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3. Why ethical behavior is necessary in the practice of one’s profession?

Our actions affect not only ourselves, but also those around us. Many of our professional
decisions involve ethics. If we tell a lie, we can lose someone’s trust and undermine our own
integrity. If we use shoddy materials or workmanship on the job, we can jeopardize the safety
of others. At work, ethical behavior is the legal and moral code guiding employee behavior.
Being a professional requires more than wearing a nice suit. It requires ethical behavior that
drives interactions with other employees, customers and leadership. It also guides how
someone performs her job. Ethical behavior guides whether someone will perform minor
infractions if she feels no one is watching. Business leaders need to set clear guidelines for
ethical behavior in the workplace and to consistently train employees on working according to
those expectations.
4. How is indirect misrepresentation of a product undertaken?
Indirect misrepresentation is characterized by omitting adverse information about the product
or service. It is passive deception and not as obvious compared to direct misrepresentation.
The following are the common practices involved in indirect misrepresentation:
a. Caveat Emptor means ”let the buyer beware”. Based on this concept, it is the
responsibility of the consumer to determine for himself the defects of negative features
of the product. Therefore, it is not the responsibility of the seller to reveal any defect of
the product he is selling, thus, the costumer cannot expect the seller to voluntarily
provide that kind of information.
b. Deliberately withholding information in any business transaction is also an unethical
practice. All parties involved in all business transactions must know exactly what they
are giving away or receiving in return, in order to be fair.
c. Business ignorance is a form of passive deception because the businessman is unable to
provide the customer with the complete information he needs to make a fair decision.

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