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Listen to the recording, and then answer this question: How did Roy stop the thieves? Roy Trenton used to drive a twxi. A short while ‘ogo, however, he became a bus driver and he fas not regretted it, He i finding his new work far more exciting, When he was driving slong 5 Catford Street recently, he saw two thieves rash ‘out of a shop and run towards a waiting car. One ‘of them was carrying # bag Lull of money. Roy avicd quickly and drow: the bus stright ot the thieves. The onc with the moncy got such a 10 fright that he dropped the hag. ‘As the thieves were trying ti get away in their ear, Roy drove his bns into the back of it While the buttcred car was moving away. Roy siiopped his bus and telephoned the police. The 15 thieves’ car was badly damaged and easy to recognise, Shorily afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were arrested, 1 What dogs he drive now? 2 Does he regret the charge? 3 How is he finding his new work? 4 Where was he driving recently? 5 Who did he see rush out of @ shop? 6 Where did they run? 7 What was one of thom carrying? @ Which way did Roy drive his bus’? 9 Were the thieves frightened? 10 What did the one with tha moe ca? 17 Where di Ray drive hits bus nat? @ Ack questions about the text. Example: Roy Treman used to drive 6 taxi. (What?) 1) Did Ray Trenton use to drive a taxi? i) What did Roy Trenton use to drive’? 1 Ha changad hi job recently. (vwhan?) & Thoy nushad out of a chop. (What .. do?) 2 He became a bus driver. What?) 7 They ran towards a waiting car. 3 He's finding his new wark far more axciting. (Which way} (How?) (What?) 8 Ona of tham was carying a bag full of 4 He was driving along Catford Street racently. (Where) (Whe?) (Who?) 8 He saw twa thiewas, (What?) (Ware?) ‘marey. (What?) (Why?) @ Roy acted quickly. (Haw?) (wna?) @ Teil the story, using these key words. 1 Roy Trenton — used to — taxi 6 one — money — fright — dropped 2 while ago — bus driver — more exciting 3 Cattord Si. — thieves — shop — car 4 One — canying — full of money 5 Roy — quickly — drove — straight 7 As — get away — drove his bus 8 While — moving eway — telephoned 9 thioves’ car — darraged — recognise 10 Shortly — police stopped — arrested (@ Guided summary. Write a complete sentence in answer to cach question, to make o parageaph of nol more than 7H wards, 1 ts Roy finding his new job as 4 bus driver exciting or not? 2 In which streat did ha saa two thieves recently? 9. Were they running out of 2 shop, or were they running out of a bark? Where did Roy drive his bus? Did thay drap the stolan money ot not? Did they get into a car, or did they run away? (and. 20 .. anc 4 Where did Roy drive his bus then? Did he damage thelr car or not? tan) 5 Whom did he telephone after this? & Ware both mon arrestad later ox did they gat away’? @ Takk adout you. 1 Imagine you were @ passenger on Roy Trenton's bus. Tall the story from your paint af view. 2 Which, in your opinion, are the batter drivers—taxi drivers or bus drivers? Why do you think 80? 3 “A car is a lethal weapon.’ Discuss.

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