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What's the point of being successful to the world but unsuccessful to yourself?

Fastest way to change the world is to grow yourself.

Innovation begins when you challenge what you are absolutely sure is true

If you want to use your life to change the world, it all begins within

Cut your excuses in half and double your actions around your goals.

Small steps are big steps. Little decisions can, over time, cause stunningly wonderful

Failure is nothing more than the inevitable outcome of a few small acts of daily neglect
performed consistently over time.

You’ll never change the world if you’re worried about being liked.

Every day brings challenges to those who dare, risk, and push the envelope.

15 years to really get this one: install an amazing team and you'll have an amazing
company. Automatically.

An exceptional life isn't the result of lucky breaks but excellent choices.

A-performers rarely have a Plan B.

Mastery rarely calls for half-measures

Why play small when you're designed for big?

The ordinary person spends their best hours on entertainment. The extraordinary person
spends them on self-education

You dishonour yourself when you play small with your talent.

Clinging to safety is more dangerous than doing your dream.

To go where your dreams live, explore where your fears lie.

If you're the biggest thinker you know, maybe it's time to know some new people

Those who are weak of faith in their mission will see little or no results on their
Better to fail at living your best life, than win at living someone else's.

If you’re not failing regularly, you’re definitely not making much progress.

You can't get to your next best self clinging to who you were yesterday.

Taking a risk once and hoping you'll grow fearless is like going to the gym once and
hoping you'll get fit

Don't just set goals. Do goals

Less excuses, more results. Less distraction, more focus. Less me, more we.

"Challenge, conflict, confusion and uncertainty are beautifully orchestrated vehicles for
our growth." (pg 56 of "The Greatness Guide 2")

Life wants us to win. We just need to step out of our own way.

The less applause you demand, the more applause you'll receive.

The moment I learned a lot, I realized how little I knew.

Success is created through the performance of a few small daily disciplines that stack up
over time to produce achievements.

"Failure is nothing more than the inevitable outcome of a few small acts of daily
neglect performed consistently over time so that they take you past the point of no

(From page 37 of "The Leader Who Had No Title")

None of us can do everything but each of us can do something.

Those who withhold praise for others are often those who have withheld praise for

“Commit to being breathtakingly great in all you do. And that’s what you’ll become.”
(From page 121 of “The Greatness Guide”)
Make the faith of your "can" so much bigger than the strength of your "can't".

To live for a cause bigger than yourself is to really get to live.

Have the guts to fight for your dreams. If people mock them - great. That means they're
great dreams.

Complacency is the enemy of creativity.

Having the courage to challenge what you're sure is true is the beginning of growth.

Why worry about the past when you have a perfect future in front of you?

No one can beat a person who refuses to lose.

One of life's finest joys is doing nice things for nice people.

The swiftest way to see the best in others is to own the best within yourself.

Mastery postponed never gets done.

The seduction of safety is more dangerous than the commitment to uncertainty.

“Success is the result of a delicate balance between making things happen and letting
things happen.” (Pg 88 of “The Greatness Guide 2”)

“By infusing leadership into everything you do and each thing you touch, you can live
remarkably.” (Pg 40 of “The Leader Who Had No Title”)

Doing the difficult things that you've never done awakens the talents you never knew you

Capacity, audacity and tenacity will take you to your mountaintop

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts.

As you meet your limits, your limits will expand.

The easiest thing is rarely the best thing.

Give, don't take. Grow, don't stagnate. Lead -- Never follow.

Genius isn't the realm of awesome ideas. It's the realm of getting them done.

Being creative is one of our deepest hungers. Do you leverage each day to grow the
Creative within you?
The daily choices you make makes your life.

In a world of so much negativity, be a game-changing force of positivity.

“Success on the outside begins with success on the inside.” (From page 125 of “The Monk
Who Sold His Ferrari”)

Practicing your weaknesses just makes them stronger.

The moment we lose hope, we've lost everything.

What this game's really about is using each day as a platform to express your greatness.

"Keeping your cool in a moment of crisis can save you years of pain and anguish." (From
page 79 of “Who Will Cry When You Die”)

Potential unexpressed turns to pain.

Job of the leader is to build more leaders.

Victims talk about problems and people. Leaders talk about ideas and dreams.

The secret of happiness is doing something that helps others.

Genius resides in seeing what everyone's seeing yet thinking what no one's thinking.

Happiness is the child of helpfulness.

Driving faster along the wrong road slows you down.

Things that don't go as planned are not "failures". They are all "instruction"

Leaders Without a Title turn misfortune into fortune and lead into gold.

One eye on the moment and the other on the mountaintop is the mark of the master.

Ordinary people watch time. Exceptional people leverage time.

You just can't afford to wait another day to become the person you've always dreamed of

peak performance without deep recovery leads to poor performance

While the average person is whining, the amazing person is winning.

Why waste time when you're built to change the world?

If not now, then when? If not you, then who?

You have genius within you and it needs to come out for you to live truly.

When we waste our time, our time wastes us.

A problem only becomes a problem when we choose to see it as a problem.

Leadership's not a title, it's a behavior.

"Happiness is all about gaining a sense of proportion and perspective." (From page 69 of
"The Greatness Guide 2")

Turn your wounds into wisdom and your stumbling blocks into stepping stones.

Before sending/saying anything, ask "will this make the person feel bigger or smaller?"
If smaller, don't do it.

To keep going when you feel like quitting is to rise to the realm of your heroes

Your limits are liars. Your fears are thieves

Be a lion, not a sheep, a victor, not a victim, and a leader versus a follower.

Visualization without execution is delusion.

Defeat only happens when you stop believing.

See your life as a giant adventure. Keep pushing the envelope and remember that every
dream starts off small.

Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.

“The person who tries to do everything accomplishes nothing.” (From page 198 of “The
Greatness Guide”)

The beautiful thing about setbacks is, they introduce us to our strengths.

Be willing to do what’s hard now to enjoy what’s beautiful later.

When your moment arrives, will you be prepared to notice it?

Why waste time when you're built to change the world?

Without a passion for discipline, the most beautiful of dreams have zero value.

Gratitude is the antidote to misery.

Vision without passion leads to frustration.

Why resist change when it's the main source of your growth?

To live greatly, you must risk greatly. If you only take small risks, you are only
entitled to a small life.

The quickest way to change the game is to change your brain.

On your last day, you won't regret all you did. You'll regret all you didn't do. So do
it now.

What makes mastery is your guts to stay with your goal longer than the world says you

The great beauty of my life is watching you turn your fear into faith and your dreams
into results.

"With a healthy dose of inspiration, you will quickly raise your life to a whole new
plane of living." (Pg 29 "Who Will Cry When You Die")

The place where your greatest frustration lives is the place where your biggest
opportunity lies.

The creativity and excellence in you aches for expression.

Your current conditions are echoes of your past choices.

Real leadership involves breaking through the limits of your mind and stepping into the
strengths of your spirit.

"Sometimes, when everyone else is waiting for someone else to take the first step, you
need to be the one to drive the change."

Greatness postponed never gets expressed

Clinging to safety is more dangerous than doing your dream.

The way you begin each day defines how you’ll live each day.

Take back your power by doing the things that frighten you.

"The Great Ones among us can never be held back." (From page 54 of "The Greatness Guide

The things that get scheduled are the things that get done.

The secret of happiness is helpfulness.

Life's short. Be nice.

Learning is the ultimate competitive advantage.

If today's not better than yesterday then we're going backward and not moving forward.

What is life if not to uplift others?

Why follow the crowd when you can be yourself?

Without music my life's just black and white.

Heroism is made in hard times. Not during easy ones.

How elegantly you manage disappointment will determine how quickly you'll experience

Please believe in you even when no one believes in you.

My awesome Dad on success at dinner 2 nights ago: "speak less. eat less. sleep less."

"I'm way too busy" just means "I can't say no to the unimportant."

"Make wiser choices about the thoughts you will allow to enter your mind." (From page
130 of "Who Will Cry When You Die?")

If it's not messy, it's not real growth.

Few things are as foolish as hoping old behaviors will somehow present new results.

I've grown the most from my most painful experiences. And so, I see them as gifts.

Positive thinking without excellent doing is the pursuit of delusionists.

Mastery has a bit to do with natural talent and a lot to do with ferocious practice.

The key to winning is beginning.

The key to time management is really thought management isn't it?

"I'm too busy" just means "I can't say no to the unimportant".

"Awaken yourself to the power of your own mind to make things happen." (From page 65 of
"The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari")

Outer success is a reflection of mindset development.

"It's fine to be content, but never be satisfied." (From page 32 of "The Leader Who Had
No Title")

Success is never deserved. Success is always earned.

Productivity begins with the bravery to say no.

Your greatness was meant to be shared with the world. Not hidden within yourself.

The ordinary person strokes their ego. The exceptional person polishes their craft.

If you're not failing a lot you're not doing very much.

The pessimist focuses on what’s wrong. The optimist on what’s right. And the visionary on
what’s next.

You can be busy being busy. Or you can be productive. You can't be both.

Less talk, more do. Less criticism, more celebration. Less fear, more faith. Less busy,
more results. Less negative, more positive...bye.

Be a giver not a taker. A supporter not a critic.

The saddest thing is the world is talent left on the table of feeble excuses.

The easiest thing to do is rarely the best thing to do.

There's no such thing as a person without epic potential. Just people who haven't
glimpsed their epic potential.

Why follow when you can lead? And why make excuses when you can win?

Focus on being superb at what you do and, over time, you will be known as remarkable.

Your were born into fearlessness, but the world might have taught you to fear.

"The starting point of moving to mastery is to raise the expectations you set for
yourself." (From page 66 of "The Leader Who Had No Title")
Together, we're growing a movement. Of people who Lead Without a Title, uplift others
and model mastery to the world.

Ordinary people have big TVs. Extraordinary people have big libraries.

Fight for your dreams. Stand for your ideals. That's what all of The Great Ones do.

Take the time to think about your own version of success.

When you see yourself as a powerful creator of your conditions, you'll see opportunities
to get to your goals...

A giant key to winning lies in beginning.

I was skiing this past week. Gorgeous snow. Lots of sun. Precious moments.

Trying to refuel after the big tour...

But one morning I witnessed something that broke my heart...

...a woman, who was clearly a beginner, was having trouble getting onto the chairlift.
She was with her son and just couldn't get the hang of it...

...she looked embarrassed...and a little beaten.

There were a group of men behind me. Mature people, I thought. Seasoned skiers, for

And they started ridiculing her! Out loud. Calling her an amateur. Making fun of her
attire. Saying things like "hey, take your time--we have nothing else to do" and "nice
backpack you have on there."

It was incredible. To see such rudeness. Such insensitivity. Such uncompassion for this
woman who needed help (and was being helped by the lift guards...known as "lifties" to
those of us who adore skiing).

I just couldn't believe how these humans operated. Bad manners. Zero decency. Pure mean.

This scene has stayed with me for two days.

It just has me thinking about the good and not so great in the world right now. And it
fired me up to write the following 10 Simple Rules for Being Nice.

Please read them, study them and–above all else–practice them… Rule #1: Think about
others before you think about yourself. Rule #2: Say “please”. Rule #3: Say “thank you”.
Rule #4: Smile. Rule #5: Say “sorry” when you need to say “sorry”. Rule #6: Turn off
your phone when you eat with your family. Rule #7: Be on time. No, be early. Rule #8:
Radiate optimism and make people feel good. Rule #9: Keep your promises. Rule #10: Be
humble. - See more at:

Positive thinking without excellent doing is the pursuit of delusionists

"See the opportunity for learning and personal evolution amidst a seeming setback."
(From page 78 of "The Greatness Guide")

Trust your instincts. Live your values. Pursue your own dreams

The excuses we make destroy the results we deserve.

"Turbulent times build great leaders." (From page 86 of "The Leader Who Had No Title")

Fears unfaced become your limits.

If you want to use your life to change the world, it all begins within.

Your outer life is a mirror of your inner life.

The secret of passion is knowing your daily purpose.

You'll never regret spending the rest of your life becoming the finest person you know.

Make every single day a platform for you to get stronger

To have what few have, do what few do.

You rarely go wrong when you trust yourself

The great and glorious legacy of a human being is to live with purpose.

Life's short. Go full out.

The best thing to do is rarely the easiest thing to do.

The beginning of greatness is not caring what others think of you.

Fame is fleeting. Being yourself lasts forever.

You can change the world or you can worry about fitting in, but you just can't do both.

Until your mission is an obsession, nothing will change in your life.

Have the discipline to clean out all the energy-draining people in your life.

The beginner does what's easy. The master does what's important.

It's those pursuits that are hardest to achieve that deliver the greatest sense of

You empower everything you complain about. You strengthen the negative things you speak
Success isn't something that occurs. Success is something that you create.

Doing the unbelievable just means working a little harder and staying with it a little

Doing what's right never goes out of style

No tactic will work until you have the guts to DO the work.

Rather than measuring your success by the things you get, please measure it by the people
you help.

"I’ll try" is a failure strategy... Not a success methodology.

Elite productivity is more about what you have the discipline to say no to versus what
you say yes to.

In the battle of egos, both competitors lose.

Why curse change when it has come to make your transformation?

An addiction to distraction is the death of creative production.

Long to create, ache to produce, live to serve.

Few things create as much regret at the end as your great potential left unrealized.

Messes create distraction. And distraction reduces your power to achieve every goal you

Picasso didn't wait until he was Picasso to perform like Picasso.

To the go-getter, a day without learning is like a day without breathing.

Focus on the projects that will get you closer to where you want to be at the end of the

The quality of your practice determines the caliber of your performance.

Start your day while the rest of the world is sleeping.

You can’t stand in gratitude if you’re stuck in victimhood.

Have the boldness to go into your industry and create value that has never been created.

The more powerful choices you make, the more powerful your choices become.

Intelligence is learning new ideas. Wisdom is acting on them.

If you're not scared a lot, you're not growing very much.

Just because your past may not have been perfect, doesn't mean that your future can't be

Become one of the rare people who don't know how to quit.

If you have average people, you'll have an average company. To have a great company,
hire and coach great people.

Success is less about luck and more about practice.

Focus monomaniacally on your single biggest opportunity

I'm reading a bunch of great books that I'm learning a lot from including "Superbrain"
and "Daily Rituals".

I so love learning. One idea read on one page can completely change the game! My home's
FILLED with book and books and books...

Please share the best book on peak performance/productivity/positive mindset that you've
read recently so we all can learn. Thanks + be GREAT. Robin

Start your day while the rest of the world is sleeping.

Negative feedback can make us bitter or better.

Until your mission is an obsession, nothing will change in your life

Today I wanted to share 4 of the "brain tattoos" that have been creating exceptional
results for members of my online courses as well as participants at my live
presentations around the world.

By reflecting on them daily, re-writing them in your journal and talking about them
consistently, you'll wire them in as new core beliefs...

...and as you know: your deepest beliefs drive your daily behavior.

Brain Tattoo #1: No idea works unless you do the work.

--A lot of winning starts with beginning. Ideas are awesome but you absolutely must start
the process of acting on the ideas you learn to get the results. Otherwise, it's all just
a fantasy.

Brain Tattoo #2: All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the

--Often, we start to install a new habit and then quickly retreat on the first sign of
discomfort. But please remember that our growth--and mastery--is built around our
discomfort, not our ease.

--Change is hard at the beginning as you tear away old patterns and ways of being. And
then it gets messy as you've let go of all you were yesterday for the sake of someone
even better tomorrow. But--after 66 days (remember The 66 Day Rule of habit installation
based on the recent research at University College London), you've reached automaticity.
And the habit becomes automatic.

Brain Tattoo #3: The finest way to get respect is to give respect.

--This one got about 12,000 likes on my Facebook page within hours after I posted it. So
it strikes some chord.

--It also speaks to a beautiful truth: treat people incredibly well and you'll give them
a reason to treat you incredibly well.

Brain Tattoo #4: To have what few have, do what few do.

--To rise to world-class, each of us on this path we're on must leave the cult of
mediocrity and enter The Club Of Mastery. And think, behave and live as very few are
willing to do. Yes--the world will then call us eccentric and different. But all
progress depends on those of us with the guts to pursue our own paths.

--We need to aim for iconic in our fields, sweat the details, pursue a singular vision,
be filled with optimism, passion and integrity. And be utterly devoted to our personal
development and professional education.

Let the formerly blank pages of your journal tell the excellent tale of a story called
your life.

Focus on the difference you'll make and the excellence you'll show versus what you'll
get.And you'll get all you want

Success is not derived from doing many things at mediocrity but a few things at pure

You can tell if you're leading by the trail of leaders you're leaving behind.

The starting point in leading others is learning to lead yourself.

You can't become all you're meant to be remaining who you currently are.

Your performance will expand to the size of your dreams.

Be thankful for the unexpected. It carries the seeds of growth and greater excellence.

Smarter to focus on quality versus speed.

Critics are scared souls who get frightened when others shine
Deliver more value than you are paid to deliver.

Defining yourself by what you have is dangerous. Defining yourself by all you are is

Your external actions broadcast your internal beliefs.

Keep the whole purpose of your life the sole purpose in your life.

A time of no challenges and problems is a time of no advancement and growth

Everything that scares you is an opportunity to know your best self better.

Winning comes from the implementation, not from the ideation.

Passion transforms the impossible into the possible

The things that get scheduled are the things that get done.

Self-doubt is the genius killer.

Go to your edges and your bigness will appear.

Shine a light on the talents of others and you'll step into the gifts of yourself.

Don’t ask for respect. Earn it.

If you’re not running for mastery, you’ve accepted too much mediocrity.

It's Saturday morning where I live and i'm thinking of you--how I can inspire you more,
create even richer value for you and be of even more service.

So I wanted to share one of the simplest and most powerful tactics I teach at my live
events like "The 48 Hour Transformation" coming up this June.
Inspiration is great fuel for your dreams. But you need tactics to execute them....

The Tactic: "The Daily 5 Protocol".

--first, please remember that small daily wins done over time lead to genius-level
results (Kobe Bryant practiced religiously like Kobe Bryant before he ever became Kobe
Bryant; remember Anders Ericsson's famous 10 year Rule--it takes 10 years of practice
before the FIRST signs of genius).

--ok: so then all you do is set 5 small goals every morning between 5-6 am (when you are
most focused and your unconscious mind is most set to do what your conscious brain tells
it to do...and PLEASE remember that the brain will never do what it thinks it can't do).

--don't go to sleep until your Daily 5 are done. We're wiring in willpower into the pre-
frontal cortex of your brain here. You need to stay with these 5 goals until they are
done. Yes, it will be hard at first but with dedication it'll become a new habit as your
self-discipline muscles become more muscular.

--5 little victories each day lead to 150 wins in a month. And 150 a month lead to 1850
in a year.

--it's simple not possible for this not to be your best year yet if you achieved 1850
meaningful, focused and important little wins.

--even more key is the discipline, focus, grit, mastery and patience you'll develop
mentally and personall achieving 1850 little wins in 12 months.

Run "The Daily 5 Protocol" for the next 14 days. Measure the value of my technique after

Oh--please share YOUR Daily 5 right here now so you start this new habit and also so you
inspire all 650,000 of us!

Examples: #1. Run 30 minutes #2. Watch another module of the online course I signed up
for on productivity #3. Write a thank you note to my best client #4. Family meal tonight
at 7 pm #5. Write in my journal this evening.

Be great. Robin

Deliver more value than you are paid to deliver.

Set to create a project or initiate a change but not sure where to start? Just start
exactly where you don't know where to start!

Your external actions broadcast your internal beliefs.

Why resist change when it's the main source of your growth?

Defining yourself by what you have is dangerous. Defining yourself by all you are is

A time of no challenges and problems is a time of no advancement and growth

You'll find more treasure in your blue oceans than within your safe harbors

As your career gets nearer to the stars, keep your feet closer to the ground.

Critics are a dime a dozen. Real encouragers are one in a million. Be one :)

This morning listened to the audiobook "Superbrain": "the brain can't do what it thinks
it can't do." confirms the power of your beliefs.
"The humble improve." Wynton Marsalis

Integrity is more valuable than income.

Great achievement always requires great sacrifice.

To be successful in business and life, spot the possibilities while others look for

The best way to grow strong? Keep self-promises.

Today's moves reveal tomorrow's results.

You can't share any success stories until you LET GO of your victim stories.

Having talent is fantastic. Having confidence is even more important.

Every visionary was reviled before they were revered and ridiculed before they were

Our job is to give hope to the hopeless, inspiration to the complacent and encouragement
to the discouraged.

What you intend shapes what you become. So make it a commitment, today, to be

Average people talk about people. Exceptional people discuss their dreams.

Be stronger than expected. And kinder than anticipated.

Focus is more valuable than IQ. Discipline's more valuable than talent.

Why accept average when you can become iconic?

Success comes from believing in you when no one believes in you.

Care less about the number of followers you have and more about the number of lives you

Please don't allow the beauty of your brilliance to be overcome by the darkness of your

The ordinary are paid to do their work. The extraordinary are paid to master their

How can we champion the best within others when we haven't even noticed the gifts in

Persistence gets you farther than brilliance.

You can be a complainer or you can be an achiever but you can't be both.

Do hard things. That's where your growth and progress live.

Our days can be brilliant teachers. Our weeks can be intelligent lessons.

It doesn't matter where you start. Only that you begin.

Make your faith larger than your fears and your dreams bigger than your doubts.

The real secret to getting things done is knowing what things need to be left undone.

Mastery presents itself on the outside but begins on the inside.

Great to be graceful when all's going well. Show us how cool you are when it's all
falling apart

To have the results that only few have, be willing to do the things that only few have
the discipline to do.

Leadership's no longer about the size of your title but the strength of your impact.

Innovation begins when you challenge what you are absolutely sure is true.

Every moment in front of another human being is an opportunity to express your highest
values and best self.

The jealousy we feel for others reflects the success we've not owned for ourselves.

Every so-called 'mistake' is a rich source of learning.

Our mission on Earth? Easy. Give hope to the hopeless, encouragement to the discouraged
and inspiration to the uninspired.

Why hide your talent in the closet of complacency when you have greatness within you?
We build epic lives by focusing on constructing excellent days.

If your dream isn't big enough to scare you a bit, it's too small.

Reminder: The pessimist focuses on what's wrong. The optimist on what's right. And the
visionary on what's next.

Do real work versus fake work. Be productive versus busy,

Never lose the sparkle in your eye, the fire in your belly and the steel in your

Success is not an inherited trait but an earned result. Go create it!

Fearlessness is built by the daily doing of things that frighten you.

"To me, the risks of playing with possibility are always better than the heartbreak of
'what could have been.'"

Every problem is an opportunity to generate better solutions.

Become one of the rare people who don't know how to quit.

Within you lives a heart that beats, a power that begs to be used, talent that longs to be
exploited + a purpose that asks to be expressed...

Keep the whole purpose of your life the sole purpose in your life.

Discipline is built in the daily doing of difficult things....

...Just arrived in my hotel room here in Chennai to this very generous platter! Talk
about temptation after all the flights. Instead I hit the gym

En route to Bahrain for tomorrow's event. It was hard to leave the Seychelles earlier
today given the beauty and the people.
Wrote for hours in my journal on the plane to record the experiences, deepen my learning
and capture the gratitude.
Keeping a journal for so many years has has helped my personal development more than I
could ever express. Sending very best wishes. Robin

Thinking: patience is a virtue when it comes to people but a weakness when it comes to
getting brave dreams done.
Thanks to everyone who showed up at today's event in Hyderabad. Deeply grateful. Next
stop is Chennai (sorry--all 750 seats are sold out).

Without patience, there can be no genius

The discomfort of change is better than the heartbreak of complacency

Every moment in front of another human being is your chance to change the world.

Luck has a way of celebrating the persistent.

Our lives reflect what we’ve settled for.

Hope looks good on paper. But what creates greatness is focus, dedication and hard work.

Criticism is fear’s attempt to stop bravery.

Fearlessness is built via the daily doing of frightening things.

Creativity's just seeing what all see and thinking what no one else thinks.

The goals you don't set reveal the dreams you don't do.

Sunset in the Seychelles. I'm on a rest stop on this tour. This place is Paradise.
I hope you dream big, release excuses and elevate the world.
Next event is Bahrain the Hyderabad and Chennai. Then Barcelona--much love and massive
respect. Robin

The bigger the dream, the more important the team

Break an old pattern = Start a new habit

To lead is to serve. To live is to give.

Your response to failure determines the height of your success.

The finest way to be more respected is to deliver more respect.

No idea will ever work if you don't have the guts to do the work.

The job of the leader is to build more leaders

Less talk and more do. Less telling us what you'll do and more showing us your world-
class results.

To lead is to serve. To win is to be helpful.

Peak productivity is mostly about doing fewer things a lot better

Why stand for 'not bad' when you're destined for 'exceptionally good'?
Victims get scared by change. Leaders grow inspired by it.

Gratitude is the antidote to fear.

The only opinion that matters is what you think about you.

The way you start your day drives how brilliantly you live it. Winning starts at your

Why cling to safety when you've been built to be great?

If it's not messy, it's not progress.

Don't be so busy focusing on your mountaintop that you neglect to celebrate how far
you've climbed.

Care more than necessary so you can deliver more than expected

The time you waste today is the time you'll miss at the end.

Turbulent times build great leaders.

Sometimes you have to get off track to discover a better track.

Cut your excuses in half and double the action you take.

The way to find meaning at work is to find the meaning in your work.

"The only place you'll reach if you follow the crowd is the exit." (From page 50 of "The
Greatness Guide")

Ideation without execution is delusion.

As you know more, you can start to see around corners.

Willpower doesn't work. Rituals work.

Success is not gifted. It's EARNED. Via a ferocious work ethic and a ton of passion,
focus and excellence

Defeat only happens when you stop believing

Your days are your life in miniature.

No idea will ever work until you have the guts to do the work.

When you most feel like giving up is when you most need to be keeping on.

When you control your thoughts, you control your mind. When you control your mind, you
control your life.

Sometimes our assumptions are screaming so loudly we can't hear the truth.

Sometimes you have to get off track to discover a better track

Cut your excuses in half and double the action you take

The way to find meaning at work is to find the meaning in your work

"The only place you'll reach if you follow the crowd is the exit." (From page 50 of "The
Greatness Guide")
Ideation without execution is delusion

As you know more, you can start to see around corners.

Willpower doesn't work. Rituals work.

A problem is only a problem when seen as a problem.

If you're not lifting others up, you're bringing people down.

The hardest part of winning? Starting

The quality of your performance reflects the caliber of your practice.

Rough seas make stronger sailors. Tough times build greater people

Don't use the hardships of your past as excuses to deny the possibilities of your future.

To go where your dreams live, explore where your fears lie.

Today's focus: Fill your brain with giant dreams so there's no space for petty pursuits

How elegantly you manage disappointment will determine how quickly you'll experience

We don't procrastinate because we're busy. We procrastinate because we're scared.

Every dawn brings with it the corresponding opportunity to begin a completely new life.

Simplify your life. Strip away all that is unimportant. Then focus, focus, focus.

Life's greatest tragedy is an obsession with mediocrity.

Risk more than required. Learn more than normal. Give more than expected

"Who you are on the inside is reflected by the way you perform on the outside." From
page 75 of "The Leader Who Had No Title"

A dedication to Mastery starts with a devotion to learning. Agree?

If you're not growing more leaders, you are not leading. You're just following

Want more passion? Pursue a larger purpose.

To become greater, become humbler.

If you're not bravely dreaming, you're not fully living.

The smallest of actions is always more beautiful than the largest of intentions.

If you're not bravely dreaming, you're not fully living

Never run away from what will help you grow and step into your greatness, no matter how
uncomfortable it makes you feel.

"Love what you have. And then go for what you want." - From page 73 of "The Greatness

How's 2014 shaping up for you so far? Epic and legendary...or...average and just busy
being busy?
If you don't change course now, we both know that this year will be a clone of last year.
Can you really afford to let that happen when you deserve SO much more?

Focus is more valuable than intelligence. Concentration is richer than money

Be a lion, not a sheep. A victor not a victim. And a GIVER--never a taker. Best wishes
from Zurich.

Go where your fears live to discover where your power lies

The real risk lies in riskless living.

The more choices you make during your day, the less willpower you'll have for the
choices that are really important. So build each day around a few smart choices.

The difference between a great life and an average one comes down to how swiftly you
respond to the windows of opportunity that show up from time to time...

The beautiful thing about fear is, when you run to it, it runs away

The ultimate measure of our lives will be the people we have helped and the talents we
have expressed.

If it's not messy and confusing, it's not real growth.

"It's impossible to build a tribute to success on a foundation of excuses." (From page 50

of "The Leader Who Had No Title")

Back home after the tour. Thanks again to all the media, our much-appreciated partners
and of course to everyone who filled the events in Zagreb, Nairobi, Bahrain, Chennai and

3 simple goals I'd love you to achieve today:

#1. Pick one area of your work where your "growth-edge" lies and go do that activity so
you make some progress versus become stuck.

#2. Find 60 minutes to study and learn. Right now I'm learning from the book "subliminal
how your unconscious mind rules your behaviour" (fascinating). Remember: to double your
success, 3X your investment in books, audios, online courses and conferences.

#3. Make someone feel phenomenal. Yes--this is a simple one yet rarely practiced. Just
look for someone doing their work well in a coffee shop or in a restaurant for example.
Tell them you appreciate their excellence and that you think they're awesome...

...yes, they'll think you're strange. and yes, you'll make their day.

Ok. Go be amazing today! ...with boundless respect. Robin

P.S. I'm getting a lot of requests for information about my annual 2 day live program
"The 48 Hour Transformation". I'll let you know when I open registration but for now,
please mark the dates on your calendar: June 7+8 in Toronto. Seating will be limited and
the content will be fresh and new (and designed to revolutionize the way you think, feel
and perform).

See you in Toronto and I can't wait to share 2 days of my life with you!

Sun rise. New day. Next airplane. Chance to make a difference.

When I left for this tour, my father said: "Robin, help people." And that is my great
wish for you this day.

In the end--life's simplest blessings turn out to be life's best joys. Savour them. Go be
great today...uplift people/do beautiful work/grow a little and have some fun! Best
wishes from Barcelona!

Speak your truth even when your voice shakes. And do what's important--even when it makes
you scared:

Give, don't take. Grow, don't stagnate. Lead--never follow

Take back your power by doing the things that frighten you

The finest way to elevate your life is to develop your self:

To your last breath, don't give up on your dreams, don't lose sight of your potential and
never let a hopeless person into your head.

"How high you will rise in your life will be determined not by how hard you work but by
how well you think."

From page 58 of "Who Will Cry When You Die?"

Your mindset drives your performance. And your performance determines your results. Get
your focus, thinking and self-confidence to epic levels and watch your success rise into
rare air.

Your current conditions are echoes of your past.

The same old choices will never deliver bold new results. #begreat

"The more time you spend in your discomfort zone, the more your comfort zone will

(From page 101 of "The Leader Who had No Title")

Life's great heartbreak is arriving at the end and realizing you could have been great
but settled for average.

Stop being an echo of the beliefs and the lives of the people around you. Have the
bravery to run your own race, be true to your own values and live the life your own
heart says you need to live

Speak your truth even when your voice shakes. And do what's important--even when it makes
you scared:

Bud Tribble of Apple came up with the term Reality Distortion Field to describe Steve
Jobs' ability to bend reality so that everyone around him believed the impossible.

My gentle suggestion is that you model Steve Jobs and practice the ability of creating
your own Reality Distortion Field. So that you bend the world to your own vision. And so
that you positively influence the people around you to do things they've never imagined
they could do

The quickest way to get to your freedom is to walk into your fears.

"This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a
mighty one. Being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of
ailments and grievances, complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you
happy. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. Life is no brief candle to me. It is a
sort of splendid torch, which I have got hold of for the moment and I want to make it
burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations." - George
Bernard Shaw

This is one of my favorite quotes. It has guided me through bright times as well as
through hard ones. And it reminds me about the shortness of life. And how important it is
to reach for our best--as well as our hopes
Failure is nothing more than greatness waiting to happen.

Einstein was told he wasn't smart. Stephen King's iconic thriller "Carrie" was rejected
30 times. And the great painter Van Gogh only sold one painting in his lifetime--and that
was to a friend.

Genius is more about persistence than talent.

Every day's a precious platform to unleash more of your potential...and leave the world
better than you found it!

Have the bravery to cut free from the herd

What makes mastery is your guts to stay with your goal longer than the world says you

Better to fail at living your best life than win at living someone else's:

I'd rather fail at being my best self than be a genius at living someone else's life.

The art of winning lives in never feeling that you've won. Stay humble. Stay dedicated:

To have the results very few have, you must begin to live as very few do

The Seduction of safety is more dangerous than the pursuit of uncertainty.

Find that piece of breathtaking work that you'll release out into the world to get them
speaking about your artistry

Have the bravery to run your own race, be true to your own values & live the life your
heart says you need to live

Be a lion, not a sheep, a victor not a victim and a leader versus a follower

Pursue your dreams versus the dreams society suggests we should choose:

If you're the most talented person on your street, maybe it's time to find a new street:

The ordinary person pursues the income. The exceptional person does it for the impact.

Leaning into fear is actually safer than clinging to safety

Your environmental influences affect your mindset, personal power, confidence,

productivity, and creativity

Greatness has less to do with your circumstances and more to do with your thinking. Make
today incredible.
The person who tries to do everything achieves very little

Bend the world to your own audacious hopes, goals and dreams

Your excuses are just the lies your fears have sold you:
Critics are just dreamers who got scared and gave up

A gorgeous life is one long experiment in doing what we are afraid to be doing.

If you're the most talented person on your street, maybe it's time to find a new street:

Rather than trying to achieve one bold act of greatness, focus on a daily symphony of
supertiny successes. Over time, they'll definitely lead you to greatness:

Leave The Echo Chamber. Thinking for yourself. Live by your values. And pursue your
dreams versus the dreams society suggests we should choose. It's your life--no one else's

You were born into genius. Please don't ever allow yourself to fall into mediocrity:
When we were kids, we longed to do amazing things with out lives. To reach, dare, excel.
And serve.
But with the dazzling distractions and the voices of critics, many of us have forgotten
our power. And given away our bigness.

"Without having seen the Sistine Chapel, it's not possible to have an idea of what one
person is capable of doing." - Goethe

When you find YOUR Sistine Chapel, the main masterpiece to dedicate your life to, your
talent+gifts+passion comes to life.

The words you use construct the life you live.

To the go-getter, a day without learning is like a day without breathing.

Please don't live the same year 80 times and call it a life..

Fast tip: never go anywhere without paper or a smartphone with you to capture a game-
changing idea. The best ones leave as swiftly as they arrive. Capture them. Because that
makes them real.

Remember that every brilliant idea was first considered crazy before it was revered

To experience power we've never had, we need to be doing the things we've never done.

First become joyful and that will make you successful.

You can have an amazing life or you can be surrounded by toxic people, but you cannot
have both:

A gorgeous life is one long experiment in doing what we are afraid to be doing.

One of the swiftest ways to grow your business is to CRUSH your fitness.

More fit=more focus, drive, passion + energy to do all goals T: @sid_ool:

@_robin_sharma how is fitness related to business sir?
A lot of people are asking when i'll write my next book. I'm waiting to come alive with
an idea that really inspires me to write again...

...the one at the top of my list is a book on how to get up at 5 am so you live a great

So...i'm curious...would this book be helpful to you? and if so, what do you want to see
in it.

Please post your comments. Giant thanks. Robin

Greatness has less to do with your circumstances and more to do with your thinking.

Make today incredible. Robin

Think about the value of this year. If you do not make new choices, this year will be a
repeat of last year.

One of my favorite quotes is "Be yourself, everyone else is taken" by Oscar Wilde.

It speaks to the truth that our lives begin to explode into success the moment we have
the guts to be authentic, real and true to our bravest dreams.

"Life helps those who help themselves." (From page 30 of The Greatness Guide)

To the go-getter, a day without learning is like a day without breathing.

"A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable nor does the genius or the madman.
It's only you and I, with our big brains and tiny hearts who doubt and overthink and
hesitate." Steven Pressfield
The quality of our lives reflect what we think about ourselves (whether we have the
courage to see and admit that or not)...

...Our lives ultimately reflect what we've settled for...

The great news is once you fully understand this, you will then be at power to change the
way you see yourself--and your place under the sun.

So the best investment you can ever make to experience a better life is investing in
your own personal growth and expansion...and the fullest expression of your most
breathtaking gifts...

Learn how to rewire your beliefs, refine your natural talents, perform and produce like
the masters. Once you discover all these ideas and then of course start applying them
with steadfast devotion every day, you'll see incredible things start happening swiftly.

Great lives don't just are crafted, produced and created.

And a friendly/respectful reminder...Remember: no information works until YOU do the

work. And that doesn't mean once a month or even once a week--work on yourself, your new
mindset and your new habits DAILY...until you force out your old patterns and install new
ones... CAN do this...will you?

Life grows bigger when you get better...

Too many of us have been taught to play small, to live fearful lives within a zone of
mediocrity. With deep respect and encouragement, PLEASE don't buy any of this...

The truth is that you are no different from any of the greatest among us. The geniuses
and world-builders and game changers who have built our world had ordinary intelligence
and the same potential that we all had. But they had the guts to USE it.

And while the mass of humanity was busy doing distractions and chasing interruptions,
these bold souls set a vision for their lives. They did great work on a key project. They
developed their characters and talents through daily learning and study.

And when they hit a roadbloack, they didn't cry victim. They continued, even if they
were bloodied and hurt. For they realized that what makes mastery is not how you perform
when life's going your's how you behave when life's confusing and messy and

I may not know you...but i know you more than you know. I know you have special talents
that may be sleeping. And potential that you may not believe you have. Please know all
these videos I've worked so hard to produce are designed to transform you. It's my fuel
to make them to inspire and teach you what the best do so you can do them too--and get
beautiful results. The great goal of my life is to remind you of who you've been blessed
to be...a powerhouse of productivity, a vault of creativity, a wealth of health and
someone who makes a difference to many...
Being a hero isn't just about doing some grand act of bravery. Being a hero is about
making today better than yesterday. It's about going the extra mile when you feel like
giving up. It's about smiling when you're discouraged...and following through on your
goals when it's hard.

Being the hero of your life is about being uncommonly nice. It's about being a champion
versus a critic and an encourager instead of a cynic. It's about doing your work like its
the most important job in the world so you inspire everyone around you--and raise your
self-worth in the process.

Being a hero means you remember that you can make a difference. And this day is all you
have for sure.

The moment you decide to believe in you is the minute others start believing in you.

Goal-getting matters. And writing down the brave acts and bold dreams you intend to
accomplish will provide the spark to get them done.

If you really want to be world class – to be the best you can be – it comes down to
preparation and practice.

Last night I watched a documentary on Steve Jobs called One Last Thing. And I learned
something profound...

The key takeaway for me was Steve Jobs explaining in a rare interview that the world
teaches us to get a job, live a nice life and coast along quietly, creating no noise and
fitting in.

But, he continued, EVERYTHING changes the day you realize that everything in the world
was created by "someone no smarter than you"...

...and that YOU can create anything you want, once you understand that--and know what to

(video link


Picasso didn't wait until he was Picasso to perform like Picasso

The victim takes. The victor gives.

Few things create as much regret at the end as your great potential left unrealized.

If you're not scared a lot, you're not growing very much:

The beginner does what's easy

The master does what's important.

5 little goals done a day lead to 1850 goals achieved by December 31, 2014:

It's those pursuits that are hardest to achieve that deliver the greatest sense of

You empower everything you complain about. You strengthen the negative things you speak

Success isn't something that occurs. Success is something that you create.

Be unreasonable in the integrity you will live by: #BestYearYet

"I'll try to make life better this year" is NOT a success's a FAILURE

You CAN win. Just get off the fence. Just stop making excuses. Just get this done!

Speak your truth... Even if your voice shakes.

Luck has a way of celebrating the persistent.

"Innovation is saying no to 1000 things." Steve Jobs

Our tomorrow's are limited. Go be BIG today! Deal?

It never hurts to ask.

"I'll try" is a failure strategy...not a success methodology.

Your environment influences your mindset

Hope looks good on paper but doesn't work very well. Focus, devotion + action does.

Rather than measuring your success by the things you get please measure it by the people
you help.

The quality of your practice determines the caliber of your performance

Great achievement always requires great sacrifice

It all starts w belief. If you don't believe you can, you won't even start. So believe.

No tactic will work until you have the guts to DO the work!

Hope looks good on paper. But what creates greatness is focus, dedication and hard work.
Daily. Go do it. We deserve to see you fly in 2014.
Fame is fleeting. Being yourself lasts forever.

Measure your success not by the things you get but by the lives you BLESS.

If you want to be deeply respected, deeply respect as many people as possible.

You can change the world or you can worry about fitting in but you just can't do both

To have what few have, do what few do.

Better to have 3 real friends than 100,000 digital ones

Bravery is the solution to regret.

Today, rather than looking for the worst in people, I invite you to look for what's best
within them.

Positive thinking without excellent doing is the pursuit of delusionists

Do something to improve things. Anything. Start small or go big. Just do something.

Today. Now. The world will be better for it.

what i'm thinking right now: bravery is the solution to regret. sending you all green
lights . Robin

In the new world of business, the riskiest place you can be is trying to do the same
things in the same way as you've always done them.

Why curse change when it has come to make your transformation?

"Sometimes, when everyone else is waiting for someone else to take the first step, you
need to be the one to drive the change." pg 100 TGG 2

"Ideas are ultimately worthless unless you activate them with focused and consistent
action." #LWT

Better to fail while trying than to succeed at nothing. #robinsharma

Have the courage to be different. Have the boldness to go into your industry and create
value that has never been created.

An excuse is the tool our weak self uses to prevent our strongest self from reaching

When you see yourself as a powerful creator of your conditions, you'll see opportunities
to get to your goals - and dreams - all around you.

"An excellent life grows out of an authentic one." (From page 157 of "The Greatness
Guide 2")

Just because no one else believes in your dreams doesn't mean you shouldn't believe in
your dreams.

A fantastic way to boost success is just watch what most people are doing...and do the

The real key to executing flawlessly on every one of your 2014 goals is to outlearn &
outthink who you were last year
Great achievement always requires great sacrifice

The beginner does what's easy

The master does what's important.

Criticism is fear's attempt to stop bravery.

It's those pursuits that are hardest to achieve that deliver the greatest sense of

Luck has a way of celebrating the persistent.

Intelligence is learning new ideas. Wisdom is acting on them.

"Innovation is saying no to 1000 things

Ordinary people plan how to get through the day. Extraordinary people plan how to impact
the next generation.

Just don't listen to the noisy chatter of the world suggesting you are average. You are
Not! You are a giant, a lion. Built to be GREAT, express pure genius and live a life that
is no less than legendary.

In 2014, step UP. Resist your critics. Betray your limits. Be amazing. And make our
world 100X better in the process!

And please write me a postcard when you arrive at a place called world-class. I'll be
watching you fly...your fan always. Robin

Doing the unbelievable just means working a little harder and staying with it a little
longer... 2014 you CAN do this!

Life is passing. There's no better time than today to start doing the things you'll have
wished you did when you're old.

Have the discipline to clean out all the energy-draining people in your life. You really
do rise or fall to the level of your associations:

Model Mandela and you'll find at the end of your life you lived an awesome one.

As we near 2014 please remember: life's greatest happiness is remembering your own

"I believe that we generally get from life what we give to life." (From page 30 of "The
Greatness Guide")

We'll soon start a new year. My great wish for you is that you exercise the courage to
let go of what's good in your life and pursue what's best for your life.

Your greatness demands no less.

I have a feeling 2014 will be breathtakingly great for us...and let's make it happen.

Much love, Robin

Great achievement always requires great sacrifice.

That idea--in a world of quick-fix--isn't so popular. But it still holds true.

The bigger the dream, the more work, focus, patience, bravery and devotion you'll need
to find within you to get it done.

The things that broke my heart were also the things that cracked it wide open.

Best way to learn how life works is to have the guts to truly go out and live it!

If you're not thinking for yourself, then you're following--not leading.


If we only had 5 minutes left to live, we'd be calling those we love and telling them
how we truly why wait until then?...Do it now.

Best productivity tool ever invented? Easy...the word "no"

I suggest you carve out some time this week to think about how your thought, worked and
lived in 2013.

Did you get your Big 5 goals done?

Did you move the needle forward and grow hugely in the key areas of your life?

Reflect on your results...ultimately you can trace them back to your thinking and

Reflect on your habits, ultimately they create your life.

"Ideas are ultimately worthless unless you activate them with focused and consistent
action." (From page 73 of "The Leader Who Had No Title") #LWT #RobinSharma

Today's a great day to make the choice to begin a new life.

"The person who chases two rabbits catches neither." Confucius

Believe in you when no one believes in you and eventually everyone will begin to
believe in you.

We become happier not by accumulating more things but by creating richer experiences

To become successful, first learn how to be happy. Too many think that the route to
happiness is to get successful

Our biggest enemy is our own self-doubt. We really can achieve extraordinary things in
our lives. But we sabotage our greatness because of our fear

Every success story (including mine) is rich with a ton of failure stories that were
absolutely necessary to reach the success.


Last night I watched the documentary on artist Wayne White.Moving, provocative and
inspiring. A must-watch for anyone who wants to be more creative + productive + original
in 2014.

Let's make this your best year yet!

"An excellent life grows out of an authentic one." (From page 157 of "The Greatness
Guide 2")

Success is less about luck and more about practice.

Being scared is part of being alive. Accept it. And walk through it.

Less tv, more books. Less lounging, more running. Less gossip, more encouragement. Less
apathy, more Hope. Please.

Simplicity is the trademark of genius

"With better choices, of course, you will experience better results." (From page 176 of
"The Leader Who Had No Title")

"Blaming others is excusing yourself." (From page 101 of "The Greatness Guide)

When we give up on our dreams, we die while still alive.

"Whether you'll admit it or not, tomorrow is incredible. Not everyone gets one." (From
page 24 of The Greatness Guide 2)

"A burning sense of passion is the most potent fuel for your dreams." (From page 120 of
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari)

So very sorry to hear about the passage of The Great Nelson Mandela. A hero is gone. Rest
in peace. #nelsonmandela

Every moment in front of another human being is your chance to change the world.

RT@Dalecarneigie "The rare individual who unselfishly tries to serve others has an
enormous advantage: little competition."

Sometimes we need to lose our way to find our way.

Read hard books. Do difficult work. It is the things that you are most resisting doing
that contain the fullest expression of your genius.

The unknown seems scary and dangerous. But that's where all the growth and progress lives.
"The larger the dream, the more important the team." (From page 141 of "The Leader Who
Had No Title")

Life is short. Help more people

Dreams don't "come true". Dreams "get made true".

"Once you awaken your inner leader, worldly success is the guaranteed result." (From page
168 of The Leader Who Had No Title)

A commitment to productivity begins with a commitment to simplicity.

You know you're winning when you see you're being copied.

Just because no one else believes in your dreams doesn't mean you shouldn't believe in
your dreams.

In the new world of business, the riskiest place you can be is trying to do the same
things in the same way as you've always done them.

Success is all about a masterful consistency around the fundamentals.

"You must become the master of your will." (From page 205 of The Monk Who Sold His

"We have the right to use our stumbling blocks as stepping stones to our greatest life."
(From page 87 of "The Greatness Guide")

Just thinking that "the power of someone with a noble character is so much more powerful
than someone who just has a big office or a large title." what do you think?

"It is your birthright to be all that you can be. You have the power to be more than your
environment." (From page 205 of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari)

Being scared is part of being alive. Accept it. And walk through it.

What is life if not to uplift others?

Great growth generally arrives in wolf's clothing.

An addiction to distraction is the death of creative production

"The real value of setting and achieving goals lies not in the rewards you receive but in
the person you become as a result of reaching your goals." (From page 70 of Who Will Cry
When You Die?)

Doing something good for someone is a great gift to give yourself.

Best way to become a success is to watch what everyone's doing. And do the opposite.

Being a hero is less about changing the world and more about growing yourself.

The single best way to grow your outer life is to grow your inner life.

In other words, as you develop more confidence, uncover your fears, rewire limiting
beliefs, set a vision then clear goals, process through anger and insecurities, boost
self-worth and own your power versus dismiss it, you completely change the was you
behave out in the world.

You become a lion--not a sheep.

Ok. So then you'll ask "how to we work on our inner lives?"

Tools include writing in a journal, cleaning up your vocabulary, visualization of your

greatest self, reading books that encourage your growth, a mastermind group, cleaning up
toxicity in your life, affirmations, letters to yourself etc. and maybe most importantly
changing your daily actions, step by step until new habits form.

But the real key is to remember that our lives really do reflect what we've created
(yes, it can be scary to accept that idea). And as we become bigger within, our lives
become better.

All great things. Robin

The unknown seems scary and dangerous. But that's where all the growth and progress lives.

"Awaken yourself to the power of your own mind to make things happen." (From page 65 of
"The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari")

Every minute spent worrying about "the way things were" is a moment stolen from creating
"the way things can be."

"To earn more you must learn more." (From page 160 of "The Greatness Guide")

Do something to improve things. Anything. Start small or go big. Just do something.

Today. Now. The world will be better for it.
Great achievement always requires great sacrifice. Not easy. But definitely worth it.

I'm in deep preparation for The Titan Summit 2013 in Toronto in December. I'm so very
excited to have "uber-experts" like Seth Godin, Darren Hardy, Kevin Harrington, Dr.
James Rouse, Verne Harnish and James Victore on this year's TTS faculty.

I'm working on a piece for the event about how happiness is one the the real keys to
elite performance. When we are happy we're more focused, creative, resilient and

So Titans and high performers get that focusing on the habits of happiness is not a waste-
-it's A MUST.

Here are a few of the "happiness habits" I'll be teaching:

#1. Sweet Spot Activities. Science shows that when we do work we're good at or things we
excel in, we release dopamine into our brain. That neurotransmitter makes us feel more
motivated. And happier.

#2. Inspirational Environments. The Great Artists all have studios that fuel their
creativity for a reason. Yet so many of us forget that our surroundings shape our
mindsets. Turn off the negative TV news, stop watching violent movies and fill your work
and home spaces with images and influences that make you happier.

#3. Vision and Goals. Ok. If you read my blog or my books, you know I'm a fanatic about
setting your "Big 5" and "Daily 5" goals. Clarity precedes mastery. But even more than
that, waking up to an ultra-clear and exciting future makes you happier. And so your
productivity and performance soars.

#4. Be Amazingly Kind. This is not some soft strategy. Tons of science confirms that when
we do things for other people there's a release of endorphins. We feel happier, more
connected and inspired. And that makes us do even better work, become even braver and
build a greater life.

I'll write a blog post on all this information as soon as I can. Be great today. And get
happy! .

The future belongs to the misfits, oddballs and visionaries

Every person you'll meet today has a story to tell, a lesson to teach and a dream to

The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions.

To me, the risks of playing with possibility are always better than the heartbreak of
what could've been

The job of the leader is to grow more leaders.

"If everyone was satisfied with themselves, there would be no heroes." Mark Twain

Great growth generally arrives in wolf's clothing.

"Have the discipline to focus your time around your priorities." (From page 214 of The
Monk Who Sold His Ferrari)

"Keeping your cool in a moment of crisis can save you years of pain and anguish." (From
page 79 of Who Will Cry When You Die?)

Positive thinking without excellent doing is the pursuit of delusionists.

At the end, our lives will be measured by how excellently we behaved, how decently we
lived and how well we loved.

So let's make these 3 points the most important ones now.

I think you're great...all my best, Robin

What i'm thinking right now: just imagine...if we stopped waiting for others to change
and had to guts to start changing ourselves...if we became deeply humble versus blaming
the egos of others...if we stood for excellence versus celebrated mediocrity...if we
treated everyone we met with respect, appreciation and love...if we did our work like it
was the most important work in the world...what would our world look like?...and will you
please help me to build this world?...our global movement is more than 1,000,000 people
strong...TOGETHER--we CAN do this...Robin

The other night I watched a fantastic documentary on CNN about Ted Turner. So many
insights for us including:

#1. He was ridiculed before he was revered. People laughed at the idea of a 24 hour
cable news network (because it had never been done). They called CNN "The Chicken Noodle
Network". Now CNN is globally respected. And Turner's called "a genius".

#2. He executed relentlessly. "I dont know how to quit. It's not in my genes," he said in
the documentary. All elite achievers and peak performers are so obsessed with their
vision and goals that stopping is just not an option.

#3. He put in the work. Turner said the first 10 years of CNN he lived in his office
(and often showed up in the company cafeteria in his bathrobe). Hard work matters. World-
class comes by massive effort versus lucky breaks.

#4. He was brave. Turner took incredible risks. He borrowed a ton of money. He bet the
farm on CNN. Larger risks provoke bigger rewards is our lesson here.

#5. He failed but continued. When AOL merged with Time Warner, Turner was thrown out of
CNN,the company he founded. He said that was one of the most painful times of his life
(along with losing his marriage to Jane Fonda). But he rebounded. And came back with a
new focus on saving the environment and a new company, Ted's Montana Grill.

Hope this post is of value to you and your team/friends today. Please try and watch the
documentary. It really is superb. All green lights. Robin

The beautiful thing about fear is, when you run to it, it runs away

Life's greatest honor is to be helpful.

One of the main keys to winning is beginning

When we give up on our dreams we die while still alive

An observation: people treat you how you let them treat you

When you let go of your dreams, you die while still alive. #RobinSharmaArmy

Playing small with your talent is disrespectful to your talent

The goals you don't set, reveal the dreams you don't do.

Action's the vaccine for procrastination. Gratitude's the antidote to fear. #leadership

what makes mastery is not being fearless but experiencing your natural fear and doing
what needs to be done anyway.

"Lead yourself first. Only then will you get to a place as a person where you can lead
other people." (From page 161 of The Leader Who Had No Title)

The ordinary focus on what they're getting. The extraordinary think about who they're

Today: Be brave. Be strong. Be smart. Be kind. Your fan always, Robin

Success on the outside indeed begins with success on the inside." (From page 66 of The
Monk Who Sold His Ferrari)

Focus. Focus. Focus...on your burning priorities. Say no to everything else. Life's short.
You only get one shot at great.

"Few things energize the human spirit more than the desire to make a difference in the
lives of others." (Pg87 of Who Will Cry When You Die)

"A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable nor does the genius or the madman.
It's only you and I, with our big brains and tiny hearts who doubt and overthink and
hesitate." Steven Pressfield
"Challenge, conflict, confusion and uncertainty are beautifully orchestrated vehicles for
our growth." (From pg 56 of The Greatness Guide 2)

"The Great Ones among us can never be held back." (From page 54 of The Greatness Guide 2)

How to spend the 1st 60 min each day: 5:00-5:20 exercise. 5:20-5:40 planning+journaling.
5:40-6am reading+learning

Greatness begins beyond your comfort zone.

The future belongs to the misfits, oddballs and visionaries.

Anyone can be phenomenal when all's well. Show us your chops when it's all falling apart.

"The way you do the little things says a lot about the way you will do the big things."
(From page 13 of The Greatness Guide 2)

The activity you're most avoiding contains your biggest opportunity.

If it's not messy, it's not real growth

The greatest sadness is to die with your dreams undone

Today's a superb day to take the leap on the great project you've been resisting. If not
now, then when? And if not you, then who?

How elegantly you manage disappointment will determine how quickly you'll experience

The activity you're most avoiding contains your biggest opportunity

Fill your brain with giant dreams so there's no space for petty pursuits.

Impossible's just an opinion. Don't buy it

"Each day life sends you chances to learn, grow and step into your best. Don't miss
them." (From page 41 of The Greatness Guide 2)

Simplicity is the trademark of Genius.

I've grown the most from my most painful experiences. And so, I see them as gifts.

Less complaining. More encouraging

The world doesn't belong to the smartest but those who execute fastest.

"Each day life sends you chances to learn, grow and step into your best. Don't miss
them." (from page 41 of "The Greatness Guide Book 2)
Take care of your dreams. Or your fears will care for them for you.

Today: Less cynicism, more inspiration. Less complaining, more creating. Less busyness,
more productivity. Less sitting, more walking. Less worry, more focus. Less coasting,
more building. Be great this day. Your fan always, Robin

Kindness to others is not just an opportunity--it's our responsibility

"Few things are as foolish as hoping old behaviors will somehow present new results."
(From page 64 of The Leader Who Had No Title)

Let us inspire the discouraged, uplift the scared and support the downtrodden. Ok?

"To be a great leader, first become a great person."

(from page 161 of "The Leader Who Had No Title)

The first move of leadership is learning to think for yourself.

Impact's more lucrative than income. #leadership

Safe is boring. Innovation is hip.

Nothing changes until your mission becomes your obsession. #TheRobinSharmaArmy

RT @ECFamousEntrepr Hard work never killed a man. Men die of boredom, psychological
conflict and disease, not hard work. - #DavidOgilvy,

Hard cold fact: our lives reflect what we've settled for.

The great news: raise your standards and you'll lift your life.

Your greatness was meant to be shared with the world. Not hidden within yourself.
There will never be a better time to be the best you than today

Cheap often costs more.

In the darkest of moments, when you feel 1000% alone, you still have your choices with

Our harshest difficulties serve to expose our highest talents.

Your greatness was meant to be shared with the world. Not hidden within yourself.

Last night in Chihuaha, Mexico, I met a man. He provided me with a meal, before I went
on stage. He was quiet but excellent...worked with pride and grace.

He wasn't young, but he moved with swiftness. His shoes were polished, his manners were
perfect, and his smile was exceptional.

No boss watched him. He did it because it's who he is. And what he stands for.

For one evening, that man was my hero.

(100 thank yous to all 1500 of you who attended last night's show. It's now 4:32 am and en
route to the airport for tonight's event in Culiacan).
A simple smile. A quiet good deed. An act of courtesy to an unsuspecting's best moments.
I'm in Mexico for 2 events. Just watched the incredibly powerful documentary "Senna" In
my hotel room. Fascinating. Also definitely watch "Hiro dreams of Suishi". Thanks for
making the time to be here. Bye. Robin

"All great things require sacrifice, suffering and a little bit of pain. It's not easy.
But it's always worth it."

Please comment on this idea I just wrote for my new book.

All good things....your fan always. Robin

Impossible is just an opinion. Don't buy it.

Passion is the secret to persistence. Once you fall in love with a vision, it's not
possible to give up.

Until your vision becomes your obsession you'll stay stuck in stagnation.

Focus on being superb at what you do and, over time, you will be known as remarkable.

Daily ripples of excellence -over time- become a tsunami of success.

Leadership's not a title. It's a behavior. Live it.

Today's focus: do whatever it takes to make this a good day on Earth and a fantastic day
within your life.

Most people avoid setting goals as a defense mechanism to avoid disappointment.

The more people I help, the happier I become. Interesting

Success isn't something that occurs. Success is something that you create.

All great things require sacrifice, suffering and a little bit of pain. It's not easy.
But it's worth it.

If it's not messy, it's not really change is it?

We have a normal. As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown
and frightening becomes your new normal.

To become a bigger person, walk into a bigger vision.

What separates the ordinary from The Great is a simple fact: the best of the best execute
brilliantly around their most vital priorities.

Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. it will not only
improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.

It's more important to be respected than liked.

Don't use the hardships of your past as excuses to deny the possibilities of your future.
The moment you conquer one fear is the minute you conquer many fears.

I’ve heard that the best way to help poor people is to make sure you don’t become one of

saying that you don’t have time to improve your thoughts and your life is like saying you
don’t have time to stop for gas because you’re too busy driving.” –

Success on the outside means nothing unless you also have success within.

Life’s had to break you down so you could be rebuilt.

For your life to be great,your faith must be bigger than your fear.

While the average person is home watching TV, the Leader Without a Title is in the gym
getting stronger or at the library getting smarter or at the office getting better (or
with their family growing kinder). Make this day count. This is YOUR day

4:59 am. Running or sleeping? News or reading? Complaining or practising? All YOUR
choice. #ExtremeAchievement.

Try and get out into nature for even 30 min. each day to clear your head + think + walk +
breathe. Great daily practice.

Please remember that change is hard at first, messy in the middle and beautiful at the

Making no decision is a decision to do nothing. And doing nothing keeps you stuck, static
and ​stagnant.

You can't control the economy. But you can control your devotion to Mastery.

Please do not be hypnotized into thinking that geniuses are somehow different from you:

Fast Tip: write out your Big 5 every morning on your mirror with a dry erase marker.

Thank the people in your life today for being in your life today. You'll miss them when
they're gone.
If you're not leveraging your life to make history, what are you waiting for?

The quality of your performance reflects the caliber of your practice:

The moment I learned a lot, I realized how little I knew

Success is never deserved. Success is always earned:

If you're not lifting others up you're bringing people down

Do something nice for 3 people each day consistently. In 12 months you've inspired 1000+
people. THAT'S impact!

A problem is only a problem when seen as a problem

Quick tip: always tip hotel room cleaners really really well. They do hard work. That is
important work.

Life's to short to be lied to by your fears.

An obsession is only unhealthy if it's an unhealthy obsession.

You can never take the people around you to a place that you have never been

If you aren't leaving a trail of leaders behind you, you're not leading--you're

There is no competition at BIW (Best in World)---only within the ranks of average

Humble is cool. Kind is hip. Excellence is stylish. Brave is fashionable. At least in the
world I want to live in.

What you have is less important than who you are

The moment you think you know everything, you know very little

While the amateur is complaining, the professional is practising

The job of a leader is to put smiles on people's faces

As you know more, you can start to see around corners

Willpower doesn't work. Rituals work

Ideation without execution is pure delusion.

When you leave The Crowd of Average and start playing at world-class, you'll face
laughter + cynicism. Know that's the price of leadership.

Why accept average when you can become ICONIC?

The things that get scheduled are the things that get done:

While the victim is complaining the elite performer is DELIVERING.

The hardest part of winning? Starting.

Talking about scaling a mountain doesn't get you to the summit.

While most people are sleeping the best are up preparing.

If it's not messy, it's not progress

You were born into fearlessness, but the world might have taught you to fear

It's such a simple formula - Action cures Fear!

Ideation without execution is pure delusion

Until your mission is an obsession, nothing will change in your life:

To double your income, triple your rate of learning.

If you want to use your life to change the world, it all begins within

Practice being positive and exceptional so much that you just can't be negative and
average ever again.

excuses don't create transformation...action does

Move from fear to faith, from scared to extreme achievement:

Make every single day a platform for you to get stronger

The world schools us to become ordinary. But the world knows so little about your highest

Stop saying I can't. Start saying I can

The antidote to fear is action

The things that get scheduled are the things that get done

The person who helps the most wins. #leadership

Your days are your life in miniature

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying
to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
-George Bernard Shaw

One of the absolute best ways I know of is learning how to wake up early. Get this one
habit right and you’ll achieve more in one day than most people get done in one month.
FACT: From 5 am to 8 am are “The Golden Hours” that the most successful achievers in the
world use to set up their days for success. The way you begin your day really does
determine how you live your day.
These 3 hours are the hours of least distraction in your day. And when your energy is at
its peak.

Often what we are most resisting is the very best for us.

There is no competition at BIW (Best in World)---only within the ranks of average

Show me your schedule and i'll tell you what you're TRULY committed to.

Great to have what you want. Awesome to want what you have.

To get more power, you've got to start doing the things that you're frightened to do
Picasso didn't wait until he was Picasso to perform like Picasso

Practice fearlessness

Innovate. Read. Smile. Learn. Dare. Dream. Care. Excel. Achieve. Serve. Sing. Rest. Push.
Help. Create. Build. Give. Lead.

Victims talk about problems. Leaders speak of possibilities

You'll never be a standout until you stop worrying about fitting in

Your outer life is a mirror of your inner life

If it's not scary, it's not growth.

Today's a great day to make a choice that--when practised over time--will change your

The world schools us to become ordinary. But the world knows so little about your highest

I watched the documentary "Senna" for the second time on the flight from California
today. Truly fascinating. #Mastery

You know you're leading versus following when people start saying "you made my day."

What the ordinary person sees as a problem the exceptional human views as a gift.

You'll never be a standout until you stop worrying about fitting in.

If it's easy, it's generally not worth doing. #leadership #success

A little bit better every day causes phenomenally better over a lifetime.

No great artist or extreme achiever ever accepted "good enough". #beworldclass

It takes a big person to avoid small worries.

Your behavior is even more truthful than your words. Agree?

The heart is wiser than the head. Honor it. Trust it. Follow it.

The secret to productivity is simplicity...a monomaniacal focus to executing on just a

few things

Our lives don't improve by talking about improving our lives

Leaders don't make excuses. They create results.


Days without reading lead to lives without meaning

Let's never be too busy to deliver an act of kindness.

Keep challenging yourself... To think better, do better, and be better.

Just because you couldn't achieve it yesterday doesn't mean you can't nail it today?

Our behaviour is more honest than our words

Happiness doesn't depend on outward conditions. It depends on inner conditions.

One of the greatest secrets to a life beautifully lived is to do work that matters.

Life's short. Go for something GREAT. Our tomorrows are numbered. This day's all we
have, for now

Hitting the gym is NEVER the wrong choice.

Make your CAN larger than your can't and your dreams bigger than your doubts.

The job of a Leader is less chit chat and more "done that."

Nothing’s going to change in your life if you don’t make a change today.

The quality of your practice determines the level of your performance. #reminder

A messy past need not diminish your pristine future.

Greatness is less about being selected and more about being committed. #LeadWithoutaTitle

The secret to genius is not genetics but daily practice married with relentless

Leadership's not about the size of your office but the depth of your commitment.

We become excellent by doing excellent things (over and over and over until they become
a part of our wiring).

Who cares what others think of you. All that really matters is what you think of you.

(Please share your comments and insights on this idea so we all can learn from you.
Thanks...and be great). Robin

This day can be the first day of your new life. The day that changes everything. The day
you stopped playing small and stood up for the poetic possibilities your life was meant
to be.

Every pro was once an amateur. Every expert was once a beginner. So dream big. And start

I plan to write a book on productivity one day. It'll be just one page.And it'll have
just one sentence: "No More Excuses. Get it done now."

We can't do everything we need to do to move forward our biggest project today. But we
each can do something.

Doing the difficult things that you’ve never done awakens the talents you never knew you

Today's choice: Play Angry Birds on your iPhone. Or go express your Genius. And - in so
doing - uplift THE WORLD.

Planning is profound. How can you accomplish what’s most important if you have no idea
what’s most important

Review your mission + goals every 7 days so they become dominant obsessions vs. just
good intentions.
Leadership isn’t just about doing the work. It’s about doing the work greatly. Quality
trumps busy.

Today is a great time to do something for the first time.

The 12 Hour Relationship Protection Rule: when you were upset, wait at least 12 hours
before you respond. You get clarity. And make a more thoughtful move.

Blaming others is excusing ourselves.

The great danger of success lies in thinking what's made you successful will keep you

The key to productivity is subtraction, not addition

Treating others with deep respect reveals the fact that you treat yourself with deep

What fascinates me are not businesses that are successful for a few years but over a few

The daily choices you make makes your life.

Having the courage to challenge what you're sure is true is the beginning of growth

You'll never get this day again in your entire lifetime. So why not make the best of it?

Just listened to Charlie Rose's interview w Jay-Z. Lessons include:

1. A point comes where the whole point of the game is to chase history.

2. You want to be so good at what you do that you do things no one else has ever done.

3. You know you're at the top when everyone's taking shots at you.

4. History will judge you by your body of work.

I usually don't rely on willpower to get things done. Instead, I create systems, daily
rituals and environments that set me up to get things done--even when i don't want to.

Victims coast through life. Leaders create through life.

We become fearless by visiting the places that scare us.

On the other side of your greatest fears lies your biggest growth.

I can live off the inspirational fumes of a fantastic book for about 30 days. ...and you?

Life’s short. The greatest risk is risk-less living. And settling for average.

Here's some of what i wrote this morning< just so you see it first

1. Confidence grows via the doing of difficult things. So pursue discomfort.

2. Logic is the dream killer. Instead, allow your instinct, creativity and passion to
take you where you need to go.

3. Be good at starting things. And even better at finishing them.

4. Connection with community is the main aim of commerce.

Playing small with your talent dishonors your Genius.

I wish each of you a beyond excellent day. Thinking: "The thing about growth is that it
often comes disguised in failure's clothing." So, this day, be willing to take some
risks. So you get some big things done.

My job's to inspire your Genius. Your job is to reveal it to the world. Deal?

Giving up comes with free entry to the club of mediocrity.

Fears unfaced become limits.

The power of your dreams lives in the action, not in the vision.

Tip of The Day: Smart to manage your time. Genius to manage your attention.

The activity you're most avoiding contains your biggest opportunity.

My daughter to me last night: "will you wear a suit to my wedding?" Me: "Of course." My
daughter: "Great. Just don't wear a bow tie. Otherwise you'll look like a waiter."

Life’s just too short to be doing work that destroys your soul. Find work you adore. And
get busy changing the world with it.

oh, one more thing: You can play Angry Birds on Your iPhone. Or You Can Change The World.
But You Can't Do Both.

Lady Luck smiles on the interested, likes the dedicated--and falls in love with the

The 2X3X Rule: To double your income, triple your investment in learning.

Step #1: Dream Big. Step #2: Start Small Step #3: Repeat Daily.

Victims obsess over problems. Leaders pursue passionate possibilities.

This just came to me. It may or may not be helpful. "if you were living the life of your
dreams, how would you know?"

Mindsets are contagious. So choose the people you populate your life with extremely

Fall in love with setting goals and you'll get to view the experience of your dreams.

Without the doing, the dreaming is useless.

Be so insanely great at what you do that we lose our breath watching you do what you do!

When you give life your best, life gives you its best.

Measure your success by the obstacles you overcome versus by the money you make.

Slow, steady progress is better than fast, daily excuses.

One of the greatest gifts you can give your teammates+customers+loved ones is the gift
of your full attention.

Speak your words and I'll know your beliefs.

Confusion is growth in the process of settling.

You'll never regret giving more than expected, being kinder than necessary and risking
more than is normal.

Victims like speaking about problems. Leaders love discussing their dreams.

The beginner does what's easy. The master does what's important.

Your greatness was meant to be shared with the world. Not hidden within yourself.

"Never regret your past. Rather, embrace it as the teacher that it is." - The Monk Who
Sold His Ferrari.

Saying that you don't have time to improve your thoughts and your life is like saying you
don't have time to stop for gas because you are too busy driving. Eventually it will
catch up with you. (From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari)

Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the ill person can see.

You can make your life matter more by making your actions matter more.

Not much point at being brilliant at the wrong things. #focus

Everyone has an opinion. Please have the guts to trust yours.

Tip of the day: Stop watching the news. Start doing your dreams

You'll never win playing not to lose.

There’s zero point in masterfully doing the wrong things

You can't have a profitable company if you don't have passionate people.

Leadership's not a title. It's a behavior. Live it

Perseverance is more valuable than intelligence.

The Elite Performers Mindset: A little improvement each day leads to a LOT of
improvement each year. Make today PHENOMENAL!

Make your CAN larger than your can't and your dreams bigger than your doubts.

We become excellent by doing excellent things (over and over and over until they become
a part of our wiring).

Victims pursue distraction. Leaders hunt down their dreams.

Taking a risk once and hoping you'll grow fearless is like going to the gym once and
hoping you'll get fit

Who cares what the critics think – leadership is about boldly trusting your instincts,
chasing down your goals and doing what you think is right.

Throughout your day today, keep asking yourself: “how can I make this better?” Apply it
to your work. Apply it to your relationships. Apply it to your Self.

Leaders don’t make excuses. They create results.

We are shaped by our conversations. We are influenced by the ideas we hear and the
people we meet.

Yes, 4 lions right in front of me. Actually walked the bush close to lions. The lesson
from the ranger: run and you die. Same applies to fear.

Latest research: 40% of your happiness comes from the habits you choose vs the luck you

Less travelled paths are where all your rewards lie. Have the courage to take them.

When we stop taking risks, we stop living life.

Happiness isn't always the same as success. Choose both. Please.

The dangerous thing about becoming successful is the seduction to stop doing the very
things that made you successful.

Strength is suffering's gift to the brokenhearted.

Had a meeting with an uncommonly successful entrepreneur the other day. One of his most
valuable insights: "I had my best years when i spent THREE hours a day on self-
development." So, we all can be massively successful. Few are willing to do the things
that will make them so.

Leadership is about leveraging hard times and using them to your advantage.

D.S.B.T. (Do Something Big Today)

Distraction is the greatest thief of time.

"I just read about a little girl who was born without a face. Just two eyes and a mouth.
And we worry about traffic being heavy on the way to work." From The Greatness Guide at
page 133

The level of your success always reflects the level of your self-esteem.

We'll never build a reputation for excellence on a platform of excuses.

A workout a day keeps the doctor away

Productivity Tip: Do the important work/life activities you've been putting off in the
morning (that's when your willpower and focus is at the highest point of the day
according to research). Make today genius-level!

Remember that the things that get scheduled are the things that get done.

So valuable to set 5 daily goals. Just keep them simple and clear. And do it with
consistency. In twelve months from today you'll have achieved 1850 small goals/little
wins. A world-class career-+life happens via evolution versus revolution. So start today.

The best way for us to create peace in the world is to find peace in ourselves. Nothing
on the outside will ever give you that. Not money. Not fame. Not Ferraris.

Every visionary was initially called crazy.

Today i saw a man trying to run who couldn't really run. He was pushing himself. Trying
to get fit. Digging deep. He was full of sweat. Shaking legs. All heart. Pure guts. For
just this day, this man is my hero.

Just because The Herd celebrates mediocrity doesn't mean that you should. (LEAD vs

Just back from a run along the Hudson in New York. Thinking: invest money in your
fitness. or you'll have to spend money fighting disease.

Just slam the door on fear. It doesn't deserve to get into the room of your dreams.

Go for what's hard. There lives your largest growth.

Scared people participate in recessions. Strong people Go Get Their Dreams.

In New York. Thinking: the goals you don't do become the regrets you must accept.

Rather than waiting for the world to change, you change. And then you've changed the

Daily Kickstart: Your Words Have Profound Power. It's so easy to be loose with our words.
In a Starbucks this morning I heard a woman say "I feel like the walking dead." I
thought: "If you keep speaking like that you could end up as one of them." What am I
suggesting? That our words affect our performance and our emotions and create
subconscious patterns that create so many of our results. Words can inspire (JFK). Works
can destroy (Hitler). Words can comfort. And words can wound. Today--let each of us have
the brilliance to choose our words beautifully. My best. Robin

Goal-getting matters. And writing down the brave acts and bold dreams you intend to
accomplish will provide the spark to get them done:

Sunday afternoon listening to Laura Pausini and reading the GREAT Napoleon Hill's "The
Law of Success".

Shed your past. Release your limits. No longer argue for why you can't have/do/become
all you want. Today's a fresh day. You've been blessed with a new chance. To think better.
To behave higher. To risk + stretch + excel + dream. And so my great encouragement for
you is that you walk out into this day and live with audacity/ possibility/ mastery and
model the best of your humanity. These are my sincere wishes. For you on this gift of a
day. Be great. All green lights. Robin

Daily Kickstart: The goal you don't set reveals the dream you don't do. So today, set a
goal that scares you. And then have the guts to leap into some action to move it forward.
No hero ever spent his or her best hours coasting through their work. Or stagnating
through a life. You're here to be exceptional. We need you to INSPIRE us by your
performance. And we all long for you to show us're one of the great ones. Will
you? Please
Daily Kickstart: How you perceive failure in many ways determines how greatly you will
perform. The average see failure as a setback. The extraordinary view failure as a gift-
-an opportunity to learn, grow and leverage stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Today,
have the internal discipline to use any so-called negative that happens to you as a
stairway accelerate your rise to your mountaintop. Your fan, Robin

Sometimes, our assumptions are screaming so loudly we cannot hear the truth.

Greatness begins with a vision. And ends with a legacy.

If people are not laughing at your goals, your goals are too small.

The more powerful choices you make, the more powerful your choices become.

Every minute spent worrying about "the way things were" is a moment stolen from creating
"the way things can be."

You can't give others what you haven't given yourself (encouragement+loyalty+appreciation

Why make tiny plans when they do so little to fuel your dreams?

the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do."
Apple commercial

Awesome to be content. Just don't become complacent. (No world-builder ever was).
I've grown the most from my most painful experiences. And so, I see them as gifts.

Just because no one else believes in your dreams doesn't mean you shouldn't believe in
your dreams.

one of life's greatest achievements is expressing your absolute best.

Sometimes we need to lose our way to find our way.

If we're not obsessed with innovation we'll end up stuck in obsolescence. (the safety
zone is actually extremely dangerous).

Walking by The Burj Khalifa--tallest building in the world, at night. The world still
belongs to the dreamers. Thank God.

In deep preparation for tomorrow am's event for 900 people at The Emirates palace Hotel
here in Abu Dhabi. Thinking: "what makes an exceptional company and an extraordinary life
is not so much what you say yes to but what you have the focus + discipline to say no to.
As a former editor of Vogue once observed: "Elegance is refusal."

The ordinary love entertainment. The exceptional adore education.

In London for seven hours. I'll go down to the gym. Thinking: "we give power to the
things we complain about."

Just returned from the hotel gym here in Cancun after working out. Listened to John
Ratey's book "Spark: the revolutionary new science of exercise" on my iPod. A fantastic
book that will help you see what exercise does for your neurochemistry, brain
performance and life as a whole.

Where the timid give up, Leaders commit.

Day by day, step by step, you can move towards your own personal mountaintop. You (and
your organization) really can be, do and have a lot more than you've ever imagined. The
life you are living today can be radically different from the life you can have 3 or 6
months from now.

Anyone can be phenomenal when all's well. Show us your chops when it's all falling apart.

Take 60 minutes this weekend to craft a blueprint for the coming seven days.

Have the courage to be different. Have the boldness to go into your industry and create
value that has never been created.

Phenomenal Question to ask during stressful times: "What's good about this?".

Instant gratification is the drug of choice for ordinary entrepreneurs.

Ordinary entrepreneurs have To Do lists. Remarkable entrepreneurs have stop doing lists.

another line i just wrote in this month's newsletter: "I promise you that when you get to
the last hour of your last day, you will regret having lived the life society sold you
versus the life that you knew deep within was meant for you."

The best way to learn about life isn't from pages in a book but from the hours in your

Good enough isn't so great.

Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life.

Devoted learning is the key to explosive earning.

We can't do good until we begin to feel good. (So do the things that get you feeling
mentally+physically+emotionally strong and excellent. With your inner game at it's
highest, you then have the foundation to do the work that gets you to all you want--and
makes the world better in the process).

Simple but valuable idea: read your 3 year plan every 7 days. Drive it into your
dominant focus. Your actions will follow.

Success without service is a hollow victory.

We magnify what we speak about. So make it good

A fear of rejection destroys more lives than illness.

In the end, our lives will be measured not by the things we get but by the lives we

Music make good days awesome and hard days better. Agree?

Today, model the behavior you wish others would be

To achieve more, do fewer things better

Without failure, there can be no success. Without problems, there can be no progress.

Early's better than late. First's better than last.

I long to live in a world where "please" is cool and "thank you" is hip. Anyone else?

You make your power smaller when you think you have none.

If everyone you meet today only had 24 hours of life left, would you treat them the same

I was just reflecting on the idea that humility's a more accurate measure of success than
money. Anyone agree with me?

Energy is even more valuable than intelligence. Focus is even more valuable than
brilliance. Hope you're using this day to make things better my friend. Bye.

Streetsweeper. Nation-builder. Both jobs matter. Because both can make the world better.

"Only he who never plays never loses." Anatoly Karpov, Russian chess Grandmaster

"Problems are servants. Problems bring possibilities. They help your grow and lead to
better things, both within your organization--and in your life. Inside every problem
lives a precious opportunity to improve things. So, problems reveal genius." from "The
Greatness Guide" at p. 107.

Nothing can stop you until you choose to be stopped.

Dreaming without Doing=Delusion.

"Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; there
is nothing more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded
genius is almost a proverb...Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." Calvin

Please remember this game-changing insight: we see the world - not as it is - but as we

Great question to journal on: "what does me playing at my best look like?"

Those who can, do. Those who can't, criticize.

The day I wrote out my Vision, I developed better sight (you can't see what you're not
looking for).

In business, you don't get lucky. You create lucky.

Nice to have a viral video. Better to make your passion viral.

the world has changed. we're now in Leadership 2.0. Yo can Lead Without a Title and
inspire others/do fantastic work and have an Impact. and even if others don't notice
(eventually they'll have to!), you will notice. and you will power, self-
respect and contribution. that's the real gift.

Good am. Just wanted to remind you that you're Awesome...and built to have an Impact in
the world (while you create your greatest life). So today, dream 10x bigger about your
future. And then start small. NOW.

The world will become less if you fail to become more.

lose yourself in a Cause bigger than yourself. Goodnight. You're AWEsome.

You and I do no favor to the world in withholding our creativity.

"What's the point of living in comfort if it comes at the cost of your dreams?" from the
new introduction i just wrote for the upcoming 15th Anniversary Limited Edition of "The
Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" (where i share how this book started off self-published in a
24 hour copy shop).

Goals that don't get onto your schedule are not goals. They are fantasies.

The value of so called "failure" is to test your commitment to success.

The best entrepreneurs play out on the edges and take calculated risks. They challenge the
way they performed yesterday.

The best entrepreneurs do what’s difficult, what causes them to stretch and what requires

When you display Courage+Commitment+Passion, you enCourage everyone around you to do the

"Excellence in art, as in everything else, can only be achieved by dint of painstaking

labor. There is nothing less accidental than the painting of a fine picture or the
chiseling of a noble statue. Every skilled touch of the artist's brush or chisel, though
guided by genius, is the product of unremitting study." Samuel Smiles (in the 1859
classic "Self-Help")

Leadership's not about a title-or net worth. It's about believing in yourself--even when
no one else believes in you. It's about being excellent when others just coast. It's about
being radically optimistic and ferociously committed. And becoming the absolute best
person you know.

I just rewrote this quote in my personal journal to prepare me for a productive+Inspired

day: "I was not delivered into this world in defeat-nor does failure course in my veins.
I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk,
to walk, to sleep with the sheep. I will not hear those who weep and complain, for their
disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my
destiny." Og Mandino

Just finished my morning workout+hydration routine. Thinking: Gratitude is the antidote to


In ordinary companies, mediocrity is tolerated. In exceptional companies, excellence is


If you are without hope--and facing hard times--please remember the old truth that has
helped me through my hard periods: This Too Shall Pass. Better days are coming--even if
it doesn't feel like they are. I send you every good wish.

5 minutes of learning today is better than no minutes of learning today.

Quickest way to build a fantastic company? Fill it with fantastic people.

Why consume ourselves with tiny thoughts when we have the power to create great things?

Goodbye Steve Jobs. Visionary. Leader. Genius. Inspiration. Thank you for moving us to
resist settling for average.

There's zero growth in the doing of easy things.

Please remember that the time to most believe in you is when others least believe in

Risk is safer than comfort

"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." Jackie Robinson
(Good morning everyone...Make this day count!)

The greater the struggle the greater the reward.

Best idea i have to give you today: some of us have lived with our fears so long that
being scared is so familiar to us that we can't see that we're scared. (In other words,
being scared is our comfort zone!!!)

old but great line: "If youth only knew...if age only could." Don't postpone living your
best life until some time into the future. it'll never come...(and that's the kind of
thing victims do to avoid confronting their fears)

One of the best moves I've ever made: the more people ridiculed my vision, the more
committed I became to my vision.

At the end of our lives what will fill our hearts with regret will be the risks we
didn't seize vs the risks we did. So today, jump all over that gigantic game-changing
opportunity that the scared voice of fear has been telling you to resist.

Today's mantra for you: Excellence in Everything.

Remember to keep challenging yourself to think better, do better, and be better.

the rain pours. the candles flicker. the music plays. and i remember: life's highest
honor is the honoring of one's gifts+values+dreams.

Going from a place called Ordinary to a state called Extraordinary means you'll have to
drive through a village called Doubt and a Town called Fear. The journey can get
confusing at times but just follow my direction
The greatest theft of the betrayal of your dreams.s and i'm sure you'll get there

As you live your hours, so you create your years. As you live your days, so you craft
your life.

"Most of us are speaking so loudly we don't have the ears to hear what others are
saying." from The Leader Who Had No Title

Never leave the site of a strong idea without doing something to execute around it.

Always be learning on a daily basis. No matter how successful you become, maintain the
beginners mindset. Always be fiercely curious.

Few things are as dangerous as being busy being busy.

The giant key to success is to deal with the challenges of the moment without losing
sight of the promises of the future.

Beneath procrastination lives fear.

High performers have a bias towards action. There’s great power in just starting. Take
that single step towards a goal/dream/result today.

What appear to be setbacks, in time turn out to be speedbumps.

In a taxi. Just saw a sign that read: "Faith always takes the first step." Apply that one
to your business goals.

Don't spend your most valuable hours in valueless things.

A famous journalist who interviewed me this week on "The Secret Letters of The Monk Who
Sold His Ferrari" book tour was shocked when i said "of course there are still things
that scare me." To be human is to have fears. And as you move through one fear, the next
level of fears appear. It's called growth. Progress. And the journey of Life, for those
who are devoted to Fearlessness. Stay strong.

"Scared gets you nowhere. Lucky people don't get lucky. Lucky people create lucky." from
"The Leader Who Had No Title"

Happy New Year's Eve to you. I'm deeply grateful to you for your encouragement and
support over 2011. I commit to giving even more of myself to helping you power your
ideals and live an exceptional life. On this last day of 2011, let's focus on gratitude:
write a letter or make a call to the person who has helped you the most this year. None
of us got to where we are alone. Again, heartfelt thanks. Now go change the world!

5 Productivity Tips to Make 2012 Your Absolute Best Year Yet: #1. Turn off all technology
for at least an hour a day and do truly valuable work #2. Stop Watching TV #3. Use your
best hours to do your most valuable work #4. Eat less food (to get more energy) #5.
Don't answer your phone every time it rings.

Why spend your time convincing your critics when you could be inspiring your believers?

One of life's best joys is pursuing a dream. Not your neighbors dream or society's
dream--your dream.

Best way to get a few more hours into your days? Get brilliant at elegantly saying NO.

Extraordinary passion is a symptom of an exceptional mission

Your dreams are more than just your dreams. They are the best part of you fighting to
express itself.

Much of the world defines "Success" as money+power+status. But what if much of the world
is wrong? I've been reading Nelson Mandela's "Conversations with Myself". He suggests
enduring success is much more about who we become as people...Were we
honest+courageous+true to our visions. Definitely something to reflect on. So you find a
definition that feels right to you.

Human Regret #3 of "The 10 Human Regrets" from The Leader Who Had No Title: "You reach
your last day realizing that you never inspired anyone else by the example that you set."
(and the life that you lived)

Until we are willing to fail, we can never succeed.

Ask yourself not what can I get, ask yourself who may I help. Business is about producing
unusual value for as many people as possible.

Shift from being busy to achieving results.

The best entrepreneurs aren’t in it for the money, they’re in it for the pride they feel
creating world-class products and doing genius-level work.

"Potential unexpressed turns to pain." from "The Leader Who Had No Title"
"The professional keeps his eye on the doughnut and not on the hole. He reminds himself
it's better to be in the arena, getting stomped by the bull, than up in the stands or out
in the parking lot." Steven Pressfield in "The War of Art"

We don't hear the things we're not ready to hear.

The danger of mediocrity is you kick around in it long enough and it starts to feel
To have the results few have, hold yourself to the standards few do.

Best way to drown out the sounds of your fears is with the song of your dreams.

Insight: Steve Jobs made the hidden parts as beautiful as the ones visible to consumers.
Do you?

We want to do so many things we often achieve nothing.

Fearlessness is not something a few are born with. It's something each of us can walk

Great leaders don’t just own their full potential on the floor or in the field; they
claim their potential in all domains of their life.

If people don't say you're a little delusional, you're not much of a Visionary.

Most have lists for their groceries. Few have lists for their lives.

The greatest scratch you'll ever itch is the realization of your Creative Potential.
"Live all you can. It's a mistake not to." Henry James

If people don't see your genius, stay focused. Many geniuses went unrecognized until 50
years after their death!

Our work rises to Rare Air when our big talk matches our great deeds.

Hide the phone. Turn off Facebook. Shutter your TV. Close ALL escape routes. And the work you are meant to do.

Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to Mastery.

Each day is an opportunity to craft your best life. Each day brings a chance to choose
your greatness.

Luck is the inevitable residue of excellent action.

If you don’t try, you’ll never know. Stop assuming a “no”. Where would the world be if
the great ones assumed they’d fail?

Today, be a little bolder. Reach a little higher. Be a little kinder. Be a bigger


Sometimes you have to get off track to discover a better track.

Today is a great time to do something for the first time.

The greater the challenges, the sweeter the victory.

Negative people are not bad. They're just upset about something

At the end of our lives, we mostly regret the risks we didn't take, the dreams we didn't
do and the love we failed to give. If those things are going to be important to you at
the end, make them important to you right now.

The average person is devoted to their leisure activities. The ultra-successful person is
devoted to their learning activities.

Invest in your pro and personal development and everything around you begins to shift

You can't have all you want if you're focused on all you're not.

Worry is a luxury we cannot afford.

Jealously is mediocrity's tribute to Mastery.

Leadership's no longer about the size of your position. Now, it's about the degree of
your passion.

A critic's nothing more than a dreamer who got scared. PLEASE never allow anyone to rain
on your vision for your best work + a genius life. PLEASE.
Mediocrity occurs when we focus on many things. Mastery arrives when we focus on only a

Another idea i'll share at today's leadership presentation that i wanted you to consider:
"An addiction to distraction is the death of creative production."

The ordinary wait for the energy to do the work. The extraordinary do the work to get
the energy.

Produce like Picasso. Lead like Mandela. Live like Branson

Today is a great time to do something for the first time.

In my hotel room. Practising. In today's presentation for The Entrepreneurs Organization
I'll share: "Education is innoculation against disruption."

Leadership is about moving from one setback to another-in hot pursuit of a

dream-without any loss of passion!

someone who's good at

making excuses not being good at anything else.

When faced with a choice that will lead you to a place that's interesting v
safe, always go for the interesting bet.

Playing small with our talent is disrespectful to ourselves.

The ordinary meticulously plan their vacations. The Exceptional meticulously plan their
dreams. Clarity precedes Mastery.

Make what'll be important to you on your last day what's important to you this day.

The person who procrastinates is a person who is scared.

The ordinary love what's easy. The best love what's difficult. Make today beyond awesome

Play at excellence where you are now versus once you get to where you've always wanted
to be.

Don't be defined by what you own versus who you are.

The thoughts you think today are the predictors of the results you'll see tomorrow.

It will be a remarkable loss to the world for you to play small.

I'll be spending most of the day with my team today, at the office. They are my "Band of
Superstars" and some of the best + brightest people i know. Insight: The bigger your
dream, the more important your team.

Flood your mind with thoughts of possibility so that creativity+success becomes your

The secret to exceptional production is the ferocious elimination of distraction. Please

share your time management ideas with me so we all can learn.

Please don't buy the lies your fears are trying to sell you.

Been in creative mode all day (writing on my Mac). Need to refuel+refill my creative
well. i'll walk in the woods. How do YOU refuel your creativity?

Pleasure arrives from the outside. Happiness appears from within.

You are NOT your fears...You ARE the genius beneath them.

Creativity is the currency of success.

Failure is nothing more than progress in wolf's clothing.

Leadership's no longer about income but impact, about creativity vs authority, about
passion vs position.

Global warming. Political chaos. Economic confusion. The world's in dramatic change. The
best we can do? Become our best.
The best leaders singlemindedly leave trails of more leaders.

The doubts you have about your potential are nothing more than the lies your fears have
sold you. You were built to be brilliant.

The risk you don't take leads to the goal you didn't achieve.

When we listen to our fears, we silence our genius.

A commitment to excellence is one of the best commitments you'll ever make.

The best way to summit your outer mountains, is to conquer your inner ones first.

Make everything you do today part of a practice session in preparation for Mastery.

Each day when you go to work, you get a choice: play the victim or become a virtuoso.

Genius is not the result of innate ability but deliberate practice and the relentless
pursuit of mastery.

The impossible is often simply the unexplored.

Don't believe my constant suggestions that you're made of genius? ok, fine. You're a
genius in training then.

Leaders are those individuals who do the things that failures aren't willing to do - even
though they might not like doing them either. LWT

Just thinking that if every one of the close to 75,000 people with me on this Facebook
page appreciated+celebrated+elevated just 5 teammates at work today, together, we will
have had an impact on over 300,000 people today. Game-changing? no. World-Changing.
Let's DO this

A mistake is only a mistake if you view it as a mistake (and fail to learn from it).

How does one maintain inspiration+momentum when the mountaintop seems so high? Celebrate
the micro-achievements. Savor every win. And remember that the road is often better than
the end.

Be all about making this day better than yesterday.

Trading growth + excitement for comfort + security is the most dangerous of trades.

Your doubts are the chains your fears have shackled you with.

If you're not making your work better today you're making things worse for tomorrow.

The leader's most precious asset is not time. It's energy. Manage it at genius.

Measure your success by the bigness of your ideas vs the size of your wallet.

Victims spend time talking about their problems. Leaders spend time talking about their

The gift of this day is the opportunity to get a little closer to your highest vision of
your greatest life.

The question isn't can you. The question is will you? LWT.

Dream where you're standing. Create where you're placed. Lead where you're planted.
Leadership's not about getting ovations. Leadership's about making a difference.

When no one believes in you, you believe in you. That's called Leading vs Following.

Ok, here's the truth: you were designed to be inspirational, built to be exceptional and
wired to make a difference.

Awareness is the DNA of Transformation.

The easiest thing in the world is to criticize. Hardest thing in the world is to do work
worthy of being criticized.

God i LOVE this quote: "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." Juma
Ikangaa, 1989 winner of the New York Marathon. pls share it.

You have genius at your core + strength at your center. Tear away the doubts that deny you
the access to it.

In the cold Winter of criticism, where no one gets your vision but you, your job is to
stay true to yourself. (An my job is to keep reminding you to

"For everything you have missed, you have gained something else. And for everything you
gain, you lose something else." Emerson

3 Steps for a GREAT day today: 1. Have a Plan 2. Follow the Plan 3. Smile, as you Follow
The Plan.

Just off the bike. 6:02 am Saturday morning. Feeling grateful for the simple
things+perfect moments. "Gratitude is the antidote to fear," (from The Leader Who Had No
Title (BTW, thank you+gratitude to my Spanish readers for making it #9 in Spain this
week> The LWT msg is spreading fast).

Leaders stay cool in hot times

good morning my fellow members of The LWT Community. We are having such an impact. why?
because rather than playing victim, we are showing leadership. Rather than blaming others
we are BEING THE CHANGE (to quote Mahatma Gandhi). Rather than saying we are powerless to
do genius-level work, we roll up our sleeves and do genius-level work. MAKE THIS DAY
COUNT! Please.

too many people live the same year 80 times and call it a life. pls share with me and
the rest of this LWT Community what YOU will do so this doesn't happen to you.
There are no extra people on the planet. Everyone matters. We all can make a difference.
You absolutely count.

The best leaders singlemindedly leave trails of more leaders.

Slow, steady progress is better than fast, daily excuses.

Fully expressing your talents is a gift you give the world

On the other side of what you most fear lies your bigness.

No great masterpiece was ever created by a critic.

Old model leadership: "Authority+Position". New model leadership: "Vision+Passion". Now,

we all can (and must) lead.
Setbacks are tests Life sends to Dreamers to see how true they remain to their dream.

Build a zero-excuse zone that radiates 5 feet around you. Watch what happens to your
career - and life - success.Picasso didn't play the piano and Bono doesn't practice
ballet. Focus on being genius at one thing. Specialize!

No job is just a job unless we treat it as just a job. Make a difference.

The unsuccessful are addicted to leisure. The extraordinary are obsessed with learning.

Think big. Start small. Begin now.

We abuse our power+talents when we don't use our power+talents.

Elite performers spend a lot of time in their discomfort zone. And so, their comfort
zone expands.

What you speak more of you will see more of.

Leadership is about getting the job done. Pure and simple.

A time of no challenges and problems is a time of no advancement and growth.

Every 60 minutes ask yourself, "What's the most valuable thing for me to do right now?"

Remarkable Entrepreneurs have zero tolerance for any form of incompetence.

Everything that scares you is an opportunity to know your best self better.

The best leaders were all willing to take a bullet for their vision. Some did.

Be a minimalist. Less is more. Focus on the best - release the rest.

Remarkable Entrepreneurs do less meetings and drive more results.

As your career gets nearer to the stars, keep your feet closer to the ground.

Winning isn't an accident but is engineered - the result of a series of fundamental

disciplines executed on a daily basis.

A formula for Success: A vision that moves you + constant innovation + daily action.

Old Model Leadership: Command+Control. New Model Leadership: Connect+Collaborate.

What makes a champion (in sports+business) is performing like a champion before you're a

Ordinary entrepreneurs focus on operations. Remarkable Entrepreneurs

develop/mentor/inspire their people/teams.

You can't craft a superb future by remaining stuck in your past.

Your current success is limited, not by market conditions, but by self-identity.

Give your teammates the respect they deserve and they'll help you build the company you

The deeper your relationships, the stronger your leadership

Runners don't just show up and win a race. They train long and hard. Do you just show up
every day and hope to win?

Ordinary entrepreneurs are scared of change. Remarkable Entrepreneurs get inspired by


Success lies at the intersection between excellence and honor.

Put an armed security guard at the gate of your mind. So the intruders of doubt+fear
can't get in.

Ali wasn't the biggest puncher. But he was the smartest boxer.

Good morning Everyone. i'm re-reading a book called "Chasing Daylight". i recommend you
read it as it puts things into perspective. LWT and make this day world-class.

Rainy day in my hometown. Just finished my morning exercise+learning routine (while

drinking water and a green drink to reHydrate). Will do some writing now. Really hope
you're making the most of this day. One new choice can change your life...

The disapproval of critics is your best sign of incoming success.

Want more success+prosperity+satisfaction? Stop asking "how can i get more things?" and
begin asking "How can i help more people?" Every great business/social Leader makes the
second question their obsession.

Good companies produce good products. Great companies build great cultures.

Not a shred of doubt exists that the were built for anything less than Extraordinary. My
job is to remind you of that

Remarkable Entrepreneurs know the difference between busy-ness and progress.

Be excellent when you least feel like it.

High achievement is the daughter of visionary thinking.

The #1 challenge of a successful company? Everyone stops doing the very things that made
them successful because now they're successful.

What a Hopeful Paradox: the more you share your talents and gifts with others, the bigger
the gift you give yourself.

The more clear your thinking, the more accurate will be your results. Clarity precedes

Victims recite their excuses. Leaders deliver their results. Let's all do valuable work
today...and do something (even small) to move the line forward in our lives...and
positively influence the world around us.

Ideas alone are worth zero. The world is full of geniuses who couldn't execute around
their big ideas. The key, i suggest, is to ideate but add a devotion to near-flawless
translation of your brilliance into RESULTS. Your thoughts?

Long day at the office. Sorry i didn't post much today. The idea i'll offer just to be
of some value to you today: stress is a gift...because it pushes you to grow your
capability. The key isn't to avoid stress but to build periods of renewal and refuelling
so you recover from stress.
One of the greatest acts of human courage is disrupting the thinking of yesterday to
embrace the new idea of today.

Interesting how we don't think twice about the need for a champion athlete to put in a
few hours of practice every day yet so few of us put in a few hours of practice every
day to get to Genius in our work. (and those who do we label as 'Lucky').

Problems are like seasons. They never last. If you're going through a hard time i not
only wish you green lights but encourage you to get the lessons the hard time serves to
bring you. The most painful periods of my life have been my periods of richest

The thing about change is that it first prompts you gently. And if you don't make the
change it needs you to make, it provokes you harshly...until you get the message it
arrived to bring.

Just finished a workout. old but great line: "Nothing tastes as good as fitness feels."
Best fitness tip i can share to help you lead and win: workout first thing in the morning
(boosts your energy all day and releases endorphins so you feel excellent)> Pls share
your best tips

Leadership isn't just about doing the work. It's about doing the work greatly. Quality
trumps busy.

The strength and clarity of your vision will lift you out of the depth of any hardship.

Many people live the same year 80 times and call it a life.

Every great finish was once a simple beginning. Start now.

The choice you have in all you do: focus on problems or demonstrate leadership.

Ordinary businesspeople focus on outperforming their competition. The best focus on

outperforming the way they worked yesterday.

The thing about excuses is if you recite them enough you'll actually think they're true.

Creativity's more valuable than celebrity. Productivity's more sexy than fame.

The depth of our success will never exceed the height of our self-identity.

A brilliant idea without flawless execution = fool's gold.

Our power to shape our future lives in the present, not the past

The translation of "I'll try" is "I'm not committed."

Run your own race. Who cares what others are doing? Only question is, "Am I

You can't win if you don't even try.

i love this quote and wanted to share it with you: “It took me four years to paint like
Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child” Picasso.

The more passionate the "why?" behind your vision, the easier will be the 'how?" beneath
it. My dream is to help people in organizations and nations around the world Lead Without
a Title. Please share yours so we can en-COURAGE each other!
Thanks to all those of you referring to me as a "Guru" but may i PLEASE request that ends
before it gets to be too much. I'm not a guru. I'm an ordinary person trying to help
people Lead Without a Title. Thank you.

"The things that get scheduled are the things that get done." (from "The Greatness
Guide")> a clear daily plan gives you clarity as well as releases energy. Make today

There are no ordinary people. Just people choosing to play at ordinary.

Victims ask, "Why me?" Leaders say, "It's up to me."

Victims are dedicated to leisure. Virtuosos are devoted to learning.

Be an encourager versus a critic. That'll make you special.

The daily distractions of life are some of the most dangerous ways to squander the genius
that you were built to b

Clarity precedes mastery. Craft clear and precise plans/goals/deliverables. And then
block out all else.

The size of your life will always look staggeringly similar to the size of your

If your biggest goals don't scare you, they're not very big goals. Hope you guys are
having an awesome evening

To double your net worth, double your self-worth. Because you will never exceed the
height of your self-image.

Do your best work by getting up when you’ve been knocked down.

Good morning everyone. Remember: Small daily – seemingly insignificant – improvements

and innovations lead to staggering achievements over time.

Leading Without A Title is about developing an aching need to make things better.

For things to change, you must change. For our lives to become exceptional, you must
first become exceptional.

You can't create an outer-life that's more excellent than the quality of your inner-life.
Outer leadership begins with self-leadership.

Some of us have been so dis-Couraged by life we've forgotten the massive courage that
sits within us, begging to be applied.

The secret of passion is purpose. The purpose of life is contribution.

Our work is not our work. Our work is our craft. And our job is to become Masters of Our

So much of winning is about beginning. Start something great today. No, now!

Daily ripples of superior performance add up over time to a tidal wave of outrageous

thinking: let criticism FUEL you vs dis-Courage you.

Difficulty is not a valid excuse for mediocrity. What do you think?

Pursuing your passions is not an extracurricular activity. It inspires your best work!

Victims say "here's the problem." Leaders ask "where's the gift?" (Prepping 4 the DU
Telecom CEO event in Dubai @ 7 pm)

Step 1: Clarity Step 2: Tenacity 3. Audacity. The result? Mastery.

Go the extra mile in everything you do - you don't need a title to be a leader. And on
your deathbed, you'll never regret expressing the best within you.

Young trainer in the gym pushed me hard tonight. Worked like Bono sings. No boss present.
He did it for the pride of doing his best work.

Claiming you can't have an impact given your conditions is giving away your power to
impact to those conditions.

in 1975, i was in grade 5. Cora Greenaway was my History teacher. She was a true
Influencer+Encourager, who i still appreciate to this day. I'd love to know which one
person has most influenced you and why?

Mandela forgave his jailers. Perhaps we can forgive those who cut us off in traffic.

Really enjoying Doha, Qatar. Prepping for tomorrow's event. listened to Charlie Rose's
interview with James Cameron on the making of Avatar. get it at iTunes. today's thought
for you: "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
Chinese proverb. Your thoughts?

Lead with your passion, not from your position.

Every time you do that which you fear, you take back the power that the fear had stolen
from you.

Leadership Without a Title comes down to 3 things (that anyone in any organization in any
country can do): 1. Getting results (vs making excuses) 2. Influencing others (by working
at world-class) and 3. Leaving people more inspired than you found them. Curious as to
YOUR thoughts?

Most genius-level ideas happen amid solitude vs. noise. The Great Ones all make time for
"lonely creativity".

Much of the manager's job is to develop the organization. Much of the leader's job is to
develop the people.

one of the lines that i shared that most moved the audience here in Bergen, Norway today
was "if you fall in love with your excuses, you get to own them for a lifetime." i'm
curious as to what YOU think.

"What really makes greatness is white hot action around red hot ideas." from "The Leader
Who Had No Title

You're day is your life in miniature. As you live today, so you craft your life.
Someone working at genius scares people. Because others see what they too are built to
be. But that would mean they'd have to change...scary

"As a rock star, I have 2 instincts, I want to have fun + I want to change the world.I
have a chance to do both".Bono

"Leadership has a lot to do with believing in yourself when no one believes in you."
From "The Leader Who Had No Title"

Focusing on getting ovations versus doing your best work pushes away the ovations.

The result of not asking=zero receiving.

Who are your heroes? Mine begin with you, my readers. seriously. Your willingness to
learn + grow + impact people around you in better and better ways is deeply inspiring to
me. You guys rock! . Let's go out and change the world today!

The decisions you're making today will define the results you'll see tomorrow.

For the next 30 minutes i'll be taking your Q+As. ask me anything right here and right

Mark Fidgett "What was the turning point when you knew you had write a book?

Mark, great question. writing my first book just unfolded accidentally. i was an unhappy
lawyer. Got the idea to write a book. self published it in a Kinkos copy. Mom edited it
for me. Most people laughed at my idea. I stayed with it. that was 15 years ago.
Brian Cherkas "Where do you draw your most inspiration from?

Brian, seriously, i get most of my inspiration from you and the rest of the LWT
Community. i read the stories, meet people at the events, get letters etc. this is what
fuels me and keeps me tweeting and travelling and writing. i really believe that
everyone can lead and make a difference.

Imran Sheikh" why is it really hard to stick to a goal?
Imran, because most people set goals that are too big-and then get dis-couraged. the key
is to set your goal then achieve micro-goals daily, toward the bigger goal. this created
CONFIDENCE and momentum. the little successes build. as i wrote in "THe Leader Who Had
No Title", "small daily improvements lead to stunning results over time."


Altaf :"Antroli sir how 2 keep motivate ourself?

Robin Sharma Hi Altaf, i work at staying focused+on game+inspired daily. the best thing i
do is get up before 5 am and get on my exercise bike for at least 30 minutes while
watching DVDs or listening to audiobooks on my ipod. that jump starts my metabolism as
well as gets me focused and reconnected to what's most important. then i'll read or
write in a journal and review my daily plan.
Carole Chalmers "When you wrote your first book...did you think about it or just do it?
Robin Sharma "Carole, i did both. i thought it through and then just did it. too much
thinking slows down the execution of the dream i think

Rivera E Rivera" what other book you recommend us besides yours?

Rivera, so many: "As You Think", the autobio of Mandela, the works of seneca

Tshering Tashi "

sir last time i asked u the same question i am asking u today u have given many tips on
how to manage time but somehow i can never do it so please some suggestions..

Tshering, some time management tips for you: get up at 5 am, use your commute time to
learn, never go anywhere without a book in your hand, keep a schedule, get superfit,
learn to say no, delegate, make time to be wthout technology so you do deep work..

Arun, what i teach my client is "the things that scheduled are the things that get done."
take some time every weekend and build out a schedule that has all your work+family
priorities on it. then run the schedule!
Alan Cruz Ruiz "Hello Robin from Mexico, what is your key idea for building up

" Alan, great to hear from you in Mexico! i'm really grateful to all my readers there
(VIVA MEXICO). ok, my reply to your question: the best way to build discipline is to do
"small but difficult things daily". each time you do what you must do but don't want to
do, you literally rewire your brain. and your behavior follows. i'll be speaking at an
event in Mexico in may (see the EVENTS tab on this page)

Leena Sharma "how do we ensure never to lose track of our goal n train ourselves to be
consistent ..

Leena, i suggest you take 5 minutes every morning to review your goals. it's remarkable
how beautifully goals focus the mind+boost energy+help you Lead Without a Title


Robin Sharma Jeyanth, actually no, some of my friends are CEOs and some are carpenters
and ski instructors. real people are best for me...


Robin Sharma "Maya, we can beat jealousy by following the advice a mentor taught me when
i was 21: "Run Your Own Race." you have brilliance and gifts within you. focus on those
and forget about what others are doing. as Oscar Wilde once said: "Be Yourself, Everyone
Else is Already Taken."
Robin Sharma Lisa, thanks. 1. don't check email first thing in the morning 2. block out
distractions 3. start your day with exercise. best regards

Adam, to beat stress i: ski+get massages+walk in nature+travel+read+rest+drink lots of
water+workout+hang with my friends+listen to music


Umaserma Bharathi "hii sir!!i ve intentions of doing something good...but most of the
time i neglect it...then later i regret it.....example i plan to study or do sme
exercise or any other constructive then i start watchin tv or sit on net for
endless hours....nt doing wat i wanted to....what can i do????this especially occurs wen
no one is around at home....later wen mom returns in d faith dat i was preparin for sme
xam i regret d time i ve wasted...i feel guilty...plz help me wid sme practical way out
of dis n to get sme self control n discipline within me????????plzzzzzzzz....
Robin Sharma hi Bharati, i just avoid being around people who are complacent and
accepting mediocrity. my team at Sharma Leadership International Inc. are a band of
superstars, my clients are awesome and the people i'm with most of the time are
brilliant...and changing the world.
Mike Knox /:Where do you get your inspiration to write?
Thanks Mike, i get it from many places: from being in the mountains, from conversations
with participants at my events, from great books+art+travelling. from ideas that occur
while i'm writing in my journal
Hedi Hadi "Hi Robin, I got a problem that I have a lot of great ideas and all what 's
needed to make it but I'm always lazy and do nothing. What do you suggest ?
:"Hady, i would pick the best idea and then do something to bring it to life. little
acts around your goals, over time, create stunning results


Gitanjali Vaswani "How do i really become serious on time management Sir. i wish to
master it but this is the only thing where i fail repeatedly!!!
Robin Sharma Thanks Gitanjali> that's a really broad question. One thing i do is each week
i plan my weekly schedule, in clear detail. it gives me great focus as well as fills me
with energy and inspiration
Chris Klau :"How do you stay grateful for what you have while striving for more?
Robin Sharma Great question Chris. I write gratitude lists and paragraphs in my journal
nearly every day. That grows my appreciation of the good in my life. But i balance that
with staying hungry for bigger goals and achieving greater results and having a larger
impact. it's a balance, i believe.

thanks Dana. the book of mine i'd recommend most is my newest one, that took me over 10
years to be ready to write. "The Leader Who Had No Title"
Juan Vasquez Being working out all winter, at the gym by 7:00am every morning, last 30
days don't want to get out of bed. How do I get my groove back?

Robin Sharma Thanks Juan. first, i'd trust what my body is telling me. seems you need
rest. then, start small-and with exercise that is interesting and fun for you. I also try
to shake up my fitness routine to get my muscles confused and keep it all fresh.

Sapna Nasra Wadhwa What to do when things are not in your hands and you seriously need to
get out of troubles?

Robin Sharma hi Sapna, worrying about things you can't control is such a waste of energy
and time (and yes, we all do it)> here's an idea for you: Do your best and then let life
do the rest. sometimes life takes us to a place we don't want to go. and then years
later, we get how perfect that detour was!

Cristian Geicu How you can focus only on the important issues? What are you doing not to
be distracted about the minor issues?

Robin Sharma Hi Cristian. well i'm sooooo careful about not allowing distractions into
my life. Distractions are the death of creativity and productivity. i also have a very
clear weekly plan, 180 day goals, 1+3+5 etc year goals. I also turn off my Blackberry a
lot through the day and rarely give anyone my mobile number except those who i know
should have it.
Kathryn Farrell Hi Robin Just want to say how much I truly appreciate your life lessons
you share. Wondering what you would say is the one thing you do everyday that makes you a
better human? Thanks!

Robin Sharma thanks Kathryn...brilliant question. Hmmmm...well, generally get up early,

do my workout, brew my coffee and write in my journal to launch my day. you asked for
ONE thing...i'd say writing in my journal in a really honest way is keeps it all real for
me. i also surround myself w as many truth-tellers vs "yes men" as possible,
Linda Lattuca Which was your turning point in understanding who you really are?

Robin Sharma Hi Linda, thanks. Well there was no real turning point for me. Yes, i've had
a divorce. yes, i left my job as a litigation lawyer. but me learning about the power of
Leading without a Title and full self-expression etc has been a gradual+daily process.
And some days i wake up and i feel i'm such a beginner


oshua Brindza Do you have any advise for a kid that wants to make a difference in the

Robin Sharma Great question Joshua. well for 'a kid who wants to make a difference in the
world", the first thing i'd say is learn to trust yourself! as you chase your vision,
people will laugh+criticize+dis-Courage you. BLOCK THEM OUT and stay focused on what you
know you can do. yes, you'll get knocked down. dust yourself off and get back up.
stunning how far you can get if you just stay in the game longer than anyone thinks you

Anita Menon Just one question. .how do you stay focussed Mr. Sharma? I am awed by your
energy and vigour. And what a fabulous work you have done with the LWT campaign. Hats

Robin Sharma Anita, the best way i stay focused is staying on my purpose. i know it
clearly because i've thought about it and refined it so much. the secret of passion is
Amro Mero The world going into the abyss and things are fundamental impact on social
life, how we face all these challenges with confidence..‫؟؟؟؟‬

Robin Sharma Thanks Amro. yes, the world is falling apart. it has to in order to be
reconstructed in a better+healthier way. best thing you can do is work on yourself+Lead
Without a Title so your influence and inspire all around you.

Yes Luisa, i've never said that we don't need leaders with titles and authority too. i'm
just suggesting-with the LWT message-that each one of us has the power to lead at work nd
in our communities. Because ultimately, leadership's not about authority, it's about
Influence+Impact+Inspiration. and every one of us can do these things. and in so doing,
make a difference

Gillian Paula Hi do one live with big mistakes you have made or choices you does one move past you have any of those important things that you
wish you did differently?...and how did u cope

Robin Sharma thanks Gillian, well i think we all need to first, take responsibility for
our part in any mistakes. and then, give ourselves a little slack for being human, and
let the past be the past. I sent out tweet on Twitter a few days ago: stop being the
prisoner of your past and become the architect of your future. i've yet to meet a
perfect human. Mistakes help us grow.
von Lim Is there a time when you give your all and the receipent does not appreciate and
this is somebody you respects? He simply is draining all the energy you have.

Robin Sharma yes Evon. sometimes we try and try with some people and they are not ready
to hear what we say. with people like this, we all have choices. stay or leave or
something in between. you have the power to make the choices that are best for you

Kim Skillen Robin I'm a relatively new fan. But now read as much as I can from you. You
have helped me through a difficult transition in my life. I have taken many of your
ideas and have successfully applied them to my life so thank you. I would love to hear
you speak in person. Will you being speaking in New York anytime soon? My question is
what do you think is the best piece of advice you have given your children?

Robin Sharma Thanks Kim. Yes, i plan to start doing a few select Lead Without a Title
Training Days in some American cities and given my deep love of New York, we may start
there (and maybe as early as this Fall). as for the best advice i've given to my question...and yourself in a world of clones+love books and
learning+don't give up+be polite+stay fit+don't watch much tv+have fun

Yasmin Ladak Robin, I just wanted to tell you how much I admire your wisdom and
brilliance. What was the turning point that really propelled your career and how did you
make it happen?

Robin Sharma Thanks Yasmin. there was no real "turning point'. about 12 years ago i was a
successful litigation lawyer. but really unhappy and de-energized. so i read and learning
and met mentors etc etc. made a big Transformation. so i self-published a little book
called "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" in a Kinko's copy shop. sold it at Rotary and
Kiwanis clubs. people laughed at me and doubted. But i stayed with the dream.


Cookie, you and all the other people here are my inspiration. seriously. do you have
any idea how courageous one needs to be to leave who the were yesterday? and to learn a
new idea and disrupt their previous thinking. That's really scary for most people. so
they stay closed and resistant. You and everyone else in this community is commited to
Leading Without a Title and growing and daring and encouraging others and staying for
outright excellence in a world fallen in love with mediocrity. so you all are my
Intentions create no fortunes. Go get it!

When in doubt, go for a run. #exercise

What we complain about we make bigger

Smarter to focus on the giant goal than how you'll get there. Figure out the target and
the strategy will follow.

Leadership's about how you behave when no one's watching

The project that most scares you is the project you need to do first.

Ideas are just words. What brings them to life is massive execution - and relentless

You'll never be a standout until you stop worrying about fitting in. #Leadership

No person playing victim ever changed the world.

Just because it scared you yesterday doesn't mean you can't beat it today.

The 3 secrets of successful entrepreneurs: 1. focus 2. focus 3. focus

Leadership's about an awesome display of your genius, esp. when no one's watching

The Ultimate Leadership Question: "Who would I be without my fears+excuses?"

An OBSESSION around a single vision+mission is the core trait of every

billionaire+sports star+CEO I've coached.
Was just going to put "untitled leader" under my signature on a letter but realized
that's a title

Measure the success of your day but the results you create vs the ovations you receive.
I find it more helpful to think of "time protection" vs. "time management".

Busywork is often a safety tactic to avoid the fear of doing you're great work that would
change the world.

Why get super fit? So you're strong enough to impact the world.

Victims do busywork. Leaders do important work.

Bold inspiration is the DNA of flawless execution.

One of the mountaintops of the greatest leaders is a summit called Fearlessness.

Know your priorities so that other peoples' priorities don't become your priorities.

Few things are as dangerous as the violence of mediocrity.

Very few people get their best work done at the office.

On the other side of what you most fear lies your bigness.

You can't have all you want if you're focused on all you're not.

No great masterpiece was ever created by a critic.

Slow, steady progress is better than fast, daily excuses.

What separates the best from the rest is how they manage the gift of their time.

Big people don't make people feel small.

The 3 secrets of successful entrepreneurs: 1. focus 2. focus 3. focus

No person playing victim ever changed the world.

The project that most scares you is the project you need to do first.

The project that most scares you is the project you need to do first.

Life's just too short to look fear in the eye and retreat to average.
Ideas are just words. What brings them to life is massive execution - and relentless


Your habits are pristine reflections of your values

Our outer conditions reflect our inner beliefs. Improve your internal state and external
must follow

Make everything you do today part of a practice session in preparation for Mastery

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare

3 words will transform your life: Absolute Personal Responsibility

Beautiful quote: "There is but one cause of human failure. And that is man's lack of faith
in his true Self." - William James

To see the best in others, start to own the best within yourself.
To lead greatly is to live fully.

No ask, no get. No try, no win

“Your premium brand had better be delivering something special, or it's not going to get
the business.” -Warren Buffett

"The greatest pleasure in life is in doing what people say you cannot do". -Walther

"Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom." -Euripides

There are no ordinary people. Just people choosing to play at ordinary.

Also thinking "if you drive a taxi, be the Mozart of taxi driving so you become ICONIC
in your field."

one of my clients gave me a copy of "Think Like Da Vinci" and said it was wow. will read
it asap

"The successful person makes a habit of doing what the failing person doesn't like to
do." -Thomas Edison

often "I Can't" is just a defense mechanism is just a lie we've sold ourselves to avoid
getting hurt

"Try to learn something about everything and everything about something." -Thomas Huxley
"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." -John F. Kennedy

"All things are difficult before they are easy." -Thomas Fuller

"The only justification for ever looking down on someone is to lift them up." -Jesse

"If you're doing something a certain way because it's always been done that way, then
you're probably doing it wrong." -Colin Baden

"The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the
independence of solitude." Emerson

"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." -
Michael Jordan

When you are through changing, you are through." -Bruce Barton

"Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes... but no plans." -Peter

One of the most simple yet simply profound lines from Warren Buffett: "I stick with
things." that's a lot deeper an insight than it appears

Elite performers consistently work towards physical mastery. When you feel good, you can
do good.

My #1 dream in my life? people awaken their "inner leader" so they can Lead
Without a Title (LWAT). The other/ego stuff bores me

"I don't look to jump over 7-foot bars: I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step
over." -Warren Buffett

"Good people are good because they've come to wisdom through failure." -William Saroyan

"A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd." -James Crooks

I see people on beaches with their laptops. Sort of misses the point of a vacation.
Athletes have their on season then their off season

Lots of us know how to work hard. Few know how to play hard. Learn to "deeply detach" so
you come back to work even stronger/fresher

"When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that is in itself a choice." -William

"Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve" -Napoleon Hill

"The winner is the chef who takes the same ingredients as everyone else and produces the
best results." -Edward de Bono

Interesting how we see more of what we most wish to learn about. And how life sends us
what we most seek out

Never miss even a single opportunity to ENCOURAGE someone's bold acts of exceptionalism
To lead is to train your brain to focus on opportunities when everyone around you is
stuck in the problems

A single big thought carries with it the ability to shatter all your barriers
A commitment to excellence at every touchpoint of your life is one of the best
commitments you'll ever make
What is impossible to teach is how to care deeply about doing your work beautifully

Never accept the poverty of mediocrity

"In business, as in life, you get what you give" -Danny Meyer

Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results

One of the Great Traps of Business: we're so busy chasing The Mountaintop we neglect to
celebrate how far we've climbed

All of our world's progress was created by VIPs...Very Impatient People

To become a great leader, first become a great person. Start by leading yourself.

The risk of not taking smart risks is far more dangerous than taking smart risks

I'm preparing for the Singapore and KL events next week. Reading about DaVinci. We ALL
can be our work and @ our lives

"I admire Warren Buffett immensely because he doesn't let his ego get in the way of his
decision making." Bill Clinton

Real leaders leave their ego at the front door every am and do what's best for the

People don’t buy products and services – they buy people and relationships.

"I want to be here for a bigger reason. I strive to be like the greatest people who have
ever lived." -Will Smith

"Businesspeople don’t need to understand designers better. They need to be designers". -

Roger Martin, Dean of the Rotman Management School

The best social media is a strong character/keeping your promises and world-class

"A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years
of his life." -Muhammad Ali

"Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." -Lance Armstrong

"Where there is no struggle, there is no strength." Oprah

"You will play a bigger game as a human being if you pick the right people to model."
from The Greatness Guide

"People do business with people that make them feel good." from The Greatness Guide

Measure your success as a leader by how many other leaders you grow vs what things you
What happened in the past is just that, the past. Champion or not." -Steve Nash

"If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in
the room." -Anita Roddick (founder of The Body Shop)

The way you start your day determines how well youlive your day - from The Leader Who
Had No Title

"Making time to think is a superb strategy for success in leadership and in life." from
The Greatness Guide

Worrying about winning prevents you from winning. Set your goals + do your best + then
enjoy the process.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where
he stands at times of challenge and controversy" MLK

thinking: let criticism FUEL you vs dis-Courage you

Difficulty is not a valid excuse for mediocrity. What do you think?

Today's Facebook Question: Can anyone be a leader-and make a difference? (if you've read
"The Leader Who Had No Title" you know my answer and that we ALL can lead+influence+use
their lives to impact others).

God i LOVE connecting with you all. reading your ideas and what you're doing to Lead
Without a Title and who you are becoming. you have no idea how much seeing what you are
doing to make a difference fuels+energizes+inspires me. i'm SO grateful to each of

"Death is nothing. But to live defeated is to die daily." Napoleon Bonaparte (your
thoughts on this? I agree with it 1000%)

Fear befriended is fear transcended. (Yes, I get that's an incredibly cheesy line

Leadership's about how you perform when no one's watching.

The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions. Do Important Work

"No one can possibly achieve real and lasting success by being a conformist."
Billionaire J. Paul Getty

Failures: "learning ends when school ends." Successes: "learning ends when life ends."

The best way to succeed is to want your dream more than you want to be liked.

Victims talk about others. Leaders talk about ideas.

Your response to failure determines the height of your success.

Cold day. Creativity was low. And so I ran. Creativity is now high...

My Facebook Question today: "Could you spend the next 12 hours without using "I"?...and
then, "will you?"

The world's best + cheapest personal productivity tool: the word "No"
The leader's job is not to be liked but to get the job done.

My FB Question for today: "Who would you be if you didn't know who you were?"

My Facebook question of the day: what's the single best thing you do to stay productive
each day? (Mine: The 5 am Rise)

"It is a danger to wait for an idea to occur to you. You have to find the idea." Gerhard

Real leaders are more concerned with Movement-Building vs. Ego-Stroking.

My Facebook Question today (excellent answers yesterday my friends!): summarize how you
want people to describe you (when you are not in the room) in ONE line. (tough question
today, i know ...I'll go first: "Robin stands for
leadership+excellence+strength+compassion+impact and is using his life to help people
Lead Without a Title around the world." (this is my IDEAL that i'm working towards)> now
yours please.

"The important thing is not this year or next year but where Berkshire is 20 years after
I die." Warren Buffett

Leaders manage fear...and appreciation+gratitude are the antidotes to fear (at work+at

Too many among us are living our neighbors lives vs our own. Success lies in being true
to you.

Problems are only problems if you see them as problems.

Smart leaders keep journals. Why? 1. Daily goal-setting 2. Work through confusion 3.
Record gratitude. 4. Refocus on what matters.

"It's not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." Sir Edmund Hillary

The old model of leadership (only CEO's can show leadership) is so '90s. Now, we all
must every area of our lives.

Locked away + unreachable today. Why? Deep creative work doesn't happen at the office...

Ok people=an OK business. Phenomenal people=a phenomenal business.

You don't find your dreams. Your dreams find you.

Every action is a consequence set into motion.

Now comes the coffee. Then comes the workout. Then flows the energy. Then arrives the
productivity. Good Morning. LWT.

"When we lose the right to be different, we lose the right to be free." Charles Evans

To become the person you've always dreamed of being is life's greatest victory.

if you could do one thing today that would gently change the direction of your life,
what would it be...a single new decision can rewrite your future. pls share

All your comments to my question on "Today's Game Changing Move" were WOW. So I'll ask
another one: "What's Your Best Tip for Being Really Productive?" For me, things like
getting up at 5 am + exercising first thing + periods with no technology + a clear daily
schedule + eliminating distractions + using my drive time to learn and stay inspired are
key. Yours?

Who you were is a lot less important than who you are becoming.

5 Steps to Win: 1. Set a massive mission 2. Sequence it into 10/5/3/1 yr goals 3. Get
the team right 4. Block out noise+focus. 5. Innovate.

The fears you don't face become your chains.

Beneath every excuse lives a fear.

Develop a zero-regret mindset: fast forward to 12 months from today, 5 possible

regrets? Then do what needs to be done to avoid them.

Better daily decisions=Better Daily Results.

Think time is key for excellent execution. Someone said: "don't just do something. Sit

The best leaders are mentally strong+physically fit+emotionally open+spiritually engaged.

Sitting in the lounge at LaGuardia. Thinking "we strengthen what we speak about." Agree?

Leave things (+people) better than you found them.

No ask, no get. Simple advice that just could transform a business + a life.

Luck=vision+commitment+practice. Good am

Pls do us a favor today and spill your gifts out into the world.

I never wanted to be a businessman; I just wanted to change the world." - Richard Branson

I'm seeing "a generalized loss of good manners" in the world. The massive digitized
connections have led to human disconnections.

People treat us the way we've taught them to treat us.

Sunny Spring day in my hometown. Thinking "few things feel as good as getting great
things done"

"Great works are performed, not by strength, but perseverance" -Samuel Johnson

"When i'm flat on my back, i'll hope that i lived." Bono

A simple question i ask of you: are you keeping the promise of your potential?

The growth of courage need not come with a loss of compassion.

"To be Successful you need to have Passion, Integrity and Intelligence." -Bill Gates

Be the most honest person you know.

Lead Without a Title. Gandhi/Rosa Parks/Mother titles yet touched humanity

The Twin Purposes of Life: The Pursuit of Potential and The Pursuit of Possibility

It doesn't matter if people understand your intentions so long as you understand your
9 times out of 10, treat people like royalty and they'll put a crown on your head

How elegantly you manage disappointment will determine how quickly you'll experience

We just received another offer to make "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" into a movie. Do
you want to see it as a movie or kept as a book?
clear future goals create precise daily behaviors

Life isn't much more than a big dig through layers of doubt and fear into new levels of
power and potential

Focus your best hours on your biggest opportunities

Most of us give up 3 feet from discovering our treasure. PERSIST!

be thankful for the unexpected. it carries the seeds of growth and greater excellence.

Best way to improve the world is improve yourself

You can't get your dreams if your not even chasing them

"Without the rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar." Emerson

Happiness comes from helpfulness. And passion derives from a purpose.

I know it's scary to accept it but our lives pretty much reflect our beliefs.

Everything that you're now great at once scared you. So what's the lesson?

Sometimes you just have to stop reading about how to do it and just have the GUTS to go
out and DO IT!

Be kinder than expected. Be better than anticipated.

Disruptive ideas don't change the world. Visionaries acting on them does.

Rude people are even ruder to themselves.

Your moments of frustration offer the new choices that lead to transformation.

if people are not laughing at your dreams at least once a week, you're thinking too small

Talk is cheap. RESULTS are priceless.

It doesn't matter if people understand your intentions so long as you understand your

Define your success by how happy you are-not by how many things you have

Remember: every person you meet today longs to have the best within them witnessed and
then celebrated

It will be a great loss to this world if you don't express your best

You can't win if you don't even try

If you had just 1 hour left to live, you'd be loving your loved ones. Why wait?

If little problems frustrate you, big ones will destroy you

Passion transforms the impossible into the possible

What's the point of wealth if you lose your integrity as you chase it?

If you're doing what you believe is right, then why worry about what others think of you?
Stand strong in your own convictions!


If you are without hope--and facing hard times--please remember the old truth that has
helped me through my hard periods: This Too Shall Pass. Better days are coming--even if
it doesn't feel like they are. I send you every good wish.

There are no extra people on the planet. You matter. Make this day count.

When you make the decision to do something, make the decision to do it well

Leadership means helping people become more than they would have become on their own

Unless you start doing things differently, nothing will turn out differently (in 2010)

How elegantly you manage disappointment will determine how quickly you'll experience

Listening to Dennis Waitley as I run. His line: "every winner was once a beginner."

if you showed someone your plan for 2010, would they say "Wow, that's genius!"? if not,
why not?

The 5 Deadly Toxins: Complaining. Criticizing. Gossiping. Worrying. Procrastinating.

clear future goals create precise daily behaviors

Ferocious optimism is the morning vitamin of the visionary.

Don't use the hardships of your past as excuses to deny the possibilities of your future.

The greatest sadness is to die with your dreams


The destruction of mediocrity is one of the most

precious of life's pursuits.

The person you think you have nothing to learn from is the person you have the most to
learn from.
Passion is the secret to persistence. Once you
fall in love with a vision, it's not possible to give up.

We all have the same amount of time left: the rest

of our lives. So do something special w it!

Today, be a giver not a taker and a leader not a


The 3 worst experiences of my life led to 3 of the

best things in my life. Eventually

The only opinion of you that matters is your

opinion of you.

Close all your escape routes, burn all your Plan

Bs and get busy doing that dream that only you were built to do.

To get what only 1% of us have, do what only the

1% are willing to do.

What makes a genius is not just the idea but the

execution around the idea to bring it to the world

An excuse is nothing more than a fear made verbal.

People who have owned their bigness are the people who make others feel big.

Life's hardest moments deliver growth's greatest gifts.

Leadership involves a fanatical focus around a few fundamentals. Keep things simple. Keep
things real.

The first move of leadership is learning to think for yourself.

Our harshest difficulties serve to expose our highest talents.

Too many people hide behind being busy but producing nothing to avoid facing their fear
of success.

The condition of your mission is determined by the

quality of your decisions.

I'd rather be around people who dream too big than those who play too small.

The moment you conquer one fear is the minute you conquer many fears.

In the darkest of moments, when you feel 1000%

alone, you still have your choices with you

You didn't fail! You just learned something new.

At the end if our lives, what we most regret are the risks we didn't take, the potential
we didn't use and the difference we didn't make.

On the last hour of our last day, we never regret being unnecessarily kind. And
ridiculously brave.

Happiness comes from progress.

Have a great weekend and thank you 100X for supporting and sharing all my messages. Robin
Life's hardest moments deliver growth's greatest gifts.

Hope you're great. Down in beautiful Mauritius I wrote this post on "19 Steps to a
Victim-Free Company" based on everyone asking me to write about how to avoid being a
victim and grow in power, influence and impact:

Be the most generous person you know. Staggeringly great opportunities will come your
way. Trust me.

Victims love discussing their problems. Leaders love sharing their dreams.

The greatest danger of being around un-excellent people is that you start to become like
them without even knowing it.

Less ego. More excellence. Less talk. More do. Less rude. More polite. Less fear. More

The words you speak are powerful. Especially the words you speak to yourself.

Every great finish was once a simple beginning. Start now.

Picasso didn't wait until he was Picasso before he started working like Picasso.

Believe in yourself when no one believes in you. Or no one will ever believe in you.

@AthIeteLife: The only workout you'll ever regret is the one you didn't do."

Success isn't much about luck. Success is far more about strategy. Learn the right moves
and you'll get the right results.

Life's hardest moments deliver growth's greatest gifts.

Success isn't much about luck. Success is far more about strategy. Learn the right moves
and you'll get the right results.

Problems only become problems when viewed as problems.

I know it's scary to accept it but our lives pretty much reflect our beliefs.

Picasso didn't wait until he was Picasso before he started working like Picasso.

2 game changing habits: #1. 5 am Club and 60 min running, reading, planning #2. No-
complaint days

Spartan Warrior Creed (that I live by): "He who sweats more in training bleeds less in
war." #leadership

They may be smarter than you. They may have more money than you. They may come from a
different city or a better family. But they can NEVER outwork you. And they can NEVER
outprepare you. And they just can't outpractice you. And that's why you'll win.

Be the most generous person you know. Staggeringly great opportunities will come your
way. Trust me.

Dreaming doesn't work. Until you do the work.

2 books to read (highly recommended): "Quiet" and "Daily Rituals". And please remember:
the more you learn, the less mistakes you'll make and the more superb things you can

Average is just a lie someone's sold you. Return the idea. And get busy being great.

The only thing stopping you is a belief that you are stoppable.

The greatest danger of being around un-excellent people is that you start to become like
them without even knowing it

Live full out. Vow to be brilliant at your work. Devote to getting into world-class
health. Take positive risks to grow into your greatness.

One last one: happiness comes from helpfulness. And passion derives from a purpose. Bye.
Our lives don't improve by talking about improving our lives. #GetGoingNow
To double your income, triple your rate of learning
Innovation's nothing more than an obsession with better.
Written daily schedule works well @_ak_1402_: @_robin_sharma can you suggest some good
tricks to become consistent please"
Sometimes you just have to stop reading about how to do it and just have the GUTS to go
out and DO IT!
Life's just too short to look fear in the eye and retreat to average
One of the greatest of all sources of misery is comparing yourself to others.

You become your conversations. Your results reveal your associations.

You become your conversations. Your results reveal your associations.

The only thing stopping you is a belief that you are stoppable.

You can't win if you don't start.

Better to be an optimist who gets disappointed than a pessimist who has no hope.

Complaining strengthens the things you complain about. So don't complain.

Unsuccessful people get jealous when they watch the Mastery of others. Successful people
get inspired.
Focusing on the past almost guarantees that you'll miss the future meant for you.
No great life was ever built on a foundation of excuses.
Less gossiping, more learning. Less complaining, more excelling. Less walls, more
bridges. Less fear, more courage.
Cheap often costs more.
Failure is the price of Success. Sacrifice is the price of Mastery
Please avoid the mind virus called "impossible". All visionaries do.
Genius comes out to play when you have to guts to be alone a little

Oh, and please remember that gratitude conquers misery. And that a brave vision banishes
apathy. Ok. I'll connect later. Bye.

Your words reflect your self-identity. Choose better and you'll do better.

6 Ways to Get Up at 5 am (The 5 am Club): #1. Put your alarm clock away from your bed
#2. Get a better night's sleep (no computers or news before you sleep!) #3. Jump out of
bed and start running on the spot or skipping for 5 minutes (this works) #4. Schedule
getting up at 5 am onto your schedule (what gets scheduled gets done) #5. Get really fit
(you'll need less sleep and have SO much more energy) #6. Set your Big 5 Goals (a
mission and clear goals create a fire in your belly--which gives you a REASON to get out
of bed). Hope this helps you join The 5 am Club.

Make your faith larger than your fears, your commitment stronger than your doubts and
your dreams bigger than your critics. (En route to Paris today--sending you my very best
wishes). Grateful for all your encouragement and support. Bye.

Oh--and may I please ask you why would you like to be more like others when today you
can become a little more like your best self? (Oscar Wilde: be yourself...everyone else
is taken.)

True leaders leave their egos in their bedroom drawers every morning before the walk
out into the world. This allows them to think clearly, create excellently and celebrate
the human talent they are privileged to work with. Agree?

The enemy of mastery isn't mediocrity. Nope, the biggest one is distraction.

Do fears you've never done. Think thoughts you've never dared.

Don't worry about being liked. Just go change the world.

Thx but I have better things to do :) @fitMeTraining: @_robin_sharma did you ever
stopped to wonder how many people you have touched? Wow.

It's not the smartest who wins. The most hardworking does. Always

Humble is cool. Kind is hip. Excellence is stylish. Brave is fashionable. At least in the
world I want to live in

When we think investing in learning's expensive, let's consider the costs of staying stuck
the rest of our lives.

Working by the sea. Massively inspired. Ideating my new book. Can't share the title
yet... ;)

Genius comes out to play when you have to guts to be alone a little

Don't wait for the energy to do the work, DO the work to get the energy.

Unsuccessful people get jealous when they watch the Mastery of others. Successful people
get inspired.

Talk less. Create more.

The beautiful thing about fear is when you run to it, it runs away.

Make the time to be alone. Your best ideas live within solitude

Small steps are big steps. Little decisions can, over time, cause stunningly wonderful

You can please others. Or you can change the world. But you can't do both.
Daily Kickstart: GENIUS is not the result of genetics, genius is the RESULT of PRACTICE.
My goal is small. I just want to make the world better.
The constant question of REAL leaders: "How can I make this day a valuable day on Earth?"

I usually don't feel motivated to workout each am. And I always feel motivated after I
Small steps are big steps. Little decisions can, over time, cause stunningly wonderful

Why start tomorrow when you can see results today?

The beautiful thing about respect is you need to have the guts to give it before your get

You can please others. Or you can change the world. But you can't do both

Idea: cut your excuses in half and DOUBLE your action around your goals.
Take your attention off your critics and put it onto your dreams.

All icons have one thing in common: their mastery was the result of uncommon levels of
labor versus some natural talent.

You know you’re doing genius-level work when people start to dislike you.

Leadership isn't about being liked. No. Leadership's about doing what's right.

Listening to Saints of Valory. In the sun. By the sea. In South Africa. Bye. Oh-- never
stop Aiming for pure great.

Robin Sharma @_robin_sharma 29 Jul

Life's greatest heartbreak is leaving the awesome potential you were born into on the
table of procrastination.

Insight: doing world-class work shows high social IQ because you create great value for
many. And inspire them do the same.

Today ask yourself "what could I do to most serve the world." Then, make sure you DO NOT

You know you're a visionary when you are misunderstood.

Why numb out with bad tv when you can wake up with an excellent book?

Until you're good being alone you'll never be great being with others

Being productive is not about saying yes but about getting really really good at elegant

So lean out your commitments, priorities, focus and lifestyle so you become
monomaniacally concentrated on only a few things.

Genius lives amid simplicity.

Focus. Focus. Focus…on your burning priorities. Say no to everything else. Life’s short.
You only get one shot at great.

When you most feel like giving up is the very moment you must continue moving along.

Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.

The jealousy we feel for others reflects the success we've not owned for ourselves.

If you're not getting knocked down a lot you're not doing very much

Procrastination is the defense mechanism of choice for people afraid to achieve amazing
Have the courage to be different. Have the boldness to go into your industry and create
value that has never been created.

Go live it! :) "@bishwombar: @_robin_sharma finished #theMonkWhoSoldHisFerrari n half

way thru #TheLeaderWithNoTitle. What next sir suggest

You're stronger than u know. @lolagirl7474: @_robin_sharma most pain & heartache in my
life I've ever had.I'm falling apart..."

While the amateur is complaining, the professional is preparing

You can't be ultra-productive with a messy mind

If you take yourself too seriously, no one will take you seriously

The best way to honor your dreams is to get them done!

In my hotel room in Windhoek, Namibia. I'll deliver a private session tomorrow for
government leaders then fly over to SA to get set for the big event in Durban on
Saturday. Then down to Mauritius for my last event on this trip.

My encouragement to you: read more+run faster+innovate daily+be kind+take brave

risks+speak your truth+practice your craft+overprepare+adore your family+eat less
food+drink more water+encourage your teammates+get up early+speak positive words+sweat
little details+deliver more than expected+keep your promises+listen like a pro+honor
your personal values+be absolutely amazing.

You know you can do this! Your fan always, Robin (goodnight from Namibia--under The Big
African Sky...alight with stars).

The power of a strong character is always larger than the authority of a big title.

Sometimes, our assumptions are screaming so loudly we cannot hear the truth.

Transformation is always difficult at the beginning, messy in the middle. And beautiful
at the end.

Please remember that your greatest talent is so much more powerful than your biggest

When a giant opportunity shows up, don't over analyze it. Jump all over it.
Please remember that success is never deserved. Success is always earned.
Take some risks. Open your heart a little wider. Speak your truth.
If you encourage one person each day, you’re day hasn’t been a waste. It’s been a
Big minds are rarely polluted with small concerns.
The beginning of becoming strong is thinking strong.

Every expert was once an amateur. And every master was first a beginner.

Focus less on time management and more on managing your focus.

The perfect time to start is now.

THX.My numbers don't matter. Being helpful does RT @vedapurusha:Robin, people like you
deserve at least a million followers on twitter

The best way to feel good is to do good.

A Day without learning is a day unfully living. What do you think?

The heart is wiser than the head. Honour it. Trust it. Follow it.

If excuses had any value, complainers would be kings!

Living without helping is non-living

Make your CAN larger than your can't and your dreams bigger than your doubts.

Don’t settle for anything less than excellence

Leadership has a lot to do with believing in yourself when no one else believes in you
Today's Kickstart: Just because you couldn't do something yesterday doesn't mean you can't
do it today.

Be stronger + faster + better. Life's too short to play small!

Hope all my daily posts are inspiring and helping you grow a great life. Your fan
always, Robin
Exercise is the antidote to anxiety.
Cheap often costs more.
Today, FIGHT for space to do REAL work versus FAKE work. Your future depends on it.

To double your income, triple your investment in learning and personal development. When
you transform your mindset, everything else gets transformed.
What's the point of being successful to the world but unsuccessful to yourself?

Ordinary performers have giant TVs. Extraordinary performers have huge libraries.

In creative mode all day. Taking a break and listening to Silverchair's "Tomorrow" to
amp me up!

Give more than you get. And you'll receive more than you've imagined.
The heart is wiser than the head. Honour it. Trust it. Follow it

If you're not bravely dreaming, you're not fully living.

Leadership greatness comes from beginning something that does not end with you.

"Books! I don't know if I ever told you this, but books are the greatest gift one person
can give another." -Bono

Leadership is all about focused action in the direction of a worthy purpose.

"Innovation and creative mastery is all about making this day better than yesterday."
From The Leader Who Had No Title

"Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come
even more effective action." -Peter Drucker

"Be content but not satisfied." From"The Leader Who Had No Title"

"You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in
the world for you.” -Walt Disney

the ideals you value are revealed by the people who you admire

The most disruptive (and powerful) technology in the world is an intense passion around a
big idea

"Great leaders don't rule. They inspire." -Robert Mondavi

The best leaders are comfortable in the discomfort of being in a constant state of

"It is no fun being a horse when the tractor comes along, or the blacksmith when the car
comes along." -Warren Buffet
"Friend, we just got after it and stayed after it." -Sam Walton on how Walmart became an
astounding success.

"Life is a lot more fun if you treat its challenges in creative ways." -Bill Gates

Beautiful Spring day in my hometown. Thinking: nothing will ever taste as good as doing
your best work feels

"Every noble work is at first impossible." -Thomas Carlyle

No great thing was ever achieved alone

Leadership is the science of execution married with the art of outright mastery

"Think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures." -H. Jackson Brown

"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or
greater benefit." -Napoleon Hill

"Great things are not something accidental, but must certainly be willed." -Vincent van

"We are made to persist. That's how we find out who we are." -Tobias Wolff

"You do not succeed because you do not know what you want or you don't want it intensely
enough." -Frank Crane

"All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are
movable, and those that move." -Benjamin Franklin

"Never let yesterday use up too much of today." -Will Rogers

"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." -Peter Drucker

"Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction." -John F. Kennedy

"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." -Warren G. Bennis

"Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there." -Josh Billings

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts for you will never go any higher than you think."
-Benjamin Disraeli

"Constant effort and frequent mistakes are the stepping stones to genius." -Elbert

success is a dangerous place to be. why? because there it becomes easy to stop doing the
very things that got you there

"My heroes are the ones who survived doing it wrong, who made mistakes, but recovered
from them." -Bono
The longer you tolerate any form of mediocrity, the more it becomes acceptable to you

"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." -Epictetus

"Success is sweet: the sweeter if long delayed and attained through manifold struggles
and defeats." A. Branson Alcott

If you’re not failing regularly, you’re definitely not making much progress.

Success has a lot more to do with raw persistence than elegant intelligence. #grit

Didn't care RT @OthurT: @_robin_sharma Hi Robin, just wanted to know how u dealt with the
cynicism when you first embarked on your journey?
If you're not lifting others up you're bringing people down

Problems are tests. Nothing more. Nothing less

I'll try means "i'm not totally committed." #leadership
You know you’re doing genius-level work when people start to dislike you.

Don’t settle for anything less than excellence.

Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well

We demonstrate deep respect for our talent when we say no to the unimportant.

Less talk. More results. Less hate. More encouragement. Less tv. More learning. Less
negativity. More inspiration. #LWT

Fill your brain with giant dreams so there's no space for petty pursuits.

An exceptional life isn't the result of lucky breaks but excellent choices.

RT @johnstone978: @_robin_sharma Andy Murray. Wimbledon champion. Illustration of how

small incremental improvements can create greatness.

RT @Inspire_Us: We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are. -Max De

No Plan B=Exceptionally committed #LeadWithoutaTitle

Your limits are liars. Please don't trust a word they say! #YourAbsoluteBestYearYet

You didn't fail! You just learned something new.

4:59 am. Running or sleeping? News or reading? Complaining or practising? All YOUR
choice. #The5amClub

If you're not dreaming big, you're playing small

Victims say "I'll try". Leaders say "I'll do."

Without patience, there can be no genius.

Leaders don’t make excuses. They create results.

Why start your day with news when you can start your day with exercise?
RT @FixedOpsGenius: People's opinion of the world is also a confession of their
character. - Emerson #quote
To become optimistic, practice being optimistic. Be become brave, practice daily
bravery. To become patient, practice patience etc

Do something nice for 3 people each day consistently. In 12 months you've inspired 1000+
people. THAT'S impact!

If you're not dreaming big, you're playing small.

Being humble is cooler than being famous

Keep things simple: Just aim for the best!
When you think, behave and feel like a leader – good things will happen.
Spend more time with amazing people and you'll find you'll become more amazing.
Having coffee. Just overheard a man say: "I'm too busy to get into trouble." Nice.

Ideation without execution is pure delusion.

On vacation. 6 am walked along the ocean. In deep renewal mode for a strong finish for
2013. #YourAbsoluteBestYearYet

The job of a leader is to put smiles on peoples faces

While most people are sleeping the best are up preparing.
I agree. RT @NxR_LfC: @_robin_sharma there is no such thing as a crazy dream, just lack
of trust in one's abilities
Do something unexpectedly kind for someone today. And instantly--today becomes a
valuable day.
The marketplace always pays for exceptionalism--even in the worst economy.

Rude people teach us how not to be.

Hard work's an awesome edge

It doesn’t matter what other people think of you. All that matters is what you think of
The marketplace always pays for exceptionalism--even in the worst economy.

There is no competition at BIW (Best in World)---only within the ranks of average.

Push yourself to the edge of your limits. That's how they expand.

Practice 100X harder RT @ParulGoyal30: Robin I feel I have less of talent as compared to
others..what do I do to become a top performer?

U build a great life not by doing something heroic one fine day some October but by
working on building great days. That yield a great life.

Just wanted to check in. I'm locked away in a hotel room in my own city (hidden and
detached from the world so i can do my best writing). Idea: PRACTICE being positive and
excellent so much that it is simply impossible for you to be negative and average ever
again. Ok. Bye.

2 more fast insights on peak performance:

#1: Mindsets are contagious. I suggest we all be super careful who we allow into our

#2. Be known as "the one who gets the job done."

all green lights to you!

Daily Kickstart to help you make this day valuable:

#1. While most people are sleeping the best are up preparing.

#2. The marketplace always pays for exceptionalism. Being the best in the world at what
you do recession-proofs you and your company. (There's only competition at average).

#3. Be a great person. Some things never change and building great relationships + being
good to people + being INTERESTED in others always is cool.

ok. my best to you. Stay amazing. Bye.

If you are not using the "Big 5 Concept" that i teach in my "Your Absolute Best Year Yet"
program, i encourage you to start today as it is a game-changer that is helping so many
people live world-class lives.

So I thought i should share it with you.

The idea's simple: ask yourself what 5 things need to happen by Dec. 31 for this to be
the absolute best year of your life so far. Write them down and read them every morning
(principle: Consistency Breeds Mastery). Then build your daily schedule so that you move
each of your B5 ahead incrementally that day.

The Big 5 gives deep focus to your days + fills you will hope in tough times and drives
energy. Otherwise, vague goals create vague results. You really need to have a laser-like
focus on just 5 things to achieve. The results will wow you.

But of course--you need to execute on your B5 every day. You really have to exercise
discipline and effort just like the great athlete goes to the gym every day--even when
they don't feel like it.

Finally--I encourage you to share The Big 5 Concept with your teammates, friends and
especially with your kids if you have kids. It's be a great tool to help them do great
things with their lives.

Daily Kickstart: Please remember that your performance each day reflects the influences
you expose your mind to. Allowing toxic conversations, news, low quality magazines and
mindless entertainment into your mental orbit will fuel "a mentality of mediocrity".

On the other hand, only allowing the greatest information and the absolute best
influences into your mind will construct beliefs and thinking habits of excellence. Which
then drives habits and results of pure excellence.

Hope this post is practical and helpful. I want you to go out there today and show people
what being amazing (and a really good human being) looks like. Stay great. Robin

Hope you're great. Just thinking that for true champions, the practice is the reward--not
just the gold medal.

Thanks for being such an awesome supporter of my ideas. Let's inspire the world!

Failure is the price of Success. Sacrifice is the price of Mastery

Fine to be amazing when you feel like it. Even better to be amazing when you don't.

Good am! Today, please remember 2 things: first, just because you couldn't do something
yesterday doesn't mean you can't do it today. And second--the life you are currently
living is not really the result of your external conditions. Instead, your life is
really the result of the internal standards that you hold yourself to. I wish you a day
that amazes people. Your fan always, Robin

Winning starts at your beginning. Get the first 60 minutes of your day right and you'll
consistently have awesome days.

The hardest part of winning? Starting.

Practice being positive and exceptional so much that you just can't be negative and
average ever again.

I'm locked in a hotel room. Writing. #getREALworkDone

Why accept average when you can become ICONIC?

Life sends us gifts masked as hurts RT @KamjorPahalwan: @_robin_sharma Thanks for making
me think other way around. its helpful

No book+blog+online course+seminar works until the moment you start doing the work.

Don't reward mediocrity. Honor excellence.

Train fear to inspire you versus frighten you

Your life is a pristine reflection of the standards you've accepted

My suggested area of focus today? Easy. Your focus

Greatness is the outcome of steady daily wins versus a single act of audacious

Let's not confuse busyness with productivity. And efficiency with effectiveness.

So help them :) RT @balamuruganl: @_robin_sharma People have short memories and they
expect you to help everyday unfortunately.

Stop talking about the great thing you'll do and start doing that great thing. Now.
(Procrastination is for victims).

When you leave The Crowd of Average and start playing at world-class, you'll face
laughter + cynicsm. Know that's the price of leadership.

Habit: Do something nice for 3 people each day consistently. In 12 months you've
inspired 1000+ people. THAT'S impact!

Today's an excellent day to make a decision to work at nothing less than excellence.

You know you're leading by the number of people that you're growing.

You can't control the economy. But you can control your devotion to Mastery. And so
control the economy.

Have the audacity to practice massive tenacity.

If it's not messy, it's not progress

U haven't messed up everything. U just now know what not to do RT @KamjorPahalwan: Robin
i have messed up everything, wanna fix now.

A suggestion: Commit to being known as "the one who gets the job done." #leadership

While the victim is complaining the elite performer is DELIVERING.

Talking about scaling a mountain doesn't get you to the summit.

Try 1 day a week with ZERO technology. Game-changing results

Be a FMOB: The First, the Most, the Only and The Best.

There are some really good human beings in this world. Be one of them.

Only apathy's worse RT @Umang20294: @_robin_sharma Is mediocrity bad?

RT @EWeselake: @_robin_sharma great evidence from athletes I work with, that their most
intense training sessions are tech free.

If you're not leveraging your life to make history, what are you waiting for?

Hope you’re awesome.

Key insight for you today: the best things in life are outside of your comfort zone.
AND, all excellence and authentic success begins where your “Safe Harbor of the Known”

You’re just one decision away from your best life...

The riskiest thing you can possibly do is to not take risks

Just saw a t-shirt: "Let me win. But if not, let me be brave in the attempt." Love it.
1000+ people at tomorrow's event in Monterrey, Mexico

Where love and mastery meet, you'll find Genius

Fast tip: rent hotel rooms in your own city to get big projects done. Zero distractions.
Amazing investment.

You'll never change the world if you're worried about being liked. #justsaying

Average is just a lie someone's sold you. Return the idea. And get busy being great.

For everyone asking, here's the link to the teleseminar on achieving ultra-success I
decided to give away:

Nothing’s going to change in your life if you don’t make a change today.

New blog Post: Turning a Hard Day into a Great One:

"Every single day is a platform for learning more"

Please avoid the mind virus called "impossible". All visionaries do.
An obsession is only unhealthy if it's an unhealthy obsession.

A messy past need not diminish your pristine future.

The moment you think you've arrived at Mastery is the end of your Mastery. #stayhumble

If you're not OBSESSED with your mission and main dream, you don't want it bad enough.
And so everyone senses that. And you don't get it.

listening to Jay-Z's "No Church in the Wild" to kick me into gear and fuel me up

Dreams don't drive results. Giant action does!

It's all serving your growth RT@CCasseli:thanks for your reply.I'm a cancer survivor,
single mother + feel like life is putting me on test.

To become optimistic, practice being optimistic. Be become brave, practice daily

bravery. To become patient, practice patience etc

Build strength by PRACTICE RT @CCasseli: Robin, I was so optimistic about life.But it

took just 1 obstacle to bring me down.#suggestions?

Winning starts at your beginning. Get the first 60 minutes of your day right and you'll
consistently have awesome days.

The moment you think you've arrived at Mastery is the end of your Mastery. #stayhumble

Leaders don’t make excuses. They create results.

Problems are servants. And they truly can serve you well. If you choose to let them.

Ideas To Build Your Best life:

#1. Remember that a messy past has nothing to do with your amazing future.

#2. To earn more, help more people. And deliver greater value.

#3. Nothing happens until you start. There will never be a perfect time. So begin now.

#4. Succeed on your own terms. Don't buy into the definition of success others want for
you. Run your own race.

#5. Have fun. Life's too short to do miserable things.

ok. Be great. Robin

Start doing your best habits so much that "you can't not do them"!

An obsession is only unhealthy if it's an unhealthy obsession.

Today's a good day to start a great life.

Please avoid the mind virus called "impossible". All visionaries do

Living with taking zero risks is extremely risky.

Genius is developed, not innate. Good luck is created, not bestowed.

If you're not pursuing something big, you've accepted something small.

5 Big Ideas to Become a Stronger Human:

By Robin Sharma

#1. Expose your mind to people thinking bigger than you and your actions will
automatically grow bigger.

#2. Behave like the person you want to become and eventually you'll hypnotize your
mindset to think like that person.

#3. Leverage stress as an advantage. Stress is a valuable tool. It pushes you to get out
onto your edges--where growth and mastery lives. The key is to recover from stress

#4. View everything as an opportunity to make life better. That's how ultra-successful
people are hardwired. Oh--and just be relentless! DO NOT GIVE UP. (Success adores the

#5. Use exercise as an elite achievement tool. Daily exercise fuels passion + beats
stress and accelerates focus. Use it to win. (not feeling motivated? Go for a run and
you'll get motivated!).

Your life is defined by your decisions... Now’s your time. Today IS your day. Make the
decision that will transform everything for you

Live your truth. Play your best game. Listen to the trusted voice that resides deep
within you.

Oh--one more ideas i just had to share w you: You're just one new habit away from truly
world-class. And from average.

Anyone can act tough. What takes genuine power is to be open. To care about others. To
learn from those around you. To be human.

Average people's homes have big TVs. World-class people's homes have big libraries.

I so honoured to meet everyone from around the world attending #The48HouRTransformation

this weekend here in Toronto. Success belongs to The Learners. Pls have a look at this
idea...oh, and pls also remember just because you haven't done something yet doesn't mean
you can't do it!

Ok. I'm overflowing with inspiration this morning. Was up at 4:30am with fire in my
belly to make the world better, bigger and more genius. Thank you 100X to all the people
from 33 countries who poured into Toronto for The 48 Hour Transformation, my new
personal mastery event. I'll write a blog post for to share the 10 best
ideas. It was an unforgettable weekend for me. And to everyone who attended pls remember
"Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end." See you all at
The48HourTransformation2014. (Yes, i've decided to do it again given all the requests!).
Love you guys. Bye.

Oh one last thing: workout FIRST thing in the morning. It dramatically changes your
mindset and productivity all day. And this way you can't make excuses. Because your
workout's done. Hope all this sharing of videos and tips and tactics helps you FLY. Bye.

Rather than fearing the pain of failure, worry about the arrogance of success:

How you behave tells us what you believe

Dreams don't create results. Extraordinary action does. #GetItDone

How to Change The World (a short FB blog by u know who):

#1. Change your world. (All you do each day reveals your deepest beliefs and your
strongest values). Get better and you'll do better.

#2. Aim higher. (Your life reflects your standards and what you've settled for. As you go
for world-class, you uplift everyone around you).

#3. Be kind. (Sounds really obvious but not so commonly practiced. Little acts of brave
kindness remind people to be human again).

#4. Get laughed at. (Stop being so reasonable and practical. the great ones were all
called crazy before they were revered).

#5. Be patient. (Changing the world is a daily process. It happens one goal and one
conversation at a time. Mastery takes years of devotion. But it's worth it).

Hope this serves you. Hope I help you. Hope you use this. To CHANGE THE WORLD. Your fan
always, Robin

Fast Tips for an Ultra-Strong Mindset:

#1. Associate only with people who think better + bigger than you (beliefs are

#2. No more news. No more mindless tv. No more trashy magazines. Our thinking reflects
the influences we expose our brains to.

#3. Shift from ego to service. Focusing on inspiring and helping others releases the
neurotransmitter dopamine (the motivation chemical).

#4. Try difficult things. The goal you are most resisting is the opportunity that will
help shatter your limits and get your mindset to the next level of power. Go do it now.

And please remember, nothing changes in your life until you have the guts to start making

And if not now, then when?

Innovate. Read. Smile. Learn. Dare. Dream. Care. Excel. Achieve. Serve. Sing. Rest. Push.
Help. Create. Build. Give. Lead.

Simple Tips for a Fantastic Life: #1. Stand for the highest quality in all you do #2. Be
a leader versus a victim #3. Have a clear annual and daily written plan #4. Rewrite your
top 5 goals every morning #5. Get up at 5 am each day #6. Never ever give up #7.
Radiate positive energy #8. Be the best person you know. [Much respect. Make today

Fast productivity tips: #1. First 60 minutes after getting up on exercise + personal
development #2. First 90 minutes of your work day ONLY on your most important project
#3. Work in scheduled blocks of time #4. Say no more often #5. Say no more often #6.
Say no more often......

oh--so exciting to see people from around the world arriving inToronto, Canada for this
weekend's big event #The48HourTransformation

Bless you Brave Dreamers!

Today's your day. The day you begin a legendary life. The day you step up to iconic in
your work. The day you use the beautiful gift of your life to make history.

To have all you want you absolutely must let go of all you were

"Bad luck" is often the result of bad choices

Nothing works until you do the work. #T48T

What makes greatness is white hot action around red hot ideas. #GoGetIt

Around 11 pm RT @Tomgjosund: @_robin_sharma when do you usually go to bed when getting

up so early?

4:34 am. Good morning. Let's do this! And make this day our absolute BEST day.

The essence of mastery comes down to a devotion to study and practice. #SuccessSystem

Small results just reflects small thinking. Step it up. Success rewards UNREASONABLE!

Stay with it. This is just practice + learning for winning RT @lode_sales: Hello robin.
As a young entrepreneur things are hard right now.

Daily Kickstart: Better to be focused on being amazing than worried about being liked.

Read to lead. Learn to earn.

Fast Energy Tip: turn of ALL technology fri pm to sunday am. Recover + refuel. Be with
family. Savor LIFE.

Today, be so nice to someone that they never forget you their entire life!

A "problem" is nothing more than a gorgeous opportunity to discover an even better


"I'd rather die enormous than live dormant." Jay-Z

The hours that ordinary people waste, extraordinary people leverage.

Gentle reminder: YOU are awesome. So go show the world how great you are today.

Commitment pays greater rewards than brilliance

Average but hardworking always beats brilliant but lazy.

If you're not up at 5 am, you're competition is :)

The price of greatness is jealousy.

Stop being brainwashed into average!

Just because you haven't done it yet doesn't mean you can't do it

Success honors action. Achievement adores focus

The price of Mastery is sweat.

A life without coffee=misery.... ;) #justsaying

Genius is not the realm of genetics. Genius is the realm of practice. #SuccessSystem

Remember that leadership is about influence and impact, not title and ovations..

Pressure is awesome. Presses you to excel+expand+exceed past limits.

Be.UNstoppable today.

The success of your life reflects the height of your standards

The more you use your power, the more powerful you will become.

Step out into the world each day and create your masterpiece. The world will be better
for it.

Today's Reminder: To create a breathtakingly great life, start by making some

breathtakingly great decisions. OK. Let's go out into the world today and be

The average love big TVs. The best adore big ideas.

You don't have to be a manager to awaken the best in your teammates

You can't win if you don't even begin. Zero happens until you begin to move. Ideas
unexecuted aren't worth much.

Ideas don't work if you have no guts to do the work!

Average people spend a lot of money on entertainment. World-class people spend a lot of
money on education (and self-improvement).

Your excuses are liars. Your doubts are thieves.

Not possible to focus on getting better at one thing and not get scary good at it.

Daily Kickstart: Have the guts to do what's hard and scary now so you can enjoy what's fun
and easy later.

True. Yet, there's no other choice if you're serious about world-class. RT @nickzois:
@_robin_sharma hard to keep trying on and on and on.

promises broken is credibility destroyed

The quality of work says more about your self-esteem than your current circumstances.

To listen deeply is to lead beautifully.

Just released a great new training video on "How SuperAchievers Think". Watch it now:

Less talk. More do. Less excuses. More results. Less TV. More creativity. Less
mediocrity. More mastery.
Suggested standard to hold your work+life to: The Best There Ever Was.

I.Will. NOT. Stop. Until. YOU. Own. Your. GENIUS

Worry less about standing ovations and more about changing the world. And the world will
deliver a standing ovation to you

Today, live your truth. Play your best game. Listen to the trusted voice that resides
deep within you. And show some genuine leadership.

Dramatic new improvements in your performance and lifestyle require a few dramatic new
decisions. No small moves allowed!

Reminder from Barcelona: this is a great day to learn a new idea, do an old fear and be
a nice person

Always leave big tips for hotel room cleaners. They do the tough work. And rarely get

talent is less about natural gifts and far more about devotion to a skill, relentless
practice and patience

Daily Kickstart: It's such a myth that "creative geniuses" are smarter and have better
ideas than the rest of us. Instead, the reality (i suggest) is that they had/have 3 traits:

#1. The were really good at executing on their ideas versus starting and then getting
#2. When they encountered failure, they understood it was part of the creative process
and didn't give up (instead they actually used the event as a data point to make things
even better).

#3. They had peers who they collaborated with and who pushed them to get better and
better. And who they learned from [the people you are around set the needle on your

ok. Hope this little check-in is of service to you. Now go do something great today! :)

Only 2 choices each day really: be a scared little victim. Or show Leadership Without a
Title. Up.2.U...

RT @tferriss: One of my favorites: "A man who suffers before it is necessary, suffers
more than is necessary." - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

If you're not being laughed at a lot you're not doing very much.

Fast energy boosters: play music. Do 50 jumping jacks. Drink 1L water. Be silent. Read
something good. Breathe.

Winning starts at your beginning. First 60 min: no news+no complaining+no junk.

I.Will. NOT. Stop. Until. YOU. Own. Your. GENIUS.

To win, you need to go all in. Plan B=not fully invested! (And so you'll give up too

When faced w two sides of a road to run, pic the more colorful..

The goal you don't set reveals the dream you don't do.

Time management tip: always have a written schedule for every day. The things that get
scheduled are those that get done.
#1. Making excuses gives your power to the things you’re excusing.

#2. You can’t get new results by making the same old decisions.

#3. If you’re not being laughed at a lot your dreams are too small.

#4. Ultra-successful people invest 10X more in their learning/self-improvement and

personal education than on their entertainment.

#5. Your focus is more valuable than your IQ.

Failure's the price of greatness. Ridicule's the price of genius. Goodnight from
Barcelona. Gracias.

Ideas don't work if you have no guts to do the work!

Be ridiculously persistent in making your daydreams real results.

Best way to improve your craft is to do the work that frightens you. Anything else is
coasting. Seriously. So go get it!

Because u threaten their security RT @ummi_yusuf: Robin why do some people around us
feel so threatened by our passion for excellence?

If you're not being laughed at a lot you're not doing very much.
You don't get lucky. You MAKE lucky.

Contentment is cool. Just don't let it infect your life with complacency

Gentle reminder: today's an awesome day to make a choice that will change your world.
And so, change the world.

An exceptional life is not crafted by one monumental victory but by tiny daily wins

"Can't" is the cherished mantra of people too scared to pursue their potential.

Be so ridiculously great at what you do that the world cannot help but give you an

Every great finish was once a simple beginning. Start now.

"Can't" is the cherished mantra of people too scared to pursue their potential.

One of the great dangers of success is you stop licking the razor and taking hedged risks
(to do great work).

When you learn more, you get to achieve more

Why worry about the economy when you can create your own economy by being Jay-Z Level
Good at what you do?

My new training video: "How SuperAchievers Think" (worth your 7 minute investment):

Every distraction you give your focus to steals focus from the work + things that could
make your life iconic.

The real job of a leader is to make people feel bigger+stronger+faster.

Technology's an awesome servant. But a brutal master.

Achieving giant goals unleashes the virtues of Mastery (focus+persistence+patience etc).

Want more energy in your days? Then get your mornings right: hydrate+eat breakfast+listen
to inspiring music+set your plan+move your body. the results will speak for themselves

Don't do great things for people to get more. Do great things for people to become
more. Have an awesome weekend.

The time you waste today is the time you'll miss at the end

Problems reflect progress. Don't wish them away. Leverage them into next level success!

Stuck on a runway in LA. Great! More time to read + learn + grow! #lifelonglearning

Performing at average is a giant betrayal of your best gifts

time management is life management

We don't deserve success. We earn it.

Our actions define our priorities.

Your conversations reveal your priorities.

Time Management Tip: do the things most people do when most people aren't doing them.

You've created a lot of your life from your words. (Words grow the beliefs that run your
6 am Saturday. Thinking: today stand for excellence on 2 legs

Don't do great things for people to get more. Do great things for people to become

Tactic from Steve Jobs: do your meetings walking. Keeps you fit while you grow the

Sell your TV. You’re just watching other people get successful versus doing the things
that will get you to your dreams.

Life's your movie. Write your script.

Every person you meet has a story to tell, a lesson to teach and a dream to share.

Don't be on time. Be early.

The 20+20+20 Rule I teach to my business clients to unleash massive energy and
productivity: First 20 minutes of your day in exercise. Second 20 minutes reviewing your
goals and daily plan. Last 20 minutes reading something inspiring or listening to
audiobooks so you outperform who you were yesterday. Try this CONSISTENTLY for 7 days.
The results will WOW you. #TheHolyHour #The5amClub

Cut your excuses in half and double the action you take. Deal?

The pursuit of Mastery is hard. But totally worth it in the end!

Saw "Gatsby" last night. Brilliant. Beautiful. Best line was the one about "his great gift
was hope". Let us learn from him.

2 of the best ways to differentiate yourself in your market: #1. Be Scary Good at What
you Do #2. Give Customers Ridiculous Value

Build a life that's based on your values versus constructed to avoid your fears. Just a
respectful suggestion. Bye

Today, live your truth. Play your best game. Listen to the trusted voice that resides
deep within you. And show some genuine leadership.

The research confirms: genius is a choice versus a gift.

If you're not running for Mastery, you've accepted too much mediocrity.

The way you start your day dramatically defines how you live it. So start yours well!

Dreaming doesn't work. Until you do the work.

If your vision's not your obsession then it might as well be a delusion.

The best leaders ask a wealth of questions

Sunday planning allows for Monday hit the ground flying ;)

Social Media Success=forget about the number of followers you have and obsess over the
number of people you help.

Stop complaining. Release excusing. Go do your dream. And you'll make the world a better

Eat less food. You'll get more done.

No matter hard things get, you still have the power to spot the opportunity. And to do
your best. And that's enough.

If the world watched how you worked today, would the world rise to its feet and applaud?

Hard times feel like they'll never end. But in the end, they always do. Stay strong.

Every time you avoid doing right, you fuel the habit of doing wrong. #Leadership
Rather than telling people what they should be, SHOW people all they can be. #leadership
Today, leave none of your potential on the table. Use it all up. Spend every bit of it!
Today's a good day to begin your best life.

Life's too short to play small with your potential.

Why focus on all you're not when you can celebrate all you've become! (This is a KEY to
best performance btw)

Oh--one more thing on this awesome day to step up your game to an all-new level of wow:
please do yourself a huge favor and read the book "Spark" by John Ratey. I re-listened
to the audiobook this am at the gym and it shares revolutionary information on how
exercise actually changes your brain function, boosts your focus, keeps you happy,
changes the way your reply to stress and actually makes you smarter. hope this helps.
Inspire just one person today and this day's been worth it. So go do it. Please.
Motivation without monomaniacal execution is pure illusion. (It's all about the hard work
+ consistency + patience + perseverance! THAT's how dreams come true).
First, get the work done. Then, make time to have the fun.

Amped to start my next tour next week. Doing Lead Without a Title events for peak
performers and game-changers.

Stops include Vicenza (Italy), Madrid, Barcelona and Istanbul (just see the "Events" tab
above for details)

Also: this am in the gym, i re-listened to "Willpower", a fantastic book by Baumeister

(all science based). It confirms that willpower is in limited supply every day and if we
try to achieve too many goals, we deplete the supply and so achieve zero. Better to
focus on excellent execution on just one goal so all your willpower is tightly fouled. I
encourage you to read the book [my list of "The 10 Best Personal Development Books" seems to have struck a chord so i'll start sharing more of the
books i'm listening too. Cool with you?

The research confirms: genius is a choice versus a gift.

"The way you begin your day drives how well you live your day." from "The Leader Who
Had No Title". My suggestion to you: the first 20 minutes exercising. Then 20 to review
and iterate your plan. And then 20 to write in a journal or read. By the way in 2 weeks
I'll be sending out a new training video that teaches you how to keep a journal. ok. have
an exceptionally great day. Bye.

"Only the mediocre die always at their best. Real leaders are always improving--and
raising the bar on how superbly they can perform and how quickly they can move." Jean
Giraudoux (as quoted in "The Leader Who Had No Title"
3 ways to wire in new beliefs: Think them until they're installed + talk them + behave
them. #The48HourTransformation
It's 5 am. While the world sleeps, we run + prepare + work on our dreams. Join us.
Good morning. I'm deep into creative writing. Just wrote this line and because i think
you're awesome, i wanted to share it: "If your vision's not your obsession then it might
as well be a delusion." Make today brilliant. Bye.
Everything you now find easy you once found hard.
Today's Declaration: "I'm in the business of honoring my commitments."
Working and preparing quietly in a hotel room--one of the greatest places on Earth to
create and get big things done. Sometimes you have to hide from the world to be of use
to the world. #leadership
An amazing performance is always a reflection of awesome amounts of practice. (Genius is
not bestowed. It's earned).
While the amateur is complaining, the professional is preparing.
Hi Awesome Superstars :). 2 things on this gift of a day:

#1: my blog post "The 51 Ways Ordinary People Reached World-Class":

#2. a reminder: the best move you'll ever make is a total commitment to becoming a
"Genius-Level Learner". To become the best, you absolutely must carve out time to read
and study and think and innovate against who you were yesterday. Ok. Now go out there and
pursue Greatness!
Problems are servants. And they truly can serve you well. If you choose to let them
3 hour flight home. Awesome place to think deeply + write creatively and OUTLEARN
yesterday's thinking! #gratitude
Loyalty to others (and your dreams) begins with getting seriously loyal to yourself.
If the world had no dreamers, the naysayers wouldbe kings.
Genius isn't a natural gift but a ton of hard work
Build a life that's based on your values versus constructed to avoid your fears. Just a
respectful suggestion. Bye.
Rather than worrying about the pain of failure instead let us fear the arrogance of
While the amateur is complaining, the pro is getting the job done!
You'll never achieve the dream that you were built to achieve if you care what others
Today: strip out the distractions. Focus on the real work.
Be so ridiculously great at what you do that the world cannot help but give you an
First, get the work done. Then, make time to have the fun
The more brave risks you take, the more taking brave risks becomes super comfortable!
Fastest way to get a lot of awesome customers is to devote yourself to giving people a
lot of awesome value.
Put fear + doubt into a prison cell. And allow freedom to walk out the door.
Genius isn't the realm of awesome ideas. Nope. It's the realm of getting them done!
Reminder: Your success never exceeds your self-identity.
Sleep's cool. Too much is the domain of timid soul's frightened to show us their
Not if you want to be a superstar RT @AdenCruz: @_robin_sharma You can't just be
The average person craves entertainment. The Leader Without a Title seeks education.
Elegantly push through whatever life throws at you. On the other side lies your
You honor your best self when you deliver your best work.

You were born into Genius. So why accept mediocrity? (From "The Leader Who Had No
En route to New York City. Plan to write some blog posts + review 2013 plan + get solo
think time + get reInspired!

Talent is the child of practice--not birth

Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience
The hours you waste now will be the hours you miss at the end
Just coffee before RT @avalonds: Question @_robin_sharma : Do you eat a meal before your
5 am workout or do you eat just after your workout?
Old but awesome line: no time for fitness? Make time for illness. #fitness
Today: strip out the distractions. Focus on the real work.
Every loud critic was once a brave dreamer. Then they experienced failure. And became
1:33 am in New York City tweet: If you’re not overprepared, you’re underprepared.
Feel like you don't really fit into The Crowd. Awesome. You're likely a visionary.
Unsuccessful people get jealous when they watch the Mastery of others. Successful people
get inspired.
Average but hardworking always beats brilliant but lazy.
At work each day, we are all artists.
Good night from New York City you rock stars + visionaries + game-changers and poet
laureates of elite achievement ;)
I recall a friend telling me that for all the years his mother worked, every clock in
her home was set 30 minutes ahead. She was never late. And she was beloved by all.
Punctuality matters. Shows respect for others. And excellence within yourself. Be great
today. Please.
Never leave the site of a great idea without doing something to make it a reality. Ideas
alone are worthless! What makes them awesomely valuable is daily + steady execution and
innovation around the idea. Talk to you later. Bye from New York.
We all love easy. But easy brings few rewards.
Action's the vaccine for procrastination. Gratitude's the antidote to fear. #leadership

While the rest of the world is asleep, we're up pursuing our dream. #The5amClub
If you don't respect your time, no one will respect your time.
I often wear running shoes at work. I run to meetings when I can. Adds to fitness. Saves
time. #productivity
Being copied a lot means you're getting really really good. Be grateful vs worried!
Today be the Picasso of Positive Thinking+The Da Vinci of delivering great results and
The Gaga of being a great person.
You know i was just thinking that it's better to die trying [to live your bravest dream]
than to live sleeping.
Life's central purpose is to become more of who you truly are.
Productivity is less about what you do with your time. And more about how you run your
hi superstar/game changer/laureate of high achievement. Here's my question for you this
morning: what would you do if you did not believe your limits?
Talk less. Create more.
I recall a friend telling me that for all the years his mother worked, every clock in
her home was set 30 minutes ahead. She was never late. And she was beloved by all.
Punctuality matters. Shows respect for others. And excellence within yourself. Be great
today. Please.
If you grow from a failure, than why view it as a failure?
Don't have an hour to read? Ok. How about 5 minutes? #noexcuses
If you wait to do your'll be too late to do your dreams.
It's better to die trying than to live sleeping.
When you are doing your dreams, you're happier. So you're making the world better. As
you do your dreams
To get the results that only 5% have, you have to be willing to do what only 5% are
willing to do.
"Procrastination is opportunity's assassin."
Nothing will break your heart at the end of your life more than clinging to stagnation.
And the way things were yesterday.
Lucky isn't received. Lucky is created. #GoGetIt!
The DNA of Mastery is Simplicity. Be really really really good at just a few things.
Skills you now find easy were once hard. Good things happen with practice. And patience.
A good day: tackle a fear + improve a project + do a run + help a friend + advance your
The average performer tries to fit in. The Superstar aims to stand out.
What you intend shapes what you become. So make a commitment, today, to be remarkable.
Treat your body well and your body will treat you well.
I didn't feel like working out this morning. But i worked out this morning. Because I
wanted to feel really good today. #fitnessmatters
Today's an awesome day to beat a fear.
Riskless living is dangerous. And risky.
Victims recite problems. Leaders deliver solutions.
Oh, one more thing. I know it's hard to be brave. And that change and reaching for your
greatness is scary. But the only other option is mediocrity. And a life half-lived. And
that's scarier. Isn't it?
A messy life reflects a messy mind.
Rather than reading 50 books this year, why not MASTER one?
Hope your Saturday's awesome. Thinking: if you're not hearing a lot of 'Nos", you're not
taking enough risks
One of the greatest of all sources of misery is comparing yourself to others.
Best way to get more done is to get good at saying NO. My best wishes from the airport
in Denver. It's snowing here!
Why worry about the economy when you can get to being so good at what you do that you
create your own economy?
The discomfort of change is better than the heartbreak of stagnation.
I thought I knew a lot. Until I learned a little.
Success involves a delicate balance between making things happen. And letting things
happen. Wishing you excellence today!
Every day, I fight to protect my focus. So the MAIN work + goals get done. Versus
addictions to distractions.
The words you speak are powerful. Especially the words you speak to yourself.
You can tell how beautifully you're leading by the trail of leaders you're leaving
behind you.
Stand for Mastery--regardless of what you do for a living. Care little about the
applause. Do it for the process. Do it for what the ride makes of you. Dedicate the best
days of your life to inspiring others by your brilliance/ingenuity/audacity. Beauty +
Joy and Success will beat a path to your front door.
10 Quotes That Changed My Life (please share so we lift others up today):
Perseverance beats IQ every day of the week.

Learned this from Steve Jobs: when I have a business meeting, we do it over a walk. Fresh
air + exercise gets added.
2:25 am in my hometown. Writing. #makeithappen
You can be worried about being liked. Or you can lead your field. Just can't do both.

Every 24 hours, God has a fresh new supply of grace, favor, wisdom and forgiveness.
Take on projects no one else will take on. Set goals no one else will do.
No great life was ever built on a foundation of excuses. So stop making them.
The biggest cost of the failure to overcome failure is the betrayal of your dreams.
If you're not failing a lot you're not doing very much.
Build your life around 5 key priorities: The Big 5. Any more and you'll suffer from
Broken Focus Syndrome.
Make the time to be alone. Your best ideas live within solitude.
Measure your success not only by what you get but by how many you help.
from today's webinar for members of my Your Absolute Best Year Yet program: "Without
failure there is no progress."
From today's webinar for Your Absolute Best Year Yet members: "Never confuse a single
defeat with a final defeat." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Shed your past. Release your limits. No longer argue for why you can't have/do/become
all you want. Today's a fresh day. You've been blessed with a new chance. To think better.
To behave higher. To risk + stretch + excel + dream. And so my great encouragement for
you is that you walk out into this day and live with audacity/ possibility/ mastery and
model the best of your humanity. These are my sincere wishes. For you on this gift of a
day. Be great. All green lights. Robin
Hard times build strong leaders.

Why stay stuck in the past when today you can begin an all-new future:

Inspire just one other person today and your day on Earth's been a valuable one!

Less ego. More excellence. Less talk. More do. Less rude. More polite. Less fear. More

The only standard of work to aspire to is "breathtakingly good".

"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough." Mario Andretti
Better to be an optimist who gets disappointed than a pessimist who has no hope
One of the points I'll share w the 1000 TD Bank leaders today: leadership's about how you
perform when no one's watching.
When you achieve GREAT things, you not only make your life better. You flood the world w
your Inspiration.
Just because today may have been a mess doesn't mean you can't make tomorrow AWESOME.
Help + inspire + champion + serve even one person today and you've actually changed the
world. See how powerful you are? You can actually change the world! Will you?
More time in the planning prevents wasted time in the execution.
Bigger challenges mean larger rewards.
"To become a great leader, first become a great person." from "The Leader Who Had No
The one habit the world's most productive people have in common is an acute awareness of
the value of every passing hour. Today, focus on fewer things. Concentrate on doing
what's most important first. Block out the distractions. And get great things done. Go
Get It!
Progress belongs to the one who says "I'll get this done" versus "let's wait and see."
Consistency is the Mother of Mastery.
On Success: You were born into a spectacular ability to succeed. Pure potential. Rare-Air
Creativity. Passion. Courage. Faith. But then the doubters started their work on your
dreams. And the cynics came out to play. And we believed them. So we laid our visions to
rest. And joined the suffering herd--toiling endlessly toward a place called Nowhere.
Today's the day you change the game. The spark starts blazing again. The wonder reappears.
The gusto shows up. The passion returns. And you step into the person you once were--and
always aimed to be. Sincerely--be great today. Your fan always, Robin.
Kindness is not optional. Be the nicest person you know today (and if this simple truth
was so obvious, why is it so rarely practiced?).
"Your health will never be better than your self-image." (from The Leader Who Had No
Title) #leadership
Have vague plans? You'll get vague results.

Working out first thing in the morning changes the shape of your entire day.
People will treat you the way you allow them to treat you.

Today's focus: a deep respect for the massive value of every passing hour.
A stained past need not spoil your spotless future.
The more you know, the higher you'll go. The world belongs to those with a lust for
Relationships are worth more than money.
Masters don't think they're masters. They think they're still beginners.
Honor. Excellence. Creativity. Productivity. Mastery. Consistency. Communication.
Belief. Guts.
At the end if our lives, what we most regret are the risks we didn't take, the potential
we didn't use and the difference we didn't make.
To the absolute last breath, stand for what's best.
Don't ask for respect. Earn it.
Patience is a virtue. Unless you want to change the world.
“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second,
by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.”
― Confucius
Problems are not problems unless viewed as problems.
To have the success very few have, have the guts to do the things very few are willing to
Locked away in my writing room as snow falls. No one can reach me. Thoughts and words
flow as "Undun"plays. Thinking: "Don't ask for respect--EARN it".
"Blood, sweat and tears are NECESSARY to reach your dreams, hopes and joys." From "The
Leader Who Had No Title"
Problems are not problems unless viewed as problems
If you're not scared a lot, you're not doing very much
God will give you double for your trouble if you stand strong on the Word of God.
You know you're making progress when you're facing adversity.
The best investment you'll ever make is investing in personal development + craft
When you stop complaining, you take back the power you gave to your excuses. And so your
excuses become strangers. Versus friends. Go Get Your Dreams today!
Daily Inspiration: "The way we do small things determines the way we do everything. If
we execute minor tasks well, we will excel in our larger efforts. Mastery then becomes
our way of being." From "The Secret Letters of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari".

Be ridiculously persistent in making your daydreams real results. #DoItNow

Please don't be so busy focusing on your mountaintop that you neglect to celebrate how
far you've climbed.

You are not just paid to work. You are paid to be uncomfortable – and to pursue projects
that scare you.
You just have to have the guts to block out all the distractions and shut out the world to
get REAL work done!

4:43 am where I live. Reviewing my 2013 goals with a cup of strong coffee. And writing
in my journal. What are you doing?

Let's make it our mission to have an obsession with encouraging the discouraged,
uplifting those beaten down and seeing the best in those who have never glimpsed the best
within themselves. Deal?

The quickest way to 2X the size of your courage is to 2X the size of your dreams.

"Fortune is not on the side of the faint hearted." Sophocles--as quoted in the chapter on
how to succeed in taking more risks in Who Will Cry When You Die?

Don't apologize for who you are. You're unique--rich with talents + gifts + insights that
are special. Look--there's no one else like you walking the world today. Pretty cool. So
stop putting yourself down. Lift yourself up. Make Big Things Happen. And Go Make The
World Better. We'll love you for it!

Oh, and also today: Give more in your work than expected + tackle something you've been
resisting + inspire a teammate + wow a customer + do a workout + eat better food + smile
+ laugh + rest + LEAD. your fan always, Robin
Please remember: if it's not messy, it's not progress.
You reveal your passion by the size of your action.

RT @DaleCarnegie: Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry, frustration and
The more you fight for your excuses, the more they’ll own you. Let them go. And step
into your power.
Good enough isn't very cool.
Today: Show Up. Wow. Say "Thank You". Leave. Rest. Repeat tomorrow...only 100X better.
RT @tom_peters: Winner's 6: Choose your attitude. Take the lead. Listen intently. Learn
something new. Help someone. Arrive early/leave late
The beautiful thing about respect is you need to have the guts to give it before your get
If you do it for the money, you'll never get through the tough times that the journey to
world-class requires. Need to do it for the LOVE
Believe in yourself and your goals and your vision when no one else does. Every genius
was ridiculed. Before they were revered.
Idea: cut your excuses in half and DOUBLE your action around your goals.
Back in Mumbai. Pls remember that no one can stop you if you don't stop you.

Don't apologize for who you are. You're unique--rich with talents + gifts + insights that
are special. Look--there's no one else like you walking the world today. Pretty cool. So
stop putting yourself down. Lift yourself up. Make Big Things Happen. And Go Make The
World Better. We'll love you for it!
When you push through a difficult project, you don't get to the other side. You reach the
next level. #The48HourTransformation

Your life's a gift. Present it to the world via the excellence of your
craftsmanship+commitment to quality+unrelenting passion
You can follow the crowd. Or you can change the world. But you can't do both.
Average but hardworking always beats brilliant but lazy.
To Lead isn't to have a title. No. It's to uplift+inspire+get big things
The hardest thing to do generally delivers the largest payoff for you.
Today's a great day to behave like the person you've dreamed of becoming.
Morning journalling--done. Strong coffee-consumed. Fresh powder--delivered. Going
skiing. Bye.
If the world watched how you worked today, would the world rise to its feet and applaud?
The skiing was epic this morning. Legs now jelly. But soul's alive. Will now turn the
inspiration into writing the new book.
To bring peace to the world make peace with yourself.
Mozart didn't he was Mozart to practice like Mozart
The results of your life reflect the standards you've set.
Forget about being liked. Just go change the world.

The beautiful thing about fear is when you run to it, it runs away.

To have the results only 5% get, have the guts to do what only 5% are willing to do.
Less ego, more service. Less mediocrity, more mastery. Less me, more we.
Bring hope to the hopeless. Deliver spirit to the spiritless. And leave courage with the
discouraged. Please.
The smallest of actions is always more beautiful than the largest of intentions.
Today's a great day to change a life. Starting with yours.
If you're not strong, positive, and excellent when things are easy– you'll never be
strong, positive and excellent when things get hard.
You were born into Genius. Pls don't accept mediocrity
Few things are as beautiful as being up in the dark before dawn--silently toiling on your
best work. In pursuit of a dream.
I don't know of an investment that yields a greater return than investing in your learning
+ self-education.
Please remember that your greatest talent is so much more powerful than your biggest
Knowing your stuck is the beginning of getting unstuck.
Victims get jealous, leaders get started
Our job is to encourage the discouraged+give faith to the faithless and empower those who
feel they have none. Please.
Lessons from The Tour: Hi. Finished the first event here in Africa--a land very dear to
me as i was born here. Just did my workout and ideas poured out. Here are a few of the
things I Iearned today:

#1. Music researchers have found that it took Mozart 10 years of composing music before
the first signs of his genius appeared (lesson: it's all about the practice+patience).

#2. Einstein's brain was 10% smaller than the average. (lesson: total immersive focus in
a field of study creates "genius" versus a big brain).

#3. There is huge "absorptive power" working with a Master, in the field you want to be
the dominant player in. her mindset and ways of performing influence you at multiple
levels so you become their performance.
Daily Kickstart: To triple the rewards you receive, double the amount you ask (No Ask=No
I'll shoot a video or write a blog post on these ideas soon. My very best + sending you
all green lights for you as a Virtuoso.
The more clarity you get as to who you want to become, the quicker you can start making
the choices needed to get you there.
Focus is more valuable than intelligence. Concentration's richer than money.
"Give the mundane its beautiful due." John Updike
The dream's great. But who you need to become to get your dream done is the real reward.
The primary way we give away our power is thinking that we have no power.
It's really rude to your potential not to reveal it to the world. Go do something giant
Life’s counter-intuitive. The things that we most resist carry the seeds of our greatness.
The stuff that makes us feel uncomfortable makes us stronger. And the things that are hard
to do help us get to our authentic power. Difficult is Good.
Your fears are nothing more than your growth coming to get you
Luck is not an accident. Luck is created via the daily process of devotion to your
goals+consistent action+ and relentless innovation--that over time (with patience) leads
the world to call you lucky. So Go Get Your Luck! :)
Have vague plans? You'll get vague results.
Your "I CAN" is more important than your IQ.
Good enough isn't very great.
Today's focus: a deep respect for the massive value of every passing hour.
Today is a great day to act like the person you've dreamed of being.
There's no mystery behind Mastery. It's consistent practice and deep study daily. For
Interesting how some people go out of their way to put people down. The goal's to go out
of your way to lift people up!
The ordinary person sees a failure as an error. Someone pursuing mastery sees failure as
part of the process.
You can please others. Or you can change the world. But you can't do both.
Masters don't think they're masters. They think they're still beginners.
Until you have the guts to risk being hated--you'll never be loved
It's not the smartest who wins. The most hardworking does. Always.
Relationships are worth more than money
You don't get lucky. You MAKE lucky.
People want to be a part of an organization that let’s them be fully alive and bring
their gifts to work
RT @tombison: From The Leader Who Had No Title: "Few things feel as good as the pride
you feel on a job masterfully done." @_robin_sharma
Ordinary performers have giant TVs. Extraordinary performers have huge libraries.
Rather than being the one who says it can't be done, become the one who gets it done.

[Lead without a title!]

If you're not feeling scared a lot you're probably not doing very much.
Eat less food. Get more done. #YourProductivityUnleashed
The beautiful thing about respect is you need to have the guts to give it before your get
The thing about excuses is when you look for them, you'll always find them.
Don't just get fit to get fit. Get fit to get the energy to change the world.
9 countries + 8 cities in 12 days. My mantra: "Tiredness can't touch me."

Success isn't easy. Takes sacrifice + devotion + energy. Most give up. But if you stay
with it, you get the results. For sure!
Please avoid the new affliction in this Age of Dramatic Distraction: Broken Focus
No kid is unsmart. Every kid's a something. Our job is to find it. And then
ENcourage it. (pls share this one--we need to inspire more kids)
Sometimes reading about how to do something is just an escape from having to face the
threat of failure and do the think you need to do. Sometimes we just have to put the
books down, end the meetings, stop the analysis and just GET THE PROJECT DONE.
Daily Kickstart: I have more questions than answers. Just living a life--as best as I can.
Highs, lows, hopes, fears. But one thing i can tell you i'm SURE of...That within you
lives a heart that beats, a power that begs to be used, talent that longs to be exploited
and a purpose that asks to be expressed. I believe in you. Always.
The day we think we know everything is the day we begin to know nothing.
In my world: people with impeccable manners are the rock stars+those with relentless
kindness are the celebrities and the ones with dreams so large that we're left breathless
are the heroes. Join my world. Please.
2013's a very good year to find freedom from your excuses. And change the world.
Life's too short to be selfish.
The day we think we know everything is the day we begin to know nothing.
Ordinary people crave leisure. Extraordinary people love learning.
No great life was ever built on a foundation of excuses.
Complaining strengthens the things you complain about. So don't complain.
Good morning from Dubai. May this day rock your world, open your mind, unleash your
power, elevate your game and release your genius :)
1 hour from the start of the Dubai event.
The beautiful thing about failure is that--properly leveraged--it's guaranteed to make
your life even better.
Idea for you: Today-commit to becoming the undisputed heavyweight champion of your
industry. Legendary. The icon. The best that ever was.
Believe in you when no one believes in you. Because your vision matters. And who cares
If others don't get it. I believe in you. Goodnight from a star filled sky and a moonlit
beach in Mauritius--an island I adore.
Know what separates you from every one else. Because if you don't know what makes your
business special, how can you tell everyone else?
"If you don't think that little things matter, try sleeping with a mosquito in your bed."
Anita Roddick, founder of the body shop
Mauritius. Early am. Waves subtely collide with the shore. Birds sing. The sun peeks over
the trees behind me
If you encourage one person each day, you’re day hasn’t been a waste. It’s been a
To live the life you want to live, hang with people who're living the life you want to
The greatest danger of being around un-excellent people is that you start to become like
them without even knowing it.
Daily Kickstart: Inspire us with your Audacity. Enlighten us with your Creativity. Uplift
us with your Humanity. Move us with your Originality. Elevate us with your Mastery. Make
today unforgettable. Because we all need you to shine. Please.
If Mastery was easy, everyone would be doing it. #LeadWithoutaTitle
Average people's homes have big TVs. World-class people's homes have big libraries.
Skiing in the mountains. Epic snow. Mind is still. Legs are tired. Thinking of you, your
dreams and my wish you get them done.
Believe in yourself when no one believes in you. Or no one will ever believe in you.
Top 10 Inspirational Books That Energized My Life:

#1. Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Richard Bach)

#2. Siddhartha (Herman Hesse)
#3. The Magic of Thinking Big (David Schwartz)
#4. University of Success (Og Mandino)
#5. As You Think (James Allen)
#6. Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
#7. Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand)
#8. The Giving Tree (Shel Silverstein)
#9. Hope for The Flowers (Trina Paulus)
#10. Tuesdays With Morrie (Mitch Albom)

Bonus (Because I think you're awesome): "The Four Agreements" (Don Miguel Ruiz)
​"I’ve had some wins. And been knocked down with defeats. Glimpsed views from the top of
the mountain. And walked through the darkest of valleys. But through this entire ride
called A Life—I’ve refused to give up..." Read More:
Much More Inspiration Here:
The more clarity you get as to who you want to become, the quicker you can start making
the choices needed to get you there.
Daily Kickstart: Your Words Have Profound Power. It's so easy to be loose with our words.
In a Starbucks this morning I heard a woman say "I feel like the walking dead." I
thought: "If you keep speaking like that you could end up as one of them." What am I
suggesting? That our words affect our performance and our emotions and create
subconscious patterns that create so many of our results. Words can inspire (JFK). Works
can destroy (Hitler). Words can comfort. And words can wound. Today--let each of us have
the brilliance to choose our words beautifully. My best. Robin
Fortune Pursues The Prepared.
"If something's important to someone important to you, it should be important to you as
well." (from "The Leader Who Had No Title"). Today--lead where you're planted. No more
victim. Step up and wow us with your impact. You CAN do this.
Success resides in simplicity = Being monomaniacally focused on your Big 5 Priorities.
This day--these hours--are all you've got. Step up your focus. Lift up your performance.
And rise up--high above yesterday.
Adversity can shatter you. Or you can use it to catch larger glimpses of your greatest
Daily Inspiration: A problem only becomes a problem if you choose to process it as a
problem. [In TRUTH: every "problem" is an opportunity to discover more of your
invisible potential + release more of your creativity--and make things EVEN BETTER than
they were before the "problem".] So be cool. Stay strong. And remember that today's a
great day to change the world--by transforming YOUR world. your fan always. Robin
Fortune seeks the confident. Luck pursues the focused.
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the
more places you'll go." Dr. Seuss
Transform your fitness. And you'll transform your life.
They may be smarter than you. They may have more money than you. They may come from a
different city or a better family. But they can NEVER outwork you. And they can NEVER
outprepare you. And they just can't outpractice you. And that's why you'll win.
To achieve the impossible, you need to first develop the mindset that it’s probable.
Please don’t allow the current limits of your life define your future reality. You
deserve so much better:
I believe in goals. It’s never a bad thing to have a dream. If something is really what
you want to do, just do it. Whatever your goal:
Just wanted to check in and say Hi. Here's a thought that i just downloaded: No matter
what challenges we face today, each one of us still has the power to make someone else
day better. And as we do--we transcend our personal difficulty. And express our highest
humanity. Your thoughts on this idea?
You show us who you truly are when things fall apart vs when they stick together.
If you're not being laughed at a lot, you're not dreaming very big.
Make a commitment today to be impeccable with your word. And be a person of action.
Care less about the number of followers you have and more about the number of lives you
Daily Kickstart: One of the simplest keys for audacious success is a deep respect for the
value of every passing hour.

Make today the best day of the year. your fan always, Robin

I totally don't feel the energy to workout right now. And so I will. To get the energy.

The best leaders turn their teammates loose. They clearly communicate the mission, coach
and develop their people and, once done, set them free. Free to use their own creativity
and ingenuity to get the results needed. Free to do excellent work and find splendid
solutions. Free to feel what it feels like to succeed. And free to fail (because making
mistakes is part of getting to great).

By blaming others, we get to betray ourselves. And not have to face the messiness that
all progress towards our best selves requires us to wade through.

And by cursing our conditions, we never have to feel the fear of letting go of the
historical limiting beliefs that we’ve run for so long we actually think they’re Truth:

Today: walk with courage/stand with honor/listen with grace/love with loyalty/work with
mastery/watch with kindness and live with humanity. You are awesome. I know it. Own it.

Your fan, Robin

Advice from my mentor at age 18 as we walked through Point Pleasant Park in Halifax:
"Run Your Own Race." #grateful
Please don't allow what happened in your past to pollute your future. For help, read this
blog post:
Sometimes being busy being busy is an escape route from having to do the work that
scares you (and is most important to the world).
If you don't have a Master Plan, you'll end up in a lot of pain
deep into creative writing today. completely blocked out the world. thinking: if were
not making many mistakes we're not doing very much.
If you're not giving back, you're taking too much.
Stop listening to the lies your fears are trying to sell you. Silence the chattering
voices of the naysayers and critics. Quiet your doubts and disbeliefs:
Your doubts are liars. Your fears are thieves (stealing your potential--and the best days
of your lives). Silence these shadows. And show us your light. We deserve no less from
When you transform your fitness, you transform your career + you transform your brain:
Our lives reflect the standards we've settled for. Raise yours now:
The main reason we waste time on small things is that we haven't identified our big
Who you're becoming's far more important than the things you're accumulating.
Daily Kickstart: Your Best is Nothing. Ok--before you say that i'm being hard on you or
that i'm encouraging people not to celebrate their gifts+talents+progress, pls allow me
to explain. This morning I worked out. Hard. I was doing squat jumps and jumping jacks
and all sorts of strange manoeuvers with my trainer. Then we got to the pushups. "Go to
failure," she instructed. "I don't do anything to failure," i said--only half-joking. And
then i got down on my hands. And gave it my best. I pushed out maybe 40 pushups and then
stopped. It's like my chest and arms just froze up as i reached the edge of my strength.
"Now go for more," she said. And guess what. I gave 15 more.
The moment you believe you're a legend is the moment you become a fake.
You don't have to be a manager to awaken the best in your teammates.
Less gossiping. More learning. Less complaining. More creating. Less walls. More bridges.
Less fear. More courage.
It's unbelievable how few people believe in themselves. Let's lift someone up today--by
celebrating their genius.
So many amongst us live in the past rather than loving the present and building a
brilliant future.
Success is not deserved. Success is earned.

I’m here to disrupt your normal beliefs and behaviors so you make the changes that will
change your world:
This morning I skied like i haven't skied in a long time: fast + hard +intense. The snow
was soft. The skies were grey. And all that mattered were my edges.
In 2013, let us inspire the uninspired, uplift the discouraged and bring hope to the
I was in the now. No concerns. Zero responsibilities. Just me and a rich dust of nature.
Some lessons to share with you:

#1. I downloaded some of my best ideas up on that mountain. Ideas that will revolutionize
this year. Ideas that will allow me to create awesome value for you. Ideas that will get
me closer to my highest dreams. Please please please make time to be alone in nature.
It's not a waste of productive time. It's the KEY to productive time (your brain goes up
to Alpha state--the realm where your genius lies).

#2. I had a lesson last week with my instructor. A few course-corrections. Some valuable
suggestions. And within a few runs, my form/technique came back. Coaching matters. To
those on the path of Mastery. To those--like you--who stand for your best.

Have a great day today. And remember to smile. You have more to be grateful for than you
may be noticing. Your fan--Robin

Genius isn't a natural gift but a ton of hard work.

Sometimes we get busy versus be productive because we're so overwhelmed we try to FEEL

I believe we are built for growth (not stagnation). For expansion (not contraction).Good
enough just isn’t very good.
People who long to be liked don't change the world.
To have what only the best have, please commit to doing what only the best have the guts
to do!
Daily Inspiration: the question is NOT whether you have the potential for mastery.
Science confirms you do. The real question is what area will you rise to Mastery in.
Thinking big without starting fast is playing small.
Mediocre performers say "I'll do my best". Genius performers say "I'll Get it Done.
Be good to your body so it'll be great to your life.
When you see the brilliance in others (music stars + great artists + your heroes), you
spot your own highest potential. Longing to be expressed.
Each person who delivers kindness stays with us forever.
When you most feel like giving up is the very moment you must continue moving along.
The world of business is changing at a dazzling-no, dizzying, pace. The way we did things
is being transformed. Traditional business models are being shattered. And only the
fast/smart/innovative/bold will survive.
Your dreams matter. Care for them. Fuel them. Breathe your gifts+power+courage into
them. By reading and sharing this...
With higher levels of awareness, you can make smarter choices.
You can make excuses. Or you can do your goals. But you can't do both. 50 more tips to
win in 2013:
Vague goals lead to blurry results.
Less gossiping, more learning. Less complaining, more excelling. Less walls, more
bridges. Less fear, more courage.
Don't believe the lies people might be selling you. The truth is that when you were a
kid, you had pure potential. It's still there right now--maybe covered by doubt+fear. The
reality is you have the capability to think and perform like a genius (with focus and
deliberate practice over time). Make this day the day you rise up. Release your chains.
Commit to Mastery. And start something BRAVE:
Greatness in work+life rarely unfolds by accident. Mostly occurs by design.
At some level, our complaints bring us comfort. And so we cling to them.
So easy to get so close to the small things that they seem like the big things.
Never miss a chance to beat a fear, do something new or leave someone better.
The jealousy we feel for others reflects the success we've not owned for ourselves.
If you have average people, you’ll have an average company. To have a great company,
hire and coach great people.
Sometimes our assumptions scream so loudly we can't hear the truth.
No one will think much of you if you think too much of you.
Inspiration without execution is an illusion.
Have the courage to be different. Have the boldness to go into your industry and create
value that has never been created.
The goals you don't do become the regrets you must accept.
The more clarity you get as to who you want to become, the quicker you can start making
the choices needed to get you there.
Daily Kickstart: 5 Ideas to Get Your Goals Done
We are shaped by our conversations. We are influenced by the ideas we hear and the
people we meet.
We're closing out 2012. I want to help you fasten your seatbelt and get amped to make
2013 the single best year of your life yet. The year you change the game+release any
form of "stuckness"+outperform who you thought you were+influence everyone around you to
lift their games as well. I know you can do this.
The reality is all work is a chance to express your genius – and to inspire the world.
So here are 5 ideas to consider as you record the goals that will help you Lead Without
a Title and get great things done in 2013:

1. CLARITY IS POWER. Vague resolutions lead to vague results. Record your goals with
intense precision. Be detailed. And keep them crisp.

2. BE EMOTIONAL. Great works of progress were created from burning desires (Picasso
didn't create from a spreadsheet). What I'm suggesting is that we do our heroic best not
when we are stuck in our heads but when we are working with heart. Passion and strong
emotional drive is what gets your biggest goals done. (You have to want your dreams so
much that the desire seeps from your pores).

3. START A MASTERMIND. This idea has served me so well--and I wish it upon you. For 10+
years, every few weeks, I'd meet a young/hungry/driven/brilliant entrepreneur at 6 am at
my favorite park on a Friday morning. We'd share the progress on our goals, challenge
each other, discuss our frustrations and review our commitments. Support matters.

4. FOCUS LIKE A GENIUS. All geniuses have one thing in common: they have trained their
brains to focus on a single piece of work monomaniacally-for a long period of time. In
our world now, many of us suffer from an addiction to distraction (too many potentially
brilliant people spend their best hours playing Angry Birds on their iPhone). My
suggestion: pick 5 clear goals for every quarter of 2013. And say no to everything else.

5. MAKE IT FUN. Why do it if it's not going to be fun? Life's ultimately a short ride.
So find ways to celebrate your incremental wins. Look for the gifts in the setbacks.
Surround yourself with other awesome people who--like you--want to make beautiful work--
and change the world.

Hope this piece serves you well. Please share it so your friends can benefit. Let's make
2013 breathtakingly great! Your fan, Robin
The goal you don't set reveals the dream you don't do.
Borrow the beliefs of people who are better than you.
It's Sunday evening where i live and I'm preparing for my week. Just reviewed one of my
favorite quotes and i thought it might be valuable to you too:
if you're not expressing the potential you were born into, your life is decaying. This
will help you get it back:
"Fear doesn't go away. The warrior and the artist live by the same code of necessity
which dictates that the battle must be fought anew every day." Steven Pressfield (from
"Do The Work").
The relationship that tests/frustrates/irritates you the most actually is one of your
greatest blessings.
Failure is the price of ambition. (From "The Greatness Guide").
"To get the results that only 5% of the population gets, you need to discover--and then
DO--what only 5% of the population knows and does."
The more value + inspiration you create for others, the more meaning fills your life. So
serving people serves you well.
Take your attention off your critics and put it onto your dreams.
The humblest IS the greatest.

Falling in love with working really hard is a fantastic gift to give your greatest Life.

Your life will expand or contract in direct relation to your willingness to do the
things you fear

Failure is the price ambition pays to reach its excellence.

If you're not doing your part to build a better world, you're not leading. You're
People who long to be liked don't change the world.
How to spend the 1st 60 min each day: 5-5:20 exercise. 5:20-5:40 planning+journalling.
5:40-6am reading+learning.
If people are not criticizing you, you're playing too small with your talents. And
Sometimes, the most productive thing you can do is relax.
Your limiting beliefs are not the truth but the opinions you adopted from the chattering
voices around you.
(Why? because your best ideas arrive when your brain shifts into alpha state. And that
doesn't happen when your at the office putting out fires. It happens when you're solo.
Walking in the woods. Laying on a beach. Writing in your creative idea journal. Or
sitting at your desk deep into thought. That's why the world's best thinkers got their
game-changing ideas while standing in a shower--or out in a sailboat).
The person who sweats more in training, bleeds less in war.
RT @FlTNESS: Be the boss of your fitness. Schedule regular meetings (4-5x a week) with
yourself to workout & be active. DON'T CANCEL.
Do fears you've never done. Think thoughts you've never dared.
The power of a strong character is always larger than the authority of a big title.
Make your performance+behavior today a living testimony to the values you most admire.
Tired is often just a state of mind (and a means of escape)
Daily Kickstart (from a runway in Mexico City): It takes 16 years to become an overnight
success. While most people focus on many things and so play at mediocrity, the master
focuses on one thing--obsessively--and reaches mastery. All great things take time. So
today, practice your art. Stay devoted. Good things are certain to come your way. In the
end, life's accounting system is a fair one. My very best to you
Daily Kickstart: All great things take time. Daily practice and improvement plus time=A
Masterpiece. We live in a world where the dominant value is "I want it now--without the
hard work+discipline." But to have the results only the very best have, we must commit
ourselves to adopting the behaviors that only the very few do. And the elite producers
of this world understand that great things happen
only where there's endless devotion (it usually takes about 15 years to become an
overnight success). So today, make everything you touch a little better. Go the extra
mile. Deliver the unexpected. Be more passionate than anticipated. And view your work--
and your life--as a craft. One that requires skill+time+excellence+and focus. Ok, let's
Go Get It! your fan, Robin
Less gossiping. More learning. Less complaining. More creating. Less walls. More bridges.
Less fear. More courage.
We suffocate our power when we deny we have any.
Unfaced fears become your limits.

No decision is unimportant. Every action leads to a reaction. Each move we make creates
a consequence and ripples across our destiny.
Small steps are big steps. Little decisions can, over time, cause stunningly wonderful
BONUS TIP: one of the biggest ways we limit our potential and deny our genius is
following The Herd and modeling The Crowd. If you want to win in 2013 and transform the
way you work + live, you absolutely MUST break free of The Cult of Mediocrity. You
absolutely must stop listening to the chattering voices of the cynics around you. You
absolutely must trust yourself–and your instincts:

Adversity can shatter you. Or you can use it to catch larger glimpses of your greatest
The beginner is the master. The simplest is the most profound. And the humblest = The
Performing at average is a giant betrayal of your best gifts.
With higher levels of awareness, you can make smarter choices.
Want to get strong? Go the the gym every day. Want to get smart? Go to the library every
Our best work gets done while the rest of the world is sleeping.
So here's the point that I'm messily trying to make: often, we push to our best and fall
into the trap of thinking this is all we have within us. But the truth is: that's just our
mental limits at play. We have more. We can do more. We can pushout more. And we can
become more. Your best is nothing. So today, play big. Or go home. Your fan, Robin
Blaming others is excusing yourself.
Best "Law of Atttraction" i've ever witnessed: outthink+outlearn+outpractice+outwork
anyone you know. You'll "attract" everything you want :)
Take some risks. Open your heart a little wider. Speak your truth.
Riskless living is unbelievably risky.
The Elite Performer's 1st 20 minutes: spent on intense exercise. The rest of the day gets
transformed. Do it for a week and see.
Scared people participate in recessions. Strong people Go Get Their Dreams
Politeness matters. Punctuality counts. Mastery wins. Period.
Today's an awesome day to stop settling for less than your absolute best.
No one will think much of you if you think too much of you.
Focus less on time management and more on managing your focus.
Gossip is boring. Ideas are amazing.
Today--shift from complexity to simplicity. And from senseless activity to precise
The more value + inspiration you create for others, the more meaning fills your life. So
serving people serves you well.
Problems are life's school for strength-building.
Rare is the person who can block out the shiny distractions of daily life to stay
superbly focused on a single vision.
We get back up+dust off+and walk ahead RT @Dushi9890: @_robin_sharma what if we fail and
get depressed?
A good day: tackle a fear + improve a project + do a run + help a friend + advance your
dream. #GoGetIt
Today's a superb day to start a new life.
Thinking: invest money in your fitness. or you'll have to spend money fighting disease.
Greatness begins with a vision. And ends with a legacy.
Have the courage to say no to the people who are calling for your time.
Just slam the door on fear. It doesn't deserve to get into the room of your dreams.
You'll never get to world-class if you care about being liked. Pursue your vision!
Demand excellence from yourself. Don't ask politely. Demand it
To have what few have, do what few have the guts to do. Period.
If you're not bravely dreaming, you're not fully living.
Your fears are nothing more than vehicles to create explosive growth within you
How do you beat procrastination? START
The real secret to getting things done is knowing what things need to be left undone
Victims talk about other people. Leaders speak about their largest dreams.
The size of your office matters less than the depth of your commitment.
Risk more than is required.
“Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that,
because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
So valuable to set 5 daily goals. Just keep them simple and clear. And do it with
consistency. In twelve months from today you'll have achieved 1850 small goals/little
wins. A world-class career-+life happens via evolution versus revolution. So start today.
Today, please use your best hours for your best things. And make today brilliant
What’s the point of being uber-productive doing useless things?
Remember that leadership is about influence and impact, not title and accolades.
Use facebook as a tool to connect (and create value for people) versus a drug to escape.
Nothing works if you don't
Rather than waiting for the world to change, you change. And then you've changed the
Success is never deserved. Success is always earned.
Fill your brain with giant dreams so there's no space for petty pursuits.
A huge key to winning lies in beginning

The DNA of Mastery is Simplicity. Be really really really good at just a few things.
Sometimes you just have to TURN OFF the smartphone + unplug the laptop + shut the door to
get REAL work done. #productivity
Disloyalty to your vision is one of the quickest paths to unhappiness.
The beginner is the master. The simplest is the most profound. And the humblest=The
Big minds are rarely polluted with small concerns.
The Elite Performer's Motto: "A Monomaniacal Focus on Flawlessly Executing Just a Few
The deep key to time management is thought management.
The moment you stop exercising a good habit is the minute you start the installation of a
bad one.
My personal observation: average people's homes have big TVs. World-class people's homes
have big libraries.
The Elite Performer's 1st 20 minutes: spent on intense exercise. The rest of the day gets
transformed. Do it for a week and see.
The best thing to do is often the most uncomfortable thing to do.
RT @Oprah: "Do the right thing even when the wrong thing is happening." Those were my
final words to girls graduating from my school.
No one's work is ordinary. Remind someone today that the work they do is contributing to
the making of a better world. Pls
Doing the dream is smarter than dreaming the do.
My job+your job is to see the best in people who've never seen their best.
Victims voice excuses. Leaders deliver results.
Your current conditions are echoes of your past choices.
Celebrate your mistakes. They were YOURS--not your teammates or your neighbors. They
served YOU. And gave you insight+growth.
What's the point of being successful to the world but unsuccessful to yourself?
You're on this page because you stand for transformation. You want to Lead Without a Title
and do work that matters. You want to express your best in life. And do your dreams. So
just remember--when you change, many people around you will feel threatened. Because
your relationship will them will change--prompting them to change. And most people are
fiercely scared to change. So, instead, they question you or criticize you or laugh at
you. Ignore them. Please.
No game-changer ever had a plan B.
To double your income, triple your investment in learning and personal development. When
you transform your mindset, everything else gets transformed.
Shift from being busy to achieving results.
The best way to honor your dreams=to get them done!
Who cares what others think of your dreams. They're your dreams. Honor them. Obsess on
them. And get them done fast.
Let world-class become your new normal.
today, look back at the things that you've achieved. And build little celebrations
around them to grow even bigger better and faster in the gift that is your life.
Why talk about people when you can talk about ideas?
Sometimes, our assumptions are screaming so loudly we cannot hear the truth.
Don't listen to the lies your s have sold you. The TRUTH: you are here to change the
world--one person at a time!
Every master was once a beginner. And every pro began as an amateur. So start now. And
stay patient.
Failure is just part of the process of getting to greatness.
Don’t be so scared of failure and disappointment that you fail to dream
Ordinary people have big TVs. Extraordinary people have big libraries.
DREAMS excite me more than memories :) RT @fahim_hassank: @_robin_sharma best memory?
Don't worry about getting the credit. Just do genius-level work. Eventually you'll
become indispensable. And noteWORTHY.
To get BIG respect, give it. Period!
The quickest way to become enormously successful is to become obsessed with helping
others become successful.
Those who workout in the morning have less time for an excuse.
Doing my morning gratitude practice. I just listed 10 things that are blessings in my
life. The human brain is hardwired for ingratitude--it served us well when we fought
saber tooth tigers so many hundreds of years ago. But it limits our performance and
creativity now. Positive psychology pioneers teach us that we should practice
"deliberate gratitude" to rewire our brains to notice all the good things in our lives.
With practice, this will cause us to have more energy and get better results as Leaders
Without Titles. And human beings. Just wanted to share YOU are on my list today. I'm so
grateful that you follow me here, read my books, watch my YouTube Videos, read my blog
and then live the ideas in your work and within your life. Thank you. Please help me make
the world better
"If you are IRRITATED by Every Rub, how will you be... P O L I S H E D?" ~Rumi #quote
Some disappointment is the price of brave dreaming.
Daily Kickstart: energy is even more important than IQ. If you look at the best in
business or sports or society in general, they not only had a big dream – they had
extraordinary levels of energy. You can have the greatest strategy and the best ideas but
if you don't have the energy to execute around them, nothing happens. So today, make a
commitment to do whatever it takes to unleash your highest energy levels.
richardbranson @richardbranson

No ask, no get. No try, no win.

All great works require daily practice. And endless patience.

Clear daily/weekly/monthly goals=your future coming to get you.

Just goes to show, if you don’t excel at school it does not mean you can’t go on to be
If you can live with the worst-case scenario, then take the risk.
richardbranson @richardbranson
Go for what's hard. There lives your largest growth.
Give a little extra today. And a little extra will be given to you.

Congrats to Sir John Gurdon for Nobel Prize win too – his school report was almost as
bad as mine!
As we set higher dreams and raise our personal standards, we will create discontent. But
this world was built by people who felt some discontent with the way things were and
knew they could do better.
Daily Kickstart: Today, focus on being excellent versus busy.
The decisions you make produce the life you lead.
No, I work on my mindset every morning RT @easyqrmortgages: @_robin_sharma @_tomahawk
were you always like that Robin?
It's so easy to get busy being busy and spend your best hours doing things that have zero
value. Often, when we feel overwhelmed, we do things like checking our inbox or setting
up meetings because they make us feel like we're making progress--even though they are
really digging us deeper into the hole. So make the leap from being busy to becoming
monomaniacally focused on creating value. And doing things that make your life better.
And the world better. Ok--let's do this!
Please devote yourself. Be one of those 1% people who really focus on the few things
that matter.
If you’re in business, you’re in show business. And every day’s a performance.
Shine brightly today. And then, wake up tomorrow and reach even higher.
If you don't absolutely LOVE what you do--no one will love what you do!
The best way to optimize your productivity is to optimize your thinking.
One of their core traits of greatness is that the vast majority of them understand the
power of the word. They use world-class language. Not only do they refrain from using
profanities, but they use the language of passion. They use the language of leadership.
They use the language of possibility. They use the language of love.
Failure only becomes a failure when you to choose to se it as a failure. Life's greatest
challenges also present life's greatest opportunities. The things that frustrate you and
challenge you and question your confidence are the very things that you can use to build
yourself --and leverage into possibility.
Your greatest fear is the biggest liar in the world...

That fear that keeps you small, blocks your progress, limits your achievement and blinds
your dreaming is nothing but a huge LIE.

You picked it up along the way. Someone taught it to you. It's not who you truly are. But
now you believe it.

(Karl Menninger said: "Fears are educated into us and can, if we wish, be educated out.")
If being cynical is such a cool move, why has no cynic ever done anything truly great?
Today, take out a nice, crisp white sheet of paper. Sharpen a pencil. And then start
writing about the life you want to create. It’s a lot easier than you may think.
“Living life without a devotion to excellence dishonours the priceless gifts and talents
that have been given to you.”
The best way for us to create peace in the world is to find peace in ourselves. Nothing
on the outside will ever give you that. Not money. Not fame. Not Ferraris.
From The Greatness Guide: Put mind over mattress. Win the battle of the bed. Join the 5
o'clock club. And get up early.
Life wants us to win. We just need to step out of our own way.
The person who sweats more in training bleeds less at war (not my saying--an old one--but
worth sharing).
. The past doesn't need to influence the new day. You get to think new thoughts+make new
choices+create new results. And all it takes is a single choice--practiced over and
over--to take your life to a completely new place. So be great. Play at wow. And make
your life matter.
Sell it + invest the cash in some books!!! ;) RT @Boydieblue: @_robin_sharma
@talkativewriter I am a tv addict. What is the remedy?

You begin to change the world the moment you begin changing your life.
The pursuit of discomfort is the breakfast of champions (because no discomfort means
zero growth).

Your Daily Kickstart: According to the latest science, 50% of your mindset is
hereditary. So if your parents were confident/optimistic/focused, you'll lean that way.
Now here's the game-changer: ONLY 10% of your current mindset is the result of your
current conditions (like the economy or where you live or what's going on in your life)-
--40% of your mindset comes down to your daily habits. In other words 40% of your
mindset is within your hands. And if you do the daily practices i'm always sharing here
(starting your day with exercise+deliberate gratitude+setting daily goals etc), you'll
get wow results.
Make your can larger than your can't. And your dreams bigger than your fears.

Read magazines you don’t usually read. Talk to people who you don’t usually speak to. Go
to places you don’t commonly visit. Disrupt your thinking so it stays fresh + hungry +

A life spent at 40,000 feet...make this day awesome. You'll never get it again in your
entire life.

The only standard worth working at is "breathtakingly great!" Otherwise, what's the point?
If you’re not failing regularly, you’re definitely not making much progress.
You dishonour yourself when you play small with your talent.

Patience sits at the foundation of all Genius.

To have more, we must become more.
The average love leisure. The best love learning.
You know you’re doing genius-level work when people start to dislike you.
Every visionary was initially called crazy.
Fastest way to change the world is grow yourself.

Success is not deserved. Success is earned. #hardwork

RT @Oprah_World: Million dollar ideas are a dime a dozen. The determination to see the
idea through is what's priceless. -Robert Dieffenbach

The humblest IS the greatest.

The discomfort of change is always better than the heartbreak of complacency.

We don't procrastinate because we're busy. We procrastinate because we're scared.
The respect you show to others tells us the respect you show to yourself. Seriously.
The only standard worth reaching for is BIW (Best in World)
Average people are dedicated to leisure. The best people are devoted to learning.
Just because The Herd celebrates mediocrity doesn't mean that you should. (LEAD vs
Why be part of the crowd when you can be one of the best?
Today i saw a man trying to run who couldn't really run. He was pushing himself. Trying
to get fit. Digging deep. He was full of sweat. Shaking legs. All heart. Pure guts. For
just this day, this man is my hero.

Stop Doing Lists are smarter that To Do Lists.

What the victim calls Genius, the true entrepreneur knows as practice.

An exceptional life isn't the result of lucky breaks but excellent choices.

Being called crazy is sometimes just another way of being called a visionary.

When u don't blend it with massive action! :) RT @OwenType: @_robin_sharma when is

wishful thinking wrong?
What's the point of being successful to the world but unsuccessful to yourself?
So much of winning is beginning. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Robin Sharma · 227,410 like this.

15 September at 02:22 ·

Hi Everyone. i wanted to spend a few moments answering your questions, in my daily

effort to help you do great work and live your best life. so ask away... :)

The moment you think your legendary, you'll stop being a legend.

Adversity is the breeding ground of opportunity.

You have been designed to change the world. Let's not deceive ourselves.
Harshit Arora how to get over past ? i still cant completely get out.. its memories r
distracting me from doing anything i want to.. PLEASE help..

Hi Harshit. i dont really try to "get over" the past. i just stay massively focused on
what my painful times have taught me and made of me.

Kadell Sayyed so tell me Robin how to get plentiful of energy??

Hi Kadell. Great question! i get my energy from: having a cause ive donated my life
to+daily workouts+a strong diet+massages every week+nature walks every few days+work i
live+great books i read early in the mroning

Venky Mudaliar what best should I do to get little success?

Venky, to become more successful, the first thing i'd do is work on your mindset. read
inspiring and powerful books and audiobooks. keep a journal where you record your dreams
and goals. recite a few affirmations every morning. and start spending more time with
people with BIG dreams. my very best to you

If you're not bravely dreaming, you're not fully living.

There’s nothing wrong with being an elite performer and taking the steps required to
become a remarkable success in this world

Devina Bahadoor Higano How do you keep motivation fresh when you are doing what you love
(so that your passion doesn't become 'work')?

hi Devina. when im doing what i love, my passion's always fresh! :)

Rabih Chatila How to find real friends? How to find ur true love or gain her back?

hi Rabih. well first, im sure not "everything" in life is blocking your progress. im
sure there are many opportunities and many blessings. you may not be focusing your
attention and energy on them. my very best

Ruchir Verma how to live larger than life ....?

Hi Ruchir. i suggest we can begin to live a legendary life when we set legendary goals.
big goals just change your mindset and open up new possibilities. then--of course--small
steps towards them every day create BIG results over time. wishing you all green

Salvador Agina what was the turning point in your life?

Hi Salvador. the turning point was when i was a lawyer. i was a succees in the world but
so unhappy in my own skin. so i started my inner work+getting to know the real
me+strengthening my character and mind. thanks for being a part of this community!

Robin Sharma Hi Gul. well i think we can tell our impact on other people by whether they
shine when we are with them---or shrivel. best wishes

Hi Hannah. youre welcome! you know what? i still practice all these things every day. its
like getting to the gym: it only works brilliantly if youre there with consistency. my
best wishes (i love San Diego :)

ROBIN! Thank you for one taking your time to do this! I feel extremely lucky today!
Being so amazed at how the leader who had no title has left me in my heart.. I have to
ask how long did it take you to practice it everyday with out fail?! did it just become
a habit over a period of time and what were the daily things you would do in the
beginning to keep this thought process alive each day and moment?!

Hi Salvador. the turning point was when i was a lawyer. i was a succees in the world but
so unhappy in my own skin. so i started my inner work+getting to know the real
me+strengthening my character and mind. thanks for being a part of this community!

Cindee Khakdoust How do you make people feel comfortable around you when you are sooooo
strong and independent minded???

Cindee--great Q! i suggest that the key is to be strong (as you are) yet respectful to
those around you so they dont feel overpowered. so be yourself yet honoring of others.
as i'm sure you are :)

Hala Hamed Should I follow my heart or listen to my brain?

Hala....Hmmmm...not an easy question. i think it's both. Listen to your brain. and hear
the wisdom of your heart. having said that--this is my personal belief only--i've had the
biggest wins in my life when i followed my heart--even when my head said the decision
was crazy!!! :) my very best to u

Sachin Chawla Hi Robin..what is single biggest objective of LIFE ? Why are we there in
this world ?
Robin Sharma Sachin, i think the biggest obstacle we face is ourselves! it's our lack of
self-faith and doubts/fears that prevent us from going out there and rocking the world!
Tiina, my intuition tells me to get better at answering hard questions like yours ;)

Alissa, you just have to go out there and do it. face the dragon in the face. feel the
fear but be a warrior. the more you stay in the fire, you more your power will grow. my
very best!
Kashma Raju Dear Robin, I can't seem to get past forgiving a few people (3 specifically)
who have hurt me and caused me tremendous pain. This makes me resentful and blocks me
frm moving fwd - how do I let go and just forgive?

hi Srikanth--the more i worked on myself through

reading+reflection+learning+conversations with excellent people, the more i trusted my
vision> very best wishes
Thanks Kashma. just breath--and make the decision today to forgive. or do a little
private ceremony where you bury the resentment ina garden or something so it comes to
life. stay great.

Saying that you'll try is really saying that you're not truly committed.

The ordinary wait for the energy to do a task. The exceptional do the task because that’s
how they get the energy.

Once you awaken your inner leader, worldly success is the guaranteed result.
“The only people without problems and adversity are six feet under the ground. To life
is to face problems, pain and suffering. These things are vehicles for growth, expansion
and lifelong learning. They are part of the human experience.”

"This world was built by people who felt some discontent with the way things were and
knew they could do better." From The Greatness Guide on Page 72
Doing the difficult things that you’ve never done awakens the talents you never knew you
sooner or later you have to make a choice...leave behind your passion,your dream- or
have the strength to look past all discouraging faces and look at yourslef and know that
you have what it takes..and you will prove them wrong

Every master began as a beginner. So start now.

Success and happiness don’t happen by accident. They occur through conscious choice.
Big people never make others feel small.
Every time we step into the discomfort of growth and progress, we become more free.

Even if you do your dream and fail---you didn't fail because you pursued your dream.
The billionaires I work with as a private business coach all have one thing in common:
massive discipline.
It's a mark of wisdom to choose to spend time in those places that inspire and energize
you and associate with those people who elevate and uplift you.
Complaining is how scared people give away their power to the things they complain
See, the critics job is to knock you off your dream. Because they don't have the guts to
do their own dream. #LeadWithoutaTitle
Life's to short to spend your best hours checking your Facebook feed.
To double your income, triple your devotion to personal development.
I have things to get done before I die ;)

We don't deserve success. We earn it.

I'm thinking of doing a 7 day complaint-free fast here on my facebook page. In other
words, not even the smallest complaint about anything for 7 full days on this tour.
"Like" this if you want to do this with me!

Don’t settle for anything less than excellence.

Big Idea: In a study published in NATURE, the data revealed that those participants who
acted with OVERconfidence within "an optimal margin of illusion" achieved far greater
results than those who performed at a level consistent with their usual ability.

Ok--so what does that mean for us? It means that the smart move is to step into a higher
mental vision of your best performance. Live in that "optimal margin of illusion." Be a
dreamer. A visonary. A rockstar in your own mind. That's not being foolish. Science now
confirms it's actually the most practical move you can make.

Why wait for a lucky break when you have the power to create your own luck?

Every master began as a beginner. So start now.

"Most men die long before we bury them."
Having talent is fantastic. Having confidence is even more important.
Victims minimize people. Leaders construct dreams.

I dream of a day when every single one of us owns our power to influence the world. And
then walks out there and does it.

We become excellent by doing excellent things (over and over and over until they become
a part of our wiring).
If you arent making any mistakes, its a sure sign youre playing it too safe. John Maxwell
Being humble is cooler than being famous.
RT @Billy_Cox: Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose,
L. B. Johnson.
Every time you say yes to something that's unimportant, you say no to something that is
The best among us are not more gifted than the rest. They just take small steps each day
as they march towards their biggest life.
The greatest source of misery is pretending your dreams don't matter
To double your income, triple your investment in your personal development.
We become excellent by doing excellent things (over and over and over until they become
a part of our wiring).
Life's greatest betrayal is neglected genius. Express yours.
“The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions.” From "Who Will
Cry When You Die?"
Cooler to be real than famous.
We'll never build a reputation for excellence on a platform of excuses.
Big dreams require amazing teams. Get that right--and you're golden.
Blamers are not leaders.
If you're not dreaming big, you're playing small.
Genius isn't so much about genetics as it is about work ethic and sheer practice.
Success doesn't just occur. It's a project that is worked on each day.

Today:Do what you've been resisting + think what you've been imagining + reveal who
you've dreamed of becoming.
Victims talk. Leaders do. #LeadWithoutaTitle
Giant goals without pristine discipline is an empty promise
Today's Reminder: The more you go to your limits, the more your limits will expand.

Without patience, there can be no genius

Where there are many excuses you'll find little results. Make this day amazing. Please.

A little bit better every day causes phenomenally better over a lifetime.
Worked out EARLY this am after a late night flight home. Didn't want to. But I had to.
Because I'm commited to it.

Tips for Today: #1. Expect more from yourself #2. Complain less #3. Make something
better #4. Leave someone happier.
The secret of passion? A breathtaking mission.
The things that get scheduled are the things that get done.
It doesn't matter what others think of you--only what you think of you.
"There are no extra people alive today. Every single one of us is here for a reason, a
special purpose – a mission." from The Secret Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
The Rules for Being Amazing
by Robin Sharma

1. Risk more than is required.

2. Learn more than is normal.
3. Be strong.
4. Show courage.
5. Breathe.
6. Excel.
7. Love.
8. Lead.
9. Speak your truth.
10. Live your values.
11. Laugh.
12. Cry.
13. Innovate.
14. Simplify.
15. Adore mastery.
16. Release mediocrity.
17. Aim for genius.
18. Stay humble.
19. Be kinder than expected.
20. Deliver more than is needed.
21. Exude passion.
22. Shatter your limits.
23. Transcend your fears.
24. Inspire others by your bigness.
25. Dream big but start small.
26. Act now.
27. Don't stop.
28. Change the world.

Vision without Passion leads to frustration.

"Better three hours too soon than a minute too late."
William Shakespeare

"It's never too late to be what you might have been."

George Eliot

"You can't get to genius on a platform of excuses."

Robin Sharma

Play at Genius. Learn for an hour a day. Deliver more than expected. Create. Renew. Be
bold. Smile. Care. Think for yourself.

Dream big. Start small. Act NOW.

Just for today, zero complaints. And a radical focus on the best.
We grow our courage via the doing of things that demand our courage.
Multi-tasking has been shown to reduce your IQ by 5 points. So commit to Einstein-like
focus. #YourProductivityUnleashed.
The quality of your results reflects the level of your commitment.

When people mock your great dream, trust that it's definitely a very great dream.

"I just read about a little girl who was born without a face. Just two eyes and a mouth.
And we worry about traffic being heavy on the way to work." From The Greatness Guide at
page 133
If we practice being spectacular long enough, spectacular will become our way of being.
When you take yourself too seriously, no one takes you seriously. #EatMoreIceCream

Risk more than required. Learn more than normal. Give more than expected. Be strong.
Rest. Be kind. Relax. Dream.
Care more than necessary so you can deliver more than expected.

Doing the difficult things that you’ve never done awakens the talents you never knew you


A key piece to playing at your absolute best as a leader (and as a person) is to ensure
that your daily schedule reflects your deepest values. Anything less is a flight from
One of the exercises I’ve been taking our clients through at my “Leadership in Turbulent
Times” workshop is called “The 5 Main Values.” I take participants through a powerful
visualization where they visit themselves, not as they now are but as they want to be at
the end of their career. Then they record the main 5 values they will have wished they’d
worked under.
I wanted to share my own 5 Main Values with you. I hope you’ll share yours with me on
Twitter so we can continue this conversation. Anyway, here are the top 5 values I want to
work by and stay true to:
1. EXCELLENCE. I adore this word. My goal is to work at a level of excellence,
constantly refining my craft as an author and speaker – while delivering outrageous
values to our clients.
2. PASSION. Without passion, nothing great every gets built. Passion fuels innovation,
builds a fantastic team and makes the impossible possible. I want to express my passion
in all that I do. Otherwise, what’s the point?
3. SELF-MASTERY. You can’t be a better leader than you are a person. So every day, I work
intensely on developing my inner life. I read. I reflect. I write in a journal. I
exercise. And do all those things I need to do to express my best.
4. BEAUTY. I’m an aesthete. I love beauty in all forms. So I make the time to look for
beauty, in both expected and unexpected places. Interesting conversations are beautiful
to me; brilliantly designed products (think Apple) are beautiful to me. Great food,
fresh nature, cool architecture, a strong cup of coffee in the morning and modern art
are all some of the things that fill my life with a sense of beauty.
5. CONTRIBUTION. Leadership is about doing deeds that live on long after your death. I
want to do things that will help people awaken to the fact that, regardless of what they
do and where they are, they have the opportunity (and responsibility) to show leadership
in their work and at their life. Few things are important to me than feeling I’m making a
difference for people. And doing my part to build a better world.
Every second you spend thinking about what you don’t want is a second denying focus and
energy from getting what you do want.
If your goals aren't bold, you'll begin to get old!
Innovation starts with imagination. Use yours. Please.

Today, I walked near lions. Lesson: run away and you'll die. Same applies to your fears.
Being interested in too many things sets you up for being average at most things.

Your Perfect Day

Just recorded the latest video for The Monthly Coach program I do. One of the pieces was
on “The Perfect Day”. While nothing’s perfect in business and in life, recording what
your ideal day looks like is a smart move. Because with greater clarity comes better
What was the best day you’ve had in the past 12 months? What made it so special – and
unforgettable? What things were you doing that time that gave you those superior results?
Once you know what works, you can set about doing them with greater consistency. And
consistency is the generator of Mastery.
Here are 4 recommendations for a perfect day:
1. Get up early. Getting up early is a gift you give yourself – once you install the
habit. Yes, that’s hard at first but after a few weeks you’ll have more time for yourself
every morning – time to think/read/visualize/exercise and set yourself up for superb
2. Run a schedule. I write more about this in The Greatness Guide where I say: “The things
that get scheduled are the things that get done.” Success and happiness don’t happen by
accident. No, they occur through conscious choice. Schedule your priorities and the most
important things in your life so you can get them done.
3. Stand in Gratitude. While there are so many things you could do to ensure a
great/perfect day, I find spending even 5 minutes in gratitude reshapes the way I
perceive my day. Please remember, stress and gratitude can’t share the same room. And
you’ll see more of what you pay attention to. So focus on best and block out the rest.
4. Growth. Much as we resist change, the fact is human beings are happiest when we are
growing. To live perfect days, do things that move you out of your comfort zone and into
your Discomfort Zone. A day with zero growth is a day unfully lived. Fears faced die
speedy deaths.
Perseverance trumps even intelligence. Stay with your dream well past when the world
thinks you should!
Change is so messy in the middle but so fantastic at the end. Stay strong my friend.
Your response to failure determines the height of your success. - Robin Sharma

Respect isn't delivered by a title. It's earned by your behavior.

Step out into the world each day and create your masterpiece. The world will be better
for it.
Leaders don’t make excuses. They create results.

You know you need zero title to show up at leadership – both within your work and at your
home. I’ve been in the trenches – developing Leaders Without Titles within organizations
– for nearly 15 years. Here are some of the personal habits I’ve seen the best of the
best model:
1. They ask brilliant questions.
2. They are fit like athletes (as I mentioned on Twitter the other day “Your #1 business
asset is your health”.)
3. They are direct/clear/authentic communicators
4. They read (The best leaders have the biggest libraries! Read to Win).
5. They keep journals to record good ideas, lessons learned and dreams to be executed
6. The run their own race. Leadership isn’t about following the mob and being like
everyone else. That’s followership.
7. They are ethical – maintaining pristine reputations.
8. They lead where they are planted, deeply understanding that leadership is a way of
behaving versus a title on a business card.

Distraction is the greatest thief of time

Today, be more brilliant than anticipated, more courageous than expected and more human
than is commonly seen.

The beautiful thing about today is that you get the choice to make it better than

Do less of the wrong things so you get time to do more of the right ones.
The excuses we make destroy the results we deserve.

Tips for Today: #1. Take a risk #2. Make something better #3. Learn something new #4. Be
a bit kinder.
You can change the world. Or you can worry about being liked. But you can't do both.

Today, please remember: you can Lead Without a Title, influence everyone around you
without a position and make a fantastic difference in the lives of others--even if you
have no formal authority. Today's your day. Be great.
Best way to become a better writer is to become a bigger reader.
A fantastic dream needs a brilliant team. Or it won't get done. Period.

Knowing but not doing is the end of knowing

I congratulate you for being you. No one else like you on the planet. Very cool.

Don't worry about being loved. Obsess on being amazing. And then you'll be loved.
Victims pursue distraction. Leaders hunt down their dreams.

Tips for Today: #1. Take a risk #2. Make something better #3. Learn something new #4. Be
a bit kinder. #inspiration
A recipe for misery is living in your history.
Part-time commitment=Part-time results. #just saying
You can't win the game if you're not even in the game.

You'll have time to rest when you're dead." - Robert De Niro

Big people are those that make others feel big.
You can't get to who you're meant to be tomorrow clinging to who you were yesterday.

If all the things we've bought in the past haven't made us happy, then buying more things
won't make us happy.
Because there will never be a better day than today to become the person you have always
wanted to be.

Taking a risk once and hoping you'll grow fearless is like going to the gym once and
hoping you'll get fit ;)
Victims pursue distraction. Leaders hunt down their dreams.

Make a commitment today to be impeccable with your word. And be a person of action.
Spend more time with amazing people and you'll find you'll become more amazing.

Being humble is cooler than being famous.

Less travelled paths are where all your rewards lie. Have the courage to take them.

Life’s an incredible adventure. Tons of highs – lots of lows. But all of it – is


“Failure is the price of greatness.”

“You can’t win without leaving your safety zone and taking some calculated risks. No
risk, no reward. And the more risks you take in the pursuit of your dreams, the more you
are going to fail.”

“There’s huge value in getting good at saying no.”

“Embrace change as a chance to grow.”

“Each day, life will send you little windows of opportunity. Your destiny will
ultimately be defined by how you respond to these windows of opportunity.”

You and I have the power to choose to rise above our external circumstances. We always
have a choice to be strong and positive when things fall apart. We have the right to use
our stumbling blocks as stepping stones to our greatest life.”

When you think, behave and feel like leaders – good things will happen.
Don’t blame the politicians. Don’t blame those around you. Don’t blame your parents or
your background. Doing so is playing the victim and this world has far too many people
playing the victim when they could be sharing their brilliance and making a profound
“The farmer has patience and trusts the process. He just has the faith and deep
understanding that through his daily efforts, the harvest will come.And then one day,
almost out of nowhere, it does.”

Success doesn’t just occur. It’s a project that is worked on each day. ”

Daily ripples of excellence -over time- become a tsunami of success”

There is great power in focusing on what you want..... The person who tries to do
everything accomplishes nothing. Most people try to be all things to everyone. And so
they end up being nothing to anyone. Confucius nailed the point: "Person who chases two
rabbits catches neither."

Commit to excellence. Become massively innovative and wear your passion on your sleave.
They might call you different or wierd or even crazy. But please remember, every great
leader (or visionary or brave thinkier) was initially laughed at. Now they are revered.

“No one wants to fail. So most of us don’t even try. Sad.”"

If you don't act on life, life will act on you

“I love music. I find music just makes life better. Add a litle
music to an ordinary experience and it becomes extraordinary.”

Change is hardest at the beginning. Messiest in the middle. And best at the end.

Genius has little to do with luck and everything to do with practice.

Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the ill person can see.
Fly 1000 miles for a 10 minute meeting (you can’t build great relationships via
Miss a meal but don’t miss reading.
What separates the best from the rest is how they manage the gift of their time.
Too many people live the same year 80 times and call it a life.
Life is short. Be of use.
Invite people into your professional and personal life who inspire you. Who are
outrageously committed to world-class.

Sometimes, too much thinking leads to the death of doing.

It doesn’t matter what other people think of you. All that matters is what you think of
Throughout your day today, keep asking yourself: “how can I make this better?” Apply it
to your work. Apply it to your relationships. Apply it to your Self.

Simplify your life. Strip away all that is unimportant – then focus, focus, focus.
You’ll be surprised how good you will then get at being great.

No matter how good – or bad – your life looks at this very moment, there really is so
much (and so many people) you can be thankful for.

Every Master was once a beginner.

You can’t win if you don’t try.

The beginner does what's easy. The master does what's important.

Everyone has an opinion. Please have the guts to trust yours.!/_robin_sharma
Average but hardworking always beats brilliant but lazy.

Have the courage to say no to those activities that are just really attractive, but you
know they’re not valuable.

"Never regret your past. Rather, embrace it as the teacher that it is." - The Monk Who
Sold His Ferrari.

Creativity is all about seeing what everybody else is seeing and thinking what nobody
else is thinking

Happiness isn't always the same as success. Choose both. Please.

The best among us are not more gifted than the rest. They just take small steps each day
as they march towards their biggest life.
"A stumbling block to the pessimist is a stepping stone to the optimist." -Eleanor
Leadership is a philosophy. It’s an attitude. It’s a state of mind. And it’s available to
each one of us.

Hard times grow strong people.

Who cares what the critics think – leadership is about boldly trusting your instincts,
chasing down your goals and doing what you think is right.

"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." -Harry
Care more than necessary so you can deliver more than expected.

"As you live your hours, so you create your years. As you live your days, so you craft
your life."

"The most successful people on the planet have failed more than ordinary ones."

"Yes, reach for the mountaintop. But enjoy the climb as well."

"Great achievement often happens when our backs are up against the wall."

"Do a little each day to get you to your goals and over time you'll get there."

"Blaming others is excusing yourself."

"Every challenge is nothing more than a chance to make things better."

"Keep challenging yourself to think better, do better, and be better."

"The best organizations I've worked with sweat the small stuff."

"The wisest among us - the genuine leaders - smile in the face of adversity."

"Greatness comes by beginning something that doesn't end with you.

You'll never win if you don't begin.

Not much point at being brilliant at the wrong things. #focus

“Your "I CAN" is more important than your IQ.”!/sharmaisms

“Sometimes success isn't about making the right decision, it's more about making some

No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined

What separates the best from the rest is how they manage the gift of their time.

Your greatness was meant to be shared with the world. Not hidden within yourself.

"We first make our habits, and then our habits make us." -John Dryden

“I like to say that what we all need to do is look ahead five years and predict what
things in our current life we will most regret. Then we must take actions today to
prevent those regrets from being realized.”
You can make your life matter more by making your actions matter more.

I’m not going to live the same day over and over again, and call it life.”

There is great power in focusing on what you want..... The person who tries to do
everything accomplishes nothing. Most people try to be all things to everyone. And so
they end up being nothing to anyone. Confucius nailed the point: "Person who chases two
rabbits catches neither."

If you don't act on life, life will act on you

Either you set your goals and, in doing so, have your life governed by choice or you do
nothing and have your life governed by chance.

"Fix your course to a star and you will navigate any storm." Leonardo Da Vinci (Stay
strong + focused + passionate + masterful today--no matter what storm business or life is
sending you. You're bigger than adversity!!).
The person who experiences most wins.

There is no such thing as an unimportant day.

“I was more than my limitations, I was learning. And it seemed to me that all the excuses
I used to make were nothing more than lies that my fears had been trying to sell me.”
Daily Kickstart: Hope you're superb. Just finished a morning bike ride at home while
catching up on some reading. And started thinking about this past year--the wins, the
adventures, the growth, the lessons. I suggest, as we finish up 2013, that you pull out
your journal and do 3 things:

1. Record Your Victories. It's human nature to focus on what you didn't do/get/become.
But but doing a full list (100+) of all your achievements (small or big) over the past
11 or so months, you'll sharpen your focus on all the progress. And that boosts your
motivation. And fuels more momentum.

2. List Your Learnings. For many years I've made a personal commitment to do whatever it
takes to make each new year better than the last. Leadership+Mastery+Life is all about
small daily steps of progress that amount to outright greatness over your lifetime. So
next--in your journal--write about all the things you've learned from your
days/weeks/months of 2012. In the w
ay, this year will be of acute service to you.

3. Step into a Wow of a Future. The interesting thing about a dream is that once it gets
done, it no longer is your dream--it becomes a result. The elite performer is constantly
stepping into a greater future--until it becomes her result. And then she has the guts to
set an even bigger dream (remember: at the end of your life you'll regret not having
dreamed massive dreams--so why not 10X them now?). So, what i sincerely suggest is that
you write a one paragraph statement of what all areas of your life will look like 12
months from today if each of your best goals got done. Then list at least 5 goals for
each quarter of 2013. Read these every morning. Focus beats IQ :)

OK. Hope i've been of some service to you this morning. Please share this post if you
think it will move others into action. Leadership's not about talking a good game. It's
about leaving the game--and getting big things done. Make today awesome. And Go Get It!
Your fan, Robin

“But every time we do that which we fear, we take back the power that fear has stolen
from us – for on the other side of our fears lives our strength. Every time we step into
the discomfort of growth and progress, we become more free. The more fears we walk
through, the more power we reclaim.”
Creativity needs quiet to present itself. So block out 1 hour a day for quiet thinking.

Smart man RT @Kevin_Meyer: @_robin_sharma Reflecting and recalibrating for the second
half of the year...

Fast tip: work in public libraries to avoid interruption and do world-class work (hotel
rooms+aircraft are even better).

Stand for iconic in your work, legendary in your life and "the best there ever was" as a

This day can be the best day of your life. Make the decisions needed to meet this

4:14 am. Reviewing my 2013 plan. Next is the workout. Then is the plane. Then I'll be
home :). Thanks to all 1400 of u last night!

RT @OfficialJimRohn: "Income seldom exceeds personal development." -- Jim Rohn

RT @T_Harv_Eker: Anything I've ever done that ultimately was worthwhile... initially
scared me to death. - Betty Bender

Eat less food. Get more done. Bye.

If working out daily makes you feel amazing then work out daily. #fitness

Always bring a small journal to the gym. That way when you're listening to audiobooks and
an idea pops, you can capture it.

One last one before I prep for tonight's show in Leon, Mexico: "No one cares about what
you intend to do. Only what you get done."

Why be pretty good at 50 things when you can be amazing at 5 things. #TheBig5 #Daily5

"Try" is a lie used by scared people to avoid action. #justsaying #leadership

I don't know of a better yield on investment than investing in personal growth and
professional mastery.

Just because something isn't due tomorrow doesn't mean it shouldn't be done today!
The bigger the dream you have, the better the team you'll need.

You can't win if you don't start.

Ideation without execution is delusion

Just for today: zero complaining+zero excusing+zero blaming+zero procrastinating.

Victims are so used to being victims they can't see they're victims.

If people are not criticizing you, you're playing too small with your talents. And
dreams. #justsaying
Less excuses, more results. Less distraction, more focus. Less me, more we.
Much of what we judge as "bad" in our lives results in very good things - in the end.
f you're not doing your part to build a better world, you're not leading. You're
When you control your thoughts, you control your mind. When you control your mind, you
control your life. And once you control your life, you become the master of your
Tip of the day: Stop watching the news. Start doing your dreams.
"One?s best success comes after his greatest disappointments." not by robin
--Henry Ward Beecher
Great to be graceful when all's going great. Show us how cool you are when it's all
falling apart.
Rare is the person who can block out the shiny distractions of daily life to stay
superbly focused on a single vision. For years.
Declare today: "I'll have a monomaniacal focus on the few things that count. Nothing else
matters. Period."
There’s zero point in masterfully doing the wrong things.
Being brave is more a practice than a quality.
Leadership is all about doing the work now that will give you your dreams later.
You can't win unless you first begin. So start now.
We give our power to the things we complain about.
Be so ridiculously great at what you do that the world cannot help but give you an
Tip of the day: If you're not 5 minutes early, you're late.
Confusion is growth in the process of settling.

It's better to be authentic and disliked than a fake-- and beloved.

We learn more from the times that test us than we do from times of success.
Leadership and personal mastery is about rising above social approval – to self
When we waste our time our time wastes us.
Step #1: Dream Big. Step #2: Start Small Step #3: Repeat Daily.
Quickest way to change the game is to change your brain.
The 2X3X Rule: To double your income, triple your investment in learning.
Believe in you. Even when no one else believes in you. Especially when no one else
believes in you. Please.
Measuring your success against what others are doing=A Complete Waste of Time. Measuring
success against the very personal definition that you have set yourself=Brilliant!
Not a shred of evidence exists to suggest that today's not the perfect day to transform
your life.
Life’s just too short to be doing work that destroys your soul. Find work you adore. And
get busy changing the world with it.
Breathe. Laugh. Dream. Produce. Dare. Rest. Love. Lead. Be.
oh, one more thing: You can play Angry Birds on Your iPhone. Or You Can Change The World.
But You Can't Do Both.
Your excuses are nothing more than the lies your fears have sold you.
Worry is a luxury we cannot afford.
Life’s short. The greatest risk is risk-less living. And settling for average.!/_robin_sharma
Here are 5 big questions that I hope will cause you to go deep and become philosophical
as to what’s most important in your life. Most people don’t discover how to live until
it’s time to die. Ask these questions today, but come from the frame of reference that
today is the last day of your life and you are lying on your deathbed:
Today, be brave. So you'll get big things done. Please.
#1: Did I dream richly?

#2: Did I live fully?

#3: Did I learn to let go?

#4: Did I love well?

#5: Did I tread lightly on the earth and leave it better than I found it?
I want to spend my days with people who don't know how to do mediocrity.
No risk, no progress. No ask, no get. There...that's pretty much all I have to say this
am. Oh, and be genius today.
Everything that is now easy for you was once hard in the beginning.

Victims talk about problems. Leaders speak of possibilities.

Gentle reminder: you can't have all you want if you're focused on everything you're not.
Less rudeness - more kindness. Less mediocrity - more mastery. Less distraction - more
focus. Less intolerance - more forgiveness.

Hide the phone. Turn off Facebook. Shutter your TV. Close ALL escape routes. And the work you are meant to do.
The beautiful thing about setbacks is that they introduce us to our strengths.
The smallest of actions is better than the best of intentions.
"Your time is limited. So don't waste it living someone else's life." ~ Steve Jobs
To become a bigger person, walk into a bigger vision.
Doing the difficult things that you’ve never done awakens the talents you never knew you
This idea's helped me a lot: Do your best and then let life do the rest.
No critic ever changed the world.
How does one live an inspired, passionate life?
The first thing I would say is every time you make an excuse and blame something or
someone else, you’re giving away your power.
The second thing I’d say is beneath every excuse lives a fear. Work on moving through
that fear and release your excuses.
Number three: work is one of the most important things in your life, so no matter what
you do, work at a Picasso level. It’s one of the greatest secrets of fulfilment and
Fourth, I’d say the old model of leadership and fulfilment is broken, lead without a
title. Start with yourself, you can’t find the time to lead and inspire other people if
you’re de-inspired. Find the time to expose yourself to great food, great art, great
conversations, great beauty so that you enjoy the process of life.
Lastly, I believe a life without impact and contribution is a very empty life, so use
your life to make the world better.

our habits will define how close to your personal mountaintop you get.
Ones I suggest to you include:
Getting up early
Under-promising and over-delivering (always give people far more than they expect and
you'll win)
Being a passionate learner (by reading daily and listening to audio programs by big
Spending the first 30 minutes of each day planning (or thinking)
Leaving every person you meet better than you found them
Working out regularly.
Just a few to pick from. To get you going. To plant your seeds.

Keep Leading Without A Title.


The greatest sadness is to die with your dreams


Never lose the fire in your belly. And the sparkle in your eyes. The having of a Dream
is what make's life Life.

"What's the point of living in comfort if it comes at the cost of your dreams?

Fill your mind with brave dreams so it contains no space for petty thoughts.
In a taxi. Just saw a sign that read: "Faith always takes the first step." Apply that one
to your business goals.

The quality of success you will experience in your life ultimately depends upon the tiny
choices you make every minute of every hour of every day.
Oh, a quick question i wanted to ask you this Saturday morning: "What Extraordinary thing
will you start today?" Winning starts with beginning.
Your response to failure determines the height of your success.
"Scared gets you nowhere. Lucky people don't get lucky. Lucky people create lucky." from
"The Leader Who Had No Title"
Robin Sharma
Best way to get a few more hours into your days? Get brilliant at elegantly saying NO.

Don't spend your most valuable hours in valueless things.

What time do I go to sleep? A lot of
Good 2012 Goal: Sell your tv. And build a library
Critics are just dreamers who got scared.
In a world where mediocrity is viewed as "normal", world-class is considered strange.
There's no mystery behind Mastery. It's just about Consistency
Here's a question to ask yourself: What one thing could I do each week to lift my life to
its highest level?
Positive thinking is of zero value without positive doing.
The key to ridding your mind of small thoughts is filling your mind with big dreams.
The best way to learn about life isn't from pages in a book but from the hours in your
Remember that potential unused turns into pain. So dedicate yourself to expressing your
Best idea i have to give you today: some of us have lived with our fears so long that
being scared is so familiar to us that we can't see that we're scared. (In other words,
being scared is our comfort zone!!!)
Life's ultimate freedom is living life on your own terms.
The greater the struggle the greater the reward.
Excuses are just a bunch of lies your fears have sold you.
Playing small with your potential is unfair to the world.
Remember to keep challenging yourself to think better, do better, and be better.

Study for an hour a day. Double your learning and you’ll triple your success.

Big lesson I've learned as an entrepreneur and as a human being: when we most feel like
giving up is the moment we must keep persisting.
My bad times have taught me well. And so--I appreciate the goodness in them.
Dream big but start small
Remember: greatness comes from living for a cause larger than you. And leaving our
world better than you found it.
It never hurts to ask.
There is no such thing as an unimportant day.
I challenge you with my usual respect and affection, to raise your standards. Don’t
tolerate any form of average. Don’t accept Dis-excellence. Don’t stand for mediocre. If
you’re going to settle, then please settle for the absolute best.
When you most feel like denying your dream is when you must deepen your devotion to your

Too many high-potential lives have been destroyed by an addiction called Excuses.

Character's more valuable than cash.

​"What holds us back in life is the invisible architecture of fear. It keeps us in our
comfort zones--which are, in truth--the least safe places to be." from p. 68 of "The
Secret Letters of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"
The person who chases distractions is the person who is frightened of results.
Why spend your time convincing your critics when you could be inspiring your believers?
Don't allow your doubts and fears to dismiss your hopes and dreams.

The perfect time to start is now.

Become a FMOB (The First+The Most+The Only+The Best). (From "The Leader Who Had No

My 22 Lessons from 2011 (pls share with others):

1. Dream big but start small.

2. A problem is only a problem if you view it as a problem.

3. A strong family life is an awesome foundation for a strong career.

4. Have zero tolerance for mediocrity.

5. The more devoted you are in practice, the larger the rewards during performance.

6. Look people in the eye when you speak to them.

7. Say "please" and "thank you".

8. Do difficult work first think in the morning.

9. Chase beauty. Pursue mastery.

10. Get fit like a pro-athlete.

11. Whether you're a taxi driver, a firefighter or a CEO, make your work a living
mission to model excellence--and better our world.

12. Never lose your curiosity.

13. Stop apologizing for standing for what's best.

14. Spend more time in New York City.

15. Respect your parents.

16. Get up when you've been knocked down.

17. Hire slowly. Fire quickly.

18. To have a great company, surround yourself wth great people.

19. You can make excuses or you can enjoy results. But you can do both.

20. A secret of happiness is producing your best work.

21. The secret of happiness is being of use.

22. Life's short. Make a difference.

Your greatest joys will come after the conquest of your most difficult challenges.

In your work, be legendary. In your life, make history.

Some suggested goals to make 2012 your absolute best year yet: #1. Get Up at 5 am daily
#2. Invest in your personal development #3. Stop speaking like a victim #4. Do more than
you are paid to do #5. Be world-class around the details

I'd rather be bold and lose than settle and win.

My hard times have made my good times great times.

My wish for you this day: the passion of a child + the excellence of an Olympian + the
wisdom of an elder.

The person who most irritates you is the person who has the most to teach you.

My hardest problems have revealed my greatest possibilities.

Robin Sharma is the bestselling author of "The Secret Letters of The Monk Who Sold His
Ferrari" (HarperCollins). Follow him on Twitter () and visit

Best way to grow in self-discipline is to start doing difficult but valuable things.
One of life's best joys is pursuing a dream. Not your neighbors dream or society's
dream--your dream.

This day is your life in miniature. And as you live this day, so you craft your life.
​5 Productivity Tips to Make 2012 Your Absolute Best Year Yet: #1. Turn off all technology
for at least an hour a day and do truly valuable work #2. Stop Watching TV #3. Use your
best hours to do your most valuable work #4. Eat less food (to get more energy) #5.
Don't answer your phone every time it rings.
Please don't sacrifice your health for wealth. Just not worth it.
Be so good at what you do today that people are left breathless after you leave the
room. Seriously.

Quick productivity tactic: turn off all your technology for at least 60 minutes each day
and do deep work that matters.

you have been asking since watching the "How To Get Up Early" video I released
yesterday. The answer: 11-11:30pm.
The project that most scares you is the project you need to do first.
There will never be a better time to be the best you than today
Ordinary leaders hear. Great leaders listen.
The caliber of your performance comes down to the quality of your practice. i love the
line: "The one who sweats most in training bleeds least at war." Applies to us in
business--and to us in life.
No person playing victim ever changed the world.
Victims wish. Leaders do.

Life's short. Go change the world.

simple productivity tip that has helped me a lot: when you sit down to work, set a timer
for a 90 minute increment. check no email etc for those 90 minutes--just do your work
with massive focus. when the 90 minutes end, the beeper/timer goes off. get up, take a
break for 20 minutes and then do one more block. my clients have received game-changing
results with this tactic--in this Age of Dramatic Distraction where so many of us don't
focus on one thing for even 10 minutes. hope this helps you.

A great goal for us in 2012: let's not spend major time on minor things.
You can't do everything. But you can definitely do something. So why not start now?
High-tech productivity tool: Get brilliant at saying no ;)
The greater the challenges, the sweeter the victory.
Do your fears and you play big. Run from them and you shrink from greatness.
Remember that the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts.
Today, rather than looking for the worst in people, I invite you to look for what's best
within them.

If you're young, smart to do big things now. If you're old, smart to do big things now.

The 3 secrets of successful entrepreneurs: 1. focus 2. focus 3. focus :)

Set 5 daily goals every morning. These small wins will lead to nearly 2000 little
victories by the end of the year.
My hope is that the answers you arrive at help you live with more authenticity, passion
and joy. We’re really not here that long, when you think about it. So live your potential
now. Dream. Dare. Shine.
Deep within us, each one of us knows that there will never be a better time to live our
biggest life than now. And if not today, then when?
“the purpose of life is the life of purpose”
Good enough isn't so great.
Change is hardest at the beginning. Messiest in the middle. And best at the end.
The best way to learn about life isn't from pages in a book but from the hours in your
Remember that potential unused turns into pain. So dedicate yourself to expressing your
Nothing can stop the person who chooses never to be stopped.
Life's ultimate freedom is living life on your own terms.
An addiction to distraction is an escape from productivity.

Small steps are big steps. Little decisions can, over time, cause stunningly wonderful
The greatest danger of being around un-excellent people is that you start to become like
them without even knowing it.
​"May the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sunshine
warm upon your face." Irish blessing
Listening to Ben Harper: "make sure the fortune that you seek is the fortune that you
Focus. Focus. Focus...on your burning priorities. Say no to everything else. Life's short.
You only get one shot at great.
I've grown the most from my most painful experiences. And so, I see them as gifts.
Read hard books. Do difficult work. It is the things that you are most resisting doing
that contain the fullest expression of your genius.
The dangerous thing about mediocrity is that is you spend enough time around it, it
becomes your new normal.
dream 10X bigger. at the end of your life--you will have wished you would have.
Nothing brilliant even happens until you get up and reveal your brilliance.
Starting strong is good. Finishing strong is epic.

Today can be the day you burn the bridges that lead to your excuses. Today can be the day
you Lead Without Title & access your greatness.

Do something to improve things. Anything. Start small or go big. Just do something.

Today. Now. The world will be better for it.

The key to creativity is to create even when you don't feel creative.

It takes a big person to avoid small worries.

In the battle of egos both competitors lose.

Today's Leadership Declaration: DO IT NOW!

This day is your life in miniature. So lead it well.

The next 5 years will be rich with volatility. Victims will stumble. Leaders will win

another line i just wrote in this month's newsletter: "I promise you that when you get to
the last hour of your last day, you will regret having lived the life society sold you
versus the life that you knew deep within was meant for you."

Phenomenal Question to ask during stressful times: "What's good about this?".
Playing small with your talent dishonors your Genius.
Just because no one else believes in your dreams doesn't mean you shouldn't believe in
your dreams.
The power of your dreams lives in the action, not in the vision.
Pilot just said "put the oxygen mask on yourself before you help others." our lesson= by
taking great care of ourselves we become able to take great care--and be of service--to
An idea - no matter how big - only assumes value when it's acted upon and brought to
The best way to do great work is to do a lot of good work.
To get the results that only 5% of performers get, we must be willing to do what only 5%
of people are willing to do.
Fighting change is resisting growth.
Have the courage to be different. Have the boldness to go into your industry and create
value that has never been created.
Day by day, step by step, you can move towards your own personal mountaintop. You (and
your organization) really can be, do and have a lot more than you've ever imagined. The
life you are living today can be radically different from the life you can have 3 or 6
months from now.
Take 60 minutes this weekend to craft a blueprint for the coming seven days.
Better to be real than popular.
Even when you think you have very little, in truth, you still have a lot.
Without bold + fierce + fast action, your wishes will fail to become your results
Sometimes we need to lose our way to find our way.
Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life.
Devoted learning is the key to explosive earning.

Criticism is mediocrity's tribute to Genius.

Smart to have a To Do List. Genius to have a Not To Do List.

There's a stratospheric difference between learning a new idea and living a new idea.
It takes a lot of courage to become aware of your weakness.
If you've grown, it's not a failure. It's a gift.

The only people with zero problems are dead. I encourage you to read this article about
transforming problems into gifts:

To take vs to Give is to exist vs to Live.

It is true to say that,candle looses nothong when lighting others.
If you think a gym membership is expensive, pls remember that disease costs a lot more.
“Sometimes success isn't about making the right decision, it's more about making some
So much of what we worry about never happens. So why worry about it?
Remember the secret to happiness is doing work that matters and being an instrument of

If you've helped or inspired or served even one person, your day hasn't been wasted. It's
been a blessing.
“What the society thinks is of no interest to me. All that's important is how I see
myself. I know who who I am. I know the value of my work.”
Take 60 minutes over the next few days and rethink what you are investing your mental
focus and physical energy on.

“I’ve learned that everything happens for a reason,” the yogi Krishnan told him. “Every
event has a why and all adversity teaches us a lesson... Never regret your past. Accept
it as the teacher that it is.”

Here's some of what i wrote this morning< just so you see it first :)

1. Confidence grows via the doing of difficult things. So pursue discomfort.

2. Logic is the dream killer. Instead, allow your instinct, creativity and passion to
take you where you need to go.

3. Be good at starting things. And even better at finishing them.

4. Connection with community is the main aim of commerce.

i actually wrote 44 of these ideas this morning. If you want them all as well as "The
Little Black Book for Stunning Success" (as my gift to you), just google "robin sharma"
and go to my website and sign up easily in the pop up. make today awesome.

Potential unexpressed turns to pain.

Having the courage to challenge what you're sure is true is the beginning of growth.

The daily choices you make makes your life.

Our job is to see the best in people who have never seen their best.
Treating others with deep respect reveals the fact that you treat yourself with deep

Deep within us, each one of us knows that there will never be a better time to live our
biggest life than now.
The quickest way to happiness is a devotion to helpfulness.
Do work that is legendary. Live a life that makes history.
​"The way you start your day determines how well you'll live your day." from p. 188 of
"The Leader Who Had No Title"

Victims talk about problems and people. Leaders talk about ideas and dreams.
​"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." -
Henry Ford
The great danger of success lies in thinking what's made you successful will keep you
We become fearless by visiting the places that scare us.
Blaming others is excusing ourselves.
“We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the
architect of your future.”
​"The way you start your day determines how well you'll live your day." from p. 188 of
"The Leader Who Had No Title"
On the other side of your greatest fears lies your biggest growth.

The 12 Hour Relationship Protection Rule: when you were upset, wait at least 12 hours
before you respond. You get clarity. And make a more thoughtful move.

Review your mission + goals every 7 days so they become dominant obsessions vs. just
good intentions.

Planning is profound. How can you accomplish what’s most important if you have no idea
what’s most important.

Today's choice: Play Angry Birds on your iPhone. Or go express your Genius. And - in so
doing - uplift THE WORLD.

When we most feel like giving up is when we most need to be keeping on. Please.

​"It takes a lot of hard work to make something simple." Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. co-

To remain yourself in a world that wants to remake you into something else is one of
Leadership's great victories.

​"the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that
do." Apple commercial

Rather than breaking the rules, why not rewrite the rules?

You'll never get this day again in your entire lifetime. So why not make the best of it?

Throughout your day, keep asking yourself, "How can I make this better?"

I usually don't rely on willpower to get things done. Instead, I create systems, daily
rituals and environments that set me up to get things done--even when i don't want to.
Having the courage to challenge what you're sure is true is the beginning of growth.

Quotes from Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Robin Sharma the Canadian born Indian author of best selling books has been the most
adorable and inspiring personality. Though I have started reading his books in a very
recent past. Some of his quotes in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari are very stirring

"Blaming others is nothing more than excusing yourself.."

"Learn More to Earn More"
"We receive from life not what we want but who we are".
"Good people strengthen themself ceaselessly"
"The most satisfied and enlightened people realize that successful and dynamic living
starts from within. Before you can care for others, you must care for yourself."
"Everything that happens in your life is beautiful"
"The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master"
"It's not what you will get out of the books that is so enriching ,it is what the books
will get out of you that will ultimately change your life"
"Those who don't make time for exercise will eventually have to make time for illness"
"What you resist will persist; what you befriend, you will transcend"
"Before someone will lend you a hand, you must touch their heart"
"Be the change that u wish to see most in your world"
"Your Schedule Doesn't Lie"
"I am more than I appear to be, all the worlds strength & power rests inside me"
"We don't laugh because we are happy. We are happy because we laugh".
"Wake-up Early, Life is Short ,what if today is the last night of my life, so enjoy life
to the full" !!
Become a Will-Power Warrior!!!
"Pain is a wonderful teacher"
"Those who find shall seek"
"Never overlook the power of simplicity"
"The less you focus on the result sooner it will come"
"The difference between your planning and action is the measure of your lack of
perfection". They keep making their today better than yesterday. The best stars have
infinite energy and appetite for stretching their personal frontiers and improve each
and every area of their lives."
"A man is as old he feels, the energy to keep improving keeps them young at heart and
provides positive thinking mind body and soul."
"Health is very important part of the whole system of causing immortality and
"Perfect health is physical, mental, social and economic well being"
"Wealth is not only measured by how much money you have, it is also measured by how much
you are at peace within"
"Kindness is the rent we must pay for occupying space on this little planet"
"I am an artist at living - my work of art is my life"
"The Price of Discipline is higher than the Pain of Regret"
"Clarity precedes mastery, unless u r clear about what exactly u want to accomplish in
life you are always running behind a mirage and u fret and fume on yourself and this is
just a process of self destruction.
"Winners have two types of courage – the courage to act and the courage to endure – and
they never quit regardless of the circumstances. Understanding that they are bigger than
their circumstances is what gives them the courage to succeed"
"When you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way
that when you die, the world cries while you rejoice.
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. The real tragedy of life is
when an adult is afraid of the light."
"Learn to say NO Learn to say NO back when you are saying YES to an unimportant thing,
you are saying NO to an important one"
"Work hard & get lucky"
"I like that thing that he says on FEAR in Monk book..... its really things
that u things that u r comfortable....get out of your comfort zone"
"Here are no limits for a person who accepts no limits."
"When one door closes another opens. But we often look so long and so regretfully upon
the closed door that we fail to see the one that has opened for us."
"Either you set your goals and, in doing so, have your life governed by choice or you
do nothing and gave your life governed by chance."
"When u were born u cried while d world life in a way such that when
you die...the world cries while u rejoice in peace"
The PURPOSE of life is life of Purpose!!!
You are meant to Shine!
This is Robins Ultimate Quote
When You were Born,You Cried while the World Rejoiced,Live your life in such a way that
when u die,the world cries while you rejoice.
You Can be a Fool for Five Minutes if you ask a Question, however u r a FOOL for A
LIFETIME if you hesitate to ask a question!!!!
On your deathbed you will never wish,you spent more time at the office.
Destiny unfolds according to the choices one makes
Sow a character,you reap your destiny
We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the
architect of your future.
The most noble thing you can do is to give to others. Start focusing on your higher
Time slips through our hands like grains of sand, never to return again. Those who use
time wisely from an early age are rewarded with rich, productive and satisfying lives.
Wage war against the weaker thoughts that have crept into the palace of your mind. They
will see that they are unwanted and leave like unwelcome visitors.
The Universe favors the brave. When you resolve to lift your life to its highest level,
the strength of your soul will guide you to a magical place with magnificent treasures.
Never forget the importance of living with unbridled exhilaration. Never neglect to see
the exquisite beauty in all living things. Today, and this very moment, is a gift.
Stayfocused on your purpose. The Universe will take care of everything else.
The secret of happiness is simple: find out what you truly love to do and then direct all
of your energy towards doing it. Once you do this, abundance flows into your life and
all your desires are filled with ease and grace.
NOTHING FAILS LIKE SUCCESS - From the Greatness Guide
The bow too tightly strung is easily broken.
Clarity precedes mastery.
Every action is the offspring of a thought.
Your thinking will create your reality.
The price of greatness is responsibility."
When you give your best to life, life gives it's best to you".
The last one percent most people keep in reserve is the extra percent champions have the
courage to burn.
Live life as you would not be live tomorrow.
You can't do good if you don't feel good. - Plato
-adding value to others (from clients and co-workers to people in our communities)
"Remember that we become our conversations. Our lives eventually look like the people
we associate with. Surround yourself with people who are innovative, passionate,
interesting, provocative, caring and doing great things and your life cannot help but get
|| You Find What You Seek ||
Every second you spend thinking about what you don't want in your life is a second
denying focus and energy from getting what you do want. Every minute you worry about
what's not working is a minute drawn away from creating what will work. And every hour
spent reflecting on the disappointments of the past is an hour stolen from seeing the
possibilities that your future holds.
What I've discovered in my own life is that I see more of what I look for. Clarity
precedes mastery (big idea there) and the more clearly I look for what I want, the more
powerfully I generate that result in my life.
If you do anything for twenty-one days in a row, it will be installed as a habit.
Life doesn’t always give you what you ask for, but it always gives you what you need.

Robin S. Sharma quotes (showing 1-40 of 40)

“We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the
architect of your future.”

“Give out what you most want to come back.”

“Your "I CAN" is more important than your IQ.”

“You can’t make someone feel good about themselves until you feel good about

“The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions.”

“Dreamers are mocked as impractical. The truth is they are the most practical, as their
innovations lead to progress and a better way of life for all of us.”

“I’ve learned that everything happens for a reason,” the yogi Krishnan told him. “Every
event has a why and all adversity teaches us a lesson... Never regret your past. Accept
it as the teacher that it is.”

“If your life is worth thinking about,it is worth writing about.”

― Robin S. Sharma

“Within you lies the sun, the moon, the sky and all the wonders of this universe. The
intelligence that created these wonders is the same force that created you. All things
around you come from the same source. We are all one.
Every being on this Earth, every object on this Earth has a
soul. All souls flow into one, this is the Soul of the Universe.
You see, John, when you nourish your own mind and your own spirit, you are really
feeding the Soul of the Universe. When you improve yourself, you are improving the
lives of all those around you. And when you have the courage to advance confidently in
the direction of your dreams, you begin to draw upon the power of the universe. As I
told you earlier, life gives you what you ask of it. It is always listening.”

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but are spiritual beings having a
human experience.”
― Robin S. Sharma
19 people liked it like
“Sometimes success isn't about making the right decision, it's more about making some

“Would you rather live your life according to the approval of others or aligned with
your truth and your dreams?”

“What the society thinks is of no interest to me. All that's important is how I see
myself. I know who who I am. I know the value of my work.”

“the purpose of life is the life of purpose”

“A little bit of fragrance always clings to the hands that gives you roses”
“The doorway to success swings outward not inward.”

“Life tests the big dreamers the Passionate revolutionaries.”

“What gets measured gets improved.”

“investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. it will not only
improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.”

“Be the change you want to see in your world”

“Want more credit for all you do and who you are? Be the one who gives credit to

“Because the moment you stop doing the very things that got you to the top of the
mountain is the very moment you begin the slid down to the valley.”

“Awareness precedes choice and choice precedes results.”

“Victims recite problems, leaders provide solutions.”

“Measure the success of your days by the lives touched vs the hours passed.”

“never overlook the power of simplicity”

“Be the Mick Jagger of the

mailroom, the Warren Buffet
of bookkeeping and the Bono
of stapler selling.”

“one must not allow the clock and the calender to blind him to the fact that each moment
of life is a miracle --and mystery”

“it is only when you have mastered the art of loving yourself that you can truly love
others. it's only when you have opened your own heart that you can touch the hearts of
others. when you feel centered and alive, you are in much better position to be a better

No great life was ever built on a foundation of excuses. So stop making them. Most of
them are self-created delusions.

Let's meet at the intersection where Mastery + Creativity + Passion collide.

Act as if failure is impossible, and your success will be assured. Wipe out every
thought of not achieving your objectives, whether they are material or spiritual. Be
brave, and set no limits on the workings of your imagination.
Never be a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.
You will never be the same.
Focus is more valuable than intelligence. Concentration's richer than money.
When you control your thoughts, you control your mind. When you control your mind, you
control your life. And once you control your life, you become the master of your

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual

beings having a human experience.
Until you have the guts to risk being hated--you'll never be loved.

Life’s counter-intuitive. The things that we most resist carry the seeds of our greatness.
The stuff that makes us feel uncomfortable makes us stronger. And the things that are hard
to do help us get to our authentic power. Difficult is Good.
You're awesome--filled with Life+Talent+Creativity+Love. I know it! OWN it. And then
share it. With the world.

New medicine to stay young just came out. It's called working really hard on a vision you
adore ;)

As you become more successful, amp up your hunger. Work HARDER. Practice BETTER. Dream
BIGGER. Just don't settle!
It doesn't matter what you achieved last year. All that matters is being 2X as brilliant
this year. #YourAbsoluteBestYearYet
The quality of your life will come down to the quality of your contribution.

The best time to plant a tree was forty years ago. The second best time is today.

Nourish your spirit. Do the things you fear.

Sure I am that this day we are masters of our fate, that the task which has been set
before us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond my
endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win,
victory will not be denied us.

One must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind him to the fact that each moment
of life is a miracle and a mystery.

Self knowledge is the stepping stone to step mastery.

Every second you spend thinking about someone elses dream, you take time away from your

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

What really separates people who are habitually upbeat and optimistic from those who are
consistently miserable is how the circumstances of life are interpreted and processed.

Its only when you have mastered the art of loving yourself that you can truly love

You will never be able to hit a target that you cannot see.

Always declare your goals to the world. Once you make your goals known to the world,
there will instantly be pressure on you to work towards its fulfillment, since no one
likes to look like a failure.

Courage gives you the self control to persist where others have failed.

The only limits on your life are the ones that you set yourself.

Fear is nothing more but a mental monster you have created, a negative stream of

It is not what you will get out of the books that is so enriching. Its what the books will
get out of you that will ultimately change your life.

You sow a thought, you reap an action.

Reap an action, you sow a habit.
Sow a habit, you reap a character.
Sow a character, you reap a destiny

One must never live in the thick of thin things.

Wage war against the weaker thoughts that have crept into the palace of your mind.

They will see that they are unwanted and leave like an unwelcome visitor.
When you control your thoughts, you control your mind. When you control your mind, you
control your life. And once you reach a stage of being in total control of your life you
become a master of your destiny.

Time slips through our hands like grains of sand, never to return.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

Having the courage to say no to small things in life gives you the power to say yes to
big things.

The most productive people in this world have cultivated the habit of doing things that
less productive people don’t like doing, even though they ( more productive ppl) too
might not like doing them.

Laughter opens your heart and soothes your soul. No one should ever take life so
seriously that they forget to laugh at themselves.

Don’t accept a life of mediocrity when you hold such infinite potential within the
fortress of your mind. Dare to tap into your greatness. Its your birthright.

Act as if failure is impossible and your success will be assured.

The quality of your life will come to the quality of your contribution.

Your life moves to a magical dimension when you start striving to make the world a
better place.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

Hope for what will appear in your future is what gets you out of bed in the morning and
what keeps you inspired through your days.

Today is the day to enjoy the fruits of your efforts. Today is the day to seize the
moment and live a life that soars. Today is the day to live from your imagination and
harvest your dreams. And please, never, ever forget the gift of family.

Life dosent always give you what you ask for it, but it always gives you what you need.

Your genius will shine and happiness will fill your life the instant you discover your
higher purpose and then direct your energies towards it.
Who Will Cry When You Die by Robin Sharma
Today: Excel. Innovate. Renew. Commit. Dare. Believe. Breathe. Push. Reflect. Appreciate.
Energize. Learn. Lead. Do. Be.
Discover your calling; bring more of yourself into your work and focus on what you do
Every day, be kind to a stranger
Maintain your perspective; Is there a wiser and more enlightened way to look at the
Practice tough love, which is self-discipline!
Keep a journal, analyse and evaluate what you do, lessons learnt, personal growth
Develop a honest philosophy; don’t say what you don’t mean
Honor your past; Every second you dwell on the past, you steal from the future. Every
minute you spend focusing on the problems, you take away from finding the solutions. And
thinking about all those things that you wish never happened to you is actually blocking
all the things you want to happen from entering into your life. Given the timeless truth
that holds that you become what you think about all day long, it makes no sense to worry
about past events or mistakes unless you want to experience them for a second time.
Success is not measured by the position that one have reached in life, but by the
obstacles he have overcome while trying to succeed.
Start your day well, first 30 minutes only purest thoughts and finest actions. Focus on
all the good things in life, and good things that you expect to unfold
Learn to say no graciously, concentrate on areas of excellence
Take a weekly Sabbatical
Talk to yourself; select your phrase and train yourself to focus on it
Schedule worry breaks; Mark Twain: I’ve had a lot of trouble in my life, some of which
actually happened
Model a child, they are more energetic, creative
Genius is 99% inspiration, be inspired in life!
Care for the temple
Learn to be silent. To reconnect with who you really are as a person and to come to know
the glory that rests within you, you must find time to be silent on a regular basis.
Experiencing solitude will keep you centred on your highest life priorities
Think of your ideal neighbourhood
Get up early
See your troubles as blessings
Laugh more!!
Spend a day without your watch
Take more risks
Live a life, there are no tragedies, only lessons. No problems, only opportunities
waiting to be recognized as solutions by the person of wisdom
Learn from a good movie
Bless your money
Focus on the worthy; know what needs to be left undone
Create a love account; random acts of kindness, senseless acts of beauty
Get behind people’s eyeballs
List all your worries
Practice the action habit
See your children as gifts
Enjoy the path, not just the reward; the real value of setting and achieving goals lies
not in the rewards you receive but in the person you become as a result of reaching your
Remember that awareness precedes change; you will never be able to eliminate a weakness
you don’t even know about. By paying attention to weakness, you attract solutions into
your life
Master your time
Keep your cool, use only words that are true, necessary and kind
Cure your monkey mind; present moment awareness
Get good at asking
Look for the higher meaning of your work
Develop your talents; too many people spend more time focusing on their weaknesses than
developing their strengths
Connect with nature
Use your commute time
Go on news fast
Get serious about setting goals
Remember the rule of 21
Practice forgiveness
Drink fresh fruit juice
Create a pure environment
Walk in the woods
Get a coach
Take a mini vocation
Become a volunteer; learn to serve
Listen to music daily
Write a legacy statement
Find 3 great friends
Have a living funeral, practice dying
Stop complaining and start living
Increase your value. To get more, you have to be more
Be unorthodox. Don’t do things because everyone else does them. Do things that are right
for you.
Carry a goal card
Be more than your moods. You are just the thinker of your thoughts.
Savor the simple stuff; the only things we can take away are our memories and all those
great life experiences that adds value to our lives
Stop condemning. See the richness of the society from its diversity Take your life into
your own hands and you have no one to blame
See your day as your life
You change your life from the second you make a decision from the depths of your heart
to be a better, more dedicated human being. The effort to maintain that discipline takes
much longer
Create a mastermind alliance
Create a daily code of conduct, values, virtues and vows
Imagine a richer reality. To improve your life, you must first improve your thinking.
We see the world, not as it is, but as we are.
Be the CEO of your life
Be humble. You have so much more to learn
Don’t finish every book you start
Don’t be so hard on yourself, human beings are designed to make mistakes
Make a vow of silence
Don’t pick up the phone every time it rings
Recreation must involve re-creation
Choose worthy opponents
Sleep less
Have a family mealtime
Become an imposter, fake it till you make it
Take a public speaking course
Stop thinking tiny thoughts; Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never ho
any higher than you think. It’s not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it
is because we do not dare that they are difficult. It’s not what you are that’s holding
you back. It’s what you think you’re not.
Don’t worry about things you cannot change
Re-write your life story. At any moment I could start being more of the person I dream
to be- but which moment should I choose?
Plant a tree
Find your place of peace; youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind
Take more pictures. Record the best times of your life
Become an adventurer. Make a list of pursuits and go for them!
Decompress before you go home
Respect your instincts
Collect quotes that inspire you
Love your work
Selflessly serve
Live fully so you can die happy. When all the clutter is stripped away from your life,
its true meaning will become clear; to live for something more than yourself. The
purpose of life is a life of purpose.
This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a
mighty one, being a true force of Nature instead of a feverish little clod of ailments
and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I
am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community, and, as long as I live,
it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.

I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. For the harder I work, the more I love. I
rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It’s a sort of splendid
torch which I’ve got to hold up for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as
possible before handing it on to future generations.


I want to shift gears from leadership to a pure focus on crafting an exceptional life
for this blog post. Ultimately, life goes by in a blink. And too many people live the
same year 80 times. To avoid getting to the end and feeling flooded regret over a live
half-lived, read (and then apply) these tips:
1. Exercise daily.
2. Get serious about gratitude.
3. See your work as a craft.
4. Expect the best and prepare for the worst.
5. Keep a journal.
6. Read “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”.
7. Plan a schedule for your week.
8. Know the 5 highest priorities of your life.
9. Say no to distractions.
10. Drink a lot of water.
11. Improve your work every single day.
12. Get a mentor.
13. Hire a coach.
14. Get up at 5 am each day.
15. Eat less food.
16. Find more heroes.
17. Be a hero to someone.
18. Smile at strangers.
19. Be the most ethical person you know.
20. Don’t settle for anything less than excellence.
21. Savor life’s simplest pleasures.
22. Save 10% of your income each month.
23. Spend time at art galleries.
24. Walk in the woods.
25. Write thank you letters to those who’ve helped you.
26. Forgive those who’ve wronged you.
27. Remember that leadership is about influence and impact, not title and accolades.
28. Create unforgettable moments with those you love.
29. Have 5 great friends.
30. Become stunningly polite.
31. Unplug your TV.
32. Sell your TV.
33. Read daily.
34. Avoid the news.
35. Be content with what you have.
36. Pursue your dreams.
37. Be authentic.
38. Be passionate.
39. Say sorry when you know you should.
40. Never miss a moment to celebrate another.
41. Have a vision for your life.
42. Know your strengths.
43. Focus your mind on the good versus the lack.
44. Be patient.
45. Don’t give up.
46. Clean up your messes.
47. Use impeccable words.
48. Travel more.
49. Read “As You Think”.
50. Honor your parents.
51. Tip taxi drivers well.
52. Be a great teammate.
53. Give no energy to critics.
54. Spend time in the mountains.
55. Know your top 5 values.
56. Shift from being busy to achieving results.
57. Innovate and iterate.
58. Speak less. Listen more.
59. Be the best person you know.
60. Make your life matter.

Robin’s 73 Best Business and Success Lessons

The 73 Best Lessons I’ve Learned for Leadership Success in Business and Life By Robin
Sharma, author of the international bestseller “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Hi There,
I’m skiing in South America but have also been doing a lot of thinking. I wanted to thank
you for all your kind support of my work. So I have summarized the 73 best
ideas/insights/lessons I’ve learned for winning in business and life below. I hope they
help you. And I hope you’ll share them with others who will benefit from them. Again,
thanks for supporting my mission to help people in organizations around the world Lead
Without a Title. I’m grateful. Robin
You can really Lead Without a Title.
Knowing what to do and not doing it is the same as not knowing what to do.
Give away what you most wish to receive.
The antidote to stagnation is innovation.
The conversations you are most resisting are the conversations you most need to be
Leadership is no longer about position – but passion. It’s no longer about image but
impact. This is Leadership 2.0.
The bigger the dream, the more important to the team.
Visionaries see the “impossible” as the inevitable.
All great thinkers are initially ridiculed – and eventually revered.
The more you worry about being applauded by others and making money, the less you’ll
focus on doing the great work that will generate applause. And make you money.
To double your net worth, double your self-worth. Because you will never exceed the
height of your self-image.
The more messes you allow into your life, the more messes will become a normal (and
acceptable) part of your life.
The secret to genius is not genetics but daily practice married with relentless
The best leaders lift people up versus tear people down.
The most precious resource for businesspeople is not their time. It’s their energy.
Manage it well.
The fears you run from run to you.
The most dangerous place is in your safety zone.
The more you go to your limits, the more your limits will expand.
Every moment in front of a customer is a gorgeous opportunity to live your values.
Be so good at what you do that no one else in the world can do what you do.
You’ll never go wrong in doing what is right.
It generally takes about 10 years to become an overnight sensation.
Never leave the site of a strong idea without doing something to execute around it.
A strong foundation at home sets you up for a strong foundation at work.
Never miss a moment to encourage someone you work with.
Saying “I’ll try” really means “I’m not really committed.”
The secret of passion is purpose.
Do a few things at mastery versus many things at mediocrity.
To have the rewards that very few have, do the things that very few people are willing
to do.
Go where no one’s gone and leave a trail of excellence behind you.
Who you are becoming is more important than what you are accumulating.
Accept your teammates for what they are and inspire them to become all they can be.
To triple the growth of your organization, triple the growth of your people.
The best leaders are the most dedicated learners. Read great books daily. Investing in
your self-development is the best investment you will ever make.
Other people’s opinions of you are none of your business.
Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end.
Measure your success by your inner scorecard versus an outer one.
Understand the acute difference between the cost of something and the value of something.
Nothing fails like success. Because when you are at the top, it’s so easy to stop doing
the very things that brought you to the top.
The best leaders blend courage with compassion.
The less you are like others, the less others will like you.
The thoughts you think today determine the results you’ll see tomorrow.
Excellence in one area is the beginning of excellence in every area.
The real reward for doing your best work is not the money you make but the leader you
Passion + production = performance.
The value of getting to your goals lives not in reaching the goal but what the
talents/strengths/capabilities the journey reveals to you.
Stand for something. Or else you’ll fall for anything.
Say “thank you” when you’re grateful and “sorry” when you’re wrong.
Make the work you are doing today better than the work you did yesterday.
Small daily – seemingly insignificant – improvements and innovations lead to staggering
achievements over time.
Peak performers replace depletion with inspiration on a daily basis.
Take care of your relationships and the sales/money will take care of itself.
You can’t be great if you don’t feel great. Make exceptional health your #1 priority.
Doing the difficult things that you’ve never done awakens the talents you never knew you
As we each express our natural genius, we all elevate our world.
Your daily schedule reflects your deepest values.
People do business with people who make them feel special.
All things being equal, the primary competitive advantage of your business will be your
ability to grow Leaders Without Titles faster than your industry peers.
Treat people well on your way up and they’ll treat you well on your way down.
Success lies in a masterful consistency around a few fundamentals. It really is simple.
Not easy. But simple.
The business (and person) who tries to be everything to everyone ends up being nothing to
One of the primary tactics for enduring winning is daily learning.

To have everything you want, help as many people as you can possibly find get everything
they want.
Understand that a problem is only a problem if you choose to view it as a problem (vs.
an opportunity).
Clarity precedes mastery. Craft clear and precise plans/goals/deliverables. And then
block out all else.
The best in business spend far more time on learning than in leisure.
Lucky is where skill meets persistence.

If some people don't dislike you, you're not doing genius-level work.

De-clutter your workspace + your home + your mind. Breathtakingly beautiful ideas can’t
flow when your energy’s being taken up by the messes

Spend time in solitude. The only person you’ll be with your whole life is you. Why not
get to know-and like-yourself?

If you’re not failing regularly, you’re definitely not making much progress.

Your daily schedule reflects your deepest values. So take a moment to schedule in the
things that matter.

Take 60 seconds every morning to do a written game plan for a productive day. “The
things that get scheduled are the things that get done.”

Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end.

A lot of winning is about beginning.

Measure your success by your inner scorecard versus an outer one.

It's up to you. Mastery or mediocrity. Excellence or insignificance. It's up to you.

Net worth never exceeds self worth. So the best investment we can ever make is in making
ourselves better+stronger+faster...and Braver.

Let's stop being so scared of getting what we want! No Ask=No Get.

A life without impact and contribution is a very empty life, so use your life to make
the world better.

You dishonor yourself when you play small with your talent.

Your response to failure determines the height of your success.

Reverse engineer your life. Reflect on how you will have wished you had lived at 80 and
start now.

Lesson from15+ yrs of coaching many of the world's best entrepreneurs? Focus is even
more valuable than intelligence.

Today, see the best in people. Go the extra mile to wow your customers. See the
opportunity amidst a seeming setback. Embrace change as an opportunity to grow. Learn
something new. And have a laugh with a teammate.

Sometimes, too much thinking leads to the death of doing.

"If you're not going to make a difference, get out of my way." Bono

Know the 5 highest priorities of your life.

To Lead is to leave people better than you found them.

How to get to world-class? Small baby steps. Daily and continuous micro-improvements.
Steady and consistent elevations in the way you work, lead and live.

By doing what we’re afraid to do because it’s beyond our comfort zone, we grow in

To express your highest creativity is to applaud your best self.

The person who tries to do everything achieves nothing.

The Professional performs her craft with passion and mastery. Her mood doesn't matter.
The best Leaders Without a Title use their heads and listen to their hearts.
The things that are hardest to do are often the things that are the best to do.
Leadership's about people. Helping them believe in their Gifts. Lifting them up vs
tearing them down.

The real reward for doing your best work is not the money you make but the leader you
Every single person in the world could be a genius at something, if they practiced it
daily for at least ten years (as confirmed by the research of Anders Ericsson and
Daily exercise is an insurance policy against future illness. The best Leaders Without
Titles are the fittest.
Education is the beginning of transformation. Dedicate yourself to daily learning via
books/audios/seminars and coaching.
The quickest way to grow the sales of your business is to grow your people.

Doing your big idea is cooler than dreaming the big idea. The world's full of failed
The secret of happiness is simple: find out what you truly love to do and then direct all
of your energy towards doing it.
Today: Excel. Innovate. Renew. Commit. Dare. Believe. Breathe. Push. Reflect. Appreciate.
Energize. Learn. Lead. Do.

This day, be more excellent than demanded. And more generous than expected.

Your greatness was meant to be shared with the world. Not hidden within yourself.
Fastest way to change the game is to change your mind.

Adversity is sometimes nature's way of teaching us humility.

In the end, life's sweetest pleasures turn out to be life's simplest moments.

Adversity strengthens. Disruption educates.

What separates the best from the rest is how they manage the gift of their time.

Average but hardworking always beats brilliant but lazy.

You'll never win if you don't begin.

Why make things better when you can make things amazing?

Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the ill person can see.

Have the courage to say no to those activities that are just really attractive, but you
know they’re not valuable.

The discomfort of change is always better than the heartbreak of complacency.

You can make your life matter more by making your actions matter more.
Joy is not in things; it is in us." -Richard Wagner
E Haters mostly hate themselves.

You can make your life matter more by making your actions matter more.

Complaining transfers your power to what you're complaining about.

You can't win if you don't start.

A quick route to greatness is gratitude. (I appreciate you)

Took me years to get the opinions of others don't matter. Just your opinion of you.

A big dream requires a great team.

Much of what we judge as "bad" in our lives results in very good things--in the end.

Less excuses, more results. Less distraction, more focus. Less me, more we.
"As was his language so was his life." -Seneca
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight; it's the size of the
fight in the dog
"If you're going through hell, keep going.". Winston Churchill
"Dreams come a size too big so that we may grow into them." - Josie Bisset
"You can tell the greatness of a person by what makes them angry."
Make_own_rule: Take risks: If you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible" - Dalai Lama.
Be helpful.When you see a person without a smile ,Give him yours. ~zig zigler
: The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. - Stephen Covey
"Success is never owned, it is rented and the rent is due every day." - @rory_vaden :)

Politeness matters. Decency counts. Kindess rules. Caring wins.

You'll know you're amazing when you get devoted to making other people amazing.

Dismiss your critics. Applaud your vision.

Fear is nothing more than opportunity in wolf's clothing.

The job of the Leader is to grow more leaders.

Not much point at being brilliant at the wrong things. #focus

Having a dream and not doing your dream is the same as not having a dream.

Transformation is always difficult at the beginning, messy in the middle. And beautiful
at the end.

Mastery presents itself on the outside but begins on the inside.

Your unfaced fears turn into your limits.

The goals you set drive the actions you’ll take.

Everyone has an opinion. Please have the guts to trust yours.


It's never too late to commit to being world-class. Never.

Trouble only becomes trouble when you choose to process it as trouble.

Great to be graceful when all's going great. Show us how cool you are when it's all
falling apart. #leadership

Declare today: "I'll have a monomaniacal focus on the few things that count. Nothing else
matters. Period."
The distracted mind and the productive mind can't live in the same room together.

Real leaders sacrifice being liked for doing right.

If you don't love your customers, they'll like your competition.

"In the midst of tests, life persists." Mahatma Gandhi #leadership

Victims get jealous. Leaders get started.

Stop watching the news. Start doing your dreams.

Much of success lies in watching what the crowd does--and doing the opposite. #leadership

Pls remember your phenomenal power to change the world--one human interaction at a time.

Better to give than take. Better to make than fake.

The big person never makes others feel small. #beagoodhuman

Less rudeness--more kindness. Less mediocrity--more mastery. Less distraction--more

focus. Less intolerance--more forgiveness.

If you're not failing a lot your not growing very much.

When people ridicule your vision, trust your vision is a great vision.

Dismiss the critics. Embrace the Dreamers. Pls.

The excellent person makes others feel excellent.

Fastest way to get unstuck when you're stuck is to WORK your way out of the stuckedness ;)

Strength is suffering's gift to the brokenhearted.

The humblest is the greatest. And kindness wins.

Question of The Day: How will you use your life to make History?

To have the results that only a few have, let's be willing to do the things that only a
few have the discipline to do.

Our daily behaviors reveal our deepest values.

The beginner wings it. The master overprepares.

Life is short. Be of use.

Leadership has a lot to do with believing in yourself when no one else believes in you.
Performance without Renewal=Depletion.

Good athletes get peak performance. Great athletes understand deep recovery. (Work-rest
Declare: The judgements of others doesn't diminish my focus.

Sometimes Gratitude--of an intense magnitude--can only be discovered in Solitude.

So interesting how many people try to tear others down. Let our job be to lift others

Great to have 1000 digital friends. Better to have 3 real ones. #justsaying

This day: Dream a little bigger. Excel a little better. Grow a little stronger. Love a
little longer.

exercise actually releases neurochemicals that boost your focus. #exercisedaily

The only failure is giving up.

Luck favors the committed.

Dream big. Start small. Act NOW.

"LAVISH praise on people."

Hard times grow great Leaders.

You were born into Genius. So pls don't stand into any mediocrity.

The more I serve. The happier I get. #humblesharing

Victim or Virtuoso. Mediocrity or Mastery. Leisure or Learning. Oh the choices.

Those things that are hard to do are mostly the best things we can do.

Be so ridiculously great at what you do that the world cannot help but give you an

We give our power to the things we complain about.

The secret to genius is practice vs genetics.

If we defend our mediocrity, we'll destroy all Mastery.

Our daily actions speak louder than our biggest words. #talkischeap

Tip of the day: If you're not 5 minutes early, you're late.

Picasso didn't wait until he was Picasso before he started working like Picasso.

Leadership is all about doing the work now that will give you the dreams later.

You can't win unless you first begin. So start now.

To 2X your income, 3X your learning.

Hey, no one's selling mediocrity. But it is better to be a mediocre you than a genius
someone else. #justsaying

People who think for themselves are sometimes called insane. Until they are revered.

Oh, and it's no surprise that people who look down at their smartphone 24/7 have
forgotten how to look people in the eye+connect!

#2. Smile. #3. Say Please #4. Say Thank You #5. Give More Than Expected. (Yes, so simple
yet rarely practised)

#1. Look people in the eye!

In a world where so many celebrate the negative, let us be the change we dream of
seeing. And promote the positive.

I started with a few hundred self-published books in my kitchen. Seriously. If I can do


If you only knew how much I truly believe in you, you'd believe in you. #truth

The risk you don't take becomes your regret. #justsaying

I thought I knew a lot. Until I learned a little.

Dream. Dare. Risk. Love. Be. Rest. Iterate. Innovate. Celebrate. Honor. Disrupt. Reflect.
Act. Do. Have. Lead.

Being Brave is more a practice than a quality.

Some people recite their excuses so many times they actually think they are true.

Make your CAN larger than your can't and your dreams bigger than your doubts.

Pour good stuff into the world. Great things will come back.

Surprise people by how good you are. Delight people by how kind you are.

You'll never get this day again in your entire life so why not find ways to love it

You'll never win playing not to lose.

There’s zero point in masterfully doing the wrong things.

What separates the best from the rest is how they manage the gift of their time.
The respect you give others is a dramatic reflection of the respect you give yourself.

No ask=No Get.

The great thing about a goal is who we must become to get the goal.

Fears unfaced grow into our limits.

If you're not scared a lot, you're not growing very much.

Success isn't about the toys you get. It's about the people you help. Period.

Pursue Mastery. Celebrate Beauty.

What I love about this day is we can choose to make it one of the best days of our lives.

Leadership's not about the size of your office but the depth of your commitment.

Moving faster around the wrong things slows you down.

Sometimes the best way to get more productive is to grow more relaxed.

You can't have a profitable company if you don't have passionate people.

For too many people, misery feels safer than Transformation. So they stay stuck. And play

Genius is the Son of Practice.

Consistency's the Mother of Mastery. #stayfocused

Tip of the day: watch your words--they shape your world. Use the language of a virtuoso
vs that of a victim.

Win. Exceed. Engage. Encourage. Disrupt. Laugh. Study. Practice. Renew. Explore. Reflect.
Restore. Excel. Act. Lead.

Now, being amazingly great at what you do is just the price of admission.

Fear only becomes powerful then you give it your power.

No cynic ever transformed the world!

you'll never get this day again in your entire life so why not find ways to love it

It doesn't matter if others agree with you so long as you agree with you.

Slow, steady progress is better that fast, daily excuses. #simpletruths

Fearlessness isn't a place you reach. It's a commitment you make.

Dream big. Start small.

"Walk away from the 97% crowd. Don't use their excuses. Take charge of your own life." -
Jim Rohn

Mastery is Beautiful. #leadership

Surprise people by how good you are. Delight people by how kind you are.

The things we're good at, we've done a lot of.

Leadership's not a title. It's a behavior. Live it.

You've been built to fly. So why not use your wings?

Riskless living is extremely risky. #justsaying

The way to grow your capabilities is to push them to their edge. So the edges ((expaand).

Success lies in a masterful consistency around the fundamentals. #keepitsimple

Your life will begin to look a lot like the lives of the10 people with you most. Are
you ok w that?
RT @FlTNESS: If you still look cute at the end of your workout, you didn't train hard

Dream. Play. Inspire. Create. Celebrate. Act. Enjoy. Grow. Rest. Lead. Love. Be.

Success isn't an act of luck but the result of a process.

My Mantras--NSI: Never Stop Improving + ABDOV: Always Be Delivering Outrageous Value +

KMF: Keep Moving Forward.
Winning starts with beginning. Do it now.

Tip of the Day: 5 little wins each day=nearly 2000 wins 12 months from today. #game-

There's nothing big about playing small. The world deserves better from us.

Business-builders: A Brilliant Obsession is Value-Creation.

Perseverance is more valuable than intelligence.

The job is a Leader is less cit chat and more "done that".

Ideation without execution amounts to delusion.

There are no extra human beings on the planet today. We all matter.

Everyone you meet today has a little kid inside them longing for respect. Give it to

You can change the world. Or you can worry about being liked. But you can't do both.

Ladies and Gentlemen, life wants you to win. So please, get out of your own way.

Quickest way to become more interesting is to get more interested.

As you make more powerful choices, your choices become more powerful.

Agreed my friend. Being scared is Smart! @tom_peters: "Do one thing every day that
scares you."--Eleanor Roosevelt

When you most feel like giving up is when you most need to be keeping on. Please.

Even if you fail in the pursuit of your dream, you've still won because you've pursued
your dream.

In this economy, confidence is more essential than intelligence.

My greatest wish is that--together--we walk out into the world today and INSPIRE others
by our Mastery+Passion+Decency.

Take the stones people throw at you. And use them to build a monument.

One of your greatest assets is the gift of a clean reputation. #priceless

A cynic is a Dreamer who got frightened.

Your biggest dreams represent your greatest growth.

Our words broadcast our beliefs. Let's choose them well.

The victim asks: "what's in it for me?" The Leader asks: "how can I help?"

Celebrate. Learn. Enjoy. Dare. Lead. Create. Win. Savor. Iterate. Renew. Love. Dream.

Tip of The Day: Leave everyone you meet better than you found them.
Amateurs wing it. Professionals overprepare.

Every minute spent worrying about "the way things were" is a moment stolen from creating
"the way things can be."

Aim for iconic. Commit to legendary. Live a life that makes history.

Why make tiny plans when they do so little to fuel your dreams?

Commit. Inspire. Risk. Create. Relax. Connect. Excel. Smile. Be.

If people aren't laughing at your goals, your goals are too small.

Most of Genius isn't about genetics but work ethics.

An addiction to distraction is the end of creative production.

Where the victim says "see the problem" the Leader asks "where's the opportunity?"

Measure your success, not by how much money you make but by how much Mastery you

We were born into Genius. Let's not resign ourselves to medicocrity.

If excuses were real, victims would be kings.

The activity you're most avoiding contains your biggest opportunity.

Tip of The Day: Smart to manage your time. Genius to manage your attention.

Step #1. Dream Big. Step #2: Start Small. Step #3. Repeat Daily.

Believe in you. Even when no one else believes in you. Especially when no one else
believes in you. Please.

Life’s just too short to be doing work that destroys your soul. Find work you adore. And
get busy changing the world with it.
You can play Angry Birds on Your iPhone. Or You Can Change The World. But You Can't Do

Today, UNLEASH a torrent of your passion and mastery on an unsuspecting world. Hehe ;)

The 2X3X Rule: To double your income, triple your investment in learning.

Happiness is the byproduct of Helpfulness.

Leaders are paid to turn what the critics call the impossible into what the dreamers
know is the inevitable.

Today's a great day to transform your life.

Lady Luck likes the interested, adores the persistent and falls in love with the devoted.
Adversity is growth in wolf's clothing.

Above all else: Be Kind.

Do world-class work for the joy you'll feel vs the applause you'll receive.

To Everyone in Business: energy's more valuable than time. And generosity is better than

Breathe. Laugh. Dream. Produce. Dare. Rest. Love. Lead. Be.

It doesn't matter if others agree with you so long as you agree with you.

Reminder: Consistency is the DNA of Mastery.

You get to your amazingness when you walk into your fearfulness. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Don't let any form of mediocrity infect your thinking:

Growth feels scary. Progress is Good.

Quickest way to change the game is to change your brain.

"The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind." - Albert

Only 14% of people employed know the company's strategies and direction .. and how their
work contributes.

A simple vehicle to reach more happiness: unexpected acts of massive kindness.

Your I.Can is so much more important than your I.Q

Fail your way to success.

To lead a life with zero risks is breathtakingly risky. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Mindsets are contagious. So choose the people you populate your life with extremely

Robin Sharma @_robin_sharma

Failure is just part of the process of getting to greatness.
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22 Oct Robin Sharma @_robin_sharma
Why talk about people when you can talk about ideas?

RT @LeaderQuote: I have learned to use the word 'impossible' with great caution - Wernher
Von Braun

Your current conditions are echoes of your past choices.

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20 Oct Robin Sharma @_robin_sharma
Victims voice excuses. Leaders deliver results.

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

The ordinary person spends their best hours on entertainment. The extraordinary person
spends them on self-education. Just read in The Financial Times today that people spend
300 MILLION minutes a day playing Angry Birds. Be different from The Herd. Release
distraction and do work that matters so you lead a life that soars. My very best from San
Jose. Your fan, Robin

Our current conditions are echoes of our past choices.

Celebrate your mistakes. They were YOURS--not your teammates or your neighbors. They
served YOU. And gave you insight+growth.

To have faith in your vision, have faith in yourself.

Smile + dare + rest + dream + push + debate + excel + iterate + optimize + renew +
recreate + reinforce + inspire + support + encourage + celebrate + LEAD.
dreams without execution are mere delusions.

A superb goal: leave each day better than you found it.

So much of living your dreams is about knowing your goals.

I'm not buying your excuses. The evidence is staggeringly clear: you've been built to be
great. And constructed to wow us.

It's nice to be good. It's better to be great. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Make today phenomenal. It's all we have.

Success lies in a masterful consistency around the powerful fundamentals.


Manners require time, and nothing is more vulgar than haste. - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
We resist the doing of big things yet we're happiest getting big things done.

"Difficult times make great leaders"

Without the doing, the dreaming's useless.

When a customer asks you to do something, here's a superb : "I would love to do that for
you." #LWAT

"Difficult times make great leaders"

No matter how bad things get, pls remember things always get better.
Running from fear is avoiding growth.

The question's not whether you're smart. The question's what are you smart at.

Be so insanely great at what you do that we lose our breath watching you do what you do!

" I cursed the fact I had no shoes. Until I saw the man who had no feet." Persian

Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results.

Genius Is A Talent Set On Fire By Courage~ Henry Van Dyke

We treat the people we love the most for granted until we lose them.
This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. -
Ralph Waldo Emerson. #quote

15 May Robin Sharma

2 rest days in Barcelona starting tomorrow then on to Qatar, then Dubai for IBM and then
Brisbane+Gold Coast. Grateful.

"The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions." - Alfred Adler

14 May Robin Sharma

When you give life your best, life gives you its best.

5-6 am=The Holy Hour. 20 min of exercise + 20 min on your goals + 20 min learning.

The best way to spread a message is to live it.

Leadership isn’t a popularity contest. It’s about doing what’s right. #leadership
People can take away your material things. But no one can take away the Mastery you've

You honor yourself when you stand up for yourself! #bestrong

The quickest way to accelerate your happiness is to dedicate yourself to growing the
happiness of others.
Every time you avoid doing right, you fuel the habit of doing wrong. #Leadership
Your success never exceeds your self-identity.
Competition's not ruining your business. Distractions are.
I'd rather stop breathing than dreaming

You can innovate. Or you can stagnate. But you can't do both.

Slow, steady progress is better that fast, daily excuses. #LeadWithoutaTitle

This year make a commitment to not be average in your work:

The ordinary learn once in a while. The Extraordinary learn once every day.

No music=no life.

Another big question: "do I like who I'm becoming?" (Answer it now vs too later)

1 of life's biggest questions: "who am I becoming?"

The best I can give u today: 5 little goals a day, 5 days a week will revolutionize your
life in 5 months--or less. #simplesuccess

Unless people dislike you, you are NOT doing your best work!

Victims - Entertainment ; Leaders - Education

Victims - Leisure ; Leaders - Learning

When your dreams begin to see the light of day, the critics will come out to play :)
Reminder: To Lead is to Serve. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Good things always unfold for great people.

Why chase average when you're built for iconic?

The words you voice reveal the beliefs you think.

Victims love leisure. Leaders adore learning.

An addiction to distraction is the end of creative production.

Speak your truth--even when your voice shakes.

Good intentions are valueless unless coupled with superb actions. #LeadWithoutaTitle

One of the greatest gifts you can give your teammates+customers+loved ones is the gift
of your full attention.

My sharing today:

1. Watch the film "The Intouchables". Best I've seen all year.

2. Your life rises or falls depending on the degree of your devotion to learning and

3. We construct our lives with the words we use and the thoughts we think.

Just wanted to check in. Big snowfall this am. The skiing's epic.

If you never hear from me again you know I'll be on some mountain with powder in my
face ;). Tons of great wishes. Bye.
To Lead is to use the language of possibility. And to behave as if you are destined for

"People want to be inspired." Steve Jobs

That woman in the elevator next to you is someone's Mom. That homeless man was
someone's son.

The price of greatness is to be frightened a lot.

The great danger of success is thinking what made you successful will keep you

Excellence resides on the other side of your fears.

Know more about your job than anyone who has ever done your job. In the history of the

Where there are excuses there are rarely results. #LeadWithoutaTitle

The secret of passion is Purpose. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Delivering great work always pays off. Even when you think it won't. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Your fears are nothing more than your growth coming to get you.

Success lies in a masterful consistency around the fundamentals.

"If people knew how hard I worked to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful." -

Biz Trick: Simplify and then train that simplification everyday with everybody.

Speak your words and I'll know your beliefs.

Measure the success of your days by the lives touched vs the hours passed.

Simple idea when hiring: Never Settle. Ever.

You'll never regret giving more than expected, being kinder than necessary and risking
more than is normal.

The key to Mastery is Consistency.

Everyone has an opinion. All that really matters is are you being you.

Gentle reminder: you can't have all you want if you're focused on everything you're not.
No discomfort means zero progress.

Step into the person you wish the people around you could be.

Genius isn't the realm of elite genes but hard work+ridiculous focus. So let's all
dispute our excuses. And get this done!

Strange how people are willing to trade their greatest dreams for an illusion called

Today, be brave. So you'll get big things done. Please.

Treat people awesomely and they'll treat you amazingly. Trust me on this one.

Spend more time in the best hotel rooms you can afford. The massive stream of ideas
you'll get will yield 10X your investment.
My wish for you today: a strict diet of exceptional thoughts.

The key to Mastery is Consistency.

Everyone has an opinion. All that really matters is are you being you.

Gentle reminder: you can't have all you want if you're focused on everything you're not.

No discomfort means zero progress.

Confusion is growth in the process of settling.

Step into the person you wish the people around you could be.
Strange how people are willing to trade their greatest dreams for an illusion called

Today, be brave. So you'll get big things done. Please.

Treat people awesomely and they'll treat you amazingly. Trust me on this one.

Spend more time in the best hotel rooms you can afford. The massive stream of ideas
you'll get will yield 10X your investment.

Trust your dreams when people laugh RT @kalemayank29: @_robin_sharma what's one advice to
a 16 year old wannabe entrepreneur ?

All work is a platform to express your Genius. (From taxi driver to entrepreneur to

Work is a platform to express your Genius.

Congrats RT @jeff2tom: @_robin_sharma thanks to leader without a title I got promoted to

senior engineer within just 1.5 years.
Kudos RT @robinbauer: @_robin_sharma been getting up at 5am for the past week and have
been super productive.

The only level worth playing at in your work/craft is "scary good". #LeadWithoutaTitle

Exactly Grant RT @GrantCardone: Your dreams are hanging by a thread and only your actions
can secure them.

RT @KateNasser: RT @nicolascpa: "Regret for wasted time is more wasted time" ~Mason

In NYC. Writing in my journal. Here's what it looks like (yes, I write vs type)...

10 Quotes That Changed My Life

By Robin Sharma
Author of the #1 Bestseller “The Leader Who Had No Title”

Hi Leader Without a Title/Game-Changer/World-Builder:

Hope you’re superb today. Hope you’re playing full out + expressing your genius + making
the world better.

I was in a reflective mood this morning and thought about 10 of the quotes that
profoundly influenced the way I think, create and live.
[As you know, all it takes is a single idea in small paragraph to revolutionize the way
you play out the rest of your life].

So—to inspire you (and move you to action on your boldest opportunities), I wanted to
share them.

Here you go and I’ll be reading your comments at the end:

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back– Concerning all acts
of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills
countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then
Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise
have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor
all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man
could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do,
begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”
—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the

direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will
meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”
—Henry David Thoreau, Walden: Or, Life in the Woods

“Why do they always teach us that it’s easy and evil to do what we want and that we need
discipline to restrain ourselves? It’s the hardest thing in the world–to do what we want.
And it takes the greatest kind of courage. I mean, what we really want.”
—Ayn Rand

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

—Oscar Wilde

“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk,
mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say
a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding
like spiders across the stars.”
—Jack Kerouac, On the Road

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles,
or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man
who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who
strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort
without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows
great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the
best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails,
at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and
timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
—Theodore Roosevelt

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful
beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask
ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are
you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure
around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the
glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we
let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
—Marianne Williamson

“To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the
affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal
of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s
self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a
redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with
exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to
have succeeded.”
—Bessie Anderson Stanley (frequently misattributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson)
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
—Margaret Mead

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

—Mahatma Gandhi

I want to spend my days with people who don't know how to do mediocrity.

Every moment of every day, what you value is on display.

Let's keep it real: "innovation" is simply about leaving everything you touch better than
you found it. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Victims like talking about problems. Leaders love speaking of dreams.

Dream The Plan. Write The Plan. Sequence The Plan. Then do The Plan. (Repeat until you're
the Picasso or Lady Gaga of Planning + Achieving)

There's not one extra person on the planet today. You are special +talented +designed
to make history. Shed all doubt. Release all chains! Start a New Beginning:

Trust your dreams when people laugh RT @kalemayank29: @_robin_sharma what's one advice to
a 16 year old wannabe entrepreneur ?

All work is a platform to express your Genius. (From taxi driver to entrepreneur to
According to the research, on an average day the average person at work:
Is spending 2.1 hours in distraction

Is interrupted every 11 minutes

Takes 25 minutes to refocus their mind back on the project they were working on before
they we distracted

Destroy the distraction/interruptions that are draining your productivity (and

Take back total control of your time so you quickly achieve your biggest goals
Stop feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated in this age of too much noise and

Time is life. And life's just too short to waste it on being busy on things that don't
3 May Robin Sharma

Work is a platform to express your Genius.

Congrats RT @jeff2tom: @_robin_sharma thanks to leader without a title I got promoted to

senior engineer within just 1.5 years.

3 May Robin Sharma

Kudos RT @robinbauer: @_robin_sharma been getting up at 5am for the past week and have
been super productive.

3 May Robin Sharma

The only level worth playing at in your work/craft is "scary good". #LeadWithoutaTitle

RT @chrisbrogan: Didn't win the lottery? Make your own ticket. I call mine "hard work."

Exactly Grant RT @GrantCardone: Your dreams are hanging by a thread and only your actions
can secure them.

Every so-called “mistake’ is actually a rich source of learning.

The thing about being a victim is you can't see you're a victim so you think you're not
a victim.
RT @KateNasser: RT @nicolascpa: "Regret for wasted time is more wasted time" ~Mason

In NYC. Writing in my journal. Here's what it looks like (yes, I write vs type)...

GR8 RT @healthconfess: @_robin_sharma LOVING your holy hour teaching from Go Global last
weekend. Up at 5, exercise + being world class!

How we reply to adversity determines whether we'll be average or iconic.

I want to spend my days with people who don't know how to do mediocrity.

Every moment of every day, what you value is on display.

Keep challenging yourself to think better, do better, and be better.

Let's keep it real: "innovation" is simply about leaving everything you touch better than
you found it. #LeadWithoutaTitle

It doesn't matter where you start. Only that you begin

Victims like talking about problems. Leaders love speaking of dreams.

How can we champion the best within others when we haven't even noticed the gifts in

Daily Kickstart: The goal you don't set reveals the dream you don't do. So today, set a
goal that scares you. And then have the guts to leap into some action to move it forward.
No hero ever spent his or her best hours coasting through their work. Or stagnating
through a life. You're here to be exceptional. We need you to INSPIRE us by your
performance. And we all long for you to show us're one of the great ones. Will
you? Please :)
Focus is worth more than intelligence in this world we now live in.

You'll never take your team higher than where you've been. #selfmastery

Your daily behavior reveals your deepest beliefs. #LeadWithoutaTitle

In how we deal with other people we reveal the depth of our self mastery.

RT @DARRENHARDY: RT @successmagazine "You are remembered for the rules you break." --
Douglas MacArthur

RT @Leadershipfreak: Never let small people keep you from big things. #leadership

good morning my friends. pls tell me what 1 thing you'll do today to Lead Without a

En route to Miami. Thinking: you can't have a great organization with merely good people.

Leadership's about an awesome display of your genius, esp. when no one's watching.

The moment you conquer one fear is the minute you conquer many fears.

Measure the success of your days by the lives touched vs the hours passed.

Our harshest difficulties serve to expose our highest talents.

It's more important to be respected than liked.

Work is a platform to express your leadership best

On the last day of your career, will you have

wished you had a bigger title or done better work?

Success is not ordained. It's engineered (through

focus/practice and exceptionalism)

Critics are like cartoon characters

David Beckham's Dad: "His dedication was


Resist the addiction to distraction (and spend

your best hours on your best opportunities)

Daily learning is the best anti-aging medicine

ever invented

Leadership is a blend of the science of execution

matched with the art of dreaming

Lucky people create lucky. They do this by taking

bold risks and seizing excellent opportunities.

One thing that makes us fully human is our ability to think about our thinking.

Think brilliantly and see through the eyes of


Leadership isn't about being liked but doing what you trust is right

"The successful person makes a habit of doing what

the failing person doesn't like to do." Thomas Edison

You can't build a business that's stronger that

your character

"Success seems to be connected with action.

Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't
quit."-Conrad Hilton

"Great power arises from doing little things unselfishly, wisely and perfectly." James

You build a strong house with good bricks. You

build a strong character with good deeds
"What's dangerous is not to evolve." -Jeff Bezos

"My #success, part of it

certainly, is that I have focused in on a few things." -Bill Gates

One of the simplest / best tactics for leadership /

success: Few things at mastery versus many things at mediocrity.

"In the #business world, the

rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield." Warren Buffett

Real leadership involves breaking through the

limits of your mind and stepping in to the strengths of your spirit.

The choice you have in all you do: focus on

problems or demonstrate #LEADERSHIP

Mediocrity allowed is excellence denied

One of the greatest sources of happiness is doing

exceptional work

The real value of achieving a great goal is who you've had to become in order to reach
Success in #business requires
discipline and hard work. Today's opportunities are just as great as
they have ever been'. David Rockefeller

You’ll find more treasure in your blue oceans than

within your safe harbors.

To have what few have, be willing to do what few


If you're not being laughed at at least once a

week, you're not innovating. You're following

"When your work speaks for itself, don't

interrupt." -Henry J. Kaiser

A trait of greatness is to never lost your lust

for learning.

The things that are the

most difficult to achieve are the things you'll feel best about at the

Focus. Nothing’s important except what’s

"Don't be afraid to take calculated risks.
Sometimes they turn out to be less dangerous than the sure thing."
Richard Branson

The impossible is often simply the unexplored.

Few things feel as good as a big goal beautifully


"Even if we fail to accomplish our purpose, the strength of character gained will be the
measure of our true success.' James Allen

"Every organization must be prepared to abandon everything it does to survive in the

future." Peter Drucker
"Whether it's Google or Apple or free software, we've got some fantastic competitors and
it keeps us on our toes." -Bill Gates

Warren Buffett's advice to students: "ask how you will want to feel when you're 70 and
then reverse engineer your life."

"Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work."Peter

The hardest thing to do is often the smartest

thing to do

Helping other people is an awesome gift to give to


The more you learn to appreciate others, the more

you'll learn to appreciate yourself

We all know the "secrets" of success. Those who

succeed are the few who actually do what they know.

The life you've been living is a reflection of the thoughts you've been thinking

Shift from an addiction to stagnation to a

devotion to invention.

"If everyone was satisfied with themselves there would be no heroes" -Mark Twain.

Leadership's not about motorcades and VIP badges.

It's about helping more people than you ever thought possible!

Fall in love...with the idea that your

capabilities are well beyond anything you currently can accept

On the other side of your greatest fears lives

your next level of freedom

The more you pollute your environment, the more

you pollute yourself

Give yourself the approval you crave from others

and others will heap approval onto you
Resenting the success of others is the very thing
keeping you from the success you wish you had

Achieving less than you are capable of reflects a

lack of self-respect

The more you stand in your natural genius, the

more you will attract the dislike of critics

Sorry but "The Beautiful Game" isn't soccer. It's

expressing your absolute best.

"Don't fear failure. Success ruins more people."

NBA star Grant Hill's Mom

failure is generally the result of small seemingly insignificant acts of neglect stack up
into failure over time

First day in 6 months I have absolutely nothing on

my schedule. I've dreamed about this day. But now I feel bored

once hope is lost, all is lost

mental toughness beats physical strength...every


Anyone can lead when the plan is working. The best

lead when the plan falls apart.

Be the Kobe Bryant of software engineers, the

Roger Federer of auto mechanics or the Steve Jobs of hamburger flippers

Trying to be all things to everyone leaves you

nothing to anyone

Every small act of excellence quickens the installation of the

unbreakable habit of excellence

"Our lives begin to end the moment we become silent about the
things that matter." Martin Luther King Jr.

Good or bad, everything's a great opportunity

Victims say "I'll try". Leaders say "I'll do"

When you're dead, you'll end up in a box. So why

live your life in one?

The 5 Deadly Toxins: Complaining. Criticizing. Gossiping. Worrying. Procrastinating.

Lucky is where skill meets persistence.

The best leaders use their heads. And trust their

One of the fastest tactics for enduring winning is daily learning.

Put great things out. And you'll get great things back.

Hot summer day. Re-reading "Atlas Shrugged" as well doing some deep reflection on my
year to date. And how I can improve.

No job is unimportant. No person is insignificant.

And as we each express our genius, we all elevate the world.

"Those who do not move do not notice their chains." Rosa Luxemburg

Doing the difficult things that you've never done awakens talents and strengths that you
never know you had

What others call "impossible", visionaries call


The new model of leadership isn't about position

but passion. It's no longer about image but impact.

Some dream of monuments made after them. but maybe

it's better to have your great work and good deeds be your monument.

Today, few things at mastery vs many things at


When the best leaders make a mistake, they say "I

did it". When their team wins they voice "THEY did it."

Arriving at world-class in one area of your life

is the beginning of reaching world-class in all areas of your life

We'll fly as high or as low as the people we

associate with.

It's only when you take personal responsibility

for the results in your life that are not working that your life can
start working

The real measurement of success is who you're

becoming versus what you are accumulating

Leadership involves hunting for possibility in the

face of calamity

Being the best=waste of energy. Being YOUR best=a genius move.

The world aches for you to play at wow.

Pursue honor and excellence over fame and fortune

(a secret to a great life).
Beneath every excuse lives a fear.

The greatest sadness is to die with your dreams


Thinking that a world-class life is a gorgeous balance between pleasure + performance.

The higher your need to be liked, the lower your

chances of being a real leader.

Life's like working out: There's no pain in the

comfort zone. But is that really where you want to live?

If you want the results 1/100 people get, do the

things only 1/100 people are willing to do.

The greatest leaders have minds of steel-and

hearts of gold.

The half-lived life is a deeply dangerous affair.

Problems are simply seeds for better beginnings.

There's no victory in becoming the best version of

someone that you're not.

The areas you need to improve in your life reflect

the thinking you need to improve in your life.

Critics talk. Leaders do.

Every expert was once an amateur

Best way to grow more powerful is to do difficult things.

Be the Beckham of Bookkeeping, the Mozart of Manufacturing, the Jay-Z of stapler


Being amazing at what you do isn't the result of fortunate conditions but devoted

Don't buy the lies your fears are trying to sell

Someone will be the next world-class performer. Why not you?

There are always things we could have done better. What matters today is
what you'll do about them now.

The best leaders don't give orders-they share visions.

The greatest failure in leadership isn't failure. It's to become irrelevant.

Every great company began with a great dream (that

seemed I.M.POSSIBLE)

many people are working harder and achieving less. Being busy isn't the same as the
delivery of results.

What makes a champion is not how elegantly you start-but how strongly you finish.

The person you think you have nothing to learn from is the person you have the most to
learn from.

Pursue Mastery-not for the rewards it will bring you but for the person it will make you

Working harder at the wrong things won't make things better.

Coffee, music, books, films, art. Some of the things i love most in life. pls tell me

I'm so much more interested in how many people you've developed vs how much money
you've made.

You don't have to change the world today. Just inspire the person next to you. And you'll
change the world!

It takes a lot of self-respect to care enough to

be excellent.

To Play at Peak Power is to be fully alive to your


Others can't get excited about where you're going if you have zero clue of where you're

Critics are generally frustrated dreamers.

Doing more of the same will not give you much of something better.

It's never been so easy to be really busy doing nothing.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos brings his own coffee to hotel meetings to save money. Forbes:
his net worth= 12.6 billion.

On Luck vs. Practice: Warren Buffett read every book on investing in the Omaha Library
before he was 12!

Bill Gates spends 2-3 hours a day reading. Also is the richest man in America.
Coincidence? (Of course not).

To be a visionary is to see what no one else can see-and stay with that vision until
everyone else can see it.

Unless people are laughing hysterically at the ridiculousness of your Vision+Mission,

you're thinking too small.

Mastery is so much more the result of deep daily practice vs. exceptional natural gifts.
On an airplane. Flying down to Latin America. Reading Rolling Stone+FORTUNE+Forbes.

The best leaders spread a virus called Awesome.

Leadership is about the amazing delivery of awesome results...w/ zero excuses.

The greatest source of energy is connection to a passionate mission you donate your life
to. No other vitamins required.

If your critics make you better, they're coaches-not critics.

Too easy to live the same year 80X and call it a life.

Without the leadership trait of audacity, dreams

go undone and lives go unlived.

No great career+life has ever been built upon a

foundation of excuses.

Your moments of frustration offer the new choices that lead to transformation.

Life's greatest sadness is letting the dreams inside of you die within you.

Books I'm bringing: "The Dragonfly Effect" and "Predictable Success"

To lead without a title is to get brilliant at saying no.

There is no unimportant day to The Leader Without a Title.

Some people recite their excuses so many times they actually think they are true

You were built for genius. Don't resign yourself to average. Please.

Really old people discover what's most important in life...but by then, it's often too

The best Leaders Without a Title don't just listen, they hear.

Today, be the Mozart of Manufacturing, the Bono of Bookkeeping, the Copernicus of

Carpentry. LWT!

If great dreamers listened to their critics, we'd still be living in caves.

The mark of a genius is that they are so good at what they do others say "that's so easy-i
could do that."

The sign of a genius-level performers if giving your best performance under the worst

Michelangelo/Darwin and Da Vinci didn't do what they did for the applause but to chase
their best.

The single most important question in business: "how may I best serve the most people?"
The 3 worst experiences of my life led to 3 of the
best things in my life. Eventually.

Today, be a giver not a taker and a leader not a


Passion is the secret to persistence. Once you

fall in love with a vision, it's not possible to give up.

Great Life Q: "What would Mandela do?"

Great business Q: "what would Branson do?"

Great Creative Q: "what would Edison do?"

Sometimes what we think we see is not what we truly see.

The leader's greatest assets are not time+money

but energy+focus.

At the end, you'll wish you'd been bolder, better,

kinder and stronger. So why not become this today?

Turmoil is nothing more than opportunities waiting

to happen. In the mess lies the answer.
An excuse is nothing more than a fear made verbal.

An uncluttered mind grows an uncluttered life.

Einstein didn't know his own phone number.

Every genius is a specialist. Picasso didn't play

the piano.

Specialization is the secret of genius. (So block

out the noise and focus on your signal)

Keeping your talent hidden is very unfair to the


Every choice draws you closer to Mastery or nearer

to mediocrity. Every choice.

We all have the same amount of time left: the rest

of our lives. So do something special w it!

The least safe place is your safety zone + the

greatest risk in taking no risks.

Picasso didn't play piano. The secret to genius is


Every thing you do today will either draw you

closer to Mastery or bring you nearer to mediocrity.
Close all your escape routes, burn all your Plan
Bs and get busy doing that dream that only you were built to do.

One new thought, repeated+rehearsed+practiced

eventually becomes a new neurocircuit called a belief. Key to change.

The big question isn't "can you make a rich difference in the world today?". The real
question is "will you?".

Why wait until you get to some future place to

express your absolute best? Start now+lead where you're planted.

In the end, we will be remembered for the value we deliver+the kindness we show vs the
title we hold+the car we drive.

Many amongst us spend more time planning our vacations than we do our lives. And then, at
the end of a half life, we blame "fate".

Victims pursue addiction to distraction. Leaders reveal a devotion to results.

Those who don't think about exercise early in life will be thinking a lot about illness
late in life.

your goals of today become your experiences of tomorrow

Top 3 Time Tactics: #1. Turn off your TV. #2.Unplug your TV. #3. Sell your TV.

why let the doubts + worries of yesterday invade your hopes + opportunities of today?

Some people have so unused their power to make things happen they've forgotten they have

Today-this day-could be the first day of a whole new life. It all depends on what you do
with your power to choose.

Victims recite excuses while Leaders are busy delivering results.

Too many people hide behind being busy but producing nothing to avoid facing their fear
of success.

Massive difference between being really busy and being super productive.

Making coffee. I'm on a little island away from everything. Dowloading all I learned and
experienced in 2010. I'm grateful to you.learned and experienced in 2010. I'm grateful
to you.

Measure the success of your days by the lives touched vs the hours passed.

Watched "Get Him to The Greek" last night. Loved it. And a neat little msg of keeping it
We give away our power to influence when we think we have no power to influence.

I'd rather be around people who dream too big than those who play too small.
To lead is to be out front, advancing your vision through the darkness of the unknown.
All else is following.
The victim: "I wanted to but couldn't." The leader: "I dreamed it then did it."

The smartest leaders give away what they most wish

to receive: applause+respect+listening+rewards.

The first quality of a brave person is an open


In the darkest of moments, when you feel 1000%

alone, you still have your choices with you.

The primary symptom of a scared person is a closed


Defending who you were yesterday destroys the

better you of tomorrow.

The destruction of mediocrity is one of the most

precious of life's pursuits.

Leadership's about what you do when no one's


Victims cry "there will be a better time". Leaders

reply: "This is the best of times". Why postpone doing your dreams?

The smallest of actions is better than the best of intentions.

Anyone love buying Moleskine notebooks as much as I do?

Moleskines are blank+beautiful journals. So you get to write your

insights+hopes+values+dreams. And clarity is the DNA of Mastery

no more silver cylinders at 40,000 feet for 2

months! no more presentations/media/meetings until sept. taking time for

No ask no get. No dream--no joy.

If you’re in business, you’re in show business. The moment you get to work, you’re on
stage. Give us the performance of your life.
The way we treat others is always a deep reflection of the way we treat ourselves.

What makes the best the best is they never actually think they're the best.

Do your best work by doing work that makes a difference and inspires others to do the

:) RT @Perfectioneer: @_robin_sharma Every self help book I ever read told me to become
a leader.Then I joined twitter and became a follower

Driving through the desert now.

As you make more powerful choices, your choices become more powerful.

You can't change the world if your scared of being disliked.

Sending best wishes! RT @susiedragonfly2: Sitting in the hospital beside my daughter
reading The Monk Who Sold ...

Getting ready for my presentation here in Tucson. My focus: to be utterly of service so

they get giant things done!

Your daily behavior broadcasts your deepest beliefs.

You just can't change the world if you drink coffee with victims all day. (Mindsets are

Daily Kickstart: Mother Teresa once said "If i didn't pick up that first person, i
would not have not picked up the 42,000." You know this so well but let's remember:
every dream starts off small. There is HUGE power in starting--no matter where you are
today. Maybe it's the work project that you've been putting off. Maybe it's the marathon
you've wanted to run. Perhaps it's the skill you've longed to learn. Please don't fall
into the trap of waiting for perfect conditions to get started--they'll never come.
Today's an awesome day to make the leap. And start something great. A year from now,
you'll feel so happy you did. Keep Leading Without a Title! Your fan always, Robin

When a giant opportunity shows up, don't overanalyze it. Jump all over it.

The decisions you make produce the life you lead.

300,000,000 minutes a day spent on "Angry Birds" (source: The Financial Times). Fight
The Addiction to Distraction.

Every one of us has so many more choices than we can currently see

We step into Leadership the second we declare: "I'm no longer my excuses."


Every so-called “mistake’ is actually a rich source of learning. An opportunity to build

more awareness and understanding and gain precious experience.

The more I give, the happier I become. Interesting.

Don’t be so scared of failure and disappointment that you fail to dream.

Goals you don't set onto your schedule are not goals--they're ideas. #getcommitted

Life will organize around the standards you set for yourself

If it's a smart dream-KEEP ON RT @zzddnn: @_robin_sharma What should I do if I'm on the

verge of giving up chasing my dream ? #askRobin

Trust YOU RT @mamayaimani: @_robin_sharma What advice would you give a newbie writer
fighting feelings of inadequacy? #askRobin
Yes--habit+fitness+diet+purpose RT @IbanezEvelic: @_robin_sharma did you train to sleep
less? @askrobin

Be patient. Dreams take time RT @KateBorisova: @_robin_sharma What shoul I do if I keep

dreaming,but it's happening slowly? #askRobin

Family+peace+sanctuary from the noise of the world RT @stonechipz7: @_robin_sharma

#askRobin, what does 'home' mean to you?

EVERYONE's life matters hugely T @prachswnt: @_robin_sharma ohh...thank u robin thanx for
making my life worth living:-)

So, find it IN you! :) RT @ItsMurug: @_robin_sharma i want to be a writer. But i couldn't

find enough motivation around me. #askRobin

Just get great at saying NO+few goals RT @75PZA: @_robin_sharma #askRobin what is main
principle to focus (i mean to concentrate in smthing)

Speak your truth or say Bye RT @DKAdwan: @_robin_sharma how do you deal with someone who
can ony hear his own voice #askrobin

We all have talents. The real key to mastery is the practiceRT @nosman: @_robin_sharma is
it a gift or you studied what you doing? #askRobin

Science says 8 etc. For me, 4 or 5 works best. RT @Amagi_Moreira: @_robin_sharma How
many hours of sleep would you say is enough? #askRobin

4:57 am. Drinking lime+water. Then I'll hit the weights. Fun? Not so much. Essential to
getting me ready for the day? Yes

If the dream doesn't scare u it's too small RT @MissRealeboha: sometimes the dreams I
have for my life scare me coz I wonder is it possible?
Today's a superb day to start a new life.

Success lies in a masterful consistency around the fundamentals. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Sort of RT @SHEDMarketing: @_robin_sharma loving The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari!! Is it
based on a true story??

The job of the leader is to grow more leaders.

Success isn't easy. Takes sacrifice + devotion + energy. Most give up. But if you stay w
it, you get the results. For sure!

You can't give others what you haven't given yourself (encouragement+loyalty+appreciation
etc). #LeadWithoutaTitle

The hours ordinary people waste are the hours exceptional people LEVERAGE.
Greetings from Zurich, Switzerland. Thinking: mastery is not a divine gift but a reward
that's earned. Be great today. Bye.

Every great entrepreneur has a chip on the shoulder. And something fierce to prove.

Irrelevance scares me more than failure.

The only reason we allow ourselves to be distracted is because we're scared of success.

for entrepreneurs only: spend the first 90 min of your day ONLY on what will make you
money. #TheRemarkableEntrepreneur

Reminder: The job of the leader is to grow more leaders. #LeadWithoutaTitle

started reading "The Many Who Quit Money" the other night. fascinating.

In the most difficult of times, we can catch glimpses of the best within us.

Here's the May Tour: Bucharest with Richard Branson+Lisbon+Prague+Dubai+Qatar+Barcelona

(media only)+Brisbane+Gold Coast. Details on FB.

What scares me about being successful is it discourages me from being foolish.

"All human wisdom is summed up in two words: wait + hope." Alexandre Dumas (from a sign
I just walked by)
You can't have all you want if you're focused on all you're not.

Jealousy=energy dissolved.

You can't stand in gratitude if you're stuck in victimhood.

Part of the power of large dreams lies in who you must grow into to live these dreams.

Where the master is focused, the beginner is distracted.

The value of fantastically focused goals=you won't notice what you aren't looking for.

Maybe 70 including audiobooks RT @McChopra: @_robin_sharma Robin wondering how many

books you read in a year?

"The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all." Richard Branson
Reading Richard Branson's book "Business Stripped Bare" in prep for our may 9 meeting in
Bucharest. This will be fun!

Business isn't busyness. It's about the focused creation of results that matter.

Divorce yourself from the noise. Focus on the vital few. Play absolutely full out.
Professionalism demands no less.

"Your health will never be better than your self-image." From "The Leader Who Had No

I still write RT @johnfemol: @_robin_sharma..Pls your take on medium of JOURNALING -

best in HARD copy? Would a 'DIGITAL copy only' do? Thx

Whether you win at the performance comes down to how much you sweat at the practice.

Checking email 1st thing in the morning is costing you a fortune. More tips at

Break an old pattern=start a new habit.

Nice one Deepak. Hope you're great. RT @DeepakChopra: Fear clings , love let's go.

Big ideas show up in deep silence vs. giant noise RT @MissZenaH: Tomorrow is my #vow of
#silence day @_robin_sharma ;)

See how powerful you are? RT @Andrea_Napoli: @_robin_sharma Hello Robin I write from
Italy. I am reading your books. I have changed my life

Daily Kickstart: Success has less to do with intelligence and talent and more to do with
your strategy and habits. Make this day the day you release your self-doubt, rise above
your past and unchain your dreams. Read More here:

Listening to "Thinking About Tomorrow" by Beth Orton. Pretty much perfect rainy Sunday
renewal music.
Tiny changes lead to real and sustained transformation. It’s all about evolution rather
than revolution.

The relationship that tests/frustrates/irritates you the most actually is one of your
greatest blessings. Why? Because it reveals to you the very beliefs/fears and false
assumptions that most limit you.

“If you want to live your life in a creative way, as an artist, you have to not look back
too much. You have to be willing to take whatever you’ve done and whoever you were and
throw them away.”
-Steve Jobs

We all want to do work that matters, achieve magnificent goals and know that our days
make a difference in the lives around us:

RT @perdomooctavio: @_robin_sharma Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love
truly, laugh ...

The thing about following the crowd is that it directs you to a place called average.

To Lead is to serve.

Idea that's really helped me: Quality's remembered long after price is forgotten
(founder of Gucci

Idea that's really helped me: If something's important to someone important to you, make
it important to you too.

The great thing about every piece of personal growth is that you get to keep it for the
rest of your life

Latest research: people who watch the news constantly actually perceive the world MORE
unrealistically than those who don't.

Why be part of the crowd when you can be one of the best?

The beginning of becoming strong is thinking strong.

One last thing: when people are calling your dream+vision+goal ridiculous, you're
probably right on track for greatness ;)

Our results always reflect the caliber of our thinking

Without the exercise of discipline, great lives grow average

The brilliant thing about bad times is they assist you in the becoming of your highest

Oh, and the fastest way to receive respect is to donate respect.

Your job--and my job--is to lift people up versus tear others help those
who disbelieve in their gifts and talents begin to believe in their gifts and talents--
and to shift from a life filled with victimhood into days spent revealing your
leadership. I genuinely encourage you to make this day spectacular. It's the foundation
of your tomorrow. My best wishes--your fan, Robin

Brain tattoo of the biggest of the best: "The more powerful I become, the more humble I
grow." #LeadWithoutaTitle

To me, the risks of playing with possibility are always better than the heartbreak of
"what could have been."

"My heroes are the ones who survived doing it wrong, who made mistakes, but recovered
from them." Bono #innovation

Simple acts of decency remind me of my faith in the greatness of humanity.

Summary of all I've written in 6 simple words: Life is Short. Do Big Things.

Leadership begins where good enough ends. #LeadWithoutaTitle

If you're not actively helping your organization, you're passively hurting it.

A key to your best productivity: high burst of your best performance and then
recover (walk/drink green tea/music). Then get at it again.

Words can inspire. Words can destroy. Words can comfort. Words can wound. Today--please
choose yours well.

What separates the best from the rest is how they manage the gift of their time.

Don't waste time by complaining that you don't have enough of it.
The great monuments of this big + beautiful world were not constructed by people who
were distracted. #justsaying

To help you Lead Without a Title and live at exceptional, here are 36 of my podcasts:


Happy new Year. I sincerely wish you the single best year of your life yet.
2013 has given you a fresh year--rich with complete possibility. Rather than running
yesterday's thought and performance patterns, I encourage you to stretch and dare and
make some leaps. Make today the beginning of a new habit or project or dream. I
celebrate and honor you at your absolute best in this New Year. Congratulations. Your fan
always, Robin

thx to the 3000 people who've bought tickets to the event Richard Branson and i are doing
in Bucharest May 9. Details:

If you encourage one person each day, you’re day hasn’t been a waste. It’s been a

Trust your instincts, live your values and pursue your own dreams.

the goals you don't do become the regrets you must accept.

"Being a leader isn't about being liked. It's about doing what's right." From The
Greatness Guide

Care less about the number of followers you have and more about the number of lives
you inspire.

"Being a leader isn't about being like. It's about doing what's right." From The Greatness

Run+walk+read+serve RT @shashank_shk: @_robin_sharma Wat do u dp wn u feel a little low

or depressed? Smtyms thngs dnt go as xptd...
Exactly. Scheduled "time wasting" is smart! RT @bravisatemple: @_robin_sharma Absolutely
said, creation just flows when mind is

Defending your winning formula is excellent practice for obsolescence.


Better to fail while trying than succeed at nothing. #LeadWithoutaTitle

I'd rather die aiming for Mastery than live clinging to mediocrity. #LeadWithoutaTitle

People who pretend to be big believe they are small.

Thinking: I need to go back and read "The Artist's Way". What a great book.

THX RT @alia_salman: @_robin_sharma Awesome.. Started reading ur book The Leader who had
no title.. Awesome book. Love the way you write..

Focusing on all you're not stunts the expression of all you are. #LeadWithoutaTitle
What's the point of making a fortune if it costs you a life? #TheMonkWhoSoldHisFerrari

RT @Billy_Cox: Once you become predictable, no ones interested anymore.- Chet Atkins

Every moment in front of another human being is the opportunity to live your values. And
uplift the world.

Rule #44: To be radically optimistic isn’t soft. It’s hard.

The average person's focused on the coming week. The extraordinary person's focused on
the coming generation. #LWAT

Old but excellent line: It generally takes 20 years to become an overnight success.

"The best revenge is not to be like that." Marcus Aurelius

Tell that to my Mom ;) RT @ThisTechBoi: want a good read? 1st thing you should look for
is @_robin_sharma's books. The man is a legend.

Failure is the price ambition pays to reach its excellence.

Your life will expand or contract in direct relationship to your willingness to walk
directly towards the things that you fear.

Drinking ginger tea in Chennai. Writing a blog post in my hotel room. Thinking that
"staying unrealistically optimistic in the face of calamity is not a vice. It's a
victory." Your thoughts?

Focus on being superb at what you do and, over time, you will be known as remarkable.

Just slipped into Chennai for a private event for HP. I adore India. Drinking some the
the filtered coffee that's so special while I write a blog post on Richard Branson (I'll
release it later this week). Great quote of his: "Everyone needs something to aim for.
It's what makes us human." Bye + Be Great today. Please.

Thx for all the feedback on "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" being made into a movie.Who
should play Julian? @jasonstatham would be cool, no?

That's definitely key RT @Train4Success: @_robin_sharma Better questions r do u think

they will let it stay true 2 the source material?

Been approached by Hollywood two times in a week to have "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"
made into a movie. Do you think it's time?

The Master's Mantra: "May I always perform like a Mozart but think like a beginner."

Great to have what you want. Awesome to want what you have.

GR8 RT @mat_boyer: Wow I forgot how good a run(or 2) can feel. I normally don't run
w/music but have been enjoying some #Sharma audio books.
Produce like Picasso. Lead like Mandela. Live like Branson.

Distraction causes the death of creation. #productivity #creativity

Today, a ferocious focus on the few--most important--things. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Positive thinking without excellent doing is the pursuit of delusionists.

Today become part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

A key talent for innovation is celebrating your teammates who have to courage to fail.

"There is no insignificant work in the world. All labor is a chance to express personal
genius." From "The Secret Letters of The Monk..."

RT @DARRENHARDY: RT @successmagazine "Management is doing things right; leadership is

doing the right things." -- Peter F. Drucker
Creativity isn't a talent you grow. It's a gift you remember (we all were creative when
we were 4 years old).

Excited to be speaking on the stage with @richardbranson in Romania next month + Portugal
+ Prague + Barcelona + Brisbane.

“Raise your sights! Blaze new trails!! Compete with the immortals!!!” – David Ogilvy

No great relationship was ever built via email. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Simplicity is the trademark of Genius.

Failure's a mindset, not a reality.

Quickest way to change someone else's behavior is to transform yours.

Mastery=in the greatest of difficulty we maintain the most pristine of mindset.


Persist longer than the critics suggest you should.

Consistency is the special sauce of Mastery.

Remarkable Entrepreneurs use their most valuable hours to do their most valuable work.

:) RT @msranabella: Bought and read "A Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" in one day. Too
inspiring for words! Thank you.

Impossible's just an opinion. Don't buy it.

Set your plans so life can with its plans.

Everything's better with music, the soundtrack of your life.

Remarkable Entrepreneurs get that their #1 asset is their energy. #2 is their focus.
Few things feel as good as great health.

We are paid to do the impossible so success becomes inevitable.

This your time. And today's your day.

The great thing about this day is that you'll never get it again. #LeadWithoutaTitle

I believe in you. The question is do you believe in you?

On a new project, the ordinary person asks: "what will i get?" The Extraordinary person
wonders: "who can i become?"

Leadership starts with thinking for yourself. #LeadWithoutaTitle

"Don't just be the best of the best. Be the ONLY one who does what you do." Jerry Garcia
(from a new screen I'm using in my presentation)

It's risk-taking w a protected downside vs bet the farm RT @adilamughal: @_robin_sharma

Can you throw some light on calculated risk?

5 Apr Robin Sharma

The key to winning is beginning.

5 Apr Robin Sharma

RT @FixedOpsGenius: All misfortune is but a stepping stone to fortune. Henry David


When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.- Lao Tzu
ed by Robin Sharma
5 Apr Robin Sharma

Picasso didn't wait until he was Picasso to perform like a Picasso.

4 Apr Robin Sharma

Every problem has a solution. Just because we may not see it doesn't mean it's not there.

4 Apr Robin Sharma

Negative feedback can make us bitter. Or better.

4 Apr Robin Sharma

Our safety zones are stunningly dangerous places. Whole lives have been lost in them.

4 Apr Robin Sharma

The secret to genius is not genetics but daily practice married with relentless

4 Apr Robin Sharma

By doing what we’re afraid to do because it’s beyond our comfort zone, we grow in

3 Apr Robin Sharma

Pick just 1 of the 44 pts for 30 days RT@ImproveExpert: @_robin_sharma Great insights.
Where should someone start if they're not doing these
3 Apr Robin Sharma

That answer will come in the future ;) RT @go_VEN: @_robin_sharma greetings from
Venezuela. I have a question, where is the Julian's wife?

3 Apr Robin Sharma

The 44 Master Moves of Remarkable Entrepreneurs:


3 Apr Robin Sharma

Special "early bird" price for The Remarkable Entrepreneur SuperConference 2012 (June 2
+ 3) ends tonight. Join me:

3 Apr Robin Sharma

Every pro was once an amateur. Every expert was once a beginner. #LeadWithoutaTitle

3 Apr Robin Sharma

Thank God ;) RT @kulusmallz: @_robin_sharma ain't the only Robin Sharma. Lead without a

3 Apr Robin Sharma

Your words are your beliefs made verbal. Seriously. We can tell how you think by what
you speak.

3 Apr Robin Sharma

Research: we're distracted every 11 minutes and it takes 25 min to refocus. Interruption
is the productivity killer.
3 Apr Robin Sharma

Last chance for the special Early Bird price for The Remarkable Entrepreneur
SuperConference with me. Details here:

3 Apr Robin Sharma

No risk, no progress. No ask, no get. There...that's pretty much all I have to say this
am. Oh, and be genius today.

3 Apr Robin Sharma

If inspiring + uplifting + growing leaders around you is so obvious, then why do so few
people do it? #LeadWithoutaTitle

3 Apr Robin Sharma

RT @ManagersDiary: "The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows."
~Aristotle Onassis

3 Apr Robin Sharma

Exactly RT @dhatfield: @BeingSouthern @_robin_sharma or any critic for that matter. My

dad called them arm chair generals.

2 Apr Robin Sharma

Critics are dreamers who got scared.

2 Apr Robin Sharma

Remarkable Entrepreneurs adore the mantra: “How may I best serve the most people?”
2 Apr Robin Sharma

You can worry about pleasing people. Or you can change the world. But you can't do both.

2 Apr Robin Sharma

The beautiful thing about setbacks is that they introduce us to our strengths.

2 Apr Robin Sharma

To become a bigger person, walk into a bigger vision.

2 Apr Robin Sharma

Join me for 2 life-changing days June 2+3 at The Remarkable Entrepreneur

SuperConference. Early bird price ends soon:

2 Apr Robin Sharma

The 44 Master Moves of Remarkable Entrepreneurs:

1 Apr Robin Sharma

Gracias RT @JaviBonillaGar: reading The Leader Who Had No Title of @_robin_sharma.

Greetings from Spain Robin

1 Apr Robin Sharma

I fail all the time. No growth/progress w/o it RT @devki_n: @_robin_sharma Have u ever
felt you've failed somewhere?
1 Apr Robin Sharma

What the average person call luck, the Genius knows is practice. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Failure is the price of greatness.

31 Mar Robin Sharma

Too many of us live the same year 80 times and call it a life.

31 Mar Robin Sharma

This idea's helped me a lot: Do your best and then let life do the rest.

31 Mar Robin Sharma

The average gossip and complain. The Exceptional create and inspire.

31 Mar Robin Sharma

Really liking Gastown these days RT @Bold_Design_Int: @_robin_sharma Where do you like
to refuel when in Van?

31 Mar Robin Sharma

Leadership's no longer about the size of your title but the strength of your Impact. In
Leadership 2.0, we all can Lead.

31 Mar Robin Sharma

Here's the best I have to give you today: The quickest way to get to your freedom is to
walk into your fears.

31 Mar Robin Sharma

Victims talk about people + problems. Leaders talk about ideas + dreams.

31 Mar Robin Sharma

Innovation begins when you challenge what you are absolutely sure is true.

31 Mar Robin Sharma

Still in Vancouver. Refuelling with my friends+reconnecting to my mission+rethinking it


30 Mar Robin Sharma

In the new world of business, everyone’s part of the leadership team.

30 Mar Robin Sharma

Doing the difficult things that you’ve never done awakens the talents you never knew you

30 Mar Robin Sharma

As always. Grateful for all the support of the #LWAT msg RT @JasjitGrewal:
@_robin_sharma hope you enjoyed #Vancouver

30 Mar Robin Sharma

The 44 Master Moves of Remarkable Entrepreneurs

RT @T_Harv_Eker: “It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: What are
we busy about?” ― Henry David Thoreau

RT @Randy_Gage: Where quitters quit - is where winners get determined...

30 Mar Robin Sharma

Spend your day doing real work versus fake work. Get important things done versus being
really busy being busy.

29 Mar Robin Sharma

My joy RT @DENEGRL: hopes that @_robin_sharma knows he fulfilled a small northern town
girl's dream today. Amazing to say the least. #TAOL

29 Mar Robin Sharma

Leadership’s no longer about ensuring compliance but inspiring connections, being of

service and getting great things done.

29 Mar Robin Sharma

The 44 Master Moves of Remarkable Entrepreneurs:

29 Mar Robin Sharma

Bragging is speaking our insecurities.

29 Mar Robin Sharma

2.5 hours to showtime in Vancouver at The art of Leadership event. My focus? "How may I
best serve/galvanize the most people?" #TAOL
29 Mar Robin Sharma

You and I are paid to perform the impossible. Excuses + reasons just don't matter.

What's the one goal--that if achieved--would completely take your work + personal
life to its next level of wow?

28 Mar Robin Sharma

Yes, just heard the Vancouver event sold out RT @michellebarbone: Tried to get tickets
for tomorrow but it's sold out. Sad I can't go

28 Mar Robin Sharma

"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
Apple ad

28 Mar Robin Sharma

"It takes a lot of hard work to make something simple." Steve Jobs

27 Mar Robin Sharma

RT @LeaderQuote: "There was never a genius without a tincture of madness." - Aristotle

27 Mar Robin Sharma

Jobs bio was wow."Inside Apple" is also a fantastic book RT @JanaSchuberth: Oh that
sounds good! Loved the biography! Did you read it?

27 Mar Robin Sharma

Here's what I'm reading

View photo
27 Mar Robin Sharma

Good things come to people who do good things. (Be patient).

27 Mar Robin Sharma

Leadership has a lot to believing in you when no one else is believing in you.

Productivity Tip: Delete the energy vampires from your life (those people who suck your
energy versus elevate it).

Make world-class your new normal.

27 Mar Robin Sharma

Make excuses. Or deliver results. But we can't do both. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Procrastination is the great stealer of dreams.

To be successful in business and life – spot the possibilities while others look for

27 Mar Robin Sharma

Great news :)! RT @zekecabell: thx @_robin_sharma just deleted angry birds... Now on to
uplift the WORLD!

27 Mar Robin Sharma

New blog post: "Fast Lessons for Smart Entrepreneurs"

Intense focus (on ONE thing)+Boundless passion+Length of time=A Genius (pls make that
Genius YOU). Deal?

27 Mar Robin Sharma

Today's choice: play Angry Birds on your iPhone. Or go express your Genius. And--in so
doing--uplift THE WORLD.

27 Mar Robin Sharma

June 3+4. Details:

RT @virtualtechie: @_robin_sharma are you ever coming to Toronto?

27 Mar Robin Sharma

Awesome to be content. Just don't become complacent. (No world-builder ever was).

27 Mar Robin Sharma

Fears unfaced become our walls.

27 Mar Robin Sharma

Why I wrote "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari":

Goal-getting matters. And writing down the brave acts and bold dreams you intend to
accomplish will provide the spark to get them done:

27 Mar Robin Sharma

Flying to Dallas for 2 events for Oracle tomorrow. Then to Vancouver for the Art of
Leadership event. #LeadWithoutaTitle #TAOL

27 Mar Robin Sharma

Me too! RT @CarlyLBurnett: Can't wait to see you in Vancouver @_robin_sharma !!!! Will be
at the Art of Leadership!! Very excited for it!!

26 Mar Robin Sharma

Leadership isn’t just about doing the work. It’s about doing the work greatly. Quality
trumps busy.
24 Mar Robin Sharma

Leadership lessons from Steve Jobs, doing 1 thing at a time, kindness as a strategy, &
more popular posts this week

ed by Robin Sharma

A messy life is a reflection of a messy mind.

The less applause you demand, the more applause you'll receive.

"He lived, loved, dared + made a difference"

24 Mar Robin Sharma

It takes a ton of courage to adore learning because each new day you disrupt yourself.

"The person who tries to do everything accomplishes nothing." From The Greatness
Guide on Page 198

24 Mar Robin Sharma

The best time to get big things done is while the rest of the world is asleep.

24 Mar Robin Sharma

Why I wrote "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari":

24 Mar Robin Sharma

Review your mission + goals every 7 days so they become dominant obsessions vs. just
good intentions.
24 Mar Robin Sharma

Enjoy it! RT @Wahinyaj: @_robin_sharma just bought your book, #whowillcrywhenyoudie?

24 Mar Robin Sharma

The happiest people are those who think the most interesting thoughts. William L Phelps
@_robin_sharma @leadershipfreak
ed by Robin Sharma

24 Mar Robin Sharma

You know i write + speak about The 5 AM Club. Here are 23 star leaders who get up early:

Believe in your vision and gifts when no one else believes in your vision and gifts.

23 Mar Robin Sharma

Thanks David. You're still the best photographer I've ever met @davidleyes: watching the
inspirational @_robin_sharma on @TVO

23 Mar Robin Sharma

The secret to happiness is helpfulness. #LeadWithoutaTitle

23 Mar Robin Sharma

Vancouver next week RT @TheArtOf: Just around the corner

v=_--nJjnXBm0 …

@patricklencioni @_robin_sharma #TAOL

View video
23 Mar Robin Sharma

Truth RT @DARRENHARDY: :) RT @DalePricejr Couldn't agree more! Success Magazine is a

great resource for every successful person.

My 22 Lessons from 2011 (pls share with others):

1. Dream big but start small.

2. A problem is only a problem if you view it as a problem.

3. A strong family life is an awesome foundation for a strong career.

4. Have zero tolerance for mediocrity.

5. The more devoted you are in practice, the larger the rewards during performance.

6. Look people in the eye when you speak to them.

7. Say "please" and "thank you".

8. Do difficult work first think in the morning.

9. Chase beauty. Pursue mastery.

10. Get fit like a pro-athlete.

11. Whether you're a taxi driver, a firefighter or a CEO, make your work a living
mission to model excellence--and better our world.

12. Never lose your curiosity.

13. Stop apologizing for standing for what's best.

14. Spend more time in New York City.

15. Respect your parents.

16. Get up when you've been knocked down.

17. Hire slowly. Fire quickly.

18. To have a great company, surround yourself wth great people.

19. You can make excuses or you can enjoy results. But you can do both.

20. A secret of happiness is producing your best work.

21. The secret of happiness is being of use.

22. Life's short. Make a difference.

RT @TheJoeGirard: Let the customer talk. It's hard for them to walk away from someone
who's listening. #biztip #success

23 Mar Robin Sharma

RT @BobBurg: In @Randy_Gage's new post, he discusses, The "Success Process"

23 Mar Robin Sharma

RT @Billy_Cox: You will invest your life in something or you will throw it away on
nothing. Haddon Robinson #Quote

23 Mar Robin Sharma

RT @EmersonRalphyW: Patience and fortitude conquer all things. - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

23 Mar Robin Sharma

RT @popeychetame: @_robin_sharma "Improve your spare moments and they will become the
brightest gems in your life." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

23 Mar Robin Sharma

Remarkable Entrepreneurs know that few things feel better than the pride you’ll feel on a
job beautifully done.

23 Mar Robin Sharma

5 Brain Tattoos and a video for you. Unleash your Inner Entrepreneur:

23 Mar Robin Sharma

Success, world-class health, fulfillment & sustained happiness don’t just happen. These
elements of your best life are created.
23 Mar Robin Sharma

2 minute video that will help you focus like a pro:

View video

23 Mar Robin Sharma

Inspiring training video with 6 of my best ideas to become a Remarkable Entrepreneur:

23 Mar Robin Sharma

When we least feel like working out hard is when we most need to work out hard.

23 Mar Robin Sharma

THX RT @RationalDesi: Follow Friday #FF to the Leadership Guru - @_robin_sharma for
motivating million lives with his brilliant books

23 Mar Robin Sharma

2013 I hope. Merci RT @czuns: @_robin_sharma & Strasbourg, France?

22 Mar Robin Sharma

In this video i share 6 of my best ideas to become a Remarkable Entrepreneur:

22 Mar Robin Sharma

Amped to be speaking for Oracle in Dallas next Wed + at the big @ArtofLeadership event
in Vancouver on Thursday #artofleadership
22 Mar Robin Sharma

Welcome RT @doreenbelliveau: @_robin_sharma Great quote re: productivity and

subtraction. New way to think about a concept. Thanks.

22 Mar Leo Babauta Leo Babauta @zen_habits

The whole idea is to earn the flavor. No one gives it to you. - Jamie Oliver
ed by Robin Sharma

22 Mar Robin Sharma

True Harvey RT @HarveyMackay: I tell myself this every day: We do what we have to do so
we can do what we want to do.

22 Mar Robin Sharma

The secret to productivity is subtraction. #productivity #LeadWithoutaTitle

22 Mar Robin Sharma

Great persistence. Excited about Vancouver RT @DENEGRL: thanks @morganbehn for the shout
outs.. @_robin_sharma were really NOT that crazy!

22 Mar Robin Sharma

Was there last July. Thx! RT @Frank_Mutai: @_robin_sharma how true and inspiring your
quotes are. Hope one day you come to Kenya.

22 Mar Robin Sharma

You get your picture :) RT @DENEGRL: has got my @_robin_sharma RED nails freshly done &
I'm ready for the Art of Leadership in one week!

22 Mar Robin Sharma

Thx RT @AnaLuciaNovak: #FF #blogger @_robin_sharma missing out if you haven't read
#bestseller The Leader Who Had No Title

Inspiring Questions To Journal On:

Question #1: What am I doing when I'm working at my best?

Question #2: What 5 things must happen between now and December 31st for this to be my
absolute best year yet?

Question #3: Who must I become to have all I want?

Question #4: What am I resisting?

Question #5: What's my superpower?

22 Mar Robin Sharma

My team & I have been flooded with questions about the SuperConference. So I've done my
best to offer the replies here:

22 Mar Robin Sharma

Hire extraordinary people. And then leave them alone! (big thanks to my team of
Superstars w me on this mission).

22 Mar Robin Sharma

Victims talk about problems and people. Leaders talk about ideas and dreams.

22 Mar Robin Sharma

Focus is more valuable than intelligence.

22 Mar Robin Sharma

Jealousy is mediocrity's tribute to genius.

22 Mar Robin Sharma

To double your income, triple your rate of learning.

22 Mar Robin Sharma

The best way to get to your greatness is through small, continuous steps - what I call the
“1% Wins”.

A physical trainer and peak nutrition's expensive. But disease costs even more.

Life's just a bunch of moments. Miss the moments and you get to miss your life.

What the amateur calls genius, the professional calls practice.

Those who haven't committed to Mastery have resigned themselves to mediocrity.

Goals+lessons+frustrations+gratitude etc etc RT @imstevietee: @_robin_sharma what kind of

things do you journal

Robin Sharma @_robin_sharma

Written works best for me Matthew RT @Matthew_Ball: @_robin_sharma do you keep a written
journey or an electronic one?

The best leaders are great coaches. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Treating others with deep respect reveals the fact you treat you with deep respect.

Elite productivity begins between your ears. #productivity

What fascinates me are not businesses that are successful for a few years but over a few

You can make giant moves today that will provoke some big results. This day is a fresh 24
hours of Possibility.

Small daily ripples of progress--over time--Create a tsunami of results. #productivity

21 Mar Robin Sharma

Make your choices and you make your life. #leadership #success

20 Mar The Art of... The Art of... @TheArtOf

#TAOL March 29th Vancouver RT @_robin_sharma "leadership's more about believing in the
unbelievable than delivering on what's possible"
ed by Robin Sharma

20 Mar Robin Sharma

Here's a video to help you become a Remarkable Entrepreneur: …


20 Mar Robin Sharma

Ship your addiction to distraction to rehabilitation. #productivity #leadership

20 Mar Robin Sharma

Victims chatter. Virtuosos deliver. #leadership

20 Mar Robin Sharma

RT @FixedOpsGenius: "He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything
else." ~ Benjamin Franklin

20 Mar Robin Sharma

"Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose." Bill

20 Mar Robin Sharma

In this video i share 6 of my best ideas to become a Remarkable Entrepreneur:

20 Mar Robin Sharma

"A year from now you may wish you started today." Karen Lamb #leadership #success

I'm humbled by how exceptional you are. So go do something fantastic today!

20 Mar Robin Sharma

Leadership's the fine art of doing big things. #leadership #success

20 Mar Robin Sharma

Our excuses are the lies our fears have sold us. #leadership.
20 Mar Robin Sharma

Worry is a luxury we cannot afford.

19 Mar Robin Sharma

Thank you RT @crea8it: Started reading @_robin_sharma #LeadWithoutaTitle book...2

chapters in and finding it hard to put down

19 Mar Robin Sharma

Possible Uganda and CapeTown in July RT @kagisomoreks: @_robin_sharma any plan to come
to Africa?

19 Mar Robin Sharma

Jonathan Livingston Seagull RT @vikkiziegler: What is the best self help book you ever
read? @_robin_sharma @KimKardashian @Oprah

19 Mar Robin Sharma

:) RT @FiliSalvio: thanks for your beautiful and powerfull book: "Il Leader che non aveva
titoli" A big hug from Italy

19 Mar Robin Sharma

Whatever gets u started RT @LohitState: @_robin_sharma what music is best to listen to if

we wake up early in the morning?

19 Mar Robin Sharma

Awesome! Great job! RT @osirisbautistac: 3 weeks in the 5am club feeling amazing!
19 Mar Robin Sharma

people have been asking for the "Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur" blog post link:

18 Mar Robin Sharma

Doors will open soon to TheRemarkableEntrepreneurSuperConference 2012. Get ready!

18 Mar Robin Sharma

There's no mystery beneath Mastery. It's a devotion to practice over many many years.

18 Mar Robin Sharma

The victim: "I'll try." The Leader: "I commit." #LeadWithoutaTitle

18 Mar Robin Sharma

Having the courage to challenge what you are sure is true is the beginning of growth.

18 Mar Robin Sharma

Fully expressing your talents is a gift you give the world. #LeadWithoutaTitle #success

18 Mar Robin Sharma

Above all else--Fearlessness.

17 Mar Robin Sharma

Just listen to an exceptional interview with Jay-Z. I just posted the lessons learned on
my Facebook page.

17 Mar Robin Sharma

The main mission of a business is to transform the world. Everything else just follows
from this obsession. #leadership

17 Mar Robin Sharma

Ok. Thanks. Was just there in Nov RT @elsrtamez: @_robin_sharma hey Robin, when you come
back to Monterey, México lunch is on me

17 Mar Robin Sharma

Why break the rules when you can rewrite the rules? #leadership

17 Mar Robin Sharma

In a world of so much negativity, be a game-changing force of positivity.


RT @LeaderQuote: "You must have long range goals to keep you from being frustrated by
short range failures." - Charles C. Noble

17 Mar Robin Sharma

Today, stop talking about what you'll do and START doing what you said you'd do. Please.
17 Mar Robin Sharma

I'm still really into the chillout too RT @mohamedelkamony: @_robin_sharma I'm so far.
Listening to some really nice lounge music :)

17 Mar Robin Sharma

RT @MansourAbuHelal: The 11 obsessions of Remarkable Entrepreneurs.

17 Mar Robin Sharma

RT @ManagersDiary: "The leader who exercises power with honor will work from the inside
out, starting with himself." ~Blaine Lee

17 Mar Robin Sharma

You'll never get this day again so why not enjoy it? #success

16 Mar Robin Sharma

Throughout your day, keep asking yourself, "How can I make this better?"

16 Mar Robin Sharma

My father's from Jammu :) RT @itsmekanan: Respect, wishes and blessings to you all the
way from Jammu.

16 Mar Robin Sharma

Leadership's more about believing in the unbelievable than delivering on what's possible.
#LeadWithoutaTitle #leadership
"The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions." (from "Who
Will Cry When You Die?"). Wishing you a peaceful Holiday Season

16 Mar Robin Sharma

Leadership's an exercise in humility. #leadership

16 Mar Robin Sharma

We brag about what we feel we're not.

16 Mar Robin Sharma

One of the best books I've ever read...,

View photo

16 Mar Robin Sharma

Declare today: "This day i will use my words to uplift versus tear down. To focus me
versus distract me. And to lead versus complain."

16 Mar Robin Sharma

Total focus on being of use RT @kirstistubbs: do you have a ritual before you give a big
presentation that calms you?

16 Mar Robin Sharma

Thx RT @alinebadr: Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur

via @_robin_sharma Love this guy.

Remarkable Entrepreneurs aren't that much smarter. They just work 100X harder. On the
right things.
15 Mar Robin Sharma

Just came across this meaningful pick of me and Jim Rohn

View photo

15 Mar Robin Sharma

RT @Moises_Galindo: RT @_robin_sharma: Fallar es una contribucion al suceso #frases


15 Mar Robin Sharma

How can we have the results that the best have unless we do exactly what the best do?

15 Mar Robin Sharma

Failure is a contribution to success. #quotes #success

15 Mar Robin Sharma

Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur (new article I wrote w learning video):


15 Mar Robin Sharma

GR8! RT @kirstistubbs: reading 'The Leader who had No Title' prep for an awesome
discussion with @starbuckscanada HR team

15 Mar Robin Sharma

Be a FMOB: The First, The Most, The Only--and The Best (from "The Leader Who Had No
Title") #leadership
15 Mar Robin Sharma

Perfect timing might just be exactly where we're at. #quotes #success

15 Mar Robin Sharma

C U there RT @DENEGRL: @_robin_sharma #GottaGo to ur lecture in @Vancouver on Mar 29!

15 Mar Robin Sharma

GR8 RT @Miduv: @_robin_sharma We will meet Stockholm at vip lunch .invited by

Anders!Looking foward to that

15 Mar Robin Sharma

Eat less food, get more done.

15 Mar Robin Sharma

Getting strong of body will get you strong of mind.

14 Mar Robin Sharma

Hope all's great w you in your life my friend. I hope we "re-meet" sometime soon. R

We strengthen the things we complain about.

Victims coast through life. Leaders create through life. # leadership #success

Focus on being superb at what you do and, over time, you will be known as remarkable.

The quickest way to happiness is a devotion to helpfulness.

Every moment in front of another human being is your chance to change the world.

Care less about the number of followers you have and more about the number of lives you
inspire. #social media #twitter

LOL ;) RT @shamikv: That's like _robinhood_sharma. RT"@_robin_sharma: Leadership begins

where victimhood ends."

Leadership begins where victimhood ends.

13 Mar Robin Sharma

Do work that is legendary. Lead a life that makes history. #leadership #success

13 Mar Robin Sharma

Doors opening soon for The Remarkable Entrepreneur SuperConference 2012. Details now at


13 Mar Robin Sharma

:)...Congratulations! RT @Bamsy7: @_robin_sharma Tomorrow I'm going to the gym. It wasn't

as bad as I'd imagined.

13 Mar Robin Sharma

What New Move could you step into that would lift you into the realm of extraordinary –
remarkable - world- class?

13 Mar Robin Sharma

The more remarkable you become, the more remarkable will be the professional and
personal life you'll create.

12 Mar Robin Sharma

We become fearless by visiting the places that scare us.

12 Mar Robin Sharma

Make the best of your minutes. Each one of them makes up your life.

12 Mar Robin Sharma

RT @FastSelfHelp: "Art is never finished, only abandoned." - Leonardo da Vinci

11 Mar Robin Sharma

Up in the mountains. Away from complexity. Listening to Undun-nice and loud.

11 Mar Robin Sharma

Our job is to see the best in people who have never seen their best.

Shift from "This can't be done" to "I can do this...and I'm getting it done NOW."

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." -
Henry Ford #business #leadership
ed by Robin Sharma

How we reply to adversity determines whether we'll be average--or iconic.

11 Mar Robin Sharma

The more loudly the critics shout, the more fiercely i pursue my vision. #leadership
#success #service

11 Mar Robin Sharma

Video on what makes a real leader:

#leadership #success
View video


Aim for service and success will follow​ Albert Schweitzer

ed by Robin Sharma

10 Mar Robin Sharma

On the other side of your greatest fears lie your biggest rewards.

10 Mar Robin Sharma

Just posted a photo

View photo

9 Mar Robin Sharma

Life’s short. The greatest risk is risk-less living. And settling for average.

9 Mar Robin Sharma

To lead is to serve.

9 Mar Robin Sharma

Soon :) RT @HenriqueAutran: I also suggest you read the book Inside Apple"I'm reading it
and it rocks! When are you coming to Brazil, Robin?

9 Mar Robin Sharma

Create massive value 24/7. Congrats RT @TVinylMeltdown: @_robin_sharma I step into a

major leadership role today, advice?

9 Mar Robin Sharma

Just posted a photo

View photo

9 Mar Robin Sharma

Just posted a photo

View photo

9 Mar Robin Sharma

Here's what I'm reading today…(I also suggest you read the book Inside Apple]

View photo

9 Mar Robin Sharma

In the digital economy, authenticity is a more valuable currency than popularity.

8 Mar Robin Sharma

Set 5 daily goals every morning. These small wins will lead to nearly 2000 little
victories by the end of the year.
7 Mar Robin Sharma

Take 60 minutes over the next few days and rethink what you are investing your mental
focus and physical energy on.

7 Mar Robin Sharma

THX!! RT @smeakhan: @_robin_sharma Read your book The Secret Letters of the
Monk...Absolutely brilliant and life changing!

7 Mar Robin Sharma

VERY :) RT @SteveVanMierlo: Its 8am and so far i've ran 5k and had a call with a contact
in dubai. @_robin_sharma would be proud!

7 Mar Robin Sharma

The 3 previous tweets were fresh out of my brain this am. If you want more of the 44 I
wrote at 5 am, just go to

7 Mar Robin Sharma

Connection with community is the main aim of commerce.

7 Mar Robin Sharma

Be good at starting things. And even better at finishing them.

7 Mar Robin Sharma

Logic is the dream killer. Instead, be guided by your instinct, creativity and passion.
7 Mar Robin Sharma

Confidence grows by doing hard things. So pursue discomfort.

Living in the past is so disrespectful to your future.

7 Mar Robin Sharma

Here's a clue for the country where "The Secret Letters of The Monk Who Sold His
Ferrari" Ends...

View photo

6 Mar Robin Sharma

The more you can learn, grow & provoke the highest display of your potential the more
all you want will begin to show up.

6 Mar Robin Sharma

Smart RT @navalsabharwal: @_robin_sharma Living on Earth is expensive,but it does include

a free trip around the sun every year

6 Mar Robin Sharma

Safe House is very good too RT @Blah_Blah_Boy: @_robin_sharma Just finished watching
'The Fighter'. Thanks a ton for the recommendation.

6 Mar Robin Sharma

Full Creative Expression is a massive source of human joy.

6 Mar Robin Sharma

The winning formula that made your company successful just may be the formula that makes
it obsolete.
6 Mar Robin Sharma

Playing small with your talent dishonors your Genius.

6 Mar Robin Sharma

Either you disrupt the status quo in your industry (and within your life), or you will be
disrupted. And it will hurt.

6 Mar Robin Sharma

Doing your absolute best work is never easy. But it's absolutely worth it.

6 Mar Robin Sharma

Thx RT @Jody_Robbins: @wordaffair Great piece on @_robin_sharma in latest @upmagazine

6 Mar Robin Sharma

The thing about growth is that it often comes disguised in failure's clothing.

5 Mar Robin Sharma

RT @wordaffair: Robin Sharma discusses business, travel tips and carry on baggage. | The
latest for @upmagazine

5 Mar Robin Sharma

RT @4jeremywright: This lady applying @_robin_sharma theory "Lead without a Title"

View photo
5 Mar Robin Sharma

Because as we run the mind we run the body RT @aliciatellis: @_robin_sharma how is being
tired from jet lag a state of mind?

5 Mar Robin Sharma

RT @MichaelLyde: Great productivity ideas from @_Robin_Sharma. I plan to implement 90-

minute time block.

5 Mar Robin Sharma

Thx RT @BenSpangl: The Leader who had no title by @_robin_sharma is a must read for
anyone serious about changing your life!

5 Mar Robin Sharma

Avail free on FB page RT @Sujith_bindaas: hve read all ur books but one whch comes most

5 Mar Robin Sharma

We strengthen what we speak about.

5 Mar Robin Sharma

Jet lag's a state of mind that I choose not to participate in.

5 Mar Robin Sharma

LOL RT @maxbmtl: Brainwashed by @_robin_sharma & lovin it !: up @5h30AM , 7km

threadmill run- healthy food = full of energy!
5 Mar Robin Sharma

The thing about filling your mind with small worries is that it leaves no room for big

5 Mar Robin Sharma

THX RT @Leigh_Moore: Absolutely loving The Leader Who Had No Title - really helping me
focus on delivering brilliant work.

4 Mar Balt Leenman Balt Leenman @bleenman

Worry destroys human lives... …

10min videoblog by @_robin_sharma

ed by Robin Sharma

The value of getting to your goals lives not in reaching the goal but what the
talents/strengths/capabilities the journey reveals to you.

5 Mar Robin Sharma

Giving up comes with free entry to the club of mediocrity.

4 Mar Robin Sharma

Eat less food. Get more done.

4 Mar Robin Sharma

There's a stratospheric difference between learning a new idea--and living a new idea.

We must work like Picasso painted: with devotion, passion, energy and excellence.

3 Mar Robin Sharma

Design your life as well as @simplehuman designs their garbage cans and you'll be just
fine :)

3 Mar Robin Sharma

Here's what I'm listening to right now ♫ "Paradise" by @coldplay

3 Mar Robin Sharma

Cynicsm blocks Exceptionalism.

3 Mar Robin Sharma

To take vs to give is to exist vs to live.

3 Mar Robin Sharma

Um Nope. YOU'RE the best. Now let's go change the world! RT @ekarajkhanal: @PritamSharma
@_robin_sharma U R the best .GO ahead

3 Mar Robin Sharma

Closest in 2012 is Mauritius this July. THX RT @kagisomoreks: @_robin_sharma sir when ar
you coming to Africa?

3 Mar Robin Sharma

It takes courage to become aware of weakness.

3 Mar Robin Sharma

Sat am after the 14 day blitz of a tour. Drinking awesome coffee. Seven Nation Army
rocks my home.
2 Mar Robin Sharma

In work, care more than expected. In life, give more than demanded. #leadership

Leave every project you touch at work better than you found it.

The power of your dreams lives in the action--not the vision.

Giving the person you’re communicating with 1000% of your attention is a spectacular
method to lead the field.

If you've grown, it's not a failure. It's a gift.

Leadership and success really does come down to the daily doing of a series of
fundamentals staggeringly well.

The critic applauds you when you fall. The leader lifts you when you stumble.

Awesome RT @jomanuelfree: I'm enjoying the "holy hour" and productivity of 5:00 a.m. to
8:00 a.m., Thanks @_robin_sharma

Criticism is mediocrity's tribute to Genius.

Hard times produce your greatest gifts.

The amateur adores complexity. The professional cherishes simplicity.

Went sailing in The Gulf today. Thinking: it's not until we learn to do things on our own
that we own how to do things.

Better to be real than popular, focused than smart and passionate than dead.

Innovation begins where your convictions end.

Victims offer rationalizations. Leaders deliver results.

Adversity can shatter you. Or you can use it to catch larger glimpses of your greatest

Politeness matters. Punctuality counts. Mastery wins. Period.

Giving a gift expecting some reward isn't a gift.

at the end of you're life, you'll regret not having dreamed 20X bigger. So why not do it

You'll never take the people around you to a place higher than you've been. So dream!

i can live without a car. but not without a journal.

"You will never "find" time for anything. If you want time, you must make it." - Charles
Bruxton via
The fast leader knows precisely where they're going---and exactly where they've come

Thinking: life's big goal=be all of what you are + none of what you're not.

Good service simply for the sake of good service=Great Service. (Thanks to Ryan at
Sofitel T5 Heathrow)

Daily Inspiration: Less gossip, more encouragement. Less blame, more results. Less
victim hood, more leadership. Less me---more we.

What the amateur calls genius, the professional calls practice.

Yes RT @AdiK3: @_robin_sharma I have very rarely seen you wear a suit. Always in a
plain shirt. Is it about simplicity?
The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless. Jean Jacques

The best way to do great work is to do a lot of good work.

Those who are not pursuing Mastery have signed up for mediocrity.

The way a leader starts the day sets up how the leader performs that day. So begin yours

Old but superb line: "better to sweat hard in training vs bleed more at war." #quotes

"I'll try" translates to "I'm not commited".

Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life.

Fighting change is resisting growth. #leadership

Remember that blaming others is excusing yourself.

Few things are as powerful as standing in the presence of a person who is really really
comfortable in their own skin.

Quickest way to change the game is to rewrite the rules. #leadership

Where the timid give up, Leaders commit.

Day by day, step by step, you can move towards your own personal mountaintop. You can
be, do and have a lot more than you've ever imagined.

An idea - no matter how big - only assumes value when it's acted upon and brought to

Beneath cynicism lives fear.

A day without learning something new is a day not fully used up.

Being cynical is comical.

Anyone can be phenonemal when all's well. Show us your chops when it's all falling apart.

The job of a leader is to inspire + excite +activate.

Disputing your potential is denying the world your gifts.

Take 60 minutes this weekend to craft a blueprint for the coming seven days.

10 Feb Robin Sharma

Have the courage to be different. Have the boldness to go into your industry and create
value that has never been created.

Your daily behavior broadcasts your deepest beliefs.

Play at outright excellence. Rock your awesome talents. Inspire the world.

Sending my best from a quiet beach on the magical island of Mauritius. May never
leave...why write books and do intense tours when I can be here? ;)

9 Feb Robin Sharma

Great RT @tpagg: @_robin_sharma as I will be first time hearing you at ICAI conference
in Dubai.

9 Feb Robin Sharma

Yes. And having dinner at "Market" :) RT @aavilagonzalez: @_robin_sharma Are you coming
to Panama this year?

9 Feb Robin Sharma

Was just in Caracas for a Lead Without a Title event @anabelenfrias: @_robin_sharma when
are you going to come to venezuela? :-)
9 Feb Robin Sharma

Ok. Which one? I'll go there. RT @Jamerz2043: @_robin_sharma best restaurant sun set ever
is in puerto vallarta

Practice your craft for 15 years and then people call you "gifted". Interesting.

9 Feb Robin Sharma

Perceptions are rarely reality. Fears are rarely true.

9 Feb Robin Sharma

2 hours from my keynote here in Napa Valley. Deep in practice. Here's the view from my

View photo

9 Feb Robin Sharma

Vague plans provoke vague results.

8 Feb Robin Sharma

Just landed in san francisco. Wish I could go eat at pizza Delfina but need to get to
Napa Valley for tomorrow am's keynote.

8 Feb Robin Sharma

RT @DelphiLeaders: We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner
spirit. Albert Schwartz

8 Feb Robin Sharma

@DARRENHARDY Kudos to you and your exceptional team for this month's issue of SUCCESS my
View conversation

In the battle of egos both competitors lose.

Today's Leadership Declaration: DO IT NOW!

The moment you have the guts to step up to your genius is the minute you inspire everyone
around you to do the same.

The thing you're most resisting is the thing that carries your greatest growth.

The discomfort of disruption is always less than the heartbreak of stagnation.


Instant gratification is the drug of choice for ordinary entrepreneurs

It takes a big person to avoid small worries.

The value of a dream isn't so much the dream as the expression of potential that the
dream provokes within you.

The key to creativity is to create when you don't feel creative.

This day is your life in miniature. So lead it well.

Ordinary entrepreneurs have To Do lists. Remarkable entrepreneurs have stop doing lists.

Use all your available energy for valuable projects versus trivial pursuits.

The next 5 years will be rich with volatility. Victims will stumble. Leaders will win.
6 Feb Robin Sharma

Your work isn't just a job unless all you choose to only see it as a job. (All work is a
chance to change the world)

"The greatness of a person is measured by the length their shadow casts on coming
generations." (shared a seminar participant w me).

You transform tomorrow via rewiring today.

Leadership declaration for us to repeat throughout this day: "I'm passionately doing
what's most valuable versus what's most easy."

Today can be the day you burn the bridges that lead to your excuses. Today can be the day
you Lead Without Title. & access your greatness.
Good enough isn't so great.

2 Feb Robin Sharma

Change is hardest at the beginning. Messiest in the middle. And best at the end.

2 Feb Robin Sharma

An addiction to distraction is an escape from productivity.

2 Feb Robin Sharma

Nothing can stop the person who chooses never to be stopped.

2 Feb Robin Sharma

Through our daily actions we reveal our deepest beliefs.

1 Feb Robin Sharma

Set 5 daily goals every morning. These small wins will lead to nearly 2000 little
victories by the end of the year.

31 Jan Robin Sharma

We can't do everything we need to do to move forward our biggest project today. But we
each can do something.

31 Jan Robin Sharma

Here's a great wallpaper image to help your get that project done:
One of life's greatest sources of happiness is getting big things done fast.

If you're not dreaming bigger today you're getting smaller today.

Read hard books. Do difficult work. It is the things that you are most resisting doing
that contain the fullest expression of your genius.

One of my deepest beliefs: everyone is smart at something.

Even the biggest person needs a little praise.

Old but powerful saying: it's risky out on the limb, but that's where all the fruit is.

People take advantage of people who allow people to take advantage of them.

Simple but valuable idea: read your 3 year plan every 7 days. Drive it into your
dominant focus. Your actions will follow.
Entrepreneurs: When no one gets your vision is when you most must believe in your

The dangerous thing about mediocrity is that if you're around it long enough it becomes
your new normal.

Book excerpt from p. 199 of The Greatness Guide

Will read this book this weekend

Focus. Focus. Focus...on your burning priorities. Say no to everything else. Life's short.
You only get one shot at great.

"May the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sunshine
warm upon your face." Irish blessing

Clarity breeds mastery. The goals you set drive the actions you’ll take.

RT @MorrisonSMedia: "There will never be a better time to be the best you than today"
The Greatness Guide, Robin Sharma

Gym+fitness trainer+supplements=costly. But disease is more expensive.

:) RT @MusthafaEbadi: You know the day has started right when done with gym,ready for
office & it's still dark out there.Thx @_robin_sharma

The big work of a leader is to enCOURAGE people to work they never thought they could

Quickest way to be inspirational to others is get inspired yourself.

If you're young, smart to do big things now. If you're old, smart to do big things now.

Today, rather than looking for the worst in people, I invite you to look for what's best
within them.
Leaders get better by cultivating their craft. By deepening their impact. By consciously
Stepping Toward Extraordinary.

A job is not “just a job”. Every job is a gorgeous vehicle to express your gifts and
talents and to model exceptionalism for all around you.

Courage is expressed not through big words but great acts. #LeadWithoutaTitle

I have no plans to die ;) RT @hikmetsaygin: @_robin_sharma pls keep are doing
really good job in your field.

24 Jan Robin Sharma

Exactly! RT @karthick62: @_robin_sharma 5 AM thing works big :)

Today have the Courage to stand in the acute light of your awesomeness and your highest
inventiveness. The world will be better for it.

The great longing of our lives is to fully express the genius within us.

Do more than you’re paid to do and do work that leaves your teammates breathless.
When you see yourself as a powerful creator of your conditions, you'll see opportunities
to get to your goals - and dreams - all around you.

When you push through your procrastination, you reclaim the heroic. #productivit

On the other side of what you most fear lies your bigness.

Do real work vs fake work. Create results vs be busy.

People will treat you the way you teach + allow people to treat you. #LeadWithoutaTitle

RT @EmersonRalphyW: You can never do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it
will be too late. - Ralph Waldo Emerson. #quote

Shared this idea with an audience of senior execs this am: "Focus more on value creation
vs the need for validation and business soars."

New blog post: "The Mark Wahlberg Factor"

Today have the Courage to stand in the acute light of your awesomeness and your highest
inventiveness. The world will be better for it.

The great longing of our lives is to fully express the genius within us.

Consistency of the mother of Mastery.

Do more than you’re paid to do and do work that leaves your teammates breathless.

The greater the challenges, the sweeter the victory.

When you see yourself as a powerful creator of your conditions, you'll see opportunities
to get to your goals - and dreams - all around you.

No great masterpiece was ever created by a critic.

When you push through your procrastination, you reclaim the heroic. #productivity

On the other side of what you most fear lies your bigness.

Victims get jealous, leaders get started.

Is there really such a thing as a mistake?

Do real work vs fake work. Create results vs be busy.

Pls remember: So easy to become so focused on your problems that you forget about
chasing your dreams.

People will treat you the way you teach + allow people to treat you. #LeadWithoutaTitle

RT @EmersonRalphyW: You can never do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it
will be too late. - Ralph Waldo Emerson. #quote

Shared this idea with an audience of senior execs this am: "Focus more on value creation
vs the need for validation and business soars."

THX RT @JuliaCrowson: One of the most beautiful books I have read - Secret Letters of
the Monk WSHF.

The cost of distraction is the unFulfillment of your potential.

Dear Leader: you were built to present brilliance and designed to display
exceptionalism. Go on--admit it, ok? :)

Focus is even more important than talent. Energy is even more valuable than intelligence.

The best leaders care less about the applause they receive than the impact they create.

If you don't do the fear, you won't get the courage!

Planning for an event in the Philippines in 2013 RT @skathylapuz: @_robin_sharma I'm a

fan from Philippines.Hope you find time to visit us.

Big minds are not filled with small thoughts (=focus on your best projects and let go of
the addiction to distraction)

A critic's nothing more than a dreamer gone scared.

We grow confident via practice RT @thespecialqh: @_robin_sharma what makes you confident

High-tech productivity tool: Get brilliant at saying no ;)

Ideas are just words. What brings them to life is massive execution--and relentless
Today remember to focus your mind on the good versus the lack.

The project that most scares you is the project you need to do first.

It varies. Run+weights+bike RT @zarkir: @_robin_sharma how you working out every

morning? What kind of exercise are you doing? Running?

Smart RT @perhakansson: @_robin_sharma Experimenting with doing my core work (research,

writing, reading and thinking) between 4am and 8am

The book I referred to is The War of Art. Thx RT @dennis_kreba: @_robin_sharma Any
thoughts on reading The Art of War? Which copy?

RT @DoLectures: George Bernard Shaw was 94 when one his plays was first produced.

No person playing victim ever changed the world. #LeadWithoutaTitle

"I'll try"=i'm not really committed.

Can't is a swear word ;)

The true value of a big dream is who you must grow into to live that dream.
17 Jan Robin Sharma

11 pm and yes exercise 1st RT @kumarmangala I am joining the 5 AM club. What time do you
go to bed? (cont)

Doors close TONIGHT on my new online coaching program "Your Absolute Best Year Yet".
This WILL change the game for you!

Dream big. Start small. And begin now ;)

LOL RT @SidneyNg: going to start trying to smile at strangers as suggested by

@_robin_sharma and try not to look like a lunatic while at it.

Welcome RT @Jerraine_P: Subscribed to @_robin_sharma's newsletter. Thanks for the

valuable insights and priceless tips! :)

Steven Pressfield RT @jigs_7782: @_robin_sharma "the war of art" written by whom? Pls

Entrepreneurs: you'll never build a business larger than your self-identity.


Didn't feel like working out at 5 am today. So I worked out at 5 am today.

Tip #18: Every night ask yourself: “What 5 good things happened to me this day?” …

RT @BobBurg: YES! RT @Mark_Sanborn: "A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but
a molder of consensus." Martin Luther King, Jr

Every morning ask yourself: “How may I best serve the most people?”

Shatter your doubts and conquer your fears. I’ve just released a powerful new video “How
To Defeat Worry”. Watch it now …
The discomfort of change is better than the heartbreak of stagnatation

"A good work ethic trumps lazy talent." Basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in the
latest Harvard Business Review.

Ordinary leaders hear. Great leaders listen.

Entrepreneurs: Building a legacy is a highly valuable currency.

The world was constructed by impatient people.

Absolutely RT @ngodbout: "The way to get started is to stop talking and start doing.” -
Walt Disney (1901–1966) Right @_robin_sharma?

Off to another airport. Back at it after a quick break. Speaking in Atlanta for Pearson--
the world's largest learning company.

Dream extraordinarily big. Work ridiculously hard.

The way you begin your day sets up the way you'll deliver your day.

The grocery store I shopped at piped Jazz music into the parking lot. Someone gets
customer wow. Now if they'd only play some Green Day ;)

Sometimes winning has more to do with not giving up than winning.

Change is always messy in the middle. And rewarding at the end. #LeadWithoutaTitle

You can't do everything. True. But you can definitely do something.

Victims wish. Leaders do.

New always feels uncomfortable until it feels old.

Remarkable Entrepreneurs don't spend major time on minor things.

Just off the ski hill with a massive reminder: constant instruction leads to consistent

Worry + achievement= Oil + Water.

From my friend Deepak RT @DeepakChopra: Your intent is for the future, but your attention
is in the present.

The Secret Letters from The Monk... Just came out--thx RT @mannykohli:I'm big fan of
yours, when's your next book will be coming out?
Inspire people to be exceptional via your exceptionalism. Show people how to be human
via your humanity.

my plan is to make fresh tracks down the mountain first thing in the morning. Skiing's a

The leader's job is to shine a light on the talent of people. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Life's short. Go change the world.

Show us a fiery display of blatant exceptionalism. Please.

The problem with reciting your excuses often is that you eventually believe them to be

Today, stick to a strict diet of inspiring books, beautiful spaces and people who

If you're not scared a lot, you're not achieving a lot.

Welcome. It's one of my s RT @barriehoward: @_robin_sharma Thanks for suggesting ' A
Manual for Living' - Epictetus. LOVE IT.

To be a visionary, we must think different. And those who think different are called
strange. So it's important to be strange ;)

@jonathanfields well by not watching the news, they don't get seduced by the bias. So
they actually see more clearly.

Get this: research confirms people who don't watch much news have a clearer sense of
reality than those who do!

Just because no one else gets your vision + values doesn't mean you shouldn't live them!
LEAD v. Follow.

I'm so pleased RT @srawlins30: @_robin_sharma My dad is using #Leadwithoutatitle to do

something never done in the oil field.

Be so good at what you do today that people are left breathless after you leave the
room. Seriously.
Change is opportunity waiting to happen.

Leaders understand that strengthening capacity at every level, in every person, is the
way to win.

Life's too short to play small with your genius.

So much of winning lives in beginning.

We get from life not all we want but who we are. To have more, we must become more.

2 Jan Robin Sharma

Thx RT @BillyCoxLive: round of Kudos to @DARRENHARDY & @_Robin_Sharma for taking it up

a notch in this Mo's @successmagazine interview

Fastest way to make the world better is to make you better.

Simple Leadership Truth: you can't do world-class until you think world-class.

31 Dec Robin Sharma

On this last day of 2011, I say thank you. To my family, my friends, my team--and to
you. I'll work even harder to be of service in 2012.

When you commit to something, commit to something.

Listening to nostalgia 77's Seven Nation Army nice and loud

In your work, be legendary. In your life, make history. Please.

This New Year will be the same old year unless we have the courage to do some new

My Greatly Respected Friends, pls repeat after me: A problem is a solution longing to
Laughter=social glue.

Just stopped at a gas station. Made the guy laugh. Funny--that made me feel great.

The old line is "Good is the enemy of Great". But seriously--great is the enemy of the

We don't see reality! We see through the lenses of our beliefs.

Starbucks is one of my new clients of 2011. This pic shows why...

To remain true to your vision--in the midst of the crowd--is Leadership's greatest

We alight our lives when we do what we fear.

A little piece of our character dies each time we fail to speak our truth.
:)!!! RT @devenlimayae: waking up at 4 am, journaling,working out 6-7 am.Amazing energy
through the day. thx to "the greatness guide"

If you hang with victims--in time--you'll become one.

Why spend your energy convincing your critics when you could be inspiring your believers

Don't allow your fears and doubts to dismiss your hopes and dreams

Followers come and go. Just focus on being your awesome self.

Potential unexpressed eventually turns into suffering.

My hardest problems have opened the doors into my greatest possibilities.

The person who most irritates you is the person who has the most to teach you.

Easier to maintain peak health vs transform bad health.

Bill Gates has given $28 billion to charity. #impressed

:) RT @Ulyana32: @_robin_sharma I love ur books thnk u ! I m from Azerbaijan/. I begin

new life with monk who sold ferrari

The best reason to get uber-fit is to get the strength you need to change the world!

Watched Colombiana. Fantastic movie. Ends with my Johnny Cash song.

One of life's greatest joys is finding the aspect of your work that helps others--and
then giving yourself over to it.
Cynics knock positive thinking yet science now shows--for example--that those who
believe they are smart perform better.

A major part of being authentic is trusting your vision when no one else does.

Remarkable Entrepreneurs are stunningly intolerant of mediocrity.

The words you voice determine the thoughts you'll think.

Seduce yourself into believing in the best version of your highest vision.

It's not just what getting up at 5 am (too work out+plan+read+prepare) does for you---it's
also what it says about you.

Watching Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.

Today, pls remember that every person you meet was once a mother's child (full of hope +

I'm no health expert but one thing that really helped me in 2011 was eating many of the
same meals consistently.
Some of my greatest friends are my best books.

Dinner with family tonight. On my mind are the kids facing the famine in Africa though.

No ask=no get.

Read the hard books. Pick the tough workouts. Accept the difficult projects. Easy breeds

The humblest is the greatest.

Leadership is less about the size of your title and more about the depth of your

Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.

You can have your excuses. Or you can live your ideals. But you can't do both.

Victims love condemning. Leaders adore creating.

Hope is the child of a Dream.

Few things fill us with Inspiration as much of the doing of work that unchains our

Reading the flood of msgs on "The Secret Letters of The Monk Who Solf His Ferrari".
Happy the surprise ending was so surprising :)

Strip out the "noise" in your life and develop a zen-like focus on the few things that

Measure the success of your days by the lives touched vs the hours passed.

Today, stay in hot pursuit for what's best.

Lose your worries in the passionate pursuit of serving your clients spectacularly well.

Lead you first. You can’t help others reach for their highest potential until you’re in
the process of reaching for yours.

Few things are as influential as a human being who believes in their vision.
Chase beauty. Adore mastery.

Good intentions are useless without spectacular results.

"It is a millon times better that I should be the laughing stock of the world than
insincere to myself". Mahatma Gandhi

RT @Billy_Cox: The two most powerful warriors are patience and time #quotes Leo Tolstoy

Many entrepreneurs are devoted to growing their businesses while neglecting their
mindsets--1 of the key things that grows a business.

Prepare your mindset every am. You can't inspire your team if you're De-inspired.

"What holds us back in life is the invisible architecture of fear." from p. 68 of "The
Secret Letters of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"
Great news! RT @man_of_wisdom: @_robin_sharma Congrats! "The Secret Letters of the Monk
Who Sold His Ferrari" jumps to number 2 in India

I encourage you to watch "From the Sky Down"--the new U2 documentary. Many insights in
playing at world-class.

Lead a life that leaves you beautifully used up at the end.

Good 2012 Goal: Sell your TV. And build a library.

Music producer Brian Eno on U2: "They don't trust it unless it's difficult." Amen.

Giving begins the receiving process.

Success isn't an event. Success is a process.

Your willpower will weaken as you advance through your day. So use your earliest hours to
do your most valuable work.

What made Apple Apple was more the execution than the idea.

The way you begin your day influences the way you'll live yours day. Start it well (yes,
that means no news first).

Last night I dreamed I was skiing down the most breathtaking of mountains. A sign? ;)

Driving lessons with my son. Priceless.

If we don't stand for Mastery, we'll fall for mediocrity.

A key portion of the leader's job is to Elevate, INspire and UPlift.

The deeper the preparation, the higher the achievement.

The person who chooses distractions is the person who avoids results.

Ordinary leaders resist hard times. The best leaders love hard times (because that's when
they get to present their gifts).

There is no such thing as an unimportant day

Being a superstar is not the domain of the gifted but of the prepared

First day of my break after 5+ intense months travelling the planet+media etc etc. And
I'm sending you tweets! Guess I love you guys :)

The more you stop giving power to your excuses, the more you'll send power to your

Your "I CAN" is more important than your IQ.

The conversations you are most resisting are the conversations you most need to be

Remember: greatness comes from living for a cause larger than you. And leaving our
world better than you found it.

Preparing my presentation for executives of Blackberry maker RIM tomorrow am. Last
presentation of the year. Then the focus goes to skiing.

If you’re going to settle, then please settle for the absolute best.

Vague goals for your future promise vague results in your future.
When you least feel like smiling is when you most need to smile.

"Speak your truth even when your voice shakes" (from a bumper sticker I saw)

The only reason our failures were failures is because we chose to process them as

When no one believes in you, reach deep within and you believe in you. Why? Because the
world needs you to shine.

More impressive than your IQ is your EQ=Execution Quotient. #LeadWithoutaTitle

The ordinary entrepreneur asks: "how can I make more money?" The Remarkable Entreprener
wonders: "How can I create more value?"

Too many high-potential lives have been destroyed by an addiction called Excuses.

The ordinary love entertainment. The extraordinary adore education.

I'm astounded by the hidden awesomeness lurking within each of us alive today.

When you most feel like denying your dream is when you must most deepen your devotion to
your dream.

We get from life not all we want but who we are. To have more, we must become more.

Stunningly good things happen to those who ask. (Don't let your assumptions get in the way
of asking)
If you're not building leaders around you, you're not a leader--you're a follower.

The price of disease is more expensive than the cost of a trainer. #getfitfast

Playing small with your potential is unfair to the world.

Positive thinking is of zero value without positive doing.

Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results

The only standard worth aiming for in your work//craft: Ridiculously Good at what you

Excellence lies in the follow through, not in the brilliant idea.

Dear Entrepreneur: just because the world doesn't get your dream doesn't mean you should
abandon your dream.

One of the best moves I've ever made: the more people ridiculed my vison, the more
commited I became to my vision. #LWAT

At ordinary companies, ordinary is accepted. At excellent companies, excellence is

Good humor in the face of fear is the beginning of heroism.

High performers have a bias towards action. Take that single step towards a
goal/dream/result today.
Here's a question to ask yourself: What one thing could I do each week to lift my life to
its highest level?

The giant key to success is to deal with the challenges of the moment without losing
sight of the promises of the future.
2 choices: Lead The Field or Follow the crowd.
the most successful people in the world have best information
beneath procasination lives fear
Fill your mind with brave dreams so it contains no space for petty thoughts.
what appears to be setbacks,in time turn out to be speedbumps

Why spend our most valuable hours on valueless things? #LeadWithoutaTitle

Focus is even more valuable than intelligence.
The good focus on time-management. The best focus on energy-management.

Today's mantra for you: Excellence in Everything

Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results.

The greatest theft is the betrayal of your dreams.

the secret to happiness is helpfulness

Never leave the site of a strong idea without doing something to execute around it.

Learn on a daily basis. No matter how successful you become, maintain the beginners
mindset. Always be fiercely curious.

Have a passion for the work that you do.

Excellence lies in the follow through, not in the brilliant idea.

Good humor in the face of fear is the beginning of heroism.

At ordinary companies, ordinary is accepted. At excellent companies, excellence is


Leadership is a celebration of possibility. #LeadWithoutaTitle

2 choices: Lead The Field or Follow the crowd.

A beautiful outer life without a brilliant inner life is fool's gold.

Few things are as dangerous as being busy being busy.

If others are cranky, show up at optimistic. If others are avg, present at mastery. If
others are selfish--serve the world.

At ordinary companies, ordinary is accepted. At exceptional companies, excellence is

The giant key to success is to deal with the challenges of the moment without losing
sight of the promises of the future.

Here's a question to ask yourself: What one thing could I do each week to lift my life to
its highest level?

Today's new behavior is the beginning of tomorrow's new habit.

Beneath procrastination lives fear.

The ultimate leadership mantra: "How may I best serve the most people?". Period.

In a world where mediocrity is viewed as "normal", world-class is considered strange.


Without strength of focus and acute discipline great businesspeople become mediocre

"The most successful people in life have the best information - David Wolfe

High performers have a bias towards action. Take that single step towards a
goal/dream/result today.

What appear to be setbacks, in time turn out to be speedbumps.

Being great at what you do isn't just something you do for the organization you work for-
it's a gift you give yourself.

Fill your mind with brave dreams so it contains no space for petty thoughts.

In a taxi. Just saw a sign that read: "Faith always takes the first step." Apply that one
to your business goals.

Just read this line: "Cleanliness is having good thoughts about all people."

The job of the leader is to lift people up in a world where too many tear others down.
The quality of success you will experience in your life depends upon the choices you
make every minute of every hour of every day.

Why spend our most valuable hours on valueless things? #LeadWithoutaTitle

Best way to get a few more hours into your days is to get brilliant at elegantly saying

Just because the majority celebrates mediocrity and stands for average is no reason for
you to do the same.

Focus is even more valuable than intelligence.

Never lose the fire in your belly. And the sparkle in your eyes. The having of a Dream
is what make's life Life.

Net worth never exceeds self-worth.

No matter what you do or where you live, every day presents the opportunity for you to
do your best work and make a difference.

When I feel cynicsm, I vote for optimism. When I feel doubt, I choose my dreams.

Insight: Steve Jobs made the hidden parts as beautiful as the ones visible to consumers.
Do you?

The greatest tip I can offer to entrepreneurs: focus on "How may I most help the most
people" and all-else then falls into place

"People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
Steve Jobs #inspiration

Today, adore Excellence. And cherish Compassion.

We don't hear the things we're not ready to hear.

By doing what we’re afraid to do because it’s beyond our comfort zone, we grow in

"What's the point of living in comfort if it comes at the cost of your dreams?"

You'll know you're working at your best when your work inspires others to do their best.

Game-changing affirmation="How may I best serve the most people?" #LeadWithoutaTitle

Gratitide is the antidote to fear.

The value of so called "failure" is to test your commitment to success.

The best entrepreneurs play out on the edges and take calculated risks. They challenge the
way they performed yesterday.

To triple the growth of your organization, triple the growth of your people.

The best entrepreneurs do what’s difficult, what causes them to stretch and what requires

On the razor's edge between the comfort of routine and the discomfort of growth is where
leaders live.

The way you do one thing determines the way you'll do everything.

Leadership is about influence – moving people to action by your example.

Things always work out for the best for people who work things out for the best. #LWT

Stainless steel is good. A stainless character is great. Good morning.

Become so genius at what you do that no one else in the world can do quite what you do.

Good am. Today, do what's right vs easy. And what's valuable vs busy.

Business is about relationships. And if you don’t understand people, you don’t understand

Until we're willing to fail, we will never be able to succeed. #quotes

The Internet has really connected us. And really disconnected us. #thehumanconnection

When you display Courage+Commitment+Passion, you enCourage everyone around you to do the

The fears you run from run to you.

14 Oct
Honored RT @Vishal_PwC: PwC Africa partners grateful and inspired by @_robin_sharma for
#LWT address this morning at Mt Kenya

Extraordinary passion is a symptom of an exceptional mission. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Your dreams are more than your dreams. They are the best part of you fighting to express

Every moment you don't feel like doing what you've committed to do is a Moment of
Truth--to test your interest in success.

If people are telling you your vision+ ideas are impossible, you've probably got an
awesome vision+idea ;)

Today, be more brilliant than anticipated, more courageous than expected and more human
than is commonly seen.

If we're not thinking outside of the box, we're stuck in the box. #innovation #creativity

Messy times don't make a leader-the reveal a leader. #LeadWithoutaTitle

5 minutes of learning today is better than no minutes of learning today.

"I focus on things that are the highest value and do them perfectly." Sean Parker,
Facebook visionary #LeadWithoutaTitle

Real leaders define their success by their acts versus by their things.

If you think what ordinary people think, you'll create the results that ordinary people
have (because what you think drives what you do)

Just saw a woman pick up a piece of garbage. It wasn't her garbage. But it is her world.

Play at Genius. Not for the social applause. But for the personal fulfillment.

The future belongs to those who adore learning. #LWT

Deep within your biggest problems rests your greatest growth. #inspiration

Leadership in your work is about the translation of difficult conditions into spectacular
victories. #LeadWithoutaTitle

We want the world yet resist transforming ourselves.

The actions we've been avoiding are the things we've given our power to. Each act you do
returns more power to you.

Leadership is about influence – moving people to action by your example.

Quickest way to build a fantastic company? Fill it with fantastic people.

"You're time is limited. So don't waste it living someone else's life." #stevejobs

Service and contribution are more powerful than fame and fortune. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Why consume ourselves with tiny thoughts when we have the power to create great things?

The secret to genius is not genetics but daily practice married with relentless

Be a Master of Your Craft. And practice + practice + practice.

All Creative Geniuses made their dreams larger than their fears. #creativity

There's zero growth in the doing of easy things. #inspiration

The best leaders build future leaders. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Remember that the quality of your practice determines the caliber of the performance.

Lead you first. You can’t help others reach for their highest potential until you’re in
the process of reaching for yours.

Mondays are for getting things done. Sundays are for reflection. So you get the right
things done. #productivity

The time to most believe in you is when others least believe in you. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Risk is safer that comfort. #quote

Remarkable Entrepreneurs don't manage time. They manage themselves.


Saw Moneyball tonight. Excellent movie.

Fearlessness isn't developed. Fearlessness is remembered.

If people don't see your genius, stay focused. many geniuses went unrecognized until 50
years after their death!

The day your numbers become more important that your Customers is the day your business

"Investing in yourself is the best thing you can do. If you've got talents, no one can
take them from you." Warren Buffett
The best way to achieve nothing is to try and do everything. #ownyourschedule

Hide the phone. Turn off Facebook. Shutter your TV. Close ALL escape routes. And the work you are meant to do.

"Do not lower your goals to the level of your abilities." Instead, raise your abilities
to the height of your goals." - Swami Vivekananda

"Only he who never plays never loses." Anatoly Karpov, Russian chess Grandmaster

Doing work that matters leads to a life that Inspires. #LeadWithoutaTitle

If your not a little scared each day, you're not making much progress.

it's dark. it's early. thinking: No Practice=No Performance. Make This Day Breathtaking.
Good am...

"Live all you can. It's a mistake not to." Henry James

Pls remember this game-changing insight: we see the world--not as it is--but as we are.

The victim focuses on "me". The Leader obsesses on "we". #LeadWithoutaTitle

"If you're not going to make a difference, get out of my way." Bono

Remarkable Entrepreneurs get that 'good enough' isn't very good.

"Oh we must dream our dreams. And have them too." Elizabeth Bishop

Today, be a FMOB: The First+The Most+The Only+The Best (from The Leader Who Had No Title)

: If you aren't living according to your values, you won't be happy, no matter how much
you are achieving.

"When staring at death, I asked: Why did I waste so much energy on things that didn't
matter?" @RicElias

Ordinary entrepreneurs chase profit. Remarkable Entrepreneurs create value (and profit is
the inevitable result).
Days of courage lead to lives of excellence.

The greatest opportunity to grow your leadership power lies in moments of frustration vs
during minutes of ease. #LWT

You can't win if you don't begin.

Remember that whether you’re building a business or growing a family, you’re a creative

Just did sound check for today's show. I honored the AV team. They get little credit.
Yet, they make it all happen. Great to be in Sofia!

Now those are words of enCOURAGEment :) RT @bhuyanrituraj: @_robin_sharma Rock it like


All it takes is the right new choice to provoke your new best life. (Will you make it?

Exactly RT @GrahamCarterGC: @_robin_sharma It's easier to criticise than to create

#leadwithoutatitle #dosomethinggreat

Criticism is mediocrity's tribute to Mastery.

Am I the only Creative person who carries all their pens and pencils in baggies in
airplanes? Or a Nerd ;)

Definitely! I don't ideate on a PC. Need a journal or paper RT @ccie12933:

@_robin_sharma Do you write out more of your ideas than you type?

The day I wrote out my Vision, I developed better sight (=you can't see what you're not
looking for).

Redefine it as an asset that strengthens+teaches you RT @kashifkhan_x8T: @_robin_sharma

How to Overcome Failure?????

In business, you don't get lucky. You create lucky. #TheRemarkableEntrepreneur

"Self-control is more indispensible than gunpowder." Henry Morton Stanley

Quickest way to grow and progress is via the doing of difficult yet valuable things.
Big thanks! RT @JoostvG: Is rereading @_robin_sharma's The Greatness Guide for the
zillionth time. Very inspirational stuff!!

RT @EmersonRalphyW: Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an
experience. - Ralph Waldo Emerson. #quote

RT @tom_peters: How many tombstones have you seen with net worth carved carved on them?

Perfection (of products+skills+character) is an ideal. So why pursue it? Because it's the

Adore movies. Matrix+Million Dollar Baby+The Diving Bell and The Butterfly RT @Hirna_G:
@_robin_sharma Robin, are you a movie buff? :)

Excuses hold you back. Action moves you forward. wt u say?

You'll never know how far you can go if you already know how far you can go.

Walk in woods+journal+read bios+review Mission RT @coryhorsley: @_robin_sharma how do

you pick yourself up when you feel discouraged

16 Sep
To Lead Without a Title is to ENcourage the DIScouraged, upLift the torn down and be a
light amidst the darkness.

16 Sep
Innovate even faster RT @sduraitwits: @_robin_sharma what to do if other takes credit for
my original idea?

16 Sep
Quickest way to become an excellent leader? Easy. Become a great person.

16 Sep
Listening to an interview with Google's CEO: "define your company by what it's going to
be vs what it now is."

16 Sep
I'll be in Monterrey in Nov RT @Dinorah_Delgado: @_robin_sharma @mcarvallo And
Monterrey, México too. I love youy books, Robin Sharma!

16 Sep
THX! RT @mcarvallo: Greetings from #Venezuela, your books are an inspiration, I hope you
can include #Venezuela in one of your tours.

If you're not sensing opportunity, you're courting calamity.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, criticize. #LeadWithoutaTitle

LOL ;) RT @pankstein: A life without Robin's book is like facebook without any friends

A life without a Mission is like chocolate cake without the chocolate.

The way you do one thing defines the way you do everything.

Great leaders don’t just own their full potential on the floor or in the field; they
claim their potential in all areas of their life.

It's 5 am. Thinking: this time is the BEST time.

Thanks to the group at Young Presidents Organization. loved being at the event with you
today. Stay Awesome.

Excellence in one area is the beginning of excellence in every area.

One of life's greatest joys is presenting your best work to the world. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Too much pressure's bad. A healthy amount's good. Pushes us to create valuable work. That
changes the world.

Best way to have fearless employees who do genius-level work? You become fearless first.

"I'll try" means "I'm not truly commited." #LWT

:) RT @Pol_Florenza: "the monk who.." has been recommend on Spanish TV for free cause
famous football player from FCBarcelona has read it.

If people don't say you're a little delusional, you're not much of a Visionary. #LWT

RT @SteveCallahan22: "It's impossible to build a tribute to success on a foundation of

excuses." From "The Leader Who Had No Title"
Be the disruptor in your industry--or get disrupted. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Your response to failure determines the height of your success.

Learning to lean fearlessly into the "I don't know" is one of the traits of the strongest
amongst us.

Sometimes, the most disciplined thing we can do is be undisciplined (for a little


No ask, No Get. No begin, No win.

God I love these words: "Thank you so much"...

Most have lists for their groceries. Few have lists for their lives.

Good words for today's focus: Excellence+Honor+Passion+Peace.

Today's your day. Write your script. Good am

Disruption is the Mother of Invention.

Leadership has less to do with the size of your office than the strength of your

Tiny minds get preoccupied with tiny things.

The doing of difficult things is how we grow stronger and bigger.

Excuses are verbal poison.

Just saw a 5 year old being walked to school. He's pure potential. Wondered: "will it be
realized?" #LWT

The greatest scratch you'll ever itch is the realization of your Creative Potential.

Waiting for perfect conditions to do your dreams is a nice way to avoid having to do
anything. #LWT

Picasso didn't wait until he was Picasso to perform like Picasso. #LWT

Your expectations describe your upcoming reality.

The world will become less if you fail to become more. #LWT

Sometimes, too much thinking leads to the death of doing.

Now, we are all wired yet so few of us are actually connected.

To have the results few have, hold yourself to the standards few do. #LWT

worry less about being liked than living their vision.

Today, work at a level few inhabit.

The gift of achievement is not the things you get but the person you Become.

The danger of mediocrity is you kick around in it long enough and it starts to feel

The amateur: "I didn't get it right. I just can't do this." The Pro: "I didn't get it
right. I'll need to practice."

So much of winning lies in beginning. #LeadWithoutaTitle

Consistency is the beginning of Mastery. #LWT

Blog post from a few week's ago that seemed to help a lot of people: "Rules for The

One of my quotes: "The great use of life is to spend it doing something that will
outlast it." William James
this week's blog post: "Powerful Tactics to Lead Without a Title"

There are no extra people on the planet. You matter. Make this day count.

Fearlessness is not something a few are born with. It's something each of us can walk

We want to do so many things we often achieve nothing.

When you lean out to the edges of your talent, your talent s.

Beneath procrastination lives fear.

"Go as far as you can see. When you get there, you'll be able to see farther." Thomas
Carlyle #quotes #LWT

RT @imAlfred7: Say “thank you” when you’re grateful and “sorry” when you’re wrong. (By:
@_robin_sharma) #Quotes

Greatness Guide RT @nolankoen: @_robin_sharma What book is better to read first.

Leadership Wisdom or Greatness Guide?

To do brilliant work, do a lot of work.

The bigger the dream, the more essential the team. #leadwithoutatitle

Has anyone seen the new movie "Tree of Life" with Sean Penn? Thinking of seeing it

Your response to failure determines the height of your success.

Don't listen to it. RT @ChrisNygaard: @_robin_sharma do you have any advice for getting
rid of the doubt that rises certain times.

Every great leader is ridiculously optimistic + acutely realistic.

Creativity without Productivity is Insanity.

Part of the genius of the genius is they don't yet know they are a genius.

The world's best + cheapest personal productivity tool: the word "No".

Leadership's about Creating+Producing+Influencing vs. coasting.

To double your income, triple your rate of learning.

I'm hiking a mountain trail, deep in the woods. Finished the new book today.

Expressing Gratitude when you spot the simple excellence of another will cascade it
through the world. #LWT

The Professional performs her craft with passion and mastery. Her mood doesn't matter.

Let's cut the excuses, destroy the distractions and complete the work that will honor our

Too much entertainment is often an escape from the pain felt from potential unexpressed.

Being of use to my readers RT @Hirna_G: @_robin_sharma Robin, what do u love the most
about being an author ?

Fiction RT @SlavikTkalin: @_robin_sharma Hello Robin, I'm amazed by your books. "the
monk who sold his Ferrari 'story is real or fictitious

ALL work offers the opportunity to serve. So all work delivers the chance to change the

Unlike money, talent grows the more it is used.

When we have arrived at the question, the answer is already near. - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Best way to drown out the sounds of your fears is with the song of your dreams.

Don't plan RT @jesusbrisenog: @_robin_sharma could you explain to your mexican followers
what does Wing It means?

Eating Nando's chicken while working on the new book...

Success comes via the doing vs the saying.

Assumptions destroy more businesses+lives than even excuses do.

Just saw a car w license plate "Wing It". Not if you want a rare-air business...and an
exceptional life.

RT @LeadershipNow: Leadership fails when there is a disconnect with moral responsibility.

RT @DelphiLeaders: If you would attain greatness, think no little thoughts. Unknown

To do brilliant work, do a lot of work.

26 Aug
When you've worked on a creative project and feel it's excellent, dig deeper and raise
it to wow. #whatthemastersdo

Our daily behaviors broadcast our deepest beliefs.

Small daily improvements generate stunning results...over time. #leadwithoutatitle

26 Aug
Been up since 4 am...reviewing final pages of new book's manuscript ("The Secret Letters
of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari")

RT @EmersonRalphyW: A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five

minutes longer - Ralph Waldo Emerson. #quote

Just because people may not appreciate your creativity+excellence+kindness is no reason

not to show it.

"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken." Oscar Wilde

The secret to doing work you love is loving the work you do.

Sometimes, too much thinking leads to the death of doing. #leadwithoutatitle

RT @Billy_Cox: Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre
minds. -A. Einstein
Don't tell me how many Facebook followers you have. Tell me how many lives you inspire.

Let's not be too busy to be human.

Clinging to yesterday's traditions denies tomorrow's rewards.

The job of the Leader is to be acutely helpful vs insanely selfish.

Impact's richer than income RT@tom_peters: @_robin_sharma Those who do "win" in terms of
community contribution irregardless of bank balance

Listening to "Waiting for the End" by Linkin Park.

Listening to @charlierose's interview of Warren Buffett that I got from iTunes a few
years ago. Extremely valuable.

Reverse engineer your life. Reflect on how will have wished you have lived at 80 and
start now.

Pro or amateur. Beginner or expert. Dabbler or Master. What will you be? #LWT

Society pulls you towards mediocrity. The best you longs for Mastery. Win this war.

Wasting time is unfair to the world (we NEED you to #LWT+express your best+be a light).

Most people give the best hours of their lives to their televisions.

The scared use "Fate" as an excuse to avoid personal responsibility for the results of
their own actions.

RT @Mitchonthemark:Eat to win.Lots of people are digging their graves w/ their mouths.

From @_robin_sharma 's Lead Without a Title Manifesto

"The smallest of actions is better than the noblest of intentions." From "Who Will Cry
When You Die?"
RT @unmarketing: #DontBeThatGuy The one that wears a Bluetooth ear piece. All the time.
Eating. Walking.

Can is cooler than can't.

Exactly RT @TwistedRoss: You were right, when you're pushing forward everyday, critics
appear out of nowhere. Got to keep moving forward :)

You only grow old when you start discounting your dreams.

A Formula For Success: A vision that moves you + Constant innovation + Daily action.

Streetsweeper. Nation-builder. Both jobs matter. Because both can make the world better.

One of the "secrets" of doing genius-level work is doing a lot of work.

Life's so short, really. Why play small?

Beneath greed lies fear (of scarcity/not having enough=not being enough)

The mantra of the best leaders: "how may I best help the most people?"

You can make excuses. Or you can be exceptional. But you can't do both.

Every Master was once a beginner.

The fears you don't face become your limits.

The character you develop today determines the life you'll enjoy tomorrow. #LWT

Every single one of us has the power to make some difference. So every single one of us
can change the world.

EnCourage vs DisCourage. UPlift vs tear down. Champion the genius in others. EVERYone has
something they are good at.

Watching the movie Freedom Writers. Saw it first yrs ago. Deeply inspiring. Pls watch
"Daily ripples of superior performance add up over time to a tidal wave of outrageous
success" - @_robin_sharma #LWT

Give more than expected. Care more than is necessary. Help more than is common.

Most of the things we are afraid will happen never do

Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end.

Luck is the inevitable residue of excellent action. #leadwithoutatitle

We all have the potential to Lead Without Title & achieve great things that elevate
everyone around us by our model of possibility. #LWT

The value of travel is not just the travel but what the travel makes of you.

RT @FastSelfHelp: "In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to

performing daily acts of trivia." ~ Anonymous

RT @stephan_kaiser: "You know you’re doing genius-level work when people start to dislike
you" by @_robin_sharma

The Leader's job is to provide confidence to the scared and certainty to the confused.

We reveal the strength of our character through the quality of our work.

"Potential unexpressed turns to pain." (From The Leader Who Had No Title)

Creativity+Bravery Generates Mastery.

Smart leaders understand the power of publicly praising excellence in action. So do it

This day is your life in miniature. Make it exceptional.

You can measure how big you are by how big you make others feel. Good morning from

Grateful RT @sarvs: what do you feel thinking back to how far you've come; from printing
copies at kinkos and your 1st seminar?

Beating fear+achieving your dreams+living with Authenticity+ making your life matter RT
@BusinessMogulWL: What is your book about?

The person who most irritates you is the person who has the most to teach you.

In your work, be legendary. In your life, make history.

You can tell how much you're innovating and progressing by looking at how much you're
stumbling and failing.(More stumbles show more growth)

RT @PeakePoetics: "A man doesn't have time in his life to have time for everything." -
Yehuda Amichai

Up early to watch the Roman sun rise and write all morning. Flying to Heathrow in the
morning. Have an exceptional day.

Strengthening your "inner assets" (creativity, energy, optimism, resilience etc) is not
a once a month event but needs to become a part of your daily lifestyle if you want 2012
to rock your world.

Some suggested goals to make 2012 your absolute best year yet: #1. Get Up at 5 am daily
#2. Invest in your personal development #3. Stop speaking like a victim #4. Do more than
you are paid to do #5. Be world-class around the details

"The most important gift we can give ourselves is the commitment to living our authentic
lives." from p. 220 of "The Secret Letters of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"

My wish for you this day: the passion of a child + the excellence of an Olympian + the
wisdom of an elder.

A brave vision without ferocious confidence is fairly valueless.

I'd rather be bold and lose than settle and win.

It's now 5 am where i live. I'll run + hydrate + listen to an audiobook. Why? Because
starting the day at our best sets us up to performing our day at our peak.
No great work or art, excellent career or exceptional life was created by good
intentions alone.

"What holds us back in life is the invisible architecture of fear. It keeps us in our
comfort zones--which are, in truth--the least safe places to be." from p. 68 of "The
Secret Letters of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"

c'mon my friends--do something today that you've been putting off doing because you're
too scared to do it. Tomorrow will then be the first day of a better life. Yes i'm
challenging you (with my usual respect) to step up your game...will you?

"To become a great leader, first become a great person." from "The Leader Who Had No

Good 2012 Goal: Sell your tv. And build a library.

The person who chases distractions is the person who is frightened of results.

There is no such thing as an unimportant day.

Being a superstar is not the domain of the gifted but of the prepared.

The more you stop giving power to your excuses, the more you'll send power to your

Remember: greatness comes from living for a cause larger than you. And leaving our
world better than you found it.

The value of your darkest hour is the opportunity to befriend your greatest gifts.

I challenge you with my usual respect and affection, to raise your standards. Don’t
tolerate any form of average. Don’t accept Dis-excellence. Don’t stand for mediocre. If
you’re going to settle, then please settle for the absolute best.

Vague goals for your future promise vague results in your future.

Self-doubt transforms into self-respect via the consistent doing of the work that scares

Too many high-potential lives have been destroyed by an addiction called Excuses

The Safe Harbour of the Known isn't safe. Innovation requires risk. Some of your ideas
will not work in the market. See that for the research it is and keep innovating. Staying
still is a recipe for disaster.

Study for an hour a day. Double your learning and you’ll triple your success.

Positive thinking is of zero value without positive doing.

Playing small with your potential is unfair to the world.

Listening to Linkin Park in Rome...

Leadership's pretty much about the courageous pursuit of the dreams that scare you.

5 Aug
RT @PhyllisOlive: "if you're not chasing excellence, mediocrity is already on it's way
to get you" from @_robin_sharma Lead Without A Title.

Lunchtime in Rome. Thinking: "we never work at a level higher than our self-worth."#LWT

I'll rest when I'm dead RT @shivsinghDESH: @_robin_sharma Take rest sir.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach RT @chirpyronny: @_robin_sharma Wic is ur

fav book u'l like 2 read n numbr of times?

Black with a little soy milk + brown sugar. RT @robinbauer: @_robin_sharma just curious,
what's your favourite coffee drink?

Remarkable Entrepreneurs get that the secret to getting is asking.

Your unfaced fears become your limits. #leadwithoutatitle

The thing about excuses is that if you recite them enough, you get to own them for life.

Every moment in front of another human being is the opportunity to express your
values...and what your life stands for.

Let us stand for Mastery vs. Mediocrity, Execution vs. Excuses and EnCouragement vs.
Tearing People Down.

Practice+Preparation are more valuable than Intelligence+Talent.

Anyone can be exceptional when things are going your way. The real test is how wow are
you when it all falls apart.

You were built to Impact the world in your own unique way. To deny that Call on Your Life
is to betray your best self.

Good Fortune is much less about luck than Practice, Passion and Perserverance.
Creativity without Productivity is Insanity. #leadwithoutatitle

An addiction to distraction is the death of creative production.

A key competitive advantage is having an extraordinary attention span in a world where

too many are too distracted.

Building a business is no different than creating a masterpiece on a different type of


So much of winning lives in beginning. So think big but start small. And now.

The larger the dream the more important your team. #leadwithoutatitle

A great team of spirited people can achieve extraordinary results. Now is a fine time to
build that team.

Man next to me on the airplane: "better to take pictures from the inside" (vs use a
camera). Genius.

Leadership's about 3 simple things: growing more leaders+being UberInspirational+having

an Impact. #leadwithoutatitle

The closer you get to achieving your Masterpiece (great work/the book/the symphony), the
louder your inner critic begins to scream.Fight it!

The main reason we procrastinate? We're scared of Being Awesome. #leadwithoutatitle

Every moment carries with it the opportunity to make a change. #LWT

Beneath your procrastination lies your fear.

Genius is not the result of a Divine Blessing. It's the result of Human Practice.

If your greatest resource is your people then your biggest investment should be in your
people. Developing, growing & training them.

Fears unfaced become your chains.

The value of setting massive goals for your business+life is not in the goals but in who
you must grow into to achieve them.

Excuses are nothing more than the lies your fears have sold you.

40 days straight RT @PacoLicea: @_robin_sharma What's your strategy for incorporating a

new positive habit into your everyday life?

All work is a platform to express creative potential, offer value and make a unique

How to get to world-class? Daily & continuous micro-improvements. Steady and consistent
elevations in the way you work, lead & live.

You can't have an extraordinary company with ordinary people. #LWT

The job of the leader is to leave a trail of more leaders.

Your excuses are nothing more than the lies your fears have sold you.

The true measure of your bigness lies in your impact on the next generation.

Leadership's less about income than impact. More about passion than position.

Big minds are occupied with big ideas vs small concerns.

oncerned with the next day. Leaders are concerned with the next generation.

Procrastination is the fear response of people scared to do their dreams.

An addiction to distraction is the death of creative production.

What makes Genius is the ability to stay interested in a project years after it first
became interesting.

The purpose of work is to help people. The other rewards are inevitable by-products of
this singular focus.
If being emotionally intelligent is such a soft concept, why's it so hard for so many

You can tell how big you are by how invested you are in making others feel big. #LWT

Being productive allows you to leverage your life to be of use.

The secret to Genius-Level Performance isn't good genes but relentless practice.

We want what the top 1% have but so few of us are willing to do what the top 1% do.

No ask=no get. #leadwithoutatitle

You can't win what you don't begin. #leadwithoutatitle

Professional success is ALWAYS a reflection of personal development.

Sometimes we just need to say no...respectfully.

To have the success that only 1% of the population has, we must do what only 1% of the
population does. #leadwithoutatitle

Trust takes years to earn but seconds to lose. #leadwithoutatitle

Those not interesting in changing the world should move out of the way for those that
will. #leadwithoutatitle

I focused more on Impact vs. income RT @blue_valley37: @_robin_sharma How did you excel
so much in your career, sir?

Petty worries are the domain on tiny minds. Lofty ideas are the realm of exceptional

VictimSpeak: "looks like we have a big problem." LeaderTalk: "Seems like there's a giant

Be strong to be helpful. Be strong to be free. #MovNat

You can make excuses or you can make things better. But you can't do both.

Leadership’s mostly about 3 things: Impact+Influence+Inspiration

Exceptional producers don't spend their highest value hours on their lowest level things.

The goal of a goal is the progress it provokes, not the goal.

A mind consumed by little worries has no room for big dreams.

Anyone can be exceptional when all's going well. Show us how you play when it's all
falling apart.

Pretty good's not very good.

People love doing business with people who love doing business.

To show leadership is to deliver results. It's that simple. Not easy. But simple. #LWT

Now's your time. Today's your day.

People are really nice to people who are really nice.

Love this quote: "The need for approval is a terrible affliction.

"I never lose when I trust myself." Ji Lee #quotes

"The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatvely an
exception" Nietzsche

Ski+sail+eat ;) RT @cayadona: @_robin_sharma Relaxing and having fun can be inspiring..

what do you do for fun Robin?
This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. -
Ralph Waldo Emerson. #quote

You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late. -
Ralph Waldo Emerson. #quote

RT @EmersonRalphyW: Many times the reading of a book has made the future of a man. -
Ralph Waldo Emerson. #quote

(Free your mind+creativity+leadership+passion)

Part 2: oh, and when you "scared smile" or "I'm too cool to smile smile".
Smile like you mean it. Or don't smile at all...:)

A stunningly forgotten way to have your customers (+teammates+family) fall in love w

you? Be Ridiculously Friendly today

don't overthink it. Just you're life depends on it. Because it does.

Going for my workout. Not because I want the exercise. But because I need the results:
the energy+endorphins+fitness.

My 2 new words: "iteration" + "optimization". Great companies are built via NanoWins
vs. 1 Giant Win

Think big but start small.

A lot of winning is about beginning.

“I don’t fear the man who practiced 10,000 kicks one time. I fear the man who has
practiced one kick 10,000 times” – Bruce Lee

Conversation enriches the understanding; but solitude is the school of genius. - Ralph
Waldo Emerson.

"My father said if I hit 2500 balls each day I'll hit 17,500 balls each week." Tennis
icon Andre Agassi

I'll shift from the leadership and business-growth stuff and simply remind u that "you're
built to be awesome". Pls show it to us. Now.
"I'll try" is shorthand for "I'm not commited". #LWT

Execution without inspiration destroys innovation.

Why have Facebook friends without any real friends? Why have digital connections but few
human ones?

Let's not confuse pleasure with happiness and income with Impact.

Ive learned that making a living is not the same thing as making a life. Maya Angelou

Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy. Guilaume

"No person was ever wise by chance." - Seneca

Every high acheiver has a low tolerance for mediocrity. #peakperformance

One of the main jobs of a leader is to create an environment where others can express
genius. #leadwithoutatitle

Mediocre leaders say "I did it". Avg leaders say "we did it". The best leaders say "they
did it". #leadwithoutatitle

Do what you most fear

I work in "time blocks". Often, zero technology during those blocks. So I get my best
work done.

One of the best ways to boost productivity: reserve your best hours for your best work
(vs email!). #Productivity

Every morning, we're given 24 hours of fresh life. What will you do with this gift? #LWT

You can't take the people around you to a place you've never been. So the job of a leader
begins within.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started

Sometimes the path is better than the end...

"Business is not about wearing suits. It's about being true to yourself and focusing on
the essentials." Richard Branson

Great performers are preparing and practicing for a winning day while everyone else is
still asleep

Vacation is the key to ideation

Today could be the beginning of a whole new way to lead-and live. Make the choice. Start
small. Dream big.

Doing what you've been resisting is how you become even better

"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." -Warren G. Bennis

"Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there." -Josh Billings

"Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are." -Malcolm

"Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we shall find the way." -
Abraham Lincoln

"Constant effort and frequent mistakes are the stepping stones to genius." -Elbert

Victims make excuses. Leaders drive results.

"If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth
is very powerful." -Jeff Bezos

"I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity." -John D. Rockefeller

"Your chances of success are directly proportional to the degree of pleasure you derive
from what you do." -Michael Korda

Making others feel really good about themselves begins with feeling really good about

"Actions are seeds of fate. Seeds grow into destiny." -Harry Truman

How can you cross new bridges if you're not willing to burn old ones?

Seemingly obvious yet every so "un-practiced" advice from fashion celeb Andre Leon
Talley: "Never give up your dream."
@FrancisAdams14 we all have fears to face and mountains to climb, don't we?

View your work as a craft and your life as an art

"I have a lot of things to prove to myself. One is that I can live my life fearlessly."
-Oprah Winfrey

"If you're interested in balancing work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them.
Instead make your work more pleasurable."-Donald Trump

"I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took an excuse."

If you try to be all things to everyone you'll end up nothing to anyone

"You must do the thing you think you cannot do." -Eleanor Roosevelt

There is no passion to be found in playing small - in settling for a life that is less
than what you are capable of living. –Nelson Mandela

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant." -Robert Louis

I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed. -Michael

Your reputation should be your most respected asset. Build it with care and manage it
with devotion.

"I want to put a ding in the universe." -Steve Jobs

"Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body." -Seneca

No great person survived without great dreams.

"Congratulate yourself if you have done something strange, extravagant and broken the
monotony." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts for you will never go any higher than you think."
-Benjamin Disraeli

success is a dangerous place to be. why? because there it becomes easy to stop doing the
very things that got you there

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." -Benjamin Franklin

"My heroes are the ones who survived doing it wrong, who made mistakes, but recovered
from them." -Bono

"You can't be a've got to go to school," Jackie Collins was advised by

"pundits". She wrote. And sold 400,000,000 copies.

shedding any addiction to excuse-making is the first step to legacy-building...and

breaking out into leadership

The longer you tolerate any form of mediocrity, the more it becomes acceptable to you

"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." -Epictetus

"To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first." -Shakespeare

"Discontent is the first necessity of progress." -Thomas Edison

"Success is sweet: the sweeter if long delayed and attained through manifold struggles
and defeats." A. Branson Alcott

“Your premium brand had better be delivering something special, or it's not going to get
the business.” -Warren Buffett
"The greatest pleasure in life is in doing what people say you cannot do". -Walther

"Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes." -

Peter Drucker

"Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom." -Euripides

"It's not what we profess but what we practice that gives us integrity." -Francis Bacon

There are no ordinary people. Just people choosing to play at ordinary.

Also thinking "if you drive a taxi, be the Mozart of taxi driving so you become ICONIC
in your field."

Sunny Spring day in my hometown. Thinking "few things feel as good as getting great
things done"

"Great works are performed, not by strength, but perseverance" -Samuel Johnson

"Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve" -Napoleon Hill

"My father was the best person i've ever known." Warren Buffett

"There is no 'try'. there is only do and not to do." paraphrase of leadership guru Yoda

@zakidaud i wouldn't invest too much time and energy in the 'chattering voices of
critics'. just do your dreams

@tom_peters 2 types of power my friend. the power of a title...and the power of a lead without one

Life's just too short to play small. LWT (Lead Without a Title!)

Real leaders elegantly balance being fiercely courageous with being deeply compassionate

People who need to tell everyone how great they are don't know how great they truly are

"The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph" -Thomas Paine

"You need to overcome the tug of people against you as you reach for high goals." -
George Patton

"Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you." -
Aldous Huxley

"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to
miss the future." -John F. Kennedy

"Leadership is having a point of view." -Roger Enrico

One of the best leadership moves I've ever made? Learning the value of getting up at 5
am. Changes the Game.

You don't own the things that you fear you can't live without. They own you.

"To be prepared is half the victory." -Miguel de Cervantes

"Failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently." -Henry Ford

@ultimate_life find a cause larger than oneself and then donate yourself to it

"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." -Ralph Waldo


"The guys that improve every year are those that are always adding something to their
game." NBA star Steve Nash

Watching an interview with NBA star Steve Nash: "I practiced my butt off every day".
Success isn't "lucky". Success is BUILT!

"A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the
power and energy to get it done." –Ralph Nader

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we
fall." -Nelson Mandela

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for
existing." -Albert Einstein

"I would rather lose in a cause that will some day win, than win in a cause that will
some day lose!" -Woodrow Wilson

"Spotting talent is one of the essential elements of great leadership." -David McCullough

"It's hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse." -Adlai

"Disintegration of the old must happen before there can be integration of the new." From
"The Leader Who Had No Title"

you're faced with a choice today: play the victim or become a virtuoso

"There are two ways of meeting difficulties; you alter the difficulties or you alter
yourself to meet them." -Phyllis Bottome

"Watch, listen, and learn. You can't know it all yourself.. anyone who thinks they do is
destined for mediocrity." -Donald Trump

The real secret of the best leaders? Value generation vs. Ego gratification.

Your title/net worth/position doesn't matter! Anyone can show leadership-and influence by
a brilliant example

"If one is lucky, a solitary fantasty can transform one million realities." Maya Angelou

"The winner is the chef who takes the same ingredients as everyone else and produces the
best results." -Edward de Bono

"The successful person makes a habit of doing what the failing person doesn't like to
do." -Thomas Edison

often "I Can't" is just a defense mechanism is just a lie we've sold ourselves to avoid
getting hurt

some of the best investment advice i've ever heard: read excellent books (massive
ROI)/brilliant investment of your time

"Try to learn something about everything and everything about something." -Thomas Huxley

"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." -John F. Kennedy

One of the simplest of all human phenomema: take good care of others and they'll take
good care of you

@dralain exactly. "He who serves the best profits the most" Ted Turner

"Leadership should be born out of the understanding of the needs of those who would be
affected by it." -Marian Anderson

"Sometimes leadership is planting trees under whose shade you'll never sit." -Jennifer

"Character is the foundation of all worthwhile success." -John Hays Hammond

"All things are difficult before they are easy." -Thomas Fuller

"The only justification for ever looking down on someone is to lift them up." -Jesse

"It is in changing that things find purpose." -Heraclitus

"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and help them become what they are
capable of being." -Goethe

"If you're doing something a certain way because it's always been done that way, then
you're probably doing it wrong." –Colin Baden

"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." -
Michael Jordan

That Emerson quote I just tweeted is one of the most important quotes I'll ever share. Go
deep into it, and all it's layers

"The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the
independence of solitude." Emerson

@RazaLucknow my goal is to inspire/develop/en-COURAGE more leaders, not get more


"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity
in every difficulty." -Winston Churchill

"When you are through changing, you are through." -Bruce Barton

"I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not
more followers." -Ralph Nader

"Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes... but no plans." -Peter

My #1 dream in my life? people awaken their "inner leader" so they can Lead
Without a Title (LWAT). The other/ego stuff bores me

"I don't look to jump over 7-foot bars: I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step
over." -Warren Buffett

Life is a beautiful journey. Do not be so busy rushing to the mountaintop that you miss
out on the glorious views along the way.

Leadership is about closing the gap between where you now are and where you've always
dreamed of being

Take care of people and they'll take care of you (common sense yet not common practice)

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Learn from it...
tomorrow is a new day." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your fears are nothing more than your growth coming to get you.

"Good people are good because they've come to wisdom through failure." -William Saroyan

RT @FastSelfHelp: "The worst prison would be a closed heart." - Pope John Paul II

Lots of us know how to work hard. Few know how to play hard. Learn to "deeply detach" so
you come back to work even stronger/fresher

"When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that is in itself a choice." -William

Elite performers consistently work towards physical mastery. When you feel good, you can
do good.
The danger of success is that it becomes easy to fall in love with the winning formula
that made you successful-so you stop innovating.

"True grit is making a decision and standing by it, doing what must be done." -John Wayne

"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." -Francis Bacon

Latest science: Genius isn't the domain of "the gifted few". We all can be Everyday
Mozarts. Genes DO NOT pre-destin your fate.

Be the Warren Buffett of Bookkeeping or the Picasso of IT or the Mick Jagger of the
Mailroom. LWAT!

People who feel good about the work they do, do great work.

"You can't build a reputation on what you're going to do." -Henry Ford

Life is short and the time to walk out into the world and be your highest self is now.

"If everyone was satisfied with themselves, there would be no heroes." Mark Twain

Great leaders are great dreamers.

"You have to be willing to make a fool of yourself to make art." Bono

"A determined person doesn't find it hard to succeed; they find it hard to stop trying."
-Allen Steble

"For every disadvantage there is a corresponding advantage." -W. Clement Stone

Self investment is where a life of personal and professional mastery all begins. Success
on the outside begins with success on the inside.

"The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small anymore. It will be the fast
beating the slow." -Rupert Murdoch

RT @WarrenBuffetquo: I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity. John D.


RT @zappos: "World peace begins with inner peace." -Dalai Lama

The most effective performers in business know that an essential part of their job is to
elevating the people around them.

"A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd." -James Crooks

One of the most simple yet simply profound lines from Warren Buffett: "I stick with
things." that's a lot deeper an insight than it appears

It's the negative feedback that we don't hear that most limits us.

Interesting how we see more of what we most wish to learn about. And how life sends us
what we most seek out

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." -Theodore Roosevelt

The words you use are gateways into your best life.

"Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory." -George Patton

The secret of passion? A breathtaking mission.

The more you read in your life, the more you will lead in your life.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -
Winston Churchill
"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." -Harry

"The man who dies rich dies disgraced." Andrew Carnegie, one of the richest men of the

"Complacency is the enemy of victory" (from the forthcoming "The Leader Who Had No

One of the greatest enemies of peak performance? Distractions.

"The smallest of actions is better than the noblest of intentions" (from "Who Will Cry
When You Die?")

To dis-honor your commitments is to dishonor yourself

Personal greatness is your birthright. You will find it on the other side of your

"A stumbling block to the pessimist is a stepping stone to the optimist." -Eleanor

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison

"To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you're not, pretend you
are." -Muhammad Ali

"Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration and
inspiration." -Evan Esar

NSI. Never stop improving. Please remember that nothing fails like success. And the top
of one mountain reveals other peaks to scale.

The first step to change is taking the first step

"Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying." -W. Clement Stone

Don't run away from your fears. Run towards your fears. An extraordinary life will

"High expectations are the key to everything." -Sam Walton

"The difference in winning and losing is most often... not quitting." -Walt Disney

Those who criticize and ridicule you can serve to strengthen and ignite you. Bless your

There can be no deep innovation without an initial period of deep disruption (applies to
us as people too). Your thoughts?

Leadership isn't a popularity contest

To live greatly, you must risk greatly. If you only take small risks, you are only
entitled to a small life.

The person who experiences the most wins.

"The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm. The boss says 'I'; The leader
says 'We'." -H. Gordon Selfridge

The best way to influence another human being is by example.

The best way to summit your outer mountains is to conquer your inner ones first

"The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender." -Vince Lombardi

The true value of life lives not in the achieving but in the becoming
Good Q to ask: "who do I choose to become today?"

RT @FastSelfHelp: "Persistence of the champions comes after surrender to purpose." -

George Zalucki

"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going." -Earl Nightingale

The better your awareness, the better your choices. As you make better choices, you will
see better results.

It's not that we can't have most of all we want. It's just that we don't want it bad enough
to do what it takes to have it

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." - Leo

Leadership isn't so much about position as it's about passion-and the obsessive pursuit of

Life is a mirror. Your outer struggles reflect your inner ones.

Each day when you go to work, you get a choice: play the victim...or be a virtuoso

"Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a

success." -Joyce Brothers

Without a passion for discipline, the most beautiful of dreams have zero value

Warren Buffett said his primary success tactic was focus. At the meeting Bill Gates
agreed that that too was his best move.Don't discount.

The secret of world-class innovation? Incremental and daily iteration. (I explain this
winning formula in "The Leader Who Had No Title")

The only competition worth focusing on is against what you were yesterday

"An idea is a point of departure and no more. As soon as you elaborate it, it becomes
transformed by thought." –Picasso

The place where your greatest fears live is also the place where your greatest growth

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” -Steve Jobs

"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success." -

Napoleon Hill

Be the master of your will but the servant of your conscience.

"The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves." -Ray

"Failure is success if we learn from it." -Malcolm Forbes

"You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky

"It is useless to desire more time if you are already wasting what little you have." -
James Allen

The person who strives to do everything accomplishes nothing.

"Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things." -Peter

Brave leadership involves the attraction of ridicule. Why? Because you see a future that
no one else can see

"Having a goal in your mind helps you manifest it in some way." Steve Nash, NBA

Hardening of the attitudes is more deadly than hardening of the arteries

"when you go to your limits, your limits will expand." from the forthcoming "The Leader
Who Had No Title"

"No life is so hard that one can't make it easier by the way you take it." -Ellen Glasgow

"A friend of mine characterizes leaders simply like this: Leaders don't inflict pain.
They bear pain." -Max DePree

a commitment to excellence without a devotion to ethics is a waste of time

i was listening to Charlie Rose interview Warren Buffett: "I spend 95% of my day
reading" he said. we all can learn from that line

"A successful man is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks that others
throw at him." -David Brinkley

i LOVe this quote: "Life happened because i turned the pages." Alberto Manguel

to innovate and create something better, you must first leave the safety of your old ways
of thinking and being

the things that dis-courage you are the very things that can serve to build greater

Creativity is all about seeing what everybody else is seeing and thinking what nobody
else is thinking.

"We first make our habits, and then our habits make us." -John Dryden

No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined.

"The valuable person in any business is the individual who can and will cooperate with
others." -Elber Hubbard

You are not just paid to work. You are paid to be uncomfortable – and to pursue projects
that scare you.

Take care of your relationships and the money will take care of itself.

Lead you first. You can’t help others reach for their highest potential until you’re in
the process of reaching for yours.

To double your income, triple your rate of learning.

While victims condemn change, leaders grow inspired by change.

Small daily improvements over time create stunning results.

Surround yourself with people courageous enough to speak truthfully about what’s best for
your organization and the customers you serve.

Don’t fall in love with your press releases.

Every moment in front of a customer is a moment of truth (to either show you live by the
values you profess – or you don’t).

Copying what your competition is doing just leads to being second best.

Become obsessed with the user experience such that every touchpoint of doing business
with you leaves people speechless. No, breathless.

If you’re in business, you’re in show business. The moment you get to work, you’re on
stage. Give us the performance of your life.

Be a Master of Your Craft. And practice + practice + practice.

Remember that what makes a great business – in part – are the seemingly insignificant
details. Obsess over them.

Good enough just isn’t good enough.

Brilliant things happen when you go the extra mile for every single customer.

An addiction to distraction is the death of creative production. Enough said.

If you’re not failing regularly, you’re definitely not making much progress.

Lift your teammates up versus tear your teammates down. Anyone can be a critic. What
takes guts is to see the best in people.

Remember that a critic is a dreamer gone scared.

Leadership’s no longer about position. Now, it’s about passion. And having an impact
through the genius-level work that you do.

The bigger the dream, the more important the team.

If you’re not thinking for yourself, you’re following – not leading.

Work hard. But build an exceptional family life. What’s the point of reaching the
mountaintop but getting there alone.

The job of the leader is to develop more leaders.

The antidote to deep change is daily learning. Investing in your professional and
personal development is the smartest investment you can make. Period.

Smile. It makes a difference.

Say “please” and “thank you”. It makes a difference.

Shift from doing mindless toil to doing valuable work.

Remember that a job is only just a job if all you see it as is a job.

Don’t do your best work for the applause it generates but for the personal pride it

The only standard worth reaching for is BIW (Best in World).

In the new world of business, everyone works in Human Resources.

In the new world of business, everyone’s part of the leadership team.

Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.

You become your excuses.

You’ll get your game-changing ideas away from the office versus in the middle of work.
Make time for solitude. Creativity needs the space to present itself.

The people who gossip about others when they are not around are the people who will
gossip about you when you’re not around.

It could take you 30 years to build a great reputation and 30 seconds of bad judgment to
lose it.

The client is always watching.

The way you do one thing defines the way you’ll do everything. Every act matters.
To be radically optimistic isn’t soft. It’s hard. Crankiness is easy.

People want to be inspired to pursue a vision. It’s your job to give it to them.

Every visionary was initially called crazy.

The purpose of work is to help people. The other rewards are inevitable by-products of
this singular focus.

Remember that the things that get scheduled are the things that get done.

Keep promises and be impeccable with your word. People buy more than just your products
and services. They invest in your credibility.

Lead Without a Title.

"The quality of success you will experience in your life ultimately depends upon the
tiny choices you make every minute of every hour of every day."

You Can’t Lead In Fear

Fear ruins more bright lives than you might imagine. Each of us, by virtue of our very
human nature, has the potential to Lead Without Title and achieve great things that
elevate everyone around us by our model of possibility. But the chattering voice of fear
in our heads stops us from playing big.
A little while back I had the chance to spend 3 weeks in New Zealand. And just before I
returned home, I had the opportunity to go heli-skiing. Yes, this is where a helicopter
drops you off at the top of a mountain, and you ski down.
The experience was challenging, exhilarating and full of rich lessons for growth. Here
are some of them, that we can apply to business and life:
1. You Don’t Grow In Normal
All I mean by this is that if you stay within your comfort zone, you don’t grow. But if
you instead stretch and face fear head on by going to your limits, you’ll discover your
limits will grow.
2. You Don’t Know Until You Try
It would have been easy to refuse the chance to heli-ski. I could have made a thousand
excuses. But Leaders Without a Title recognize good opportunities. So I seized it. And
because I tried heli-skiing, I not only grew as a skier, I added another experience to
my life that will shape all I do.
3. On the Other Side of Your Fears You’ll Find Your Confidence
By doing what we’re afraid to do because it’s beyond our comfort zone, we grow in
confidence. The increased confidence I have as a skier because I skied a new peak will
translate to increased confidence as an entrepreneur and as a human being.
4. Life’s Short So Get In The Game
A rich life is one made up of many rich adventures. Don’t miss out on enjoying as many
as you can.
Keep Leading Without A Title.

A New Year’s Gift from Robin Sharma


1. Remember that leadership isn’t about your position. It’s about your influence.
2. Get fit like a pro athlete.
3. Lift people up versus tearing people down.
4. Protect your good name. An impeccable reputation takes a lifetime to build. And 60
seconds to lose.
5. Surround yourself with positive, ethical people who are committed to excellence.
6. Remember that even a 1% daily innovation rate amounts to at least a 100% rate of
innovation in 100 days.
7. Believe in your dreams (even when others laugh at them).
8. Measure your success, not by your net worth but by your self worth (and how happy you
9. Take an intelligent risk every 24 hours. No try-No Win.
10. Read “Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist“.
11. Watch “Man on Wire“.
12. Regardless of your title at work, be a team builder.
13. Remember that business is all about relationships and human connections.
14. Say “please” more.
15. Say “thank you” more.
16. Know your Big 5: the five things that need to happen by the end of this year for you
to feel its been your best year yet.
17. Read your Big 5 every morning while the rest of the world is asleep.
18. Read “As You Think“. At least twice this year.
19. Be willing to fail. It’s the price of greatness.
20. Focus less on making money and more on creating value.
21. Spend less, save more.
22. Leave everything you touch better than you found it.
23. Be the most positive person in every room you’re in.
24. Run your own race.
24. Stay true to your deepest values and best ideals.
25. Write a handwritten thank you note to a customer/friend/loved one every day.
26. When you travel, send love letters to your kids on hotel stationery. In time, they’ll
have a rich collection to remember your travels by.
27. Read “Atlas Shrugged“.
28. Be a problem solver versus a trouble maker.
29. Rather than doing many things at mediocrity do just a few things-but at mastery.
30. Honor your parents.
31. Commit to doing great work-whether anyone notices it or not. It’s one of life’s best
sources of happiness.
32. Give more than you receive (another of the truths of happiness).
33. Have your 1/3/5/10/25 years goals recorded on paper and review them weekly.
34. Be patient. Slow and steady wins the race. The only reason businesses that went from
zero to a billion in a year or two get featured in magazines is because 99% of
businesses require a lot more time to win.
34. Underpromise and then overdeliver.
35. See part of your job as “a developer of people” (whether you work in the boardroom
or the mailroom).
36. Wear your heart on your sleeve. When people see you’re real, they’ll fall in love
with you.
37. Be authentic versus plastic.
38. Read “The Alchemist“.
39. Remember that life wants you to win. So get out of your own way.
40. Consider that behind every fear lives your next level of growth (and power).
41. Eat less food.
42. Drink more water.
43. Rest when you need to.
44. Read “SUCCESS” magazine.
45. Write your eulogy and them live your life backwards.
46. Demand the best from yourself.
47. Remember that the more you go to your limits, the more your limits will .
48. See everything that happens to you as an opportunity to grow (and therefore, as a
precious gift).
49. Be obsessed with learning and self-development.
50. Become comfortable alone (you are the only person you get to be with your whole
51. Smile. It’s a stunningly effective way to win in business and life.
52. Reflect on the shortness of life.
53. Be bold when it comes to your dreams but gentle with those you love.
54. Remember that success is dangerous because it can kill drive/innovation/passion and
going the extra mile. Be successful yet stay hungry.
55. Read “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin“.
56. Be of deep value to this world.
57. Own beautiful things but don’t let them own you.
58. Use excellent words.
59. Laugh more.
60. Don’t complain, gossip or be negative.
61. Plan as if you’ll live forever but live as if you’ll die tomorrow.
62. Feel free to pass these lessons on to those you want to help.
11 Obsessions of Remarkable Entrepreneurs

Recently I delivered a three-hour presentation for the Entrepreneurs’ Organization in

Vancouver. I was really delighted to share my ideas on what it takes to be a world-class
entrepreneur. The productivity habits of best entrepreneurs, and ultimately how you build
a fast growth company while actually cultivating a better lifestyle. A lifestyle where
you have more fun and more balance.
And I wanted to share the 11 Obsessions of Remarkable Entrepreneurs with you. Because I
shared a lot of the ideas with them and I wanted to offer them to you so you can
multiply your profits, build a truly great small company while creating a truly
exceptional lifestyle.
The 11 Obsessions of Remarkable Entrepreneurs
1. Remarkable Entrepreneurs understand the quality of the practice determines the caliber
of the performance
The Pro Athlete Protocol: Prepare Yourself Mentally, Physically + Emotionally
2. Bureaucrats talk about people and problems, Remarkable Entrepreneurs talk about
possibilities and solutions
Focus on results and get things done. Continually ask yourself, “What’s the opportunity
here? How can we leverage this situation.” Focus on possibilities. Results. Results.
3. Remarkable Entrepreneurs understand they are paid not just to work, but they are paid
to be scared
The best entrepreneurs play out on the edges and take calculated risks. Challenge the way
you performed yesterday. Take calculated risks.
4. To have what only 1% of the entrepreneurial population have, you must be willing to
do what only 1% of the entrepreneurial population are willing to do
The best entrepreneurs do what’s difficult, what causes them to stretch and what requires
commitment. Be committed. Be willing to do what the few do. Develop the leaders around
you. Go into silence. Work on your customer experience. Have acute clarity on your 90
day goals. Work on your goals. Build relationships and trust. Persist.
5. Bureaucrats are threatened by change, Remarkable Entrepreneurs are inspired by change
The best entrepreneurs understand that a change is required to get to the next level of
profits, success and fulfillment. Go through the confusion to get to the clarity.
6. Bureaucrats have jobs, Remarkable Entrepreneurs have crafts
Develop your talents and make a dent in the universe. Do something you are proud of.
Elicit the best within you. The best entrepreneurs aren’t in it for the money, they’re in
it for the pride they feel on creating world-class products and doing genius-level work.
7. Remarkable Entrepreneurs understand that an addiction to distraction is the death of
creative production
The best entrepreneurs understand the key in business is to shift out of complexity +
busy-ness to simplicity + focus. Focus on the few high leverage activities that will get
you to where you want to be.
8. Bureaucrats wait until they get the energy, Remarkable Entrepreneurs understand that to
get the energy you must first do the work
When you do the Work You Will Receive The 3 Entrepreneurial Gifts:
1. Release of more motivation 2. Release of confidence 3. Release of energy
9. Remarkable Entrepreneurs understand the bigger the dream the more important the team
Leadership is about influence – moving people to action by your example. Leadership is
about impact – less talk more results. Leadership is about inspiration – grow other
10. Remarkable Entrepreneurs populate their lives with people whose lives they want to
be living
Surround yourself with people and environments that inspire you. Have an obsessive
attention to excellence. Create worlds that inspire you.
11. Remarkable Entrepreneurs are obsessed fundamentally with giving
Ask yourself not what can I get, ask yourself who may I help. Business is about producing
unusual value for as many people as possible.
Make Your Business Awesome.
1. Do important work vs. merely offering opinions.
2. Lift people up vs. tear others down.
3. Use the words of leadership vs. the language of victimhood.
4. Don’t worry about getting the credit for getting things done.
5. Become part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
6. Take your health to a level called superfit.
7. Commit to mastery of your craft instead of accepting mediocrity in your work.
8. Associate with people whose lives you want to be living.
9. Study for an hour a day. Double your learning and you’ll triple your success.
10. Run your own race. “No one can possibly achieve real and lasting success by being a
conformist,” wrote billionaire J. Paul Getty
11. Do something small yet scary every single day.
12. Lead Without a Title.
13. Focus on people’s strengths vs. obsessing around their weaknesses.
14. Remember that potential unused turns into pain. So dedicate yourself to expressing
your best.
15. Smile more.
16. Listen more.
17. Read the autobiography of Nelson Mandela.
18. Reflect on the words of Eleanor Roosevelt who said: “Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.”
19. Persist longer than the critics suggest you should.
20. Say “please” and “thank you”.
21. Love your loved ones.
22. Do work that matters.

17 Tips To Double Your Productivity In 14 Days

1. Turn off all technology for 60 minutes a day and focus on doing your most important

2. Work in 90 minute cycles (tons of science is now confirming that this is the optimal
work to rest ratio).

3. Start your day with at least 30 minutes of exercise.

4. Don’t check your email first thing in the morning.

5. Turn all your electronic notifications off.

6. Take one day a week as a complete recovery day, to refuel and regenerate (that means
no email, no phone calls and zero work). You need full recovery one day a week otherwise
you’ll start depleting your capabilities.

7. The data says workers are interrupted every 11 minutes. Distractions destroy
productivity. Learn to protect your time and say no to interruptions.

8. Schedule every day of your week every Sunday morning. A plan relieves you of the
torment of choice (said novelist Saul Bellow). It restores focus and provides energy.

9. Work in blocks of time. Creative geniuses all had 2 things in common: when they
worked they were fully engaged and when they worked, they worked with this deep
concentration for long periods of time. Rare in this world of entrepreneurs who can’t
sit still.

10. Drink a liter of water early every morning. We wake up dehydrated. The most precious
asset of an entrepreneur isn’t time – it’s energy. Water restores it.

11. Don’t answer your phone every time it rings.

12. Invest in your professional development so you bring more value to the hours you

13. Avoid gossip and time vampires.

14. Touch paper just once.

15. Keep a “Stop Doing List”.

16. Get up at 5 am.

17. Have meetings standing up.

Stay Productive and Make Your Work Matter!

Robin's s Favorites



Business 2.0

Fast Company
Harvard Business Review
Human Clock


Dead Poet's Society
Life is Beautiful
Million Dollar Baby
The Shawshank Redemption
Scent of A Woman

The Art of Happiness - Howard Cutler

The Art of Worldy Wisdom - Baltasar Gracian

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin - Ben Franklin
The Brand You 50 - Tom Peters
The Dark Side of The Light Chasers - Debbie Ford
Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty - Harvey Mackay
The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz
The Go-Getter - Peter B. Kyne

Hope for the Flowers - Trina Paulus

The Magic of Believing - Claude Bristol
The Magic of Thinking Big - David Schwartz
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - Marcus Aurelius Antonius
The Message of a Master - John McDonald
The Power of Optimism - Alan Loy McGinnis
Small Graces - Kent Nerburn
Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership - Joe Jaworsky
Take Your Time - Eknath Easwaran
Thinking Body, Dancing Mind - Jerry Lynch
Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom
University of Success - Og Mandino
Walden - Henry David Thoreau
Become a Rockstar of Productivity
By Robin Sharma
#1 bestselling author of The Leader Who Had No Title
You can do world-class work. Or you can please everyone around you. But you can't do
Today I wanted to share some of my most powerful productivity insights and tools with
…so you become The Bono of Your Craft, The Jagger of Your Field and The Drake of Your
Game (ok–Drake’s not a rocker but you get my point ;)
Let’s dive right in…
#1. Get Your Routines Right
Ultra-productive producers focus less on using their willpower and a lot more on
building their routines.
Stephen King starts writing every day between 8 and 8:30 am, whether he’s motivated or
not. He has his vitamin pill, sits in the same seat and plays the same music.
This ritual triggers his imagination. And kickstarts his inspiration.
A while ago I was at a Yankees game in New York City. A major financial player was seated
next to me. He shared that he’d recently brought NBA legend​ Magic Johnson to speak to his
corporate team.
Magic spoke of the fact that during one season Larry Bird dominated him when it came to
free throw success. And so, Magic vowed that the next year, he’d show Bird his own
For the next 6 months, Magic built the following morning routine: he’d wake early and go
down to his home basketball court. And he wouldn’t leave until he’d make 100 successful
free throws. In a row.
Some days, Magic would be done by 7 am. Other days he’d still be shooting at noon. But
he never left before making his 100 daily consecutive free throws​. It was a dedicated
The next year, Magic Johnson beat his rival Larry Bird in free throws.
I also adore Maya Angelou’s daily routine. She says she can’t work in pretty places like
her home. So after she wakes up at 5:30 am each morning and has her coffee, she drives
to a spartan, gritty motel room that she rents.
The rough nature of that environment pushes her to her creative edges. And provokes her
greatest work.
She starts writing at 7 am and keeps at it until 2 pm. This is how she gets exceptional
things done.
So get your routines right.
And please remember that inspiration isn’t some random event. No, it’s an organized
#2. Enjoy Being Disliked
Look, I get it. Part of being human involves a need to be liked. To fit in. To avoid
This neurobiological need served us when we lived on the savannah hundreds of years ago.
If we strayed from the herd, we’d be eaten by tigers. Or die of starvation.
But now we’re in a world without the same threats. And with a staggering array of
Yet we still work and live in a way designed to sustain the approval of all those around
Here’s my real point: you can do world-class work. Or you can please everyone around
you. But you can’t do both.
The very nature of being massively productive and creating masterful output means you’ll
have to block out all the emails asking for immediate responses, turn off your mobile
demanding your attention and say no to a ton of social obligations that only serve to
distract you from the body of work that will raise you to iconic.
And this means people will be unhappy.
But the full expression of your gifts, talents and genius into the world is more than
worth the disapproval you’ll attract. Actually, your mastery demands it.
#3. Value Suffering
I know this one won’t be popular with most people. But whoever said you’re playing at
“most people level”…
We live in a society that sells us easy.
Anything that seems hard or uncomfortable or messy is called bad.
And the quick-fix, pleasurable and fast is considered good.
But here’s the thing: every master suffers. And to become the single most productive
person you know, you’ll have to accept some pain along the path.
Van Gogh remained mostly anonymous his entire life, only reaching fame after his death.
Yet, he kept on producing his art.
Steve Jobs was considered a misfit, eccentric and oddball. Yet, nothing stopped his
monomaniacal pursuit of world-class.
JK Rowling couldn’t get Harry Potter published. And still she persisted and persevered
until one editor got the brilliance of her concept.
I guess what I’m suggesting is that every visionary is initially ridiculed and later
Every artist, chef, manager, athlete, entrepreneur and scientist committed to mastery
faces criticism as they pursue originality, cynicism as they hunt their passion and
​condemnation as they chase their commitment.
And so they suffer for their dream, knowing that…
…the thing that’s easiest to do is rarely the thing that’s the best thing to do.
#4. Do Real Work Versus Fake Work
Really important distinction here….
Average producers confuse activity with productivity.
They think movement equals effectiveness.
And they get trapped into spending the best hours of their best days climbing mountains
only to realize that at the end of the day they scaled the wrong ones.
Peter Drucker said it beautifully: “There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that
which shouldn’t be done at all.”
Checking email first thing in the morning, pushing paper, doing senseless meetings and
engaging in administrivia when you should be creating remarkable value are all examples
of doing fake work…
…the kind of work designed to make you feel like you’re getting big things done but
actually dig you deeper into the hole of mediocrity and overwhelm.
At my upcoming annual self-mastery event The 48 Hour Transformation, I’ll walk all the
participants from around the world through my advanced ideas on elite productivity so
they get more important things done in a week than most people get done in a quarter.
But for now, please allow me to share The 90/90/1 Rule that has created huge
breakthroughs for so many of my beloved clients…
…for the next 90 days, spend the first 90 minutes of your workday on your #1
Just stop doing any fake work first thing in the morning. Check your email after lunch.
Make your phone calls in the afternoon. Surf the Net in the evening.
#5. Be an Incrementalist
Massive productivity isn’t the result of one revolutionary act.
Instead, it’s actually the result of supertiny daily wins.
5 little acts of progress on your key plays every day delivers 1850 wins in a year.
“A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic
Hercules,” observed British novelist Anthony Trollope.
Beautifully said.
So please remember: the things you do regularly are 100X more important than those
things you do rarely.
#6. Understand that Elite Productivity without Deep Refuelling Causes Dramatic Depletion
Try carrying a heavy load for a long time and you’ll be forced to stop in a short time.
But take rest breaks every little while, and you can go farther than you’ve ever
Old-school performers think that the best way to get more done is to work harder. But
research shows that’s actually the way to get less done.
Pushing yourself relentlessly without regular periods of renewal has actually been proven
to deplete your key assets of focus, energy and productivity over time.
The smarter move? Work in intense bursts of total focus for 90 minutes and then take 10
minutes to rest, refuel and relax. Run these cycles through your workday and watch your
energy and overall performance rise to breathtakingly great levels.
#7. Know The Power of The 3 S’s
Here’s a valuable idea: exceptional creativity and uncommon productivity need a space to
present themselves.
Ordinary producers are always so distracted and busy being busy that there’s no
opportunity for their best ideas and performance to come out and play.
Ultra-productive performers get that time alone allows the brain to shift from the left
side into the right side–the realm where your personal genius resides.
With quiet time, your brain waves shift into alpha state. And you receive the insights
and reflections that truly can move you to change the game within your industry and
inside of your life.
I learned The 3 S’s from my work as the private advisor to some of the most successful
business-buil​ders and entrepreneurial titans on the planet…
…the best of them understand the value of a period of daily Solitude, Silence and
Stillness. They’d carve out time to think, plan and visualize. Every 24 hours. Without
And ironically, by making the time to reflect, the actions that followed were vastly
more focused, productive and excellent.
By “doing nothing”, they achieve everything.
#8. Practice Spectacularity
Ok. I made up a word here. Forgive me.
But the principle is this: practice being spectacularly productive long enough and being
spectacularly productive will become your way of being.
Recent science confirms it’s easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think
your way into a new way of acting (super important idea here).
So by behaving like the most productive person you know (for 66 days says the habit-
installation research of University College of London)–even when you’re not there yet,
you’ll rewire your brain patterns to the point where world-class productivity soon
becomes automatic. Your default. And your new normal.
And this is my great wish for you.
Ok. So there you go Rockstar…
…8 of the best tactics for seriously amazing productivity that have helped so many of my
clients produce epic results and become legendary within their fields.
Be great. Bye.
- See more at:

49 Ways to Get Inspired

By Robin Sharma
#1 bestselling author of The Leader Who Had No Title
The quickest way to change the game is to change your brain
#1. Do work that pushes you to your edges.
#2. Waste zero time on the past.
#​3. Focus on being masterful at one thing versus mediocre at many things.
#4. Spend more time around art.
#5. Read biographies of lives greatly lived.
#6. 20X your goals, plans and dreams.
#7. Associate with game-changers, visionaries and titans.
#8. Celebrate how far you’ve come versus the distance still to go.
#9. Cause a little trouble by disrupting the status quo.
#10. Accept the project you fear the most.
#11. Leave an inspirational quote on a stranger’s windshield.
#12. Stop watching the news.
#13. Think a decade ahead rather than a day in advance.
#14. Start a movement.
#15. Wow a customer.
#16. Install a new habit.
#17. Remember that the mother of genius is simplicity.
#18. Know that the thing that is easiest to do is rarely the thing that is best to do.
#19. Speak less and listen better.
#20. Do a dream collage with images of your ideal moments.
#21. Record your ideal day in your journal.
#22. Forgive someone.
#23. Thank someone.
#24. Don’t confuse money with meaning nor income with impact.
#25. Spend the first 20 minutes of your day in exercise (it seriously optimizes brain
and personal performance).
#26. Do your “Nightly 3″, writing 3 good things that happened to you during the day
that’s ending.
#27. Speak your truth even when your voice shakes.
#28. Join Traffic University and leverage time commuting to learn and grow via audio
#29. Visit a new city.
#30. Discover a new restaurant.
#31. Get good at being alone (you’re the only person you’ll be with your entire life so
why not become comfortable in your own skin).
#32. See your work as your craft.
#33. Watch the movie “Searching for Sugar Man”.
#34. Do meetings standing up so they end quicker.
#35. Stop using the words “can’t”, “impossible” and “hate”.
#36. Practice harder (mastery isn’t a natural gift, it’s a daily devotion).
#37. Write handwritten thank you notes.
#38. Publish a book.
#39. Thank a mentor.
#40. Call your parents.
#41. Get out of the office and go invest in your personal development.
#42. Stop complaining.
#43. Use social media to uplift, encourage, teach and share.
#44. Less TV. More reading.
#45. Join a mastermind group.
#46. Spend the first 90 minutes of the next 90 days focused on your single largest
#47. Remember that for every one masterpiece, Picasso painted 1000 paintings.
#48. Don’t listen to naysayers.
#49. Live like you mean it.
As always, hope these move you to play at wow and dazzle the world by your mastery.
- See more at:

My Strange Success Rituals

By Robin Sharma
#1 bestselling author of The Leader Who Had No Title
achieving massive productivity, serious success and spectacular impact really isn't that
Achieving massive productivity, serious success and spectacular impact really isn’t that
…it’s all a pretty simple process.
…actually it’s a very simple process.
I’ve been blessed to be the private advisor to many of the world’s celebrity
billionaires and grateful that my success tools have been used by top performers ranging
from Taylor Swift and Jon Bon Jovi to NBA and NHL superstars.
The ideas and tactics I teach at my live events like my annual The 48 Hour Transformation
coming up this June are strikingly easy. And yet staggeringly powerful.
Please just remember that success is really all about a masterful consistency around the
basic fundamentals.
Watch Kobe or Eminem, Michelangelo or Mozart, Philippe Starck or Jony Ive…they are all
about stripping away complexity and hammering away at simplicity…knowing that’s the
essence of outright genius.
The thing is that the vast majority of well-intentioned, decent and good people just
don’t know what the epic performers know.
Schools teach math and geography. Televisions teach news and distraction. Society teaches
materialism and hedonism.
But what about what to do to become great?
How about the daily habits of the performance masters?
And the key moves to make to get the big results you want?
Part of my passionately-held and emotionally-charged personal mission is to share the
mindsets, practices and behaviors that those playing at BIW (Best in World) run so you
can do your finest work…
…and carve out a life that truly matters.
In today’s message, I want to share 7 of the rituals I’ve personally used to do my best
work and drive excellent results.
Fair notice: these rituals are a little strange…but they’ve helped my clients realize
elite personal performance, grow personal fortunes, positively influence communities and
make the world a far better place…
…so please just stay open to trying them…and applying them for the next 66 days until
they wire in as your new normal…
Strange Ritual #1: Use a Timer to Do World-Class Work
On the two days a week I schedule as “Creative Days”, I set blocks of time to achieve
specific outcomes and results–generally working in the 90 minute bursts of intensity that
have been scientifically proven to yield best performance (insight: each of your days
only has 16 of these 90 minute segments so use them well).
I then use the countdown timer on my smartphone to heighten my awareness about the
passage of each chunk of time. Not really sure why this ritual works so well (I’m deep
into brain science these days so once I know, I’ll share of course). But it just does. So
do it. Please.
Strange Ritual #2: One Hour Walks
Steve Jobs loved doing walking meetings. Thoreau loved walking in the woods. Mandela
would walk for entire days. There’s just something beautifully special about installing
the daily habit of walking…
…it’ll give you time to think and ideate. You’ll kickstart your creativity and multiply
your innovation (bring paper or your phone with you to download the ideas that will pour
into your imagination)…
…productivity will soar and your moods will elevate as your endorphins get released. And
you’ll boost your fitness to your next level of wow.
After studying many of the creative masters, I’ve been doing a daily walk for years.
It’s definitely been a game-changer for me, especially at the end of a productive day.
Strange Ritual #3: The Second Wind Workout
The daily walk ritual leads nicely into the “2WW” Ritual that has also served me so well:
The Second Wind Workout.
Here’s the basic idea: given that exercise is one of the finest productivity tools ever
created, why not use it more often within a day to get more valuable things done?
Yes–definitely do your morning workout to get you mentally and physically amped for a
brilliant day. But then, at the end of your work day, go for that walk or take the swim
or nail a run.
Creating a second workout ritual later in your day will give you so much more energy
each evening, relax you with your loved ones, minimize the dangerous effects of stress,
deliver a deeper sleep and even reduce your cravings later in the night.
Strange Ritual #4: Talk to Yourself
One of the tools that people who attended last year’s 48 Hour Transformation told me
created very real breakthroughs for them was autosuggestion.
The reality is that most of our daily choices and behaviors are not conscious. We think
we know why we do what we do but the truth is 90% of our moves are driven by our
subconscious programming (all the beliefs and rules that our parents/teachers/media/peers
have taught us).
This is why we’ll read a book or go to a conference and say we’ll make fantastic
changes–but rarely do.
For a new idea to create true breakthrough, you need to go to the source. And use
autosuggestion to install a new story about your place in the world.
Our conscious mind really does want to make the improvement within our business and
personal life. But all the negative patterns within our subconscious hold us back. And
sabotage our progress.
Autosuggestion is simply using words and verbal commands to rewire and rescript the
unconscious realm of our brain. The subconscious is dramatically influenced by words.
The average person uses words that create limitation, scarcity, drama and failure in
their lives–without even knowing it.
Best performers know that words drive performance. And so they use them brilliantly.
To be specific, I suggest that you clean out the victimspeak from your vocabulary.
Speaking “I hate this” or “this will never work” or “I’m not good at this” or “I can’t
achieve that” or “I’m in trouble” forge subconscious beliefs that make your words self-
fulfilling realities.
Instead, use the language of world-class. Talk words with power, grace and positivity.
Speak like the person you’ve always wished you could become. And, with time and
consistent practice, you’ll step into that person’s shoes.
Strange Ritual #5: The WTOH Question
Please remember that a problem is only a problem when viewed as a problem.
Many of the great business innovations came from a so-called “failure”.
Many of the greatest growth periods of our lives were derived from a period of pain.
Within every setback lies the gift of progress, advancement and outright mastery.
Too many of us encounter an obstacle and drop into victim-mode, giving away our power to
it and throwing in the towel.
Instead, use “The WTOH Question” and ask what’s the opportunity here?
This ritual has saved my life. It has allowed me to leverage the unexpected into pure
possibility. And turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
It’s helped my team produce epic results in the face of Plan A not going to plan.
And it’s moved my clients to achieve legendary businesses as well as lives they adore.
Strange Ritual #6: Thank the Value Chain
Key principle: Gratitude is the antidote to Apathy.
To get giant things done, you need to feel inspired and alive and highly confident and
…positive psychologists are teaching us that “deliberate gratitude” (the actual habit of
practicing gratitude versus leaving it to chance) is one of the smartest ways to build
that state.
Another one of the strange rituals that has served me so very well is what I call
“thanking the value chain”.
When I eat an excellent meal in a restaurant, I silently thank the chef, the servers, the
delivery people, the owners, the farmers and every other human being along the value
chain whose hard work has allowed me to savor the meal.
On an airplane, I silently thank the attendants, the pilots, the ground crew, the aircraft
makers and even the back office workers for the gift of the flight. And the opportunity
for me to attend another event to inspire and share with people who want to win.
I do my best to run this ritual as much as possible as I live out each day.
It completely changes the way I view each experience, encounter and person. And it fills
me with energy, passion and hope.
I sincerely wish the same for you.
Strange Ritual #7: The Sunday Morning Planning Process
Every Sunday morning, I sent aside an hour to review the past 7 days. I then write my
“Weekly Story”, a fast review of how I performed and behaved over the past week (based
on the notes on my written daily schedule). This alone breeds huge amounts of awareness
of what’s working and what needs to be improved.
Next, I review my annual one-page plan, reconnect with my Top 5 Values and consider my
commitments for the next 7 days.
All this moves me to then write out my “Blueprint for a Beautiful Week” on a written 7
day template that has time blocks from 5 am to 11 pm.
Everything goes in here from my early morning workouts and journaling sessions to my
family meals with those I love.
This ritual is one of the best habits I’ve developed. And has helped so many of our
clients achieve more in a few weeks than most people get done in a year.
Hope these strange rituals of mine provoke you to install some new disciplines.
The world needs you to be at your best. And I’ll continue to do all I can to help you
get there. Definitely.
- See more at:

Why Not You?

By Robin Sharma
#1 bestselling author of The Leader Who Had No Title
The question is not can you. It's will you?
Someone will do something fresh, new and brave today…why not you?
Someone will befriend a stranger, deliver hope to the hopeless and model decency…why
not you?
Someone will turn pain into power, fear into fortune and confusion into clarity…why not
Someone will be recognized for their mastery, celebrated for their acumen and praised
for their excellence…why not you?
Someone will forge a new start, install a new habit and build a better routine…why not
Someone will let go of their past, rewire their present and rewrite their future…why not
Someone will get the sale, finish the book or close the deal…why not you?
Someone will set larger goals, take bigger risks and go to their limits…why not you?
Someone will show uncommon kindness, be a giver not a taker and leave people better than
they found them…why not you?
Someone will discover their “Mighty Why”, reconnect with their purpose and so radiate
their passion…why not you?
Someone will release their excuses, shatter their doubts and break free of their chains…
why not you?
Someone will experience true gratitude, speak real appreciation and feel sincere
happiness… why not you?
Yes—why not you?
Let’s be honest…you were born into genius. You’ve been built to amaze. And you’re
designed to make history.
The question’s not can you. Nope. It’s will you?
- See more at:

You 2.0
By Robin Sharma
#1 bestselling author of The Leader Who Had No Title
Become your best self
Drinking coffee. Trip hop music’s playing. A harsh Winter’s making way for a bright
I sit in my dream room with a forest around me.
And I think…
I think of the people I’ve met recently. At events, in airports, on chairlifts. In the
Good people. Great intentions. But so many sharing that they long for so much more….
…to feel more fully alive. To know what it truly means to feel inspired. To totally know
their gifts, talents and potential. And to discover the bravery to let it all see the
light of day.
You’re smart and talented and cool…
…you know that potential unexpressed turns to pain.
…you know that you have genius within you and it needs to come out for you to live truly.
…you know that the seductions of success that society sells you are meaningless at the
…you know that what this game’s really about is using each day as a platform to express
your greatness.
…you know that the clock is ticking and that mastery postponed never gets done.
…you know that you just can’t afford to wait another day to become the person you’ve
always dreamed of being.
And so I respectfully suggest that you…
…make your start today (every master was once an amateur you know).
…have the guts to go to your edges (because as you meet your limits, your limits will
…and remember that the easiest thing is rarely the best thing.
Ok–to be practical, here are 3 fresh habits to install:
Habit #1: The 90/90/1 Rule
For the next 90 days, devote the first 90 minutes of your work day to the one best
opportunity in your life. Nothing else. Zero distractions. Just get that project done.
Habit #2: The 30 Minute Inspiration Pocket
Schedule 30 minutes every day for the next week to get re-inspired. Please remember that
you need to get your mindset right before you can achieve massive results in your outer
world. All masters make the time to fuel their well of inspiration. Daily. Go to art
galleries, read fascinating autobiographies and drink coffee with giants. Walk in the
woods, listen to awesome music and eat beautiful food.
Habit #3: Write Your Ideal Days
This one’s cool. Every morning–while the rest of the world sleeps–write out the way your
day will look if it were to unfold at perfection. Doing this will train your brain to
look for opportunities to make your daily vision happen. Your mental focus muscles will
grow stronger. And since your days are your life in miniature, this new habit is a life-
Hope this sincere burst of words that I needed to share with you on this fine morning
inspires, encourages, supports and serves…
And I express my deep and real gratitude to you for believing in me, following my work
and being a model of possibility out in this world we belong to.
- See more at:

The 7 Beautiful Things Excellent Leaders Do

By Robin Sharma
#1 bestselling author of The Leader Who Had No Title
Learn to lead
I’m up here in the mountains with my loved ones post-tour. Refueling. Reviewing 2014
year-to-date results. And doing some early Spring skiing.
Been thinking so much about what my team and I need to take the Lead Without a Title
movement that’s exploding around the world to the next level of virality.
So more people show leadership. So many more unleash their brilliance on an unsuspecting
marketplace. And so the world has more Picassos walking within it.
Which also got me thinking about the 7 things excellent leaders do.
Let’s run through them together…
#1. Excellent Leaders Focus on The Vital Few
Too many amongst us fill our lives with more complexity–missing out on the key fact that
genius resides in the realm of simplicity.
Pick that one thing you can be BIW (Best in World) at and then have the discipline to say
no to everything else. Picasso didn’t practice the piano. And Beckham didn’t study
Seriously–for the next 90 days, clear the decks and focus on that one project or
opportunity that will be the game changer.
And do the same for your personal life. Simplify. Become pristinely focused on just the
few, most important, things.
#2. Excellent Leaders are Masters of Their Crafts
Oh–what an awesome opportunity. Most businesses and most business people operate at
Walk into their restaurant and no one smiles, the room’s a mess, the food is mediocre,
the details are undone and there’s zero element of utter surprise.
Hop onto most airplanes. Or observe most retailers. All average. No wow. Underwhelming
passion. Bankrupt innovation. Just a bunch of companies copying everyone else and playing
not to lose versus aiming to win.
This leaves a gorgeous chance for you and your business to stand for Mastery. To know
more about what you do than anyone who has ever done what you do. To dazzle by acumen and
skill. To leave us–as your customers–with tears in our eyes by the exceptionalism that
you model.
Please remember: a job’s only a job when seen as a job. See your job as your craft. And
your chance to leave your mark on the world.
#3. Excellent Leaders Cherish Time
Ordinary people watch time. Exceptional people leverage time…to create epic results,
financial fortunes and global impact.
When I think of the celebrity CEOS, famed billionaires and superstar entrepreneurs I’ve
served as the private advisor to, I think of people who don’t waste time gossiping about
people, who would never think of waiting in line for an hour to get into a restaurant and
who have a ferocious respect for the value of every passing moment.
These excellent leaders decide with speed, delegate everything but what they do best and
have gigantic execution intelligence.
Please remember…time is such a special asset. Use it to fuel your dreams, realize your
ideals and elevate society for the generations who follow.
#4. Excellent Leaders Forge Human Connections
The bigger the dream, the more key the team.
Swift and superb companies understand that a brilliant vision without an effective team
is a delusion.
Make the time to develop your teammates. Invest in growing a high-performance team. And
dedicate yourself to building a culture within your organization where people can bring
their best selves into the office every morning.
#5. Excellent Leaders Have Optimization Mindsets
When Microsoft released their first version of MS-DOS, it was filled with over 300 bugs.
But they just kept iterating it until the product got better and better.
When Cirque du Soleil first launched, the big tent collapsed at a press conference. But
they just kept making things better. Consistently. Daily.
Here’s my point: what makes a great company, career or personal life isn’t some great
win. Nope. What makes outright greatness are those small steady supertiny wins when done
each day with focus and resolve lead to world-class over time.
So make innovation, iteration and optimization your obsession. Over the long run, you’ll
arrive at a place where your firm is the dominant player in your industry. And where
your peers revere you as a legend.
#6. Excellent Leaders Don’t Surrender
The #1 factor that determines success isn’t intelligence or creativity. It’s “grit”–that
ability to stay with your goal longer than the world thinks is reasonable to stay with
your goal.
It’s stunning–and sad–how quickly ordinary performers give up on an objective on the
first sign of failure.
Excellent leaders are different. They get knocked down or laughed at or disappointed.
And they stay in the game. They persist. They keep the faith. They rise even higher.
And so, in the end, they win.
#7. Excellent Leaders Have Impressive Habits
Study anyone who is at the top of her game. And guess what you’ll see? An individual who
has installed strikingly strong habits of success.
These often include:
–an early morning workout

–a meticulous daily plan

–an hour a day for learning

–attending a conference every 90 days

–consume smaller amounts of food

–a weekly period of renewal and reflection

–scheduled family dates and dinners

–nature walks

–associating with positive, A-performers

–little or no TV
So make Leadership your way of being. You know leadership has less to do with a title and
more to do with your mindset, performance and dedication to making a difference
- See more at:
4 “Quiet” Lessons I’ve Learned On This Tour
By Robin Sharma
#1 bestselling author of The Leader Who Had No Title
Lessons from the road
Hope you’re in superb spirits, nailing your 2014 vision and inspiring everyone around
you to reach for world-class.
I’m still out on this tour–spreading the Lead Without a Title message that’s grown into a
movement. And doing my utmost to be of service.
I’ve learned a lot on this tour. The purity of the road births deep thoughtfulness and on
each of the stops so far (Zurich, Zagreb, Nairobi, Seychelles and Bahrain), I’ve
discovered new insights.
Please allow me to share 4 of the finest of them with you since I feel you’re with me on
this ride. Most of them are “quiet”–meaning–not so well known…
The nature of the goals you set is massively important. Goals based on looking better
than others deliver less motivation and persistence than goals based on trying to improve
your performance. So set “mastery goals” versus “ego goals”.
Optimism isn’t some soft concept for weak people. Nope. It’s an absolutely essential
element for anyone in hot pursuit of elite performance and professional mastery. Here’s
my point: we often tell ourselves we’ll cultivate optimism once we become successful.
But recent reasearch confirms that developing optimism leads to success….
…optimists have been shown to have greater mental focus, more energy, better creativity
and more stamina when things get hard.
The best way to get more done is to do a lot less. I know I’ve been on this learned
minimalism kick for the past few years, but I’m getting it at a whole new level.
On this trip, I noticed a woman carrying a handbag made by a famed watchmaker. This firm
makes genius-level watches. But highly ugly handbags. They seem to have forgotten what
they do best. And are now in the process of destroying their brand and alienating their
So to get more done, say no to most of the fantastic opportunities that are presented to
you but are not a part of your sweetspot. Build your business life and your personal
world around just a few things. And have the discipline to say a diplomatic no to
everything else. Mastery comes via a monomaniacal focus on simplicity versus an
addiction to complexity.
Your belief about your potential determines whether you’ll express your potential…
…Psychologists are writing about “implicit theories” these days. Basically, these are the
unconscious beliefs we have about our talents, abilities and place in the world.
They come from every possible influence: our parents, our teachers, our friends,
television, every book we’ve read and every place we’ve been. They all come together–
subconsciously–to form our personal story. Cool, yes?
And here’s the powerful idea: we always behave in a way consistent with our self-
identity. What we think about our potential determines whether we take steps to fully
express it or whether we leave it lying on the table of unfulfilled promise.
So there you go. Four ideas to practice and live.
100 thanks to everyone who showed up at the events, stopped me in airports and approached
me on the streets. I am humbled to be helpful and am so grateful my work is valuable to
As for everyone asking me whether I’ve decided to do The 48 Hour Transformation–my 2 day
personal mastery event–again this year, the answer is yes. It’ll be held on June 7 + 8 in
Toronto, Canada. Can’t wait to see the Alumni from last year and all the new faces from
across the world.
Be great,
- See more at:
I wrote you a poem. To remind you of all you and 2014 can be.

Read it, study it, recite it and then live it…

The Declaration
A Poem by Robin Sharma
#1 bestselling author of The Leader Who Had No Title
Today, I declare I am strong and brave, not timid nor weak

Today I declare that my past will no longer limit my future and just because I couldn't
achieve something yesterday doesn't mean I won't do it this day.

Today I declare that I'll honor my talents, express my gifts and reveal my creativity to
everyone around me.

Today, I declare I'll be loyal to my values, respectful of my mission and fiercely

focused on my dreams.

Today, I declare that I am a maker versus a consumer, a giver versus a taker and a
visionary versus a victim.

Today, I declare that I will always be part of the solution and never part of the

Today, I declare that when I fall, I will certainly rise and when I'm in doubt, I will

Today, I declare that I will cherish my health, feed my mind and nourish my soul.

Today, I declare that I am surrounding myself with people who are smarter, faster,
stronger and better than me so I am uplifted by their models and inspired by their

Today, I declare that I set the standard in my work, am becoming the icon of my industry
and a legend at my craft.

Today, I declare that I adore my family, am grateful for my friends and am an encourager
to all those who are blessed to cross my path.

Today, I declare that this New Year is MY year. My time to grow, excel, laugh, love,
win, believe, persevere and serve, knowing that I am truly the leader of my fate, the
owner of my results and the hero of my destiny.

How to Achieve ALL Your 2014 Goals

By Robin Sharma
Author of the #1 bestseller The Leader Who Had No Title
Reach your goals in 2014
We’re a few days into 2014. A new chapter for you. A GLORIOUS opportunity to begin
thinking+behaving+producing like the person you’ve always wanted to be.
PLEASE don’t allow this New Year to become a repeat of last year.
PLEASE don’t make the same choices and run the same habits of 2013.
PLEASE don’t sit on the fence and coast through these next few weeks when they present
the single best chance to make the new choices that will revolutionize your life.
PLEASE don’t make excuses and give your personal power away to them.
I have never been so fiercely passionate and devoted to helping you make these next 12
months epic…
…consider this key idea: the way you live these first 30 days of 2014 profoundly shapes
the way the whole year will unfold.
I’ve crafted some really valuable videos and written pieces that will kickstart your
motivation, drive and focus over these next four weeks….definitely look out for them and
watch them.
Your life is just too valuable to not seize this unfair advantage I’m giving to you with
all this free training…
…just so we get your 2014 goals happening in high-gear–I’m sharing 8 of the finest
strategies I know of to make your highest ambitions come true…
Start executing around them now (if not now, then when?…)
Tactic #1: Do a Daily Goal Review. We live in a time of intense noise and distraction.
It’s just too easy to start off these first few weeks of this New Year being really
really busy chasing the wrong things. So, my suggestion: every morning–while the rest of
the world is asleep–take just 5 pure minutes to reread and then actually rewrite your top
five 2014 goals. This will boost your focus dramatically and imprint them with total
clarity on your subconscious mind.
Tactic #2: Go Complaint-Free. You empower everything you complain about. You strengthen
the negative things you speak of. And you energize the problems you vocalize. To nail
your 2014 goals, go on a 90 Day Complaint-Free Diet. Enough said.
Tactic #3: Clean All Messes. Masters of Goal Achievement are minimalists. They get that
messes create distraction. And distraction reduces your power to achieve every goal you
set. The messy office+the disorganized home+the dirty financial life+cluttered mind all
weaken your ability to bring your natural laser-like focus to bear on your greatest
Tactic #4: Become an Incrementalist. Bottom line: 5 little goals done a day lead to 1850
goals achieved by December 31, 2014. An awesome work and personal life is more about
evolution than revolution. Get serious about the small wins.
Tactic #5: Work In 90 Day Themes. I’ve been teaching this to the billionaire clients I
coach for years. The best period to set goals within is a 90 day chunk. And set a theme
for every quarter. For the first 90 days of 2014, I suggest themes like “Look 10 years
younger + feel 20 years stronger” or “The Quarter of Financial Transformation” or “My
Best 90 Family Days” or “3 Months of Best of Breed Productivity.”
Tactic #6: Imprint Your December 31 Statement. Here’s my coaching question to you: “If
every single thing you want to happen over the next 12 months happened, what would it all
look like?” Fast tip: Clarity is Power. Write out your answer in a single paragraph (or
record it on your iPhone). Review it DAILY in your Holy Hour. You’ll go from distracted
to massively concentrated. On the few things that count.
Tactic #7: Join A Mastermind. You can’t do it alone. One of the reasons my online course
Your Absolute Best Year Yet is one of the most powerful and advanced personal
transformation programs in the world today is because you’ll get the support of other
go-getters just like you over the 12 weeks of the course. You need to partner with other
people. To get their encouragement. To feed off their energy. To share your hopes and
dreams with theirs.
Tactic #8: Outlearn Last Year’s Self. The real key to executing flawlessly on every one
of your 2014 goals is to outlearn and outthink who you were last year. As you think
better, you’re certain to perform better. And all it takes is one new insight or idea–
strongly acted on–to take you to a completely different place
mentally+physically+financially+socially and spiritually this New Year. So do what the
most successful people on the planet do: invest in your learning and self-education.
Hope these 8 proven techniques serve your success beautifully.
- See more at:
meet you in Rome?

Robin Sharma via

9:35 PM (23 hours ago)

to me
Hi Sagar,

A few weeks ago, I vacationed in Rome with my family.

On the morning of Christmas Eve, we sat in the Sistine Chapel and adored Michelangelo's
masterwork on the ceiling.

Tears filled my eyes at the sight of this epic work. His devotion to expressing his
artistic genius just moved me.

That night, we walked the streets of Rome, taking in the Colosseum, the Pantheon and
climbing the Spanish Steps--sipping hot espresso while consuming dangerously delicious
gelato...Yes, I couldn't sleep that night ;)

I've been spending a lot of time in Paris, New York and Moscow lately, but Rome is
provoking my passion and creativity as never before...

And so, to follow through on my devotion to uplifting, championing, supporting and

serving your personal greatness in 2014...

...I rose early one morning to shoot a new training video for you. It's a superb way to
get reconnected to the few things that will make the greatest difference in your success
this year.

I wish you could have walked the Roman streets with me and my family, but this video
will be the next best thing...

Remember: the thoughts you think, the projects you start and the habits you run these
first 90 days of 2014 will make all the difference...

And so, on this practical video recorded in my hotel room (yes, the background is a
little different than usual), I walk you through 5 supremely powerful rituals to run to
see swift and superb improvements...
(Till 25 jan 2013)

The 50 Business + Life Lessons 2012 Taught Me

2012′s coming to a close. It was a hard year for people behaving as victims. And a superb
year for people like you showing up as leaders (and world-builders).
I’m in reflection mode as I review the past 12 months, record what I learned in my
journal and set precise and clear goals+plans for 2013.
I wanted to share 50 of my best lessons learned (or reinforced) from 2012. So here you
Hard work is a force multiplier.
Don’t participate in recessions.
Exercising for 20 minutes first thing in the morning is a game-changer.
If you’re not innovating daily, you’re on the path to obsolescence.
If you want an A-Level company, you can’t afford to hire B-Level players.
Procrastination is an escape mechanism for people scared to do their best work.
Give your customers 10X the value they expect and they’ll tell everyone they know about
Don’t do it if you’re not having fun.
If you’re not scared a lot you’re not growing very much.
Invest the time to create great social media content and your base will go global + viral.
There’s never been a better time to be a social entrepreneur.
It’s never been easier to be of service to a large amount of people (and few things are as
When no one else believes in your vision, you absolutely must stay true to your vision.
(Have the guts to stay in the game far longer than makes any sense).
The quickest way to build a superb business is to quickly develop the leadership potential
of every teammate.
A job is only a job if you choose to see your work as a job. All work is a noble sport. (The
reality is all work is a chance to express your genius–and to inspire the world).
People are craving transparency+authenticity and community. Give it to them.
Creativity comes in seasons. There’s a time to harvest your ideas. And there’s a time to let
the field sit fallow. (I’ve been working on integrating this lesson for years).
Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax (When you relax, your brain
shifts into alpha state–the time when million-dollar ideas present themselves).
Change is hard at the beginning, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end. (And
without change, there is no progress).
Someone’s going to win in your space. Why not you?
10X the size of your dreams because if you don’t, you’ll wish you did.
Pursue excellence versus chasing perfection.
Celebrate small wins and you’ll unleash a huge amount of momentum and positive
Learn for an hour a day, no matter what. That’s not a waste of work time. It’s a brilliant
use of your work time because you’re paid to know more than anyone who has ever done
your job.
Why go for good at what you do when you can stand for iconic?
Transform your fitness and you’ll transform your business.
Delete victimspeak from your languaging. No more "I can’t" and "It’s not possible" and
"It’s so hard." More "I will" and "This is awesome" and "What’s the opportunity here?"
If you inspire one person each day, you’re day hasn’t been a waste. It’s been a blessing.
Living in the past is disrespecting your future.
Build an amazing career but enjoy your lifestyle along the way. What’s the point of
becoming a business legend but a failed human being.
Look people in the eyes when you talk to them. Smile at people when you see them. Say
"please" to respect them. And "thank you" to appreciate them.
Don’t be on time–Be early.
The person who tries to do everything achieves nothing. Focus. Focus. Focus.
Spend the first 90 minutes of your work day on real work versus fake work. (Another
game-changing tactic that served me so very well in 2012).
Spend time in silence each day. You’ll never do Jay-Z level work if you’re overstimulated
by technology.
Goal-setting is mission-critical. (Review your Big 5, quarterly goals and daily goals
Your daily behavior broadcasts your truest beliefs.
To have the results only 5% of businesspeople have, have the guts to do what only 5% of
businesspeople are willing to do.
World-class begins when you think you’ve done a great job but know you can do a better
Remember that your greatest gift is so much stronger than your deepest fear.
Everyone’s in Human Resources. And we are all paid to develop the talents of the people
we work with.
Mediocrity is a mindset. Avoid the mental viruses of negative people.
Be the most honest person you know. It generally takes 30 years to build a fantastic
reputation. And 30 seconds to lose it by a single silly move.
Become a lion–not a sheep.
People are always willing to pay for the best.
The more devoted you become to serving others, the more your career begins to build
Problems come to test your commitment to your goals, hopes and dreams.
As you become more successful, get more hungry.
Join Traffic University. Use every possible moment in the car to upgrade your skills,
polish your gifts and elevate your mindset.
Use your life to make the world a better place.
I hope these 50 ideas have helped you. And I so hope I’ve been of service to you in your
business and personal life this year. I enthusiastically wish you and those closest to you
an even better year ahead. Let’s make it wow.

The Project: An Unusual Poem On The 1 Thing Your Success In 2013 Depends On
Happy New Year. I’m tucked away in the mountains. Snow falls. Life’s paused. Words
And so I wrote these words for you on this first day of 2013:
By Robin Sharma
Within each of us lies The Project.
An idea longing to be nourished, cherished, launched and completed.
Writing a novel. Starting an enterprise. Raising a family. Freeing a nation.
Our deepest desire is to do The Project. To express our vision. To carefully and patiently
watch it unfold. To present it to those who will benefit by it. And to experience the pride
of the job beautifully done.
Yet, a million distractions battle for our attention. And one hundred doubts fill our hearts.
And so slowly and subtly, we recite the excuses that construct our reality. And we shelve
The Project. Postponing it for a better day.
But postponing The Project is life’s greatest lie.
Picasso and Basquiat, Einstein and Edison, Jobs and Jay-Z didn’t wait for an ideal day to
do their dream. They started. When it was hard. Though they had little. While they were
So many of the world’s troubles are symptoms of The Project undone.
Pain is the result of potential denied. And when you avoid The Project, you dishonour
your gifts. Your Talents. Your Genius.
A portion of you goes numb. Silent. Quiet. Scared.
The moment you start The Project, everything shifts. Purpose, focus, passion and peace
returns to your life. Eyes sparkle. Energy explodes. Inspiration flows. And your days
become supported by coincidence, power and peak possibility.
This very day, the first of a fresh year–presents your greatest opportunity. To be a lion not
a sheep. To walk with giants versus among the meek. To celebrate your best instead of
succumbing to the worst. To lift others up versus tear others down. To pour creativity,
mastery, courage and light into a world aching for marks of heroism.
So please, step up. Release all chains. Dispute all doubts. Start The Project. Do the
dream. And change the world.
You are responsible for no less.
Happy New Year!
Your fan,

62 Tips to Get Unstuck in 2013

I’m amped to do everything in my power to help you kickstart 2013 strong so you install
superb habits of the mind, body and behavior.

Today is all about 62 quick, actionable and unforgettable tips that will move you to break
free of old patterns, stop being the victim and leap into high gear to get your giant goals

62 Fast Tips to Get UnStuck

By Robin Sharma
Author of the #1 Bestseller “The Leader Who Had No Title”

Believe in your vision and gifts when no one else believes in your vision and gifts.

Start your day with 20 minutes of exercise.

Make excellence your way of being (versus a once in a while event).

Be on time (bonus points: be early).

Be a celebrator of other’s talents versus a critic.

Stop watching TV. (Bonus points: sell your tv and invest the cash in learning and self-
Finish what you start.

Remember that your diet affects your moods so eat like an athlete.

Spend an hour a day without stimulation (no phone+no FaceBook+no noise).

Release the energy vampires from your life. They are destroying your performance.

Write in a journal every morning. And record gratitude every night.

Do work that scares you (if you’re not uncomfortable often, you’re not growing very

Make the choice to let go of your past. It’s dusty history. And polluting your future.

Commit to being “Mozart-Level Good” at your work.

Smile more (and tell your face).

Do a collage filled with images of your ideal life. Look at it once a day for focus and

Plan your week on a schedule (clarity is the DNA of mastery).

Stop gossiping (average people love gossip; exceptional people adore ideas).

Read “As You Think”.

Read “The Go-Getter”.

Don’t just parent your kids–develop them.

Remember that victims are frightened by change. And leaders grow inspired by it.

Start taking daily supplements to stay in peak health.

Clean out any form of “victimspeak” in your vocabulary and start running the language
of leadership and possibility.

Do a nature walk at least once a week. It’s renew you (you can’t inspire others if
you’re depleted yourself).

Take on projects no one else will take on. Set goals no one else will do.

Do something that makes you feel uncomfortable at least once every 7 days.

Say “sorry” when you know you should say “sorry”.

Say “please” and “thank you” a lot.

Remember that to double your income, triple your investment in learning, coaching
and self-education.

Dream big but start now.

Achieve 5 little goals each day (“The Daily 5 Concept” I shared in “The Leader Who
Had No Title” that has transformed the lives of so many). In 12 months this habit will
produce 1850 little goals–which will amount to a massive transformation.

Write handwritten thank you notes to your customers, teammates and family members.

Be slow to criticize and fast to praise.

Read Walter Isaacson’s amazing biography on Steve Jobs.

Give your customers 10X the value they pay for (“The 10X Value Obsession”).

Use the first 90 minutes of your work day only on value-creating activities (versus
checking email or surfing the Net).


Keep your promises.

Remember that ordinary people talk about their goals. Leaders get them done. With

Watch the inspirational documentary “Jiro Dreams of Sushi”.

Know that a problem only becomes a problem when you choose to see it as a problem.

Brain tattoo the fact that all work is a chance to change the world.

Watch the amazing movie “The Intouchables”.

Remember that every person you meet has a story to tell, a lesson to teach and a dream
to do.

Risk being rejected. All of the great ones do.

Spend more time in art galleries. Art inspires, stimulates creativity and pushes

Read a book a week, invest in a course every month and attend a workshop every

Remember that you empower what you complain about.

Get to know yourself. The main reason we procrastinate on our goals is not because of
external conditions; we procrastinate due to our internal beliefs. And the thing is they are
stuck so deep that we don’t even know they exist. But once you do, everything changes.

Read “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”.

Know your values. And then have the guts to live them–no matter what the crowd
thinks and how the herd lives.

Become the fittest person you know.

Become the strongest person you know.

Become the kindest person you know.

Know your “Big 5″–the 5 goals you absolutely must achieve by December 31 to make
this year your best yet (I teach my entire goal-achieving process, my advanced techniques
on unleashing confidence and how to go from being stuck to living a life you adore in my
online program “Your Absolute Best Year Yet”).

Know that potential unexpressed turns to pain.

Build a strong family foundation while you grow your ideal career.

Stop being selfish.

Give your life to a project bigger than yourself.

Be thankful for your talents.

Stand for iconic. Go for legendary. And make history.

This is YOUR time. Now’s YOUR moment. Let’s do this! :)

Your fan,

My Unusual Obsessions For Extreme Achievement

By Robin Sharma
Author of "The Leader Who Had No Title"

The window is open so I smell the sea. Fireplace is on so I feel the warmth.

And I write. And I write.

I’m away from the world. I needed it.

Which brings me to you. And my devotion to helping you do the best work you’ve ever
done. And create a life that is no less than epic. And iconic. And uncommonly excellent.

One of the best ideas I’ve learned in a long time is this one:


I know that’s an unusual line. Maybe it irritates you a little (good–I’m here to disrupt
your normal beliefs and behaviors so you make the changes that will change your world).
Perhaps it scares you (even better–our greatest fears deliver our finest growth). Or maybe
you totally get what I mean.

What I’m suggesting to you–with that line–(and with the awesome respect I have for you
as a reader of my blog) is that the brains we currently have are far less the result of
genetics and luck and FAR more the result of our daily habits and the routine influences
we expose our minds to.

Brain scientists have been making large leaps in their understanding of the concept of
neuroplasticity. They’ve realized that–contrary to common belief–the brains we’re born
with are not the brains we’re stuck with for life. No. Our brains are plastic. They can be
shaped, grown and sculpted into things of beauty (that serve our excellence brilliantly).
By the way we use them.

Which brings me to Darwin. And Picasso. And Michelangelo.

Not one of these people were born into genius. The whole idea of natural born talent is
mostly a lie we sell ourselves so we don’t have to rise up and feel the fear of doing
something great in our work and with our lives. In truth, you can walk with the giants and
play amongst the gifted–if you start making the different choices that will yield different
These people were pure ordinary-ness (ok–so I made up a word). But here’s what they
did to make themselves "special". They followed their "inclinations". In other words, they
pursued the work that made their hearts sing rather than doing the things others wanted
them to do. And they had the audacity to become the people they wanted to be versus the
people others wished they’d become.

BONUS TIP: one of the biggest ways we limit our potential and deny our genius is
following The Herd and modeling The Crowd. If you want to win in 2013 and transform
the way you work + live, you absolutely MUST break free of The Cult of Mediocrity.
You absolutely must stop listening to the chattering voices of the cynics around you. You
absolutely must trust yourself–and your instincts.

And that’s what EVERY Master does. They trust their gut. They follow their
"inclinations"–those things that when they do them, their work doesn’t feel like work.
Instead, it’s joy. Bliss. And LOVE.

And because it feels so good when you have the guts to pursue these activities, you do
them a lot. You "work" really really hard at your "work". You no longer see your job as a
job but as your craft and your calling and your devotion.

And because of this, your devotion eventually becomes your BEAUTIFUL OBSESSION.

You practice it daily. Constantly. Consistently.

You have no time for TV and Call of Duty video games and Twitter or gossip. You need
and hunger to do that thing that fills you. That inspires you. That gives you precious
glimpses of your greatest self.

And as you do this, you stop living society’s life. You step into YOUR life. The life
meant for you. The days of your destiny. This is how genius unfolds. No magic. Just
trusting your passion. And putting in the work.

I so hope I’m not boring you. These words just poured out of me. As the waves cascade.
As the sea air moves. As this fireplace flickers.

So please allow me to finish this post with A STATEMENT OF MY 6 UNUSUAL

OBSESSIONS. These are the unusual commitments that govern my life. They are not so
popular in this world we live in but they mean a lot to me. And my guess is they mean a
lot to you.

Commit–TODAY–to becoming a master. Ask yourself what are you best at? What things
do you do that when you do them you feel happy + at peace–and sense your creativity
and gifts pouring out of you. We get the life we’ve settled for. We get the brains we’ve
earned. Start looking for those things in your work (and life) that you can become a
Picasso at. Life shifts once you do.


Yes, I’m obsessed with progress. With making every day better than yesterday. With
making this year 1000X better than last year. Drives my team crazy. Sometimes irritates
the people around me. But I fiercely believe we are built for growth (not stagnation). For
expansion (not contraction). Good enough just isn’t very good as far as I can tell. The
whole nature of the game is to see how far we can go–and to express our potential so we
create the lives of our dreams. And elevate the world in the process. (Failing to realize
your gifts makes the world less of a great place to be, no?).

SPECIAL NOTE: If you’re truly ready to make this year radically better than last year,
read about the very big opportunity for you below and get onto The Priority Access List
for Your Absolute Best Year Yet, my revolutionary 12 week online program for extreme
achievement and real Mastery. The level of interest has been nothing like I’ve ever seen.
Registration opens up next week and this is a fantastic opportunity for you to make this
year the best year of your life so sign up to get a chance at one of the limited
memberships below.


My friend and colleague Tom Peters made this word even more famous in the circles we
work in. But here’s my take on it: leave everything you touch better than you find it.
Surround yourself with excellent people. Use excellent words. Drink excellent coffee.
Read excellent books. Wear excellent shoes. Create excellent projects. Be an excellent
parent. Think excellent thoughts. You deserve no less.


Yes, I’m obsessed with being happy. No, I’m not happy all the time (I’m human after all).
Sometimes people tell me "you don’t live in the real world". My reply: "Who wants to
live in the real world?" A world with negativity and wars and greed and chaos. I want to
create a world of my own making–while living in this very real world. I want to do work
that matters and live with the people I love and pursue my highest ideals and live the life
I have envisioned. I want to be happy–and so I block out the noise. So I can do so.


We are designed to create. We are all Artists. Each of us is a Creative (not just the people
in advertising and design). Accountants and firefighters, math teachers and breakfast
servers. We are all meant to innovate + ideate and use our brains to birth our best ideas
into the world. I write and record ideas everywhere. On flight sickness bags on airplanes.
On paper napkins in restaurants. In my journal that follows me much of where I go. Yes,
I’m obsessed with creativity. And that’s my encouragement for you too.


This one’s my oxygen. I’m revealing it to you here. My Dad instilled this value in me.
Deeply. As I grew up, he spoke of Gandhi. And Mandela. And Martin Luther King Jr.
And Mother Teresa. And other Saints of Humanity who on my best days I acutely
remember. My father told me that the real purpose of life is to serve. To be of use. To
uplift those around us. To be helpful. And for this ideal–I owe my Dad the greatest debt
of gratitude. Yes, I run a business. Yes I want to win. But above all else, I want to serve.
It’s my obsession. And I make zero apologies for it. Ever.

I really hope this post has moved something within you. To stop playing small with your
gifts, talents and Dreams. Think about what I’ve shared. Talk about this post with your
team + family. Share it with your friends. And then go out and change the world. Please.

Your fan,

What makes an elite performer isn’t how you show up when Plan A’s working. What
reveals a true superstar is the way you deliver when your best laid plans are falling apart.
These are messy times. Days of intense volatility. A period of immense uncertainty. And
one of the dominant themes in work + life these days is distraction (a constant stream of
activities begging for our attention that in the end amount to nothing).
So the fight we face as Leaders Without Titles and as human beings on a mission to
express our absolute best talents is to block out the noise so we get real work done. Here
are some of my best strategies to help you do this:
#1. Get Great at Reverse Engineering: Engineers working with technology startups are
masterful at taking a competitor’s product and breaking it apart – piece by piece – from
the finished version to its initial components. After study, they then make their own
product even better. Truly productive people do the same thing with their most valuable
opportunity. They know the final result they are after and maintain acute clarity on it.
Armed with this awareness, they reverse engineer this big goal into a series of small and
actionable steps that they then put into a 1-2 page plan of execution. This strategy works
for them. And it’ll work for you.
#2. Abhor Distraction: I fiercely fight distraction in my own life and teach the teams I
work with at companies like Starbucks, Coca-Cola and Oracle along with the billionaires
I privately coach how to do the same. Everyone’s fighting for your focus. And too many
people are stealing your attention. Don’t be so generous in giving it to them – unless it’s
for something that truly matters. So, clean out the distractions in your workspace and
personal life. I just read that special forces on a military mission are kept in isolation
from other teams and denied access to TV/Newspapers/Internet. Why? To PROTECT
their focus so they deliver perfection on their mission. Pretty great metaphor for you and
I, no? So please remember: Distraction is the greatest thief of time. And time is a non-
renewable resource.
#3. Stop Multi-tasking: A recent case report shared a story of a medical resident who was
using her cellphone to input data about the dosage of a patient she was attending. She was
interrupted with a text message from a friend inviting her to a party. The resident replied
and started a conversation. The only problem was she forgot to get back to her patient
who then began receiving a near-fatal dose of the medicine. Open-heart surgery saved his
live. But the larger point is that so few of us are fully present to the work/activity in front
of us anymore. I see people on airport runways checking their Twitter feed. I see taxi
drivers reviewing their emails. A huge competitive advantage falls to the 1 in 100
performer with the brilliance to develop the skill of becoming massively focused on the
one thing in front of them. Truly a game-changing move.
#4. Build Rituals: Ok, this is another valuable tactic to unleash your productivity. When I
studied the lives of People of Great Output like Stephen King, Winston Churchill and
John Irving, I saw that they didn’t leave their productivity to the fleeting winds of
inspiration. Instead, they instituted precise rituals into their daily lives that allowed their
creativity to flourish. Stephen King, for example, sits down to work at 8 am every
morning, in the same chair, with his papers set in the same way. His belief is that this
obsessive consistency sends a signal to his mind to focus and deliver serious results.
#5. Launch at Beta: So many of us procrastinate by waiting for ideal conditions to get big
things done. Here’s what I’ve learned from some of the software enterprises we’ve
consulted with: launch at beta and then iterate to perfection. What I mean by that is stop
waiting for perfect conditions or the perfect product before you get to market. Yes, I stand
for ensuring anything you offer is best of breed. But sometimes putting off a project until
it’s flawless demonstrates nothing more than your fear of success. And we both know
you’re so much larger than that.
#6. Practice Productivity: When I was learning to ski, my instructor taught me about
muscle memory. He made me practice many tiny moves over and over again sharing “this
is going to build your muscle memory”, meaning that if I practiced the technique
relentlessly, a time would eventually come where I could perform it swiftly, elegantly and
unconsciously. Same applies to your productivity. Practice doing work that matters.
Practice sitting in one place for many hours focused on a single result. Practice running
rituals and elite performance routines that will lift you into the realm of world-class.
Because as I know you know: Genius isn’t so much about genetics as it is about work
ethic and sheer practice.
I hope these strategies have been of service to you. The world needs you at your
productive best.
Stay Great,

4 Tips to Build a Winning Team

The Transcript of 4 Tips to Build a Winning Team

Hi, it’s Robin Sharma, the author of “The Leader Who Had No Title.” I would like to
welcome you to this issue of Robin Sharma TV. Well this issue is all about four tips to
build a winning team. I mean I’m here in Stockholm, Sweden. I’ve just had the pleasure
of spending three and a half hours with almost 700 people, talking about Lead without
title and Stockholm is a
gorgeous city that I finished the presentation and I went for a great ride and got to know
the city even more, smelled the smells, got lost a little bit and really just savoured the
moment on this tour. The tour started off in Dublin then went to Macedonia over to
Stockholm, Paris tomorrow, then down to Mauritius.
But let me get right to the point. At the session after the event I had dinner with some of
the executives, or lunch rather with some of the executives who had showed up at the
Lead without a title presentation and one of the questions I got was how do you build a
winning team? How do you
motivate your team? How do I get teammates who are inspired to wow they’re
customers, to be great teammates, to do great work, to help me build a great company
that does our part to change the world. Four specific tactics were my reply.

Number one. LBE; Lead By Example. So a lot of CEOs come to me and say, “Robin I’d
like to have more engaged employees.” Well the real question is how engaged are you? A
lot of CEOs come up to me or managing directors saying, “Robin I wish I had employees
or teammates who work like Picasso painted.” And I look at them and I feel like saying
“well do you work like
Picasso painted?” Lot of CEOs come up to me and say, “Robin you know I wish my
teammates were more passionate about the work they do.” And I feel like saying “well
how passionate are you?”

And so this force point is really this. Few things are as powerful as leading by example. If
you want innovative employees, if you want excellent employees, if you want ethical
employees, if you want passionate employees, if you want employees who win, then you
be the change you want to see in your employees to sort of paraphrase what Gandhi said.
So the first point is really, the game-changer is, lead by example. I mean you model the
behaviour and the performance that you want your employees or the rest of the team to
live and the more you do that, the more you will do whatever a leader without a title does,
which is influence people.

Number two. The second thing I said to this executive if you want to have a winning
team do what one of our clients, Ritz Carlton does every morning. Before the door is
opened up for the hotel, they have a huddle and there are a few things they do. In that
huddle, they talk about one of the Ritz Carlton values. They just talk about one of the
core values. You know maybe it’s customer wow and they talk about what it looks like,
what it means and that simply just reinforces that key value in the minds of the team first
thing in the morning. Second thing they do, they come up with a customer service story.
You know one employee at Ritz Carlton doing something that made a huge difference in
the life of a guest. Then another thing they do is they celebrate birthdays, something
human. So the second tactic for building a winning team, a morning huddle. Do it from
maybe 9:00 to 9:15 everyday. Pick a value you want to coach your team on. Pick a story
that you want to inspire them on and then celebrate your team because as we know the
team that celebrates together is the team that wins together.
Third tactic; coaching. Well we could spend a whole session here on Robin Sharma TV
talking about coaching, but really your job as a leader is to grow more leaders. Your job
as a leader is to inspire your team to do work they never thought they could do. Your job
as a leader is to leave a trail of leaders behind you.

So the third tactic, the third tactic to building a winning team is find some time everyday,
even if it’s 3 minutes, to coach someone on your team. And don’t say “you did something
wrong”, say “I have an opportunity for you to get to your next level of wow.” Build a
coaching organization where literally part of the culture is you developing talent,
coaching talent. I
mean here’s what the latest researches say. The number one thing your talent wants is to
be coached, to be developed, to do challenging work. It’s not money. They want to do
work that matters and it’s your job to coach them everyday, to develop them, and help
them get to the highest point of their own abilities.

Then the fourth tactic that I want to share with you to build a winning team is to have fun.
I remember having dinner with a billionaire. He built a fantastic technology company. I
said what was the single most important thing you did to build a world class organization,
and a winning team and he said, “Robin, the company that celebrates together is the
company that stays together.” And he called it shared human moments. We’re in a world
right now with all the technology that’s out there, where your teammates are craving
community. They’re craving human connections.

So find some time to have pizza lunches together or find some time to go to a restaurant
together. Find some time to maybe go for a run together, and don’t talk about business.
Have fun together. Have fun with your team. Laugh as a team. Get to know them as
human beings. Get to know their family. Get to know their hopes and their dreams. The
more you can connect with human beings at a very deep human level, the more they’re
going to come back to the office and they’re going to like you, and they’re going to trust
you, and they’re going to listen to you. They’re going to buy into your version because
they truly care.

Those are four specific tactics to help you build a winning team because as you know so
well, if you don’t understand people, you don’t understand business and the bigger your
dream, the more important your team. So take the time to develop a great team.

If you want more tactics on high performance team building or peak performance or
leadership or productivity or if you just want to get more inspired, go on over right now
to You can grab a copy of my 120 page e-book. It’s helped people from
around the world, get some game-changing results as my gift to you for free. I will see
you again in the next issue of Robin Sharma TV. Thank you for watching. All the best to
you. Bye bye.

21 Tips to Become the Most Productive Person You Know

21 Tips to Become the Most Producitive Person You KnowI wanted to help you create
explosive productivity so you get big things done (and make your life matter).

Here are 21 tips to get you to your best productivity.

#1. Check email in the afternoon so you protect the peak energy hours of your mornings
for your best work.

#2. Stop waiting for perfect conditions to launch a great project. Immediate action fuels a
positive feedback loop that drives even more action.

#3. Remember that big, brave goals release energy. So set them clearly and then revisit
them every morning for 5 minutes.

#4. Mess creates stress (I learned this from tennis icon Andre Agassi who said he
wouldn’t let anyone touch his tennis bag because if it got disorganized, he’d get
distracted). So clean out the clutter in your office to get more done.

#5. Sell your TV. You’re just watching other people get successful versus doing the things
that will get you to your dreams.

#6. Say goodbye to the energy vampires in your life (the negative souls who steal your
#7. Run routines. When I studied the creative lives of massively productive people like
Stephen King, John Grisham and Thomas Edison, I discovered they follow strict daily
routines. (i.e., when they would get up, when they would start work, when they would
exercise and when they would relax). Peak productivity’s not about luck. It’s about

#8. Get up at 5 am. Win the battle of the bed. Put mind over mattress. This habit alone
will strengthen your willpower so it serves you more dutifully in the key areas of your

#9. Don’t do so many meetings. (I’ve trained the employees of our FORTUNE 500
clients on exactly how to do this – including having the few meetings they now do
standing up – and it’s created breakthrough results for them).

#10. Don’t say yes to every request. Most of us have a deep need to be liked. That
translates into us saying yes to everything – which is the end of your elite productivity.

#11. Outsource everything you can’t be BIW (Best in the World) at. Focus only on
activities within what I call “Your Picasso Zone”.

#12. Stop multi-tasking. New research confirms that all the distractions invading our lives
are rewiring the way our brains work (and drop our IQ by 5 points!). Be one of the rare-
air few who develops the mental and physical discipline to have a mono-maniacal focus
on one thing for many hours. (It’s all about practice).

#13. Get fit like Madonna. Getting to your absolute best physical condition will create
explosive energy, renew your focus and multiply your creativity.

#14. Workout 2X a day. This is just one of the little-known productivity tactics that I’ll
walk you through in my new online training program YOUR PRODUCTIVITY
UNLEASHED (details at the end of this post) but here’s the key: exercise is one of the
greatest productivity tools in the world. So do 20 minutes first thing in the morning and
then another workout around 6 or 7 pm to set you up for wow in the evening.
#15. Drink more water. When you’re dehydrated, you’ll have far less energy. And get less

#16. Work in 90 minute blocks with 10 minute intervals to recover and refuel (another
game-changing move I personally use to do my best work).

#17. Write a Stop Doing List. Every productive person obsessively sets To Do Lists. But
those who play at world-class also record what they commit to stop doing. Steve Jobs
said that what made Apple Apple was not so much what they chose to build but all the
projects they chose to ignore.

#18. Use your commute time. If you’re commuting 30 minutes each way every day – get
this: at the end of a year, you’ve spent 6 weeks of 8 hour days in your car. I encourage
you to use that time to listen to fantastic books on audio + excellent podcasts and
valuable learning programs. Remember, the fastest way to double your income is to triple
your rate of learning.

#19. Be a contrarian. Why buy your groceries at the time the store is busiest? Why go to
movies on the most popular nights? Why hit the gym when the gym’s completely full?
Do things at off-peak hours and you’ll save so many of them.

#20. Get things right the first time. Most people are wildly distracted these days. And so
they make mistakes. To unleash your productivity, become one of the special performers
who have the mindset of doing what it takes to get it flawless first. This saves you days of
having to fix problems.

#21. Get lost. Don’t be so available to everyone. I often spend hours at a time in the
cafeteria of a university close to our headquarters. I turn off my devices and think, create,
plan and write. Zero interruptions. Pure focus. Massive results.

I truly hope these 21 productivity tips have been valuable to you. And that I’ve been of
service. Your productivity is your life made visible. Please protect it.

Stay productive.
The 50 New Rules of Work

You are not just paid to work. You are paid to be uncomfortable – and to pursue projects
that scare you.
Take care of your relationships and the money will take care of itself.
Lead you first. You can’t help others reach for their highest potential until you’re in the
process of reaching for yours.
To double your income, triple your rate of learning.
While victims condemn change, leaders grow inspired by change.
Small daily improvements over time create stunning results.
Surround yourself with people courageous enough to speak truthfully about what’s best
for your organization and the customers you serve.
Don’t fall in love with your press releases.
Every moment in front of a customer is a moment of truth (to either show you live by the
values you profess – or you don’t).
Copying what your competition is doing just leads to being second best.
Become obsessed with the user experience such that every touchpoint of doing business
with you leaves people speechless. No, breathless.
If you’re in business, you’re in show business. The moment you get to work, you’re on
stage. Give us the performance of your life.
Be a Master of Your Craft. And practice + practice + practice.
Get fit like Madonna.
Read magazines you don’t usually read. Talk to people who you don’t usually speak to.
Go to places you don’t commonly visit. Disrupt your thinking so it stays fresh + hungry +
Remember that what makes a great business – in part – are the seemingly insignificant
details. Obsess over them.
Good enough just isn’t good enough.
Brilliant things happen when you go the extra mile for every single customer.
An addiction to distraction is the death of creative production. Enough said.
If you’re not failing regularly, you’re definitely not making much progress.
Lift your teammates up versus tear your teammates down. Anyone can be a critic. What
takes guts is to see the best in people.
Remember that a critic is a dreamer gone scared.
Leadership’s no longer about position. Now, it’s about passion. And having an impact
through the genius-level work that you do.
The bigger the dream, the more important the team.
If you’re not thinking for yourself, you’re following – not leading.
Work hard. But build an exceptional family life. What’s the point of reaching the
mountaintop but getting there alone.
The job of the leader is to develop more leaders.
The antidote to deep change is daily learning. Investing in your professional and personal
development is the smartest investment you can make. Period.
Smile. It makes a difference.
Say “please” and “thank you”. It makes a difference.
Shift from doing mindless toil to doing valuable work.
Remember that a job is only just a job if all you see it as is a job.
Don’t do your best work for the applause it generates but for the personal pride it
The only standard worth reaching for is BIW (Best in World).
In the new world of business, everyone works in Human Resources.
In the new world of business, everyone’s part of the leadership team.
Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.
You become your excuses.
You’ll get your game-changing ideas away from the office versus in the middle of work.
Make time for solitude. Creativity needs the space to present itself.
The people who gossip about others when they are not around are the people who will
gossip about you when you’re not around.
It could take you 30 years to build a great reputation and 30 seconds of bad judgment to
lose it.
The client is always watching.
The way you do one thing defines the way you’ll do everything. Every act matters.
To be radically optimistic isn’t soft. It’s hard. Crankiness is easy.
People want to be inspired to pursue a vision. It’s your job to give it to them.
Every visionary was initially called crazy.
The purpose of work is to help people. The other rewards are inevitable by-products of
this singular focus.
Remember that the things that get scheduled are the things that get done.
Keep promises and be impeccable with your word. People buy more than just your
products and services. They invest in your credibility.
Lead Without a Title.

17 Tips To Double Your Productivity In 14 Days

1. Turn off all technology for 60 minutes a day and focus on doing your most important
2. Work in 90 minute cycles (tons of science is now confirming that this is the optimal
work to rest ratio).
3. Start your day with at least 30 minutes of exercise.
4. Don’t check your email first thing in the morning.
5. Turn all your electronic notifications off.
6. Take one day a week as a complete recovery day, to refuel and regenerate (that means
no email, no phone calls and zero work). You need full recovery one day a week
otherwise you’ll start depleting your capabilities.
7. The data says workers are interrupted every 11 minutes. Distractions destroy
productivity. Learn to protect your time and say no to interruptions.
8. Schedule every day of your week every Sunday morning. A plan relieves you of the
torment of choice (said novelist Saul Bellow). It restores focus and provides energy.
9. Work in blocks of time. Creative geniuses all had 2 things in common: when they
worked they were fully engaged and when they worked, they worked with this deep
concentration for long periods of time. Rare in this world of entrepreneurs who can’t sit
10. Drink a liter of water early every morning. We wake up dehydrated. The most
precious asset of an entrepreneur isn’t time – it’s energy. Water restores it.
11. Don’t answer your phone every time it rings.
12. Invest in your professional development so you bring more value to the hours you
13. Avoid gossip and time vampires.
14. Touch paper just once.
15. Keep a “Stop Doing List”.
16. Get up at 5 am.
17. Have meetings standing up.
Stay Productive and Make Your Work Matter!
Kindest regards,

Get clear on a dream

• Don’t listen to people who laugh at you
• Be a great friend
• Live to read and learn
• Deal with your fears
• You are special

#1. Be Real
Call it being authentic. Call it being yourself. The fact is that few things are as powerful
as standing in the presence of a person who is really really comfortable in their own skin.
What I’m suggesting is that you speak with your unique voice and that you live under
your true values and that you present the real you to the world around you. Please trust
me on this one. I promise you that when you get to the last hour of your last day, you will
regret having lived the life society sold you versus the life that you knew deep within was
meant for you.
#2. Smile
Sure this sounds obvious. But what makes greatness is the daily executing around simple
ideas. And if smiling during good and hard times was so easy, then why is it so hard for
most people? I travel across the planet constantly. But no matter whether I’m in Qatar or
Napa, Buenos Aires or Malaysia, Mumbai or Amsterdam, a quick and genuine smile to a
stranger always connects. Unites. Uplifts.
#3. Use People’s Names
The fantastic Dale Carnegie taught us well. He observed that a person’s name is the
sweetest sound to their ears. And yet, it’s so very easy to forget to go the extra mile and
remember – and then use – someone’s name. World-class communicators get that when
they address people by name, it brings them closer. And makes them stand out.
#4. Look People In The Eye
Okay. I really need to rant mildly on this one. Sure we all have our smart phones and
iPods and PCs. But this new way of communicating where our mouths move while we
speak to the person in front of us but our eyes stay on the screens before us sends a
message to that person that they just are not that important. The best gift you can give a
customer+teammate+loved one is the gift of your presence. In this age of easy
digitization, giving the human being you’re communicating with 1000% of your attention
is a spectacular method to lead the field. So, look people in the eye. Engage with what
they are saying. Make them feel special. No, make them feel–for the brief moments they
interact with you – that they are the most important person in the world.
#5. Be Honest
Again, simple, I know. But leadership and success really does come down to the daily
doing of a series of fundamentals staggeringly well. Be the most honest person you know.
Let your ethics drive your behavior. And please remember, anyone can be honest when
times are easy. The true measure of your leadership is how honest you are when
everything’s falling apart.
#6. Choose Good Words
I was up in the mountains last weekend. Wanted to get some breakfast. Walked into a new
Italian restaurant that advertised breakfast until 11:30 am. It was 11:40. I asked the man
behind the counter: “Is it possible to still get breakfast?” His instant reply: “Absolutely
not.” Now I understand this man wasn’t trying to be rude. He was most likely unskilled
with his words. Just not a great communicator. But his words had impact (as all words
do). A more effective communicator could have said, “I wish we could but we’ve just
switched over to the lunch menu. I think you’ll love it. C’mon in and give it a try.” It’s all
in the languaging. Instead, his words caused me to try his competitor. And to think that
this is a restaurant that just doesn’t care that much.
So there you are Great Communicator. Six pretty fundamental yet powerful ways to amp
up the impact of your communication during this month focused on appreciating
relationships. Try them. Apply them. And innovate around them. Those around you will
be grateful you did.
15 Ways For You To Do Your Best Work

Do your best work by challenging the way you did things yesterday.
Do your best work by allowing your passion to see the light of day.
Do your best work by becoming part of the solution versus growing the problem.
Do your best work by expecting nothing less than you playing at world-class.
Do your best work by giving away the credit (especially when you crave it)
Do your best work by practicing your skills so you become a virtuoso.
Do your best work by releasing excuses and doing important things.
Do your best work by getting up when you’ve been knocked down.
Do your best work by keeping your promises; to others and to yourself.
Do your best work by showing integrity.
Do your best work by delivering more value than anyone could ever expect from you.
Do your best work by making time to refill your well.
Do your best work by having a strong foundation at home.
Do your best work by becoming as fit as a pro athlete.
Do your best work by doing work that makes a difference and inspires others to do the
As Chuck Palahniuk once said: “The goal isn’t to live forever. The goal is to create
something that will.”

Too many people are living their neighbors’ lives. So many amongst us are building our
futures based on a definition of success sold to us by society+the media+our peers. That’s
fine if you’re consciously choosing to live by those values. But what if – at truth – you
have a different set of values. And the success you are currently chasing actually has little
to do with what will make you happy when you review your life at the end?
My encouragement is to take 60 minutes over the next few days and rethink what you are
investing your mental focus and physical energy on. Are you spending your time on work
that matters and personal pursuits that are moving the needle forward? Or are you stuck
in the thick of thin things? Being really busy being really busy?
A life is a tragic thing to waste. Yet too many of us – born into the potential to live
soaring lives as well as contribute to raising the lives around them – waste our best hours
on mindless distractions, needless interruptions and activities that are nothing more than
an escape.
I also encourage you to play with the definition of success that has been transforming the
lives of those using “The Robin Sharma Success System“, an online 21 day training
program. In it, I teach that success isn’t just about making money and climbing the social
ladder (the data actually confirms that people making $5 million a year are only
incrementally happier than blue collar workers). Sure money matters.
But I invite you to also focus on these dimensions of your life if you’re serious about
REAL success:
Personal development
Family connections
Being world-class at your work
Having a network of friends who elevate you
Creating a phenomenal lifestyle
And using your life to make a difference.
That last metric is the key. What’s the point of having success but failing at Significance?
Yes, chase your dreams and rise to lofty heights in the world. But please remember:
greatness comes from living for a cause larger than you. And leaving our world better
than you found it.

The Big 5 Opportunities of This Down Cycle

OK. We’re in some challenging times. Economies are shifting. Businesses are
reconfiguring. And deep uncertainty dominates many peoples’ mindsets.
But smart leaders get that crisis breeds opportunity. And so they train their brains to focus
on nothing else.
Here are 5 of the NBO’s (Nice Big Opportunities) I’ve been sharing with my clients:
1. It Has Never Been Easier To Stand Out
Everyone is negative. Customer service is being pulled back. Innovation is shutting
down. So, great rewards will come to you as you stay positive, client-centered and wildly
2. It Has Never Been So Easy To Retain and Secure Superb Talent
A great team of spirited people can achieve extraordinary results. Now is a fine time to
build that team.
3. This Down Cycle Is An Excellent Time To Open Up New Markets
Not every region is in a recession so now might be the perfect time to expand into an
emerging economy.
4. With All the Turmoil, This Is An Opportunity to Get Back to the Fundamentals
Create strong value for your stakeholders. Build a business based on integrity. Renew
deep family relationships. Savor life’s simpler pleasures.
5. This Is A Fantastic Time Invest In Your Learning
Learning boosts passion and engagement. In the up-cycle, you may have been running so
fast you made zero time to invest in yourself. Yet, to be a better leader become a bigger
Keep Leading Without A Title.

The Best Advice I Ever Got

April 13th, 2012

I hope you’re great. Four things I wanted to share with you to help you do fantastic work
and create your best life during these volatile times:
#1. Below you will find an idea-rich article called, “The Best Advice I Ever Got” that
summarizes the powerful insights that exceptional business leaders use to win.
The Best Advice I Ever Got
All it takes is a single idea to change the game. One insight, shared in one quick
conversation, can transform the way you think, work and live. One piece of wisdom from
an epic performer – or a thoughtful producer – can dramatically alter the path of your
career and your personal life. And, as with all big ideas, the simpler the better (simplicity
is the trademark of Genius).
When I was about 21 years old, I was blessed to have a brilliant bond trader as a best
friend. He was older than me, more instinctual and had developed the acute courage to
live his life on his own terms (versus following the crowd). A true original, in my eyes.
And a man who influenced my perspective deeply. We used to take long walks along the
ocean and talk about business, creativity and getting big things done. One morning, he
said something that still speaks to me this day: “Robin, you have to run your own race.”
To me, that advice meant a few things, trust my own instincts, live by my own values, do
my own dreams (and quickly dismissing the chattering opinions of the critics around us).
Too easy to buy into society’s definition of success and miss out on our own. So easy to
get distracted by what other people are doing and get off the clear vision we’ve set for
ourselves. And I have to admit that I’d rather fail at my own “race” than win at someone
To keep you encouraged, focused and at peak inspiration as you pursue what’s most
important to you, I’ve set out some of the best “advice I’ve learned” from some of the
best businesspeople on the planet. Here you go:
Elon Musk, the visionary founder of Tesla – the electric supercar manufacturer – told
FORTUNE magazine that the single best piece of advice he ever received came from the
book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy. “Don’t panic” were the words that jumped
out at him, and that have guided his world-class career as an entrepreneur. He shared that
emotion causes imperfect decision making since we don’t see the facts clearly. As for bad
advice he said: “My parents advised me to ignore bullies. That doesn’t work. You have to
punch them in the nose.”
Leonard Lauder, Chairman of The Estee Lauder Companies learned an outstanding piece
of advice from his mother that guided his career, “If you have something positive to say
to someone, put it into writing. But if you have something bad to say, tell it to them to
their face.” An example comes from his experience as chairman of The Whitney Museum
in New York. He was upset with one of the trustees and wrote a letter that he left on his
desk. An assistant found the letter and mailed it, causing the trustee to resign in disgust.
Lauder says he still regrets writing that letter to this day.
Terry Lundgren, CEO, Macy’s: “You’re not going to do this forever. There’s a finite
amount of time you’re going to be doing this. Do this really, really well.” (from an
interview in The New York Times).
Tony Hsieh, founder of “Hire more slowly and fire those who are harming
the culture more quickly. Our #1 priority is company culture. Our belief is that if you get
the culture right, then most of the other stuff like building a great brand and great
customer service will happen naturally.”
Warren Buffett, the iconic investor, was profoundly influenced by his father Howard, a
stockbroker. One of the maxims his dad would recite regularly came from the philosopher
Emerson: “The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect
sweetness the independence of solitude.” This drilled into Buffett’s thinking the
importance of thinking for yourself and contrarian investing.
“When you’re the first person whose beliefs are different from what everyone else
believes, you’re basically saying, “I’m right, and everyone else is wrong.” That’s a very
unpleasant position to be in. It’s at once exhilarating and at the same time an invitation to
be attacked.” Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle (by the way, big thanks to the team at The
Oracle CIO Summit in Dallas for your invitation to present the Lead Without a Title
message to your much-valued leaders).
“Twenty five years ago I wish someone had told me about the exponential factor of time:
that every year over forty years of age goes twice as fast and every year over fifty goes
ten times as fast.” Harold Evans, former publisher, Random House (from If I Knew Then
What I Know Now by Richard Edler)

A few final – and random – pieces of advice people have shared with me along the way
that have formed my thinking:
Genius has little to do with luck and everything to do with practice.
Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the ill person can see.
Fly 1000 miles for a 10 minute meeting (you can’t build great relationships via email).
Miss a meal but don’t miss reading.
What separates the best from the rest is how they manage the gift of their time.
Too many people live the same year 80 times and call it a life.
Life is short. Be of use.

The 44 Master Moves of Remarkable Entrepreneurs

I’m completely amped to help you shatter any limits that are holding you back from
becoming a Remarkable Entrepreneur – and building a fantastic company so you get to
live the life of your dreams.
So…I’ve written down 44 of my BEST ideas and insights learned from over 15 years
with many of the SMARTEST entrepreneurs in the world and as founder of The
Remarkable Entrepreneur SuperConference.

Read them + SHARE them with your team and then live them. Hope they really help you


By Robin Sharma

1. They get that the #1 way to build a global brand is one customer at a time.

2. They obsess around having an impact vs. growing their income (and so their income

3. They listen more than they speak. And they deliver more than they promise.

4. They use their most valuable hours to do their most valuable work (don’t check email
first thing in the morning).

5. They get that you can’t have an A-level company if you hire B-level people.

6. They are deeply aware that jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to Mastery. And so
they fearlessly pour their Genius into the world.

7. They understand that what the amateur calls genius, the professional calls practice.

8. They are fanatics around building a systems-driven company. Everything has a system
built around it. This ensures consistently fantastic results. And allows the entrepreneur to
take extraordinary amounts of time off. [I've recorded a powerful training video that will
show you how to really grow an ultra-successful company while you live a much better
life. It's called "The Napa Valley Adventure". Watch it now:]

9. They trust their vision when everyone else is doubting their vision.

10. They provoke their teammates to do work they never imagined they could do.

11. They know that good enough just isn’t good enough. Outright perfection is their ideal.

12. They have discovered that extra hard work is Success’ true best friend.

13. They use flight time to get ahead and review their plans vs. playing Angry Birds and
watching bad movies.

14. They get that progress often shows up in failure’s clothing.

15. They invest deeply in their education and development knowing that the fastest way
to double your net worth is to triple your rate of learning.

16. They focus on value versus cost.

17. They hold themselves to performance + ethical standards higher than anyone could
ever expect of them.

18. They make the time to think, plan and prepare – understanding that clarity breeds
mastery. And there’s no point in brilliantly executing the wrong things.

19. They get that their 3 most valuable assets are their mental focus, physical energy and
internal creativity. And so they protect them ferociously.

20. They are “Apple-like” in their willingness to think differently and ensure their
products leave customers breathless.

21. They stick to their convictions – especially in the face of criticism.

22. They relentlessly stay true to their clearly articulated vision – even when confronted
with the most heartbreaking of obstruction.

23. They adore the mantra: “How may I best serve the most people?”

24. They challenge the way they worked yesterday for the sake of even bigger work

25. They get that either you disrupt the status quo in your industry (and within your life),
or you will be disrupted. And it will hurt.

26. They spend their days doing real work versus fake work. And getting important things
done versus being really busy being busy.

27. They know that if they’re not frightened a lot they’re not achieving a lot.

28. They appreciate that Leadership’s no longer about ensuring compliance but inspiring
connections, being of service and getting great things done.

29. They work hard to craft a high-performance culture, understanding that the culture of
the organization stages the performance of its people.

30. They are more fascinated in building a company that will endure the generations than
an enterprise that is hot for a few quarters. Iconic is their obsession.
31. They get that failure is the foundation of innovation.

32. They are acutely aware that the winning formula that made their company successful
just might be the one that makes their company obsolete. And so they break what works.
And stay foolish and hungry.

33. They deliver results versus voice rationalizations.

34. They view angry customers as breathtakingly great opportunities to create fanatical

35. They know that if people are not laughing at your 24 Month Magnificent Obsession
(More on that and all these ideas at The Remarkable Entrepreneur SuperConference 2012
in Toronto, Canada June 2+3 – see below for details to grab a seat while you can – I
really want to help you win this year!), you have the wrong vision.

36. They perceive connections with their community as the main aim of commerce.

37. They are devoted to getting into their absolute best physical condition. They have
zero desire to be the richest people in the graveyard.

38. They understand that the greatest gift you can give a teammate (or a customer or your
child) is the gift of your undivided attention.

39. They know that logic is the dream killer. Instead, they trust instinct, creativity and
passion to lead them to where they need to go.

40. They have learned that few things feel better than the pride you’ll feel on a job
beautifully done.
41. They are good at starting things. And even better at finishing them.

42. They get that confidence grows via the doing of difficult things. And so they pursue

43. They identify themselves as virtuosos. Best in World is the only place they play.

44. They bravely donate their lives to a cause larger than themselves. And – in this way –
transform the world through their presence.

5 One Minute Productivity Tactics

1. Have the courage to get great at saying “No Thanks” to any activities that don’t
advance your priorities.
2. Take 60 seconds every morning to do a written game plan for a productive day. “The
things that get scheduled are the things that get done.”, from The Greatness Guide.
3. Take a few seconds each day to turn off all your technology and work deeply on a key
project with zero distraction.
4. Take 60 seconds to breathe deeply and focus on your progress. This will re-energize
and refuel you.
5. Take 60 seconds to un-clutter your work area so you create space for your creativity to
Keep Leading Without A Title! And thanks.

Handling criticism

1. Don't focus / give attention to Criticism. It takes time and creativity away from you,
preventing you from achieving your mission.
2. Just remember that criticism is often a compliment. "KMF" / Keep Moving Forward.
3. Use it as a leverage to achieve even more.
4. Just remember when somebody criticizes you, those people are likely to be living in
their fear.
5. Focus on your vision to achieve your mission.
Lead Where You Are Planted

All too often, we wait until ideal conditions appear before we show up at our best. We
promise to display more initiative once we get the promotion, become a superb teammate
once we get the raise and do world-class work once we receive the applause. But true
leadership is about doing your absolute best under imperfect conditions. And leading
where you are planted. An example.
On my last speaking tour, the final event was in Johannesburg. Post-workshop, our CEO
and myself went out for a meal in Nelson Mandela Square. The sun was shining, the food
was pretty good, the service was fine. But it was the awesome display of one distinct
Leader Without a Title that still resonates in my mind. And that I need to tell you about.
As I walked into the washroom, I was greeted by a young man with a 1000 watt smile.
His job was clearly to keep the place clean. Some would call him a janitor. But to me, he
viewed himself as an inventor… innovating and iterating within his sphere of
“Welcome to my office,” he spoke, with a sparkle in his eyes. “It’s nice to have you
visit.” His uniform was impeccable. His counters were immaculate. And his manners,
superb. He could have made excuses to deny his enthusiasm. Could have complained
about the base position, the lack of authority, the limited power. But he didn’t.
Instead, he assumed his power-to influence all those he met, to impact others by his
excellent example, and to inspire all by transcending his conditions. This young man did
his work like Rembrandt painted, Beckham bends the ball, like Colombus explored.
My true point? No job is just a job, unless it’s viewed as just a job. All work is a platform
to express creative potential, offer value and make a unique contribution. But we each
face a choice each day as we walk out into the world: we can play a victim or we can step
up to leadership. And in this messy, disrupted world we now work within, leadership at
every level has become the single best way to win.
Keep Leading Without A Title.
What I Learned from Richard Branson…

Robin Sharma and Richard BransonI hope you’re great! Just finished an event with
Richard Branson in Bucharest (a city known as the “Paris of The East”) and wanted to
share my takeaways with you to help you take your career and life to its next level of

Richard was polite and larger than life. A pleasure to share time with. And a man who
clearly adores all he does. I encourage you to read his autobiography “Losing My
Virginity” as well as his book “Business Stripped Bare” if you haven’t gone through them
yet. Uber-inspiring. For people who want to become Remarkable Entrepreneurs – and
express their absolute best.

Anyway, I’ll get right into some of my observations as well as the ideas we discussed.
Please don’t underestimate the power of these simple ideas – superbly executed, they
yield brilliant results.

1. Politeness Matters. As mentioned, Richard Branson was unfailingly polite. He

mentioned to me that when he was a kid, if he criticized someone, his mother would
make him stand in front of the mirror at home and say, “what you’re seeing in others is
really what you’re seeing in yourself. So look in the mirror.” This educated him on the
key leadership habit of looking for – and then encouraging – the gifts and talents within
other people.

2. Be Massively Independent. When Richard was just four years old, his mother stopped
her car and instructed him to find his own way home, over many miles. When he was
about 12, she told him to cycle 100 miles to Bournemouth alone, to visit a relative. He
expressed to me that these childhood experiences were his mother’s way of growing his
self-reliance. And building the invincible inner core that has served him so well as an
3. Screw It – Just Do It. What makes a great company (and great life) isn’t so much the
inspiring idea as the flawless execution around the big idea. As Edison once said:
“Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” Richard shared that much of his
success came from his philosophy to disregard the naysayers and those telling him his
dream was impossible and just get the dream done. (Please remember: the impossible is
generally just the untried). This is a man with a giant bias towards action.

4. Lavish Praise on People. I know you know this: the bigger the dream, the more
important the team. Having worked with many of the best entrepreneurs in the world,
I’ve learned that every single one of them gets that you can’t do it alone. Beautiful to
have a brave vision. But the real key is finding the genius-level talent to get that vision
delivered into reality. And if all you know how to surround yourself with is mediocre
people, you’re destined to experience mediocre results. Richard is brilliant at finding the
right people that bring his targets of opportunity to life. And he confirmed that once they
are on his team, “I lavish them with praise.” Our takeaway: relentlessly
celebrate+develop+inspire your people.

5. Be a Radical Innovator. When he was a young entrepreneur with nothing more than the
little college newspaper THE STUDENT, he still showed a lust for disregarding all the
rules. He challenged the status quo. And disrupted what was considered normal. An
example: he somehow was able to get John Lennon to do an original piece of music for
him. He then put the song on a special disc and packaged it into the newspaper, right next
to the interview he’d done on the rock ‘n roll legend. At Virgin Records, he recruited the
Sex Pistols and reinvented a whole category of music. At Virgin Atlantic, he gave
passengers massages on airplanes and dropped them home in limos. And with Virgin
Galactic, he’s taking people into space. Very cool. Fantastically bold.

At the Bucharest meeting, he told the 2500+ people in the concert hall that “sometime in
your lifetime, every one of you will have visited other parts of the universe.” And I
believe it.

6. Build Your Brand. Richard Branson gets branding. He knows what he – and the Virgin
name – stands for. Fun. Good Value. Strong customer service. And so at every possible
opportunity, he evangelizes all it stands for. Oh, and he’s also clearly a master of getting
attention. From hot air balloon adventures that made global news to showing up at a press
conference nearly naked to promote Virgin mobile, this Remarkable Entrepreneur gets
the value of owning a share of our brain cells.

7. Find Your Necker Island. Get this: Branson paid roughly $300,000 for his beloved
Necker Island. He and his then girlfriend Joan were visiting the Caribbean on a getaway.
They fell in love with Necker – but it was about $4,000,000. But he wouldn’t give up
(let’s never discount the power of a ridiculous amount of persistence around your most
closely loved goals). A few months later, the owner needed cash. Branson made his
deeply discounted offer. It has served as his retreat away from the world for many years.
Here’s the real point: in the world of so much noise and complexity, find your personal
retreat (even if it’s an aged wooded bench in a public garden) where you can withdraw to

8. Lucky Wins. We make luck. Enough said.

9. Don’t Do It If It’s Not Fun. Branson wears a smile pretty much all the time. He laughs
naturally. And radiates happiness. Zero doubt: he loves his life – and all that’s in it
(George Clooney said he’d swap his life for Richard Branson’s – much to the delight of
Richard’s wife). The lesson for us: life’s just too short to be doing work that destroys
your soul. This is the best time in the history of the world to become an entrepreneur.
Find work you adore. And get busy changing the world with it.

10. With Gifts Come Responsibilities. OK, so Richard Branson’s one of the richest
people on the planet. But he gets that being good trumps shiny toys. He mentioned to me
that, “with great wealth comes great responsibility.” And so he’s spending a lot of his
days evangelizing Virgin Unite, his foundation that helps kids in need. Reminds me of
what my amazing father taught me – using the words of the great poet Tagore – growing
up: “Robin, when you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Son, live your life
in such a way that when you die, the world cries while you rejoice.”

So there you go. What the iconic Richard Branson shared with me on a sunny Wednesday
in Bucharest. I hope the lessons also serve you well.

Do Your Part
Posted on June 7, 2012
Big question for you: “what are you doing to help build a new and better world?” Don’t
blame the politicians. Don’t blame those around you. Don’t blame your parents or your
background. Doing so is playing the victim and this world has far too many people
playing the victim when they could be shining and making a profound difference. Mother
Teresa said it so much better than I ever could: “if each of us would only sweep their own
doorstep, the whole world would be clean.” Nice.

Blaming others is excusing yourself. Telling yourself that you – as an army of one –
cannot have an impact is giving away your power. A couple of college kids got their
hands on empty school buses and drove them into New Orleans when everybody else said
the city was unapproachable. A little man in a loincloth named Mohandas Gandhi freed
an entire nation. A college student named Richard Branson took some initiative to start a
record label on a shoestring that has since morphed into the Virgin empire. You are no
different from them. We are all flesh and bones – cut from the same cloth.

In a recent issue of Vanity Fair, Jennifer Aniston said that she gives herself one day to
play victim after a challenging event. After that day of feeling sorry for herself and
powerless, she wakes up and takes ownership over the way her life looks. And if she
doesn’t like a piece of it she sets about to change it. That’s personal leadership.

What don’t you like about your life or the organization you work for or the country you
live in? Make a list. Write it down. Shout it out. And then do something to improve
things. Anything. Start small or go big. Just do something. Today. Now. The world will be
better for it.
The Myth of Personal Transformation
Posted on June 7, 2012

Too many people believe that playing their best game as a human being requires them to
revolutionalize their lives. And for most of us, that’s a scary thought. No one wants to
make massive changes to the way they think, feel and behave. Human beings love staying
within the comfort zone. But guess what? In my work as a success coach with people
around the world, I’ve realized that lasting personal change does not require you to turn
your life upside down.

The best way to get to your greatness is through small, continuous steps-what I call the
“1% Wins”. If you improve your health only 1% each day for the next 30 days, you will
see a 30% increase in that dimension of your life in only 1 month. Same for every other
area of your life, from your relationships to your career. Doesn’t seem so scary now does
it? Can you make those little improvements in the areas most in need of improvement?

World Class Language

Posted on June 7, 2012

Language offers a framework for meaning. Please think about that powerful idea. We
understand the world through words. The words you use determine the way you perceive
reality. If you call a stumbling block a “problem” or “a big mess” you will create a
different emotional state within you than if you call the issue “an opportunity” or “a
challenge that will only make me better.” I have the privilege, as a success coach, to
work with many extraordinarily successful people from around the world.

One of their core traits of greatness is that the vast majority of them understand the power
of the word. They use world-class language. Not only do they refrain from using
profanities, but they use the language of passion. They use the language of leadership.
They use the language of possibility. They use the language of love.

Live Fully Now

Posted on June 7, 2012

Too many human beings postpone living. We say that we will live our best lives when we
have more time or when we finish the pressing projects that are consuming us. We tell
those around us that we will be more loving and passionate when things slow down. We
promise ourselves that we will get into world-class physical condition and eat healthier
food when we have a little bit more time. Yet, deep within us, each one of us knows that
there will never be a better time to live our biggest life than now. And if not today, then

Getting What You Want While Loving What You Have

Posted on June 7, 2012

Some pundits encourage us to enjoy the moment and appreciate what we have,
suggesting that constantly striving for more is unhealthy and the primary source of our
discontent. And others say that, as human beings, we were built to push beyond our
comfort zones each day and reach for something higher. I’ve struggled a lot with this
issue, as I articulate a personal philosophy that I will live my life under.

I think I’ve found the answer, a solution that feels right to me: it’s a balance. I call it The
Mandela Balance. Nelson Mandela, a hero of mine, once said: “After climbing a great
hill, one finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest,
to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have
come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom comes responsibilities, and I
dare not linger, for my long walk has not yet ended.”

To me, Nelson Mandela is suggesting that it’s all about a balance. Enjoy the view from
where you are at. Savor how far you have come. Be grateful for where you are along the
journey that is your life. But, remember that with the gifts that reside within you come
great responsibilities. I believe that every human being has a Duty to Shine. We must
walk out into the world and do our best to be of greater service to others and greater
citizens in the world. We must continually walk towards our fears and make more of our
lives. We must constantly play a bigger game. This drive to realize more of our greatest
selves has, I believe, been knitted into our DNA and to deny it is to deny our human

And yes, as we set higher dreams and raise our personal standards, we will create
discontent. But this world was built by people who felt some discontent with the way
things were and knew they could do better. Think Gandhi. Think Mother Teresa. Think
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Think Einstein. Think Mandela.

So love what you have. And then go for what you want.

What is Leadership?
Posted on June 7, 2012

Leadership has nothing to do with the title on your business card or the size of your
office. Leadership is not about how much money you make or the clothes you wear.
Leadership is a philosophy. It’s an attitude. It’s a state of mind. And it’s available to each
one of us.

Here’s an example. I spend a lot of my life on airplanes and traveling so I’m hard on my
luggage. The handle on my carry-on luggage broke after my tour of Russia a few months
ago (you have to put a visit to St. Petersburg on your list of places to visit before you
die). Anyway, I take the piece in to Evex, a dealer in Toronto. The young man at the
counter treated me wonderfully and within a few days, the handle was fixed.

While in New York a week ago, the handle broke again. I assumed that I’d have to pay
for the repair when I went back into Evex. Most business put clients through so many
hurdles: if you haven’t saved the receipt you are out of luck, if you don’t know who did
the initial repair we cannot help you etc etc. Well Evex is different. They just get it. They
understand that without treating their customers well, there is no business.

When I explained that the handle broke again, the young woman at the counter – without
a moment of hesitation – apologized for the problem I faced. She them said: “We will
promise you that you will have your carry-on in perfect order within 3 days. And of
course Sir, there will be no charge.” No bureaucracy around needing the receipt from the
previous repair. No hassles. No issues. Just great service, with a giant smile.

This woman showed leadership. She quickly diagnosed the problem, assumed personal
responsibility and made the right decision. And she wowed her customer in the process.
What will you do to be the leader that you are destined to be, today?

21 Tips to Become the Most Productive Person You Know

I wanted to help you create explosive productivity so you get big things done (and make
your life matter).
Here are 21 tips to get you to your best productivity.
#1. Check email in the afternoon so you protect the peak energy hours of your mornings
for your best work.
#2. Stop waiting for perfect conditions to launch a great project. Immediate action fuels a
positive feedback loop that drives even more action.
#3. Remember that big, brave goals release energy. So set them clearly and then revisit
them every morning for 5 minutes.
#4. Mess creates stress (I learned this from tennis icon Andre Agassi who said he
wouldn’t let anyone touch his tennis bag because if it got disorganized, he’d get
distracted). So clean out the clutter in your office to get more done.
#5. Sell your TV. You’re just watching other people get successful versus doing the things
that will get you to your dreams.
#6. Say goodbye to the energy vampires in your life (the negative souls who steal your
#7. Run routines. When I studied the creative lives of massively productive people like
Stephen King, John Grisham and Thomas Edison, I discovered they follow strict daily
routines. (i.e., when they would get up, when they would start work, when they would
exercise and when they would relax). Peak productivity’s not about luck. It’s about
#8. Get up at 5 am. Win the battle of the bed. Put mind over mattress. This habit alone
will strengthen your willpower so it serves you more dutifully in the key areas of your
#9. Don’t do so many meetings. (I’ve trained the employees of our FORTUNE 500
clients on exactly how to do this – including having the few meetings they now do
standing up – and it’s created breakthrough results for them).
#10. Don’t say yes to every request. Most of us have a deep need to be liked. That
translates into us saying yes to everything – which is the end of your elite productivity.
#11. Outsource everything you can’t be BIW (Best in the World) at. Focus only on
activities within what I call “Your Picasso Zone”.
#12. Stop multi-tasking. New research confirms that all the distractions invading our lives
are rewiring the way our brains work (and drop our IQ by 5 points!). Be one of the rare-
air few who develops the mental and physical discipline to have a mono-maniacal focus
on one thing for many hours. (It’s all about practice).
#13. Get fit like Madonna. Getting to your absolute best physical condition will create
explosive energy, renew your focus and multiply your creativity.
#14. Workout 2X a day. This is just one of the little-known productivity tactics that I’ll
walk you through in my new online training program YOUR PRODUCTIVITY
UNLEASHED (details at the end of this post) but here’s the key: exercise is one of the
greatest productivity tools in the world. So do 20 minutes first thing in the morning and
then another workout around 6 or 7 pm to set you up for wow in the evening.
#15. Drink more water. When you’re dehydrated, you’ll have far less energy. And get less
#16. Work in 90 minute blocks with 10 minute intervals to recover and refuel (another
game-changing move I personally use to do my best work).
#17. Write a Stop Doing List. Every productive person obsessively sets To Do Lists. But
those who play at world-class also record what they commit to stop doing. Steve Jobs
said that what made Apple Apple was not so much what they chose to build but all the
projects they chose to ignore.
#18. Use your commute time. If you’re commuting 30 minutes each way every day – get
this: at the end of a year, you’ve spent 6 weeks of 8 hour days in your car. I encourage
you to use that time to listen to fantastic books on audio + excellent podcasts and
valuable learning programs. Remember, the fastest way to double your income is to triple
your rate of learning.
#19. Be a contrarian. Why buy your groceries at the time the store is busiest? Why go to
movies on the most popular nights? Why hit the gym when the gym’s completely full?
Do things at off-peak hours and you’ll save so many of them.
#20. Get things right the first time. Most people are wildly distracted these days. And so
they make mistakes. To unleash your productivity, become one of the special performers
who have the mindset of doing what it takes to get it flawless first. This saves you days of
having to fix problems.
#21. Get lost. Don’t be so available to everyone. I often spend hours at a time in the
cafeteria of a university close to our headquarters. I turn off my devices and think, create,
plan and write. Zero interruptions. Pure focus. Massive results.
I truly hope these 21 productivity tips have been valuable to you. And that I’ve been of
service. Your productivity is your life made visible. Please protect it.
Stay productive.

The Value of Dying Daily

Posted on June 7, 2012
I don’t want to be the richest person in the graveyard. To me, a life well-lived is mostly
about being surrounded by people I love, staying healthy and happy (and no one’s happy
all the time except in the movies) and having an impact on the world around us. So how
can you stay focused on the things that are most important to you? Die daily.

I wrote about this in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari but the point of wisdom is simply
this: connecting to the fact that life is short and no one knows when it will end is a great
personal practice to stay engaged on your priorities. Waking up each morning and asking
yourself “how would I show up today if this day was my last” is not some cheesy
motivational exercise. It’s a profound way to bring some urgency and commitment into
your days.

Most of us let life act on us – we are asleep at the wheel of our own lives. And the days
slip into weeks, the weeks into months and the months into years. Before we know it, we
are laying on our deathbeds wondering where all the time went.

Die daily. Give yourself to life. Take some risks. Open your heart a little wider. Speak
your truth. Show your respect for the gift of life that’s been given to you. Shine brightly
today. And then, wake up tomorrow and reach even higher. At the end, people will
remember you as one of the great ones.

Get Some Skin in The Game

Posted on June 7, 2012

I fail more than most people. I fail all the time. I’ve had failures in business. I’ve had
failures in relationships. I’ve had failures in life. I used to wonder why this happened. But
now I get it. Failure is the highway to success. And the more risks you take in the pursuit
of your dreams, the more you are going to fail.

Too many amongst us live our lives in what I call “the safe harbor of the known.” Same
thinking for twenty years. Same conversations for twenty years. Same breakfast for
twenty years. Same drive to work for twenty years. I have no judgment on that kind of a
life. If it makes you happy, well that’s a beautiful thing. But I don’t know of anyone who
is happy living like that. True joy comes when you put some skin in the game and take
some chances. Yes, you will start to experience more failure. But guess what, success also
starts to pay more visits.

Failure is just part of the process of getting to greatness. The best companies on the planet
have failed more than the average ones. The most successful people on the planet have
failed more than average ones. To me, the only failure is the failure to not try and dream
and dare. And I deeply feel that the greatest risk you will ever take in your life is if you
never take a risk.

So go ahead, stretch today. Ask for the best table in your favorite restaurant. Ask for an
upgrade into first class on your next flight (good luck). Ask your teammate at work for
more understanding. Ask your mate at home for more love. Do it. I dare you. And just
remember, you can’t win the game if you don’t even play.

The Power of Daily Practices

Posted on June 7, 2012

Success, world-class health, internal fulfillment and sustained happiness don’t just
happen. These elements of your best life are created. All too often we look at a human
being playing their best game on the playing field of life and assume they got lucky or
were born into their lofty condition. What we don’t see is all the devotion and discipline
that went into crafting the extraordinary results we see.

What I’m suggesting is that personal and professional greatness takes work. I’m not
someone who would ever tell you that you could get to your dreams without having to
make some sacrifices and pay the price in terms of dedication and self-control. The best
amongst us make it all look so easy. I call it The Swan Effect- elite performers make
personal excellence look effortless and seem to make things happen as gracefully as a
swan moves along the water. But like the swan, what you don’t get to see is all the hard-
work taking place below the surface.

The best way to create spectacular results in the most important areas of your life is
through daily practice. In my life, I have a series of practices that set me up for a great
day. Yes, sometimes life sends you unexpected challenges that knock you off track-that’s
just life happening. But with a series of practices to keep you at your best, you’ll stay in a
positive state much more often.

Practices that will lock you into your best state include a morning journaling session
where you record your feelings, thoughts, and the blessings you are grateful for. Or you
may start your day with a strong workout and an elite performer’s meal. I often listen to
music for 15 minutes, as it not only energizes me, it just makes life better. I also use
success statements or affirmations to get my mind focused.

Success and joy and inner peace don’t just show up. You need to create them. Find your
series of practices, perform them with consistency. And then go out into this beautiful
world of ours and shine.

Who Made Success a Bad Word?

Posted on June 7, 2012

Too many people believe that there’s something wrong with aiming to be really
successful. I’ve heard it a lot these days, the suggestion that if you strive for success, you
must not be all that concerned with making a difference and being significant. It’s almost
as if being a go-getter is incompatible with being compassionate, socially conscious and

Well here’s my take on the “success versus significance” issue: an extraordinary life
contains both. Without success, I have a sense that the best part of you will feel a little
hollow. Part of what makes us human is the hunger to realize our greatest gifts and live
life fully. We were built to shine. And without significance, I believe that we will feel that
we have walked the planet in vain.

Love Your Irritations

Posted on June 7, 2012

The things that drive you crazy are actually giant opportunities. The people who press
your buttons are actually your greatest teachers. The things that make you angry are
actually your greatest gifts. Bless them.

The people or circumstances that take you out of your power have extraordinary value:
They reveal your limiting beliefs, fears and false assumptions. How much would you pay
someone who promised they could pinpoint exactly what is holding you back from your
greatest life? How much would it be worth to get intimate information on why you are
not exactly at the place where you’ve always dreamed of being?

Here’s the powerful idea: The things that irritate and annoy and anger you are entry
points into your evolution and elevation as a human being. They are signposts for what
you need to work on and the fears you need to face. They are gifts of growth. You can
blame the people who trigger you and make it all about them. Or you can do the
courageous thing and look deeply into yourself to discover the reason for your negative
reaction. The fears you don’t own become your prison bars.

And as you begin to shed light on your personal weaknesses and take responsibility for
them, you actually begin the process of shedding them. You become stronger. More
powerful. More of who you were meant to be.

So the next time a co-worker sets you off or the next time your teenager gets you going,
walk over to them, give them a hug and thank them for the gift they just gave you.
Because they did.

Your Days Define Your Life

Posted on June 7, 2012

Big idea: Your days are your life in miniature. As you live your days, so you craft your
life. What you do today is actually creating your future. The words you speak, the
thoughts you think, the food you eat and the actions you take are defining your destiny –
shaping who you are becoming and what your life will stand for. There’s no such thing as
an unimportant day.

Each of us is called to greatness. Each of us has an exquisite power within us. But for this
power to grow, we need to use it. The more you exercise it each day, the stronger it gets.
The more this power gets tapped, the more confident you grow.

The best among us are not more gifted than the rest. They just take small steps each day
as they march towards their biggest life. And the days slip into weeks, the weeks into
months and before they know it, they arrive at a place called Extraordinary.

Problems Reveal Genius

Posted on June 7, 2012

Problems are servants. They help you grow and lead to better things, both within your
organization and in your life. To resist them is to avoid growth and progress. Embrace
and get the best from the challenges in front of you. And understand that the only people
with no problems are dead.

An unhappy customer yelling at you might seem like a problem. But to a person thinking
like a leader, that scenario is also an opportunity to improve the organization’s processes
to ensure that doesn’t happen again. So the problem has actually helped to improve the

An interpersonal conflict at work can seem like a problem. But if you think like a leader
and use the circumstance to build understanding, promote communication and enrich the
relationship, the problem has actually made you better. It has been fodder for your growth
and served you nicely.

An illness or a divorce or the loss of a loved one might seem like a problem. Sure it’s
painful (been there, done that). But I’ve been shaped by my saddest experiences. They’ve
brought me depth, compassion and wisdom. They’ve made me the man that I am. I
wouldn’t trade them for the world.
Problems reveal genius. World-class organizations have a culture that sees problems as
opportunities for improvement. A mistake is only a mistake if you make it twice. And
world-class human beings use their stumbling blocks as stepping stones. They use their
failures to bring them closer to success. They don’t see problems. They see possibilities.
And that’s what makes them great.

Grow Leaders Fast

Posted on June 7, 2012

Big Idea: The competitive advantage of your organization comes down to a simple
imperative – your ability to grow and develop leaders faster than your competition. You
need to develop a leadership culture if you want to win in your marketspace. And it needs
to be done quickly.

A leadership culture is one where everyone thinks like an owner, like a CEO or Managing
Director. This means they focus on getting to solutions rather than on the problems. This
means they take personal responsibility for achieving results that move the business
forward (whether they run the mailroom or sit in a boardroom). This means they shape
culture, stay positive and lead by example.

Please hear me on this: I’m not saying everyone needs to do the job of a CEO or
Managing Director. Showing leadership doesn’t mean every employee will run the
organization. That would lead to chaos. All I’m suggesting to you is that everyone needs
to know their role (and then show up fully in that role – like a leader would). And when
they do – when they think, behave and feel like leaders – good things will happen. And
soon, your organization will get to great.

Simplify Then Focus

Posted on June 7, 2012

Henry David Thoreau shouted “Simplify. Simplify. Simplify” in his breathtakingly good
book “Walden”. Nice point. One of the primary reasons that people and organizations fail
to get to greatness is that they try to be too many things to too many people. I’ll use the
Confucius quote I often use here: “Man who chases two rabbits catches neither.”
The most successful human beings are wildly focused. They have a very clear picture of
what it is they want to create by the time they reach the end of their lives and then they
have the discipline (and courage) to stick to their knitting – saying “no” to everything that
is not mission critical.

So my gentle suggestion to you is to simplify your life. Strip away all that is unimportant
– these are the things keeping you from getting to your dreams. And then once you do
your clean up, focus, focus, focus. You’ll be surprised how good you will then get at
being great.

How to Get Good at Life

Posted on June 7, 2012

Life is a skill. And like any other skill, once you know the ground rules and make the
time to practice, you can get better. If you really devote yourself to life, you could even
reach a place of mastery. Some have.

I suggest to you that there are 3 simple things you can do to get good at life:

Pay attention to life. It’s really easy to let life act on you – to fall asleep to life. Some
people have lost entire decades this way. And they never got them back. Try and write in
a journal each morning before you walk out into your world. Think about what goals you
need to accomplish that day and write them down. Think about what are your most
closely held values. Think about what lessons you’ve learned from the previous day.
What good is making a mistake if you don’t learn from it?
Engage in life. I’ve learned something as I’ve grown older: the more you give to life,
the more it gives to you. Over dinner last night with some friends, we began to speak of
goal-setting. “But why set goals when life can be so uncertain?” One asked me. My
reply: “just because life is so unpredictable doesn’t mean you shouldn’t exercise your
power to do your best. Set your goals. Make your plans. Take action and chase your
dreams. That’s what personal responsibility is all about. But once you’ve done your best
– let go. And let life do the rest.” She looked deeply into her pad thai.
Enjoy life. We take life too seriously. But at the end, the billionaire gets buried next to
the street sweeper. We all end up as dust. And no matter how long you will live, each of
us isn’t here all that long in the grand scheme of things. So let’s not take ourselves too
seriously. Let’s enjoy the ride.

Get Big on Self-Care

Leadership begins within. You can’t do good at work until you feel good. You can’t make
someone feel great about themselves until you feel good about yourself. You can’t be a
source of positive energy if you have no energy.

On your next flight, listen to the flight attendant. “Put the oxygen mask on your mouth
before you try to help anyone else.” The logic is clear: if you can’t breathe, you are
useless to everyone else. Nice metaphor for personal leadership. Make the time to care
for yourself. Get into great shape. Read good business books and inspiring
autobiographies. Plan and improve your skills. Spend excellent time with loved ones.
Commune with nature. Enjoy life while you chase success.

By caring for yourself, you will be able to give more to others. By ensuring that you are
on your best game, your leadership effectiveness will be guaranteed. And by making the
time to enjoy life, you’ll be more enjoyable to be around.
Get to Peak Productivity Fast

What makes an elite performer isn’t how you show up when Plan A’s working. What
reveals a true superstar is the way you deliver when your best laid plans are falling apart.

These are messy times. Days of intense volatility. A period of immense uncertainty. And
one of the dominant themes in work + life these days is distraction (a constant stream of
activities begging for our attention that in the end amount to nothing).

So the fight we face as Leaders Without Titles and as human beings on a mission to
express our absolute best talents is to block out the noise so we get real work done. Here
are some of my best strategies to help you do this:

#1. Get Great at Reverse Engineering: Engineers working with technology startups are
masterful at taking a competitor’s product and breaking it apart – piece by piece – from
the finished version to its initial components. After study, they then make their own
product even better. Truly productive people do the same thing with their most valuable
opportunity. They know the final result they are after and maintain acute clarity on it.
Armed with this awareness, they reverse engineer this big goal into a series of small and
actionable steps that they then put into a 1-2 page plan of execution. This strategy works
for them. And it’ll work for you.

#2. Abhor Distraction: I fiercely fight distraction in my own life and teach the teams I
work with at companies like Starbucks, Coca-Cola and Oracle along with the billionaires
I privately coach how to do the same. Everyone’s fighting for your focus. And too many
people are stealing your attention. Don’t be so generous in giving it to them – unless it’s
for something that truly matters. So, clean out the distractions in your workspace and
personal life. I just read that special forces on a military mission are kept in isolation
from other teams and denied access to TV/Newspapers/Internet. Why? To PROTECT
their focus so they deliver perfection on their mission. Pretty great metaphor for you and
I, no? So please remember: Distraction is the greatest thief of time. And time is a non-
renewable resource.

#3. Stop Multi-tasking: A recent case report shared a story of a medical resident who was
using her cellphone to input data about the dosage of a patient she was attending. She was
interrupted with a text message from a friend inviting her to a party. The resident replied
and started a conversation. The only problem was she forgot to get back to her patient
who then began receiving a near-fatal dose of the medicine. Open-heart surgery saved his
live. But the larger point is that so few of us are fully present to the work/activity in front
of us anymore. I see people on airport runways checking their Twitter feed. I see taxi
drivers reviewing their emails. A huge competitive advantage falls to the 1 in 100
performer with the brilliance to develop the skill of becoming massively focused on the
one thing in front of them. Truly a game-changing move.

#4. Build Rituals: Ok, this is another valuable tactic to unleash your productivity. When I
studied the lives of People of Great Output like Stephen King, Winston Churchill and
John Irving, I saw that they didn’t leave their productivity to the fleeting winds of
inspiration. Instead, they instituted precise rituals into their daily lives that allowed their
creativity to flourish. Stephen King, for example, sits down to work at 8 am every
morning, in the same chair, with his papers set in the same way. His belief is that this
obsessive consistency sends a signal to his mind to focus and deliver serious results.

#5. Launch at Beta: So many of us procrastinate by waiting for ideal conditions to get big
things done. Here’s what I’ve learned from some of the software enterprises we’ve
consulted with: launch at beta and then iterate to perfection. What I mean by that is stop
waiting for perfect conditions or the perfect product before you get to market. Yes, I stand
for ensuring anything you offer is best of breed. But sometimes putting off a project until
it’s flawless demonstrates nothing more than your fear of success. And we both know
you’re so much larger than that.

#6. Practice Productivity: When I was learning to ski, my instructor taught me about
muscle memory. He made me practice many tiny moves over and over again sharing “this
is going to build your muscle memory”, meaning that if I practiced the technique
relentlessly, a time would eventually come where I could perform it swiftly, elegantly and
unconsciously. Same applies to your productivity. Practice doing work that matters.
Practice sitting in one place for many hours focused on a single result. Practice running
rituals and elite performance routines that will lift you into the realm of world-class.
Because as I know you know: Genius isn’t so much about genetics as it is about work
ethic and sheer practice.

I hope these strategies have been of service to you. The world needs you at your
productive best.

The Eyes of Leadership

Posted on June 7, 2012
The sad fact is that most people see the worst in others – they see them through the eyes
of their own anger, fear and limitation. If someone shows up late for a meeting, they
impute a negative intent on that person, saying “they are so rude”. If someone makes a
mistake on an expense report, they grumble “that person is so dishonest”. If someone
miscommunicates a point, they silently say “she’s a liar”. Leaders are different. They
look for the best in people.

I want to be clear. I’m not suggesting that leaders do not confront reality. Not at all. What
I’m saying is that the best leaders see through the eyes of understanding. If someone is
late, they try to get to the truth. Maybe there’s a time management problem to coach
around or a sick child to help. An error on an expense account could be the result of a
poor process in place or the employee’s disorganization. The miscommunication might be
all about the person communicating having weak skills in this area. An opportunity for

Today, rather than looking for the worst in people, I invite you to look for what’s best
within them. Sure some people really are inconsiderate or dishonest or uncaring. But in
my experience – and I’ve worked with a lot of people over the years – most people are
good. Few human beings wake up in the morning and ask themselves: “What can I do
today to mess up someone else’s day or undermine my credibility?” Most of the mistakes
people make are the result of a lack of awareness. And here’s the payoff for you: as you
seek out the good in people, not only will they want to show up more fully for you, but
you will see more good in your world.

Your 4 Minute Mile

Posted on June 7, 2012

The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once observed: “most people take the limits of
their vision to be the limits of the world. A few do not. Join them.” Profound point. The
life you see this very moment isn’t necessarily the life of your future. You might be
viewing things through the eyes of your fears, limitations and false assumptions. Once
you clean up the stained glass window you see the world through, guess what? A whole
new set of possibilities appear. Remember, we see the world not as it is but as we are.
That idea changed my life.

Years ago, it was believed that no human being could ever break the 4 minute mile
barrier. But after Roger Bannister broke it, many more replicated his feat within weeks.
Why? Because he showed people what was possible. And then armed with that belief,
people did the impossible.

What’s your “4 minute mile”? What bill of goods have you sold yourself as to what’s
impossible? What false assumptions are you making in terms of what you cannot have,
do and be? Your thinking creates your reality. If you think something cannot occur in
your life, then there’s no way you will take the action required to make that goal a reality.
Your “impossibility thinking” becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Your perceived
limitations become the chains that keep you from the greatness you were meant to be.
And where’s the leadership in that?

Lay Claim to Greatness

Posted on June 7, 2012

Blame or claim-that’s the choice each of us has to make each day. Blame what’s not
working or claim the gift in the seemingly negative situation. The world needs more
heroes. And heroes spend their days hunting for the best. They see the best amidst
adversity. They see the best in others. They dig for the best in themselves. They claim
their greatness. And in doing so, they get their best lives.

An extraordinary life is not something only available for the chosen few-people with
perfect teeth and royal pedigrees. You and I are destined for greatness. We are meant to
live spectacular lives. That’s hardwired into our DNA. But we need to do our part to
make it all happen. Choice by choice. Step by step. Small gains eventually yield giant

So lay claim to your greatness. Drive a stake into the ground to mark your place under the
sun. Stop being a prisoner of your past and commit to becoming the architect of your
future. And remember, it’s never too late to become the person you have always dreamed
of being.
There’s nothing wrong with being an elite performer and taking the steps required to
become a remarkable success in this world. Success is actually a creative pursuit and a
reflection of healthy self-esteem. And while you realize success, I invite you to stay
devoted to elevating the lives you touch and leaving your world better than you found it.
That’s the significance piece. With both, you’ll discover your greatest life.
Do What’s Most Difficult
Do what's most difficultSam Keen had a great line, “You are caught by what you are
running from.” Genius.
We attempt to structure our lives to avoid our fears but that’s about as intelligent as
straightening the deck chairs on the Titanic. The best way to overcome a fear is to face
your fear. As a matter of fact, every time we do something we’ve been avoiding, we take
back the power that seemingly scary or difficult thing had over us.
Every Leader Without a Title and world-class Productive runs toward what they are most
resisting versus toward the exit door. They feel the fear of tackling a game changing
project and do the project anyway. They acknowledge the sweaty palms before the high-
stakes presentation, and give the presentation anyway. They experience the runaway
heartbeats accompanying asking for the biggest order in the history of their company, and
they ask anyway. And that’s what makes them great.
Keep Leading Without A Title.
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Bankruptcy By Yes
bankruptcy by yesThere’s a tailor I’ve been dealing with for years. She’s always made my
alterations with a smile and with speed. Then something happened. A hip clothing store
opened up next door. Before she knew it, she was busier than she could handle. And the
customer care she used to deliver to me fell apart. The main reason? She kept saying
When I politely suggested that she not take on every new request, she was shocked. “I
couldn’t do that Robin.” And so she’s stretched herself to the limits. And her long-
standing and loyal customers now experience mediocre service-at best.
I hope her business lasts. But in a world with so much choice, I’ll try a new place. One
that’s fast and efficient. And one that gets that most business fail, not because there
wasn’t enough opportunity. Most businesses fail because there were too many good
opportunities. And they didn’t have the discipline to say no.
Keep Leading Without A Title.
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17 Tips To Double Your Productivity In 14 Days 1. Turn off all technology for 60 minutes
a day and focus on doing your most important work. 2. Work in 90 minute cycles (tons of
science is now confirming that this is the optimal work to rest ratio). 3. Start your day
with at least 30 minutes of exercise. 4. Don’t check your email first thing in the
morning. 5. Turn all your electronic notifications off. 6. Take one day a week as a
complete recovery day, to refuel and regenerate (that means no email, no phone calls and
zero work). You need full recovery one day a week otherwise you’ll start depleting your
capabilities. 7. The data says workers are interrupted every 11 minutes. Distractions
destroy productivity. Learn to protect your time and say no to interruptions. 8. Schedule
every day of your week every Sunday morning. A plan relieves you of the torment of
choice (said novelist Saul Bellow). It restores focus and provides energy. 9. Work in
blocks of time. Creative geniuses all had 2 things in common: when they worked they were
fully engaged and when they worked, they worked with this deep concentration for long
periods of time. Rare in this world of entrepreneurs who can’t sit still. 10. Drink a
liter of water early every morning. We wake up dehydrated. The most precious asset of an
entrepreneur isn’t time – it’s energy. Water restores it. 11. Don’t answer your phone
every time it rings. 12. Invest in your professional development so you bring more value
to the hours you work. 13. Avoid gossip and time vampires. 14. Touch paper just once. 15.
Keep a “Stop Doing List”. 16. Get up at 5 am. 17. Have meetings standing up. Stay
Productive and Make Your Work Matter! Kindest regards, - See more at:

The Small Tail of The Best of The Bell Curve

The small tail of the bell curveBusinesses fall within the confines of a Bell Curve.
Some are extremely bad. Few are extremely good. Most fall in the large area within the
middle of the curve. And are merely average.
Most of my professional life is devoted to working with companies to help them go from
the realm of the ordinary into the rare-air of extraordinary. Which brings me to
As I write this blog, I’m flying from Norway to Kuwait, via Frankfurt. On a 3 week
speaking tour. Lots of hotel rooms, time zones and lengthy airline flights. As a
professional traveller, I’ve seen the service/quality/user experience on many airlines
plummet. Many flights are cautionary tales, revealing how to lose friends, and de-
influence people. Yet, my love affair with Lufthansa continues.
It started a few years ago on a flight from Asia to Europe. I woke up to hand squeezed
orange juice and a fresh flower placed in a special holder built into my seat. Now,
every opportunity I get, I go with this carrier. They treat me well, so I want them to
And on this flight, their exceptionalism continues. To be tactical, here are the four
simple reasons why:
1. THE CREW: Passionate employees means happy customers. To a person, the crew on this
flight operated at the highest level of professionalism and service. Their uniforms were
impeccable. Their manners superb. Their smiles contagious. Sure it’s an old line but one
flight attendant said: “I made this meal at home. It took a lot of work. I hope you like
it.” I did. (How easy it is to forget that if you have merely good people, you’ll have a
good business. To have a great business, you have to develop great people).
2. THE CABIN: The German engineering mastery is obvious on this aircraft. The seats offer
many different positions that allow this long flight to be pure comfort. The lighting is
excellent and on target (unlike another carrier I know whose overhead lighting system
doesn’t even fall on reading material placed on tray tables). The in-flight media system
offers the best programming I’ve seen. The headphones are built by Sennheiser (versus the
fifty cent ones on most flights). And you could eat dinner off the floor, it’s that clean
(oh, and the blankets are of an excellent cotton versus that thin, itchy wool that some
airlines offer – without even cleaning them for the next passenger; Lufthana’s blankets
are perfectly cleaned and shrink wrapped for each passenger).
3. THE FOOD: Don’t get me started on airline food. Hard to believe the caliber of what
some firms are offering the guests who keep them in business. Lufthansa is different. My
first course salad was uber-fresh. Great dressing. Main course was excellent – prepared
by a famous German chef. And dessert was a delicious fruit concoction.
4. THE GIFT: Lufthansa creates what I call Last Mile Excellence. What makes a truly great
customer experience is not just how you start the ride but how strong you finish it
(final impressions endure, don’t they?). At the end of the flight, I was left with a
special gourmet cookie and a specially branded booklet inside a neatly-designed
container. A neat gift. Just to create further wow. The booklet had all the recipes of
the meals served, creations of Michelin starred chef Lea Linster. And was labelled “My
Recipes for You”.
As I left the plane, the attendant said: “We hope yo
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5 One Minute Productivity Moves

productivity movesIn the last two days I’ve shared with you some of my personal best
“Nail my To Do List” practices to play at world-class and produce your best work fast.
Today, in an effort to help you win the war against distraction and interruption I’ll
give you “5 One Minute Productivity Tactics” to help you amp up your game and do your
best work.
5 One Minute Productivity Tactics
1. Have the courage to get great at saying “No Thanks” to any activities that don’t
advance your priorities.
2. Take 60 seconds every morning to do a written game plan for a productive day. “The
things that get scheduled are the things that get done.”, from The Greatness Guide.
3. Take a few seconds each day to turn off all your technology and work deeply on a key
project with zero distraction.
4. Take 60 seconds to breathe deeply and focus on your progress. This will re-energize
and refuel you.
5. Take 60 seconds to un-clutter your work ar
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Master Your Life and Have Fun Doing It

Master Your Life2011 is finding its way to completion. Many of us are thinking about the
holidays – and joy-filled moments with those we love most. This is also a superb time to
carve out some solo time and begin reflecting on what you did well in 2011. And what you
need to improve so that the new year is guaranteed to become your absolute best year
yet. Please remember: success doesn’t just show up via luck. No, success is the
inevitable result of doing a number of specific things, in a consistent way.
So as you reflect+deliberate on+journal your 2011 wins and record your “Opportunities
for Improvement” (along with your 2012 Mission+Values and Goals), I invite you to
remember the following 6 Insights to Master Your Life:
1. IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU! What I mean by this is that the #1 reason you may not be where
you want to be in your career and personal life is who you currently are vs the external
conditions you might be blaming. It’s stunning how our limiting beliefs and core fears
sabotage us and keep us small. And here’s the thing: because most of them are
subconscious, we can’t even see the mess they are creating for us.
The key here is to clean up the self-deception in your life. And take a good hard look
at why you are where you are. Is the truth that you’re scared of failure or rejection or
the unknown or success? The more aware you become of how you’re the one standing in your
own way, the more you’ll move into choice. And have the power to make the new choices
that drive new results.
2. YOUR NET WORTH NEVER EXCEEDS YOUR SELF WORTH. We get from life not all we want but
who we are. To have more, we must become more. The more you can learn, grow and provoke
the highest display of your potential on a daily basis, the more all you want will begin
to show up. (How do you start this growth? Journaling, affirmations, reading the books of
world-class people, associating with superstars, attending seminars+webinars, listening
to inspirational audiobooks etc).
3. FOCUS IS MORE VALUABLE THAN INTELLIGENCE. You’re smart enough to master your life –
and play in the big leagues of success. Here’s another thing that may be holding you
back: you’re really busy being busy. But what’s the point of being uber-productive doing
useless things?
So much of the leadership presentations I delivered across the planet in 2011 for
clients like Starbucks and The Coca-Cola Company and KPMG involved showing people how to
make the leap from being busy to achieving results. Two quick ways: turn off your
technology for a few hours each day and do Real Work. And second, make your Stop Doing
List more important than your To Do List.
4. DISRUPT OR BE DISRUPTED. OK, so here’s the reality: the next 20 years will be nothing
like the last 20 years. You and your team and your organization can “wait for the up
cycle to return”. But I think you’ll be waiting a long time. I don’t think we’re in a
down cycle. I think the way the global economy+society currently is, is the new reality.
And if you agree with me, there’s only one choice for any one of us: innovate – or
become obsolete.
So, to win in 2012, out-think who you were this year and outlearn what you learned and
outwork the way you worked. Read constantly. Iterate daily. And ferociously improve
every part of the way you think, work and live.
5. SHATTER YOUR STANDARDS. It’s stunning how many people – built to play at wow with
their lives – accept mediocrity in their health, finances, work, relationships and
mindset (the problem with letting a little mediocrity into your orbit is more starts to
creep in until eventually it becomes your new normal).
Right now, I challenge you with my usual respect and affection, to raise your standards.
Don’t tolerate any form of average. Don’t accept Dis-excellence. Don’t stand for
mediocre. If you’re going to settle, then please settle for the absolute best.
6. HAVE SOME FUN. Life’s a short ride when you really think about it. Yes, do your
dreams while you change the world. But do it with a smile. And a festive heart. Make
time for life’s simple pleasures (the other day my daughter and I shared Chinese food in
the food court of a shopping mall; the laughter and joy we experienced – priceless).
Savor life’s gifts. Embrace all that’s good in your life.
And from me to you, and from my family to yours, have a beautiful holiday season and
year end. Thanks for all the tremendous support you’ve given me this year. Let’s keep the
conversation going on my Facebook page. And – together – make a difference in the world!
Kindest regards,
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You Can’t Lead In Fear

You can't lead in fearFear ruins more bright lives than you might imagine. Each of us, by
virtue of our very human nature, has the potential to Lead Without Title and achieve
great things that elevate everyone around us by our model of possibility. But the
chattering voice of fear in our heads stops us from playing big.
A little while back I had the chance to spend 3 weeks in New Zealand. And just before I
returned home, I had the opportunity to go heli-skiing. Yes, this is where a helicopter
drops you off at the top of a mountain, and you ski down.
The experience was challenging, exhilarating and full of rich lessons for growth. Here
are some of them, that we can apply to business and life:
1. You Don’t Grow In Normal
All I mean by this is that if you stay within your comfort zone, you don’t grow. But if
you instead stretch and face fear head on by going to your limits, you’ll discover your
limits will grow.
2. You Don’t Know Until You Try
It would have been easy to refuse the chance to heli-ski. I could have made a thousand
excuses. But Leaders Without a Title recognize good opportunities. So I seized it. And
because I tried heli-skiing, I not only grew as a skier, I added another experience to
my life that will shape all I do.
3. On the Other Side of Your Fears You’ll Find Your Confidence
By doing what we’re afraid to do because it’s beyond our comfort zone, we grow in
confidence. The increased confidence I have as a skier because I skied a new peak will
translate to increased confidence as an entrepreneur and as a human being.
4. Life’s Short So Get In The Game
A rich life is one made up of many rich adventures. Don’t miss out on enjoying as many
as you can.
Keep Leading Without A Title.

Random Insights On Exceptionalism

ExceptionalismI’m at 40,000 feet. Sunlight floods through the window. Flying home from
beautiful Vancouver, Canada after a presentation to The Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO)
on game-changing moves that Remarkable Entrepreneurs are dedicated to. I do my best
thinking on airplanes and wanted to download some random insights on leadership, business
and living at world-class with you. This is where I’m at. On my own personal journey
called a life. I’m grateful to you for being a part of The Lead Without a Title
Community. It’s quickly growing into a movement. And together, we are making a
difference in the world.
I hope these ideas enrich all you do. And that they inspire you to amp up the way you
36 Random Insights On Exceptionalism
1. Average people are dedicated to leisure. The best people are devoted to learning.
2. The ordinary wait for the energy to do a task. The exceptional do the task because
that’s how they get the energy.
3. A job is just a job if all you see it as is a job. (Work is a vehicle to promote Full
Self Expression of Your Creativity+Ingenuity+Talent).
4. The most precious asset of a businessperson isn’t time. It’s energy. Manage yours
5. Love your family. What’s the point of getting to uber-Success yet arriving alone?
6. From a participant at my recent Lead Without a Title event in Doha, Qatar: “The true
measure of the greatness of a person is the length their shadow casts on the future.”
Love it! Genius.
7. Manners matter.
8. If you’re in business, you’re in show business. And every day’s a performance.
9. “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” Oscar Wilde.
10. To double your income, triple your rate of learning. The best invest in their
professional and personal development.
11. The primary purpose of business is the delivery of as much unusual value to as many
people as possible.
12. Use music to boost your motivation.
13. Be ethical like Buffett. Rock the house like Bono. Innovate like Edison. Serve like
14. You dishonor yourself when you play small with your talent.
15. Ideation without execution leads to delusion. What makes Google Google is not the
idea behind Google but the culture of execution that is Google.
16. Don’t work at world-class for the money or the ovations. Do it for the pride you
feel on a job brilliantly done.
17. Keep a journal.
18. Spend time in solitude. The only person you’ll be with your whole life is you. Why
not get to know-and like-yourself?
19. Watch “The Fighter”.
20. Work hard. Industry stands at the foundation of Mastery.
21. Remember that the quality of your practice determines the caliber of the
22. Speak your truth-even when your voice shakes.
23. Leaders leave a trail of leaders behind them. If you’re not developing the best in
others, you’re not leading.
24. You know you’re doing genius-level work when people start to dislike you.
25. Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to Mastery.
26. Develop your friendships. Respect your elders.
27. Make time to have fun. Life is short-enjoy the ride.
28. The bigger your dream, the more important your team.
29. If you have average people, you’ll have an average company. To have a great company,
hire and coach great people.
30. Remember that your doubts are nothing more than the lies your fears have sold you.
31. Leadership is simple. It’s not easy. But it’s really really simple.
32. Leadership’s mostly about 3 things: Impact+Influence+Inspiration.
33. If you’re not inspiring those around you, you’re not Leading. You’re following.
34. Think for yourself.
35. “Potential unexpressed turns to pain.” From “The Leader Who Had No Title“.
36. Take brave risks. At your End, it’ll be the risks you didn’t take versus the ones you
did that most fill you with regret.
Keep Leading Without A Title.
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How Do You Define Success?

Define SuccessToo many people are living their neighbors’ lives. So many amongst us are
building our futures based on a definition of success sold to us by society+the media+our
peers. That’s fine if you’re consciously choosing to live by those values. But what if –
at truth – you have a different set of values. And the success you are currently chasing
actually has little to do with what will make you happy when you review your life at the
My encouragement is to take 60 minutes over the next few days and rethink what you are
investing your mental focus and physical energy on. Are you spending your time on work
that matters and personal pursuits that are moving the needle forward? Or are you stuck
in the thick of thin things? Being really busy being really busy?
A life is a tragic thing to waste. Yet too many of us – born into the potential to live
soaring lives as well as contribute to raising the lives around them – waste our best
hours on mindless distractions, needless interruptions and activities that are nothing
more than an escape.
I also encourage you to play with the definition of success that has been transforming
the lives of those using “The Robin Sharma Success System“, an online 21 day training
program. In it, I teach that success isn’t just about making money and climbing the
social ladder (the data actually confirms that people making $5 million a year are only
incrementally happier than blue collar workers). Sure money matters.
But I invite you to also focus on these dimensions of your life if you’re serious about
REAL success:
Personal development
Family connections
Being world-class at your work
Having a network of friends who elevate you
Creating a phenomenal lifestyle
And using your life to make a difference.
That last metric is the key. What’s the point of having success but failing at
Significance? Yes, chase your dreams and rise to lofty heights in the world. But please
remember: greatness comes from living for a cause larger than you. And leaving our
world better than you found it.
In Leadership,
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The 53 Greatest Lessons 2013 Taught Me

By Robin Sharma
Author of the #1 bestseller The Leader Who Had No Title
Life Lessons for 2014
As we wind down 2013 and hopefully refuel during these next few quiet weeks, sending out
a list of the best lessons I’ve learned/applied over the past 12 months has become my
I’m all set to help you make 2014 the single best year of your life yet…and these 53
lessons will provide you with a platform to start the journey with me…some great things
to think about…
So that come January, you’re on fire with focus, passion and outright excellence…
…you’re talented and smart so you know this KEY IDEA: the decisions you make in January
completely set the stage for whether you fly or get stuck so I really want you to start
Here are 53 things that 2013 taught me…
Success has less to do with hard work and more to do with massive focus on your few best
Why resist change when it’s the main source of your growth?
The more you invest in growing and developing your mindset and way of seeing the world,
the more everything you touch transforms in a breathtakingly positive way.
Pursuing perfection really does matter (in a world highly accepting of mediocrity).
Spending full days with zero technology to refuel or do important work is a game-
Doing something super-nice for at least one stranger a day gives them a gift and an even
larger one to yourself.
Adore your parents. You’ll miss them when they’re gone.
The smartest thing you can do to grow a great company is to first sweat getting A-players
only onto your team and then sweat training and developing them so they play their A-
Most tv is toxic.
Have the discipline to clean out all the energy-draining people in your life. You really
do rise or fall to the level of your associations.
Doing huge dreams we have never done can be frightening. Yet when we push to the edges
of our limits, our limits expand.
If you don’t make the time for yourself to get inspired, no one around you will ever be
Your diet affects your moods. Eat like a superstar.
Talk less. Do more.
Integrity is more valuable than income.
Model Mandela and you’ll find at the end of your life you lived an awesome one.
Learn to love yourself. It’s the great rule for being loving with other people.
When your dominant business focus is to deliver outrageous amounts of value to your
customers every time they do business with you, they become fanatical followers who tell
the world about what you do.
Money invested in personal development and professional growth generally has a 30X plus
return on investment (I went to more high-level seminars and programs than ever before
and the ROI made them all free).
Real leaders have the guts to have the hard conversations.
Your environment (your home, your office, the magazines you read etc.) dramatically
affects your levels of achievement.
The quality of your practice affects the caliber of your performance.
Reviewing your Big 5 annual goals every morning and working on your plan every day is an
exceptionally powerful way to breed unbeatable focus and drive.
[I have created a complete system that walks you through the finest strategies and tactics
for setting your annual goals, achieving them with striking power and transforming the
most important areas of your life...
...the program has proven its power with thousands of people and is called Your Absolute
Best Year Yet...and I only offer limited memberships once a year...details to jump in
when doors open are at the bottom and I highly recommend you do if you're serious about
making 2014 amazing for yourself]…
Measure your success via your influence and impact versus only by your income and net
To become successful, first learn how to be happy. Too many think that the route to
happiness is to get successful. Untrue.
Getting ultra-fit lifts every other area of your life.
Self-belief is so incredibly important. Because if you don’t believe you can achieve a
vision/goal, then you won’t even start to do the work needed to achieve that vision/goal.
Our biggest enemy is our own self-doubt. We really can achieve extraordinary things in
our lives. But we sabotage our greatness because of our fear.
Drink more water.
Watch the documentary “Searching for Sugarman”.
Join a mastermind group. It’s just remarkable what being in a room full of people who
are smarter than yourself does for your performance.
Related to the above, remember what Dennis Kimbro once said: “If you’re the smartest one
of your friends, you need new friends.”
Dopamine is the elite performers best friend. [I really dug deep into the neurobiology
of high-achievement in this past year and discovered that this neurotransmitter is the
key to motivation...and it is released when we push our envelopes and do things that are
You rarely go wrong when you trust yourself.
Writing learning down works so much better than typing things down on a computer.
If you try to do it all yourself you get very little done. The most productive people
set the dream and then hand it over swiftly to a project manager to execute with
Become one of the rare people who don’t know how to quit (unless it really is time to
Smile. It truly makes a difference to the people around you.
Just because excellent manners are not so common doesn’t mean that excellent manners are
not incredibly important.
Always remember that there’s food on your table thanks to the customers you are
privileged to serve.
It’s so much better to fail trying than to not even get into the game.
Music just makes life a whole lot better.
You can change the world or you can worry about fitting in but you just can’t do both.
Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and beautiful at the end.
The real key to getting great things done is stop doing so many good things.
Small little details done excellently and consistently stack up into something the world
sees as Mastery.
Spend time in nature to renew and refuel.
Less entertainment, more education.
Gratitude is the antidote to misery.
We become happier not by accumulating more things but by creating richer experiences.
Your self-identity is what really determines your income, influence, impact and
lifestyle. Retrain that and your bigness comes out to play.
The more you serve, the more joyful you’ll become.
Life’s short. Have fun.
Hope these lessons kickstart your mindset and your game so you start 2014 on an ultra-
powerful note.
- See more at:

…so this is a brilliant time for you to do these 3 things (please do them…nothing works
until you do the work):
Do a written reflection + analysis of each month of 2013 to note wins, lessons and
improvements. Pretty amazing how powerful this exercise is (you’ll note that you were
more successful than you think which builds momentum to start 2014 strong).
Set your “Big 5″ goals for 2014 as well as your Top 5 goals for Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. Tons
of research confirming that goal-setting increases your physical ability to see
opportunities, heightens focus and boosts motivation (via the release of dopamine in your
Then create your execution plan, month by month, with key milestones and rewards for
winning. This gives you a decision-matrix to say a huge NO to all the distractions that
get you off the activities that will ensure 2014 is your best year to date…
- See more at:

100 Reminders About What’s Most Important

By Robin Sharma
Author of the #1 bestseller The Leader Who Had No Title
Remember the important things
Something got me up at 4:04 am this morning.
Not quite sure what it was. But I just felt really, really inspired.
To write. To share. To serve.
And so with an outpouring of outright passion, I began to record 100 of the best ideas I
could think of to help you live a breathtakingly great life.
Here they are:
Great to be successful. Even better to be kind.
Being productive is an excellent vehicle for happiness.
It doesn’t really matter what others think of you–only what you think of you.
Do your work like it’s the most important work in the world. Because it is.
A superb reputation takes years to build–and minutes to lose.
There’s no point in being rich but sick.
Adore your parents. You’ll miss them when they’re gone.
If you’re not making things better you’re making things worse.
Being optimistic and enthusiastic never goes out of style.
Be on time if you can’t be there early.
Remember that the only real failure is quitting too early.
Smile more often. Your face will thank you.
If you don’t understand people, you don’t understand business.
Leadership’s not about a title but about a way of doing things.
Eat less food, get more done.
All elite achievers are obsessed with being the best.
Your daily behavior reveals your deepest beliefs.
Sweat the small stuff. Mastery is the result of 1000 tiny victories.
Your fears are liars. Your doubts are traitors.
Without a daily plan you’re lost in the woods.
The world belongs to unreasonable people.
Love your family like there’s no tomorrow because one day there won’t be.
When you show up as your real self, you inspire people to do the same.
The fastest way to get respect is to give respect.
The marketplace always rewards originality. Don’t be a mindless clone.
Until your vision becomes your obsession, nothing ever changes.
Enthusiasm is contagious.
All great projects require sacrifice, some suffering and a lot of discomfort. But
they’re worth it.
Better to have 3 awesome friends than 10,000 digital ones.
Spend more time in nature.
Spend more time in silence.
Don’t let a stained past spoil your spotless future.
To double your income, triple your investment in personal development.
Elite achievers honor the value of every passing moment.
Too much entertainment is a symptom of a person without a clear vision and a burning
Less ego, more service.
Remember that listening to someone deeply and sincerely is a giant act of power.
An addiction to distraction is the death of creative production.
A problem only becomes a problem when you start to view it as a problem.
Don’t just parent your children–develop them.
Success is less about luck and more about practice.
What you give away comes back to you in a river.
Money is the inevitable consequence of value delivered to other human beings.
To have what few have, do what few do.
Think for yourself.
To have an amazing company, hire only amazing people.
Being happy makes you more productive, creative and exceptional.
Don’t be selfish. Too many people think that’s cool. It’s not.
Remember that your environment shapes your thinking, which drives your performance.
Loyalty in one relationship breeds loyalty in every relationship (including the
relationship you have with yourself).
Read Walter Isaacson’s biography on Steve Jobs. It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read
(and contains hundreds of lessons on entrepreneurship, innovation, inspiration and life).
Read my blog post “Don’t Stop Believing” when you feel like giving up.
Being scared is part of being alive. Accept it. And walk through it.
Know that every massive achievement began with a humble beginning.
Aim for the company of icons. Playing small with your talent is disrespectful to your
Show love to your customers by giving them 10X what they expect. These are the people
who feed you and your family.
Be a person with a fiercely strong character. And stand for the highest of honor.
Stop beating yourself up for not being perfect. No one is.
One of the biggest reasons people don’t reach world-class is that they’re too good at
giving up.
Everyone you’ll meet today has a story to share, a lesson to teach and a gift to reveal.
No idea works until you start doing the work.
As I wrote in The Leader Who Had No Title: You can make excuses. Or you can be
phenomenal. But you can’t do both.
Your life shows us what you’ve settled for.
No master was brilliant at many things. Focus. Focus. Focus.
Jealously is the price ambition pays for success.
If you’re not careful, making money can become really costly.
Family first.
Your work is your craft. Your life is your art.
When you let go of your dreams, you die while still alive.
Don’t be a critic. If you have nothing encouraging to say, stay silent.
Potential unexpressed turns to pain.
Measure your success via your impact, not your income.
Life’s best pleasures are life’s simplest ones.
Growth happens when you push past your comfort zone.
If you don’t believe you can achieve something then you won’t do the work to achieve it
and so you won’t get it and then you’ll say “see, I couldn’t achieve it.” Belief is that
Gratitude is the antidote to fear.
Action is the solution to procrastination.
Dream big. Start small. Act now.
As you become more successful, become more humble.
Say please and thank you and sorry when you should.
Don’t wait for lucky breaks. Go make your lucky breaks.
I learned from Warren Buffett that extreme achievers focus on the value you’ll receive
versus the cost of the product.
As I teach at The 48 Hour Transformation every June: “Small daily improvements over time
lead to stunning results.”
Watch the documentary “Jiro Dreams of Sushi”. It will inspire you to be the Picasso of
your industry.
Persistence is more valuable than intelligence.
No one will believe in you until you first believe in you.
As someone said to me at one of my presentations a few years ago: “Health is the crown
on the well person’s head that only the ill person can see.”
Build your entire life around just 5 priorities (your “Big 5″). Any more and you’re
diluting your focus, time and talent (and sabotaging your success).
Cut yourself some slack. No one’s productive all the time. Farmers plant seeds and then
let the field sit fallow for a season. That’s when the real growth happens.
Be honest. People will trust what you say, sell and do.
Hard work is a force multiplier.
Be kinder than necessary.
Fears you run toward run away.
Look for the best in people and they’ll reach higher to deliver their best to you.
Less talk. More do.
You become your conversations. Choose your associations extremely well.
If you take yourself too seriously, no one will take you seriously.
Just because you couldn’t do it yesterday doesn’t mean you can’t do it today.
In the end, we never regret doing what was difficult.
Life is short. Help more people.
I truly hope these 100 reminders inspire, challenge and serve you. Thank you for reading
my blog, being a part of this movement and making our world a better place.
If you liked the 100, share them so we uplift others and influence more people to be
giants within their lives and leaders (versus victims) within our communities.
Stay great…your fan always,
- See more at:
Don’t Stop Believing
By Robin Sharma
#1 Bestselling author of “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Learn to Achieve More
This past weekend I watched a pretty inspiring documentary that I’d recommend to you so
you round out 2013 in fine form.
It’s called Don’t Stop Believing. And it’s all about a poor kid from the Philippines who
made his wildest dreams come true.
Here’s the backstory…
A few years ago ’80s supergroup Journey was looking for a new lead singer after
legendary vocalist Steve Perry left the band.
The guitar player Neil Schon spent weeks surfing the Net hoping to find someone to at
least get them through the big tour they’d planned. He watched video after video but no
one even came close to the mastery they needed to forge ahead.
Late one night, seriously ready to give up, Schon went onto YouTube. He happened to see a
video by a young man named Arnel Pineda who was singing Journey hits, belting them out
like his life depended on it.
Pineda had experienced a rough ride:
–His mother died of heart disease when he was just 13 years old.
–The family couldn’t afford rent so he lived in the streets.
–He worked odd jobs and often suffered from hunger.
–He was close to giving up on his career as a vocalist.
Mesmerized by the performance on YouTube, Schon sent an email to Pineda’s friend who had
posted the video. His friend thought it was a joke.
But then Schon followed up a little later with a personal call to the singer, inviting
him to an audition in Marin County, California.
Pineda was speechless.
The first day of the audition was a mess. Pineda was jet-lagged, disoriented and outright
scared to be singing in front of his heroes.
The next day was a bit better. Something shifted. The members of journey thought maybe
Schon was actually onto something as Pineda stepped up his game.
The kid was pretty good.
Day 3 magic filled the studio. The musicians were blown away by what they heard. And
Journey offered Pineda a chance to go out on tour with them.
Get this…
…Arnel Pineda’s first performance was at a concert in Chile that was televised to
25,000,000 people.
In the documentary Pineda said that the stress was so severe before he went on stage that
he lost his balance and everything seemed to be in slow motion.
But as you know so well, what makes mastery is not being fearless but experiencing your
natural fear and doing what needs to be done anyway.
Within minutes of being in front of that audience, Pineda started having fun. He stopped
being scared. And he proceeded to rock the house.
Through the tour, his humility, work ethic, willingness to learn and passion to win wowed
the members of Journey.
At the end of it, Pineda fully expected to be thanked. And then to return home, satisfied
that he’d lived his dream.
But his bandmates had another plan in mind…they offered him a permanent role as
Journey’s lead singer. He became a full member of the legendary group (80 million
records sold) and would receive 1/5 of all profit–exactly like the others. (Yes, the
world has lots of decent, generous and good people in it).
Pineda continues to tour the world with Journey and has recorded a number of successful
records with them. He has bought a home for his family, become a famous rock star and
lives a life he never could have imagined.
The lesson for us: don’t stop believing. Ever.
…The impossible is generally the untried.
Sending you a ton of best wishes…
Your partner in success,
Hi Sagar,

There are 86,400 seconds in a day. How will you use them?

So many of us get pulled into "the thick of thin things", majoring in life's most minor

...only to realize that in the end we missed out on what was most important (and
precious, meaningful and special).

Time is a THIEF, when used uncarefully.

Time is a ROBBER, when used unconsciously.

Time is a BANDIT, when used dangerously....greedily taking your 86,400 seconds of this
day of your life forever.

And yet, wisely used, in a single day, you can:

...beat a fear that has limited you for years

...forgive a family member who deserves it

...start the project that will make you famous

...begin the workouts that will get you ripped the book that will change your worldview

...inspire the child who will become a hero the new idea that rewires thinking

...make the choice that revolutionizes your life...

Rules for Great Mornings

Seems a ton of people found a lot of value in my recent video on how to get up early.

So I wanted to reinforce some of the best rules I know of to help you deepen this
exceptionally smart habit...

Here you go:

--Plan the first 60 minutes of your day the night before so you set yourself up for
success in advance.

--Eat breakfast within an hour of getting up.

--Use the first 20 minutes of your day to exercise so you jump start your brain's

--While you're exercising, listen to something inspirational and of value (the influences
that you expose your mind to at the beginning of your day set the mental tone for the
rest of the day).
--Hydrate. You've been sleeping all night. Drink lots of water to get yourself fired up.

--Review your Big 5. This takes just a few minutes, but list your five main goals for
the year on a mirror with a dry erase marker. Look at it every morning to renew your

--Do your affirmations. Perhaps in the shower, recite words like "excellence" and
"focus" and "mastery". Also repeat one line statements to prepare yourself for a world-
class day ahead.

--Get into nature. As much as possible, get out into nature every morning. The fresh air
as well as the environment has a superb effect on your creativity, productivity and sense
of happiness.

--No news. Start your day in what I call "a tight bubble of total focus". Avoid the news,
complainers and toxic situations. The first 3 hours of your day have the least
distractions...and are GOLDEN. You know that the way you begin your day drives how you
live it. So start it strong.

The 8 Fundamentals of Extreme Achievement

By Robin Sharma
#1 Bestselling author of “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Learn to Achieve More
Just a quick check-in and sharing of some fast ideas today…
…to move you into action.
…to kindle your inner fire.
…to galvanize your motivation.
…to alight your productivity.
A couple of first principles on peak performance:
Principle A:
Please remember that success lies in a masterful consistency around the fundamentals.
Principle B:
Success is really, really simple. It’s not easy, but it’s really simple. [It all comes
down to the execution].
With these two principles in mind, I share..
The 8 Fundamentals of Extreme Achievement
#1. Making no decision is a decision. To do nothing. And doing nothing always brings you
to nowhere.
#2. The way of performing that got you to where you are today is not the way of
performing that will get you to where you’ve always dreamed of being.
#3. Making excuses donates power to the very things you are excusing.
#4. If you’re not being laughed at a lot you’re not doing very much.
#5. If you’re not scared a lot you’re not doing very much.
#6. Investments in your personal development are the smartest investments you’ll ever
#7. What you focus on always gets better.
#8. All great achievement begins with a single act of brave commitment.
Makes me think of the Goethe quote that has kickstarted my own personal inspiration for
so many years:
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back…
…Concerning all acts of initiative there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which
kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then Providence moves too…
…All sorts of things occur to help you, that would otherwise never have occurred. A
whole stream of events from the decision…come your way.
…Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in
Great quote from a great thinker…
So what are your big ideas and “splendid plans”? And today, are you willing to make the
commitment to breathe life into them?
Or will you just let them die on the drawing board of fear, excuses and stagnation?
- See more at:

All Good Things Must End

By Robin Sharma
#1 Bestselling author of “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Make today count.
I’m in a small city. By the sea. I often come here to think. To write. To plan. To sail.
This morning’s sunrise was immaculate. Last night’s stars, spellbinding.
As I ended my run, I saw an elderly woman, her face wrinkled via the experiences of a
long life.
She wrote in a book. She was alone. She looked sad.
.It made me think of the poem I often begin my leadership presentations with (it comes
from the great poet Rabindranath Tagore):
“Spring has passed. Summer has gone. Winter is here….
…and the song I meant to sing remains unsung. For I have spent my days stringing and
unstringing my instrument.”
What message does this poem convey?
…to me, it’s always been a potent reminder of the shortness of life. And how very easy
it is for us to get hypnotized into spending the best hours of our days being busy being
busy…”stringing and unstringing our instruments.”
On this precious day within what I sincerely hope you’ll leverage into a GREAT life,
here’s what I truly wish for you:
…that you’ll behave with bravery and be someone who displays true courage
…that you’ll model decency and stand for kindness
…that you’ll act with humility and deliver value to others
…that you’ll practice gratitude and celebrate your simplest blessings
…that you’ll sweat the small stuff and get the tiny details right
…that you’ll move your body and flex your mind
…that you’ll get up if knocked down and rebound when you stumble
…that you’ll remember that the quality of your performance reflects the caliber of your
…that you’ll carry a smile and radiate positive energy
…that you’ll delete distractions and do work that matters
…that you’ll achieve small wins, that in time will produce greatness.​..
And speaking of what I know is your commitment to greatness, personal excellence and
being in a lifelong state of mastery…
- See more at:

Here are 21 inspiring, and thought-provoking, quotes and words of wisdom from The Secret
Thanks Robin! :)

I know you had a dozen reasons not to go, but one of the best gifts we can give ourselves
is to get rid of our excuses.”

“Life itself is a journey after all, and what matters most is not what you are getting,
but who you are becoming.”
“True bravery can happen only in the face of fear – if you aren’t afraid, then how can
your actions be brave?”

“But every time we do that which we fear, we take back the power that fear has stolen
from us – for on the other side of our fears lives our strength. Every time we step into
the discomfort of growth and progress, we become more free. The more fears we walk
through, the more power we reclaim.”

The things I feared most were happening in my life despite all my caution. And they were
being realized precisely because I had been passive.”

“Not until we start seeing our behavior through the eyes of another culture that we begin
to question it or to wonder.”

“Our daily behaviors broadcast our deepest beliefs.”

“As much as we would love to achieve great things quickly, it is not the way our world
works. Genius is a process.”

“The way we do small things determines the way that we do everything. If we execute our
minor tasks well, we will also excel at our large efforts. Mastery then becomes our way
of being.”

“We do not move through our days alone or apart from the world around us. And so we must
always be aware of the things and the people we allow into our lives.”

“Most people don’t discover what’s most important in life until they are too old to do
anything about it. They spend many of their best years pursuing things that matter little
in the end. While society invites us to fill our lives with material objects, the best
part of us knows that the more basic pleasures are the ones that enrich and sustain us.”

“And I’ve learned that self-worth is more important that net worth.”

“I’m not going to live the same day over and over again, and call it life.”

There are no extra people alive today. Every single one of us is here for a reason, a
special purpose – a mission.

I like to say that what we all need to do is look ahead five years and predict what
things in our current life we will most regret. Then we must take actions today to
prevent those regrets from being realized.”

“Live your authentic life. This is a very good one. This one is so important, but few
people make use of this truth.”

“None of us knew the road ahead, so we just concentrated on the step before us.”

“I was more than my limitations, I was learning. And it seemed to me that all the excuses
I used to make were nothing more than lies that my fears had been trying to sell me.”

“To be true to ourselves, however, is not an easy task. We must break free of the
seductions of society and live life on our own terms, under our own values and aligned
with our original dreams. We must tap our hidden selves; explore the deep-seated, unseen
hopes, desires, strengths and weaknesses that make us who we are. We must understand where
we have been and where we are going.”
But you should never be afraid of making mistakes. It’s how we learn.”

“Every decision we make, every stop we take, must be informed by our commitment to
living a life that is true and honest and authentic to ourselves and ourselves alone.”

The Genius Within You

By Robin Sharma
#1 Bestselling author of “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Each of us is born a genius.
I have huge respect for those among us who, via their dedication to a vision and devotion
to their practise arrive at a place where the world calls them “a genius”.
These are the people who move me, who bring tears to my eyes when I watch them in action
or read of their achievements. Heroes. Every one of them.
Genius is much less about genetics and much more about ridiculous amounts of hard work,
self-belief, focus and perseverance in the face of any setback
You’re a genius. You have it in you, from the moment you were born. Maybe the people
around you have limited it or your fears have stifled it or your distractions have
smothered it…
…but it’s there. Just aching to be expressed. And I’m all about helping you do so…so
your life and our world is better for it.
Geoff Colvin’s great book “Talent is overrated” is a must read on this beautiful subject
as is “The Talent Code” by Dan Coyle.
Here are 5 of the geniuses I most admire (I could add 100 more):
1. Nikola Tesla
Sadly, at the end of his life in 1943 he was nearing madness, obsessive about germs,
advocating eugenics and telling people he was working on a ray that would explode 10,000
enemy aircraft.
But at the height of his powers, Tesla was a Titan. He invented the fluorescent light, the
laser, the remote control and alternating-current transformers. A true game-changer.
2. Miuccia Prada
The granddaughter of Mario Prada, founder of the high fashion conglomerate, is in a
league of her own when it comes to designing clothes with whimsy and excellence.
I admire her for her exceptionally creative work that results in luxury goods unlike
anyone else’s in the marketplace. And for her ferocious productivity. She also holds a
Ph.D. in political science.
3. Pablo Picasso
He painted 1,000s of paintings to deliver just a few true masterpieces to the world. He
had little time for socializing, preferring to lose himself for long hours in his
Picasso’s work reflects his originality and comfort with his personal style. An artist–
and genius–in the most real sense. Please visit the Picasso museum in Barcelona as soon
as you can.
4. Serena Williams
With her explosive serve and her mastery on the tennis court, Williams has risen to the
lofty realm of sports genius.
She has trained her brain via relentless practice over many years to spot opportunities
her opponents can’t see and to make moves few others can make. I’d also add Lionel Messi,
Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods to this group.
5. Steve Jobs
Before there was Zuckerberg and Brin, Dorsey and Mayer, the dominant tech genius was a
man in jeans and mock turtlenecks named Steve Jobs. He was mercurial, rude, meticulous
and so far ahead of his time peers spoke of his “reality distortion field.”
Jobs disrupted convention and ran his own race. He wasn’t about the money–he was all
about the beauty of the products he made. And for that, I love him.
- See more at:
I’m In Love
By Robin Sharma
#1 Bestselling author of “The Leader Who Had No Title”
The quality of your habits defines the caliber of your performance.
I’m in love…
…with the idea that ordinary people can do extraordinary things once they start believing
they can.
…with the notion that we all have some unique version of genius within us, begging to see
the light of day.
…with the principle that great things inevitably happen to people who consistently do
good things.
…with the philosophy that our lives do not reflect lucky breaks but hard work and massive
…with the rule that being kind is never a mistake.
…with the habit of relentlessly delivering more than is expected.
…with the regimen of living in a way that honors what you believe to be right, even if
the world laughs loudly at you.
…with the prescription of doing one thing each day to make your character stronger, and
your heart bigger.
…with the concept that good manners and personal excellence never goes out of style.
…with the truth that our lives reflect what we’ve settled for, not what we deserve.
…with the insight of “just because you’ve never done it before doesn’t mean you can’t do
it today.”
- See more at:

My 20 Best Quotes for High Achievement

By Robin Sharma
#1 Bestselling author of “The Leader Who Had No Title”
20 of my best quotes for getting bold dreams and bright goals done.
The other day I promised to send you 20 of my best quotes for getting bold dreams and
bright goals done.
These come from my books, tweets and blog posts…
…they are central pieces to my formula for extreme achievement that has helped millions
of people in 100+ countries build lives that matter. And realize their highest potential.
I know you’re awesome. But–with sincere conviction–today I encourage you to BANISH your
excuses, PUSH your limits, beat your fears and present your GREATEST self to the world…
…The 20 carefully chosen quotes that I’ve developed over the years will help you
immeasurably…if you live by them…
So with a ton of great wishes, here you go:
#1. Dream Big. Start small. Act now.
#2. Victims make excuses. Leaders deliver results.
#3. Clarity breeds mastery.
#4. Education is inoculation against disruption.
#5. A problem is only a problem when viewed as a problem.
#6. All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.
#7. If you’re not scared a lot you’re not doing very much.
#8. Where victims see adversity, extreme achievers see opportunity.
#9. The project you are most resisting carries your greatest growth.
#10. Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results.
#11. Criticism is the price of ambition.
#12. Potential unexpressed turns to pain.
#13. Ordinary people love entertainment. Extraordinary people adore education.
#14. Your daily behavior reveals your deepest beliefs.
#15. The only failure is not trying.
#16. Focus is more valuable than IQ.
#17. To double your income, triple your investment in self-development.
#18. Your excuses are nothing more than the lies your fears have sold you.
#19. An addiction to distraction is the end of your creative production.
#20. Life is short. Be of use.
- See more at:
Daily Routines of The Rock Stars of Achievement
By Robin Sharma
#1 Bestselling author of “The Leader Who Had No Title”
The quality of your habits defines the caliber of your performance.
The other day I promised you a valuable piece on the daily habits and best practices of
some of the highest achieving people our world has ever known.
If you’ve been following me on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube or reading my books, you’re
now familiar with my brain tattoo: “To have the results only 5% have, you need to do the
things that only 5% are willing to do.”
That insight–and the others I’ve been sharing with you recently in an effort to help you
end this year STRONG–comes from my formula for extreme achievement that has helped
millions of people do amazing things with their lives…
To make the ideas I’ve been sharing even more relevant to YOU personally, I set about
searching for some of the powerful–and sometimes eccentric–moves that the best among us
Some come from research papers. Others come from biographies I’ve read. Yet more come
from the superb book by Mason Curry called Daily Rituals…
Read the habits below. Run them. Live them…
–Ernest Hemingway: Up at 5:30 every morning to write even if he’d been drinking the
night before. He wrote as a practice, not just when he felt inspired.
–Benjamin Franklin: Sat naked every morning in fresh air for his “bath” which he swore
fuelled his energy and creativity. He also listed 13 character traits he wanted to build
and measured how he lived against each of them every night before he slept (in a
–Padmasree Warrior (Chief Technology Officer at Cisco Systems): Regular “digital
detoxes” where she unplugs from technology to reboot her brain and replenish her
creative reserves.
–Leonardo da Vinci: Slept via small naps throughout the day versus sleeping 8 hours
straight. The famed inventor Thomas Edison reportedly did the same thing (as does Hip-
Hop mogul Sean “P. Diddy” Combs).
–Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Daily walks which shifted his mindset from the mundane to the
original. The Great Nelson Mandela used to walk entire days for the exercise and mind-
clearing effects the discipline would deliver. So many extreme achievers take a walk
every day; ideally take your walk in nature. And bring a means to capture the outpouring
of fresh insights that will flow.
–Steve Jobs: Would fast for extended periods of time, recognizing that it created a
sense of euphoria within him that motivated his dazzling output of ideas. He also loved
carrots, eating so many during one period that his skin turned to a soft orange color.
–Maya Angelou: Writes in a cheap and spartan hotel room she rents. She awakes at home
around 5:30 each morning, has coffee with her husband and then shows up at the hotel room
to do seriously productive work by 7 am. “It’s lonely and it’s marvellous” she says.
Personally, I’ve done the most important work of my career in hotel rooms from Buenos
Aires to Auckland. And on airplanes (the longer the flight the more I get done).
–Ludwig Van Beethoven: Loved his coffee and measured out his beans with meticulous love
and care: 60 beans per cup. Many elite performers use this drink as a productivity tool.
But please do so in moderation: Balzac drank 50 cups a day. Sadly, he died from a heart
attack at 51.
–Mick Jagger: Exercises 6 days a week and includes ballet, pilates and yoga in his
regimen. Sir Mick clearly gets that fitness rewires the brain to fight fear, reduces the
stress response and multiplies stamina.
–Stephen King: Writes every single day of the year and does not get up from the pursuit
of his craft until his daily quota of two thousand words has been met.
Please also remember that: The quality of your habits defines the caliber of your
- See more at:
The 8 Acronyms of Extreme Achievement
By Robin Sharma
#1 Bestselling author of “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Please read with care
A quick but strong and valuable piece of information about getting you from where you
now are to where you’ve always wanted to be is below…please read it with care…
I’m in Moscow as I write this…just finished a 3 hour presentation for Russia’s business
They were smart, energetic and open to learning (remember: the moment you think you know
everything you know nothing).
One of the pieces that kickstarted their passion and got them all talking was the section
on The 8 Acronyms for Extreme Achievement…
…if you’ve read my books like The Leader Who Had No Title and The Greatness Guide you
know I adore my acronyms…
…and here are 8 of the best (apply them over the next 90 days so you finish this year at
your very best…there’s still enough time to make this year legendary…but you need to get
moving swiftly now)…
The 8 Acronyms for Extreme Achievement
#1: APR: Absolute Personal Responsibility
Nothing in your personal, physical, professional and financial life will change until you
start making your changes. Human beings are really really good at self-deception (lying
to ourselves keeps us from pain). And playing The Victim.
But the beginning of transformation is awareness. And the very moment we stop blaming
others and conditions for what’s not world-class in our lives is the moment we take back
our power to dramatically alter our situation.
APR is all about waking up to the reality that your current reality (in whatever areas
are most important to you) have not been caused by your boss or by your spouse or by
your childhood or by the world. You created them (via your thinking, behaviors and
performance). And once you truly get this, you’ll be in the beautiful position to make
the new choices that will deliver all-new results.
#2. NSI: Never Stop Improving
Study Jay-Z or Cirque du Soleil or Zuckerberg or Lady Gaga. All extreme achievers have
one belief in common: good enough is definitely not good enough.
To start seeing explosive gains in your achievement levels, I invite you to make the
commitment to using every single day of the rest of your long life as a platform for
improvement and a vehicle for daily optimization.
Remember: as you live this day, so you craft your life (the best way to predict the
future is to create it in the present). Leave everything you touch 1% better. Never stop
improving your mindset. Never stop improving your communication. Never stop improving
your fitness. Never stop improving your productivity. Never stop improving your
knowledge base…you get my point…
#3. BIW: Best In the World
The whole name of the game is to win. And winning is less about being better than others
and a whole lot more about outperforming who you were yesterday (hint: you can’t get to
be the extreme achiever you’ve always dreamed of becoming, stuck in the think and action
patterns of the person you’ve always been).
And when you’re all about the hot pursuit of Mastery, Excellence and Exceptionalism (not
so you become the best in the world but so you express your best), the inevitable result
is that you become one of the best in the world.
You really were born into greatness. But the world may have schooled it out of you.
You really have something special within you. But life may have suggested it out of you.
Today’s an awesome day to make the choice that will change the game for you…and start
standing for your highest and best.
#4. ABDOV: Always Be Delivering Outrageous Value
Your life comes alive when you devote it to service. The secret of happiness truly is
We live in The Generosity Economy…the person who helps the most will profit the most
(not only in terms of your joy-levels but financially as well).
When you train your brain to focus on the mission “how may I help the most people?” and
when you begin to see yourself as a walking talking living breathing value contributor,
success, abundance and breathtaking levels of well-being beat a path to your front door.
#5. KMF: Keep Moving Forward
Study the excellent research of Angela Lee Duckworth and you’ll discover that the #1
factor that determines whether you’ll become an extreme achiever or an average person
comes down to one thing…
…it’s not your IQ.
…it’s not your looks.
…it’s not where you live or where you’ve been.
It’s a world she calls “Grit”…your ability to persist, stay passionate and get your
biggest goals done (in the face of being laughed at, bumping into obstacles and even
being filled with self-doubt).
KMF is all about moving ahead–when things are easy but even more essentially, when times
are hard.
You show us how badly you want your dreams when you press ahead in the most difficult of
times. Remember: Victims surrender to adversity while Extreme Achievers exploit it to
their advantage.
#6. FMOB: The First, The Most, The Only and The Best
First mover advantage. The great spoils of success don’t come to the person who got the
brilliant idea but to the performer who got the idea done.
Ideation without execution is mere delusion.
Stop telling us you’ll start your business or get ultra-fit or fall in love or change the
world. Talk’s just cheap. Action speaks louder. Just go do it…and then tell us what you
Being a FMOB is about committing to becoming legendary. An icon. A giant on the planet.
And using your life to make history.
#7. LWT: Lead Without a Title.
You can lead without the need for a position or formal authority. I’ve spent over a
decade criss-crossing the world teaching this concept to the likes of FedEx, GE, NIKE,
The Coca-Cola Company, IBM and Oracle.
The real idea is this: every day when you walk out into the world, you have a choice: you
can show victimhood or you can inspire us via your leadership.
—the flight attendant on the Delta flight from San Diego to Minneapolis last week who
gave me green tea from her purse showed pure leadership.
—the school crossing guard who I saw dancing on the street to make the kids laugh is a
—the chef at the Colombian restaurant I ate at recently who worked like Picasso painted
and lit up the room with his fierce passion for perfection is a leader.
Become the CEO of your job responsibility, the Master of Your Craft and The Captain of
Your Fate…
…and please own the idea that success is not reserved for the lucky…it’s the domain of
the leaders…and people just like you with the vision, guts, discipline and devotion to
use their lives to make spectacular things happen.
You CAN do this…will you?
#8. WTOH: What’s The Opportunity Here?
This is a tool I teach to my elite coaching clients. And it works wonders when used
consistently, to the point of it become your default way of thinking.
You see, a problem only becomes a problem when you view it as a problem
- See more at:

By Robin Sharma
#1 Bestselling author of “The Leader Who Had No Title”
The Perfect Human
In Mauritius as I write this to you. I come here to think, plan, create, evaluate and
It’s early a.m. The best time to be alive as far as I’m concerned.
Doc Gyneco plays. Espresso simmers. Waves crash.
I think of you. Your hopes. Your dreams. Your fears. Your life.
I want you to fly. To win. To be the hero of your days. To create beauty, value and utter
awesomeness. So–at the end–you’ll be proud of how you showed up, what you made and the
many you served.
Yes–you’re that big. That strong. That good.
I also think of a strange idea: What Makes The Perfect Human? And what does it take to
create a life that’s so excellent it’s unbelievable?
Honestly, who knows. I’m just one man writing words on a smartphone, hoping in some way
to be a little more helpful than yesterday.
But please allow me to try to come up with an answer (I could add many more but these 10
swiftly come to mind):
#1. The Perfect Human Wants to Be Better
To me, a great part of being human is the relentless quest for better. Yes–be content.
But study Michelangeo, Federer, Einstein or Jobs. Madonna and Gaga. Slim and
Rockefeller. Each one of them had a lust to grow. To excel. To win. To make everything
they touched better.
#2. The Perfect Human Cares
Being fully human’s also about a mastery of the details. So yes, I definitely mean being
caring in the loving sense. But I also mean just caring about polishing the little
details that average people dismiss as insignificant. The downside of this is that you’ll
be seen as difficult. Who cares? All world-builders were called that.
#3. The Perfect Human is Brave
You just can’t get to great (and I’m no where near that–just a messenger) without an
insane level of raw courage. TPH (The Perfect Human) gets that. And so she speaks her
truth even when her voice shakes. He stands for his cherished values even when facing a
bullet. They do what’s right even when it’s hard. And nothing–absolutely nothing–stops
them from breathing reality into their once imaginary dreams.
#4. The Perfect Human Loves Fit
Fitness is a game-changer. It just is. Once you get to your best physical condition, your
focus soars, your mood elevates, your resilience grows and your stamina flows. TPH is
like a hunter on the ancient plains–knowing that only the fittest survive. And yes–when
you get fit you’ll get giant goals done (so your life gets good). But also get ultra-
healthy so you’re of improved service to our world. (We all need you to shine).
#5. The Perfect Human Values Honor
To be fully human and alive is to live in a way that’s aligned with the noble virtues of
honesty, patience, understanding, respect, persistence and compassion. Decency’s still
cool–at least in the world I want to live in. The best of us–my heroes–live like that.
And that’s why I love them.
#6. The Perfect Human Needs Little
Look–I spend a lot of my pro life helping large companies and industry titans make
greater fortunes. Money brings freedom (and allows businesses to give people
livelihoods). Nice things are part of the sensual pleasures of the world–why not enjoy
them? But The Perfect Human doesn’t need them. They don’t make the title, the net worth,
the social status, the watch and the house their God. Nope. They just enjoy them–fully
knowing the real goal of the ride is self-mastery and contribution.
#7. The Perfect Human Respects Work
Work is a means to grow stronger, bigger and better. I wish more people got that. A
job’s just a job if you choose to see it as a job. All work is a means to express your
awesome talent, beat your fears and produce gorgeous value for other human beings. TPH
respects work. And works hard for the internal and external rewards it brings.
#8. The Perfect Human Craves Achievement
We are most alive when we are playing at our edges. Go to your limits and you’ll find
your limits expand. Few things are as exciting, inspiring and fulfilling as the ongoing
pursuit of doing things you once thought impossible. Forget the naysayers: extreme
achievement is one of the ultimate keys to happiness (for you analyticals: getting
important things done releases the neurotransmitter dopamine, the chemical of happiness
and motivation).
#9. The Perfect Human Adores Family
At the end, few things matter more than how well you loved those who love you. I adore
my work. I live for my mission to encourage, champion and be an instrument of service.
But even more, I adore my family.
#10. The Perfect Human Savors Life
Albert Camus said it 10,000X better than I could on my best day: Live to The Point of
Tears. TPH feels life, both the blessings and the sufferings. They all contain an
original form of utter beauty. So savor the starry night, your child’s laughter, the
morning walk, the nightly study, the daily routines. And the bold espresso.
- See more at:
The Mark Wahlberg Factor
Mark WahlbergOn a recent flight home from a high-performance leadership presentation in
Napa Valley for the executive team of a fast-growth multinational, I flipped through the
pages of the latest issue of Men’s Journal (I usually buy four or five magazines for each
flight I take and rip out the few articles I’m interested in – but I’ll leave that
process for a future issue of this newsletter).
I reached a feature on Mark Wahlberg. The piece details his rise to fame. From tough +
violent beginnings (he allegedly blinded an innocent bystander in a fight). To his
brother (of New Kids on The Block fame) helping him get a record deal as rapper “Marky
Mark”. To a stint as a controversial underwear model for Calvin Klein. Then into the
movies, first in bit roles and then up to leading man. And now – as a Hollywood producer
(yes, he not only starred in the breathtakingly great film “The Fighter”, he also
produced it). And as an entrepreneur who has launched a hamburger chain (WahlBurgers) and
a water company.
The article depicted him now as a devoted family man, an uber-fit athlete (60 minutes
first thing in the morning…sound familiar?) – and as a go-getter who swiftly moves from
one mountaintop to the next.
But what struck me most about Mark Wahlberg’s profound evolution was not what has
happened in his outer world as the years have passed. No, what intrigued me was what’s
been unfolding within. His personal values have transformed. His faith has awakened. And
his moral compass has been completely reconfigured. And because of what’s been growing
on the inside of his life, big things are happening on the outside of his life. Love it.
We’re still in January. You have a fresh, stain-free year ahead of you. If you silence
your Saboteur for a few seconds, the reality I need to share with you is that you can
pretty much write a whole new script for a whole new way to work + live right now. Yes,
you really are that powerful. The question isn’t “can you?”. Nope. The question is “will
you?” (And if not this year – then which year?).
Here are 3 powerful brain tattoos to make this a fantastic year for you:
#1. My Identity Shapes My Reality
Neuroscience confirms your brain is like a giant spam filter – you only see what you
focus on. So if your self-identity is all about being a victim, you’ll literally spot
conditions that confirm your victimhood. On the other hand, if you see yourself as a
powerful creator of your conditions, you’ll see opportunities to get to your goals – and
dreams – all around you.
#2. Dream Big But Start Small
Ok, you’ve heard me say this before but a good coach repeats the fundamentals until they
become a part of the way you think and perform. As I wrote in my new book “The Secret
Letters of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” – “small daily improvements over time lead to
stunning results.” One of the great keys to transformation are those little daily wins
that stack up into a tsunami of change over the coming months.
#3. Vague Plans Provoke Vague Results.
I strongly recommend that you write out a 12 month plan, recording at least 5 little or
big projects that you commit to getting done each month to ensure this year ends in rare-
air. The fact is that a plan becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy (as researchers in the
emerging field of positive psychology are confirming). In other words, clarity breeds
mastery. And the goals you set drive the actions you’ll take.
I truly hope that this year serves as a vehicle for you to change the game. That this
year is the year you do the best work of your career (a job is only a job if you choose
to see it as a job). The year that you get fit like an athlete. The year to get your
financial life to a place called exceptional. The year that you grow the family life of
your dreams. And the year that inspired you to craft the life you’ve always wanted to
live (and become the person you’ve always wished you could be).
Wishing you all green lights. Now, go change the world! :)
- See more at:
Why millions go to Robin Sharma for advice

Robin Sharma offers simple rules to live by. The hard part is living up to them every

Robin Sharma suggests doing something you fear once a week: "Every time we do something
that we resist and is frightening, we actually grow in our power."

About 15 years ago, Robin Sharma was signing copies of his book, The Monk Who Sold His
Ferrari, in a Toronto book store when he struck up a conversation with a shopper. "I
said, ’I’m a lawyer, here’s my story. I’ve self-published it,’" Sharma recalls. "He
pulled out his card and said, ’I might be interested. I’m Ed Carson, president of
HarperCollins.’ It changed everything."

It was not only Sharma’s life that changed — millions have, since they heard Sharma’s
wisdom. The self help guru’s bestselling books have been published in 51 languages and he
remains a sought-after speaker on personal and professional leadership. His latest book
in the series, The Secret Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, is now in stores.

Sharma shared five practises with Postmedia News that he feels will help people live a
more authentic and meaningful life.

Court fear

"Once every seven days, do something that frightens you. Every time we do something that
we resist and is frightening, we actually grow in our power.

"The fears that you don’t deal with own you. I was down in Trinidad six months ago
speaking to kids. I was talking about this and I said, ’Fears are like these monsters if
you don’t deal with them. So go hug the monster.’

"I used to be incredibly afraid of public speaking. I started with five people, then I’d
speak to 10 people. I made it up to 75 people, up to 100 and now I can speak to a very
large group and it feels similar to speaking to you one-on-one.

"We have a normal. As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown
and frightening becomes your new normal."

Be authentic

"Many people are spending the best years of their lives living their neighbour’s lives.
We buy into a definition of success sold to us by society rather than asking: Who am I
and how do I want to live? Oscar Wilde said it brilliantly: ’Be yourself; everyone else
is taken.’

"The starting point of discovering who you are, your gifts, your talents, your dreams,
is being comfortable with yourself. Spend time alone. Write in a journal. Take long
walks in the woods. Disconnect from Facebook for an hour. Read the biographies and the
books of your heroes and the people who resonate with you.

"I was a litigation lawyer. That’s all very logical. Become a litigation lawyer. Become
successful. Have a nice office. But there was some pull inside of me saying, self-
publish this book. I followed that intuition and it’s been a great choice for me in my

Remember the power of relationships

"We live in a world where many of us have never been so connected by technology yet
we’ve never been so disconnected to other human beings. We can have 500 friends on
Facebook and yet we’re sitting alone in a room without a real friend.

"One of the great sources of happiness is real human connections with people you care
about. To do that? Private one-on-one time."

Work is only work if you choose to see it as only work

"Every job is an opportunity to pursue a craft. Have you ever met that one person,
they’re flipping a hamburger and most people would see that they’re doing an ordinary
job, but they think it’s the most important job in the world?

"I’ve met taxi drivers, for example, they say, ’I’ve got the cleanest taxi in the world.
This is my job so I have a fresh white shirt on and my goal is to leave you better than I
found you.’ They restore your spirit in humanity."

Remember that you can't inspire others if you are not inspired yourself

"Develop yourself to your highest potential. We have been seduced into thinking that we
can measure the value of our lives by our net worth. Yet if you look at the empirical
evidence, people who make $5 million a year are only incrementally happier than blue-
collar workers.

"I’ve worked with billionaires as a leadership coach, business advisor and many of them
are the most unhappy and empty people you’ve ever met. Why? Because they have a lot of
money and they don’t have much else.

"Take time for yourself to work on your mind, your body and your emotional life.
Finally, your spiritual life. It’s great to take care of yourself, your family but what
makes a life ultimately matter is living for a cause that’s larger than yourself. You
don’t have to be a Steve Jobs or a Nelson Mandela. You can be an ordinary person who says
I’m going to do my part to uplift people, take care of the environment and take care of
my community."

I wish i'd known this earlier

Hi Sagar,

Just sitting here in my creative room thinking about the things I wish I'd learned years
It's been a busy few months with June's sold-out The 48 Hour Transformation event, an
intense speaking tour through Africa, working on my new book and iterating all the
exciting online innovations my team and I are developing to serve you and your highest

Today I just got reflective. Considered the past. And the things I wish someone had taught
me a lot earlier...

Thought I should share a few of them with you... you avoid the costly mistakes I made... you accelerate your success... you do world-class work... you lead the field and rise to iconic... you make your mark on the world.

So with much respect, here's my sharing:

--I wish I'd learned earlier that imagination's more valuable than logic. You really need
to "20X" your thinking and then let the "how" follow. Most people try to figure out
what's logically possible and then develop a strategy around that. That approach breeds
mediocrity versus greatness.

--I wish I'd learned earlier to stop over-analyzing opportunities and to trust my
instincts more quickly. My costliest errors happened when I failed to listen to my gut.
It's wiser than the head.
--I wish I'd learned that "the discomfort of transformation is always much better than
the heartbreak of regret" a lot earlier.

--I wish I'd learned earlier how essential it is to surround yourself with people
performing and living at dramatically higher levels so that their ways of thinking,
producing and living influenced my mindset and achievement levels. Just having a few
conversations with the right people can be the event that triggers a tsunami of
excellence for you. This year alone I've invested in 3 expensive mastermind groups to
ensure I was around people who lifted me higher. The return on my investment has been

--I wish I'd learned the system I now use to plan out and then schedule my annual,
quarterly, monthly and weekly goals in the way that gets them done unbelievably
effectively much earlier. I'd have saved so much time. And doubled my output. So much of
ultra-success comes down to the time management tool you use. Please get this piece

--I wish I'd learned earlier how to build elite project teams of fanatically focused and
passionate people who deliver superb results (took me years to crack the code on this
one but once I did, my business can't build a great company with a
merely average team). And you're wasting your talent if you're trying to do everything

--I wish I'd learned earlier that "the key to energy is recovery" and the way to have
rare-air stamina is to learn how the brain and body needs to be refueled (again, I've
developed some pretty unique rituals via trial and error that pretty much give me more
energy than I could ever use).

--I wish I'd learned earlier that the best way to get more done is to work less. It's
truly is about smart work versus hard work. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. That's
just not true.

--I wish I'd learned earlier how to "retrain" my brain so as to clean out negativity and
toxicity so I felt better, stronger and faster when I was first starting out. [Instead,
when was a young litigation lawyer, my mindset was negative, I focused on problems and
lacked the full-on inspiration that you absolutely must cultivate to achieve
extraordinary results in your life].

--I wish I'd learned earlier that "people smell fear" so it's key to approach all
business and personal opportunities from a position of strength and confidence versus
from a place of scarcity and weakness. Your belief in yourself will become contagious.
Trust me.

--I wish I'd learned earlier that super-successful people run their businesses and lives
in a completely contrarian way than average people do. It was only when I began advising
the titans of business and other star performers to that I discovered the "eccentric"
habits and processes that the best best run each day [More people need to know these and
I'm committed to sharing them].

--I wished I'd learned earlier that life can change in a moment. And it's wise not to
postpone all the important things you really want to do today until some fantasy time off
in the future. That time never comes. [Re-read Tuesdays With Morrie to know what I mean].

--I wish I'd learned earlier that world-class business and personal results are less
about luck and more about a specific strategy and a series of proven practices that
guarantee awesome outcomes.

--I wish I'd learned earlier that the true measure of success is not net worth but self-
worth...and that the depth of your character is so much more important than the size of
your home.

--I wish I'd learned earlier that each of us can achieve immortality by contributing
value to the lives that follow ours. [And that's really what the game's all about isn't

Anyway, those were a few of my reflections...Hope they're helpful, as always.

The best leaders love to learn. And the greatest organizations are learning enterprises –
places where ideas are the currency of success. Yet, so many amongst us resist learning
and embracing the new ideas that change brings with it. The deeper question is why? What
I’ve realized, as I travel across the world helping people Lead Without a Title, is that
the very act of learning something new means you must also disrupt your thinking of
yesterday. To accept or even just to entertain a new idea means you must leave the safety
of your former way of perceiving the world and open up to something foreign. And that
means you’d have to leave the protection of your comfort zone/Safe Harbor of The Known
and sail out into the unknown – even for just a moment. The unknown is a pretty scary
place for most people. Ordinary people get threatened there. Victims get frightened
there. And so the average person in business (and within life) avoids learning and
exposing themselves to any idea or influence that might cause them to have to rethink the
way they think and re-behave the way they have always behaved. But the fascinating paradox
is that trying to avoid new ideas to stay safe is actually enormously dangerous – and
infused with risk. On the other hand, those who make the choice to Lead Without a Title
have a lust to learn. They remain blindingly curious. They read books daily. They drink
coffee with brilliant people. They have long conversations with role models whose ideas
provoke/challenge/irritate them. Real leaders truly get that learning and ideation is
the fuel of life. And that all it takes is a single idea to change the game at work (and
rescript the story that is your life). Sure they too feel uncomfortable or even scared
when faced with an idea that confronts their most closely cherished beliefs. But they
understand that to resist the idea is to resist growth. As well as their next level of
Mastery+Progress+Leadership. And so they move forward. Into an uncertain yet gorgeously
exciting future. - See more at:

Why Learners Are Heroes

Learners Are HeroesOn an airplane. Reading about psychology and education.
Came across this quote from American psychiatrist Thomas Szasz: “Every act of conscious
learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one’s self-esteem. That is why
young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily; and
why older persons, especially if vain or important, cannot learn at all.”
Powerful. Transformational. And that’s why I salute the brave thinkers among us.
The very act of learning something new disrupts the way you’ve always seen things-and the
way you’ve always been. A fresh idea pushes you out of your comfort zone and threatens
the very foundations you’ve built your view of the world on.
That’s scary for nearly everyone. Truly frightening for the vast majority. So rather than
experience any form of discomfort, most people regress – and return to their Safe
Harbor of The Known. It feels better. Seems safer. But, in truth, it’s not.
The problem is that refusing to learn and grow is the beginning of the end.
Leadership-and life itself-is all about making tomorrow better than today. And stepping
into your next level of excellence with every passing hour. To cling to the thoughts and
ways of performing that you’ve always known is to resign yourself to being average. And
mediocre. A spectator versus in the game.
Neuroscientists will tell you that a single new piece of learning actually changes the
very nature of your brain. The circuitry shifts. And the wiring expands. But in order to
reach these new lands, we must lose sight of the shore-even for just a little while.
And that takes guts.
And a pure bit of leadership.
Keep Leading Without A Title!
- See more at:

Do What’s Most Difficult

Do what's most difficultSam Keen had a great line, “You are caught by what you are
running from.” Genius.
We attempt to structure our lives to avoid our fears but that’s about as intelligent as
straightening the deck chairs on the Titanic. The best way to overcome a fear is to face
your fear. As a matter of fact, every time we do something we’ve been avoiding, we take
back the power that seemingly scary or difficult thing had over us.
Every Leader Without a Title and world-class Productive runs toward what they are most
resisting versus toward the exit door. They feel the fear of tackling a game changing
project and do the project anyway. They acknowledge the sweaty palms before the high-
stakes presentation, and give the presentation anyway. They experience the runaway
heartbeats accompanying asking for the biggest order in the history of their company, and
they ask anyway. And that’s what makes them great.
- See more at:

The 5 Lies of Lucky

So easy to dismiss the success of The Great Ones in business, sports, science or the arts
as “lucky”. But success doesn’t just show up. It’s always earned. High achievement isn’t
the result of “destiny” but desire – and acute determination.
From Branson to Bono and from Mandela to Michael Dell, dive deep into the stories of the
best of the best and you’ll see they’re are all thinking the same thoughts and doing
strikingly similar things (all of which I write about in my new book The Leader Who Had
No Title.
Don’t buy into the following 5 Lies of Lucky:
1. Successful people don’t work hard – they just happen to be at the right place at the
right time. Sure, timing makes a difference (just ask Jobs or Brin). But business
superstars not only out-think their competition – they outwork them. Few things are as
mission-critical to leadership and winning as blood, sweat and tears.
2. Successful people had a smoother path and more lucky breaks. Nope. The people who
have achieved the most are generally those who have failed the most. Success is a numbers
game and those who have reached the mountaintop were those who simply refused to lose
(and turned every stumbling block into a stepping stone). FedEx’s first day in business
saw only about 15 packages moved. But rather than shutting down, they regrouped and
3. Successful people are born motivated. Motivation is a learned sport. To play at peak
and light a fire in your belly takes daily devotion. The best among us are up while the
world around them sleeps, listening to inspirational cds, reading heroic biographies,
planning their days/weeks/months/lives and basically preparing themselves to deliver
their leadership best. We all need to refill the well of passion and inspiration every
4. Successful people are “one person shows”. Behind GE’s Jack Welch lived a superb group
of followers. Alongside Jeff Bezos walks a remarkable band of believers. Can’t do the
dream without the right team. If you are really serious about getting to wow on each of
your business and personal goals, make sure you have the right people and resources to
help you get there. To paraphrase John Donne: “no person is an island”.
5. Successful people are geniuses. According to the latest research, genius isn’t a
natural trait – it’s a learned skill. The “genius research” has found that every so-
called “genius” invested the equivalent of 10 years singularly focused on their chosen
sport/business/craft. As I’ve written in The Leader Who Had No Title: “Mediocrity occurs
when we focus on many things. Mastery arrives when we focus on only a few.” Commit to
being brilliant at just a few passions in your life and cut out all the rest. And then
practice on these obsessions daily. In time, you too will be recognized as a master. And
that’s my great wish for you.
Keep Leading Without A Title.
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Went to the shopping mall last night with my daughter to buy a couple of pairs of winter
boots for ourselves. Dropped into a store known to many and frequented by most. When I
asked for a particular style of boot that the place has sold for many years, the
salesperson was clueless. "Not sure if we have them but the boot section is over there,"
he said, pointing directly to the other end of the store. He then went back to checking
his text messages on company time.
As we walked towards the boot section, we met another salesperson. About the same age as
the first guy. About the same fashion sense as the first guy. And about the same position
as the first guy. But that’s where the sameness stopped. This one’s attitude was
completely different.
And he seemed to be switched on to the real meaning of leadership.
"The boots are over there, right?" I asked. "Yes they are. What exactly are you looking
for – I’d love to help out," he replied with a warm smile. When I mentioned the style I
was looking for, he explained that the company had stopped making them due to quality
issues but was planning a relaunch in a few months. He then showed me alternatives,
explained the benefits of each and basically took me through a mini-course in customer
One of my take-aways: sure environment matters. A
positive/inspirational/excellent/encouraging environment is a core driver of peak
performance. But if that was everything, both of these guys would have behaved in the
same way. So what made the difference? As cheesy as it sounds, it came down to their
attitudes. The first salesman was a clock-watcher. The second was a relationship-builder.
And one who I could tell understood that doing great work is one of the most important
pursuits in life.
There are no unimportant jobs. All work can be infused with meaning, passion and a
dedication to world-class. Remember the old story of the 3 stonecutters? The first was
asked what he was doing. The reply was: "I’m cutting a bunch of rocks." The second
responded: "I’m building a wall." The third smiled and said with deep pride: "I’m
building a cathedral."
You need no title to be a leader. Just an attitude to wow and a heart full of commitment.
And you can begin today. No, now
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The Garbage Collector with The Brain Tattoo

I’ve never held myself out to be any kind of a guru. The first chapter of The Greatness
Guide explains just that. I’m just an ordinary guy doing my best to help people Lead
Without a Title and step into the power they were born with – but may have forgotten. But
once in a while, I do get it all right. An example.
One morning I was working at home rather than at our office as I needed to go into some
deep creative work and that’s a place that allows me to get the job done. I heard a loud
noise that caused me to stop and I ran to the window to see what happened. The man who
collects the garbage was picking up what seemed to be a thousand pieces that had fallen
into the street. Something had happened to the truck’s hydraulic system and all the
garbage had fallen out. It wasn’t a pretty scene.
I quickly rushed out to make sure he was ok and asked if I could help. He said he was
fine but I could tell he was upset. Who wouldn’t be? I then asked him if he liked
coffee. He said: “of course.”
I’d just returned from a series of leadership presentations to high-potential managers in
Latin America and in my fridge was a few fresh bags of beautiful coffee that I’d brought
home with me. I grabbed one and then headed back out to the garbage collector,
presenting it to him and saying: “I really appreciate everything you do and I hope this
makes you feel a little better. Thanks a lot.” He smiled. And then got back to work.
Well something very special now happens every week, on trash collection day. My blue box
not only gets emptied – it gets walked up to my home and is neatly placed in a certain
corner. You may say that’s a small thing but it happens rain or snow, Spring or Fall.
It’s the man I met’s gesture of thanks. For my small and simple act of kindness. And it
puts a smile on my face every time.
Here’s the leadership idea I’m doing my best to convey: small acts of
support/encouragement/kindness tattoo themselves onto the brain cells of those who
receive them. In this world of overflowing technology, people ache for instances of
humanity. And the Leaders Who Have No Titles that do them, are the people who win.
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Master Your Life and Have Fun Doing It

Master Your Life2011 is finding its way to completion. Many of us are thinking about the
holidays – and joy-filled moments with those we love most. This is also a superb time to
carve out some solo time and begin reflecting on what you did well in 2011. And what you
need to improve so that the new year is guaranteed to become your absolute best year
yet. Please remember: success doesn’t just show up via luck. No, success is the
inevitable result of doing a number of specific things, in a consistent way.
So as you reflect+deliberate on+journal your 2011 wins and record your “Opportunities
for Improvement” (along with your 2012 Mission+Values and Goals), I invite you to
remember the following 6 Insights to Master Your Life:
1. IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU! What I mean by this is that the #1 reason you may not be where
you want to be in your career and personal life is who you currently are vs the external
conditions you might be blaming. It’s stunning how our limiting beliefs and core fears
sabotage us and keep us small. And here’s the thing: because most of them are
subconscious, we can’t even see the mess they are creating for us.
The key here is to clean up the self-deception in your life. And take a good hard look
at why you are where you are. Is the truth that you’re scared of failure or rejection or
the unknown or success? The more aware you become of how you’re the one standing in your
own way, the more you’ll move into choice. And have the power to make the new choices
that drive new results.
2. YOUR NET WORTH NEVER EXCEEDS YOUR SELF WORTH. We get from life not all we want but
who we are. To have more, we must become more. The more you can learn, grow and provoke
the highest display of your potential on a daily basis, the more all you want will begin
to show up. (How do you start this growth? Journaling, affirmations, reading the books of
world-class people, associating with superstars, attending seminars+webinars, listening
to inspirational audiobooks etc).
3. FOCUS IS MORE VALUABLE THAN INTELLIGENCE. You’re smart enough to master your life –
and play in the big leagues of success. Here’s another thing that may be holding you
back: you’re really busy being busy. But what’s the point of being uber-productive doing
useless things?
So much of the leadership presentations I delivered across the planet in 2011 for
clients like Starbucks and The Coca-Cola Company and KPMG involved showing people how to
make the leap from being busy to achieving results. Two quick ways: turn off your
technology for a few hours each day and do Real Work. And second, make your Stop Doing
List more important than your To Do List.
4. DISRUPT OR BE DISRUPTED. OK, so here’s the reality: the next 20 years will be nothing
like the last 20 years. You and your team and your organization can “wait for the up
cycle to return”. But I think you’ll be waiting a long time. I don’t think we’re in a
down cycle. I think the way the global economy+society currently is, is the new reality.
And if you agree with me, there’s only one choice for any one of us: innovate – or
become obsolete.
So, to win in 2012, out-think who you were this year and outlearn what you learned and
outwork the way you worked. Read constantly. Iterate daily. And ferociously improve
every part of the way you think, work and live.
5. SHATTER YOUR STANDARDS. It’s stunning how many people – built to play at wow with
their lives – accept mediocrity in their health, finances, work, relationships and
mindset (the problem with letting a little mediocrity into your orbit is more starts to
creep in until eventually it becomes your new normal).
Right now, I challenge you with my usual respect and affection, to raise your standards.
Don’t tolerate any form of average. Don’t accept Dis-excellence. Don’t stand for
mediocre. If you’re going to settle, then please settle for the absolute best.
6. HAVE SOME FUN. Life’s a short ride when you really think about it. Yes, do your
dreams while you change the world. But do it with a smile. And a festive heart. Make
time for life’s simple pleasures (the other day my daughter and I shared Chinese food in
the food court of a shopping mall; the laughter and joy we experienced – priceless).
Savor life’s gifts. Embrace all that’s good in your life.
And from me to you, and from my family to yours, have a beautiful holiday season and
year end. Thanks for all the tremendous support you’ve given me this year. Let’s keep the
conversation going on my Facebook page. And – together – make a difference in the world!
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How Do You Define Success?

Define SuccessToo many people are living their neighbors’ lives. So many amongst us are
building our futures based on a definition of success sold to us by society+the media+our
peers. That’s fine if you’re consciously choosing to live by those values. But what if –
at truth – you have a different set of values. And the success you are currently chasing
actually has little to do with what will make you happy when you review your life at the
My encouragement is to take 60 minutes over the next few days and rethink what you are
investing your mental focus and physical energy on. Are you spending your time on work
that matters and personal pursuits that are moving the needle forward? Or are you stuck
in the thick of thin things? Being really busy being really busy?
A life is a tragic thing to waste. Yet too many of us – born into the potential to live
soaring lives as well as contribute to raising the lives around them – waste our best
hours on mindless distractions, needless interruptions and activities that are nothing
more than an escape.
I also encourage you to play with the definition of success that has been transforming
the lives of those using “The Robin Sharma Success System“, an online 21 day training
program. In it, I teach that success isn’t just about making money and climbing the
social ladder (the data actually confirms that people making $5 million a year are only
incrementally happier than blue collar workers). Sure money matters.
But I invite you to also focus on these dimensions of your life if you’re serious about
REAL success:
Personal development
Family connections
Being world-class at your work
Having a network of friends who elevate you
Creating a phenomenal lifestyle
And using your life to make a difference.
That last metric is the key. What’s the point of having success but failing at
Significance? Yes, chase your dreams and rise to lofty heights in the world. But please
remember: greatness comes from living for a cause larger than you. And leaving our
world better than you found it.
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Ted Turner’s Wealth Psychology

By Robin Sharma
#1 Bestselling author of “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Ted Turner's Wealth Psychology
Ted Turner’s a pretty amazing man…
—he founded CNN from nothing
—he started The Cartoon Network
—he’s won the America’s Cup
—he created Ted’s Montana Grill
—he launched The Goodwill Games
—he’s given away billions to great causes
So how did he build such a TEL (Truly Epic Life)?…
…In today’s message, I’m not going to get into his winning business choices
… I’m not going to rant about his daily success habits nor the rewards that his
associations with the entrepreneurial elite brought to him
…And I’m not going to get into his strong relationship with his powerful father and the
influence that connection had on him
This piece (that I’ve worked really hard to get right for you) is about something else…
the root cause of all rare-air productive, financial, personal and global success…
…your psychology.
If you’re not thinking like the dominant star of your industry, your performance will
never rise to match that expectation.
If you’re not thinking you can get your massive dreams done, your behavior will never be
sufficient to get giant goals done.
If you’re not thinking like someone who’s the rockstar of their field, financially free,
healthy as an athlete and happier than you could ever imagine, then there’s no way you’ll
get there.
Why? Because your outcomes always reflect your self-identity (a.k.a. your psychology).
Researchers like Sonja Lyubomirsky have done some fascinating work on “the power of the
self-fulfilling prophecy”. Definitely read her book The How of Happiness this week.
Bottom line: the hard-core psychologists confirm that your psychology and expectations
for your performance determine your results.
You absolutely have to learn to think like the very best do to experience the rewards and
lifestyle that the VERY best have.
So back to Ted Turner…
… even when he was the “new kid” going up against ABC, NBC and CBS–with nothing but the
unreasonable idea for a 24 hour news network– he believed that he’d win because he
surrounded himself with other visionaries and “industry disruptors” who modeled massive
success. [The Law of Association].
… even when he was kicked out of the company that he founded, he started a new one (Ted’s
Montana Grill) because his psychology was such that he had developed the “neural
architecture” of resilience and radical confidence. [The Law of BounceBack].
[Btw: none of this is natural talent. It's all the result of learning how to think like
this and then practicing it until it becomes a habit].
… even when his beloved father died, he kept his fierce focus on his greatest dream
alive by outworking, outinnovating and outproducing everyone around him because he got
his psychology right. [The Law of Grit].
So what were the core beliefs that he practiced relentlessly until they hardwired in as
his psychology of fantastic productivity, ingenuity, wealth, confidence, influence and
I’ve identified 5 of them below and have observed the same ones in the industry titans
and international superstars that I advise:
#1. Ted was Obsessed with Making Everything Better
In an interview with famed broadcaster Charlie Rose, Ted Turner said:
“I like to make things better. When I was in the news business, I was just trying to make
things better. In the restaurant business, I’m just trying to make things better…
…When I was a boy my parents said ‘Do The Best You Can’. I’m just following orders.”
#2. Ted Focused on Producing Value vs. Making Money
This way of thinking is so contrarian to the way most businesspeople think (and that’s why
most businesspeople never join the ranks of the financial and influential elite).
If your whole focus is on making money, it’s off delivering the staggering value that
will create the fanatical followers who will pay you money.
Ted Turner was a Rotarian (as was my father and myself). The motto of Rotary is: “He
profits most who serves the best.”
Of course, serve for the beauty and internal fulfillment of serving. But know that the
inevitable by-product of phenomenal service to others (your customers, communities etc.)
is material prosperity well-beyond anything you’ve yet to experience.
#3. Ted Played The Long Game
Some things never change as society changes. No matter what anyone tells you, traits like
integrity and honesty will always yield success and victory. Yes–if you play the short
game and cut ethical corners, you may win for a while.
But nothing is more valuable (and an industry differentiator) than the value of your good
name. Making your reputation a priceless asset is a brilliant decision.
Turner was always honest. Always ethical. Always did his best to stay true to his word.
“I wanted my Dad to think I was worthwhile, like every son. And I wanted to impress my
mother. It was great to have her proud of me.”
#4. Ted Went for Uncommon Opportunities
Turner said that building a television network was actually easy. Why? Because the
barriers to entry were so high that most people didn’t have the capital nor the stomach
to get in.
He did. And so he made a fortune. And changed the world.
The belief worth wiring into your mindset: go for the opportunities very few believe
they can realize. It’ll be a lot easier than you think to get traction as well as to lead
the field because there’s so little competition.
#5. Ted Built Bridges
Turner and Rupert Murdoch had been fighting for years. But as Ted Turner matured, he
realized that energy spent on conflict is energy stolen from “production”.
So when Rupert Murdoch “went green” (Turner is a passionate advocate for environmental
causes), he reached out to him with sincere congratulations.
Murdoch replied with an invitation for lunch. And a truce was forged.
Ted’s psychology: pick your battles. And focus on getting great things done versus
trivialities and pettiness.
Ok. There you go my friend. Ted Turner’s psychological foundations that allowed him to
craft an iconic life.
And as always, THAT’S my greatest wish for you.
All green lights…your fan,
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19 Steps to a Victim-Free Company
By Robin Sharma
#1 Bestselling author of “The Leader Who Had No Title”
How to become famous
Truly hope you’re superb today [in play moving your aspirations ahead while making your
"dent in the universe", as Steve Jobs called it].
At my Lead Without a Title presentations for The FORTUNE 500 like Starbucks, Nike, FedEx,
GE and Oracle as well as for the fast-growth mid-sized companies I work with, one of the
things people find most valuable is my “Victimhood Versus Leadership Matrix”.
Just imagine a company (or a community) where everyone has learned how to shift from
victimhood into outright leadership of themselves, their performance and their results?
Essentially, I teach our beloved clients that each day at work–with our teammates,
customers and suppliers–we really only have one choice in every engagement: we can
behave like poor little victims (giving away our power to be innovative, excellent and
…We can step up and demonstrate some real leadership (which is not about a title but
about delivering impressive outcomes).
If you like the idea of the people you work with becoming leaders within their roles
(and the CEO of their job responsibilities), then please study, debate and share the
following “19 Victim Versus Leader Distinctions“:
#1. Victims talk about people. Leaders talk about ideas.
#2. Victims procrastinate around their goals. Leaders execute on them.
#3. Victims enjoy watching things (like TV and video games). Leaders like making things.
#4. Victims are distracted. Leaders are concentrated.
#5. Victims abhor change. Leaders Adore change.
#6. Victims read what everyone reads. Leaders read what few do.
#7. Victims associate with other victims. Leaders spend most of their time with
superstars (and thereby dramatically elevate their productivity and success).
#8. Victims are stuck in the past. Leaders are inspired by the future.
#9. Victims resist hard projects. Leaders seek them out (knowing it refines their chops).
#10. Victims work at mediocrity. Leaders view work as an opportunity to pursue Mastery.
#11. Victims give most of their time to leisure. Leaders spend a ton of time on their
#12. Victims tear people down (because it makes them feel better). Leaders lift others
#13. Victims are rude. Leaders are polite.
#14. Victims practise negativity. Leaders are unreasonably positive.
#15. Victims can’t wait to retire. Leaders are afraid to retire (why retire when you’re
having so much fun building something important, growing more leaders and producing
value for the world?).
#16. Victims waste time. Leaders exploit time.
#17. Victims achieve things for the applause. Leaders achieve them for the fulfillment.
#18. Victims sleep late. Leaders rise early.
#19. Victims view work as a means to pay the bills. Leaders view work as a way to change
the world.
My great wish is that these ideas inspire you to Lead Without a Title, lift your
teammates to their next level of wow and grow a great company.
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How to become famous
How to become famous
By Robin Sharma
Author of the #1 International Bestseller “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Hope you’re excellent. I wrote today’s message with one idea in mind: to help accelerate
your expertise.
So you become BIW (Best in the World within your field)….and just maybe the best there
ever was (think “The Michelangelo of Manufacturing” or the “Federer of Finance” or the
“Einstein of Entrepreneurs”).
My obsession is to help you reach this lofty realm. So you get your largest dreams done.
And make the world better for the mastery you share…
I hope you can feel my passion, sense my faith in you and know how much I care…
I’ve been ever so focused on sending you information of exceptional value that really
serves your success beautifully.
And in the coming weeks, I’ll be sending more (along with some exceedingly valuable
videos, like the one I just shot in Africa on “How to Wake Up Early”).
It takes a lot of energy and time to create these pieces for you. All I ask is that if
you like them, please share them with others…
Especially this one…
Because it’s all about being so good they can’t ignore you…
So insanely great as a high performer and elite producer of deep value that tears flow
in the eyes of those watching you…
So, here we go…
Average performers work hard to fit in. UltraPerformers work really, really hard to
stand out.
True, the global economy remains a mess (and I predict it will get a lot worse). But for
those aiming for iconic and settling for nothing but their absolute best, economic
volatility is irrelevant.
Why? Because they are so exceptional at what they do and the value they produce that
they’ve created their own personal economy.
They are playing at such a high-level, so original and indispensable to their companies
and customers that they’ve become famous.
It’s a pretty awesome goal for you to aspire to…
…Becoming famous for how good you are at what you do.
Famous for your Mastery.
Famous for your Acumen.
Famous for your Expertise.
Famous for how superbly your work serves the world.
And the truth is that there’s just not much competition up in rare-air.
So to assist you in claiming your fame–so that masses of people beat a path to your
door–I’ve listed the 27 best ways that I know of to become an expert…
Here you go:
#1. Model the mindsets, habits and behaviors of the people performing at the level you
want to play at. Surround yourself with as many world-class experts in your field as you
can possibly network with.
#2. Teach your craft. As you share what you’re learning about in your area of expertise,
it deepens your understanding. And heightens your awareness. “Teacher learns the most” is
a smart motto.
#3. Fail as quickly as you can. Each time you stumble, study the data, recalibrate and
iterate your next move. Do this daily and you’ll see steady gains in your performance
#4. Become monomaniacally focused on knowing all there is to know about one or two
things. The secret to Mastery is concentration of attention. Period.
#5. Read. It’s something too few people do on a daily basis. Reading collapses learning
time–and allows the brilliance of the best to rub off on your thinking.
#6. Get a mentor. I’ve had a number of key mentors in my life and watching them show up
at peak was a game-changer. You just can’t reach your personal Everest without some help.
#7. Practice insane amounts of hours. Anders Ericsson is the world’s pre-eminent
researcher on exceptional performance. His research (popularized by Malcolm Gladwell)
showed that it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to make an expert. Put in the
time and out will come the expert.
#8. Go to your edges. Elite athletes, violinists, writers and chess players all do the
same thing: every day they have specific times that they push their skills to the edge.
And by relentlessly pushing their talents past what’s comfortable, their talents quickly
#9. Play to win versus playing to avoid failing. Experts have a tendency to pursue their
idealized image of excellence while average performers behave in a way designed to
avoid making mistakes. Big difference.
#10. Remember that things you once found hard you now find easy. You are built to grow,
to flourish and to adapt to new standards.
#11. Set up a support team. At our annual self-mastery event The 48 Hour Transformation I
encouraged the hundreds of participants to form “Navy Seal Teams”. The level of
connection, support, sharing and helpfulness that took place in these groups was
unforgettable. Find others like you–devoted to becoming the best in the world at their
craft. And create an alliance.
#12. Keep a journal. Writing in a journal each morning or every night is a superb way to
build expertise. It allows for you to reflect deeply on what you’re doing right–and
celebrate those wins–and what areas of performance you can most improve.
#13. Remember that expertise is a process, not an event.
#14. Reward your successes. Staying passionate with your field of expertise and your
lofty goals is absolutely essential to getting your through the inevitable
failures/plateaus and obstacles on the path to Mastery. By setting up a clear reward
structure, you’ll fuel your energy and stay amped to win.
#15. Read “Talent is Overrated” by Geoffrey Colvin. Superb book.
#16. Stick with the new move for 66 days. According to research at The University
College of London, it takes 66 days of practice to wire in a new habit. So as you work
on a new element within your field of expertise, do it for 66 days until the “neural
highway” in your brain has been installed. The new move will then become automatic.
#17. Raise your standards. Our behavior reflects what we’ve settled for. All experts are
obsessed with becoming the best there ever was. And so their performance matches that
#18. Know that becoming an expert isn’t easy (otherwise everyone would be doing it). But
it’ll be truly worth it. That I promise you.
#19. Clear your mind. A messy mind causes messy results. Make all efforts to have fewer
goals, priorities and responsibilities so your mind becomes incredibly centered on the
dominant focus of your professional life: the one field you are committed to mastering.
#20. Go first-class. If you’re really serious about world-class performance then have the
guts to invest in world-class training tools, world-class coaching, world-class
instruments, world-class conference, world-class nutrition and a totally world-class
environment to support your rise to the top.
#21. Watch the uber-inspiring documentary of expertise “Jiro Dreams of Sushi”.
#22. Sleep less to achieve more. Yes, sleep is essential for peak results. I get it. But
too many people sleep too much. Most of the ultraAcheivers I work with sleep very
little. They’d rather use that time to practice, study, produce awesome work, grow their
fortunes, build their families and contribute beautifully to the world.
#23. Understand that mastery loves the hardworking.
#24. Keep the self-promises you make to yourself. It’s a fantastic way to increase self-
#25. Keep a written daily schedule. The things that get scheduled are the things that get
done. Expertise comes from clear and structured effort. A written schedule of your
practice times, study times, coaching times as well as a listing of your other essential
life commitments will ensure you’re on track.
#26. Show up when you don’t feel like it. Experts don’t show up to do the work only when
they feel strong, energized and excited. They show up when they’re tired, discouraged
and exhausted. That’s what it takes to be the best.
#27. Do it for yourself as much as for the world. Becoming an expert is one of the
finest methods I know of to move toward self-mastery. The process of expressing your
greatest talents and potential develops your character. You teach yourself patience,
perseverance and toughen your faith. Yes, you’ll help/inspire/create value for so many
people via your inevitable expertise. But don’t just do it for that. Choose it for what
this uncommon journey will make of you as a person
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The ONE Thing Titans Do

Success in September
By Robin Sharma
Author of the #1 International Bestseller “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Really important message today. It’s a little long because I’ve put A LOT of effort,
research and thought into what’s below…
…But the ideas, hard-core “elite performance intel” (and the announcement at the end) are
DEFINITELY worth 3 minutes of your precious time…
I’m in Durban, South Africa as I write this. At a special little hotel called The Oyster
Box. It’s a rest day on this tour. My windows are open, the sea roars and the breeze is
I’m genuinely hoping you are feeling on game, fuelled by your mission and executing
brilliantly on your vision for 2013. Not so much time left to make this year your best
Which brings me to the idea of being “A Titan”.
…In Greek mythology, “Titan” referred to a member of an ancient race of powerful Gods
with incredible strength, power and influence.
…In today’s world, a Titan is a man or a woman who is a member of the financial,
business and social elite.
Ultra-billionaires Carlos Slim, Bill Gates, Amancio Ortega, Warren Buffett, Li Ka-Shing,
Liliane Bettencourt, Elon Musk and Bernard Arnault are just a few who come to mind.
But so do athletes like Roger Federer, LeBron James, Lionel Messi, Floyd Mayweather and
Maria Sharapova.
Artists like Jay-Z, Rihanna, Basquiat and Warhol are Titans.
22 year old chess wunderkind Magnus Carlsen qualifies…as do former Navy Seal Eric
Greitens, author J.K. Rowling and inventor of the Internet Tim Berners-Lee.
And of course world-builders like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King
Jr. are Titans.
So what’s the ONE thing each of these people have in common?
— yes, each of them has what University of Pennsylvania psychology professor Angela
Duckworth calls “grit”. [Her research has proved that people with "grit"---the trait of
exceptional persistence and devotion in the face of obstacles---consistently outperform
those with higher IQs].
— yes, each of them understands that “focus plus time equals genius” so that while
average people are trying to do 100 things, these performers are monomaniacally focused
on doing just a few things really, really well.
— yes, these SuperAchievers all have an uncommon respect for time (time truly is
priceless and the hours average people waste on gossip, tv and video games, Titans use to
create remarkable results).
— yes, these people all engaged in deep daily practice which led to their
exceptionalism (please read the article “The Role of Deliberate Practice in the
Acquisition of Expert Performance” by Anders Ericsson–the father of “The 10,000 Hour
Rule” and you’ll have all the science you need to understand that greatness in ANY field
is far less about natural talent and far more about deliberate practice).
— yes, they take “hedged risks” (versus betting the farm) that ordinary people don’t take
because it makes them feel too uncomfortable and scared.
— yes, most Titans invest far less on entertainment and so much more in their education
(especially on their personal development). The world TRULY belongs to the learners
because the more you learn the more you will achieve.
— and absolutely yes these people had the guts to believe in their own vision of their
future even when they were the only people on the planet who believed in that vision.
But out of all that I’ve observed coaching so many of the financial elite and ultra-
achievers for 17+ years, sharing long meals with them and traveling to exotic locales
with them, the ONE thing they all have in common is this:
All Titans live and breathe “The Law of Association” (which says that “your results always
rise to the level of your influences.”).
This is REALLY REALLY important my friend…
To create world-class results you absolutely MUST spend time with people whose lives you
want to be living.
— Science has proven that mindsets and emotions are contagious. Associate with elite
performers, those leading world-class lives, who are in the top .001% financially,
super-healthy and seriously great human beings and their ways of thinking, doing and
being unconsciously start to influence you.
And…The Law of Association also ensures that:
#1. Your income generally is the median income of the 10 people you spend most of your
time with.
#2. Your levels of motivation will look A LOT like the motivation of the people in your
social circle.
#3. Your ability to execute on your goals and deliver results on your dreams will be a
lot like the “execution intelligence” of your friends and associates.
#4. Your lifestyle will reflect the lifestyles of the people who populate your life.
#5. And your overall beliefs and happiness-levels are definitely a mirror of the
beliefs of those you associate with most of the time.
So my strong encouragement is to take a good hard look at who you associate with (as well
as your environmental influences).
Few things are as important as getting this piece of the “uber-success code” right.
So starting today, my strong and respectful encouragement is that you have the guts to
clean out associations that are toxic, limiting and demotivating…
Your productivity, wealth, fitness, mindset and family life will transform when you get
this one thing flawlessly done. And the highest level of success and performance is my
greatest wish for you.
- See more at:

Hi Sagar,

Hope you're hitting it out of the park on this blessing of a day.

I'm in Windhoek, Namibia as I write this to you. Outside under the big African sky. The
stars are sparkling. The breeze is blowing. Just me and a BlackBerry (yes--I'm obsessed
with being of service to you :)

While I've been out on this tour, I've been thinking a lot about my favorite subject:

What it means to be a true leader (versus a little victim). What it means to step up and
do great work. What it means to inspire other people to own their own unique greatness.

And so I distilled 10 of THE most valuable and practical insights that I've taught to our
clients like Nike, FedEx, Oracle, GE and Starbucks to help them drive spectacular
results into a blog post called "The Top 10 Things Amazing Leaders Do".

Read "The Top 10 Things Amazing Leaders Do"

And PLEASE remember: every day you have a few striking choices... can make excuses or you can display your leadership. can be negative or you can radiate positivity. can cling to the past or get inspired by your future.

...and you can get distracted or do work that matters.

Wishing you unlimited results,

The Top 10 Things Amazing Leaders Do

Success in September
By Robin Sharma
Author of the #1 International Bestseller “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Leadership. Love that word.
Makes me think of Mandela and Gandhi. Gates and Edison. Mozart and Beckham. Bono and
Bieber ;)
It’s a word I’ve passionately built the past 17 years of my life around–reminding so
called ordinary people that they are called to lead. And create. And contribute. And
These are strange and gorgeous times. Tons of challenges. Dazzling possibilities.
And I viscerally want you to leverage these times to fly. To express your talent. To do
your dreams. To make the world better.
To help you Lead Without a Title, I’ve distilled 10 of the most valuable and practical
insights on leadership that I’ve taught to our global corporate clients like Starbucks,
IBM, Nike, GE and FedEx. These ideas have helped them do some great things. My deep wish
is that they deliver the same results for you.
I’ll be blunt: if you’re not building more leaders, then you’re not leading, you’re
following. Your job (regardless of whether or not you have a title) is to help people do
work they never dreamed they could do. Your job is to inspire people to own their
talents, express their gifts and do the best work of their lives. That’s part of what it
truly means to lead.
Start small, dream huge but begin today. Nothing happens until you take massive action.
The sad reality is that procrastination is nothing more than the defense mechanism of
choice used by scared people. Here’s what I mean: if we actually did our goals and acted
on our visions, we’d become ultra-successful. And spectacular success brings
responsibility. That frightens most among us. And so we put off getting great things
done. And blame the world for any mediocrity that infuses our lives.
You tell the world what you believe via how you behave. Complain all day long and you
reveal a deeply ingrained set of beliefs that you are powerless and apathetic. Present
work that has typos and poor wording and you express a belief that average is cool with
you. Mistreat others and you reveal that you’re selfish–and disconnected from the
beautiful humanity that surrounds you. The good news is that as you wire in the beliefs
of leadership (versus victimhood), your behavior changes automatically.
I’d rather have an average idea that my team and I flawlessly execute on than a genius-
level idea with poor execution. The best Leaders Without Titles and the organizations
that win big are all about “less talk and more do”. Less meetings and more delivery.
Less analysis and more rolling up of sleeves and getting amazing projects done.
To double your income, triple your rate of learning. Few things have served my
professional career–and the careers of the billionaires, Titans and CEOS I privately
coach than this idea. Please simply remember that genius is much less about natural
talent and much more about out-studying, out-preparing, out-practising and out-learning
everyone around you. Almost nothing yields the return on investment that investing in
workshops, conferences, online course, audiobooks/books and coaching does..
Leadership is about relationships. The smartest, fastest and most effective leaders all
get that the whole game is about people–developing teammates + serving customers +
making the world a whole lot better by the way you show up in it. Learn to listen like a
master. Commit to being more inspirational. Keep your promises. Do nice things for
people. Be the most generous person you know. Staggeringly great opportunities will come
your way. Trust me.
A title, position and a large office do not guarantee people will respect you. Nope.
You’ve got to earn that gift. And the quickest way to earn respect is to give it. No need
to say much more.
Yes, we live in The Age of Dramatic Distraction. According to The Financial Times we
collectively spend 100,000,000 minutes a day playing Angry Birds on our smartphones.
Most people in business are spending the absolute best hours of their days being busy
being busy. Leaders Without Titles are completely different. I teach my clients a whole
system of tactics to 20X productivity but a few to apply are these: start your day at 5
am/set 5 daily goals and get them done before leaving the office (that’s 1850 “small
wins” in 12 months)/use your first 90 minutes at work to fuel your most important
project/get good at saying no.
Victims make excuses while leaders drive exceptional results. You can spot a victim a
mile away: they blame and complain and are negative and cynical. They’ve given away
their power to achieve amazing things to other people and outer conditions for so long
they’ve actually conditioned themselves to think they have none. You are not a victim.
This day–and every one that follows for the rest of your life–offers a platform of
possibility. And the great thing about using your power to make things better is that the
more you use it, the more powerful you become.
My Dad is awesome. He often said, “Robin, when you were born, you cried while the world
rejoiced. Son, live your life in such a way that when you die, the world cries while you
rejoice.” I’ve always remembered my Dad’s striking advice. And carried it with me in
all that I do. To truly be a leader has nothing to do with ego-stroking, applause and
fame. No, to be a leader is to make phenomenal contributions that make the world better
and cause a lasting difference. To lead is to serve. And to be of use.
As always, hope these 10 points are helpful to you, your life, your team and your
Please share them with your others, discuss them and–most importantly–live them.
- See more at:

7 Black Belt Insights for Elite Achievement

Success in September
By Robin Sharma
Author of the #1 International Bestseller “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Hope all’s superb.
Sorry I haven’t been in touch with a blog post or training video for a while. I was on
vacation with my family at a pretty little town by the sea.
Needed it. This year’s been intense so far with presentations in about 20 countries,
writing a new book, a new train the trainer program and a hot new self-mastery summit my
team and I kicked off in June…
If you’ve read my book “The Leader Who Had No Title” you know I strongly believe that a
giant key to best performance is alternating periods of intense productivity with
periods of deep renewal. So I was out by the ocean walking my talk.
Ok. So I’ve got some REALLY juicy + provocative insights for you today. To fuel the last
6 months of 2013. And to help you make sure this becomes your absolute best year yet…
…As mentioned, in June, over one truly unforgettable weekend in beautiful Toronto,
Canada (one of the world’s great cities), people from over 30 countries attended my new
self-mastery event called “The 48 Hour Transformation” (T48T).
Blew me away what unfolded…
We had a few billionaires with us, top executives, tons of entrepreneurs, peak athletes,
artists, authors and other brave dreamers from so many walks of life ready to shatter
their limits and achieve 20X the results they’d ever seen before.
Deeply held fears were released, all-new levels of confidence were installed,
ridiculously positive mindsets were constructed and childhood dreams were rekindled.
What could be cooler than being a part of that?
And the transformations I witnessed by Sunday really were truly phenomenal. I feel
BLESSED to have just been there.
Such inspiration, positive energy, devotion to world-class and commitment to making the
world a better place.
So to be of service to your highest ambitions, I wanted to share 7 of the “black belt”
ideas that were so valuable to the hundreds of people who attended, based on what they
told me after the event.
My real hope is they will serve as catalysts for you to start making some radical changes
in your own life:
Look, the only thing that’s rocket science is rocket science.
The material, systems and daily performance rituals I taught at The 48 Hour
Transformation work beautifully. But like anything, you need to make the commitment and
then do the work. Not once a quarter. Not once a month. Daily. When you’re tired. When
you don’t feel like it. When you want to give up. That’s how champions play.
And please also remember that consistency is the essence of mastery. Show up, practice
hard, stay at it and awesome results will come.
You can follow the herd or you can transform your world. But you can’t do both.
The majority of people have given up on living a “rare air life”. Sad.
They’ve been smacked down, told “no” to and hypnotized into performing at average so
long they don’t believe in their genius any more.
What I helped people at the event to rewire as a core belief is that to have uncommon
results, you need to start doing uncommon things. I then listed the 20+ best tactics
–being a part of a mastermind group of people who are exceptional
–joining The 5 am Club and running the 20/20/20 Rule
–seeing work as a craft and an opportunity for Mastery
–doing a “second wind workout” at the end of every day to kickstart energy and
–getting a massage every week to stay strong and focused
–60 minutes a day without technology to think and plan
–journalling every night
Failure’s got a bad rap.
Failure’s necessary to win.
Failure is part of the learning process. It’s valuable. It’s helpful. It’s massively
But society teaches us that failure’s a mistake. It’s not. Da Vinci and Picasso and Jobs
and Meg Whitman all understood that you can’t make progress without “beautiful setbacks.”
Understand that failure’s a kind teacher. Just leverage the data it delivers for even
more success.
This idea really moved people at T48T. Inspired them. Helped them to viscerally get that
change is a process.
At the beginning of any change (from losing weight to stopping worry to multiplying your
sales to saving more money), you’re fighting the gravitational pull of your old habits.
And if you’ve practised those habits every day for decades, how can we expect them to be
replaced in a day (the latest research from University College of London says it takes
66 days to install a new habit).
So it’s hard at first. And so most of us give up. But if you stay with it, you get to
stage 2 and that’s where your old habit starts to crumble. And your new one begins to
form. It’s messy at this point. Confusing. A little scary. And completely normal.
And then, with grit and devotion, the new habit becomes your new normal. This is a great
time on the journey to unleashing your potential. And life’s never the same.
An amazing life isn’t constructed via revolution: one bold act on a sunny Tuesday that
makes you great.
All exceptional achievement (whether it’s chess mastery, entrepreneurial success,
athletic championship or financial wealth) is the result of daily, consistent actions that
over time creates explosive results.
It’s all about the hard work.
It’s all about the steady practice.
It’s all about the insane levels of persistence.
And if you do it (and start saying no to all of those time wasting activities so many of
us are seduced by in this Age of Dramatic Distraction), you too will get to your
Powerful idea: once you know more, you can achieve more.
The other night my Dad reminded me that “investing in education is the best investment of
And I still recall a long lunch with a man who built a fortune where he shared “the years
I spent three hours a day in personal development were the most financially rich years
of my life.” Three hours. Each day. In learning. Studying. Improving. My hero.
If you really want to get to great in the important areas of your life, invest in the
books. Go to a conference every quarter. Spend the cash on the online course. Download
the audiobooks. And hang with the best (bonus tip: mindsets are contagious).
This idea had people at The 48 Hour Transformation talking all weekend.
Attendees really got that awesome lives are not built on a foundation of excuses.
Sure-it’s easier to blame others or conditions for the lives we have. That way we don’t
have to leave The Safe Harbor of The Known and make any changes. But that’s how cowards
live, no?
We have the lives we’ve created.
We’re living the lives we’ve settled for.
And if your life isn’t working, it’s not because of anyone else or anything else. It’s
because of us. Our beliefs (that drive our behavior). Our fears. Our habits. And our
The moment you wrap your brain cells around this idea and accept APR (Absolute Personal
Responsibility), life is NEVER the same.
You start taking back your power. Doing the difficult things. Taking chances and making
leaps. Life gets exciting and colorful and precious and fantastic.
You deserve to live at world-class. So make your changes today.
Hope this post helps you win. And I hope you’ll post a comment below so we continue the
- See more at:
Managing Change: Transforming a Hard Day into a Great One
By Robin Sharma
Author of the #1 International Bestseller “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Last week, some smart soul on Twitter asked me to share my thoughts and strategies on
turning a so-called “bad day” into a positive one. So he could show leadership versus
victimhood. And focus on opportunities versus stay stuck on problems.
Excellent request. Ready to reply. Thank you for asking.
The first idea I’ll suggest is that there’s really no such thing as a “bad day”. (I still
adore Nietzsche’s genius line: “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.”)
Everything that we experience serves our growth + expansion + progress + excellence.
Hard times deliver a relentless stream of rich gifts that–properly leveraged–makes us
smarter/faster/tougher. And infuse even more success and excellence into your life.
These gifts include:
– insight and understanding
– mental and emotional strength
– greater levels of creativity and ingenuity
– all-new levels of wisdom + knowledge
– the confidence delivered via experience
– higher levels of leadership mastery
– humility and larger humanity
But, of course, The Blessings Within Adversity are easy to forget. We all have days that
frustrate and discourage and irritate us. We all encounter moments that knock us off our
game–and diminish our confidence and self-faith. That’s just part of the leadership and
life ride you and I are privileged to be on. Part of being a human being. And aiming
for rare-air.
When faced with a challenging day, many people play the victim. They crumble into
retreat, blame conditions and other people and believe they are powerless. But giving
away your power is excusing yourself. And no victim ever changed the world.
You’re different: a game-changer + exceptional producer + a true leader. So to keep you
focused on getting giant things done and staying at your finest on even the most
difficult of days, please remember these 6 practical ideas:
All progress is messy. The very nature of any type of growth (business or health or
personal or inner, for example) means you’ll experience disruption, confusion and what
appears to be difficulty. Just keep in mind that problems are progress in wolf’s
clothing. And that rather than going backward, your challenges are actually showing you
you’re moving ahead. Brilliantly.
Think Like An Entrepreneur. No matter what you do for a living, embracing the mindset of
an entrepreneur will serve you well. Entrepreneurs get that the only way to win is to
hunt for the opportunity amid adversity. They get that what makes the best the best is not
how you perform when all’s going well but how masterfully you show up when everything’s
falling apart.
Keep Perspective. Here’s a good question to ask yourself on a bad day: “Has anyone died
here?” Or simply remember that if you’re healthy + have work that matters + people who
love you + a roof over your head, you’re a seriously fortunate person. I guess what I’m
suggesting is that gratitude is the antidote to frustration. And that maintaining
perspective in times of crisis is a beautiful leadership move.
Manage Your Mindset. Related to keeping perspective is protecting your mindset
(mindset’s even more valuable than IQ to do world-class work and create a life you
love). On a challenging day, it’s so easy to start wallowing in self-pity, focusing on
what isn’t working and getting messed up with negative thinking. So–instead–I encourage
you to maintain “a pristine bubble of total focus on your most valuable opportunities.”
Stop watching the news. Block out the noise of the naysayers (critics are just dreamers
gone scared). Clear out any toxicity and get busy achieving giant results.
Fuel You. Your productivity, performance and success are a direct reflection of what’s
going on in your inner life. The doorway to success opens inward–not outward as the
dominant messaging of society suggests to you. So–on a turbulent day–take great care of
your “inner assets”. Go for a run. Eat like a nutritionist. Write in your journal. Connect
with nature. Read the autobiographies of your heroes. Get some rest. Breathe.
Stay Centered on Your Personal Everest. Here’s a quote from Leonardo Da Vinci that’s
served me well over my 16 years as a leadership advisor to The FORTUNE 500 and top
entrepreneurs: “Fix your course on a star and you’ll navigate any storm.” The key to
staying strong and passionate is having a ridiculously clear mission and purpose (a vague
vision delivers vague results). Know your mountaintop. Be monomaniacally focused on
breathtakingly exciting goals. Then, when a hard day hits, you’ll take the knock. But keep
on going. With greater conviction than ever before.
I celebrate your success. And honour your talents. Keep Leading Without a Title. And go
make awesome things happen! Please.
- See more at:

Hi Sagar,

Really straightforward message today...

Delivered with the utmost respect...

Too many people have been brainwashed into believing that they have to think, feel,
work, create and live at average.

Too many people have been laughed at for having a dream...

Ridiculed for wanting something better...

Doubted for thinking they are special, talented and destined for their own original
versions of greatness.

NOTHING is more important than living (and loving) the life you were born to express.

I’ve spent years working with billionaires, inspiring many of the world’s most famous
NBA stars, football legends and celebrated entrepreneurs.

I’ve taught them my system to drive explosive improvements in their mindset +

performance + lifestyle.

A few years ago, I took many of the most advanced insights and strategies that these
superstars were paying me hundreds of thousands of dollars for me to teach them as a
private elite performance advisor and lovingly built it into a 21 day online program
for ultra-achievement and extreme success...

The Robin Sharma Success System started a fire of massive (and incredible) results for
“average” people in 50+ countries… childhood dreams that had been left for years began
to come true...

People in bad jobs with mean bosses started launching successful businesses that produced
beautiful lifestyles...

People in poor health finally got the kickstart along with a clear 21 day program to
reach their IDEAL weight, get really fit and look years younger.

People who were always feeling stress because they never had enough money started making
more money than they ever had before.

And people who were worried, scared and stuck learned my proprietary process to unleash
total happiness.


Nothing’s going to change in your life if you don’t make a change today.

The Robin Sharma Success System is one of the most powerful online personal
transformation courses in the world...

It’s 100% guaranteed so there’s no risk to try it. I believe that much in it and want you
to experience the spectacular results it will create in your life that much...

Nothing happens until you MOVE...

And we’re just about sold out...

So make the decision that will change your life.

Go register now

Hi Sagar,

How are you today? Superb I pray.

There are 86,400 seconds in a day. How will you use them?

So many of us get seduced by business into thinking that “a day doesn’t matter.” And that
we have so many more left.

Then, we POSTPONE our dreams, desires and goals. To some fantasy period in the future
when we have more time, energy and confidence.

Time is a THIEF. It steals the precious seconds of this very day like a bandit on a
violent rampage. And we NEVER get those 86,400 seconds back. Ever.

Let’s be real. Your days are your life in miniature. And as you live this day, so you’re
crafting YOUR life.

In a single day: can make a choice that will change the rest of your life can start a project that will make you famous can begin a new habit that will revolutionize your health can do a fear that shatters your limits can forgive a person and rise to freedom can inspire a child and become their hero can discover an idea that rewires your thinking can make a move that CHANGES OUR WORLD [yes – you are that powerful--own it!]

Hi Sagar,

Hope my message finds you in superb spirits, doing work that matters and creating a life
you’re proud of. [And if not, I encourage you to have the guts to make some changes.
Today’s a great day to begin a better life!]

Here’s an idea I really needed to share with you because it’s such a rich one: It’s
easier to act your way into a new way of thinking versus think your way into a new way of

Pretty powerful concept, yes?

Breakthrough research is confirming that your daily behavior is a VERY influential tool
to rewire your beliefs. The old “act as if” instruction is now being supported by

Few things are as important as creating “world-class beliefs”. Your beliefs drive ALL of
your performance, fuel your choices and determine your life.

In this great new video I explain how to replace negative beliefs with excellent ones.
Go watch this important video now

Please remember that the doorway to success doesn’t swing outward – it swings inward.

In other words – when you invest in your inner life (growing better beliefs,
strengthening your mindset, developing your internal toughness etc.), your outer life
cannot help but follow...

...Achievement, mastery, peak income and exceptional performance are ALWAYS a reflection
of your self-identity and character. That’s where the real work needs to be done for you
to enjoy a world-class life.

Hope this new training video and the insights in this message are of service to you. I’m
ridiculously focused on helping you fly! :)

Do something great today! And PLEASE remember: Don’t let your past performance predict
your future results. Aim for iconic.

P.S. Don't Miss Out On This: The worldwide response to me opening up limited
registration to The Robin Sharma Success System has blown me away! Wow. Humbled. Amazed.
[Yes – I know how many of you waited over a year for me to make some memberships to
this famous 21 Day online course for ultra-achievement + extreme happiness available
again. Thank you 100X for your patience!]

Ok. So here’s the deal my awesome friend...

This legendary course has taught thousands of people just like you EXACTLY how to create a
life they LOVE. It’s powerful, easy to do and PROVEN to work [and it comes with a 100%
money-back guarantee so why wouldn’t you try it?]

But all good things must come to an end. I’ll be closing doors soon so if you wait it’ll
be too late. Sorry.

So I strongly encourage you to make the choice that will change your life and snap up one
of the limited memberships left right now

A few final powerful ideas:

...You were born into genius – don’t settle for mediocrity (it’s incredible how toxic
attitudes, emotions and influences can start INFECTING our dreams, mindset, performance
and productivity).

...Study elite achievers and you’ll discover they were not “naturals” and “gifted”. No –
they just had a different strategy from average people + practiced daily + were INSANELY
persistent. [Oh – and they ALL had a coach].

...Your life reflects what you’ve settled for. To me, this is a spectacularly important
point. So today, stop settling for anything less than world-class.

...To double your income, triple your investment in learning, personal development and
skills training. Because – and this idea TRANSFORMED my life: as you know more, you will
achieve more (and save years of time).

...Have the guts to get off the fence and START. Amazing things happen to people who go
for their dreams.

...You’re not a little victim. I encourage you to stop making excuses, complaining and
being negative for 24 hours. Stand for what’s best.


Ok. That’s it for today. Hope my messages FUEL your inspiration.

My community is now 1,000,000+ people strong. We are a large bunch of dreamers, change
artists and human beings OBSESSED with leading brave lives that change the world! Thank
YOU for being a part of what we’re building.

Sending you all green lights. Bye for now.

The 10 Best Personal Development Books?

By Robin Sharma
Author of the #1 International Bestseller “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Greetings from New York City.
Just did a light run through Soho (exercising FIRST thing in the morning has been such a
game-changer). You owe it to yourself to try it for 7 days.
Now I’m settled into creative mode. Great Colombian coffee. Book-filled room. Fresh
flowers. (Another tip: your environment dramatically influences your creativity).
So, I wanted to share some more good information with you in my ongoing OBSESSION to
help you Lead Without a Title + build out a life THAT MAKES HISTORY.
I’m often asked which books are most transformational for people like us who want to do
fantastic work and lead our best lives.
So here are 10 of the best. Read them. Share them. Study them. LIVE them…
Jonathan Livingston Seagull. By Richard Bach.
With lines like: “Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is
limitation,” this book will move you deeply. I re-read it in Thailand. Still amazingly
Think and Grow Rich. By Napoleon Hill.
Fantastic book. Not so much about financial wealth as it is about the making of a rich
life. You’ll learn how important it is to have a burning desire (this galvanizes your
focus and causes the release of your creativity) + the imperative of setting clear goals
+ the value of “a mastermind alliance”. This book truly changed my life when I was
starting out as a self-published author with nothing but a dream in my hands. Times were
tough. This book got me through.
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. By–well, Marcus Aurelius.
Marcus Aurelius was a warrior—who then became a Roman emperor. He wrote his lessons on
greatness and a life well lived during a multi-year military campaign. Someone got his
notes. And put it into this book. I go back to this book often. It strengthens my
character. And resolve to help more people.
Steve Jobs. By Walter Isaacson.
One of the best books I’ve ever read. Period.
Long Walk To Freedom. By Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela’s one of my heroes. Noble. Courageous. Focused. A visionary. If I could
be 1/100 of who he is, I’d be overjoyed. This is his autobiography. You’ll walk with him
through his days as a lawyer, his time as a disruptor, his prison years and his period as
the positional leader of South Africa.
Stop Acting Rich. By Thomas Stanley.
Thomas Stanley became famous for “The Millionaire Next Door”. But this book–not so well
known–is exceptional. He explains the concept of “The Glittering Rich”, shares how too
many of us live beyond our means and how to create true financial freedom. Like most of
the books I read, I listened to it.
As You Think. By James Allen.
Maybe 10 times. That’s at least how many times I’ve read this book. And like all great
books, it seems better+wiser and deeper every time I read it. Of course, the book hasn’t
changed. Just my ability to grasp the information. And understand the concepts. This book
is all about the power of your daily thinking. And how it drives your life’s behavior.
As you know so well: your behavior shows us your beliefs. And this awesome book will
inspire you to build new ones.
The Magic of Thinking Big. By David Schwartz.
Uber-practical. Tons of value. Great concepts, like “Go Through Life First-Class.” Every
student, teammate and human being should read this book (along with “How To Win Friends
and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie–that work should also be on my list. True.).
Talent is Overrated. By Geoff Colvin.
Read this one a few years ago. Changed the way I viewed Genius. Confirms a lot of the
work of exceptional performance researchers like the famed Anders Ericsson that talent
is less about natural gifts and far more about devotion to a skill, relentless practice
and patience. Another superb audiobook.
Spark. By John Ratey.
One of the best books I’ve read in years. I’m on my 3rd reading. Shares the latest (and
so fascinating) research on how exercise transforms the brain, our performance, our
productivity and even builds a new type of brain that is excellent at resisting stress.
Please do your life a giant favor. And read this book. Today!
Ok. So there you go. Some of my favorite books. Go study them. And use them.
Please remember, ideas–flawlessly translated into reality are the keys to breathtaking
success. And you becoming more of who you truly are.
Oh–and definitely make some time each day to read. Small little advances in your
knowledge base lead to quantum improvements in your performance over time.
Thanks for making the time to read my posts. I work hard to make them valuable for you.
So we get you to your best. Sooner versus later.
Be great. And dream even bigger. The world needs you to shine.
Speak soon,

Hi Sagar,

Greetings from New York City. Please know how grateful I am to have you in this

So....someone on Twitter asked me "Does all of this leadership and success material
really work? Or is it all (expletive deleted)." A little cynical, no? ;)

I haven't replied as yet. But I wanted to use her tweet to make a point. With great

"Nothing works (no book+online course+event+idea) until you make the time and commitment

Success is less about learning superb ideas and more about having the guts/patience/focus
and smarts to get the ideas DONE.

Ultra-successful people are just uncommonly skilled at execution. And we all can get to
this place. Via daily practice.

So to kickstart your best life, I wanted to show you how much I'm trying to help by
giving you a wealth of free resources.

These have taken me a lot of time and money to create and edit and prepare. All I ask is
that you share them with 3 people today. So I get to feel I'm making more of an impact
on people's lives. And that you ACT on them. With speed. Please.

Hi Sagar,

I know you're all about Mastery. And Excellence. And crafting an iconic life. Along with
doing things most people call impossible. For this, I applaud you.
So I wanted to share a great story with you...

All she ever wanted to do was write. But few believed in her.

She ended up as a single mom. Collecting social benefits checks--just to get food onto
the table. For her and her child.

On a trip from Manchester to London in 1990, her train was delayed. And an idea burst
into her imagination. About a boy who didn't know what he was.

She called this kid Harry Potter. And she wrote about his adventures.

12 publishers rejected the book. A small house called Bloomsbury Press eventually agreed
to publish it. But even then, the author was told "you'll never make any money on
children's books."

Yet, the book caught fire. Touched the hearts of millions. Inspired a new generation to

Of course, the woman is JK Rowling.

And she's sold 400,000,000 books. And built a fortune of $800,000,000.

From an idea. About a young wizard. With a brave heart.

Her secret "weapon"?...


"For some to love you, some must loathe you," she brilliantly observed.

And she's right. All visionaries are initially ridiculed before they are revered.

All enormously successful people first meet with rejection, resistance and yes,
sometimes outright hatred. Criticism truly is the price of greatness. And you really
need to be so invested in your dream + abilities + passion that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will
knock you off your game.

So be strong. Go for world-class. And when you get knocked down, dust yourself off, and
stay true to your loftiest visions. In the end, you'll be grateful you did.

Robin Sharma via

8:42 PM (40 minutes ago)

to me
Hi Sagar,

I'm sitting in an airport lounge as I write this. In Florida. Just delivered a Lead
Without a Title keynote for 700 top CEOs at an event sponsored by the FORTUNE 100
company Ingram Micro. Fantastic audience! Grateful.

This morning--in deep prep mode for the presentation in my hotel room--I came across an
interview with the famed French designer Philippe Starck (a genius who can design a chair
in 2 minutes and a chic hotel in 1.5 days. He says he prefers to work in solitude--"naked
in my bedroom" for maximum productivity).

Anyway, the piece (which I read on The Harvard Business Review's website), really
validated a lot of my personal productivity practices (except the bedroom thing). And
left me with a ton of creative inspiration.

And so I wanted to share it with you. So you work at peak. And succeed massively.
Here's an excerpt that's really worth thinking quietly about in this world of "dramatic
distraction" and "really busy being busy":

HBR Interviewer: "What's the secret to working so quickly and productively?"

Starck: "I am sort of a modern monk. We don't go to dinners. We don't go to cocktails.

We don't go to movies. We don't watch TV. I don't use my energy on other people. I just
work and read. I live with myself in front of my white page (My Note: yes, he works with
a simple pencil and piece of paper).

...Of course, for much of the year I have to travel and speak to journalists, engineers
and things like that. It's the worst. But from the 15th of June until the 15th of
September, I live completely secluded--locked in one of my houses--working from 8 am
until 8 at night--or making my own biorhythm; work 3 hours, sleep 45 minutes, work 3
hours, sleep 45 minutes for 24 hours, without eating."

"It's a little sick. But I'm like Dr. Faust. I signed a contract with the devil to sell
my life for Creativity."


I absolutely LOVE this! Yes, Philippe Starck isn't the most life balanced person. But no
true master ever is. They all were obsessed with their craft. DEVOTED to pouring their
genius into the marketplace. And inspiring the world via their exceptional gifts and

Look. You owe it to yourself to make time to be alone. To create space for your biggest
ideas to flow. To access your most raw and natural potential. And to pour all you come up
with out into the world.

So your life gets to it's best level. And so you inspire everyone around you. By your
obvious brilliance.

Ok. That's it for now. AND... if you truly want to be inspired, learn the "inside
tactics" of Mastery and get your life to a whole new place, I encourage you to make a
decision that will change your life forever...

...The first two blocks of tickets to my all-new weekend event--THE 48 HOUR

TRANSFORMATION--in Toronto, Canada June 8 + 9 have completely sold out!

...Snap up one of the remaining seats to this life-changing 2 day program on unleashing
your highest potential + enjoying a life you adore right now. If you wait, you'll be too

Details here.

Until next time, please remember to make time to create and think in solitude. Your
greatest creativity needs space before it will flow. And few things will make you feel
happier than presenting your best to the world.

Your fan always,

Managing Change: Transforming a Hard Day into a Great One
By Robin Sharma
Author of The #1 Bestseller "The Leader Who Had No Title"
Last week, some smart soul on Twitter asked me to share my thoughts and strategies on
turning a so-called "bad day" into a positive one. So he could show leadership versus
victimhood. And focus on opportunities versus stay stuck on problems.

Excellent request. Ready to reply. Thank you for asking.

The first idea I'll suggest is that there's really no such thing as a "bad day".
(I still adore Nietzche's genius line: "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.")

Everything that we experience serves our growth + expansion + progress + excellence.

Hard times deliver a relentless stream of rich gifts that--properly leveraged--makes us
smarter/faster/tougher. And infuse even more success and excellence into your life.
These gifts include:

-- insight and understanding

-- mental and emotional strength
-- greater levels of creativity and ingenuity
-- all-new levels of wisdom + knowledge
-- the confidence delivered via experience
-- higher levels of leadership mastery
-- humility and larger humanity

But, of course, The Blessings Within Adversity are easy to forget. We all have days that
frustrate and discourage and irritate us. We all encounter moments that knock us off our
game--and diminish our confidence and self-faith. That's just part of the leadership and
life ride you and I are privileged to be on. Part of being a human being. And aiming
for rare-air.

When faced with a challenging day, many people play the victim. They crumble into
retreat, blame conditions and other people and believe they are powerless. But giving
away your power is excusing yourself. And no victim ever changed the world.

You're different: a game-changer + exceptional producer + a true leader. So to keep you

focused on getting giant things done and staying at your finest on even the most
difficult of days, please remember these 6 practical ideas:

#1. All progress is messy. The very nature of any type of growth (business or health or
personal or inner, for example) means you'll experience disruption, confusion and what
appears to be difficulty. Just keep in mind that problems are progress in wolf's
clothing. And that rather than going backward, your challenges are actually showing you
you're moving ahead. Brilliantly.

#2. Think Like An Entrepreneur. No matter what you do for a living, embracing the
mindset of an entrepreneur will serve you well. Entrepreneurs get that the only way to
win is to hunt for the opportunity amid adversity. They get that what makes the best the
best is not how you perform when all's going well but how masterfully you show up when
everything's falling apart.

#3. Keep Perspective. Here's a good question to ask yourself on a bad day: "Has anyone
died here?" Or simply remember that if you're healthy + have work that matters + people
who love you + a roof over your head, you're a seriously fortunate person. I guess what
I'm suggesting is that gratitude is the antidote to frustration. And that maintaining
perspective in times of crisis is a beautiful leadership move.

#4. Manage Your Mindset. Related to keeping perspective is protecting your mindset
(mindset's even more valuable than IQ to do world-class work and create a life you
love). On a challenging day, it's so easy to start wallowing in self-pity, focusing on
what isn't working and getting messed up with negative thinking. So--instead--I encourage
you to maintain "a pristine bubble of total focus on your most valuable opportunities."
Stop watching the news. Block out the noise of the naysayers (critics are just dreamers
gone scared). Clear out any toxicity and get busy achieving giant results.

#5. Fuel You. Your productivity, performance and success are a direct reflection of
what's going on in your inner life. The doorway to success opens inward--not outward as
the dominant messaging of society suggests to you. So--on a turbulent day--take great
care of your "inner assets". Go for a run. Eat like a nutritionist. Write in your
journal. Connect with nature. Read the autobiographies of your heroes. Get some rest.

#6. Stay Centered on Your Personal Everest. Here's a quote from Leonardo Da Vinci that's
served me well over my 16 years as a leadership advisor to The FORTUNE 500 and top
entrepreneurs: "Fix your course on a star and you'll navigate any storm." The key to
staying strong and passionate is having a ridiculously clear mission and purpose (a vague
vision delivers vague results). Know your mountaintop. Be monomaniacally focused on
breathtakingly exciting goals. Then, when a hard day hits, you'll take the knock. But keep
on going. With greater conviction than ever before.

I celebrate your success. And honour your talents. Keep Leading Without a Title. And go
make awesome things happen! Please.
Your fan always,

P.S. Really ready to get your boldest dreams done--and live a life you adore?

I'm really excited to share a fantastic opportunity with you. For the first time in three
years, I'm running a personal mastery weekend called "The 48 Hour Transformation" June 8
+ 9 in Toronto, Canada. Just 250 seats to keep things raw and real. Life-changing
program. Details here.

Leadership Quotes of the Month

“I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the

direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will
meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”
Henry David Thoreau

“Why do they always teach us that it’s easy and evil to do what we want and that we need
discipline to restrain ourselves? It’s the hardest thing in the world–to do what we want.
And it takes the greatest kind of courage. I mean, what we really want.”
Ayn Rand

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

51 Ways Ordinary People Reached World-Class

By Robin Sharma
Author of the #1 International Bestseller “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Know what you want. Clarity is power. And vague goals promote vague results.
Remember that every problem has a solution. Maybe you just can’t see it. Yet.
In this Age of Dramatic Distraction, the performer who focuses the best wins the most.
Before someone will help you, you need to help them.
Become the most passionate person you know. It’ll be contagious.
Know more about your craft/the work you do than anyone who has ever done the work you
do…in the history of the world.
Join The 5 am Club. Your most valuable hours are 5am-8am. They have the least
Devote yourself to learning something new about your field of mastery every day. Success
belongs to the relentless learners. Because as you know more, you can achieve more.
Remember that when you transform your fitness, you’ll transform your business.
Don’t check your mobile when you’re meeting with another person. It’s rude. And rude
people don’t reach world-class.
Every time you do what scares you, you take back the power that you gave to the thing
that scared you. And so you become more powerful.
A problem is only a problem if you make the choice to see it as a problem.
Stop being a victim. Your business and personal life was made by you. No one else is
responsible. To make it better, make better choices. And new decisions.
You can lead without a title. Don’t wait to get a position to stand for excellence, peak
quality and overdelivery on every expectation.
Find your own style. Be an original. Every superstar differentiated themselves from The
Herd. And marched to their own drumbeat.
Understand that when you play small with your success, you betray your potential. And the
birthright you were born under.
Eat less food and you’ll get more done.
As you become more successful, stay really really hungry. Nothing fails like success.
Because when you’re successful, it’s easy to stop
outlearning+outOverDelivering+outthinking and outexecuting everyone around you. (Success
is Beautiful. And dangerous).
If you’re not overprepared, you’re underprepared.
The only level of great manners to play at is “Exceedingly Polite”. In our world, this
alone will make you a standout. And differentiate you in your marketplace.
Remember that the moment you think you’re a Master, you lose your Mastery. And the
minute you think you know everything, you know nothing.
To double your results, double your level of execution.
Invest in your personal and pro development. All superstars do.
Get this year’s best Targets of Opportunity down onto a 1 Page Plan. Then review it every
morning while the rest of the world sleeps.
You don’t get lucky. You create lucky.
When you push through a difficult project, you don’t get to the other side. You reach The
Next Level.
Smile. And remember to inform your face.
Spend time in solitude every day. Your best ideas live there.
Debrief on how you lived out your day every night in a journal. This will not only
record your personal history, it will make you uber-clear on what you’re doing right and
what needs to be improved.
If your not being criticized a lot, you’re not doing very much. Ridicule is the price
of ambition.
Develop a monomaniacal focus on just a few things. The secret to productivity is
To get the results very few people have, be strong enough to do what very few people are
willing to do.
Rest. Recover. It’ll make you stronger.
Buy a smaller TV and build a larger library.
Remember that the bigger the goal, the stronger a person you must become to achieve that
goal. So goal-achieving is a superb practice for character-building.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The 48 Hour Transformation
For the 1st time in 3 years, I’m doing a LIVE weekend event on personal mastery +
creating a life you adore.
I’ve built it to be one of the most powerful programs in the world on breaking through
your limits and unleashing your greatest potential.
It’ll be held on Saturday June 8 + Sunday June 9 in Toronto, Canada (one of the world’s
best cities)–with the option of an additional private VIP Mastermind on Monday June 10.
To keep this exclusive, I’m only offering 250 seats.
If you’re ready to transform the way you think + feel + perform + live, I’d love for
you to join me at this life-changing event.
Here are the details
Food fuels your body. Learning feeds your mind.
Don’t ask for respect. Earn it.
Finish what you start. And always end strong.
In business, don’t play to survive. Play to win.
Protect your good name. It’s your best asset.
Remember that words have power. Use the language of leadership versus the vocabulary of
a victim.
Give more than you take. The marketplace rewards generosity.
Know that if it’s not messy, you’re not making progress.
Be a hero to a kid.
In business, aim for iconic. Go for legendary. Make history by how awesome you are at
what you do.
Please don’t confuse activity with productivity. Many many people are simply busy being
Your doubts are liars. Your fears are traitors. Stop buying the goods they are attempting
to sell you.
The best anti-aging remedy in the world is working really hard.
World-Class performers have no plan B. Failure just isn’t an option.
You have the power to change the world—one brave act and one person at a time. Please use


The 50 Business + Life Lessons 2012 Taught Me

2012′s coming to a close. It was a hard year for people behaving as victims. And a
superb year for people like you showing up as leaders (and world-builders).
I’m in reflection mode as I review the past 12 months, record what I learned in my
journal and set precise and clear goals+plans for 2013.
I wanted to share 50 of my best lessons learned (or reinforced) from 2012. So here you
Hard work is a force multiplier.
Don’t participate in recessions.
Exercising for 20 minutes first thing in the morning is a game-changer.
If you’re not innovating daily, you’re on the path to obsolescence.
If you want an A-Level company, you can’t afford to hire B-Level players.
Procrastination is an escape mechanism for people scared to do their best work.
Give your customers 10X the value they expect and they’ll tell everyone they know about
Don’t do it if you’re not having fun.
If you’re not scared a lot you’re not growing very much.
Invest the time to create great social media content and your base will go global +
There’s never been a better time to be a social entrepreneur.
It’s never been easier to be of service to a large amount of people (and few things are
as rewarding).
When no one else believes in your vision, you absolutely must stay true to your vision.
(Have the guts to stay in the game far longer than makes any sense).
The quickest way to build a superb business is to quickly develop the leadership
potential of every teammate.
A job is only a job if you choose to see your work as a job. All work is a noble sport.
(The reality is all work is a chance to express your genius–and to inspire the world).
People are craving transparency+authenticity and community. Give it to them.
Creativity comes in seasons. There’s a time to harvest your ideas. And there’s a time to
let the field sit fallow. (I’ve been working on integrating this lesson for years).
Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax (When you relax, your brain
shifts into alpha state–the time when million-dollar ideas present themselves).
Change is hard at the beginning, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end. (And
without change, there is no progress).
Someone’s going to win in your space. Why not you?
10X the size of your dreams because if you don’t, you’ll wish you did.
Pursue excellence versus chasing perfection.
Celebrate small wins and you’ll unleash a huge amount of momentum and positive energy.
Learn for an hour a day, no matter what. That’s not a waste of work time. It’s a brilliant
use of your work time because you’re paid to know more than anyone who has ever done
your job.
Why go for good at what you do when you can stand for iconic?
Transform your fitness and you’ll transform your business.
Delete victimspeak from your languaging. No more "I can’t" and "It’s not possible" and
"It’s so hard." More "I will" and "This is awesome" and "What’s the opportunity here?"
If you inspire one person each day, you’re day hasn’t been a waste. It’s been a blessing.
Living in the past is disrespecting your future.
Build an amazing career but enjoy your lifestyle along the way. What’s the point of
becoming a business legend but a failed human being.
Look people in the eyes when you talk to them. Smile at people when you see them. Say
"please" to respect them. And "thank you" to appreciate them.
Don’t be on time–Be early.
The person who tries to do everything achieves nothing. Focus. Focus. Focus.
Spend the first 90 minutes of your work day on real work versus fake work. (Another
game-changing tactic that served me so very well in 2012).
Spend time in silence each day. You’ll never do Jay-Z level work if you’re
overstimulated by technology.
Goal-setting is mission-critical. (Review your Big 5, quarterly goals and daily goals
Your daily behavior broadcasts your truest beliefs.
To have the results only 5% of businesspeople have, have the guts to do what only 5% of
businesspeople are willing to do.
World-class begins when you think you’ve done a great job but know you can do a better
Remember that your greatest gift is so much stronger than your deepest fear.
Everyone’s in Human Resources. And we are all paid to develop the talents of the people
we work with.
Mediocrity is a mindset. Avoid the mental viruses of negative people.
Be the most honest person you know. It generally takes 30 years to build a fantastic
reputation. And 30 seconds to lose it by a single silly move.
Become a lion–not a sheep.
People are always willing to pay for the best.
The more devoted you become to serving others, the more your career begins to build
Problems come to test your commitment to your goals, hopes and dreams.
As you become more successful, get more hungry.
Join Traffic University. Use every possible moment in the car to upgrade your skills,
polish your gifts and elevate your mindset.
Use your life to make the world a better place.
I hope these 50 ideas have helped you. And I so hope I’ve been of service to you in your
business and personal life this year. I enthusiastically wish you and those closest to you
an even better year ahead. Let’s make it wow.
Get to Peak Productivity Fast

The Project: An Unusual Poem On The 1 Thing Your Success In 2013 Depends On

Happy New Year. I’m tucked away in the mountains. Snow falls. Life’s paused. Words flow.
And so I wrote these words for you on this first day of 2013:
By Robin Sharma
Within each of us lies The Project.
An idea longing to be nourished, cherished, launched and completed.
Writing a novel. Starting an enterprise. Raising a family. Freeing a nation.
Our deepest desire is to do The Project. To express our vision. To carefully and
patiently watch it unfold. To present it to those who will benefit by it. And to
experience the pride of the job beautifully done.
Yet, a million distractions battle for our attention. And one hundred doubts fill our
hearts. And so slowly and subtly, we recite the excuses that construct our reality. And
we shelve The Project. Postponing it for a better day.
But postponing The Project is life’s greatest lie.
Picasso and Basquiat, Einstein and Edison, Jobs and Jay-Z didn’t wait for an ideal day to
do their dream. They started. When it was hard. Though they had little. While they were
So many of the world’s troubles are symptoms of The Project undone.
Pain is the result of potential denied. And when you avoid The Project, you dishonour
your gifts. Your Talents. Your Genius.
A portion of you goes numb. Silent. Quiet. Scared.
The moment you start The Project, everything shifts. Purpose, focus, passion and peace
returns to your life. Eyes sparkle. Energy explodes. Inspiration flows. And your days
become supported by coincidence, power and peak possibility.
This very day, the first of a fresh year–presents your greatest opportunity. To be a lion
not a sheep. To walk with giants versus among the meek. To celebrate your best instead of
succumbing to the worst. To lift others up versus tear others down. To pour creativity,
mastery, courage and light into a world aching for marks of heroism.
So please, step up. Release all chains. Dispute all doubts. Start The Project. Do the
dream. And change the world.
You are responsible for no less.
Happy New Year!
Your fan,

62 Tips to Get Unstuck in 2013

I’m amped to do everything in my power to help you kickstart 2013 strong so you install
superb habits of the mind, body and behavior.

Today is all about 62 quick, actionable and unforgettable tips that will move you to
break free of old patterns, stop being the victim and leap into high gear to get your
giant goals done.

62 Fast Tips to Get UnStuck

By Robin Sharma
Author of the #1 Bestseller “The Leader Who Had No Title”

Believe in your vision and gifts when no one else believes in your vision and gifts.

Start your day with 20 minutes of exercise.

Make excellence your way of being (versus a once in a while event).

Be on time (bonus points: be early).

Be a celebrator of other’s talents versus a critic.

Stop watching TV. (Bonus points: sell your tv and invest the cash in learning and

Finish what you start.

Remember that your diet affects your moods so eat like an athlete.

Spend an hour a day without stimulation (no phone+no FaceBook+no noise).

Release the energy vampires from your life. They are destroying your performance.

Write in a journal every morning. And record gratitude every night.

Do work that scares you (if you’re not uncomfortable often, you’re not growing very

Make the choice to let go of your past. It’s dusty history. And polluting your

Commit to being “Mozart-Level Good” at your work.

Smile more (and tell your face).

Do a collage filled with images of your ideal life. Look at it once a day for focus
and inspiration.

Plan your week on a schedule (clarity is the DNA of mastery).

Stop gossiping (average people love gossip; exceptional people adore ideas).

Read “As You Think”.

Read “The Go-Getter”.

Don’t just parent your kids–develop them.

Remember that victims are frightened by change. And leaders grow inspired by it.

Start taking daily supplements to stay in peak health.

Clean out any form of “victimspeak” in your vocabulary and start running the language
of leadership and possibility.

Do a nature walk at least once a week. It’s renew you (you can’t inspire others if
you’re depleted yourself).

Take on projects no one else will take on. Set goals no one else will do.

Do something that makes you feel uncomfortable at least once every 7 days.

Say “sorry” when you know you should say “sorry”.

Say “please” and “thank you” a lot.

Remember that to double your income, triple your investment in learning, coaching
and self-education.

Dream big but start now.

Achieve 5 little goals each day (“The Daily 5 Concept” I shared in “The Leader Who
Had No Title” that has transformed the lives of so many). In 12 months this habit will
produce 1850 little goals–which will amount to a massive transformation.

Write handwritten thank you notes to your customers, teammates and family members.

Be slow to criticize and fast to praise.

Read Walter Isaacson’s amazing biography on Steve Jobs.

Give your customers 10X the value they pay for (“The 10X Value Obsession”).

Use the first 90 minutes of your work day only on value-creating activities (versus
checking email or surfing the Net).


Keep your promises.

Remember that ordinary people talk about their goals. Leaders get them done. With

Watch the inspirational documentary “Jiro Dreams of Sushi”.

Know that a problem only becomes a problem when you choose to see it as a problem.

Brain tattoo the fact that all work is a chance to change the world.

Watch the amazing movie “The Intouchables”.

Remember that every person you meet has a story to tell, a lesson to teach and a
dream to do.

Risk being rejected. All of the great ones do.

Spend more time in art galleries. Art inspires, stimulates creativity and pushes

Read a book a week, invest in a course every month and attend a workshop every

Remember that you empower what you complain about.

Get to know yourself. The main reason we procrastinate on our goals is not because of
external conditions; we procrastinate due to our internal beliefs. And the thing is they
are stuck so deep that we don’t even know they exist. But once you do, everything

Read “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”.

Know your values. And then have the guts to live them–no matter what the crowd thinks
and how the herd lives.

Become the fittest person you know.

Become the strongest person you know.

Become the kindest person you know.

Know your “Big 5″–the 5 goals you absolutely must achieve by December 31 to make
this year your best yet (I teach my entire goal-achieving process, my advanced
techniques on unleashing confidence and how to go from being stuck to living a life you
adore in my online program “Your Absolute Best Year Yet”).

Know that potential unexpressed turns to pain.

Build a strong family foundation while you grow your ideal career.

Stop being selfish.

Give your life to a project bigger than yourself.

Be thankful for your talents.

Stand for iconic. Go for legendary. And make history.

This is YOUR time. Now’s YOUR moment. Let’s do this! :)

Your fan,

First, I wanted to wish you a strikingly productive + creative + fun February. Fresh new
month. Great opportunity to step up, show up, rise up. I pray you will.
Second, I wanted to share my thoughts on why it’s so easy to sabotage our highest
aspirations and daily deliverables. [We all do it to varying degrees so please don't
think you're alone].
I rarely speak of these except at my annual events like “The Remarkable Entrepreneur
SuperConference” and my all-new event “The 48 Hour Transformation”–to be held in Toronto
this Spring [I'll send over details next month].
So with a ton of encouragement for your sustained success this year, here you go…

Featured Article
Why We Fail
By Robin Sharma

Yes, you’re an elite performer. True you want to walk with the lions—not play with the
sheep. Absolutely, you’re all about getting to your personal Everest—and elevating The
World along the climb. [Success without Significance is an empty win, no?].
We all want to do work that matters, achieve magnificent goals and know that our days
make a difference in the lives around us.
“If you want to live your life in a creative way, as an artist, you have to not look back
too much. You have to be willing to take whatever you’ve done and whoever you were and
throw them away.”
-Steve Jobs
So then why do so many intelligent people on the path to Mastery reach a plateau–a place
where they seem to automatically tear down all the results that they’ve worked so very
hard to build up?
In two pristine words: Self-Sabotage.
These two words may provide you with a rich stream of answers…to why, despite early
success, you never seem to get traction on your new habits, big projects and best dreams.
They speak to the fact that over 90% of our daily behaviors are driven by our
subconscious programs. They reveal the reality that we truly do not know what we do not
know. And that every single one of us is completely unaware of why we do so much of what
we do.
Some ideas I invite you to wrap your brain around:
Talk to anyone who knows even the basics of exceptional performance and modern
psychology and they’ll tell you that many of the beliefs that run your life today were
installed when you were a kid. [I call this phenomenon "The 1st 5 Years Factor"].
Well intentioned parents/teachers/peers spoke phrases like “don’t think like that” or
“that would never work” or “you’re not smart enough to become this” or “what would
people think?”. This messaging stifled our spark. And diminished our Genius.
Even deeper, all of this early programming created the very context (our “Stained Glass
Window”) through which we now see the world [the old idea: "we see the world NOT as it
is but as WE are" speaks volumes to the point I'm offering here].
And rather than knowing ourselves and getting clear on these faulty beliefs, we blame the
world for our less than superb business and personal lives. Instead of cleaning up our
own patterns of thought, we give away our power.
Another insight about self-sabotage is that it’s an awesomely effective defense mechanism
scared people use to avoid having to confront their greatness. [Breathe that line in for
60 seconds so the insight stays sticky].
By making all these excuses that we then convince ourselves are real, we don’t have to
leave our comfy couches–and do the work that needs to be done–to have the lives we’ve
always wanted.
By blaming others, we get to betray ourselves. And not have to face the messiness that
all progress towards our best selves requires us to wade through.
And by cursing our conditions, we never have to feel the fear of letting go of the
historical limiting beliefs that we’ve run for so long we actually think they’re Truth.
[BONUS TIP-just because I think you're cool: Few places are as unsafe as The Safe Harbor
of Your Usual Beliefs].
Before becoming a lawyer, I studied Biology. There I learned about “Homeostasis”–the
steady state we’re wired to cling to in order to survive as a species.
But here’s the thing: a lot of that set up was what we needed hundreds of years ago when
we fought tigers and leopards and faced exceedingly hard environments. To leave the
steady state would have meant death. And extinction. Guaranteed.
We now live in a world with more resources/comforts/safety than ever before. And yet we
still run the old routines. We still subconsciously fight change. We still get scared
when we leave the comfort zone.
But without change + discomfort, there can be no progress + achievement.
So here’s my invitation to you: make the choice right now to shed your self-sabotage. Go
deep into the truth behind why you never seem to get your biggest goals done.
It may not be the recession or the boss or the competition or the childhood.
It just might be the weaker part of you. A part that’s ready to be released. Beginning
OK. That’s it for this month. Let’s stay connected on Facebook and Twitter and at my
blog. Grateful for your ongoing support.
Stay inspired. Make today a Work of Art. And Go Change The World!
My best wishes–always,

P.S. COURTESY NOTICE: For the first time in 12 months, registration is NOW OPEN to Your
Absolute Best Year Yet, my famous 12 week online program for extreme achievement and
creating a life you adore.
Act now and you’ll not only get instant access to the 9 video modules that have helped so
many people transform their fitness + finances + mindsets + personal lives but I’ll also
give you 18 BONUS teleseminars and 12 LIVE webinars with me.
People are pouring into the program and I’ll be closing doors soon so I strongly
encourage you to seize this opportunity to have me as your elite performance mentor for
12 weeks before you miss this fantastic chance. Wait and it’ll be too late so snap up
your membership now.


“I had a boyfriend who told me I’d never succeed, never be nominated for a Grammy,
never have a hit song, and that he hoped I’d fail. I said to him, ‘Someday, when we’re
not together, you won’t be able to order a cup of coffee at the deli without hearing or
seeing me.”
- Lady Gaga
“Something deep in my character allows me to take the hits and get on with trying to
- Lionel Messi
“Every person you meet has a lesson to teach, a story to tell and a dream to share.”
- Robin Sharma

1. Who would I be without my complaints?
2. What needs to happen between now and the last day of this year for it to be the single
best year in the history of my life?
3. Who am I becoming?
4. What does the highest version of my biggest vision look like?
5. What victories must I make time to celebrate?
6. How do I want to be remembered?

My Unusual Obsessions For Extreme Achievement

By Robin Sharma
Author of "The Leader Who Had No Title"

The window is open so I smell the sea. Fireplace is on so I feel the warmth.

And I write. And I write.

I’m away from the world. I needed it.

Which brings me to you. And my devotion to helping you do the best work you’ve ever
done. And create a life that is no less than epic. And iconic. And uncommonly excellent.

One of the best ideas I’ve learned in a long time is this one:


I know that’s an unusual line. Maybe it irritates you a little (good–I’m here to disrupt
your normal beliefs and behaviors so you make the changes that will change your world).
Perhaps it scares you (even better–our greatest fears deliver our finest growth). Or
maybe you totally get what I mean.

What I’m suggesting to you–with that line–(and with the awesome respect I have for you as
a reader of my blog) is that the brains we currently have are far less the result of
genetics and luck and FAR more the result of our daily habits and the routine influences
we expose our minds to.

Brain scientists have been making large leaps in their understanding of the concept of
neuroplasticity. They’ve realized that–contrary to common belief–the brains we’re born
with are not the brains we’re stuck with for life. No. Our brains are plastic. They can
be shaped, grown and sculpted into things of beauty (that serve our excellence
brilliantly). By the way we use them.

Which brings me to Darwin. And Picasso. And Michelangelo.

Not one of these people were born into genius. The whole idea of natural born talent is
mostly a lie we sell ourselves so we don’t have to rise up and feel the fear of doing
something great in our work and with our lives. In truth, you can walk with the giants and
play amongst the gifted–if you start making the different choices that will yield
different results.

These people were pure ordinary-ness (ok–so I made up a word). But here’s what they did
to make themselves "special". They followed their "inclinations". In other words, they
pursued the work that made their hearts sing rather than doing the things others wanted
them to do. And they had the audacity to become the people they wanted to be versus the
people others wished they’d become.

BONUS TIP: one of the biggest ways we limit our potential and deny our genius is
following The Herd and modeling The Crowd. If you want to win in 2013 and transform the
way you work + live, you absolutely MUST break free of The Cult of Mediocrity. You
absolutely must stop listening to the chattering voices of the cynics around you. You
absolutely must trust yourself–and your instincts.

And that’s what EVERY Master does. They trust their gut. They follow their "inclinations"–
those things that when they do them, their work doesn’t feel like work. Instead, it’s
joy. Bliss. And LOVE.

And because it feels so good when you have the guts to pursue these activities, you do
them a lot. You "work" really really hard at your "work". You no longer see your job as
a job but as your craft and your calling and your devotion.

And because of this, your devotion eventually becomes your BEAUTIFUL OBSESSION.

You practice it daily. Constantly. Consistently.

You have no time for TV and Call of Duty video games and Twitter or gossip. You need and
hunger to do that thing that fills you. That inspires you. That gives you precious
glimpses of your greatest self.

And as you do this, you stop living society’s life. You step into YOUR life. The life
meant for you. The days of your destiny. This is how genius unfolds. No magic. Just
trusting your passion. And putting in the work.

I so hope I’m not boring you. These words just poured out of me. As the waves cascade. As
the sea air moves. As this fireplace flickers.

So please allow me to finish this post with A STATEMENT OF MY 6 UNUSUAL OBSESSIONS.

These are the unusual commitments that govern my life. They are not so popular in this
world we live in but they mean a lot to me. And my guess is they mean a lot to you.

Commit–TODAY–to becoming a master. Ask yourself what are you best at? What things do you
do that when you do them you feel happy + at peace–and sense your creativity and gifts
pouring out of you. We get the life we’ve settled for. We get the brains we’ve earned.
Start looking for those things in your work (and life) that you can become a Picasso at.
Life shifts once you do.


Yes, I’m obsessed with progress. With making every day better than yesterday. With making
this year 1000X better than last year. Drives my team crazy. Sometimes irritates the
people around me. But I fiercely believe we are built for growth (not stagnation). For
expansion (not contraction). Good enough just isn’t very good as far as I can tell. The
whole nature of the game is to see how far we can go–and to express our potential so we
create the lives of our dreams. And elevate the world in the process. (Failing to
realize your gifts makes the world less of a great place to be, no?).

SPECIAL NOTE: If you’re truly ready to make this year radically better than last year,
read about the very big opportunity for you below and get onto The Priority Access List
for Your Absolute Best Year Yet, my revolutionary 12 week online program for extreme
achievement and real Mastery. The level of interest has been nothing like I’ve ever seen.
Registration opens up next week and this is a fantastic opportunity for you to make this
year the best year of your life so sign up to get a chance at one of the limited
memberships below.


My friend and colleague Tom Peters made this word even more famous in the circles we
work in. But here’s my take on it: leave everything you touch better than you find it.
Surround yourself with excellent people. Use excellent words. Drink excellent coffee.
Read excellent books. Wear excellent shoes. Create excellent projects. Be an excellent
parent. Think excellent thoughts. You deserve no less.


Yes, I’m obsessed with being happy. No, I’m not happy all the time (I’m human after
all). Sometimes people tell me "you don’t live in the real world". My reply: "Who wants
to live in the real world?" A world with negativity and wars and greed and chaos. I want
to create a world of my own making–while living in this very real world. I want to do
work that matters and live with the people I love and pursue my highest ideals and live
the life I have envisioned. I want to be happy–and so I block out the noise. So I can do


We are designed to create. We are all Artists. Each of us is a Creative (not just the
people in advertising and design). Accountants and firefighters, math teachers and
breakfast servers. We are all meant to innovate + ideate and use our brains to birth our
best ideas into the world. I write and record ideas everywhere. On flight sickness bags
on airplanes. On paper napkins in restaurants. In my journal that follows me much of
where I go. Yes, I’m obsessed with creativity. And that’s my encouragement for you too.


This one’s my oxygen. I’m revealing it to you here. My Dad instilled this value in me.
Deeply. As I grew up, he spoke of Gandhi. And Mandela. And Martin Luther King Jr. And
Mother Teresa. And other Saints of Humanity who on my best days I acutely remember. My
father told me that the real purpose of life is to serve. To be of use. To uplift those
around us. To be helpful. And for this ideal–I owe my Dad the greatest debt of gratitude.
Yes, I run a business. Yes I want to win. But above all else, I want to serve. It’s my
obsession. And I make zero apologies for it. Ever.

I really hope this post has moved something within you. To stop playing small with your
gifts, talents and Dreams. Think about what I’ve shared. Talk about this post with your
team + family. Share it with your friends. And then go out and change the world. Please.

Your fan,

What makes an elite performer isn’t how you show up when Plan A’s working. What reveals a
true superstar is the way you deliver when your best laid plans are falling apart.
These are messy times. Days of intense volatility. A period of immense uncertainty. And
one of the dominant themes in work + life these days is distraction (a constant stream of
activities begging for our attention that in the end amount to nothing).
So the fight we face as Leaders Without Titles and as human beings on a mission to
express our absolute best talents is to block out the noise so we get real work done.
Here are some of my best strategies to help you do this:
#1. Get Great at Reverse Engineering: Engineers working with technology startups are
masterful at taking a competitor’s product and breaking it apart – piece by piece – from
the finished version to its initial components. After study, they then make their own
product even better. Truly productive people do the same thing with their most valuable
opportunity. They know the final result they are after and maintain acute clarity on it.
Armed with this awareness, they reverse engineer this big goal into a series of small
and actionable steps that they then put into a 1-2 page plan of execution. This strategy
works for them. And it’ll work for you.
#2. Abhor Distraction: I fiercely fight distraction in my own life and teach the teams I
work with at companies like Starbucks, Coca-Cola and Oracle along with the billionaires I
privately coach how to do the same. Everyone’s fighting for your focus. And too many
people are stealing your attention. Don’t be so generous in giving it to them – unless
it’s for something that truly matters. So, clean out the distractions in your workspace
and personal life. I just read that special forces on a military mission are kept in
isolation from other teams and denied access to TV/Newspapers/Internet. Why? To PROTECT
their focus so they deliver perfection on their mission. Pretty great metaphor for you
and I, no? So please remember: Distraction is the greatest thief of time. And time is a
non-renewable resource.
#3. Stop Multi-tasking: A recent case report shared a story of a medical resident who was
using her cellphone to input data about the dosage of a patient she was attending. She was
interrupted with a text message from a friend inviting her to a party. The resident
replied and started a conversation. The only problem was she forgot to get back to her
patient who then began receiving a near-fatal dose of the medicine. Open-heart surgery
saved his live. But the larger point is that so few of us are fully present to the
work/activity in front of us anymore. I see people on airport runways checking their
Twitter feed. I see taxi drivers reviewing their emails. A huge competitive advantage
falls to the 1 in 100 performer with the brilliance to develop the skill of becoming
massively focused on the one thing in front of them. Truly a game-changing move.
#4. Build Rituals: Ok, this is another valuable tactic to unleash your productivity. When
I studied the lives of People of Great Output like Stephen King, Winston Churchill and
John Irving, I saw that they didn’t leave their productivity to the fleeting winds of
inspiration. Instead, they instituted precise rituals into their daily lives that allowed
their creativity to flourish. Stephen King, for example, sits down to work at 8 am every
morning, in the same chair, with his papers set in the same way. His belief is that this
obsessive consistency sends a signal to his mind to focus and deliver serious results.
#5. Launch at Beta: So many of us procrastinate by waiting for ideal conditions to get
big things done. Here’s what I’ve learned from some of the software enterprises we’ve
consulted with: launch at beta and then iterate to perfection. What I mean by that is stop
waiting for perfect conditions or the perfect product before you get to market. Yes, I
stand for ensuring anything you offer is best of breed. But sometimes putting off a
project until it’s flawless demonstrates nothing more than your fear of success. And we
both know you’re so much larger than that.
#6. Practice Productivity: When I was learning to ski, my instructor taught me about
muscle memory. He made me practice many tiny moves over and over again sharing “this is
going to build your muscle memory”, meaning that if I practiced the technique
relentlessly, a time would eventually come where I could perform it swiftly, elegantly
and unconsciously. Same applies to your productivity. Practice doing work that matters.
Practice sitting in one place for many hours focused on a single result. Practice running
rituals and elite performance routines that will lift you into the realm of world-class.
Because as I know you know: Genius isn’t so much about genetics as it is about work ethic
and sheer practice.
I hope these strategies have been of service to you. The world needs you at your
productive best.
Stay Great,

4 Tips to Build a Winning Team

The Transcript of 4 Tips to Build a Winning Team

Hi, it’s Robin Sharma, the author of “The Leader Who Had No Title.” I would like to
welcome you to this issue of Robin Sharma TV. Well this issue is all about four tips to
build a winning team. I mean I’m here in Stockholm, Sweden. I’ve just had the pleasure
of spending three and a half hours with almost 700 people, talking about Lead without
title and Stockholm is a
gorgeous city that I finished the presentation and I went for a great ride and got to
know the city even more, smelled the smells, got lost a little bit and really just
savoured the moment on this tour. The tour started off in Dublin then went to Macedonia
over to Stockholm, Paris tomorrow, then down to Mauritius.

But let me get right to the point. At the session after the event I had dinner with some
of the executives, or lunch rather with some of the executives who had showed up at the
Lead without a title presentation and one of the questions I got was how do you build a
winning team? How do you
motivate your team? How do I get teammates who are inspired to wow they’re customers, to
be great teammates, to do great work, to help me build a great company that does our
part to change the world. Four specific tactics were my reply.

Number one. LBE; Lead By Example. So a lot of CEOs come to me and say, “Robin I’d like
to have more engaged employees.” Well the real question is how engaged are you? A lot
of CEOs come up to me or managing directors saying, “Robin I wish I had employees or
teammates who work like Picasso painted.” And I look at them and I feel like saying
“well do you work like
Picasso painted?” Lot of CEOs come up to me and say, “Robin you know I wish my teammates
were more passionate about the work they do.” And I feel like saying “well how
passionate are you?”

And so this force point is really this. Few things are as powerful as leading by
example. If you want innovative employees, if you want excellent employees, if you want
ethical employees, if you want passionate employees, if you want employees who win, then
you be the change you want to see in your employees to sort of paraphrase what Gandhi
said. So the first point is really, the game-changer is, lead by example. I mean you
model the behaviour and the performance that you want your employees or the rest of the
team to live and the more you do that, the more you will do whatever a leader without a
title does, which is influence people.

Number two. The second thing I said to this executive if you want to have a winning team
do what one of our clients, Ritz Carlton does every morning. Before the door is opened
up for the hotel, they have a huddle and there are a few things they do. In that huddle,
they talk about one of the Ritz Carlton values. They just talk about one of the core
values. You know maybe it’s customer wow and they talk about what it looks like, what it
means and that simply just reinforces that key value in the minds of the team first thing
in the morning. Second thing they do, they come up with a customer service story. You
know one employee at Ritz Carlton doing something that made a huge difference in the
life of a guest. Then another thing they do is they celebrate birthdays, something human.
So the second tactic for building a winning team, a morning huddle. Do it from maybe
9:00 to 9:15 everyday. Pick a value you want to coach your team on. Pick a story that you
want to inspire them on and then celebrate your team because as we know the team that
celebrates together is the team that wins together.

Third tactic; coaching. Well we could spend a whole session here on Robin Sharma TV
talking about coaching, but really your job as a leader is to grow more leaders. Your
job as a leader is to inspire your team to do work they never thought they could do.
Your job as a leader is to leave a trail of leaders behind you.

So the third tactic, the third tactic to building a winning team is find some time
everyday, even if it’s 3 minutes, to coach someone on your team. And don’t say “you did
something wrong”, say “I have an opportunity for you to get to your next level of wow.”
Build a coaching organization where literally part of the culture is you developing
talent, coaching talent. I
mean here’s what the latest researches say. The number one thing your talent wants is to
be coached, to be developed, to do challenging work. It’s not money. They want to do
work that matters and it’s your job to coach them everyday, to develop them, and help
them get to the highest point of their own abilities.

Then the fourth tactic that I want to share with you to build a winning team is to have
fun. I remember having dinner with a billionaire. He built a fantastic technology
company. I said what was the single most important thing you did to build a world class
organization, and a winning team and he said, “Robin, the company that celebrates
together is the company that stays together.” And he called it shared human moments.
We’re in a world right now with all the technology that’s out there, where your
teammates are craving community. They’re craving human connections.

So find some time to have pizza lunches together or find some time to go to a restaurant
together. Find some time to maybe go for a run together, and don’t talk about business.
Have fun together. Have fun with your team. Laugh as a team. Get to know them as human
beings. Get to know their family. Get to know their hopes and their dreams. The more you
can connect with human beings at a very deep human level, the more they’re going to come
back to the office and they’re going to like you, and they’re going to trust you, and
they’re going to listen to you. They’re going to buy into your version because they
truly care.

Those are four specific tactics to help you build a winning team because as you know so
well, if you don’t understand people, you don’t understand business and the bigger your
dream, the more important your team. So take the time to develop a great team.

If you want more tactics on high performance team building or peak performance or
leadership or productivity or if you just want to get more inspired, go on over right
now to You can grab a copy of my 120 page e-book. It’s helped people
from around the world, get some game-changing results as my gift to you for free. I
will see you again in the next issue of Robin Sharma TV. Thank you for watching. All the
best to you. Bye bye.

21 Tips to Become the Most Productive Person You Know

21 Tips to Become the Most Producitive Person You KnowI wanted to help you create
explosive productivity so you get big things done (and make your life matter).

Here are 21 tips to get you to your best productivity.

#1. Check email in the afternoon so you protect the peak energy hours of your mornings
for your best work.

#2. Stop waiting for perfect conditions to launch a great project. Immediate action fuels
a positive feedback loop that drives even more action.

#3. Remember that big, brave goals release energy. So set them clearly and then revisit
them every morning for 5 minutes.

#4. Mess creates stress (I learned this from tennis icon Andre Agassi who said he
wouldn’t let anyone touch his tennis bag because if it got disorganized, he’d get
distracted). So clean out the clutter in your office to get more done.

#5. Sell your TV. You’re just watching other people get successful versus doing the
things that will get you to your dreams.
#6. Say goodbye to the energy vampires in your life (the negative souls who steal your

#7. Run routines. When I studied the creative lives of massively productive people like
Stephen King, John Grisham and Thomas Edison, I discovered they follow strict daily
routines. (i.e., when they would get up, when they would start work, when they would
exercise and when they would relax). Peak productivity’s not about luck. It’s about

#8. Get up at 5 am. Win the battle of the bed. Put mind over mattress. This habit alone
will strengthen your willpower so it serves you more dutifully in the key areas of your

#9. Don’t do so many meetings. (I’ve trained the employees of our FORTUNE 500 clients on
exactly how to do this – including having the few meetings they now do standing up – and
it’s created breakthrough results for them).

#10. Don’t say yes to every request. Most of us have a deep need to be liked. That
translates into us saying yes to everything – which is the end of your elite

#11. Outsource everything you can’t be BIW (Best in the World) at. Focus only on
activities within what I call “Your Picasso Zone”.

#12. Stop multi-tasking. New research confirms that all the distractions invading our
lives are rewiring the way our brains work (and drop our IQ by 5 points!). Be one of the
rare-air few who develops the mental and physical discipline to have a mono-maniacal
focus on one thing for many hours. (It’s all about practice).

#13. Get fit like Madonna. Getting to your absolute best physical condition will create
explosive energy, renew your focus and multiply your creativity.

#14. Workout 2X a day. This is just one of the little-known productivity tactics that I’ll
walk you through in my new online training program YOUR PRODUCTIVITY UNLEASHED (details
at the end of this post) but here’s the key: exercise is one of the greatest productivity
tools in the world. So do 20 minutes first thing in the morning and then another workout
around 6 or 7 pm to set you up for wow in the evening.

#15. Drink more water. When you’re dehydrated, you’ll have far less energy. And get less

#16. Work in 90 minute blocks with 10 minute intervals to recover and refuel (another
game-changing move I personally use to do my best work).

#17. Write a Stop Doing List. Every productive person obsessively sets To Do Lists. But
those who play at world-class also record what they commit to stop doing. Steve Jobs
said that what made Apple Apple was not so much what they chose to build but all the
projects they chose to ignore.

#18. Use your commute time. If you’re commuting 30 minutes each way every day – get
this: at the end of a year, you’ve spent 6 weeks of 8 hour days in your car. I encourage
you to use that time to listen to fantastic books on audio + excellent podcasts and
valuable learning programs. Remember, the fastest way to double your income is to triple
your rate of learning.

#19. Be a contrarian. Why buy your groceries at the time the store is busiest? Why go to
movies on the most popular nights? Why hit the gym when the gym’s completely full? Do
things at off-peak hours and you’ll save so many of them.

#20. Get things right the first time. Most people are wildly distracted these days. And
so they make mistakes. To unleash your productivity, become one of the special
performers who have the mindset of doing what it takes to get it flawless first. This
saves you days of having to fix problems.

#21. Get lost. Don’t be so available to everyone. I often spend hours at a time in the
cafeteria of a university close to our headquarters. I turn off my devices and think,
create, plan and write. Zero interruptions. Pure focus. Massive results.
I truly hope these 21 productivity tips have been valuable to you. And that I’ve been of
service. Your productivity is your life made visible. Please protect it.

Stay productive.

The 50 New Rules of Work

You are not just paid to work. You are paid to be uncomfortable – and to pursue projects
that scare you.
Take care of your relationships and the money will take care of itself.
Lead you first. You can’t help others reach for their highest potential until you’re in
the process of reaching for yours.
To double your income, triple your rate of learning.
While victims condemn change, leaders grow inspired by change.
Small daily improvements over time create stunning results.
Surround yourself with people courageous enough to speak truthfully about what’s best for
your organization and the customers you serve.
Don’t fall in love with your press releases.
Every moment in front of a customer is a moment of truth (to either show you live by the
values you profess – or you don’t).
Copying what your competition is doing just leads to being second best.
Become obsessed with the user experience such that every touchpoint of doing business
with you leaves people speechless. No, breathless.
If you’re in business, you’re in show business. The moment you get to work, you’re on
stage. Give us the performance of your life.
Be a Master of Your Craft. And practice + practice + practice.
Get fit like Madonna.
Read magazines you don’t usually read. Talk to people who you don’t usually speak to. Go
to places you don’t commonly visit. Disrupt your thinking so it stays fresh + hungry +
Remember that what makes a great business – in part – are the seemingly insignificant
details. Obsess over them.
Good enough just isn’t good enough.
Brilliant things happen when you go the extra mile for every single customer.
An addiction to distraction is the death of creative production. Enough said.
If you’re not failing regularly, you’re definitely not making much progress.
Lift your teammates up versus tear your teammates down. Anyone can be a critic. What
takes guts is to see the best in people.
Remember that a critic is a dreamer gone scared.
Leadership’s no longer about position. Now, it’s about passion. And having an impact
through the genius-level work that you do.
The bigger the dream, the more important the team.
If you’re not thinking for yourself, you’re following – not leading.
Work hard. But build an exceptional family life. What’s the point of reaching the
mountaintop but getting there alone.
The job of the leader is to develop more leaders.
The antidote to deep change is daily learning. Investing in your professional and
personal development is the smartest investment you can make. Period.
Smile. It makes a difference.
Say “please” and “thank you”. It makes a difference.
Shift from doing mindless toil to doing valuable work.
Remember that a job is only just a job if all you see it as is a job.
Don’t do your best work for the applause it generates but for the personal pride it
The only standard worth reaching for is BIW (Best in World).
In the new world of business, everyone works in Human Resources.
In the new world of business, everyone’s part of the leadership team.
Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.
You become your excuses.
You’ll get your game-changing ideas away from the office versus in the middle of work.
Make time for solitude. Creativity needs the space to present itself.
The people who gossip about others when they are not around are the people who will
gossip about you when you’re not around.
It could take you 30 years to build a great reputation and 30 seconds of bad judgment to
lose it.
The client is always watching.
The way you do one thing defines the way you’ll do everything. Every act matters.
To be radically optimistic isn’t soft. It’s hard. Crankiness is easy.
People want to be inspired to pursue a vision. It’s your job to give it to them.
Every visionary was initially called crazy.
The purpose of work is to help people. The other rewards are inevitable by-products of
this singular focus.
Remember that the things that get scheduled are the things that get done.
Keep promises and be impeccable with your word. People buy more than just your products
and services. They invest in your credibility.
Lead Without a Title.

17 Tips To Double Your Productivity In 14 Days

1. Turn off all technology for 60 minutes a day and focus on doing your most important
2. Work in 90 minute cycles (tons of science is now confirming that this is the optimal
work to rest ratio).
3. Start your day with at least 30 minutes of exercise.
4. Don’t check your email first thing in the morning.
5. Turn all your electronic notifications off.
6. Take one day a week as a complete recovery day, to refuel and regenerate (that means
no email, no phone calls and zero work). You need full recovery one day a week otherwise
you’ll start depleting your capabilities.
7. The data says workers are interrupted every 11 minutes. Distractions destroy
productivity. Learn to protect your time and say no to interruptions.
8. Schedule every day of your week every Sunday morning. A plan relieves you of the
torment of choice (said novelist Saul Bellow). It restores focus and provides energy.
9. Work in blocks of time. Creative geniuses all had 2 things in common: when they
worked they were fully engaged and when they worked, they worked with this deep
concentration for long periods of time. Rare in this world of entrepreneurs who can’t
sit still.
10. Drink a liter of water early every morning. We wake up dehydrated. The most precious
asset of an entrepreneur isn’t time – it’s energy. Water restores it.
11. Don’t answer your phone every time it rings.
12. Invest in your professional development so you bring more value to the hours you
13. Avoid gossip and time vampires.
14. Touch paper just once.
15. Keep a “Stop Doing List”.
16. Get up at 5 am.
17. Have meetings standing up.
Stay Productive and Make Your Work Matter!
Kindest regards,

Get clear on a dream

• Don’t listen to people who laugh at you
• Be a great friend
• Live to read and learn
• Deal with your fears
• You are special

#1. Be Real
Call it being authentic. Call it being yourself. The fact is that few things are as
powerful as standing in the presence of a person who is really really comfortable in
their own skin. What I’m suggesting is that you speak with your unique voice and that you
live under your true values and that you present the real you to the world around you.
Please trust me on this one. I promise you that when you get to the last hour of your
last day, you will regret having lived the life society sold you versus the life that
you knew deep within was meant for you.
#2. Smile
Sure this sounds obvious. But what makes greatness is the daily executing around simple
ideas. And if smiling during good and hard times was so easy, then why is it so hard for
most people? I travel across the planet constantly. But no matter whether I’m in Qatar or
Napa, Buenos Aires or Malaysia, Mumbai or Amsterdam, a quick and genuine smile to a
stranger always connects. Unites. Uplifts.
#3. Use People’s Names
The fantastic Dale Carnegie taught us well. He observed that a person’s name is the
sweetest sound to their ears. And yet, it’s so very easy to forget to go the extra mile
and remember – and then use – someone’s name. World-class communicators get that when
they address people by name, it brings them closer. And makes them stand out.
#4. Look People In The Eye
Okay. I really need to rant mildly on this one. Sure we all have our smart phones and
iPods and PCs. But this new way of communicating where our mouths move while we speak to
the person in front of us but our eyes stay on the screens before us sends a message to
that person that they just are not that important. The best gift you can give a
customer+teammate+loved one is the gift of your presence. In this age of easy
digitization, giving the human being you’re communicating with 1000% of your attention
is a spectacular method to lead the field. So, look people in the eye. Engage with what
they are saying. Make them feel special. No, make them feel–for the brief moments they
interact with you – that they are the most important person in the world.
#5. Be Honest
Again, simple, I know. But leadership and success really does come down to the daily
doing of a series of fundamentals staggeringly well. Be the most honest person you know.
Let your ethics drive your behavior. And please remember, anyone can be honest when
times are easy. The true measure of your leadership is how honest you are when
everything’s falling apart.
#6. Choose Good Words
I was up in the mountains last weekend. Wanted to get some breakfast. Walked into a new
Italian restaurant that advertised breakfast until 11:30 am. It was 11:40. I asked the man
behind the counter: “Is it possible to still get breakfast?” His instant reply:
“Absolutely not.” Now I understand this man wasn’t trying to be rude. He was most likely
unskilled with his words. Just not a great communicator. But his words had impact (as all
words do). A more effective communicator could have said, “I wish we could but we’ve
just switched over to the lunch menu. I think you’ll love it. C’mon in and give it a
try.” It’s all in the languaging. Instead, his words caused me to try his competitor. And
to think that this is a restaurant that just doesn’t care that much.
So there you are Great Communicator. Six pretty fundamental yet powerful ways to amp up
the impact of your communication during this month focused on appreciating relationships.
Try them. Apply them. And innovate around them. Those around you will be grateful you

Imagine a life where you had zero fears…

Imagine a life where you woke up daily feeling strong, focused and powerful…

Imagine a life filled with extreme happiness, peak health, total financial freedom and a
life rich with beauty, creativity and peace…

Oh, and endless days feeling you’re not only living on your OWN TERMS but making the
world a better place in the process (success without significance is a hollow victory,
isn’t it?).

16+ years of coaching some of the most successful human beings in the world as well as
helping companies like Starbucks, Coca-Cola, GE, Microsoft, NIKE and FedEx get to all-
new levels of excellence, productivity and performance has taught me this:

It’s much simpler + quicker to have this kind of a life than the world has told you.

I really, really, really want you to win (it’s my mission and cause and oxygen).

I fiercely believe in your gifts + talents.

I deeply trust that you were born to have an amazingly successful life (mentally +
physically + socially + financially + spiritually).

But so many of us get pulled off course and sold fears and doubts that crush our dreams.
Too many of us are stuck and frustrated and doing the things we were told would make us
happy and successful. And yet most of it didn’t work. And so many good/smart people are
left coasting along, half-alive, living the same year 80 times. And calling it a life.

Please consider this: you were born into The Birthright of Unusual Success. It’s
absolutely your natural state to be playing at your highest potential and super happy,
financially free and uncommonly healthy.

But as we leave our childhoods, the world around us teaches us to be scared. And to play
small with our genius.

And to resign ourselves to The Cult of Mediocrity.

Do Not Buy This Lie Anymore.
15 Ways For You To Do Your Best Work

Do your best work by challenging the way you did things yesterday.
Do your best work by allowing your passion to see the light of day.
Do your best work by becoming part of the solution versus growing the problem.
Do your best work by expecting nothing less than you playing at world-class.
Do your best work by giving away the credit (especially when you crave it)
Do your best work by practicing your skills so you become a virtuoso.
Do your best work by releasing excuses and doing important things.
Do your best work by getting up when you’ve been knocked down.
Do your best work by keeping your promises; to others and to yourself.
Do your best work by showing integrity.
Do your best work by delivering more value than anyone could ever expect from you.
Do your best work by making time to refill your well.
Do your best work by having a strong foundation at home.
Do your best work by becoming as fit as a pro athlete.
Do your best work by doing work that makes a difference and inspires others to do the
As Chuck Palahniuk once said: “The goal isn’t to live forever. The goal is to create
something that will.”

Robin’s 73 Best Business and Success Lessons

The 73 Best Lessons I’ve Learned for Leadership Success in Business and Life By Robin
Sharma, author of the international bestseller “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Hi There,
I’m skiing in South America but have also been doing a lot of thinking. I wanted to thank
you for all your kind support of my work. So I have summarized the 73 best
ideas/insights/lessons I’ve learned for winning in business and life below. I hope they
help you. And I hope you’ll share them with others who will benefit from them. Again,
thanks for supporting my mission to help people in organizations around the world Lead
Without a Title. I’m grateful. Robin
You can really Lead Without a Title.
Knowing what to do and not doing it is the same as not knowing what to do.
Give away what you most wish to receive.
The antidote to stagnation is innovation.
The conversations you are most resisting are the conversations you most need to be
Leadership is no longer about position – but passion. It’s no longer about image but
impact. This is Leadership 2.0.
The bigger the dream, the more important to the team.
Visionaries see the “impossible” as the inevitable.
All great thinkers are initially ridiculed – and eventually revered.
The more you worry about being applauded by others and making money, the less you’ll
focus on doing the great work that will generate applause. And make you money.
To double your net worth, double your self-worth. Because you will never exceed the
height of your self-image.
The more messes you allow into your life, the more messes will become a normal (and
acceptable) part of your life.
The secret to genius is not genetics but daily practice married with relentless
The best leaders lift people up versus tear people down.
The most precious resource for businesspeople is not their time. It’s their energy.
Manage it well.
The fears you run from run to you.
The most dangerous place is in your safety zone.
The more you go to your limits, the more your limits will expand.
Every moment in front of a customer is a gorgeous opportunity to live your values.
Be so good at what you do that no one else in the world can do what you do.
You’ll never go wrong in doing what is right.
It generally takes about 10 years to become an overnight sensation.
Never leave the site of a strong idea without doing something to execute around it.
A strong foundation at home sets you up for a strong foundation at work.
Never miss a moment to encourage someone you work with.
Saying “I’ll try” really means “I’m not really committed.”
The secret of passion is purpose.
Do a few things at mastery versus many things at mediocrity.
To have the rewards that very few have, do the things that very few people are willing
to do.
Go where no one’s gone and leave a trail of excellence behind you.
Who you are becoming is more important than what you are accumulating.
Accept your teammates for what they are and inspire them to become all they can be.
To triple the growth of your organization, triple the growth of your people.
The best leaders are the most dedicated learners. Read great books daily. Investing in
your self-development is the best investment you will ever make.
Other people’s opinions of you are none of your business.
Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end.
Measure your success by your inner scorecard versus an outer one.
Understand the acute difference between the cost of something and the value of something.
Nothing fails like success. Because when you are at the top, it’s so easy to stop doing
the very things that brought you to the top.
The best leaders blend courage with compassion.
The less you are like others, the less others will like you.
The thoughts you think today determine the results you’ll see tomorrow.
Excellence in one area is the beginning of excellence in every area.
The real reward for doing your best work is not the money you make but the leader you
Passion + production = performance.
The value of getting to your goals lives not in reaching the goal but what the
talents/strengths/capabilities the journey reveals to you.
Stand for something. Or else you’ll fall for anything.
Say “thank you” when you’re grateful and “sorry” when you’re wrong.
Make the work you are doing today better than the work you did yesterday.
Small daily – seemingly insignificant – improvements and innovations lead to staggering
achievements over time.
Peak performers replace depletion with inspiration on a daily basis.
Take care of your relationships and the sales/money will take care of itself.
You can’t be great if you don’t feel great. Make exceptional health your #1 priority.
Doing the difficult things that you’ve never done awakens the talents you never knew you
As we each express our natural genius, we all elevate our world.
Your daily schedule reflects your deepest values.
People do business with people who make them feel special.
All things being equal, the primary competitive advantage of your business will be your
ability to grow Leaders Without Titles faster than your industry peers.
Treat people well on your way up and they’ll treat you well on your way down.
Success lies in a masterful consistency around a few fundamentals. It really is simple.
Not easy. But simple.
The business (and person) who tries to be everything to everyone ends up being nothing to
One of the primary tactics for enduring winning is daily learning.
To have everything you want, help as many people as you can possibly find get everything
they want.
Understand that a problem is only a problem if you choose to view it as a problem (vs.
an opportunity).
Clarity precedes mastery. Craft clear and precise plans/goals/deliverables. And then
block out all else.
The best in business spend far more time on learning than in leisure.
Lucky is where skill meets persistence.
The best Leaders Without a Title use their heads and listen to their hearts.
The things that are hardest to do are often the things that are the best to do.
Every single person in the world could be a genius at something, if they practiced it
daily for at least ten years (as confirmed by the research of Anders Ericsson and
Daily exercise is an insurance policy against future illness. The best Leaders Without
Titles are the fittest.
Education is the beginning of transformation. Dedicate yourself to daily learning via
books/audios/seminars and coaching.
The quickest way to grow the sales of your business is to grow your people.
- See more at:


I want to shift gears from leadership to a pure focus on crafting an exceptional life
for this blog post. Ultimately, life goes by in a blink. And too many people live the
same year 80 times. To avoid getting to the end and feeling flooded regret over a live
half-lived, read (and then apply) these tips:
1. Exercise daily.
2. Get serious about gratitude.
3. See your work as a craft.
4. Expect the best and prepare for the worst.
5. Keep a journal.
6. Read “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”.
7. Plan a schedule for your week.
8. Know the 5 highest priorities of your life.
9. Say no to distractions.
10. Drink a lot of water.
11. Improve your work every single day.
12. Get a mentor.
13. Hire a coach.
14. Get up at 5 am each day.
15. Eat less food.
16. Find more heroes.
17. Be a hero to someone.
18. Smile at strangers.
19. Be the most ethical person you know.
20. Don’t settle for anything less than excellence.
21. Savor life’s simplest pleasures.
22. Save 10% of your income each month.
23. Spend time at art galleries.
24. Walk in the woods.
25. Write thank you letters to those who’ve helped you.
26. Forgive those who’ve wronged you.
27. Remember that leadership is about influence and impact, not title and accolades.
28. Create unforgettable moments with those you love.
29. Have 5 great friends.
30. Become stunningly polite.
31. Unplug your TV.
32. Sell your TV.
33. Read daily.
34. Avoid the news.
35. Be content with what you have.
36. Pursue your dreams.
37. Be authentic.
38. Be passionate.
39. Say sorry when you know you should.
40. Never miss a moment to celebrate another.
41. Have a vision for your life.
42. Know your strengths.
43. Focus your mind on the good versus the lack.
44. Be patient.
45. Don’t give up.
46. Clean up your messes.
47. Use impeccable words.
48. Travel more.
49. Read “As You Think”.
50. Honor your parents.
51. Tip taxi drivers well.
52. Be a great teammate.
53. Give no energy to critics.
54. Spend time in the mountains.
55. Know your top 5 values.
56. Shift from being busy to achieving results.
57. Innovate and iterate.
58. Speak less. Listen more.
59. Be the best person you know.
60. Make your life matter.

Too many people are living their neighbors’ lives. So many amongst us are building our
futures based on a definition of success sold to us by society+the media+our peers.
That’s fine if you’re consciously choosing to live by those values. But what if – at
truth – you have a different set of values. And the success you are currently chasing
actually has little to do with what will make you happy when you review your life at the
My encouragement is to take 60 minutes over the next few days and rethink what you are
investing your mental focus and physical energy on. Are you spending your time on work
that matters and personal pursuits that are moving the needle forward? Or are you stuck
in the thick of thin things? Being really busy being really busy?
A life is a tragic thing to waste. Yet too many of us – born into the potential to live
soaring lives as well as contribute to raising the lives around them – waste our best
hours on mindless distractions, needless interruptions and activities that are nothing
more than an escape.
I also encourage you to play with the definition of success that has been transforming
the lives of those using “The Robin Sharma Success System“, an online 21 day training
program. In it, I teach that success isn’t just about making money and climbing the
social ladder (the data actually confirms that people making $5 million a year are only
incrementally happier than blue collar workers). Sure money matters.
But I invite you to also focus on these dimensions of your life if you’re serious about
REAL success:
Personal development
Family connections
Being world-class at your work
Having a network of friends who elevate you
Creating a phenomenal lifestyle
And using your life to make a difference.
That last metric is the key. What’s the point of having success but failing at
Significance? Yes, chase your dreams and rise to lofty heights in the world. But please
remember: greatness comes from living for a cause larger than you. And leaving our
world better than you found it.

The Big 5 Opportunities of This Down Cycle

OK. We’re in some challenging times. Economies are shifting. Businesses are
reconfiguring. And deep uncertainty dominates many peoples’ mindsets.
But smart leaders get that crisis breeds opportunity. And so they train their brains to
focus on nothing else.
Here are 5 of the NBO’s (Nice Big Opportunities) I’ve been sharing with my clients:
1. It Has Never Been Easier To Stand Out
Everyone is negative. Customer service is being pulled back. Innovation is shutting down.
So, great rewards will come to you as you stay positive, client-centered and wildly
2. It Has Never Been So Easy To Retain and Secure Superb Talent
A great team of spirited people can achieve extraordinary results. Now is a fine time to
build that team.
3. This Down Cycle Is An Excellent Time To Open Up New Markets
Not every region is in a recession so now might be the perfect time to expand into an
emerging economy.
4. With All the Turmoil, This Is An Opportunity to Get Back to the Fundamentals
Create strong value for your stakeholders. Build a business based on integrity. Renew
deep family relationships. Savor life’s simpler pleasures.
5. This Is A Fantastic Time Invest In Your Learning
Learning boosts passion and engagement. In the up-cycle, you may have been running so
fast you made zero time to invest in yourself. Yet, to be a better leader become a
bigger person.
Keep Leading Without A Title.
The Best Advice I Ever Got

April 13th, 2012

I hope you’re great. Four things I wanted to share with you to help you do fantastic work
and create your best life during these volatile times:
#1. Below you will find an idea-rich article called, “The Best Advice I Ever Got” that
summarizes the powerful insights that exceptional business leaders use to win.
The Best Advice I Ever Got
All it takes is a single idea to change the game. One insight, shared in one quick
conversation, can transform the way you think, work and live. One piece of wisdom from
an epic performer – or a thoughtful producer – can dramatically alter the path of your
career and your personal life. And, as with all big ideas, the simpler the better
(simplicity is the trademark of Genius).
When I was about 21 years old, I was blessed to have a brilliant bond trader as a best
friend. He was older than me, more instinctual and had developed the acute courage to
live his life on his own terms (versus following the crowd). A true original, in my
eyes. And a man who influenced my perspective deeply. We used to take long walks along
the ocean and talk about business, creativity and getting big things done. One morning,
he said something that still speaks to me this day: “Robin, you have to run your own
race.” To me, that advice meant a few things, trust my own instincts, live by my own
values, do my own dreams (and quickly dismissing the chattering opinions of the critics
around us). Too easy to buy into society’s definition of success and miss out on our own.
So easy to get distracted by what other people are doing and get off the clear vision
we’ve set for ourselves. And I have to admit that I’d rather fail at my own “race” than
win at someone else’s.
To keep you encouraged, focused and at peak inspiration as you pursue what’s most
important to you, I’ve set out some of the best “advice I’ve learned” from some of the
best businesspeople on the planet. Here you go:
Elon Musk, the visionary founder of Tesla – the electric supercar manufacturer – told
FORTUNE magazine that the single best piece of advice he ever received came from the
book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy. “Don’t panic” were the words that jumped out
at him, and that have guided his world-class career as an entrepreneur. He shared that
emotion causes imperfect decision making since we don’t see the facts clearly. As for
bad advice he said: “My parents advised me to ignore bullies. That doesn’t work. You have
to punch them in the nose.”
Leonard Lauder, Chairman of The Estee Lauder Companies learned an outstanding piece of
advice from his mother that guided his career, “If you have something positive to say to
someone, put it into writing. But if you have something bad to say, tell it to them to
their face.” An example comes from his experience as chairman of The Whitney Museum in
New York. He was upset with one of the trustees and wrote a letter that he left on his
desk. An assistant found the letter and mailed it, causing the trustee to resign in
disgust. Lauder says he still regrets writing that letter to this day.
Terry Lundgren, CEO, Macy’s: “You’re not going to do this forever. There’s a finite
amount of time you’re going to be doing this. Do this really, really well.” (from an
interview in The New York Times).
Tony Hsieh, founder of “Hire more slowly and fire those who are harming the
culture more quickly. Our #1 priority is company culture. Our belief is that if you get
the culture right, then most of the other stuff like building a great brand and great
customer service will happen naturally.”
Warren Buffett, the iconic investor, was profoundly influenced by his father Howard, a
stockbroker. One of the maxims his dad would recite regularly came from the philosopher
Emerson: “The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness
the independence of solitude.” This drilled into Buffett’s thinking the importance of
thinking for yourself and contrarian investing.
“When you’re the first person whose beliefs are different from what everyone else
believes, you’re basically saying, “I’m right, and everyone else is wrong.” That’s a
very unpleasant position to be in. It’s at once exhilarating and at the same time an
invitation to be attacked.” Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle (by the way, big thanks to
the team at The Oracle CIO Summit in Dallas for your invitation to present the Lead
Without a Title message to your much-valued leaders).
“Twenty five years ago I wish someone had told me about the exponential factor of time:
that every year over forty years of age goes twice as fast and every year over fifty
goes ten times as fast.” Harold Evans, former publisher, Random House (from If I Knew
Then What I Know Now by Richard Edler)
A few final – and random – pieces of advice people have shared with me along the way
that have formed my thinking:
Genius has little to do with luck and everything to do with practice.
Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the ill person can see.
Fly 1000 miles for a 10 minute meeting (you can’t build great relationships via email).
Miss a meal but don’t miss reading.
What separates the best from the rest is how they manage the gift of their time.
Too many people live the same year 80 times and call it a life.
Life is short. Be of use.

The 44 Master Moves of Remarkable Entrepreneurs

I’m completely amped to help you shatter any limits that are holding you back from
becoming a Remarkable Entrepreneur – and building a fantastic company so you get to live
the life of your dreams.

So…I’ve written down 44 of my BEST ideas and insights learned from over 15 years with
many of the SMARTEST entrepreneurs in the world and as founder of The Remarkable
Entrepreneur SuperConference.

Read them + SHARE them with your team and then live them. Hope they really help you win:


By Robin Sharma

1. They get that the #1 way to build a global brand is one customer at a time.

2. They obsess around having an impact vs. growing their income (and so their income

3. They listen more than they speak. And they deliver more than they promise.

4. They use their most valuable hours to do their most valuable work (don’t check email
first thing in the morning).

5. They get that you can’t have an A-level company if you hire B-level people.

6. They are deeply aware that jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to Mastery. And so
they fearlessly pour their Genius into the world.

7. They understand that what the amateur calls genius, the professional calls practice.

8. They are fanatics around building a systems-driven company. Everything has a system
built around it. This ensures consistently fantastic results. And allows the entrepreneur
to take extraordinary amounts of time off. [I've recorded a powerful training video that
will show you how to really grow an ultra-successful company while you live a much
better life. It's called "The Napa Valley Adventure". Watch it now:]

9. They trust their vision when everyone else is doubting their vision.

10. They provoke their teammates to do work they never imagined they could do.

11. They know that good enough just isn’t good enough. Outright perfection is their

12. They have discovered that extra hard work is Success’ true best friend.
13. They use flight time to get ahead and review their plans vs. playing Angry Birds and
watching bad movies.

14. They get that progress often shows up in failure’s clothing.

15. They invest deeply in their education and development knowing that the fastest way to
double your net worth is to triple your rate of learning.

16. They focus on value versus cost.

17. They hold themselves to performance + ethical standards higher than anyone could ever
expect of them.

18. They make the time to think, plan and prepare – understanding that clarity breeds
mastery. And there’s no point in brilliantly executing the wrong things.

19. They get that their 3 most valuable assets are their mental focus, physical energy
and internal creativity. And so they protect them ferociously.

20. They are “Apple-like” in their willingness to think differently and ensure their
products leave customers breathless.

21. They stick to their convictions – especially in the face of criticism.

22. They relentlessly stay true to their clearly articulated vision – even when
confronted with the most heartbreaking of obstruction.

23. They adore the mantra: “How may I best serve the most people?”

24. They challenge the way they worked yesterday for the sake of even bigger work

25. They get that either you disrupt the status quo in your industry (and within your
life), or you will be disrupted. And it will hurt.

26. They spend their days doing real work versus fake work. And getting important things
done versus being really busy being busy.

27. They know that if they’re not frightened a lot they’re not achieving a lot.

28. They appreciate that Leadership’s no longer about ensuring compliance but inspiring
connections, being of service and getting great things done.

29. They work hard to craft a high-performance culture, understanding that the culture of
the organization stages the performance of its people.

30. They are more fascinated in building a company that will endure the generations than
an enterprise that is hot for a few quarters. Iconic is their obsession.

31. They get that failure is the foundation of innovation.

32. They are acutely aware that the winning formula that made their company successful
just might be the one that makes their company obsolete. And so they break what works.
And stay foolish and hungry.

33. They deliver results versus voice rationalizations.

34. They view angry customers as breathtakingly great opportunities to create fanatical

35. They know that if people are not laughing at your 24 Month Magnificent Obsession
(More on that and all these ideas at The Remarkable Entrepreneur SuperConference 2012 in
Toronto, Canada June 2+3 – see below for details to grab a seat while you can – I really
want to help you win this year!), you have the wrong vision.

36. They perceive connections with their community as the main aim of commerce.

37. They are devoted to getting into their absolute best physical condition. They have
zero desire to be the richest people in the graveyard.

38. They understand that the greatest gift you can give a teammate (or a customer or your
child) is the gift of your undivided attention.

39. They know that logic is the dream killer. Instead, they trust instinct, creativity
and passion to lead them to where they need to go.

40. They have learned that few things feel better than the pride you’ll feel on a job
beautifully done.

41. They are good at starting things. And even better at finishing them.

42. They get that confidence grows via the doing of difficult things. And so they pursue

43. They identify themselves as virtuosos. Best in World is the only place they play.

44. They bravely donate their lives to a cause larger than themselves. And – in this way
– transform the world through their presence.

5 One Minute Productivity Tactics

1. Have the courage to get great at saying “No Thanks” to any activities that don’t
advance your priorities.
2. Take 60 seconds every morning to do a written game plan for a productive day. “The
things that get scheduled are the things that get done.”, from The Greatness Guide.
3. Take a few seconds each day to turn off all your technology and work deeply on a key
project with zero distraction.
4. Take 60 seconds to breathe deeply and focus on your progress. This will re-energize
and refuel you.
5. Take 60 seconds to un-clutter your work area so you create space for your creativity
to flow.
Keep Leading Without A Title! And thanks.

handling criticism

1. Don't focus / give attention to Criticism. It takes time and creativity away from
you, preventing you from achieving your mission.
2. Just remember that criticism is often a compliment. "KMF" / Keep Moving Forward.
3. Use it as a leverage to achieve even more.
4. Just remember when somebody criticizes you, those people are likely to be living in
their fear.
5. Focus on your vision to achieve your mission.

Don't Fall In Love With Your Title’Robin Sharma speaks to BW Online's Sanjitha Rao Chaini
on fundamentals of leadership and why designations are not important
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Picture by Subhabrata Das

Secrets Of An Effective Leader 'Shortage Of Talent At Distributor, Frontline Sales
Biggest Challenge' ‘Analytical Thinking Is Stifling Innovation’
In a freewheeling tête-à-tête with BW Online’s Sanjitha Rao Chaini, author and management
guru Robin Sharma insists that leadership is about the fundamentals and warns top
executives not to let their ego scream so loudly and they cannot hear what subordinates
have to say.

What brings you here?

The book I am really here to talk about the The Leader Who Had No Title. It is about an
idea that every single person in business gets not just an opportunity to work but also to
show leadership quality within their work. The old model of leadership says that you need
to be a managing director to drive change to get results. But The Leader Who Had No
Title says imagine if every single person did not see themselves as the powerless
victim, but as the Picasso of their works, someone who could drive change, someone who
could be part of the solution versus part of the problem. A job is only a job if you
chose to see it as a job.

Does that mean designations are not important?

This is a key point. Designations are important for smooth running and structure of
organisations. Ultimately, there should be an executive team where there is
accountability. I am simply asking you to go back to your company and create a culture
of leadership where every one in every position now says I have to show leadership
quality in my work versus to sit back, close his eyes and be a passive victim.
Leadership is not about a title, it's about innovation, living the brand values and being

The best leaders are interested in the benefit of the company than their own egos
What are your thoughts on efforts to detach ego with leadership? It’s easier said that
Anything's difficult to execute. An idea remains an idea if you don't execute it. The
best leaders are more interested in impact and not just income. They are more interested
in growing more leaders as opposed to stroking their ego. That's the difference between
a great leader and a bad leader. That's just an idea. Just because it's an idea, it
doesn't mean it won't work or we shouldn't discuss it. We shouldn't stop working towards
it. How do you build a great company? It's not just the idea that builds great companies
such as Google, Facebook, FedEx... the Tata Group or Starbucks. It's the daily, flawless,
monomaniacal execution around the idea. Of course, it all comes down to execution of the

So, does this require leaders in every possible department within an organisation, and
people to mentor them?
Yes. Your competitive advantage in the organisation comes down to growing leaders in
every level faster than the competition. The person who sweeps up at the end of the day,
an employee in IT, sales, and the one who answers the phone -- every single person should
start thinking like a leader. And that means no complaining or blaming, innovating, being
great in what you do in contributing to the results of the organisation.

Second, those who have titles, their No. 1 responsibility is to grow more leaders. If
you have 50 people working for you, make it a 50-leader organisation. The manager's job,
and the leader's job, is to build more leaders. If you are not growing more leaders, you
are not leading your following. Let's be honest, the job of a leader is to inspire, to
push people to do their best work.

How should top executives manage their older subordinates?

Leadership is about the fundamentals. You have the position of responsibility. Don't fall
in love with your title to the point that your ego is screaming so loudly and you cannot
hear what your subordinates are saying. Who would you be without your excuses? I asked
this question during a talk and one of the participants said, “My biggest excuse is my
experience”. If you study people like Picasso, Da Vinci or Einstein, you would realise
that they had an apprentice's mindset versus a master's mindset. The moment you think you
are the master, you lose the mastery.

Let's go to the world of business. One of our clients is BlackBerry. One of the co-
founders, according to a report I read, fell in love with what he thought to be true.
And he fell in love with the dominant market position. And Apple and Samsung ate them
for breakfast.

At the end of the day, leadership is not about excuses, it's about the results
So, if every employee has been performing like a leader and showing results, how should
the leader work towards employee appreciation within the organisation?
Every employee requires appreciation. Just give him that. GE is one of our clients. They
used to call these things Jack Letters. Every year he would sign a thousand handwritten
‘thank you’ notes. It's a small gesture that helps. Ronald Reagan wrote a ‘thank you’ note
to his speech writer for a brilliant speech she had written for him and she put it up on
her door for years. When I was in law school, one of my friends got into medical school
and he put up his admission letter on the door. Sometimes appreciation is more valuable
than money. And I want to be very clear here -- I am not saying money is not important.
But according to one of the research, employees want appreciation from their manager
more than anything else and one of the reasons they leave is because he did not feel

Second thing, how do you honour these people who are CEOs of their own jobs? You give
them growth. They want challenging work, they want to express their gifts and talents
through challenging work. According to this research, money was eighth in the list of
what top talent wants. We have to remember that this generation is different. They want
to work with a company with top values; they want to change the world; they want to be
connected with other human beings. And money was less important.

For mentoring, leaders need to let go. How does a leader learn to let go?
I am going to quote former American president (Harry S.) Truman. He said, "It is amazing
what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." You have to let other
people shine. You can get to your dreams by empowering others. The job of the leader is
also to lead themselves. The best leaders spend a lot of time in self reflection, in
meditation; they spend a lot of time reading books to enhance their own character. And
all these help in business. As you become more powerful, you tend to empower others as
well. The best leaders are interested in the benefit of the company than their own egos.

But in these days, amidst travelling, meetings, striking deals, meeting employees,
leaders hardly have time to introspect...
Average leaders dilute in their focus; real leaders are monomaniacally focussed.
Exceptional business people leverage and use time that ordinary business people waste. If
you look at the best companies in the world, Amazon, HP and so on, they still make time
to grow more leaders around them and appreciate their employees. What's the point in
being busy if you are busy around wrong things?

In India, there are several family-owned businesses where scions automatically take over
the top title irrespective of the fact that they are fit for the job...
At the end of the day, leadership is not about excuses, it's about the results. Leadership
is not about the genetic make-up. India is a competing on a global stage. May the fastest
and the greatest leader win. May the most innovative leader win versus the leader who
knows the right people. And if an organisation is populated with people in their
positions of power just because of the background that they are from, they could simply
get knocked out of the game. Because leadership is about doing your work as good as
Picasso painted. It's about developing a team of super stars. If you want an A-Level
company, you must have A-Level employees. Leadership is about innovating so that every
single thing you touch becomes better than you found it.

It's about being an inspirational person. People did not like Steve Jobs when they worked
with him. But they said his acumen, vision, his way of doing things inspired them.
Ultimately, leadership is about walking talking value creator.

How important is a B-school degree for a leader?

Let me be very clear here. I have great respect for the business schools, and for formal
education too. Yet, leadership is much less about managing matrix and more about
inspiring people. In B-schools, they talk about operations of a business, strategy and
processes, and all those things are important. But sometimes knowing too much is
detrimental in businesses. Which is why we are seeing 17-year-olds are ruling a lot of
industries, because they have a beginner's mind set. Take Richard Branson, he doesn't have
a university degree. So, he did not know what was not possible. What makes the best
leaders is not their education or their IQ. It's called grit. Literally they have an idea
and they simply do not give up until they execute and deliver the idea. And they don't
teach grit in business school. I am a lawyer and they don't teach grit in law school.
That's a character quality. It's about being ridiculously persistent about your goal,
making your dreams 10 times larger. (at) gmail (dot) com

Lead Where You Are Planted

All too often, we wait until ideal conditions appear before we show up at our best. We
promise to display more initiative once we get the promotion, become a superb teammate
once we get the raise and do world-class work once we receive the applause. But true
leadership is about doing your absolute best under imperfect conditions. And leading
where you are planted. An example.
On my last speaking tour, the final event was in Johannesburg. Post-workshop, our CEO and
myself went out for a meal in Nelson Mandela Square. The sun was shining, the food was
pretty good, the service was fine. But it was the awesome display of one distinct Leader
Without a Title that still resonates in my mind. And that I need to tell you about.
As I walked into the washroom, I was greeted by a young man with a 1000 watt smile. His
job was clearly to keep the place clean. Some would call him a janitor. But to me, he
viewed himself as an inventor… innovating and iterating within his sphere of
“Welcome to my office,” he spoke, with a sparkle in his eyes. “It’s nice to have you
visit.” His uniform was impeccable. His counters were immaculate. And his manners,
superb. He could have made excuses to deny his enthusiasm. Could have complained about
the base position, the lack of authority, the limited power. But he didn’t.
Instead, he assumed his power-to influence all those he met, to impact others by his
excellent example, and to inspire all by transcending his conditions. This young man did
his work like Rembrandt painted, Beckham bends the ball, like Colombus explored.
My true point? No job is just a job, unless it’s viewed as just a job. All work is a
platform to express creative potential, offer value and make a unique contribution. But
we each face a choice each day as we walk out into the world: we can play a victim or we
can step up to leadership. And in this messy, disrupted world we now work within,
leadership at every level has become the single best way to win.
Keep Leading Without A Title.

What I Learned from Richard Branson…

Robin Sharma and Richard BransonI hope you’re great! Just finished an event with Richard
Branson in Bucharest (a city known as the “Paris of The East”) and wanted to share my
takeaways with you to help you take your career and life to its next level of wow.

Richard was polite and larger than life. A pleasure to share time with. And a man who
clearly adores all he does. I encourage you to read his autobiography “Losing My
Virginity” as well as his book “Business Stripped Bare” if you haven’t gone through them
yet. Uber-inspiring. For people who want to become Remarkable Entrepreneurs – and
express their absolute best.

Anyway, I’ll get right into some of my observations as well as the ideas we discussed.
Please don’t underestimate the power of these simple ideas – superbly executed, they
yield brilliant results.

1. Politeness Matters. As mentioned, Richard Branson was unfailingly polite. He mentioned

to me that when he was a kid, if he criticized someone, his mother would make him stand
in front of the mirror at home and say, “what you’re seeing in others is really what
you’re seeing in yourself. So look in the mirror.” This educated him on the key
leadership habit of looking for – and then encouraging – the gifts and talents within
other people.

2. Be Massively Independent. When Richard was just four years old, his mother stopped her
car and instructed him to find his own way home, over many miles. When he was about 12,
she told him to cycle 100 miles to Bournemouth alone, to visit a relative. He expressed
to me that these childhood experiences were his mother’s way of growing his self-
reliance. And building the invincible inner core that has served him so well as an

3. Screw It – Just Do It. What makes a great company (and great life) isn’t so much the
inspiring idea as the flawless execution around the big idea. As Edison once said:
“Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” Richard shared that much of his success
came from his philosophy to disregard the naysayers and those telling him his dream was
impossible and just get the dream done. (Please remember: the impossible is generally
just the untried). This is a man with a giant bias towards action.

4. Lavish Praise on People. I know you know this: the bigger the dream, the more
important the team. Having worked with many of the best entrepreneurs in the world, I’ve
learned that every single one of them gets that you can’t do it alone. Beautiful to have
a brave vision. But the real key is finding the genius-level talent to get that vision
delivered into reality. And if all you know how to surround yourself with is mediocre
people, you’re destined to experience mediocre results. Richard is brilliant at finding
the right people that bring his targets of opportunity to life. And he confirmed that
once they are on his team, “I lavish them with praise.” Our takeaway: relentlessly
celebrate+develop+inspire your people.

5. Be a Radical Innovator. When he was a young entrepreneur with nothing more than the
little college newspaper THE STUDENT, he still showed a lust for disregarding all the
rules. He challenged the status quo. And disrupted what was considered normal. An
example: he somehow was able to get John Lennon to do an original piece of music for
him. He then put the song on a special disc and packaged it into the newspaper, right
next to the interview he’d done on the rock ‘n roll legend. At Virgin Records, he
recruited the Sex Pistols and reinvented a whole category of music. At Virgin Atlantic,
he gave passengers massages on airplanes and dropped them home in limos. And with Virgin
Galactic, he’s taking people into space. Very cool. Fantastically bold.

At the Bucharest meeting, he told the 2500+ people in the concert hall that “sometime in
your lifetime, every one of you will have visited other parts of the universe.” And I
believe it.

6. Build Your Brand. Richard Branson gets branding. He knows what he – and the Virgin
name – stands for. Fun. Good Value. Strong customer service. And so at every possible
opportunity, he evangelizes all it stands for. Oh, and he’s also clearly a master of
getting attention. From hot air balloon adventures that made global news to showing up at
a press conference nearly naked to promote Virgin mobile, this Remarkable Entrepreneur
gets the value of owning a share of our brain cells.

7. Find Your Necker Island. Get this: Branson paid roughly $300,000 for his beloved
Necker Island. He and his then girlfriend Joan were visiting the Caribbean on a getaway.
They fell in love with Necker – but it was about $4,000,000. But he wouldn’t give up
(let’s never discount the power of a ridiculous amount of persistence around your most
closely loved goals). A few months later, the owner needed cash. Branson made his deeply
discounted offer. It has served as his retreat away from the world for many years.
Here’s the real point: in the world of so much noise and complexity, find your personal
retreat (even if it’s an aged wooded bench in a public garden) where you can withdraw to

8. Lucky Wins. We make luck. Enough said.

9. Don’t Do It If It’s Not Fun. Branson wears a smile pretty much all the time. He laughs
naturally. And radiates happiness. Zero doubt: he loves his life – and all that’s in it
(George Clooney said he’d swap his life for Richard Branson’s – much to the delight of
Richard’s wife). The lesson for us: life’s just too short to be doing work that destroys
your soul. This is the best time in the history of the world to become an entrepreneur.
Find work you adore. And get busy changing the world with it.

10. With Gifts Come Responsibilities. OK, so Richard Branson’s one of the richest people
on the planet. But he gets that being good trumps shiny toys. He mentioned to me that,
“with great wealth comes great responsibility.” And so he’s spending a lot of his days
evangelizing Virgin Unite, his foundation that helps kids in need. Reminds me of what my
amazing father taught me – using the words of the great poet Tagore – growing up:
“Robin, when you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Son, live your life in
such a way that when you die, the world cries while you rejoice.”

So there you go. What the iconic Richard Branson shared with me on a sunny Wednesday in
Bucharest. I hope the lessons also serve you well.
Do Your Part
Posted on June 7, 2012

Big question for you: “what are you doing to help build a new and better world?” Don’t
blame the politicians. Don’t blame those around you. Don’t blame your parents or your
background. Doing so is playing the victim and this world has far too many people
playing the victim when they could be shining and making a profound difference. Mother
Teresa said it so much better than I ever could: “if each of us would only sweep their
own doorstep, the whole world would be clean.” Nice.

Blaming others is excusing yourself. Telling yourself that you – as an army of one –
cannot have an impact is giving away your power. A couple of college kids got their
hands on empty school buses and drove them into New Orleans when everybody else said the
city was unapproachable. A little man in a loincloth named Mohandas Gandhi freed an
entire nation. A college student named Richard Branson took some initiative to start a
record label on a shoestring that has since morphed into the Virgin empire. You are no
different from them. We are all flesh and bones – cut from the same cloth.

In a recent issue of Vanity Fair, Jennifer Aniston said that she gives herself one day to
play victim after a challenging event. After that day of feeling sorry for herself and
powerless, she wakes up and takes ownership over the way her life looks. And if she
doesn’t like a piece of it she sets about to change it. That’s personal leadership.

What don’t you like about your life or the organization you work for or the country you
live in? Make a list. Write it down. Shout it out. And then do something to improve
things. Anything. Start small or go big. Just do something. Today. Now. The world will be
better for it.

The Myth of Personal Transformation

Posted on June 7, 2012

Too many people believe that playing their best game as a human being requires them to
revolutionalize their lives. And for most of us, that’s a scary thought. No one wants to
make massive changes to the way they think, feel and behave. Human beings love staying
within the comfort zone. But guess what? In my work as a success coach with people around
the world, I’ve realized that lasting personal change does not require you to turn your
life upside down.

The best way to get to your greatness is through small, continuous steps-what I call the
“1% Wins”. If you improve your health only 1% each day for the next 30 days, you will
see a 30% increase in that dimension of your life in only 1 month. Same for every other
area of your life, from your relationships to your career. Doesn’t seem so scary now
does it? Can you make those little improvements in the areas most in need of
improvement? Absolutely.

World Class Language

Posted on June 7, 2012

Language offers a framework for meaning. Please think about that powerful idea. We
understand the world through words. The words you use determine the way you perceive
reality. If you call a stumbling block a “problem” or “a big mess” you will create a
different emotional state within you than if you call the issue “an opportunity” or “a
challenge that will only make me better.” I have the privilege, as a success coach, to
work with many extraordinarily successful people from around the world.

One of their core traits of greatness is that the vast majority of them understand the
power of the word. They use world-class language. Not only do they refrain from using
profanities, but they use the language of passion. They use the language of leadership.
They use the language of possibility. They use the language of love.

Live Fully Now

Posted on June 7, 2012

Too many human beings postpone living. We say that we will live our best lives when we
have more time or when we finish the pressing projects that are consuming us. We tell
those around us that we will be more loving and passionate when things slow down. We
promise ourselves that we will get into world-class physical condition and eat healthier
food when we have a little bit more time. Yet, deep within us, each one of us knows that
there will never be a better time to live our biggest life than now. And if not today,
then when?
Posted in Leadership
Getting What You Want While Loving What You Have
Posted on June 7, 2012

Some pundits encourage us to enjoy the moment and appreciate what we have, suggesting
that constantly striving for more is unhealthy and the primary source of our discontent.
And others say that, as human beings, we were built to push beyond our comfort zones each
day and reach for something higher. I’ve struggled a lot with this issue, as I articulate
a personal philosophy that I will live my life under.

I think I’ve found the answer, a solution that feels right to me: it’s a balance. I call
it The Mandela Balance. Nelson Mandela, a hero of mine, once said: “After climbing a
great hill, one finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment
here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on
the distance I have come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom comes
responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk has not yet ended.”

To me, Nelson Mandela is suggesting that it’s all about a balance. Enjoy the view from
where you are at. Savor how far you have come. Be grateful for where you are along the
journey that is your life. But, remember that with the gifts that reside within you come
great responsibilities. I believe that every human being has a Duty to Shine. We must
walk out into the world and do our best to be of greater service to others and greater
citizens in the world. We must continually walk towards our fears and make more of our
lives. We must constantly play a bigger game. This drive to realize more of our greatest
selves has, I believe, been knitted into our DNA and to deny it is to deny our human

And yes, as we set higher dreams and raise our personal standards, we will create
discontent. But this world was built by people who felt some discontent with the way
things were and knew they could do better. Think Gandhi. Think Mother Teresa. Think Steve
Jobs and Bill Gates. Think Einstein. Think Mandela.

So love what you have. And then go for what you want.
What is Leadership?
Posted on June 7, 2012

Leadership has nothing to do with the title on your business card or the size of your
office. Leadership is not about how much money you make or the clothes you wear.
Leadership is a philosophy. It’s an attitude. It’s a state of mind. And it’s available to
each one of us.

Here’s an example. I spend a lot of my life on airplanes and traveling so I’m hard on my
luggage. The handle on my carry-on luggage broke after my tour of Russia a few months
ago (you have to put a visit to St. Petersburg on your list of places to visit before
you die). Anyway, I take the piece in to Evex, a dealer in Toronto. The young man at the
counter treated me wonderfully and within a few days, the handle was fixed.

While in New York a week ago, the handle broke again. I assumed that I’d have to pay for
the repair when I went back into Evex. Most business put clients through so many hurdles:
if you haven’t saved the receipt you are out of luck, if you don’t know who did the
initial repair we cannot help you etc etc. Well Evex is different. They just get it. They
understand that without treating their customers well, there is no business.

When I explained that the handle broke again, the young woman at the counter – without a
moment of hesitation – apologized for the problem I faced. She them said: “We will
promise you that you will have your carry-on in perfect order within 3 days. And of
course Sir, there will be no charge.” No bureaucracy around needing the receipt from the
previous repair. No hassles. No issues. Just great service, with a giant smile.

This woman showed leadership. She quickly diagnosed the problem, assumed personal
responsibility and made the right decision. And she wowed her customer in the process.
What will you do to be the leader that you are destined to be, today?

21 Tips to Become the Most Productive Person You Know

I wanted to help you create explosive productivity so you get big things done (and make
your life matter).
Here are 21 tips to get you to your best productivity.
#1. Check email in the afternoon so you protect the peak energy hours of your mornings
for your best work.
#2. Stop waiting for perfect conditions to launch a great project. Immediate action fuels
a positive feedback loop that drives even more action.
#3. Remember that big, brave goals release energy. So set them clearly and then revisit
them every morning for 5 minutes.
#4. Mess creates stress (I learned this from tennis icon Andre Agassi who said he
wouldn’t let anyone touch his tennis bag because if it got disorganized, he’d get
distracted). So clean out the clutter in your office to get more done.
#5. Sell your TV. You’re just watching other people get successful versus doing the
things that will get you to your dreams.
#6. Say goodbye to the energy vampires in your life (the negative souls who steal your
#7. Run routines. When I studied the creative lives of massively productive people like
Stephen King, John Grisham and Thomas Edison, I discovered they follow strict daily
routines. (i.e., when they would get up, when they would start work, when they would
exercise and when they would relax). Peak productivity’s not about luck. It’s about
#8. Get up at 5 am. Win the battle of the bed. Put mind over mattress. This habit alone
will strengthen your willpower so it serves you more dutifully in the key areas of your
#9. Don’t do so many meetings. (I’ve trained the employees of our FORTUNE 500 clients on
exactly how to do this – including having the few meetings they now do standing up – and
it’s created breakthrough results for them).
#10. Don’t say yes to every request. Most of us have a deep need to be liked. That
translates into us saying yes to everything – which is the end of your elite
#11. Outsource everything you can’t be BIW (Best in the World) at. Focus only on
activities within what I call “Your Picasso Zone”.
#12. Stop multi-tasking. New research confirms that all the distractions invading our
lives are rewiring the way our brains work (and drop our IQ by 5 points!). Be one of the
rare-air few who develops the mental and physical discipline to have a mono-maniacal
focus on one thing for many hours. (It’s all about practice).
#13. Get fit like Madonna. Getting to your absolute best physical condition will create
explosive energy, renew your focus and multiply your creativity.
#14. Workout 2X a day. This is just one of the little-known productivity tactics that I’ll
walk you through in my new online training program YOUR PRODUCTIVITY UNLEASHED (details
at the end of this post) but here’s the key: exercise is one of the greatest productivity
tools in the world. So do 20 minutes first thing in the morning and then another workout
around 6 or 7 pm to set you up for wow in the evening.
#15. Drink more water. When you’re dehydrated, you’ll have far less energy. And get less
#16. Work in 90 minute blocks with 10 minute intervals to recover and refuel (another
game-changing move I personally use to do my best work).
#17. Write a Stop Doing List. Every productive person obsessively sets To Do Lists. But
those who play at world-class also record what they commit to stop doing. Steve Jobs
said that what made Apple Apple was not so much what they chose to build but all the
projects they chose to ignore.
#18. Use your commute time. If you’re commuting 30 minutes each way every day – get
this: at the end of a year, you’ve spent 6 weeks of 8 hour days in your car. I encourage
you to use that time to listen to fantastic books on audio + excellent podcasts and
valuable learning programs. Remember, the fastest way to double your income is to triple
your rate of learning.
#19. Be a contrarian. Why buy your groceries at the time the store is busiest? Why go to
movies on the most popular nights? Why hit the gym when the gym’s completely full? Do
things at off-peak hours and you’ll save so many of them.
#20. Get things right the first time. Most people are wildly distracted these days. And
so they make mistakes. To unleash your productivity, become one of the special
performers who have the mindset of doing what it takes to get it flawless first. This
saves you days of having to fix problems.
#21. Get lost. Don’t be so available to everyone. I often spend hours at a time in the
cafeteria of a university close to our headquarters. I turn off my devices and think,
create, plan and write. Zero interruptions. Pure focus. Massive results.
I truly hope these 21 productivity tips have been valuable to you. And that I’ve been of
service. Your productivity is your life made visible. Please protect it.
Stay productive.

35 Fast Tips to Make This Your Best Year Yet

Best Year YetI’m sitting on an airplane thinking about what the best performers and most
successful people do to continually outperform everyone around them.
As we enter what I hope will be the single best year of your life yet, I’ve come up with
35 Tips that I invite you to concentrate on. Share these tips, reflect on then, post them
where you can see them – and allow them to infuse your mindset:
Remember that the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts.
Keep the promises you make to others – and to yourself.
The project that most scares you is the project you need to do first.
Small daily improvements are the key to staggering long-term results.
Stop being busy being busy. This New Year, clean out the distractions from your
work+life and devote to a monomaniacal focus on the few things that matter.
Read “The War of Art”.
Watch “The Fighter”.
In a world where technology is causing some of us to forget how to act human, become the
politest person you know.
Remember that all great ideas were first ridiculed.
Remember that critics are dreamers gone scared.
Be “Apple-Like” in your obsession with getting the details right.
Take 60 minutes every weekend to craft a blueprint for the coming seven days. As Saul
Bellow once said: “A plan relieves you of the torment of choice.”
Release your need to be liked this New Year. You can’t be a visionary if you long to be
Disrupt or be disrupted.
Hire a personal trainer to get you into the best shape of your life. Superstars focus on
the value they receive versus the cost of the service.
Give your teammates, customers and family one of the greatest gifts of all: the gift of
your attention (and presence).
Every morning ask yourself: “How may I best serve the most people?”
Every night ask yourself: “What 5 good things happened to me this day?”
Don’t waste your most valuable hours (the morning) doing low value work.
Leave every project you touch at work better than you found it.
Your job is not just to work. Your job is to leave a trail of leaders behind you.
A job is not “just a job”. Every job is a gorgeous vehicle to express your gifts and
talents – and to model exceptionalism for all around you.
Fears unfaced become your limits.
Get up at 5 am and take 60 minutes to prepare your mind, body, emotions and spirit to be
remarkable during the hours that follow. Being a superstar is not the domain of the
gifted but the prepared.
Write love letters to your family.
Smile at strangers.
Drink more water.
Keep a journal. Your life’s story is worth recording.
Do more than you’re paid to do and do work that leaves your teammates breathless.
Leave your ego at the door every morning.
Set 5 daily goals every morning. These small wins will lead to nearly 2000 little
victories by the end of the year.
Say “please” and “thank you”.
Remember the secret to happiness is doing work that matters and being an instrument of
Don’t be the richest person in the graveyard. Health is wealth.
Life’s short. The greatest risk is risk-less living. And settling for average.
I genuinely wish you the best year of your life.
Stay Great.
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Create Great Relationships

Create Great Relationships
The digital world is a beautiful thing. Apps boost our productivity and elevate our
personal lives. eBooks make reading more accessible and elegant. Social media platforms
like Facebook and Twitter connect us – and allow for the sharing of information in
radically new ways. But along with the opening of new frontiers that technology brings,
I’m witnessing a closing of something else. We just don’t personally interact in the same
ways that we once did. Tempers have grown quicker. Conversations have become shorter.
And good manners are becoming obsolete.
People write things online that they’d never dare to say to another human being in
person. Critics abound. Cynics flourish. And controversy seems to get more views than
simple acts of decency – and humanity. Yes, I completely get I’m painting the world we
reside in with some broad brush strokes. Yes, there are massive amounts of people who
are polite, kind and awesome. And yes, there are complete communities of individuals
interacting impeccably and doing great things. But I just wanted to put a voice to the
fact that I see a loss of something as tech dominates our lives. Something simple.
Something real. Something essential. We’re losing the way we used to relate to each
So, during this month where so many of us are thinking about celebrating the
relationships that fill our lives with a depth of richness and joy, I wanted to offer you
6 of the best communication strategies I’ve learned to flourish in business and in life.
I encourage you to apply these at home, at work and out on the streets with people you
may not even know. As William Penn once noted: “I expect to pass through life but once.
If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow
being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way
#1. Be Real
Call it being authentic. Call it being yourself. The fact is that few things are as
powerful as standing in the presence of a person who is really really comfortable in
their own skin. What I’m suggesting is that you speak with your unique voice and that you
live under your true values and that you present the real you to the world around you.
Please trust me on this one. I promise you that when you get to the last hour of your
last day, you will regret having lived the life society sold you versus the life that
you knew deep within was meant for you.
#2. Smile
Sure this sounds obvious. But what makes greatness is the daily executing around simple
ideas. And if smiling during good and hard times was so easy, then why is it so hard for
most people? I travel across the planet constantly. But no matter whether I’m in Qatar or
Napa, Buenos Aires or Malaysia, Mumbai or Amsterdam, a quick and genuine smile to a
stranger always connects. Unites. Uplifts.
#3. Use People’s Names
The fantastic Dale Carnegie taught us well. He observed that a person’s name is the
sweetest sound to their ears. And yet, it’s so very easy to forget to go the extra mile
and remember – and then use – someone’s name. World-class communicators get that when
they address people by name, it brings them closer. And makes them stand out.
#4. Look People In The Eye
Okay. I really need to rant mildly on this one. Sure we all have our smart phones and
iPods and PCs. But this new way of communicating where our mouths move while we speak to
the person in front of us but our eyes stay on the screens before us sends a message to
that person that they just are not that important. The best gift you can give a
customer+teammate+loved one is the gift of your presence. In this age of easy
digitization, giving the human being you’re communicating with 1000% of your attention
is a spectacular method to lead the field. So, look people in the eye. Engage with what
they are saying. Make them feel special. No, make them feel–for the brief moments they
interact with you – that they are the most important person in the world.
#5. Be Honest
Again, simple, I know. But leadership and success really does come down to the daily
doing of a series of fundamentals staggeringly well. Be the most honest person you know.
Let your ethics drive your behavior. And please remember, anyone can be honest when
times are easy. The true measure of your leadership is how honest you are when
everything’s falling apart.
#6. Choose Good Words
I was up in the mountains last weekend. Wanted to get some breakfast. Walked into a new
Italian restaurant that advertised breakfast until 11:30 am. It was 11:40. I asked the man
behind the counter: “Is it possible to still get breakfast?” His instant reply:
“Absolutely not.” Now I understand this man wasn’t trying to be rude. He was most likely
unskilled with his words. Just not a great communicator. But his words had impact (as all
words do). A more effective communicator could have said, “I wish we could but we’ve
just switched over to the lunch menu. I think you’ll love it. C’mon in and give it a
try.” It’s all in the languaging. Instead, his words caused me to try his competitor. And
to think that this is a restaurant that just doesn’t care that much.
So there you are Great Communicator. Six pretty fundamental yet powerful ways to amp up
the impact of your communication during this month focused on appreciating relationships.
Try them. Apply them. And innovate around them. Those around you will be grateful you
In Leadership,
- See more at:

The Value of Dying Daily

Posted on June 7, 2012

I don’t want to be the richest person in the graveyard. To me, a life well-lived is
mostly about being surrounded by people I love, staying healthy and happy (and no one’s
happy all the time except in the movies) and having an impact on the world around us. So
how can you stay focused on the things that are most important to you? Die daily.

I wrote about this in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari but the point of wisdom is simply
this: connecting to the fact that life is short and no one knows when it will end is a
great personal practice to stay engaged on your priorities. Waking up each morning and
asking yourself “how would I show up today if this day was my last” is not some cheesy
motivational exercise. It’s a profound way to bring some urgency and commitment into
your days.

Most of us let life act on us – we are asleep at the wheel of our own lives. And the
days slip into weeks, the weeks into months and the months into years. Before we know it,
we are laying on our deathbeds wondering where all the time went.

Die daily. Give yourself to life. Take some risks. Open your heart a little wider. Speak
your truth. Show your respect for the gift of life that’s been given to you. Shine
brightly today. And then, wake up tomorrow and reach even higher. At the end, people
will remember you as one of the great ones.

Get Some Skin in The Game

Posted on June 7, 2012

I fail more than most people. I fail all the time. I’ve had failures in business. I’ve
had failures in relationships. I’ve had failures in life. I used to wonder why this
happened. But now I get it. Failure is the highway to success. And the more risks you
take in the pursuit of your dreams, the more you are going to fail.

Too many amongst us live our lives in what I call “the safe harbor of the known.” Same
thinking for twenty years. Same conversations for twenty years. Same breakfast for twenty
years. Same drive to work for twenty years. I have no judgment on that kind of a life. If
it makes you happy, well that’s a beautiful thing. But I don’t know of anyone who is
happy living like that. True joy comes when you put some skin in the game and take some
chances. Yes, you will start to experience more failure. But guess what, success also
starts to pay more visits.

Failure is just part of the process of getting to greatness. The best companies on the
planet have failed more than the average ones. The most successful people on the planet
have failed more than average ones. To me, the only failure is the failure to not try
and dream and dare. And I deeply feel that the greatest risk you will ever take in your
life is if you never take a risk.

So go ahead, stretch today. Ask for the best table in your favorite restaurant. Ask for
an upgrade into first class on your next flight (good luck). Ask your teammate at work
for more understanding. Ask your mate at home for more love. Do it. I dare you. And just
remember, you can’t win the game if you don’t even play.

The Power of Daily Practices

Posted on June 7, 2012

Success, world-class health, internal fulfillment and sustained happiness don’t just
happen. These elements of your best life are created. All too often we look at a human
being playing their best game on the playing field of life and assume they got lucky or
were born into their lofty condition. What we don’t see is all the devotion and
discipline that went into crafting the extraordinary results we see.

What I’m suggesting is that personal and professional greatness takes work. I’m not
someone who would ever tell you that you could get to your dreams without having to make
some sacrifices and pay the price in terms of dedication and self-control. The best
amongst us make it all look so easy. I call it The Swan Effect- elite performers make
personal excellence look effortless and seem to make things happen as gracefully as a
swan moves along the water. But like the swan, what you don’t get to see is all the hard-
work taking place below the surface.

The best way to create spectacular results in the most important areas of your life is
through daily practice. In my life, I have a series of practices that set me up for a
great day. Yes, sometimes life sends you unexpected challenges that knock you off track-
that’s just life happening. But with a series of practices to keep you at your best,
you’ll stay in a positive state much more often.

Practices that will lock you into your best state include a morning journaling session
where you record your feelings, thoughts, and the blessings you are grateful for. Or you
may start your day with a strong workout and an elite performer’s meal. I often listen to
music for 15 minutes, as it not only energizes me, it just makes life better. I also use
success statements or affirmations to get my mind focused.

Success and joy and inner peace don’t just show up. You need to create them. Find your
series of practices, perform them with consistency. And then go out into this beautiful
world of ours and shine.

Who Made Success a Bad Word?

Posted on June 7, 2012

Too many people believe that there’s something wrong with aiming to be really
successful. I’ve heard it a lot these days, the suggestion that if you strive for
success, you must not be all that concerned with making a difference and being
significant. It’s almost as if being a go-getter is incompatible with being
compassionate, socially conscious and good.

Well here’s my take on the “success versus significance” issue: an extraordinary life
contains both. Without success, I have a sense that the best part of you will feel a
little hollow. Part of what makes us human is the hunger to realize our greatest gifts
and live life fully. We were built to shine. And without significance, I believe that we
will feel that we have walked the planet in vain.

Love Your Irritations

Posted on June 7, 2012

The things that drive you crazy are actually giant opportunities. The people who press
your buttons are actually your greatest teachers. The things that make you angry are
actually your greatest gifts. Bless them.

The people or circumstances that take you out of your power have extraordinary value:
They reveal your limiting beliefs, fears and false assumptions. How much would you pay
someone who promised they could pinpoint exactly what is holding you back from your
greatest life? How much would it be worth to get intimate information on why you are not
exactly at the place where you’ve always dreamed of being?

Here’s the powerful idea: The things that irritate and annoy and anger you are entry
points into your evolution and elevation as a human being. They are signposts for what
you need to work on and the fears you need to face. They are gifts of growth. You can
blame the people who trigger you and make it all about them. Or you can do the
courageous thing and look deeply into yourself to discover the reason for your negative
reaction. The fears you don’t own become your prison bars.

And as you begin to shed light on your personal weaknesses and take responsibility for
them, you actually begin the process of shedding them. You become stronger. More
powerful. More of who you were meant to be.
So the next time a co-worker sets you off or the next time your teenager gets you going,
walk over to them, give them a hug and thank them for the gift they just gave you.
Because they did.

Your Days Define Your Life

Posted on June 7, 2012

Big idea: Your days are your life in miniature. As you live your days, so you craft your
life. What you do today is actually creating your future. The words you speak, the
thoughts you think, the food you eat and the actions you take are defining your destiny –
shaping who you are becoming and what your life will stand for. There’s no such thing as
an unimportant day.

Each of us is called to greatness. Each of us has an exquisite power within us. But for
this power to grow, we need to use it. The more you exercise it each day, the stronger
it gets. The more this power gets tapped, the more confident you grow.

The best among us are not more gifted than the rest. They just take small steps each day
as they march towards their biggest life. And the days slip into weeks, the weeks into
months and before they know it, they arrive at a place called Extraordinary.

Problems Reveal Genius

Posted on June 7, 2012

Problems are servants. They help you grow and lead to better things, both within your
organization and in your life. To resist them is to avoid growth and progress. Embrace
and get the best from the challenges in front of you. And understand that the only people
with no problems are dead.

An unhappy customer yelling at you might seem like a problem. But to a person thinking
like a leader, that scenario is also an opportunity to improve the organization’s
processes to ensure that doesn’t happen again. So the problem has actually helped to
improve the company.

An interpersonal conflict at work can seem like a problem. But if you think like a
leader and use the circumstance to build understanding, promote communication and enrich
the relationship, the problem has actually made you better. It has been fodder for your
growth and served you nicely.

An illness or a divorce or the loss of a loved one might seem like a problem. Sure it’s
painful (been there, done that). But I’ve been shaped by my saddest experiences. They’ve
brought me depth, compassion and wisdom. They’ve made me the man that I am. I wouldn’t
trade them for the world.
Problems reveal genius. World-class organizations have a culture that sees problems as
opportunities for improvement. A mistake is only a mistake if you make it twice. And
world-class human beings use their stumbling blocks as stepping stones. They use their
failures to bring them closer to success. They don’t see problems. They see
possibilities. And that’s what makes them great.

Grow Leaders Fast

Posted on June 7, 2012

Big Idea: The competitive advantage of your organization comes down to a simple
imperative – your ability to grow and develop leaders faster than your competition. You
need to develop a leadership culture if you want to win in your marketspace. And it
needs to be done quickly.

A leadership culture is one where everyone thinks like an owner, like a CEO or Managing
Director. This means they focus on getting to solutions rather than on the problems. This
means they take personal responsibility for achieving results that move the business
forward (whether they run the mailroom or sit in a boardroom). This means they shape
culture, stay positive and lead by example.

Please hear me on this: I’m not saying everyone needs to do the job of a CEO or Managing
Director. Showing leadership doesn’t mean every employee will run the organization. That
would lead to chaos. All I’m suggesting to you is that everyone needs to know their role
(and then show up fully in that role – like a leader would). And when they do – when they
think, behave and feel like leaders – good things will happen. And soon, your
organization will get to great.

Simplify Then Focus

Posted on June 7, 2012

Henry David Thoreau shouted “Simplify. Simplify. Simplify” in his breathtakingly good
book “Walden”. Nice point. One of the primary reasons that people and organizations fail
to get to greatness is that they try to be too many things to too many people. I’ll use
the Confucius quote I often use here: “Man who chases two rabbits catches neither.”

The most successful human beings are wildly focused. They have a very clear picture of
what it is they want to create by the time they reach the end of their lives and then
they have the discipline (and courage) to stick to their knitting – saying “no” to
everything that is not mission critical.

So my gentle suggestion to you is to simplify your life. Strip away all that is
unimportant – these are the things keeping you from getting to your dreams. And then once
you do your clean up, focus, focus, focus. You’ll be surprised how good you will then
get at being great.
How to Get Good at Life
Posted on June 7, 2012

Life is a skill. And like any other skill, once you know the ground rules and make the
time to practice, you can get better. If you really devote yourself to life, you could
even reach a place of mastery. Some have.

I suggest to you that there are 3 simple things you can do to get good at life:

Pay attention to life. It’s really easy to let life act on you – to fall asleep to
life. Some people have lost entire decades this way. And they never got them back. Try
and write in a journal each morning before you walk out into your world. Think about what
goals you need to accomplish that day and write them down. Think about what are your most
closely held values. Think about what lessons you’ve learned from the previous day. What
good is making a mistake if you don’t learn from it?
Engage in life. I’ve learned something as I’ve grown older: the more you give to
life, the more it gives to you. Over dinner last night with some friends, we began to
speak of goal-setting. “But why set goals when life can be so uncertain?” One asked me.
My reply: “just because life is so unpredictable doesn’t mean you shouldn’t exercise
your power to do your best. Set your goals. Make your plans. Take action and chase your
dreams. That’s what personal responsibility is all about. But once you’ve done your best
– let go. And let life do the rest.” She looked deeply into her pad thai.
Enjoy life. We take life too seriously. But at the end, the billionaire gets buried
next to the street sweeper. We all end up as dust. And no matter how long you will live,
each of us isn’t here all that long in the grand scheme of things. So let’s not take
ourselves too seriously. Let’s enjoy the ride.

Get Big on Self-Care

Leadership begins within. You can’t do good at work until you feel good. You can’t make
someone feel great about themselves until you feel good about yourself. You can’t be a
source of positive energy if you have no energy.

On your next flight, listen to the flight attendant. “Put the oxygen mask on your mouth
before you try to help anyone else.” The logic is clear: if you can’t breathe, you are
useless to everyone else. Nice metaphor for personal leadership. Make the time to care
for yourself. Get into great shape. Read good business books and inspiring
autobiographies. Plan and improve your skills. Spend excellent time with loved ones.
Commune with nature. Enjoy life while you chase success.

By caring for yourself, you will be able to give more to others. By ensuring that you
are on your best game, your leadership effectiveness will be guaranteed. And by making
the time to enjoy life, you’ll be more enjoyable to be around.

Get to Peak Productivity Fast

Get to Peak Productivity Fast

What makes an elite performer isn’t how you show up when Plan A’s working. What reveals a
true superstar is the way you deliver when your best laid plans are falling apart.

These are messy times. Days of intense volatility. A period of immense uncertainty. And
one of the dominant themes in work + life these days is distraction (a constant stream of
activities begging for our attention that in the end amount to nothing).

So the fight we face as Leaders Without Titles and as human beings on a mission to
express our absolute best talents is to block out the noise so we get real work done.
Here are some of my best strategies to help you do this:

#1. Get Great at Reverse Engineering: Engineers working with technology startups are
masterful at taking a competitor’s product and breaking it apart – piece by piece – from
the finished version to its initial components. After study, they then make their own
product even better. Truly productive people do the same thing with their most valuable
opportunity. They know the final result they are after and maintain acute clarity on it.
Armed with this awareness, they reverse engineer this big goal into a series of small
and actionable steps that they then put into a 1-2 page plan of execution. This strategy
works for them. And it’ll work for you.

#2. Abhor Distraction: I fiercely fight distraction in my own life and teach the teams I
work with at companies like Starbucks, Coca-Cola and Oracle along with the billionaires I
privately coach how to do the same. Everyone’s fighting for your focus. And too many
people are stealing your attention. Don’t be so generous in giving it to them – unless
it’s for something that truly matters. So, clean out the distractions in your workspace
and personal life. I just read that special forces on a military mission are kept in
isolation from other teams and denied access to TV/Newspapers/Internet. Why? To PROTECT
their focus so they deliver perfection on their mission. Pretty great metaphor for you
and I, no? So please remember: Distraction is the greatest thief of time. And time is a
non-renewable resource.

#3. Stop Multi-tasking: A recent case report shared a story of a medical resident who was
using her cellphone to input data about the dosage of a patient she was attending. She was
interrupted with a text message from a friend inviting her to a party. The resident
replied and started a conversation. The only problem was she forgot to get back to her
patient who then began receiving a near-fatal dose of the medicine. Open-heart surgery
saved his live. But the larger point is that so few of us are fully present to the
work/activity in front of us anymore. I see people on airport runways checking their
Twitter feed. I see taxi drivers reviewing their emails. A huge competitive advantage
falls to the 1 in 100 performer with the brilliance to develop the skill of becoming
massively focused on the one thing in front of them. Truly a game-changing move.

#4. Build Rituals: Ok, this is another valuable tactic to unleash your productivity. When
I studied the lives of People of Great Output like Stephen King, Winston Churchill and
John Irving, I saw that they didn’t leave their productivity to the fleeting winds of
inspiration. Instead, they instituted precise rituals into their daily lives that allowed
their creativity to flourish. Stephen King, for example, sits down to work at 8 am every
morning, in the same chair, with his papers set in the same way. His belief is that this
obsessive consistency sends a signal to his mind to focus and deliver serious results.

#5. Launch at Beta: So many of us procrastinate by waiting for ideal conditions to get
big things done. Here’s what I’ve learned from some of the software enterprises we’ve
consulted with: launch at beta and then iterate to perfection. What I mean by that is stop
waiting for perfect conditions or the perfect product before you get to market. Yes, I
stand for ensuring anything you offer is best of breed. But sometimes putting off a
project until it’s flawless demonstrates nothing more than your fear of success. And we
both know you’re so much larger than that.

#6. Practice Productivity: When I was learning to ski, my instructor taught me about
muscle memory. He made me practice many tiny moves over and over again sharing “this is
going to build your muscle memory”, meaning that if I practiced the technique
relentlessly, a time would eventually come where I could perform it swiftly, elegantly
and unconsciously. Same applies to your productivity. Practice doing work that matters.
Practice sitting in one place for many hours focused on a single result. Practice running
rituals and elite performance routines that will lift you into the realm of world-class.
Because as I know you know: Genius isn’t so much about genetics as it is about work ethic
and sheer practice.
I hope these strategies have been of service to you. The world needs you at your
productive best.

The Eyes of Leadership

Posted on June 7, 2012

The sad fact is that most people see the worst in others – they see them through the eyes
of their own anger, fear and limitation. If someone shows up late for a meeting, they
impute a negative intent on that person, saying “they are so rude”. If someone makes a
mistake on an expense report, they grumble “that person is so dishonest”. If someone
miscommunicates a point, they silently say “she’s a liar”. Leaders are different. They
look for the best in people.

I want to be clear. I’m not suggesting that leaders do not confront reality. Not at all.
What I’m saying is that the best leaders see through the eyes of understanding. If
someone is late, they try to get to the truth. Maybe there’s a time management problem
to coach around or a sick child to help. An error on an expense account could be the
result of a poor process in place or the employee’s disorganization. The
miscommunication might be all about the person communicating having weak skills in this
area. An opportunity for improvement.

Today, rather than looking for the worst in people, I invite you to look for what’s best
within them. Sure some people really are inconsiderate or dishonest or uncaring. But in
my experience – and I’ve worked with a lot of people over the years – most people are
good. Few human beings wake up in the morning and ask themselves: “What can I do today to
mess up someone else’s day or undermine my credibility?” Most of the mistakes people
make are the result of a lack of awareness. And here’s the payoff for you: as you seek
out the good in people, not only will they want to show up more fully for you, but you
will see more good in your world.

Your 4 Minute Mile

Posted on June 7, 2012

The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once observed: “most people take the limits of their
vision to be the limits of the world. A few do not. Join them.” Profound point. The life
you see this very moment isn’t necessarily the life of your future. You might be viewing
things through the eyes of your fears, limitations and false assumptions. Once you clean
up the stained glass window you see the world through, guess what? A whole new set of
possibilities appear. Remember, we see the world not as it is but as we are. That idea
changed my life.

Years ago, it was believed that no human being could ever break the 4 minute mile
barrier. But after Roger Bannister broke it, many more replicated his feat within weeks.
Why? Because he showed people what was possible. And then armed with that belief, people
did the impossible.

What’s your “4 minute mile”? What bill of goods have you sold yourself as to what’s
impossible? What false assumptions are you making in terms of what you cannot have, do
and be? Your thinking creates your reality. If you think something cannot occur in your
life, then there’s no way you will take the action required to make that goal a reality.
Your “impossibility thinking” becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Your perceived
limitations become the chains that keep you from the greatness you were meant to be. And
where’s the leadership in that?

Lay Claim to Greatness

Posted on June 7, 2012

Blame or claim-that’s the choice each of us has to make each day. Blame what’s not
working or claim the gift in the seemingly negative situation. The world needs more
heroes. And heroes spend their days hunting for the best. They see the best amidst
adversity. They see the best in others. They dig for the best in themselves. They claim
their greatness. And in doing so, they get their best lives.

An extraordinary life is not something only available for the chosen few-people with
perfect teeth and royal pedigrees. You and I are destined for greatness. We are meant to
live spectacular lives. That’s hardwired into our DNA. But we need to do our part to
make it all happen. Choice by choice. Step by step. Small gains eventually yield giant

So lay claim to your greatness. Drive a stake into the ground to mark your place under
the sun. Stop being a prisoner of your past and commit to becoming the architect of your
future. And remember, it’s never too late to become the person you have always dreamed
of being.

There’s nothing wrong with being an elite performer and taking the steps required to
become a remarkable success in this world. Success is actually a creative pursuit and a
reflection of healthy self-esteem. And while you realize success, I invite you to stay
devoted to elevating the lives you touch and leaving your world better than you found it.
That’s the significance piece. With both, you’ll discover your greatest life.

Hi Sagar,

How's your new year unfolding?

Playing at genius? Executing flawlessly on your goals? Bursting with passion, mastery and
raw energy?


Has the gravitational pull of last year's fears, beliefs, habits and distractions blocked
you from doing work that matters and creating a life you adore in 2013?

In others words have you ended up...

Stuck. Tired. DIS-couraged.

I want you to make this year EPIC. I want that so much for you. I long (yes, long) for
you to step up to the best version of your greatest the next 12 months morph

...The year you are brave like Steve Jobs

...The year you get fit like Madonna

...The year you work like Adele sings (replace with Justin Bieber for all you
"Beliebers" ;)

...The year you fix your finances (or build your fortune), forgive the unforgiven and
get your mindset to a realm called Mastery.

Bonus Tip: Neuroscientists confirm that each of us has the potential for genius-level
thinking. But too many of us deny that potential by distracting ourselves with
insignificant things.

...And the year you unleash your inner Da Vinci so your dreams finally get done. [While
you change the world. Please.]

With UTTER respect. I ask you this: Why make this year the same as last year? (Many
people live the same year 80 times and call it a're too smart for that).

So--while I'm here in Chennai, India for a leadership event for HP executives--and in
the deep service of your success-- I wrote about the goal-getting technique Richard
Branson revealed as a KEY reason for his amazing achievements when we shared the stage
last year in Bucharest.

I really sweat over the piece and Richard's magic will definitely rub off on you as you
read it...

Read "What Richard Branson Told Me About Goal-Getting"

I know the post will keep you locked onto and fired up over your 2013 goals. Please
remember: The way you start this year drives the way the whole year unfolds. So please
make some new choices. And make huge things happen!

In celebration of you at world-class,

P.S. DOORS ARE NOW OPEN TO YOUR ABSOLUTE BEST YEAR YET, my revolutionary 12 week online
program for extreme achievement and creating a life you adore this new year.

...This very moment, people from all around the world are joining this powerful course
that has TRANSFORMED so many lives.

...This very moment, people just like you are making the decision that will change their
thinking + health + finances + lives FOREVER.

...This very moment, life's given you a gorgeous opportunity to become the person you've
always wanted to be...

I'm limiting the number of memberships available to ensure the program remains one of
the best online personal transformation programs in the world.

AND--It's 100% guaranteed to give you AWESOME results so there's zero risk to try.

I'll close doors soon so register right now before all spots are gone.

This is THE chance to change your life with me as your success coach. Thanks--and let's
get your big goals done in 2013!

What Richard Branson Told Me About Goal-Getting

(And Creating a Life You Adore)
By Robin Sharma
Author of "The Leader Who Had No Title"

I’m a simple man. Grew up in a small town. Came from humble beginnings. Zero silver
I’ve had some wins. And been knocked down with defeats. Glimpsed views from the top of
the mountain. And walked through the darkest of valleys. But through this entire ride
called A Life—I’ve refused to give up.
So last year–when I was invited to share the stage with the iconic entrepreneur Richard
Branson at “The Ultimate Success Summit” in Romania–a giant dream came true (Richard had
been on my “Top 5 People I’d Like to Have Dinner With Before I Die” list for years
along with Nelson Mandela, Madonna, Bono and Oprah.
Branson was larger than life. The man I’d seen on a thousand magazine covers was
friendly, passionate, charismatic and confident. And, of course, fun.
“I believe in goals. It’s never a bad thing to have a dream. If something is really what
you want to do, just do it. Whatever your goal.”
Richard Branson
In that hour before a few thousand human beings, we debated Leadership. We discussed
success. We dissected innovation. And we dove deep into the thick of what it means to do
our best work while we craft lives that make the world a better place. [Making money
without creating meaning is an empty victory as far as I’m concerned]. Between us, my
personal goal in preparing for the session was to know more about Branson than anyone who
had ever interviewed him. To have the insight to push him to go where he hadn’t been. To
not just be prepared but ridiculously OVER-prepared.
So I poured through obscure articles, reviewed past presentations and read everything I
could discover about the rare-air life of this celebrated business titan.
“Fantasizing about the future is one of my favorite pastimes.”
Richard Branson
…I learned of his childhood [when he was four, his mother left him in a field miles away
from home with the instruction to find his way back alone--an exercise to develop the
independence that has since served him so well] and of his struggles with Dyslexia (he
was expelled from one school and never received a high school degree).
…I learned that he came up with the name “Virgin” in 1969 and launched Student, a youth
culture magazine, when he was only 16. At twenty, Branson—always the disruptor–started a
mail order business to sell records. The first Virgin record store appeared two years
…I learned of his fierce appetite for risk-taking and “betting the farm” in acute pursuit
of any goal he wants to get done (his critics called him crazy as he entered the airline
business with Virgin Atlantic. He clearly acknowledged it was a dangerous play with his
now-famous words: “The quickest way to become a millionaire in the airline business is
to start out as a billionaire.”
In my research, I came across other brilliant Branson one-liners that are rich in wisdom
for those of us devoted to mastery in business and the building of a world-class life:
“All you have in life is your reputation: you may be very rich, but if you lose your
good name, then you’ll never be happy. The thought will always lurk at the back of your
mind that people don’t trust you”
“Branding is everything. A young girl once came up to me and told me I could be famous
because I looked just like Richard Branson!”
“Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. It is hard to keep
things simple.”
“My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long
university education that I never had.”
“My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges
and trying to rise above them.”
“There are no rules. You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and
by falling over, and it’s because you fall over that you learn to save yourself from
falling over”
“I may be a businessman in that I set up and run companies for profit, but when I try to
plan ahead and dream up new products and new companies, I’m an idealist.”
“I am the captain of my ship and master of my fate. I believe in myself. I believe in
the hands that work, in the brains that think, and in the hearts that love.”
“I don’t think of work as work and play as play. It’s all living.”
“Ridiculous yachts and private planes and big limousines won’t make people enjoy life
more, and it sends out terrible messages to the people who work for them. It would be so
much better if that money was spent in Africa – and it’s about getting a balance.”
“I cannot remember a moment in my life when I have not felt the love of my family. We
were a family that would have killed for each other – and we still are.”
“You only live once, and I just don’t want to waste a minute of my life.”
All amazing stuff. Truly. Inspiring, actually.

But perhaps what fascinated me most as I got to know Richard Branson was not his
accomplishments or his uncommon productivity practices such as:
writing important messages on the back of his hands (he reportedly doesn’t use computers
and was saved by his wife Joan from being the only person to put up his hand at a
conference where Bill Gates asked if there was anyone in the room who still didn’t use
the Internet).
SPECIAL NOTE: Please don’t allow this year to be a repeat of last year. If you are truly
set to achieve explosive results in your mindset + fitness + finances + personal life in
2013, I personally invite you to get one of the limited memberships in “Your Absolute
Best Year Yet”, my revolutionary 12 week online program for breakthrough performance and
creating a life you adore. DOORS ARE NOW OPEN for a short time only so make the choice
that will change your life and register right now before it’s sold out (It’s 100%
guaranteed too so I’ve removed all risk for you).
getting up at 5:30 am every morning while he’s on Necker Island, his private retreat (“I
get up in the morning and come into what must be the nicest office in the world. It’s a
fantastic time for reflection and thinking about things. I come up with more ideas here
than I do in the day-to-day running back home,” said Branson in a superb interview with
FORTUNE magazine.
working at home (executives from around the world show up at his grand townhouse in
London for meetings). Branson believes that the reason he remains so close to his family
is because he is so often around them.
No, what fascinated me most about the visionary in black denim jeans who sat in front of
me was a powerful daily habit…
…one that was perhaps his simplest…
…a near-obsessive practice of writing down–and then tracking–his brightest ideas,
insights and goals in a black notebook that he carried with him mostly everywhere.
In that black composition book he records:
his creative ideas and individual commitments
every key business conversation he has during his day
drafts of letters to leaders like his friend Nelson Mandela
private notes like “Michael Jackson wanted to come to Necker Island next week.”
quotes such as this one from Joan: “Extremism in the pursuit of excellence is not a
anecdotes such as why the British immigration agent who was clearly aware of who Sir
Richard was asked to see his passport. Her reply: “We wanted to know your age.”
Our meeting was an unforgettable one. But the real purpose of this blog post is to share
this with you:
“Goal-getting matters. And writing down the brave acts and bold dreams you intend to
accomplish will provide the spark to get them done. It works for Richard Branson. And my
highest wish is that it works for you too.
All green lights,

Do What’s Most Difficult

Sam Keen had a great line, “You are caught by what you are running from.” Genius. We
attempt to structure our lives to avoid our fears but that’s about as intelligent as
straightening the deck chairs on the Titanic. The best way to overcome a fear is to face
your fear. As a matter of fact, every time we do something we’ve been avoiding, we take
back the power that seemingly scary or difficult thing had over us. Every Leader Without
a Title and world-class Productive runs toward what they are most resisting versus toward
the exit door. They feel the fear of tackling a game changing project and do the project
anyway. They acknowledge the sweaty palms before the high-stakes presentation, and give
the presentation anyway. They experience the runaway heartbeats accompanying asking for
the biggest order in the history of their company, and they ask anyway. And that’s what
makes them great. - See more at:

5 One Minute Productivity Moves

productivity movesIn the last two days I’ve shared with you some of my personal best
“Nail my To Do List” practices to play at world-class and produce your best work fast.
Today, in an effort to help you win the war against distraction and interruption I’ll
give you “5 One Minute Productivity Tactics” to help you amp up your game and do your
best work.
5 One Minute Productivity Tactics
1. Have the courage to get great at saying “No Thanks” to any activities that don’t
advance your priorities.
2. Take 60 seconds every morning to do a written game plan for a productive day. “The
things that get scheduled are the things that get done.”, from The Greatness Guide.
3. Take a few seconds each day to turn off all your technology and work deeply on a key
project with zero distraction.
4. Take 60 seconds to breathe deeply and focus on your progress. This will re-energize
and refuel you.
5. Take 60 seconds to un-clutter your work area so you create space for your creativity
to flow.
Keep Leading Without A Title! And thanks.
- See more at:
Swifty Lazar and the Awesome Value of Chutzpah
Swifty Lazar and the Awesome Value of ChutzpahNew story I’ve been sharing with business
audiences at my Lead Without a Title presentations. Legendary Hollywood agent Swifty
Lazar was having dinner with a hot young starlet when he was just getting started. He
wanted to wow her. And make her his client.
On a break from the meal, Swifty found himself in the men’s room with none other than
Frank Sinatra. Swifty introduced himself with enormous passion and exceptional
confidence. But Frank wasn’t interested. Swifty persisted and asked Sinatra to “please
come and say hello to us at our table.” Sinatra said no.
But 90% of success is persevering longer than anyone thinks you have a right to persist.
The best performers and the truest leaders have “Chutzpah”. Guts. Courage. Fearlessness
amid their largest fears. And so our friend, the young Swifty, asked again. “Please come
by and say a fast hello. It’ll only take a few seconds.” And so Sinatra said yes.
Swifty returned to the starlet. And Frank Sinatra, in full view of the entire room,
walked over to Swifty’s table. “Hi Swifty,” said Sinatra, extending his hand. “Not now
Frank,” replied Swifty. The starlet, duly impressed, signed on the dotted line the next
- See more at:

The Micro-Wins Advantage

The Micro-Wins AdvantagePowerful Idea: With every small achievement comes the
corresponding release of a small burst energy+confidence+motivation. What I am suggesting
is the way to world-class in your work and inside your personal life is not through
radical acts of change but via tiny daily wins.
The best Productives and the genuine Virtuosos focus on steady and incremental
accomplishments acutely focused in the direction of their most important projects. They
get that success happens through evolution – not by revolution. And that micro-wins are
the breakfast of champions.
Keep Leading Without A Title!
- See more at:

The Virtuoso’s Mantra

Virtuoso's MantraMany of us field 500+ emails a day. There’s more work and less time.
Expectations have never been higher. And the pace of change has now been set to
The best performers have a singular ability: they strip away the noise and focus on doing
just a couple of things…really really well. Makes me think of Michelangelo’s protocol
for delivery masterpieces: he’d see his David in the block of marble. Then he’d cut away
at all that was not of his absolute best vision.
Picasso didn’t play the piano. Federer didn’t learn the flute. All Virtuoso’s have a
mantra: “I avoid the trivial many so I can master the vital few.”
- See more at:

Greatness Is An Inner Event

“To be a Great Leader, First Become a Great Person. Lead yourself, Blake. Only then will
you be able to lead others and influence those around you by the powerful example that
you set.
Begin within, in a society that celebrates externals. Remember that greatness is an inner
event with outer consequences. Once you awaken your inner leader, worldly success is the
guaranteed result.”
From: “The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable on Real Success in Business and in
- See more at:
Why Learners Are Heroes
Learners Are HeroesOn an airplane. Reading about psychology and education.
Came across this quote from American psychiatrist Thomas Szasz: “Every act of conscious
learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one’s self-esteem. That is why
young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily; and
why older persons, especially if vain or important, cannot learn at all.”
Powerful. Transformational. And that’s why I salute the brave thinkers among us.
The very act of learning something new disrupts the way you’ve always seen things-and the
way you’ve always been. A fresh idea pushes you out of your comfort zone and threatens
the very foundations you’ve built your view of the world on.
That’s scary for nearly everyone. Truly frightening for the vast majority. So rather than
experience any form of discomfort, most people regress – and return to their Safe
Harbor of The Known. It feels better. Seems safer. But, in truth, it’s not.
The problem is that refusing to learn and grow is the beginning of the end.
Leadership-and life itself-is all about making tomorrow better than today. And stepping
into your next level of excellence with every passing hour. To cling to the thoughts and
ways of performing that you’ve always known is to resign yourself to being average. And
mediocre. A spectator versus in the game.
Neuroscientists will tell you that a single new piece of learning actually changes the
very nature of your brain. The circuitry shifts. And the wiring expands. But in order to
reach these new lands, we must lose sight of the shore-even for just a little while.
And that takes guts.
And a pure bit of leadership.
Keep Leading Without A Title!
- See more at:

Pomegranates + Patience
Was at my parents’ home the other night. Beautiful/decent/wise people… who I deeply
appreciate. Whenever I go over, the fridge always seems to contain plastic containers
full of pomegranate seeds. These little treasures are super healthy, fantastically tasty
and overall pleasures that elevate life. I never really thought about where they came
from. Just ate them.
This morning I was saying good morning to my Mom on the phone. Got onto the topic of
pomegranate seeds because I’d dropped off a brilliant device I’ve discovered for
getting the seeds out of the fruit without the achingly painstakingly complex process of
doing it by hand (try it once and you’ll get what I mean). Mom: “I’ll try it but your
Dad takes out all those seeds for me himself every night. He knows we love them. So
quietly, he does this for us.”
As I write, I reflect on my father’s patience. And on the metaphor of pomegranate seeds.
Much goes through my mind as I think about this. One thing is the power of patience. In a
world gone hyperSpeed, patience is a stunning success behavior. My Dad’s patience in
doing something kind+thoughtful+loving for his loved ones. The patience of an
entrepreneur toiling in solitude, advancing a dream that nobody gets. The patience of a
teacher developing young minds amid fewer resources. The patience of a leader, building
an organization that delivers awesome value for the people it’s blessed to serve.
Not sure if I’m making my point clearly. I’ll reflect on it more over the days that
come. But patience truly is a virtue. Of the finest of leaders. And the very best of
- See more at:

22 Ways to Become Spectacularly Inspirational

1. Do important work vs. merely offering opinions.

2. Lift people up vs. tear others down.
3. Use the words of leadership vs. the language of victimhood.
4. Don’t worry about getting the credit for getting things done.
5. Become part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
6. Take your health to a level called superfit.
7. Commit to mastery of your craft instead of accepting mediocrity in your work.
8. Associate with people whose lives you want to be living.
9. Study for an hour a day. Double your learning and you’ll triple your success.
10. Run your own race. “No one can possibly achieve real and lasting success by being a
conformist,” wrote billionaire J. Paul Getty
11. Do something small yet scary every single day.
12. Lead Without a Title.
13. Focus on people’s strengths vs. obsessing around their weaknesses.
14. Remember that potential unused turns into pain. So dedicate yourself to expressing
your best.
15. Smile more.
16. Listen more.
17. Read the autobiography of Nelson Mandela.
18. Reflect on the words of Eleanor Roosevelt who said: “Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.”
19. Persist longer than the critics suggest you should.
20. Say “please” and “thank you”.
21. Love your loved ones.
22. Do work that matters.
- See more at:

Yes, indeed, most of us dread conflict as much as a dental visit or a speech in front of
a room full of hecklers. And yet, conflict brings advantages – especially to businesses
that really want to out-innovate their peers. I recall a dinner on The Bosphorus in
Istanbul where I chatted with an uberSuccessful entrepreneur. He enthusiastically shared
his ideas on business-building, picking A Players (the bigger the dream, the more key
the team) and delivering value to customers. And then he said something unforgettable: he
revealed that his company hired a young man fresh out of business school with the sole
job to passionately challenge every one of the great ideas the executive team came up
with. Loved it. Why? Because the beginning of the end of a great business (and life) is
“the falling in love with your own most closely cherished ideas”. Yes, you have to
believe in your vision when no one else will. Agreed. But – at the same time –
following the same business model or way of working just because that’s the way you’ve
always done it, is the way to inevitable obsolescence. This leader was incredibly smart:
his company built a protocol to generate healthy conflict / to challenge their favored
assumptions and to ensure that only the best ideas won. Maybe it’s better to be
surrounded by “No People” versus “Yes Men”? Please share your comments below – I’d love
to get a conversation going on this point. - See more at:

Leadership’s Just Being a Professional

En route home from New York, I was blessed to be driven to LaGuardia by a professional.
His pickup was on time. His smile was brilliant as I entered the SUV. And his manners
were impeccable. All obvious moves for someone in his job. And all so rare in this age
of dramatic distraction and a loss of focus on what most matters.
Call his behavior Leading Without a Title (because that’s exactly what it was). Or call it
being a professional.
No matter what you do, and no matter where you live, and no matter what you’re dealing
with as a human being, this day-and every day that follows-provides you with a platform
of choice. You can choose to follow the herd, make excuses to coast and settle for
mediocrity. Or you can stand for something higher. For leadership. And be a
professional. And all it takes is a single decision to rewrite your future.
- See more at:

The 8 Faces of Exceptionally Creative Leaders

If you’ve been following my work for a while, you know that my core belief is that the
old model of leadership is dead and now, anyone in any organization on any part of the
planet can show leadership. I’ve seen taxi drivers who display rare-air leadership along
with school teachers + breakfast servers + construction workers. Work is changing. And we
all can provoke impact and influence if we Lead Without a Title. But here’s the point of
this piece: not only do each of us have the potential to be leaders – we each have the
potential to be creative. Massively.
Who sold us on the lie that only artists and poets and musicians are Creatives? When we
were kids, we all expressed our Inner Rembrandt as effortlessly as we would breathe. We
colored outside of the lines, ideated at the slightest chances and were essentially idea
factories on two short legs. But then, as we aged, we stifled our creativity as the
mortgages, deadlines and the stuff of life took over our days. Sad.
You and I do no favor to the world in withholding our creativity. So, in my sincere
effort to help you work + play at your best, I invite you to consider The 8 Faces of the
most creative people I’ve observed. These are the qualities that the brightest of the
best have. And you can develop them too. Here we go:
The 8 Faces of Exceptionally Creative Leaders
MadonnaThe Madonna
The Face of Madonna will serve to remind you that nearly every great Creative was a
perfectionist. Yes, I know perfectionism may not be the most healthy attribute in the
world. But facts are facts and when I study the superstars of creativity, the fact is
almost every one of them stood for nothing less than ideal work.
A while ago I watched Madonna’s documentary “I’m Going to Tell You a Secret”, which
deeply inspired me.
At every touch point, Madonna sweat the small stuff and demanded that every element of
every performance was perfect.
Why work on a project if not to get it as close to perfect as possible?
PicassoThe Picasso
The face of Picasso will reinforce the notion of devotion.
Great creatives don’t do what they do just for the applause and accolades. They do it
because they love it.
Picasso used to leave beautiful dinners with his friends to return to his studio to
advance his craft.
His art was his passion.
And like every fantastically creative person, he worked with utter devotion.
ThoreauThe Thoreau
The face of Henry David Thoreau will remind you of the need to create space for your
creative talent to flow.
We live in a world where too many people have too little time away from the noise of
ringing smart phones, constant email and the dumbing hum of the television.
One of my all-time favorite books is “Walden” by Thoreau. He wrote it over a period
living by a pond, away from the world. Living in quiet solitude with nature as his daily
We don’t get our best ideas at work. We get them on beaches or in bathtubs.
Create spaces for your your inner artist to present itself.
HemingwayThe Hemingway
The face of Ernest Hemingway will reinforce the idea that hugely creative people are
extremely disciplined.
It’s pure myth that the best artists achieved what they did without structure and
Hemingway, the famed author, wrote at the same time every day – whether he felt inspired
or de-inspired.
Yes, spark a steady flow of great ideas.
But great ideas that are not executed upon and converted into real results are a waste of
time. The world is littered with geniuses who did zero with their big ideas.
BransonThe Branson
Richard Branson’s face will remind you to have fun.
Creativity often occurs in the heat of play.
Branson’s a billionaire. But he really seems to have fun at all he does.
Look – no, hunt – for ways to make whatever it is you do fun.
That will open up that part of your brain that drives your best ideas.
EdisonThe Edison
The face of Edison will remind you that creative mastery is a numbers game.
Yes, we all know the cliche that Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before he got the
light bulb right. But the story’s worth remembering.
Study any genius – in the arts or in business, and you’ll discover the same thing: they
succeeded because they outfailed everyone around them.
Come up with a thousand ideas and one’s bound to be brilliant.
StarckThe Starck
Philippe Starck is awesome. And part of his awesomeness stems from his love of
Here’s where I’m going with this one: genius resides in simplicity.
The best inventions were the simplest inventions.
Further, de-clutter your workspace + your home + your mind.
Breathtakingly beautiful ideas can’t flow when your energy’s being taken up by the messes
around you.
FordThe Ford
Ok. Last one. The face of Henry Ford will remind you to trust yourself.
I’ve made my biggest mistakes when I’ve listened to the chattering voices around me vs.
trusted my own instincts.
Self-belief is a powerful leadership quality.
Nearly everyone laughed at Ford’s concept for a car. His reply: “If I’d listened to the
people around me, I would have built a faster horse carriage.”
- See more at:


The best leaders love to learn. And the greatest organizations are learning enterprises –
places where ideas are the currency of success. Yet, so many amongst us resist learning
and embracing the new ideas that change brings with it. The deeper question is why?
What I’ve realized, as I travel across the world helping people Lead Without a Title, is
that the very act of learning something new means you must also disrupt your thinking of
yesterday. To accept or even just to entertain a new idea means you must leave the safety
of your former way of perceiving the world and open up to something foreign. And that
means you’d have to leave the protection of your comfort zone/Safe Harbor of The Known
and sail out into the unknown – even for just a moment.
The unknown is a pretty scary place for most people. Ordinary people get threatened
there. Victims get frightened there. And so the average person in business (and within
life) avoids learning and exposing themselves to any idea or influence that might cause
them to have to rethink the way they think and re-behave the way they have always
behaved. But the fascinating paradox is that trying to avoid new ideas to stay safe is
actually enormously dangerous – and infused with risk.
On the other hand, those who make the choice to Lead Without a Title have a lust to learn.
They remain blindingly curious. They read books daily. They drink coffee with brilliant
people. They have long conversations with role models whose ideas
provoke/challenge/irritate them. Real leaders truly get that learning and ideation is
the fuel of life. And that all it takes is a single idea to change the game at work (and
rescript the story that is your life). Sure they too feel uncomfortable or even scared
when faced with an idea that confronts their most closely cherished beliefs. But they
understand that to resist the idea is to resist growth. As well as their next level of
Mastery+Progress+Leadership. And so they move forward. Into an uncertain yet gorgeously
exciting future.
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How To Get More Done In Less Time Robin Sharma shares three simple but powerful ideas to
help you get more done in less time. Getting Things Done – 3 Simple Ideas To Get More
Done In Less 1) The Daily 5: Ask yourself this question, “What 5 things need to happen
between now and the end of the last hour of the day today for this to have been an
exceptionally productive day.” 2) Exercise First Thing in the Morning: Jump-start your
metabolic rate. You’ll feel better and have the energy you need to accomplish your
goals. 3) Have a Deep Thinking Day: Spend time in the three S’s – Silence, Solitude and
Stillness Please add your comments below so we all can learn from you. - See more at:

Patient Leadership
Patient LeadershipAll Spring, I’ve been watching the trees in my backyard flourish. All
of them have grown into lush masterpieces of nature and vivid beauty. All have matured
and revealed precious blossoms to my family and I. All have provided us with shade, joy
and protection. All but one.
This one tree stands apart. While the others were growing quickly a few months ago, this
one had no leaves at all. It looked thin and frail. I wasn’t even sure if it had made it
through the Winter. I left it for dead. But then something very spectacular happened.
From nowhere, it started to yield stunningly beautiful little flowers on its almost
instantly firm branches. It grew higher than every other tree around it. And it offered
us more cover than its counterparts. This tree is now the best tree. The Lead Tree in my
Here’s the leadership lesson: strong roots eventually yield great success.
I have a suspicion that while the naked eye suggested that the tree wasn’t growing, in
truth, it definitely was. But the expansion was below ground rather than above ground.
And so I dismissed it.
While the other trees were reaching for the sky, this special tree was quietly working
on its foundation, ensuring its roots were strong and its base was secure. And once done,
it outperformed every tree around it.
Business and life has taught me so many lessons. And so has nature. And one of the best is
that leadership takes time. You might think that other people and other organizations are
so far ahead of you that you’ll never catch up. But please be patient. Tend to your
roots. Do exceptionally great work. Build deep relationships. Invent and innovate daily.
And Lead Without a Title.
Nature is always fair. And eventually, like the special tree in my backyard, you will
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Q and As on Leading Without a Title

Q1. You advise the big players of this world on Leadership. What do you teach them first
and foremost?
I advise them that the old model of leadership is dead. Look at Wall Street firms that
have crumbled, organizations that have fallen and CEOs who were once revered, who have
now lost face. The new model of leadership is all about Leading Without a Title. That
doesn’t mean that titles and positions no longer matter. It simply means that any business
that really wants to win in a time of dramatic disruption needs to build the leadership
capability of every employee, at all levels. This is Leadership 2.0. and organizations
that don’t make the leap will end up obsolete.

Q2. Could your teaching also apply to the bosses of small and medium-sized companies?
Absolutely. The game changing idea that the #1 competitive advantage in this time of
radical change is building leaders at all levels not only applies to our FORTUNE 500
clients like Microsoft, GE and NIKE but to any business in the marketplace today. In my
book "The Leader Who Had No Title" I distill exactly what the best businesspeople and
organizations are doing that most don’t. These tactics include daily innovation, creating
a base of fanatical followers who are your customers, building a Leadership Culture and
the importance of transparency.
Q3. What characterizes a leader?
There isn’t just one thing that makes an exceptional leader – just like there isn’t just
one thing that made Mozart exceptional or Picasso great. The best leaders have a bias
towards innovation, are ruthlessly focused on just a few things, have remarkable capacity
to attract superb talent, have strong resilience in the face of turbulence and are often
radically optimistic (while being wildly practical).
Q4. Is management a kind of vocation?
Management is obsolete. Any company that is serious about winning (or even staying alive)
should stop thinking about management and start obsessing about leadership – especially
the imperative of every employee Leading Without a Title. Just imagine a company where
every single employee worked like Roger Federer plays tennis. That’s what the whole Lead
Without a Title philosophy is about.
Q5. Can we learn what it is necessary to become a good leader?
Absolutely. Exceptional leadership isn’t born – it’s built. The best leaders have trained
and practiced their craft. That’s good news for anyone in business today: all that stands
between you and world-class is learning the science of leadership and then practicing it
every day to mastery.

Q6. Did the economic crisis change the expectations of companies towards leaders?
Of course. Given the behaviors of so many once-respected leaders, stakeholders are now
demanding only the highest standards of performance, transparency and ethics of their
leaders. In The Leader Who Had No Title, I write: "it could take you 20 years to build a
great reputation and 20 seconds to lose it – in one act of bad judgment."

Q7. Which are, according to you, the new important criteria for a Leader?
1.Leave our egos at the front door and do brilliant work – that adds remarkable value
for your customers.
2. Build a phenomenally great team. A mediocre team results in a mediocre company.
3. Innovate and disrupt the way you think and perform daily in hot pursuit of something
even better.
4. Build deep relationships.
5. Be authentic and transparent. Winning companies show they are the real deal and live
their brand.
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Human Nature is Apple’s Advantage
Once, there was a pristine green field that was alive and lush, amidst the extraordinary
bloom of Springtime. Next to it happened to sit another field. This one full of weeds,
dirt and rough edged stones. A testament to mediocrity. And an acute lack of care.
Through the operation of Nature’s laws, the seeds of the weeds from the mediocre field
were slowly blown over to the lush field. And so, day by day, the once stunningly
beautiful one – with once awesome potential – succumbed to the influence of it’s low-
grade next door neighbor.
Before the season was through, there sat two fields. Both completely overcome by weeds.
The leadership lesson for you and I (in this world that aches for real leaders): your
influences and environments matter. The people you associate with will infect your
thinking. The content of what you read/watch/listen to will affect your game. And the
things you surround yourself with will determine whether you work at wow. Or end up at a
field called mediocre.
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Human Nature is Apple’s Advantage

human nature is apple's advantageYou may have seen in the news that some of the larger
retailers are switching out top brand products to less expensive store brands. What’s
behind the change? Survey says consumers are most interested in saving money. Today it’s
top priority. Since the switch, 77% of consumers say they are happy with the less
expense brands.
Even though saving cash is currently the consumer’s concern, iPod users maintain loyalty.
They are not switching to less expensive MP3 players. iPod earned 72% market share
during December, according to NPD numbers quoted by Apple executives. “We are happy
that iPod maintained its leadership position in the U.S. in the face of increased
competition,” said Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer. iPod remains the favorite even though
experts claim other MP3s have equal functionality and much more affordability. So why
the loyalty? Although competitors may rival performance, what they don’t have are the
hearts of the people.
Apple has created a love affair. Psychologists call it a “social relationship.” The
branding creates a sense of belonging to something greater. Something global. Something
of the times. A movement. A vibe. This social relationship instantly connects us with
strangers at our local cafe or even people on the other side of the planet. A
camaraderie has formed and it’s here to stay. Why? Because today’s game is all about
human connection. And Apple has created a highly valued social connection anyone can
We aren’t all in the business of iProducts but we’re all in the venture of showing great
leadership. We all have the opportunity to add value by delivering directly to human
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The New Face of High Achievement – it’s a pretty one

At 34, Eva Longoria Parker is an actress, philanthropist, producer, model, restaurateur,
spokesperson, and CEO. Her Hollywood success was merely a starting point – she was just
getting warmed up. Longoria Parker is involved in a green building initiative, she is
co-owner of Beso restaurant in LA, founder of both Unbelievable Entertainment and Eva’s
Heroes, spokesperson for PADRES – a charity for children with cancer….and her list of
achievements go on. Eva is an example of motivation in motion.
Hollywood fortune and fame would have been enough for many but not for this
“ambitionista.” You see Eva refused to let beginner success become her failure, like so
many. “Building on success is a conscious approach. Whenever I do something I want it to
be a tent pole for many other businesses.” revealed Eva.
Geared for greatness Eva didn’t milk stardom even though that may have been an easy
street. With eyes constantly fixed on higher heights, Eva refused to let early
achievement define her future or ultimately hold her back.
- See more at:
The Four Riders of Conflict
Business has become a human venture. Mastering communication is essential for leadership
success. However, despite our best effort to speak clearly we often end up off-side in
our conversations. In the complex anatomy of communication there are four simple yet
powerful conversation stoppers. I call them the Four Riders of Conflict: Always. Never.
Everything. Nothing.
Always and Never are absolute conclusions built on the past or assumptions about the
future. Nobody likes to hear absolutes. Why? Because they simply aren’t true. “You’re
always late for work” or “results never improve” swings the door wide open for heated
debate and justification. The debate prevents us from having a productive conversation
about the real problem. Everything and Nothing operate in the same way. These two words
lack validity, robbing us of our leadership credibility.
Leaders host productive conversations. Train your brain to drop the Four Riders of
Conflict. Use laser like accuracy. Be specific. Precision is a defining characteristic
of great leadership.
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Your Opportunity for Impact

When hardship hits most people instinctively react with “what will happen to me? My
family? My stock?” Our first instinct is to pull in, protect, and preserve our domains.
It’s human nature. However, if we act only upon this line of thinking we end up following
fear down an extremely narrow street, setting limitations on our lives.
In the new world we live in, the leaders who put people before profit will have the
greatest impact. Those who believe in caring for the people first will win. Life has a
very fair accounting system. Your return equals your investment. As much as it flies in
the face of instinct, the difficult times are the exact times to be generous. Be
generous with your time. Give away your gifts. Be philanthropic with your attention. Now
is the time to pay it forward – to reinvest those acts of kindness done for you back into
the social accounting system.
Here’s your opportunity for impact:
1. Look around, who needs a hand? It might be a teammate, peer or a customer. Show some
real leadership.
2. What action can you take immediately to influence their situation? What would make a
difference? A coffee and a heart to heart talk. The afternoon off. A hand written note.
Tickets to tonight’s game. Money in their parking meter.
3. Remember small acts carry deep meaning. Paying it forward only needs to cost you
creativity and good will. The monetary value is not the point.
Paying it forward is an invaluable investment hiding in plain sight. Look for your daily
opportunity for impact.
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The Power of the Start

by Robin Sharma

There is great power in the start. One of the things I have learned is that you have to
expect the unexpected. So many of us have long-term plans but life happens and we don’t
turn those plans into reality. Yes, planning is important. And remember that this day
will never come again and what you do in the remaining hours of this day could move your
life in a whole new direction.

For example, today is the day you could pick up the phone and forgive that person who,
you know in your heart, needs to be forgiven.

Today is the day you could start getting into world-class health.

Today is the day you could pull out your journal and reflect on what’s not working for
you in your life.
Today is the day you could articulate a new set of personal standards.

Today is the day you could decide to be a world-class learner.

I believe that your days are your life in miniature. As you live your days, so you craft
your life. Ultimately, time management leads to life mastery.

How the Best Succeed Success comes from the consistent practice of simple fundamentals.
In other words, the best of the best are consistent. All too often we think success is
complicated. And yet the more I work with the greatest people in business and in life I
realize that they are using very simple practices but that they execute around these
principles religiously. One of the most important of these fundamentals is that they are
meticulous about protecting their time.

The first step in protecting your time is to know where you are going. Knowing your
destination increases your focus. Knowing your destination allows you to make wiser
choices. Knowing your destination saves you precious time and energy. If you don’t know
where you are going, any road is going to get you there. Let me give you a metaphor for
that. If you need to drive from Toronto to New York City, what do you do? The first
thing you are going to do is locate the destination. Then you are going to plot your
course. You’d laugh at someone who said I’m going to drive to New York City and just
hopped into their car without a map or a plan. That would be recipe for disaster.

Most people spend more time planning their summer vacations than they do planning their
lives. You would laugh at a business that had no business plan. You would laugh at a
business that didn’t reflect on strategy. You would laugh at a business that did not
articulate its mission and its guiding values. Yet most people don’t have a plan for
their lives. Most people have not articulated a philosophy for their lives. Most people
don’t have a mission. And one of the most important things I’ve discovered is that if you
don’t have a plan and a philosophy for your life you will end up living someone else’s

I had lunch the other day with one of the country’s top entrepreneurs and I asked him
what his number one success driver was. He looked at me and said, “We created a long
term vision statement which we called our BHAG.” (A BHAG is a Big Hairy Audacious Goal
which comes from Jim Collins’ excellent book “Built to Last.”)
The entrepreneur went on to say, “We based all of our actions on our BHAG and it kept
us focused.”

My friend, whether he knew it or not, was applying the Law of Linkage. The Law of Linkage
states that if you want to live an extraordinary life then link everything that you do to
your vision. For example, if a meeting is not aligned with your vision then have the
discipline to say no to it. Because that meeting will take time away from pursuing your
goals. And the days slip into weeks, the weeks slip into months and the months slip into
years and before you know it your life will be over.

Stay focused as best you can, and don't let things happen to you - not when you can make
things happen.”

I rarely share my backstory...

I just don’t feel comfortable talking about myself.

But I wanted to share a little about my journey. Because it may inspire you. To kickstart
your highest ambitions. And fuel your greatest dreams.

Please understand I'm just like you. Full of dreams, talents as well as fears and flaws.

I want you to know that I'm no smarter, gifted or fortunate than you.

Everything that I've achieved--from the global impact my work is having to the
international business I started from a spare bedroom when I was still a lawyer to the
personal life I am blessed to live--has come from learning a specific series of
insights, behaviors and steps that too many people don't know...a formula of sorts.

And once you learn this extreme achievement formula, everything changes... Everything.

Any form of success is not the result of luck or natural talent. Instead, it's all about
strategy and what the best performers do, start doing what they do and
you'll start seeing the rare-air results that they get.

On the other hand, continue to think and perform as you always have, and you'll get the
same results this year as last year. [Why live the same year 80 times and call it a

So, back to my personal story (which may be a lot like yours):

I come from exceptionally humble beginningsraised by great parentsnever felt I fit

inoften filled with self doubtin my teens worked as a milkman ($4 / hr)went to
university (not quite sure of what to do)received 2 law degrees including a
Mastersbecame a lawyer at a big firm became successful but felt alone and emptywoke up
every morning chronically frustratedBut then I started making some new decisions. And
once I started making new choices, I began to experience all – new results…

started investing in personal development (game changer)began to associate with

completely different peopleenlisted a group of amazing mentorstransformed my thinking
and then my lifeself-published a book called The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari to share how
I did itit went #1 around the world (5 million+ sold)started writing more books on
achievementraised 2 amazing childrenclients like Starbucks, GE, IBM and Nike
calledstarted traveling the planet teachingNBA players to rock stars shared my workbecame
a part-time ski instructornow regularly meet with heads of state and industry
titansadvise the global business elitebuilt a life I loveblessed to serve people dailyI
only share this for a singular reason: if I can make so many of my hopes and dreams come
true, so can you.

I want you to have a truly awesome life. Because so many of us have given up on our
largest dreams. Or, even if we are successful, we feel chronically frustrated that we
can't reach the next level.

I’ve spent 17 years pulling togther all I’ve learned from being around the highest
achieving people on the planet, and I’ve put it into a simple yet life changing formula.

You ARE smart enough, strong enough and talented enough to get where you want to be. You
just need to expose your mind to the ideas, processes and protocols that will turn your
highest ideals into your daily reality. Remember, run the right formula and you'll get
the right results.

It's a lot like the best meal you've ever had at a restaurant. It could take months to
figure it out via trial and error. But you can recreate it quickly if the chef shares his
special recipe.

Announcing Extreme Achievement Formula (EAF)

I'm amped to share with you that I've just opened doors to my brand new online course
Extreme Achievement Formula (EAF).

This potent program will teach you the ideas, processes and tactics for elite
performance and personal mastery that have taken me 17 years to develop.

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