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1. What does Beowulf order his smiths to do at the beginning of the excerpt?

Beowulf ordered his smiths protection shields at the beginning of the excerpt
2. How does Beowulf’s physical stature compare to that of his men?
Beowulf's physical stature illustrates that he's twice the height of his men
3. By what other word or name does Beowulf refer to the dragon?
Beowulf refers to the dragon with worm

4. According to Beowulf, what are the only two possible outcomes of his encounter with

the dragon?

The only two possible outcomes of Beowulf's encounter with the dragon, he will either come back with
the treasure or he'll die

5. How does the excerpt end?

The excerpt ends with Beowulf goes to fight the dragon, anticipating that he will win the battle, and he
succeeds in killing the opponent, but he's wounded mortally.

Aliyah AlHuneidi 12A

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