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Jul 26, 2019 · 3 min read

Even though astrology is primarily based on the principle that “grahas” grabs our consciousness towards
a certain experience & action, it’s impossible for humans to activate or access a planet’s potential
directly. Only the enlightened masters are capable of doing that. Why so? Well, the three pillars in an
astrology chart — houses, signs & planets respectively are Tamasic, rajasic & Satwic in nature. That
means houses are concerned with structure & stability of life, signs are about feelings & emotions about
those structures, while planets are dealing with generating those experiences as fully developed
paramatmic beings.

now, human beings are predominantly rajasic…meaning most of our lives are guided by our emotions &
feelings, making the signs very important for us. Each time we feel something, we are activating one or
more signs in the zodiac as each sign represent a certain theme of feelings. Whenever we activate a sign,
the planets in that sign naturally gets activated. This is how we unconsciously activate different planets
through different types of emotions. Below is a list of keywords indicating the emotion types associated
with each signs:

Aries: competition, combative, fight, argument, protest, pioneering

Taurus: comfort, enjoyment, sensual gratification, security, value

Gemini: curiosity, learning, fun

Cancer: motherly love, peace, deep emotional connection

Leo: leadership, anger, domination, creativity

Virgo: analysis, calculation, organization

Libra: diplomacy, friendship, business, romantic love

Scorpio: fear, anxiety, stress, secrecy, intense emotions

Sagittarius: hope, optimism, focusing on future goal with a vision

Capricorn: discipline, routine, commitment, following orders

Aquarius: helping people in need, understanding global issues, scientific thought

Pisces: imagination, fantasy, philosophy, spirituality, rest

Let’s take an example: imagine a person has mars in aquarius. Whenever he is feeling & thinking about
aquarius stuff, his mars is getting activated & he is behaving as a mars driven person. now, as given
above aquarius is a very humanitarian sign, it is concerned about helping people in need in a very
practical & rational way. Lots of NGO’s like red cross etc. are associated with aquarius. This person
becomes a mars, i.e. a driven warrior who wants to protect things. In this case, he will protect people in
need. This is the kind of person you will see protesting on streets about global warming or animal cruelty
or any other kind of mistreatment to the helpless.

It is to be noted that each graha has a different dignity in different signs. For instance, mars will have
highest dignity in Capricorn & lowest in cancer. That indicates mars qualities find most effective outlet
when it is activated through a capricorn theme & most inefficient outlet when expressed through
cancer. Understanding these subtleties are crucial to see how well a person is utilizing the intelligence of
a certain planet.

Some of you are wondering what gets activated when we feel the themes of an empty sign. Well, in that
case look for the influence on the lord of that sign. Those grahas are getting triggered. For example, if
aquarius was empty in the above example but its lord Saturn was with venus, then venus would’ve been
triggered. So, the person will go about helping the needy with diplomacy, negotiation & compassion
which are venus qualities.

Hope this article was clear enough to convey the point I had in mind…thank you.


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