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Shipwrecks Science Investigators Plants and res Minds Eye imal onder Building Beauty Forces of Nature Giants ofthe Past Technology aay ed Asters vitor 1 The en Cay af Atans 1 The Word of speed Eating 1 The Hotes Chiles 1 Digging forthe Past B: Getng te Soot A Ve Found he Tie! Be My Descent he Tani 1 The Osea Detetne B Atthe Sere ofa Cre 1: oto fo the Paret fatal Aivacion 1: Uncerstnng rears B: Seong the mpossbe APengu Year Do Anas Lauoh? Aloe Poemin Stone 1 The Gest Dome of Fence 1: wild Wester 1 When Wee Weather Strikes 1k The Mammoth Tle BE Morse the Dep 1k: The RotasareConing! How Wl We ive In 20857 Moon Mystery Science of Taste Fight Dog fer the ob An Ant Shipwreck ‘The Fu Vius ian of he Forest Params ‘amazing Nawhal rule's Dame Toad Teor lenthysaus A Sodl Robt | 1k Scaring Seng 2 ening the Pars of a Passage BE Pronoun Reference ‘Dealing with New Vocabulary (N}-Using a Dictonay BF Undestaraing Stes 2 ening 2 Paragraphs Main eo Recognizing Compound Subjects and Objects ‘2 dentvog te Purpose ofa Progra B iferng Meaning ‘Creating a Tineine of Events BE Understanding 2 Pees: ‘Organ formation 1}—Creaing & Conept Map 1 Undestareing Conunctons 2 Deaing with New Vocab (2}-Using Contet 1 ertying Supporting Deal 1 Anrotaing Tet BF Undestareing nogaphies -: Uncerstanding Tess Undestanng Cause and Ect 1: Uncerstanding Pase Sentences 1 Organing norman (2A Chat 2 ldentiveg Games BF Understareing Pees 4 Word usage pasa past A: Anping es B: Wor foms of sink and sine Sytesznginformston 4 Colecstone wih aque : Calloations vith af 4: sting Opinions 1 Appling ess 1 Evang Advice 1 Fenonaizng, ‘Sheng lfoton ‘Ealing rgurets 1 Ealatig eas, using eas 1 Aophing eas GeumtagEodece Snes omarion 2 Astying Opinions 1 Apiing ess 4: Colecatens wth get Wed fom fy cost, andsgend Word usage: rae Synonyms for totaly 1 Suic-ut : Werd fos of posible 1: Word forms with atin Colocation with citerence 1: Actives with and sing B: Colocation: with mate 2 Refeing: Aophing ides 1: Catgorng infomation fuatna Supporting Decals 1: Word sage: on ou) oun B: Ajecivestodescbe 1 Colocation with promise Beds acting snus sncverte 1 Pei fore 1 Syren and eons fornia! Understanding pions Stes iformston, Inferteg nvorat, ‘ Persoaling Banking Adee 1 Colocation wth in uli ward 2 Discusng Pes andCons Ranking 2 usyngOpnons fang Peters, Faustina: 1: Colocation with diy ied sage’ ik up Ce READING EXPLORER brings the world to your classroom. With Reading Explorer you learn about real people and places, experience the world, and explore topics that matter. What youl see inthe Tid Editon: - a Real-world stories give you a better understanding of the world ard your pace in it PLANTING National Geographic Videos expand on the unit topic and give you a chance to apa your language sil, Reading Skill ad Reading Comprehension sections provide the tals you need to become an effective reader. Expanded Vocabulary Practice sections teach you the most useful words and phrases rede for acacersc reading, 6 Introduction 1A BEFORE YOU READ |. Look atthe image and read the caption. Complete the definitions rds in bold 1 scientist who study objects in spa 2, a tock that moves through ‘kim the passage. According to ‘else could ‘Oumuamua be? ee eed erent) a ioe ences - Decree! Pd 8 unit ta “VISITOR In October 2017, astronomers in Hawai saw something, surprising. A object was moving through the solar system. They had soen many asteroids before, but this was something diferent. It was long and thin—like a cucumber. ‘The object's speed and direction also showed something surprising. This was an interstellar object—the fist ever 8 The object was named ‘Oumwamus—Hawalian for "visitor from afar.” Nobody is sure exactly what itis, The simplest idea is that ‘Oumaamuais a strangely shaped piece of rock, Pethapsit was ‘ut of far-off tar system, However, astronomers saw that is speed increased after cents therefore uggeta diferent theory © “Oumuamua could be a piece of alien says Professor Abraham Loeb from Harvard University. Loeb believes this could explain the object's long. thin shape, and also its change in speed “Oumuamua was a spaceship that came to ‘our solar system, “All possibilities should be considered,” says Loeb. . : Professor Abraham Lost ‘Oumuamua can nolongerbe suggested thet ‘Ouran seen from Earth. But astronomers uid be an alien spaceship. ‘continue to study the information they got omit, Iti stil not clear the object was a large rock, or something els altogether. ‘Oumuamua will likely be ‘a mystery for many years to come, tia 9 ‘Oumuamua: What We Know ‘© Entered the inner solar system in August 2017 @. Posily came from See et ete eee Sn Ce een) Seer) Or eee eee ee ee cee co nn carer [A. Choose the best answer for each question St 4. Whatiethe reading mainly about? 2. new technology to help scents find asteroids b. the largest asteroid ever seen by cients . aimysterious object that passed by Earth DEAL 2. What ed cients learn from studying “Oumuamua's speed and direction? 2. Iteame from another star system, . Iwas possble it could hit the Earth was an asteroid, DETAL 3, Whats NOT given a a reason why “Oumuamua could bean alien spaceship? a. the object size and shape ©. the objects change in speed the objects color VOCABULARY Inparagraph C, what does considered mean? 2. ewlained in detail ®. thouaht about carefully chosen from alist INFERENCE 5, According tothe infographic on page 10, ‘when was “Oumuamua fist seen from Earth? | asit entered the inner solar system b. just before it passed the sun after passed the sun SUMMARIZING B, Complete the summary with the phrases inthe box. One is extra a. alien technology b. a cucumber another star system 4. arock €. its speed and direction _f, our solar sytem In October 2017, astronomers saw a strange object that was shaped ike "__. by studying 7. the scents realed thatthe object had come from >. ‘The object was called ‘Oumnuamua, Most scents think ie was just However, others—such a Abraham Loeb-—have suggested it could be apiece of = itm 11 READING SKILL Scanning ‘Yu scan a text when you want to find specific information. When you scan you oly look forthe information you wart. You don’t read the ret ofthe text. For example, fr the question What does ‘Oumuamua mean in Hawailan?, lock through the tet forthe words ‘Oumuamua and Hawaiian, and possibly quotation marks (*") SCANNING A. Look back at Reading A. Find and underline these words in the passage as quickly as you can 1. Hawai 2. surprising 3. theory 4. alien 5. solarsystem 6, likely SCANNING B Read the questions below. Think about what answers you need to look for. ‘Then scan Reading A and the infographic on page 10, and write the answers. 1. When did astronomers fist see ‘Oumuamua? 2. What does ‘Oumuamus mean in Hawaiian? 3. When did ‘Oumuamuas speed increase? — ‘A. Whats Abraham Loeb’ job? 5. Where does Abraham Loeb work? 6, When did ‘Oumuamus enter the inne solar system? 7. What was ‘Ounuamua top speed? — 8. How far was “Oumuamua from Earth when it as fist seen? ‘What extra information about ‘Ourtuamua would be useful ‘to help scientists solve the mystery? Note some ideas below. Then discuss with a partner Para Deswions ermiOns oro ussce ‘A. Read the information. Match each word in red with its definitions. Crop Circles ‘A farmer wakes up to find something very strange. Someone, or maybe something, has ‘made unusual shapes in his eld by pushing down his crops." The shapes can only be seen ‘rom the sty. These are called crop cicls. ‘Some people think that aliens make crop cies when they land their spaceships. However, it seems dear that they are made by people. The A erop ce ts made by pushing technology to make thems simple—just a__erops down, leaving empty spaces in the il rope and diferent sizes of wood to make thick or thi ‘Some people make crop circles 50 others wil believe in lens. Other people make them Just for fun, 1 Gps 1 hard to understand or explain 2 perhaps; possibly 2 at wide or thick 4 the use of science and machines todo things B,_ Match the two parts of each definition, 1. yeu move athigh speed, * a. youn it 2. Hyouknock something, + + b, you go very fat 3. Hyoupassa place, + ‘=. youleatn more about it 4, Wien you explore a place, « + you do not stop there. C The past tense of the verb pass (passed) is sometimes confused withthe ‘preposition past. Complete the sentences by circling the correct words. 1. Scientists saw a large asteroid moving past / passed Eat 2. | passed past bythe supermarket on my way home, so bought some bread, 3. My fiend just walked passed / past me and didn stop to chat. ‘4. “Oumuamua reached its top speed a it past/ passed the sun ot a 13, BEFORE YOU READ PREVIEWING AL Look atthe picture and read the caption. Who wrote the story fof Atlantis? What happened tothe island? canta B. Quickly scan the passage on the next page. Remember that names of people and places usualy start with capital letters. 1. What names of people can you find? Underine them 2, What names of places ve mentioned? Circe them, = Perey ~ tong age, the Greek write lato ‘wrote about Atlantian island that Adiver explores the strange Japan. Kimura think the svange svucUres he stepike structures in the waters hha found were made by people. Some ther ear the Yonagun islands, researchers don't think $0, Noone sue, but the research continues, ETRE wich mystery do you think will be more difficult ‘to solve: Atlantis or ‘Oumuamua? Why? Note your feas below. Then discuss with a partner nit 8 17

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