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SWOT analysis and Confrontation matrix


Deshi Bazar

Prepared by

Mohammad Sazzad Hossain

Prepared for


Submission Date: 19 September 2020

SWOT Analysis
Strength :

1. Free delivery charge for a customer’s first 2 orders.

2. Variety of commodities.
3. Inclusive participation and producer involvement.
4. Strong network for sourcing pure and organic products.
5. Complementary services.


1. Lack of manpower.
2. Lack of implementation for existing partnerships at project level.
3. Lack of business knowledge.
4. Lack of family support.
5. No specialized strategy for startup business.


1. High demand for the local products.

2. Favorable conditions.
3. Highly experienced manpower to produce or cultivate pure and organic
products. .
4. High accessibility to social grants by participants.
5. Making a strong relationship with consumer and farmer.


1. Lack of resources, funding in particular.

2. Poor road conditions.
3. Conflict and politics.
4. Government policy problem.
5. Syndicate problem.
Confrontation Matrix:

1. (S1, O1) I have to stack on it very strongly.
2. (S2,O3) I have to collect and use proper man power in right place.
3. (S3,O4) Maintain this properly in right channel.
4. (S1,T1) I must collect more loyal and experienced worker.
5. (S3,T3) Follow the govt. rules and regulation.
6. (S5,T5) Try to handle syndicate diplomatically.
7. (W1,O3) Use this and try to make some different from others.
8. (W4,O5) It should be implementing because only than family will
understand my progress.
9. (W1,T1) It should make some strategy to overcome this.

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