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Title : Malin Kundang

Word : 620

Once upon a time, on the north of Sumatra lived poor woman and his son. The boy was
called Malin Kundang. They live poor because they are just fisherman’s helper. They earn
money just from fishing was their only source of income. Malin Kundang always help his mother
to earn some money. He grew up as a skillful young boy. One day, he said to his mother “
Mother, what if I sail abroad?” at first his mother disagreed, because worrying so much him.
Malin Kundang said again “ Mother, if I stay here, I’ll always be a poor man. I want to be a
successful person.” Her mother cried and said “ If you really want to go, I can not stop you. I can
only pray to God, that you are always protected and successful. But promise me you will come
home” Said his mother wisely.
In the next morning, Malin Kundang was ready to go. Three days ago, he met one of the
crew of a successful ship, he was asked to join. Before, he go his mother said “ Be careful Malin
Kundang, you have to take care of your self. I will always keep in touch with you.” Then he said
“Yes mother.” Then he kiss his mother’s hand. Before Malin stepped onto the ship, his mother
hugged him tightly as if she couldn’t bear to see her son leave.
Its been three months since he is been gone, but there’s no news from him. Malin
Kundang never call his mother. Every morning, his mother standing in front of the dock, hoping
there’s a ship to take Malin Kundang home. Every day and night, her mother was pray for his
son’s safety. So many prayers she tells to God, because she loves him so much. Although she
had not heard news from her son for a year, she continued to wait and pray for her son.
After a few years of waiting him, she was surprised to see a large ships stop at the pier
where she waited. When the ship puilled up, she saw a rich man walking around down the stairs
along with a beautiful woman. She couldn’t have been worng, even her eyes were dim but she
still recognized him. That man is Malin Kundang, her son. She was so happy to see her beloved
son. Then his mother went to see Malin Kundang. She said “ Malin, you are back. I miss you so
much, son” she ran to hug him. But her son is not responding. He was ashamed of his beautiful
wife to admit that she is his mother. “ You are not my mother. My mother is not like you, My
mother would never wear such ragged and ugly clothes. I don’t know you.” Malin Kundang said.
Malin Kundang’s mother take a step back, “Malin…You don’t recognize me? I’m your mother!”
she said sadly. “Guards, take her away and give her money so not to disturb me!” said Malin
The guards dragged her away, then she cried and said “ Malin Im your mother, why you
treat me like this?” but her son ignore her. Then he ordered his guards to sail. His mother
standing in front of the dock with hurt feelings. She pray to God “ God, if he isn’t my son,
please let him have a save journey. But if he is, I cursed him to become a stone.” Then the wind
blew and lighting came, the large ship’s destroyed. He was swept off his boat and crashed on a
small island. Suddenly his body rigid, and his whole body became a stone. It’s a punishment for
not recognize his mother.

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