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Four Spheres and Apple Case

Apple I-phone case can be explained with the Four Spheres concept. We usually encounter
situations in our life in which we have to choose between rights vs wrong which are easy to
handle. However, sometimes managers face an ethical dilemma in which the situation is complex
as there is a conflict between Rights vs Right. Apple I-phone case falls into this category in
which both sides were correct from their point of view. One side Apple is concerned about the
security of its customers and their privacy while the FBI, on the other hand, is concerned about
the national security of their fellow citizens and wanted to investigate the terrorist connection in
San Bernardino case.

FBI viewpoint was right as a government within jurisdiction level if have access to the
technology they can take the help of technological giants like Apple, Google etc. in special cases
like above in which national security is at stake because of terrorism possibility as terror group
(ISIS OR ISIL) claimed that both suspects were their group supporters. On the other hand, Apple
was right as they are concerned about their company brand image and ethical values to keep their
customers data private and not to use their data for its branding. They are concerned that if they
had created a bypass software for the i-phone than if that software fallen in the wrong hands
causes more cyberattacks by hackers as well as a threat to the world over nations’ security. The
situation can be perfectly explained by four spheres of ethics:

 Personal: It let managers think on humanitarian concept while undergoing decision

making as their decision gonna impact people’s life. As there is always a conflict in
making decisions among various choices as which decision gonna do more good. In this
context FBI seeked Apple help as they know their decision will not affect company as
their ideology to protect nation as they think that company has created strong encryption
of security so they can provide the key to remove it. Apple on the other side thinking
about its current as well as future buyer’s perception that current help will put them in a
jeopardy as it will effect their customer base as their revenues can fall and later also
governments across globe will put pressure so their overall brand image of being unique
about data protection will be in jeopardy.
 Economic Agents: It is about interests of their shareholder which in both sides were
citizens. Both has similar well-being ideology. RBI is responsible for its citizens safety
by keeping a check on law and order in the country while Apple has to look into the
interests and trust of its employees as well as its customers. Both are correct.
 Company Leader: Both sides focused on their ethical values. Apple CEO Tim Cook and
U.S President both have sound moral values which they acquired throughout their life
from their background and are committed it. Both were confident and felt correct from
their viewpoint as they are bounded with commitments.
 Beyond the boundaries: Argument boundaries are expanded by this sphere as this
sphere explains considering well-being and consideration of people who are not in
contact with both sided. In my viewpoint it is difficult to apply as discussion in this case
is confined to country limit of FBI while Apple company limits.

In the end I would like to sum up as it is difficult to make decision as sometimes you
have to make your hands dirty by being good and it is totally up to perceptions.

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