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1. Hadn´t lost – would have arrived

2. Wouldn´t have been –had passed
3. Had been – would have had
4. Would have bought –had had
5. Would have forgotten – hadn´t remind
6. Would have phone – had had
7. Would have got – hadn´t forgotten
8. Had been – would have gone
9. Would have sold – hadn´t given
10. Hadn´t been – would have gone
11. Would have won – had known
12. Would have seen – had come
13. Had had – would have done
14. Had missed – wouldn´t have seen
15. Would have been – had married
16. Had sabed – would have travel
17. Would have learnt – had stayed
18. Had seen – would have told

10. Wouldn´t have missed – had left 1. Wouldn´t have been – hadn`t come back
11. Hadn´t lost – would have called 2. Knew – would have visited
12. Would have had – had been 3. Wouldn´t have failed – had studied
13. Would have sent – had known 4. Wouldn´t have got – hadn´t met
14. Had gone – would have studied 5. Would have taken – hadn´t lost
15. Had caught – would have spent 6. Had gone – would have become
16. Had bought – would have wallpapered 7. Had gone – wouldn´t have been
17. Would have returned – hadn´t got 8. Wouldn´t have bought - hadn´t been
18. Would have gone – had invited 9. Had known – wouldn´t have drunk

11. Would have read – had had 1. Would have seen – had gone
12. Had known – would haved married 2. Had had – would have gone
13. Wouldn´t have broken – had paid 3. Would have visited – had gone
14. Had won – would have solved 4. Had seen – would have found
15. Wouldn´t have gone – hadn´t stolen 5. Would have arrived – had woken
16. Had driven – wouldn´t have had 6. Hadn´t taken – would have had
17. Had studied – would have got 7. Would have eaten – had had
18. Had sent – would have been 8. Would have received – had gone
19. Would have painted – had had 9. Would have been – had had
20. Would have traveled – had received 10. Would have solved – had seen

1.The movie was in Russian. If it hadn’t been subtitled, I wouldn’t have understood the fiction movie
2.If our best player hadn't been injured, we would have won the match
3. I got up late. I would have missed my flight if I hadn't woken up
4. If you had treated your wife better, she would have stayed with me
5. We wouldn't have gotten lost in Florida if I had a map
6. You would not have lost your job if you had worked wisely
7. The jacket was beautiful. I would have bought it if I had the money
8. We would have picked you up at the airport if you had warned us early
9. If I had known it was your birthday, I would have bought you a gift
10. You would have done better on the exam if you had studied
11. I would have married Sally if she had fallen in love with me
12. I would have slept better if I had gone to bed early
13. He wouldn't have crashed his car if he hadn't had beer
14. If the weather hadn't been so bad yesterday, we would have gone out to eat
15. I would have been on time if I had set the alarm early

1. if \ not \ forget \ bus ticket \ not \ have to \ return home:
if i hadn't forgotten the ticket, she wouldn't have had to return home.
2. if \ not \ put \ keys on table \ not \ forget them:
If she hadn't put her keys on the table, she would not have forgotten
3. she \ not late \ if \ catch \ an earlier bus:
she wouldn't have been late, if she had caught an earlier bus.
4. her boss \ not \ shout at her \ if \ not \ be \ bad mood:
Her boss wouldn't have shouted at her if he hadn't been in a bad mood.
5. if \ Marge \ not late \ they \ not argue \ in office:
If Marge hadn't been late, they wouldn't have argued in the office.
6. Marge \ meet \ new worker \ if \ go \ to canteen:
Marge would have met the new worker, if she had gone to the canteen.
7. if \ not buy \ hot dog \ not \ feel unwell:
If she hadn't bought the hot dog, it wouldn't have felt good.
8. she \ have \ better day \ if \ stay \ in bed all day!!!:
She would have had a better day, if he had stayed in bed all day.

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