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A-LEVELS n. 1. An exam which is the second part of the General Certificate of

Education needed in order to attend the university. These are generally taken at age 18.

ALLOTMENT n. 1. A collection of rented plots of land usually for the growing of fruit
and vegetables.

ANORAK n. 1. Hooded coat. Parka.

ARTICULATED LORRY n. 1. A semi truck. This is almost always shortened to

ARTIC (pronounced AR-TICK with the emphasis on the second syllable).

AUBERGINE (o-ber-jean) n. 1. Eggplant.

BANDAGE n. 1. A strip of material for binding up a wound. (The

stick-on things are called plasters)

BANGERS n. 1. Sausages. A very common meal is BANGERS and

MASH (sausages and mashed potatoes). The sausages are called
BANGERS because they will burst if you do not pierce them while
they are cooking.

BANK HOLIDAYS n. banks are officially closed, legal holiday, equivalent to a national
or federal holiday

BARKING. adj. Crazy. See also mad.

BARMY. adj. Strange or very silly. Often said in jest amongst friends

BATHROOM. n. A room containing a sink, a bathtub or bathtub/shower combination

and usually, though not always, a toilet.

BIN n. 1. Waste paper basket.

BIRD n. 1. Slang term for a girl or woman.

BIRO (bi-row) n. 1. Ball point pen. The name biro was named after the inventor -
Hungarian Laszlo Biro - who made the first ball-point pen in 1938. In 1944 the US Army
bought 30,000 of them because the soldiers could write with them
outside in the rain.

BISCUIT n. 1. Cookie. 2. Cracker, as in, "BISCUITS and cheese".

Other types of BISCUITS include BATH OLIVERS, WATER

BITTER n. 1. Name for a type of English beer. This is served at cellar temperature and
is a bit darker than LAGER.

BLACK PUDDING n. 1. Not a pudding at all, but rather a form of blood sausage.

BLANCMANGE (blah-mahn-je) n. 1. A dessert rather like custard made by mixing a

white powder (today this is often fruit flavoured) with hot milk. When this cools it
solidifies producing a flavoured jello-like dessert. It may be eaten warm or after it has

BLIMEY. int. An expression of surprise, frustration or even joy. Similar to "wow,"

"darn," "whoa," etc.

BOBBY n. 1. Policeman in the UK. The term came from Robert Peel, the "inventor" of
the policeman.

BOB'S YOUR UNCLE phrase. 1. Everything is complete. There is no more to be done.

BLOKE. n. A guy. Similar to "chap."

BLOODY HELL (blud-ee-el) Expletive. 1. This blasphemous expression may be used to

voice one's incredulity about something just said. This is equivalent to the American
phrase "Why, Gosh. Who would have thought!"

BLOODY. adj. Descriptive term for something that frustrates or bothers someone, as in
"that bloody boss!"

BOGEY. n. Mucus material from the nose; a booger.

BONKERS adj. 1. Acting crazy or mad. Other variations include CRACKERS, DAFT
and BARMY.

BONNET n. 1. That part of an automobile which is at the other end from the BOOT.
Some countries refer to it as the hood.

BOOK v. 1. To reserve. The British never reserve a table at a restaurant or a room at an

hotel, they always BOOK it: "Do we need to BOOK in advance, do you think?" The term
BOOKING means a reservation.

BOOT n. 1. That part of an automobile which is at the other end from the BONNET.
Some countries refer to it as the trunk.

Boxing day n. 1. A holiday which falls on the day after Christmas (the Feast of St.
Stephen). In earlier years the wealthy would put leftover Christmas food in boxes for
their servants or the poor.

BRACES n. 1. Suspenders.

BRANSTON n. 1. Pickle spread used in sandwiches.

BRICKIE n. 1. A bricklayer.

BROLLY n. 1. Umbrella.

BUBBLE AND SQUEAK n. 1. Fried left-over potatoes and greens (with perhaps some
onions added for flavour).

BUGGY n. 1. A stroller.
BUM n. 1. Slightly jocular name for the posterior / buttocks.

BUM BAG n. 1. A bag worn round the waist. (Fanny is a midly

vulgar term for vagina it does not mean buttocks as in American

BUNG. v. To (1) carelessly put something somewhere; (2) to throw.

BUTTY n. 1. Sandwich, as in JAM BUTTIES (jelly sandwiches) or CHIP BUTTIES

(French fry sandwiches).The perfect chip butty consists of two fairly large slices from a
large white loaf, liberally buttered, layered with chips (salt and vinegar optional) and
smothered in tomato sauce.

CALL BOX n. 1. Telephone box.

CAMP-BED n. 1. A bed put up in a tent.

CANDY FLOSS n. 1. Cotton candy.

CANTEEN n. 1. Cafeteria.

CAPITAL The most important city in a country

CARAVAN n. 1. Mobile home. 2. Trailer.

CAR PARK n. 1. A parking lot.

CATS EYES n. 1. The reflectors that are imbedded in the middle of the road to make it
easier to see the middle line at night.

CELLOTAPE n. Clear plastic sticky tape, often sold in rolls; cellophane tape.
CENTRAL HEATING n. A system for heating a whole building, by means of pipes,
radiators, etc connected to a central source of heat.

CHAP n. Same as "bloke"; a guy.

CHAV n. Typically a working class person of lowish intelligence who wears designer
label copies.

CHEERS phrase. 1. A typical English drinking toast. 2.Thanks. .3. Good bye.

CHEERIO phrase. 1. Good bye.

CHEMIST n. 1. Drug store.

CHIPPIE n. 1. A fish and CHIP shop.

CHIPPINGS n. 1. Gravel, as in the roadside sign "Beware of loose CHIPPINGS".

CHIPS n. 1. French fries, as in "fish and CHIPS".

CHRISTIANITY A religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

CHUFF. v. (1) To make loud puffing or breathing noises. (2) slang To speak nonsense.
Chuffed, chuffing.

CHUFFED adv. 1. Happy, as in, "I was really CHUFFED when I passed my exams."

CHUTNEY n. A preserve made with vegetables and mild spices, used by the English to
accompany cold meats, cheeses and savoury pies.
CIDER n. 1. Not apple juice, but a rather strong alcoholic drink made from apple juice.

CINEMA n. (1) A movie theater. This is not to be confused with a THEATRE.

CLEVER adj. 1. bright or intelligent. A clever student is an intelligent student.

CLOTTED CREAM n. 1. A cream so thick that you can spread it with your knife.

CLOAKROOM n. 1. Toilet.

COCKNEY n. 1. Anyone born within the sound (hearing distance) of the Bow bells in
London (the East end).

CONK. n. The nose. See also HOOTER

CONTINENTAL QUILT n. 1. A comforter.

COOKER n. 1. An apparatus for cooking food; a stove.

COPPER n. Policeman

CORKING. adj. Excellent; splendid. Like spiffing. Often used sarcastically.

COT n. 1. A bed for a baby

CRAZY. adj. 1. Acting mad. Other variations include CRACKERS, DAFT, BONKERS,

CREAM TEAS n. 1. A traditional snack widely served in the U.K.

It consists of TEA, SCONES (a type of muffin), and generous
portions of CLOTTED CREAM and JAM (usually strawberry).
CRISPS. n. Snack chips; usually the potato kind.

CRUMPET. n. A small, round, bread muffin cooked on a griddle. It is often toasted and
served with butter. Americans know it as an "English muffin."

CUSTARD n. 1. A yellow sauce used as a topping on various desserts.

DAPS n. Gym Shoes

DEAD ON adj. 1. Exactly (when said of time), as in, "The meeting will start DEAD ON

DEPARTMENT STORES Big shops which sell many different goods

DIARY n. 1. Appointment calendar. 2. Written record of events

DIGS n. 1. Long term rented accommodation in a private house, often used by university

DODGY. adj. Evasive; suspicious; doubtful

DOUBLE DECKER n. 1. A two-level bus.

DRAWING PIN n. 1. Thumb tack.

DRAWING ROOM n. 1. Living room.

DRESSING GOWN. n. A bathrobe.

DUAL CARRIAGEWAY n. 1. Divided highway.

DUSTBIN. n. Garbage can.


ELEVENSES n. 1. Morning coffee (TEA) break.

ENGAGED adj. 1. Busy. A telephone may be ENGAGED. Similarly, a public toilet may
also be ENGAGED. 2. Commitment with a view to marriage.

ESTATE AGENT n. One who advertises and acts as an agent for the sale or letting of
houses and property. What the Americans mean by a Realtor

FATHER CHRISTMAS. n. British name for Santa Claus.

FETE (fate) n. 1. A festival.

FISH FINGERS n. 1. Fish sticks. In either language they taste pretty


FISHMONGER n. 1. A person that sells fish.

FLAT n. 1. Apartment, whether rented or owned (condominium).

FLOOR n. 1. The British (and Europeans as well) start counting floors of a building with
zero. The first floor is the GROUND FLOOR, the second is the FIRST FLOOR etc.

FOOTBALL. n. (1) The game of soccer. (2) A soccer ball.

FORTNIGHT n. 1. Two weeks.

FRINGE n fringe - Collective strands of hair covering part or all of the forehead

FULL STOP n. 1. A period. The thing at the end of this sentence.

GAMMON n. 1. Ham.
GATEAU (ga-toe) n. 1. Rich cake.

GIRL GUIDE n. 1. Girl Scout. The (Girl) Scouts are usually called the GUIDES.

GIT. n. Oddball; jerk; fool.

GOB n. 1. Slang term for mouth.

GOB v. 1. To spit.

GOBSMACKED adj. 1. utterly astonished / surprised

GRAVY n. A sauce made from meat juices, usually combined with a liquid such as
chicken or beef broth, wine or milk and thickened with flour, cornstarch or some other
thickening agent. Gravy may also be the simple juices left in the pan after meat, poultry
or fish has been cooked.

GROTTY adj. 1. Unpleasant.

HANDBAG n. 1. A bag, often a shoulder bag, where a lady puts her purse
(money container). Handbags come in all sizes. Some are carried in the

HEAD MASTER n. 1. Principal of a school. These also may be known as HEAD



HOLIDAY(S). n. Vacation trip; vacation time period.

HOOTER n. 1. A horn. 2. A derogatory term for the nose, as in, "He's got
quite a HOOTER".

HOOVER n. 1. Vacuum cleaner.


IRONMONGER n. 1. Hardware store.

JAM n. A preserve of fruit boiled with sugar and water. It is spread on

bread and butter.

JELLY n. Jelly (Jello.) is a sweet or savoury food gel, usually made through the addition
of gelatin. It wobbles when you move it. It is usually sweetened, flavoured with fruit
juices, and eaten as dessert.

JOLLY adv. Very, as in, "It's JOLLY hard work". 2. Happy

JUMPER. n. A sweater.


(The phrase comes from when people being hung stood on an upside down bucket with a
rope around their neck, and the bucket was kicked away.)

KIT n. 1. Gear.

KIP. v. To sleep.

KIPPERS. N. 1. A male salmon or seatrout during or shortly after the spawning season
2. A herring or salmon that has been split, salted, and smoked.

KNACKERED v tired / worn out

KNICKERS. n. (Pronounced "NICK-urs") Underpants worn by

women or girls.

LARDER n. 1. Pantry.

LAVER BREAD (lavah bred) n. 1. An edible seaweed (originally from Wales). LAVER
means seaweed.

LAY-BY n. 1. Roadside rest area.

LAY-IN. n. A time of sleeping late into the morning; v. LAY IN (no hyphen) to sleep in.

LIFT n. 1. Elevator.

LILO. n. An inflatable air mattress made of rubber or plastic.

LOFT n. 1. Attic of a house.

LOLLIPOP LADY/MAN n. 1. School crossing guard.

LOLLY n. 1. money. 2. Popsicle.

LOO n. 1. Toilet. Also called lav, lavatory or bog

LORRY n. 1. Truck.


LUNCH n. A meal eaten at or around midday

MACINTOSH n. 1. Raincoat, also known as a MAC.

MANKY. adj. 1. Dirty and very used, as in the "manky old boot" 2. feeling ill, rough, out
of sorts 3. Rotten.
MARMITE n. 1. A spread made from yeast extract

MOTORBIKE. n. A motorcycle. ("Motorbike" in American English usually refers to a

small, light motorcycle, often with pedals, also called a "moped.")

MUM. n. Mother; equivalent to the American "mom."

NAG v. 1. To tease in a petty way ; To annoy by constant scolding, complaining, or

urging. ; 2. An old horse

NARK v. annoy

NEWSAGENT n. 1. A shop which sells only newspapers, magazines and sweets.

NICK. v. To steal.

NIP. v. To run quickly to a place.

NIPPER n. 1. A young boy, a kid.

NIPPY adj Cold

NOUGHTS AND CROSSES n. 1. The game of tic tac toe.

NUTTER. n. A crazy person. Very much like "nut."

OVER THE MOON phrase. 1. Very pleased.


PACKED LUNCH n. light afternoon meal packed to be eaten in a different location.

PANTS n. 1. Underwear

PARLIAMENT The group of people who rule the United Kingdom

PAVEMENT n. The sidewalk. In American English, this word usually means the
concrete or asphalt used in roads or sidewalks.

PEAR-SHAPED expression used to indicate that something has gone horribly wrong
with a person's plans

PECKISH adj. Hungry.

PETROL n. (Pronounced "PE-troll") Gasoline.

pillar box n. 1. Mail box for mailing letters. See also POST BOX

PILLOCK n. 1. A useless or stupid person.

PITCH. n. A playing field for sports, as in the "Football pitch."

PLASTER n. 1. A stick-on strip which is put on a small wound.

PLIMSOLLS n. Gym Shoes (See also Pumps and Daps)

PLOUGHMAN'S n. 1. A traditional pub lunch which consists of bread, cheese, and

pickled onions.

POST. n. The mail.

POST BOX n. 1. Mail box for posting letters. See also PILLAR BOX

POSTMAN n. 1. Mailman.

POUND or POUND STERLING n. 1. The basic monetary unit used in the United

PRAM n. 1. Stroller, baby carriage See also PUSH CHAIR

PRAT. n. A derogatory term for someone stupid or foolish. Originally meant the butt.
Equivalent to "ass" (a stupid person) in American English.

PRISE. v. (Pronounced "prize") Variation of "pry," to pull two things apart.

PUB Short for 'public house'. A place where people can buy drinks and food and chat
with friends.

PUMPS n. Gym Shoes (See also Plimsolls and Daps)

PUDDING n. the of a meal (`pud' is used informally)

PURSE n. 1. A very small bag to put money in. A PURSE is

something a lady puts her money into and then puts the PURSE
into her handbag. A man puts his money in a wallet.

PUSH CHAIR n. 1. Stroller, baby carriage See also PRAM


QUID n. 1. One POUND. (money)

QUEUE. (Pronounced like "cue") n. A line, as in a group of people lined up for


RASHER n. 1. Slice, as in, a RASHER of bacon.

RUBBER n. 1. Eraser.

RUBBISH n. 1. Trash.

RUDDY. adj. Similar to bloody. "That ruddy Boss!"

RUG n. 1. Car blanket.

SACK. v. To fire from a job.

SCOTCH 1) Frustrate 2) Scottish Whisky (esp the cheaper blended sort)

SCOTCH EGG n. Shelled hard-boiled egg coated in sausage-meat, then coated in


SCOTS n. The people originating from Scotland (“Scots what hae wi’ Wallace bled”),
the dialect of English spoken by those people.

SCOTTISH adj. of or pertaining to Scotland

SELLOTAPE. n. Trademark for a clear plastic adhesive tape used for repairing tears or
broken items. See also cellotape.

SHIRTY. adj. Angry; bad tempered.

SKIVE. v. (Rhymes with "jive" or "hive") To avoid work of any kind. Skived, skiving.
SLEEPING POLICEMAN. n. A speed hump or
speed bump.

SPEND A PENNY phrase. 1. To go to the toilet. From the days when public
conveniences required a penny to be put in the slot to enter.

SPIFFING. adj. Excellent or first-rate (upper-class schoolboy slang, but often used in a
sarcastic way to make fun of wealthy or pompous people).

STONE. n. 1. a small piece of rock.

2. a traditional British unit of weight

SQUAT. v. 1. To sit in a crouching position with knees bent and the buttocks on or near
the heels. 2. To crouch down, as an animal does.

STARKERS. adj. Naked. “He was absolutely starkers”.

SUBWAY n. 1. An walkway under a street.

SURNAME n. A person's last name

SUSS OUT v. 1. To figure something out, to investigate. As in, "to SUSS OUT the
answer ".

SWEETS. n. Candy.

TAP. n. A faucet.

TEA (the drink) n. An infusion made by pouring freshly boiled water onto the leaves of
the Tea plant, widely regarded by the English as improving every situation (Your house
has fallen down? Never mind love, just have a cup of tea).

TEA n. A light meal in the early evening.

TEACAKE n. 1. A kind of sweetened bread with raisins, often served toasted. There are

TEA TOWEL n. 1. Dish towel.

TEE SHIRT n. 1. Short sleeved sports shirt.

Telephone box.

TELLY n. 1. A television (Also called 'the box')

TERRACE HOUSE n. 1. Row house. Town house.

TA Slang Thank you

THEATRE n. 1. An establishment where one may see plays, ballet etc. This is most
certainly not a place to see movies.

TISSUE n. 1. Kleenex.

TORCH n. A small portable battery-powered electric lamp (flashlight)

TOSH n. Foolish nonsense

TRAINER. n. A sneaker; tennis shoe.

TREACLE. (Pronounced "TREE-kull") n. 1. Molasses. 2. A blend of molasses, sugar

and corn syrup used as a table syrup, also called "golden syrup."

TROLLEY. n. A small wheeled cart used to move a great deal of objects or heavy items.
(Trolley most often means a type of streetcar in American English.)

‘Off your Trolley’ – Mad

TROUSERS. n. 1. Leg wear for boh men and women.

UNDERGROUND n (With a capital letter) the London subway

system. Also called The Tube

UNDIES n. 1. Underwear

VACANT adj. 1. The state a lavatory is in when it's not ENGAGED.

VERGES n. 1. Shoulder of a road as in, "SOFT VERGES".

VEST n. 1. A tee shirt. Undershirt.

WAISTCOAT n. A man's sleeveless garment

worn underneath a coat

WARDROBE n. A cupboard to hang clothes in.

WASH UP or WASHING UP v. 1. To wash plates, pans, knives, forks etc. It does not
mean to wash hands and face.

WASHING n. Laundry (dirty clothes waiting to be washed)

WASTE BIN n. 1. Waste paper basket.

WAY OUT n. 1. Exit.

WELLIES n. 1. WELLINGTONS. Rubber boots. The Duke of

Wellington invented rubber boots, hence the name.

WHACKED adj. 1. Tired. Exhausted.

WICKED adj. Slang Excellent

WIRELESS. n. Olf fashion name for the radio.

WONKY. adj. 1. Not straight, crooked, kilter / out of line. 2. Shaky or weak.

YORKSHIRE PUDDING n. 1. Not a dessert but a kind of baked

batter mix mostly eaten with roast beef.
Toad in the Hole’ – Yorkshire pudding with sausages baked in it.)

ZEBRA CROSSING (zeb-rah not zee-bra) n. 1. One of several types of pedestrian

crossings, so named because of the distinctive black and white stripes which mark the
road where the pedestrian is to cross.

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