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Kenny Wells

Dr. Dave

SEL 255 01

February 24, 2018

Reflection of The Bible to Me

Have you ever gone to a hotel and looked in the night stand drawer and find a Bible

sitting there? The Bible is everywhere in today’s society, and does not look to decline at any

time soon. On average in America 88 percent of the people own a Bible. The Bible has

influenced me throughout my life. My relationship with the Bible though has changed as I have

grown up into a young adult. The Bible stays a constant, but my relationship sometime does not

stay the same.

From preschool through fourth grade I went to Reimer Road Baptist Christian School. In

this school I interacted with the bible every day. I would say as a kid I was more invested into

the Bible and learned a lot of great lessons from it. I currently do not spend that much time

reading the Bible. I do have some regret that I am not reading the Bible that much. I am a

Christian and Believe in God. I feel that being introduced to the bible at such a young age has

shaped me in a good way to go down the right path. The Bible has a lot of great lessons that

taught me how to grow up looking up to God. My family is very passionate about the Bible. I

know my mom wakes up every morning and read the Bible and I used to listen if I could. Now

that I am in college I do find myself not reading the Bible as much. I really like Proverbs and

being a baseball player it has a lot of great sections. Some things that I do dislike about the

Bible is its order. When I do read the Bible I never read it I order. I always jump to different
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parts of the book. Also something I dislike about the Bible is some of the stories are very hard

to believe. I have some doubts, but not too many because I have witnessed some of Gods

miracles. So My relationship with the word of God grew because of what I have witnessed.

There are many misconceptions about the bible, but I only have a couple that I am not

too sure about. One of them is Noah’s Ark, and how he could build a ark big enough to have

two of each animal. It is mine blowing to think about it. I do believe anything is possible through

the power of God, but this one is crazy. Another one that I have misconceptions with is Jonah

and the whale. I find it hard to believe someone can get swallowed by a whale or a big fish and

live to tell. I know it very well could be possible, but it is just hard to believe.

To me I take the Bible with a grain of salt. I do not take all of the bible literal and follow

everything literal. I know there are a lot of great things that is said in the Bible and a lot of way

out there thing said in the Bible. I look to the Bible to find comfort in a hard time or to find

motivation. In the King James version of the Bible my favorite bible verse is Proverbs 23:7. I

really look to the motivational side of the Bible to better me as a follower of God. I have yet to

read the whole Bible but I hope to one day. I believe in most of the Bible but do not take

everything literal because it was a different time.

The Big Bang is a huge contradiction to the Bible. Evolutionists also have a huge

contradiction of the Bible. Creationist are for the Bible. I can take all of these theory’s and see

how science sometimes overrules creationists because it all seems to be facts. When I was in

school my science teacher who taught the Big Bang and Evolution once said to me “When we

die what would you rather do? Would you want all the scientists to be right and when we die

we are just gone? Or would you believe in someone who says we will have everlasting life?”
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When he said this to me I was mind blown, because a science teacher who taught evolution

believed in the Bible. I think Science and the Bible will always be a debate. You never know till it

is all over.

In the Bible Jesus walked with everyone. He did not favor any class so that would work

with social justice. Jesus loved everyone equally and wanted equality for all people. The Bible

teaches us great things that most definitely help advancing social justice.

The Bible stays a constant, but my relationship has changed throughout my years. I will

look to the Bible to help me through hard times. Scientists will always debate the Bible and say

it is not true. I am not going to lie and say I believe everything, but I do believe in most of the

Bible. I do believe being a follower of the Bible has made me a better person.

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