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Answers: Term Test 3

(page 1)

1 1. saw The Lord of the Rings on DVD.

2. the places where The Lord of the Rings films were made.
3. real
4. in dark forests
5. two weeks

2 1. No, she isn’t. They watched The Lord of the Rings films last year.
2. The tour is special because it is a Lord of the Rings tour.
3. He chose it because of the green hills and valleys, forests, rivers and lakes.
4. nine
5. coat, boots, socks
(page 2)

1 Accept any logical answers.

2 1. ruler 3. thirty-one 5. beans 7. doctor

2. silly 4. download 6. jungle 8. climb

3 1. hill 3. plumber 5. fridge

2. swimsuit 4. eggs 6. oven
(page 3)

1 1. must 3. There weren’t 5. sister’s 7. is having

2. isn’t 4. How many 6. him

2 1. is going to build 3. saw 5. washes

2. practise 4. aren’t swimming

3 1. Do 5. more famous than 8. studied 11. wrote

2. don’t know 6. an 9. was 12. was
3. the 7. didn’t want 10. appeared 13. there were
4. is
(page 4)
Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

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