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For my family, relatives, and friends,

Whose words of encouragement supported me throughout the process.


This narrative report that includes the immersion experience of the author Alfred V.

Telarma as well as his co-immersionist at the Philippine National Police Hospital that verifies the

support and kindness, given nonstop and innumerably by the following people to the author:

To his loving parents, Mr. Alex A. Telarma and Mrs. Lilian V. Telarma for their unfailing

love, guidance, patience and advice as well as emotional, spiritual, and financial support.

To Mrs. Elizabeth I. Sabe, author’s adviser as well as the TCA Senior high school faculty

who devoted their time showed, concern, gave effort and sacrifices during the immersion of the


To the PNP doctors, nurses and staff’s, especially to Dr. Melvin Cosme, Dr. Jason

Cueto, and Sir George for their supervision, moral support, concern and untiring teaching

techniques for the author during the immersion is likewise acknowledged.

To his co-immersionists, Anita Flaviano, Jewel Guilot, Queenie Calamba, and Patricia

Elumba for their companionship, unconditional care and full support during the author’s


Finally, to Almighty God for all the blessings he gave and for keeping the author, as well

as his co-immersionist safe and healthy every day.

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