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Name : Maria Fatima NIM : 181214005

Progress Test – Psikobel

The instructions are as follows :
1. Provide explanations of each attribute and mention the sources.
 Self – regulation
Self – regulation theory (SRT). SRT is defined as a system of conscious personal
management that helps us control what we think, say and do. It assists us in becoming
the person we want to be, in both short- and long-term situations.

 Self – efficacy
Self-efficacy is the belief that you can succeed in a specific area of your life. Self-efficacy
involves believing in your ability to go through the steps necessary to produce the desired
outcome. For example, if you want to run a marathon, you'll have to run consistently, eat
right, and follow through on stretching and strength to keep yourself injury-free. If you
believe that you can do all of those things, then you have a high self-efficacy.
Source :
 Self – attribution
Self-attribution refers to the process through which people determine the antecedents
and consequences of their behaviors. Because people do not have access to their internal
states—attitudes, beliefs, emotions, motives, traits—they must infer these from
observations of their behaviors and the situational contexts in which they occurred.
Source :
 Self – determination
Self-determination theory is concerned with people's inherent and innate tendencies
and psychological needs. The research on self-determination theory evolved from
research on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. extrinsic motivation is motivation
promoted by factors external to the individual. Individuals who are extrinsically
motivated work on tasks because they believe that participation will result in desirable
outcomes such as rewards or praise. intrinsic motivation refers to motivation to engage in
an activity for its own sake.

Source :

 Self – actualization
Self-actualization is one of the aspects of subjective experience that Maslow examined in
their studies. Maslow described self-actualization as striving for one’s reaching and
fulfilling own potential. The psychological profile of self-actualized people consists of two
dimensions as openness to experience (being aware of one’s emotions, having insight,
empathy, and healthy interpersonal relations) and reference to self (being responsible
for oneself, having a well-developed ethical understanding, and self-esteem, expressing
oneself cognitively, emotionally and not being too much sensitive to other people’s ideas,
influences, and criticisms).

2. Make a short reflective essay. You can use the following questions as starters:
How do you cope in this unfortunate situation as a learner?
How does this situation influence your motivation and engagement in learning this
How do you motivate yourself in learning?

Not much activity can be done in a situation like this. Moreover, COVID-19 has killed many
people. All activities are done temporarily at home. The government made a policy, asking the
people to stay at home to keep their distance from each other. Of course, this situation affects
motivation and learning this semester. For me, there must be wisdom behind all this. Despite
online learning, the enthusiasm for learning remains and provides a new atmosphere. This
situation requires me to be more motivated. Self-regulation learning is a self-regulated learning
activity that activates the mind, motivation, and behavior to achieve its learning goals. Learning
activities like this require a strong will. The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak provides great learning
to be more diligent and foster a spirit of struggle to focus more on the task, by minimizing the
temptations from outside, for example, the desire to get out of the house, even though there is
no urgent interest. Online learning requires that I focus more and feel at home to stay at home
and train myself to continue to enjoy working on assignments. Although I have motivated myself
to focus more on learning, there are still external factors that influence. For example, a small
commotion made by housemates, music and loud laughter interrupts mind concentration. In
situations like this do not make me discouraged to activate the mind, motivate myself and
behavior. Usually, I give in more and take the middle way to keep working on my assignments,
keep quiet and reflect. There are three things done in the current situation.
 Self-observation
Observing the extent of my current learning without lecturers and friends. I became more
relaxed and less demanding to immediately do the work.
 The process of self-assessment
The process of self-assessment makes me more competent in evaluating myself by not
making many others as a reason to not be enthusiastic in learning. Minding my own
project makes me more focused and prioritize something more important, by also paying
attention to the interests of others in need. It’s not easy to do because there are still
many weaknesses that make me less interested in learning. For example delaying work,
being lazy, and multitasking.
 Self-reaction
A person responds positively and negatively to a behavior depending on how the
behavior appears influenced by personal standards. This self-reaction becomes a liaison
before self-reinforcement (reward) or self-punishment is applied. When I feel guilty for
wasting time and self-motivation decreases, I give space to myself, dare to make mistakes
and try to motivate myself by studying a little seriously and trying to give a calm reaction
so that the home situation remains harmonious.

Use the explanations on motivation and learning attributes to analyze your learning.

Thank you Miss Mita

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