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1. Who is the main character introduced in the story?

What do we learn about him in

Chapter 1?
2. Sodapop says Darry loves Ponyboy even though Darry picks on him. Explain.
3. What is the difference between tough and tuff? Why are they both compliments?
4. Who are the Socs? Why are they rivals of the greasers?
5. Write a brief description for each name: Darry, Sodapop, Steve, Two-Bit Matthews,
Dallas Winston, Johnny
6. What kind of girls are the only ones who will look at the gang boys? Why?

1. Ponyboy and Johnny go to "cool off" at the park before heading home. What
happened there?
2. Why do Johnny and Ponyboy go to Dally for help?
3. Ponyboy studies Dally to see what Cherry Valance could love. What does he
4. How does Dally help Johnny and Ponyboy?
5. In order to disguise themselves, Johnny says they have to change their hair. Pony
is upset by this. Why is their hair so important according to Johnny's
6. Dally tells Ponyboy and Johnny the turf news. What two pieces of information
does he share?
7. Why does Johnny decide to go back home and turn himself in?
8. Ponyboy had a premonition about the church where they were hiding. What
happened there?
9. Ponyboy gets an insight into Dally and Johnny. What does he learn about them?
10. Ponyboy also learns something important about Darry. What?
11. What happened to Johnny in the fire?
12. Why does Randy want to talk to Ponyboy?
13. Ponyboy says, "Sixteen can learn a lot." But he feels you learn and
see the wrong things, not the right stuff. Explain what he means.
14. Johnny has spent much of the book wanting his parents to love him. Why does
he refuse to see his mother when she comes to visit him in the hospital?
15. Ponyboy compares Cherry's boyfriend, Bob, to Dallas. What is similar about
16. Why does Ponyboy suddenly switch his conversation with Cherry from their
differences to the sunsets? What do the sunsets symbolize in the story?
17. Why does Ponyboy quiz everyone about fighting before the rumble? What does
he find out about the others? What does he find out about himself?
18. Darry's challenge at the rumble is answered by an old acquaintance, Paul
Holden. As they face off, Ponyboy realizes Darry hates Paul because Darry is
jealous and ashamed. Why does Darry feel this way?
19. After the fight, Dally and Ponyboy go to see Johnny. Johnny tells Ponyboy to
"Stay Gold." What does Johnny mean?
20. Ponyboy was wrong about Dallas not caring for anyone. Who does he care
about? Why?
21. Compare and contrast Dally's reaction to Johnny's death to Two-Bit's reaction to
Dally's death.
22. How does Ponyboy cope with Johnny's death?
23. What clue do we get that Ponyboy is still a "nice kid" under his new tough
24. Johnny left a note for Ponyboy in the book. How does this affect Ponyboy?
25. Why does the author end the book the way she does?
26. What is the theme or message of the book?

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