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Roster 11

Ryan Lasala

Prof. Shkorupa

EDU 201


Field Experience Assignment: #1

1. Observe and Record

A. Teacher guide the students out of the bus as they exit safely. No child is allowed to

leave the bus unless there is teacher/staff member there. On the playground, teachers are

assigned a schedule to be outside and alternate each week. They monitor activities and intervene

if there is a complication outside during recess. Middle School and High School are less hands

on when it comes to bus safety since they are older.

B. Student must line up before they enter lunch room, divide into hot or cold lunch, be

seated at their assigned table (cold lunch sits first while hot lunch goes into line to grab and pay).

Students are to be seated, keep their area clean, if not then teachers will be notified. Students are

to only be permitted to go to the hallway if they have a hall pass. Classes are schedule on certain

days to go to the library. Students must check in books they have already rented and go to the

carpet, once lesson is done they can go and check out books by their assigned reading level dots.

2. Record the information to the following questions

A. Adults are allowed to take their take their child home early no later than 1:30 P.M.

B. For fire drills, students must follow teacher in a single file line and exit to the field.

Once to the field teacher take roll call to see if everyone is present. If student is missing, teacher

must report to staff and will have security find the missing child. Once everyone has been

evacuated, classes can return to building.

Roster 11

C. Teacher must cover window doors to hid children from classroom while students go

under their desk, on their knees, heads down, hand on top of their head.

D. Teachers have first aid in their classroom, universal personal leaves have to be notified

by supervising administrator at least four days in advance (accrued at least one sick day)

E. I found it interesting how there is a Tape Recording Policy. I would’ve never thought

to imagine there would be such a policy that would deal with recording conversations with

supervisors could lead to disciplinary actions.

3. Schools are considered part of the community. Investigate how the schools invites the

community to participate in school activities.

A. Student Council, Safe Key, G.A.T.E

B. Partnerships: Rachel’s Kitchen, Pizza Rock, Tuscany Grill, Vons, Kneders, Country

Club Auto Spa, Starbucks Coffee, and Crazy Pita Rotisserie & Grill. Help with fundraisers,

donations go towards supplies and equipment and supplies.

C. PTA meetings, donations to school, or volunteering at school events

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