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Subject: English

Total Score

Miss Ardis Melissa Arellano
11th grades

Capital Punishment

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: OA 03 Use their knowledge of English to understand and produce short and clear oral and written texts,
in order to build a critical personal posture in contexts related to their interests and concerns.

OA 01 Understand central information from oral and written texts in contexts related to their interests and concerns, in order to know the ways
in which other cultures approach those contexts.

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the question with your position towards Death Penalty here in Chile.
-Support your position (for or against) with proper argument; you can use examples seen in class about
death penalty in Chile, U.S.A or the Middle East.
-Use at least 6 sentences in the past.
-Write a minimum of 10 lines.
-Be clear about your posture.


Clear posture 10
Proper argument 10
Use of Past Simple 6
Length 5
Grammar 5
Responsibility 5

Total score 41

NAME: Lorna Oteíza GRADE: III°B

I. Capital Punishment was abolished in Chile in 2001, are you for or against
reestablishing it? Why? Support your position.
For, Because the price that citizens pay to keep criminals is very high, with the death penalty this problem would
decrease, people who committed serious crimes should be sentenced to death, people convicted of kidnapping, rape,
murder and torture, are the candidates to receive this penalty in an appropriate system, The people who received a
death sentence were aware of their actions, in their minds the possibility of dying already existed and even so they
committed the terrible crimes, At the end of 2017, it was known that there were at least 21,919 people sentenced to
death, In 2018, Amnesty International recorded at least 690 executions spread over 20 countries, there have been 1512
executions in america since 1976. They did not felt compassion or sorrow for the decisions they made. One of the
reasons against this penalty is the purpose that cannot be achieved with the death penalty, this is to reduce crimes, and
with the death penalty they are not reduced. Criminals are not afraid of the consequences. They killed last year and
they will do it again this year and next. In conclusion, what needs to change is the system to achieve what we are
looking for with this penalty.

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