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Presentation report by,

M B SivaNandana ,Neha Prasad, Shreya Shelji, Varsha Baiju John.

(Group 12)


December 2023

1. Introduction

2. The Problem

3. Current challenges and sustainable technology

4. Benefits of Automation and Major Requirements

5. Working and Machine Equipmental Analysis

6. Future Development and Conclusion


“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” With this quote , we get to
know how important is water to someone. We tend to see water being polluted all the time.

Our goal in this project was to find a way that would be more efficient and sustainable in
avoiding the pollutants contaminating water. So, as a result of our keen research,we found
automated ocean trash skimming technology which is very beneficial. Automated ocean
trash skimming refers to the use of technological systems designed to autonomously collect
and remove debris from the ocean’s surface. This innovative approach addresses the critical
issue of marine pollution by leveraging various mechanisms mitigating environmental harm,
protecting marine ecosystems and promoting sustainable solution. In fact, this becomes a
great solution which would be used more frequently in our near future.

The problem and automated ocean trash

Why? It is a general term for all human created debris that creates its way through
different methods. Almost 90% of trash found in ocean is plastic. There is a current
estimated count of 75 to 199 million tons of plastic in oceans. Trashes here includes rubber,
plastic,metals, textiles etc. Due the Ocean trash, creates a huge impact on marine and
human life which includes suffocation, infections , indigestion and many more adverse
problems. It is almost impossible to hire workers to clean the entire oceans present in this
world hence the concept of “ AUTOMATED OCEAN TRASH SKIMMING “ is brought into
action . With the help of advanced technologies like AI it is possible to develop a more
efficient and a sustainable product or system.
What is automated ocean trash skimming ??
Automated ocean trash skimming involves the use of robotics or autonomous systems
specifically designed to detect ,collect ,remove debris and pollutants from the ocean’s
surface without the need for constant human intervention.Technologies used include various
sensor system, navigation technology, and filtration mechanisms.
The current challenges includes: Dynamic Ocean Currents: Navigating through constantly
changing ocean currents requires sophisticated algorithms and sensors to ensure efficient
debris collection without being hindered by unpredictable water movements. Debris
Recognition: Developing advanced computer vision systems to accurately identify and
differentiate between various types of debris and marine life is a complex task. Variable
Debris Sizes: Designing a skimming system capable of effectively capturing a wide range of
debris sizes poses a significant engineering challenge. Maintenance in Harsh Environment’s:
Saltwater corrosion, general wear-and-tear in harsh marine environments pose challenges
for the maintenance of automated skimming systems. Cost considerations: Development
and operational costs will be essential for widespread implementation. With our oceans
being inundated with both plastics and other nonbiodegradable slough from human
civilization, there have been a host of projects in the works to essentially sieve trash from our
oceans. The sustainable technologies include: Renewable energy integration, usage of sea
bins, efficient resource utilization ,long term viability and life cycle management.


The benefits of automation include:
Trash removal with minimized impact to the aquatic ecosystem(environmental
impact),deployment of multiple units across different locations (scalability), to address
varying levels of ocean pollution effectively ,real time monitoring enables remote tracking
and control, providing timely response to emerging threats(remote monitoring)and these
skimmers can optimize energy consumption and resource utilization, thus contributing to a
more sustainable and eco-friendly solution for ocean cleanup(resource optimization). The
major requirements are: Robust sensing and detection ,navigation in open waters, energy
efficiency and sustainability , adaptability to ocean conditions ,efficient collection and
mechanism, compliance and maritime laws.


The working includes 3 steps: 1.Detection:Here we use sensors and cameras for identifying
plastic floating trash or other wastes. 2.Collection and storage: Conveyer belts, booms, and
nets are used to scoop up the debris, suction mechanism is used. 3.Autonomous operation
and maintenance: Solar and wind powers can be used ,and can navigate water bodies. The
machine equipmental analysis includes: 1. Performance and maintenance : Autonomy and
reliability , durability and resistance , maintenance requirements 2. Environmental impact :
Impact on marine life , Energy efficiency 3. Cost-Benefit Analysis : Cost of Deployment
,evaluating the efficiency and actual cleanup results achieved compared to the investment


The future development can be achieved by use of advanced sensors and machine learning
algorithms, improving efficiency of trash detection and collection, advancements in robotic
and autonomous systems ,and by integrating renewable energy sources into automated
skimmers. Thus, in conclusion automated ocean trash skimming emerges as multifaceted
solution, combining technological innovation, cost-effectiveness and environmental
stewardship to combat the growing issue of marine pollution by efficiently removing debris
from our oceans. It holds immense potential for mitigating the aquatic ecosystem pollution.
Thus, this ocean skimming technology as a whole represents a transformative and
sustainable solution to the pervasive issue of marine pollution, embodying a harmonious
blend of technological prowess, environmental consciousness, and global cooperation.

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