming pool.

Try to complete the sentences below in the First conditional using your own ideas.

1. If I visit England I will feel very happy.

2. I will be sad if I fail my course.

3. I will be very happy if they visit me.

4. If it rains, I will grow some vegetables at my garden.

5. I will go to the university if I have money.

6. If you love him you will get success in life.

7. You will catch malaria if a mosquito bites you

8. The teacher will fail you if you copy in the exam.


Can you complete these sentences using Second Conditional?

1. Jim doesn’t study hard. If he studied harder, he would get better grades.

2. The weather isn’t nice. I would take a walk if the weather was nice.

3. My wife and I want to buy a house, but it is too expensive. We would buy a house, if we
had enough money.

Complete the following sentences in the Second Conditional.

1. If money grew on trees, all of us would be rich.

2. If I were you, I would tell Jim the truth.

3. Life would be boring if everyone had the same opinions about everything.

4. Airplane tickets are expensive. If they were cheap, I would fly to Paris for the weekend.

5. I wish I had a camera. I would take a picture of sunset tonight if I had a camera.

6. The student cafeteria is relatively expensive, but the food isn’t very good. I would eat
there all the time if the food was better.

7. If I taught this English class I would not give surprise tests.

8. I wish I had a car. If I had a car, I would drive to school.

Here are some hypothetical situations. Ask and answer these questions with some other
students. Then write down the best answers.

1) What would you do if you were the President of Mozambique?

If I were the President of Mozambique, I would promote peace and employment.

2) What would you do if you saw a ghost?

If I saw a ghost, I would run away.

3) What would you do if you found out that your friend was HIV positive?

If I found out that my friend was HIV positive, I would advise him to take antivirus.

4) If I could go anywhere in the world I would go to Vatican.

5) If I were any famous person in the world, I would be a bishop.

6) If I could change one thing about myself, it would be priesthood.

7) If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, I would choose xima.


Complete the sentences below in the Present Perfect. Discuss with your friends the use of the
Present Perfect in each case.

1) I have met Ann’s husband. I met him at a party last week.

2) I have finished my work. I finished it two hours ago.

3) She has flown Ms. Parker travels to Washington, D.C., frequently. She’s flown there
many times.

4) Bob and Jane are old friends. They have known each other for a long time.

5) I don’t like this weather. It has been cold and cloudy for the last three days.

6) Your English is getting better. You have learned a lot of English since you came here.

7) My wife and I came here two months ago. We have been in this city for two months.

8) Tom can go to bed now. He has finished his homework.

Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Use the present perfect or the simple

A: Have you ever been in Europe?

B: Yes, I have. I have been in Europe several times. In fact, I was in Europe last year.

A: Have you ever eaten at Al’s Steak House?

B: Yes, I have. I have eaten there many times. In fact, I ate there last night.

A: Have you ever talked to professor Alston about your grades?

B: Yes, I have. I have talked to him about my grades a couple of times. In fact, I talked to him
after class yesterday about the F I got on the last test.

A: What European countries have you visited?

B: I have visited France, Germany, and Switzerland. I visited Germany and Switzerland in 1984.

A: Has Bob ever had a job?

B: Yes, he has. He has had lots of part-time jobs. Last summer he had a job at his uncle’s bakery.

Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.
Use the Present Perfect with already.

A: Are you going to finish your work before you go to bed?

B: I have already finished it. I finished my work two hours ago.

A: Is Jim going to eat lunch with us today?

B: No. He has already eaten. He ate lunch an hour ago.

A: Do you and Virginia want to go to the movie at the Bijou with us tonight?

B: No thanks. We have already seen it. We saw it last week.

A: When are you going to write your paper for Dr. Roth?

B: I have already written it. I wrote it two days ago.

A: When is Jane going to call her parents and tell them about her engagement?

B: She has already called them. She called them last night.

A: This is a good book. Would you like to read it when I’m finished?

B: Thanks, but I have already read it. I read it a couple of months ago.

Complete these sentences using the Present Perfect.

(1) John knows Mary. He met her at Easter. He has known her for ten months.

(2) Tom works in a Post Office. He started there two years ago. He has worked there for two

(3) I like my house. I have lived here all my life.

(4) Kate is at the School of Art. Her classes started today at 10.30. She has been there since

(5) Mary’s parents live in Edinburgh. They moved there in 1968. They have lived there for 20

(6) This book is wonderful, I have just bought it.

(7) Granny is well, today. She has just phoned me.

(8) Tom likes playing football. He liked it when he was very young too. He has always
played it.

(9) We are interested in art. We were also interested in it ten years ago. We have always been
interested in art.

(10) How is your toothache? Have you gone to the dentist this morning?


Arrived at this point of the work, it was concluded that solving exercises makes students
improve and master or consolidate contents already studied because the exercises were solved
first through re-reading the contents or summaries given in the module after that answering
questions posed in the exercises. Therefore the units were sequenced in a productive way so as to
enable students to follow the right flow of the contents in a way that by the end of the module the
student can speak English through the module.

The first contents required to speak a language are based on how to greet someone and
introduce oneself to somebody else, but so that the speaker can utter this dialogue it is necessary
to conjugate the verb to be especially in the present simple; so, that was the content of the first

Sooner after that counting nouns cardinally and in ordinal makes part of the language
production and after that come the contents like the family and the verb to have, verb to do,
present simple, telling the time, present continuous, plurals, prepositions, comparatives and
superlatives, the past, the past continuous, advice and obligation, the future, first conditional,
second conditional, and present perfect.

To sum up, all the contents aforementioned behave as the key components that lead
learners to speak English language from the basic notions towards some advanced contents that
need special attention in the students because the meanings of certain verb tenses differ from
Portuguese language and owing to that fact there might be some kind of interference from
Portuguese with English and vice-versa causing errors.

Burton, Roberts, N. (1997). An Introduction to English Syntax, 2nd Edition, London: Pearson
Education Ltd.

Dawson, C. (2002). Practical Research Methods. UK: How to Books Ltd.

Dickie, Amália, Manual de Tronco Comum, English Year 1,Universidade Católica de


Pandey, M. M. and Pandey, P. (2015). Research Methodology: Tools and Techniques,

Marghiloman: Bridge Centre.

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