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Logistics Regression

1. Concept of Logistics Regression

- Assumptions are not required (Normality and Homoscedasticity)
- Mean is use to set the Log Likelihood value
- Save: Probabilities, Group Membership
- Options: Hosmer Lemeshow GoF Test, Classification Plots, Odds Ratio
Baseline: Beginning Block

Criteria for variable entry

- Greatest Wald Statistics
- Greatest reduction in -2LL value (Smaller value of -2LL measure indicate
better model fit)
- Highest Score statistic
- Highest Partial Correlation

Enter Block
- Omnibus Test: If Sig. <0.05, then the model is a better predictor
- Model Summary: Nagelkerke R2 - Idea of how much of the variance in
dependent variable is explained by the independent variables
- Hosmer and Lemeshow Test: p-value > 0.05 that means the model is good
- Classification Table: How good our model is in predicting actual outcomes
- Significance of variables: Wald Statistic must be significant
- Higher the odds ratio, the better the person is more likely to be in the
- Walt statistic is used to assess significance, except in cases in which the
coefficient is extremely large, when the score statistic is used

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