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Actividad complementaria No.

Administración Financiera

Manuel David Hidalgo Vargas
Código: D7304031

Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Sede Cajicá

Facultad De Estudios A Distancia, Ingeniería Civil
Bogotá Colombia
Septiembre 2020


Actividad complementaria No. 3
Generation of companies in Colombia

Manuel David Hidalgo Vargas
Código: D7304031

Luz Adriana Santos Ceballos

Administración Financiera

Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Sede Cajicá

Facultad De Estudios A Distancia, Ingeniería Civil
Bogotá Colombia
Septiembre 2020


Lista de Contenido

1. Desarrollo actividad …………………………………………………………….….... 4

2. Bibliografía……….....………………………………………………………….….…..8



This has not been a good year for the Colombian economy and for the world in general due to

the Covid-19 pandemic, which caused an economic disaster worldwide. For this reason the

buzzwords were reinvestment, innovation.

A large majority of the citizens of our country were forced to resort to selling their products

through social networks, to change the chip and enter the era of internet sales and serve their

customers virtually through free and paid platforms which little by little took shape and strength

to stay permanently in our homes and businesses.

Despite multiple efforts, not everyone managed to continue standing in the face of this setback

and it was the end of many ventures, thus meaning a greater number of unemployed people and

without a secure income, all due to the adverse effect caused by covid-19.

Recently, the Bogotá Chamber and Commerce showed that many people are also opening new

business centers in the midst of this economic crisis and increased by 11.5% compared to the

immediately previous year, however it is evident that the retail sectors The smallest number of

clothing and accessories for personal use was the one that had the highest growth and although it

is not the best statistical data, it is encouraging if we bear in mind that business creation fell by

34.3%, in April by 87% and in May by 56 %.

There is also evidence of a growth in green businesses and / or orange economy since many

people pointed to the field with their new business initiatives to overcome the covid-19

coronavirus and the creation of 131,848 production units and the strengthening of existing ones

is budgeted. by means of productive financing subsidies which consist of financing enterprises

that are sustainable through government support and the trade of their products in state green

business cooperatives.

For Julián Domínguez, president of Confecamaras, the result would be driven by national

government programs and economic and business reactivation measures. The promotion of

entrepreneurship is essential to promote the creation of new companies since they generate

employment, development, economic growth and competitive advantages, especially in

emerging economies such as Colombia.

It should be noted that for years the creation of a company has been encouraged through tax

incentives such as the reduction of income and parafiscal taxes, taking into account the years the

company has been in (25%, 50% and 75%).

Local governments have sought different ways to support professional, technological and

technical education in their communities through agreements with universities, in this way they

encourage their young people to continue studying despite these health conditions that afflict us

all by providing an education of quality and thus optimizing the use of ICT information and

communication technologies, which have had to improve educational centers.

It should be said that private banking has made the granting of student loans more flexible and is

linked in a more direct way with the users of these services at this time looking a little more at

the credit behavior of some time ago without taking into account the current present Therefore,

financial support institutions such as private banking, venture capital funds and networks are also

linked to the economic and productive sector of each region, acting as joint aid.

Perhaps the black point is that those affected with the achievement of free investment loans and

subsidies such as payroll and premiums to formal companies of which the national government

speaks and comments are the merchants and entrepreneurs because they became high-risk clients

by the volatility of its sales and income due to atypical causes of the present moment according

to the different unions and associations of the national production.


For this reason, Acopi (association of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, MSMEs),

through its president, Rosmery Quintero, said that it is time to "consider riskier credit

instruments with more comfortable rates for the commercial and business sector of the country

according to with the current situation we live in. " It is necessary to face the reactivation and

with a great effort we will be able to move forward rebuilding the national business fabric and

perhaps seeking forgiveness of late interest and payment facilities for taxes and credits

previously acquired, of course, it is filling a series of requirements to guarantee payment .

The sectors most affected in the first half of 2020 and that unfortunately saw their doors close

were bars, restaurants, and manufacturing, as well as mostly industrialized garment workshops,

and even after the economic reactivation they have not been able to restart activities.

The companies that were created in this first semester created at least a formal job and it

occurred mostly in the commerce, construction, manufacturing and food sectors according to

Confecamaras figures.

Colombia is starting a new business path by diversifying the way of offering its products by

planning its sales, increasing productivity and indicators and optimizing its internal processes of

external customer service, guaranteeing economic sustainability without losing the quality of its

products in the local market. and international.

It is clear that the current situation of the country in terms of public order is not the best and the

lack of confidence in the decisions made by the national government regarding economic

reforms causes excessive protest from certain sectors of our society creating an environment of

inequality in Some of the Colombian families, although the reforms were not approved even in

Congress, we know that some of them are necessary measures for the country to have a slow but

sure reactivation over time.



Confecamara (septiembre 2020) quienes somos confecamara
Revista dinero (Lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2020) creación de empresas en Colombia


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