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SATE (Smart Magnetic Fishing Boat) : Innovation Fishing Boats Efficient, Low-

Cost, and Environmentally Friendly

Muhamad Rizaldi Bin Nuryasin1, Muhammad Fajar Faliasthiunus Pradipta2

1Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University,
2Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University,


Indonesia is a maritime country because 70% of its territory is sea, geographically

fishermen are spread throughout the territory of Indonesia. One important thing in
fishermen's survival is technology capture. Fishing boats generally have fossil fuel
driven engines. In fact, the use of non-renewable resources has an impact not only on
environmental pollution (carbon emissions) but also on economic and social aspects.
In the total operational cost of fishermen, 60% is used to meet fuel needs. Therefore,
the innovation of environmentally friendly fishing boats by utilizing driving force in
the form of Magneto Hydro Dynamic which is environmentally friendly without
using fuel integrated with LED Fishing is needed by fishermen. The ship's working
concept is to utilize the terrain from neodymium magnets and supply voltage from
photovoltaic and wind energy so as to produce a thrust force by the flow of sea water
that can move the ship. The use of this environmentally friendly fishing boat will be
far more effective and efficient for fishermen because it does not require fuel which is
expensive but clean energy and is able to be obtained directly from the potential of
sunlight and wind energy.

Keywords: Fishing Boat, Fossil Fuel, Magneto Hydro Dynamic, Environmentally


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