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DEVELOPMENT  With the gift of intellect and freewill, he has the

responsibility for his own self-fulfillment –
 LAUDATO SI – “praise be to you”. Second
Personal Development
encyclical letter of Pope Francis that centers on
 By being a part of a community, human
care for our common home. It is in looking at
development essentially implies not just his own
what we have been given with from a category
development, but also that of his social body –
of gift that will be inspired and moved towards
social/community development
becoming gracious and responsible stewards of
 Human consciousness expanded that wellbeing
is connected with the well being of the
 The systems and subsystems of Earth are
environment, we begin to realize human must
interconnected and interrelated. Creation is of
take care of his abode taking in consideration of
different kinds. Differentiation exist within
the capacity of the Earth – sustainable
species. Yet, order and harmony exist as if its
one body with many parts.
 Creator provides the earth with abundance – THE CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHINGS : REVISITED
an expression of love. Creation therefore is an
 Personalist Principle/Human dignity – Centers
expression of God’s love.
on the human person being created in the
 Human Person – One that standout among the
image and likeness of God and his inherent
creation. Gifted with consciousness, intellect,
dignity and inalienable rights
freedom and freewill. These gives him the
 Common Good – It is the creation of a condition
capability to cocreate and change his reality.
where every human person could develop into a
 Human person has the capacity to change and
personality and develop fully. Implies that the
to become if he chooses. This inherent nature of
fruits of the Earth must be shared by all.
the human person is the foundation of
Everyone needs a minimum of material goods
development as a person’s calling or vocation.
to grow and develop (universal destination of
 Genesis 1:27- From the perspective of Catholc
 Solidarity – Helping one another
1. Human person is created in the image and
 Subsidiarity – respect and appreciation of a
likeness of God. This is the springboard of
person’s capability to define development in
his dignity.
their own terms, context, culture
2. Human person is a person in a community .
 Care for the Earth – Caring for people and
Includes the natural community
communities requires caring for the Earth
3. Human is called to development. Called to
 These principles are not isolated from each
development our potential and giftedness
other. They form a unity in a development
that we may be able to contribute to
paradigm that follows after the Christian vision
community well-being. Education play a
of the human person as a person in a
crucial role in society.
MOVEMENT IN ECONOMIC THOUGHT AND THE and busts in economic markets are free from
GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT PARADIGM activity. regulation and
 The human gifts of intellect, freedom and In periods of
freewill enables him to co-create. “co-create” prosperity, govt can
recognizes the existence of a Creator save. In period of
 Creator – creates something from nothing. God recession, govt can
 Co-creator - enhances/develops a created pump prime an
something from what has been created economy by creating
 Top Six Inventions (based on polls of 400 jobs through public
academicians, scientists, inventors) spending.
1. World wide web Whose Thinking Prevailed?
2. Printing Press  After WWII 1945, most economists adapted the
3. Wheel idea of John Maynard Keynes. Some adapted
4. Writing with some modifications but still largely
5. Electricity Keynesian in orientation
6. Language
The Keynesian Consensus
Humans as Designers of Systems and Institutions
 1946 to late70s/early 80s, by HW Singer.
Prevailing Development Paradigm  Development thinking in the postwar era that
 Enterprise Centered Development Paradigm – states that the gov’t or state is considered the
coined by Filipino economists Dr. Sixto K. Roxas. natural embodiment of the public good
Enterprises are viewed as the engines of (common good)
economic growth and development. Gov’t  Two Main Players
programs and fiscal policies are directed toward 1. Household – provides the enterprise
supporting enterprises with the thought that as with the factors of production (land,
enterprises flourish, the people and the labor, capital)
communities where these enterprises operate 2. Business Enterprise – Provides
will flourish with it. products and services and pays the
 Battle of Ideas (The commanding Heights by household rent, wages, and dividends.
Daniel Yergin)  Both the household and enterprises would pay
taxes to government.
John Maynard Keynes Friedrich von Hayek  Taxes should be designed to be progressive.
Need for Government Free Market Those who earns more should pay more and
Regulation vice versa. Taxes is the way well be able to
There is a need for Favors free-market
share life chances to one another by
gov’t regulations in also known as
government using it to deliver social services to
running an economy. “neoliberalism”
flow back to the society. (education, housing,
State interventions is Enterprises will grow
necessary to and full employment peace and order, etc.)
moderate the booms will be attained if  Savings are deposited to the banks and flowed
back to the economy through lending plus
interests. They are regulated by the govt responsibility other than to make as much
through the central bank. money for their stockholders as possible.”
 Not all factors of production comes from (Capitalism and freedom by Milton Friedman)
household but also from nature with the
permission and authorization from the govt
 Natl economy is also connected to the global THE WORLD CHALLENGES AND RECENT
economy through imports and exports. DEVELOPMENTS
Government would ask for tariffs for imported
The Structural Adjustment Program
goods to discourage imported products and
encourage local consumption  Privatization
 PROS: Efficiency of operations and better
Resurgence of Free Market
 “Neoliberalism” from late 70s/early 80s to the  CONS: Services are prices at market
present  Trade Liberalization
 Milton Friedman – A disciple of Friedrich von  PROS: Free flow of goods and services across
Hayek and noble prize winner in economics the globe
class. His disciples at the university of Chicago  CONS: govt lost revenues from tariffs
found their way to the halls of power: Ronald  Deregulation
Reagan and Alan Greenspan/ Margaret Thatcher  PROS: Freedom of corporations
who are themselves free market advocates  CONS: corporations abuses
 The free market penetrated many economies of  Free Market – “Let the market seek its own
many nations through The Structural level without govt intervention”
Adjustment Program  Market Failures of Free Market
 Three main Flagship programs of the Structural 1. Corporate and Financial Scandals –
Adjustment Program corporate greed level up to grand corruption
1. Privatization – turning over state-run perpetuated by big companies
enterprise to the private sector 2. Social Inequity
2. Deregulation - freeing business enterprises – social disparity between the rich and the
from govt intervention poor. The GDP of the 41 heavily indebted
3. Trade Liberalization - the free flow of goods poor countries (567 M people) is less than
and services between and among countries the wealth of the 7 richest people
across the globe combined.
 The promotion of The Structural Adjustment  “the price of inequality is too costly”,
Program was hastened by globalization which is Joseph Stiglitz, nobel prize winning
made possible by the advancement of economist. This is because endangers
information technology the future. The wealth of a nation is its
 1990 to the present: Free market Prevailed human resource.
“…few trends could thoroughly undermine the  In an unequal society, growth in
very foundations of our free society as the economies are not shared. Most of the
acceptance by corporate officials of a social benefits of the benefits of an
economy’s growth goes to the top an society while maintaining a reasonable
very little goes to the bottom. profit.
 Inequality also spells instability.  The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Demand will be lower because less Development . 17 Sustainable Goals with
people will get good jobs that will allow over 190 signatory countries
them to afford to provide for their  Sustainability among Corporations. In
needs. the PH, sustainability reporting among
listed companies covering economic,
 People Power and Profit – Joseph Stiglitz 2nd social and environmental aspects is now
book that provides framework for govt made mandatory by the SEC
programs in:  Growing Movement pushing for
 Rewriting the rules on capitalism Solidarity Tax or the Wealth Tax. This is
 Changing the rules on labor against a backdrop of sagging economies
 Changing the rules on labor. Too much due to CoVid 19. Hence there is a need
disparity in wages is bad for the to new sources income and this is one of
economy. them.
 Regulations in technology  Vocation of a Business Leader
 Rules that development initiatives
should be within Earth’s capacity
3. Environmental Challenges – studies show THE VOCATION OF A BUSINESS LEADER : A
that much of the environmental problems REFLECTION
today is caused by irresponsible business
 Vocation of the Business leader – written by
the pontifical council for justice and peace &
 Stark Realization – to address the market
the john Ryan institute for catholic social
challenges saying that the market cannot be left
thought of the center for catholic studies of
to itself. Hence, the growing demand for
the university of St. Thomas
transparency and corporate social responsibility
 Product of a series of reflection done by
 Some Observed Enlightened Developments in
church leaders, business executives and
Recent Times
 Heightened consciousness on the need
 An attempt to address the global challenges
for Corporate social responsibility
that have adversely affected people and
 Business ethics and CSR was integrated
in curriculum in universities
 “for busines leaders, this is a time that calls for
 Rise of cooperative and social
witness of faith, the confidence of hope and
enterprises. 50% of the world’s wealth
the practice of love” – VBL par 1
belong to the corporations.
 Emphasizes the crucial role of businesses and
Cooperativism intends to build a capital
governments in promoting the common good
that is being own by the members of the
 Commo good essentially requires social justice
cooperatives and not just one or few
- VBL par2
persons. Social enterprises are put up to
 Social Justice Components
benefit its stakeholders and the larger
1. Commutative Justice – justice that happens 1. GOODS GOODS – Businesses should
at the level o the individual exchanges (just address genuine human need through the
wage for services, fair price for products creation, development and production of
and service good and services
2. Legal Justice - payment of proper taxes as 2. GOODS WORK – Businesses should
a contribution to finance basic social organize good and productive work
services (tax evasion kill Legal justice) 3. GOODS WEALTH – Businesses should use
3. Distributive Justice – the crucial role of resources to create and share wealth and
gov’t in flowing back the tax contribution prosperity in sustainable ways
in the form social services (corruption in  GOODS GOODS
govt kills distributive justice)  Producing goods that meets authentic
4. Ecological Justice -caring the natural human needs (life saving medical services,
environment and recognizing its limitations education, healthcare, housing)
in supporting our developmental  Producing goods that meets the needs of
undertakings the vulnerable members of the society
 Social justice happens ONLY when the four (microenterprises, microcredit etc.)
components are present in the society  GOOD WORK
 Absence of one would mean the obliteration  Enterprise must organize work in order for
of social justice. Common good is never business processes to be good, effective,
possible without social justice and efficient and engaging
 Certain autonomy must be given to
The Business Enterprise and its Stakeholders employees to be able to participate in the
 Conduct of businesses greatly affects the well- mission of the organization (autonomous)
being of the people and their family hence,  Work must be organized in a way that in
responsible business is very crucial is bringing becomes a way for collaboration
about social justice as well as the common (Collaborative)
good  Work must foster human dignity. Work is
Practical Ethical Principles for Businesses central to a person’s call to development
 The VBL emphasizes respect for dignity and and dignity of labor is important. (fosters
the common good as the foundational signified work)
principles which should inform the way we  GOOD WEALTH
organize labor and capital employed and the  Three Dimensions
processes of innovation, in a market system 1. Good Stewardship – good stewards
(VBL par 38) are creative and productive with the
 Deep and abiding purpose of individual resources placed in their care
businesses and commercial systems is to 2. Sustainability – enterprise must make
address real human needs. (VBL par 38) profit to sustain business but not at
 3 Independent Business Activities w/c the expense of the common good
businesses should take up 3. Just Distribution of Wealth -
Profitable enterprise by creating
wealth and promoting prosperity business should produce and deliver good
through wages, fair exchange, fair goods, organize good work and create
prices and goods good wealth, one should evaluate the
challenges and opportunities and make a
“An enterprise that practices the ethical principles
of business produces good goods, organizes good
3. TO ACT – Business leaders can put their
work and creates good wealth.”
aspirations into business practice when
they pursue their vocation motivated by
much more that financial success. They
integrate the gifts of spiritual life, virtues
“Ethical social principles, illumined for Christians and ethical principles into their life, they
by the Gospel, provide direction for good may overcome the divided life.
business but the navigation (of the business) falls  IS Faith Based “Servant Leadership”
to the seasoned and intellect judgements of PRACTICABLE? Yes
virtuous business leaders who can wisely manage
“An enterprise that produces good goods,
the complexity and tensions arising in particular
organizes good work and creates good wealth -
cases. VBL par 59
becomes a medium in the promotion of common
 To attain the creation of good goods, good; becomes a medium organized caring for
organization good work and creation good our social body; becomes an organized exercise
wealth, is the vocation of the business leader option for the poor; and, becomes our medium
for love of neighbor.”
Obstacle of the Christian Business Leader
 Divided life – Faith vs. family life. Second
Vatican Council saw the split can lead to
imbalances and misplaced devotion to worldly  Ethical decision making skills are mission
success. (VBL par 10,12) critical for success in life and business
 Alternative path: Faith Based “Servant
Two Approaches in Ethical Decision Making
Leadership” – provides business leaders with a
larger perspective and helps them to balance 1. THE VIRAL NEWS TEST
the demand of the business world with those  Also known as the small test, newspaper test,
ethical and social principles and be a good spouse test or grandmother test
Christian in all facets of life  Identify an Ethical Issue. How?( TWO CLUES )
Clue 1 : When the situation involves actual or
Faith Based “Servant Leadership”: Balancing Act
potential harm to someone or something
follows Three Stages
Clue 2 : When there seem to be a possibility
1. To SEE – To see the challenges and of a violation of what we generally consider
opportunities and study and gather right or good
factual information  How to use the viral news test?
2. TO JUDGE – in light of the principles of Ask 3 Questions
dignity and common good, where
i. How would the action or situation we  If a dilemma is a set of competing values and
are considering be viewed by other if it not of competing options, it means that values
became viral headline news? should be articulated first
ii. Would we be comfortable reading a wall WHY????
street journal story that our company - Values and issues are the reasons for your
was doing this or letting the current actions
situation continue for long? - THEREFORE> you did not choose an action
iii. Would you be comfortable explaining to but you chose a value
your spouse or grandmother what you  Feelings are very biased. Less use of reasons
are about to do? will not one see the fulsome of the dilemma
 Ethical decision making is a reason process
Strength Weaknesses What are reason process and why reasoned
Focuses on what It is only as good as process?
other ethical people In the society we live in
society would think Elements involved in Decision Making
Recognizes that Living with bad smell 1. Facts. With a reasoned process, you will
morality is about what or unethical conduct
look at facts and evaluate who will be
other think as much as for a long time may
affected by the issue
what I think dull a person’s ability
2. Stakeholders
to notice them or
realize that they may 3. Values
be upsetting to others 4. Options
Enlist emotions of Alert an unethical 5. Consequences
shame, a powerful issue but cannot tell  The first step in ethical decision making is :
motivator to be sure why it is right or STOP, LOOK and LISTEN
we are getting this wrong
right Steps in Ethical Decision Making
1. Gather the facts
DILEMMA AND STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS (Dr. - Two important questions in gathering
Antonette Angeles) M2LEC12 facts: 1) what do I already know? 2) what
do I need to know?

 happens because good and evil are nor 2. Who are the stakeholders
apparent. - Do not always look at stakeholders who
are immediately in front of you but figure
 It is not about good and evil but is about
out who are the abstract stakeholders
competing values
- Figure out who are the primary and
 If one chooses a value, it sacrifices the other
secondary stakeholders
 When you have an ethical problem, you have
 Primary Stakeholders – ones who will be
competing values, competing issues.
directly hit
 Secondary Stakeholders – ones who may - Justification(reasoned process, make a
not be directly hit decision then justify afterwards) is different
- Figure out what are their (stakeholders) from rationalization(instinctive decision then
stakes and interests they are protecting rationalizing it afterwards)

3. Articulate the dilemmas clearly 8. Strategize

- Make a dilemma statement. Example:
 In the end, being ethical is about character. It
Respecting my father VS. preserving is not enough to go through a reasoned
peace and harmony in the family VS. process. This is where the faculty of WILL
fidelity in marriage VS. upholding the comes in. The will makes one carry out a
truth (These values are not in opposition decision. This is also about courage which no
as much as competing) one can teach of.
“We are what we repeatedly do” - Aristotle
4. List your alternatives
- Brainstorm as many as possible
alternatives as you can and eliminate
those untenable ones
- Alternatives should match the values
and principles identified in the dilemma
- There are always two extreme
alternatives in a dilemma but a third
creative option/middle option would be

5. Compare the alternatives with the

values/principles you’ve identified in the
- When alternatives matches values, it
becomes clear that choices have values
attached to them

6. You weigh the consequences

- Articulate consequences for each
alternative especially for primary
stakeholders by considering both
positive and negative

7. You make a decision

- There is no painless decision. We just do
it by constantly referring to the matrix to
be able to have a reasonable justification

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