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Some people say that the internet provides people a lot of

valuable information. Others think access to much information

create problems. Which view do you agree with? Use specific
reasons and examples to support your answer.

No one can deny that there are many positive and negative aspects in having broad
access to a lot of information through the internet. Indeed, knowledge means power
and as much information you can access as more knowledge and power you can
achieve. In my opinion, if used for good purposes all the information could be really
beneficial to the evolution of humanity. In this text I will defend my point of view with
some arguments in the next paragraphs.

To begin with, I believe that access different source of information can give you more
opportunities to analyze certain situations from different point of views, especially
when we think about politics around the world. For instance, we can watch a television
program from the USA where a certain specialist elaborates on the idea about how
world economy should be organized, but we can also access other similar program
from European community and seen another specialist who can make you face the
same issue from a different point of view. Therefore, you will have more opportunity
and freedom to decide which of these opinions seem fairer and more correct.

On the other hand, having access to a substantial information means also immense
responsibility and good sense of justice of our part. In other words, its increase our
responsibility in share information those we are not sure of veracity, which can cause
several problems. Despite all this information available, we can suffer with the effect of
disinformation spread by malicious people or even organizations, which have bad
intentions to create crisis and unbalance situations in their own benefit. For all these
reasons, I believe that we must be careful in spread information which we are not sure
about and unconsciously helping to spread fake news.

To conclude, I think that accessing a lot of information can help us to better understand
the world and to become more empathetic to other cultures but we must be careful
with the source of all this content and use good sense in spread this information to
others. I hope all this information can help us to build a better future to our offspring.

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