HRM Changes in Recruitment Policy For HR After Pandemic

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BBA(B) 2018-21
 The companies have decided to shift towards virtual platforms for
conducting activities. Instead of conducting one-on-one interviews,
companies are no resorting to automated systems to offer virtual
screening environment and interviewing experience.
 Taking the global pandemic seriously, to ensure the safety of the
employees companies are taking their whole recruitment programme
 To filter and screen the candidates to the next level, the usage of online
assessment has increased.
 Post-corona, there will be a tonn of job losses, especially those who work
on a daily basis without having any written contract.
 Example -  employees of parking contractors, cleaners working in shops,
waiters in restaurants, suppliers of vegetables, meat and flowers to the
hotels among others.
 About 136 million non-agricultural jobs are at immediate risk, estimates
based on National Sample Survey (NSS) and Periodic Labour Force
Surveys (PLFS) data suggested. These are people who don’t have a
written contract and include casual labourers, those who work in non-
registered nano businesses, registered small companies, and even the
 The people will less than a year contracts are likely to be hit due to the
pandemic, and over 5 millions Indians have jobs with a tenure of less than
a year.
 The research states that over 9 million jobs to be lost in the textiles sector,
capital goods, food products, metals, rubber, travel industry etc.
 Experts have even speculated the change in social discord and crime rates
as the large and growing youth population going unemployed and this is a
huge threat.
 It is a very alarming situation, as pandemics are very paradoxical in
nature, with theories sprouting about, how pandemics have been a
breeding ground for wars, it is very dangerous.
 The companies need to develop a strong network of communication and
 I believe that major companies will shift their recruitment process
completely on the virtual medium, as seen in the cases of past pandemics,
there is always a risk of the pandemics returning if the people aren’t
cautious and they return to their normal routines right after the
government mandated quarantine is over. This was seen the past
pandemics like Plague.
 Solutions like Candidate outreach through conducting interviews online
is the most safe option right now.
 Also, virtual platforms like Talent Hub helps in analysis the candidate’s
soft skills, writing, communication skills etc.

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