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Laura Duque García

Id: 569885

Laura Manuela Bueno

Id: 583351


Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios


1 - If you didn't have enough money to get the bus home what would you do?

2 - If you could be another person for a day, who would you be?

3 - If you could be invisible for a day what would you do?

4 - If you could be famous what would you like to be famous for?

5 - If you could date a celebrity, who would you choose?

6 - If you won 5 million Euros, what would you do?

7 - If you had a time machine, where would you go?

8 - If you had the chance, what would you like to be?

9 - If you saw another student cheating in a test, what would you do?

10- If you found a wallet with one million pesos on the ground, what would you do?

1. If I didn´t have enough money to get the bus home, I would walk.

2. If I could be another person for a day, I would be a model, to feel pretty for a day

3. If I could be invisible for a day, I would get in the mall when it is closed

4. If I could be famous, it would be for being the person who has helped the most to avoid
animal mistreatment and encourage their wellness
5. If I could date a celebrity, I would date anyone because I´m very shy and I would surely
screw everything up

6. If I could won 5 million euros, I would buy a house for my family, study veterinary
medicine, found a shelter for animals, and the rest of it, I would give it away for people
who need it

7. If I could have a time machine, I would go to the very beginning of time, to see how the
world looked like without us, with all the nature and clear waters and all. I would also go
from time to time, to see how people looked like, how did they dressed, talked, and their
daily routine.
8. If I had the chance, I would like to be a fearless person

9. If I saw another student cheating in a test, I would probably not tell it to anyone because
he or she might have reasons for it, maybe they didn´t have enough time to study or the
theme is very difficult for them, maybe they really need to pass the exam or they are
passing for a very difficult moment in their lifes, and tell it would bring serious
consequences for them. Offcorss it depends on the type of student, I don´t know I have
never seen something like that

10. If I found a wallet with one million pesos on the ground, I would search for the ID of
the person to give it back to him or her

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