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Script for:


0:00 MAN: Hi everyone, I´m introducing you one of the Interview guys, Mike. (people
screaming) and in other hand the other Interview Guys, Jeff.

0:17 MIKE Top crowded JEFF

0:19 JEFF -Hi everyone, I'm Jeff one out of the interview guys and today we´re to be
counting down the Top Ten Job Interview questions

0:27 MIKE-these are the questions you can be faced with the most seat death we need to
know how to answer them properly.

0:31 JEFF-so let's get started with question number one

0:34 the number one interview question that's most commonly asked is: Tell me about

For this question don't talk about your personal life highlight your strengths with by talking
about specific past work experiences

0:47 MIKE - the second most commonly asked question is Why should we hire you?
Now remember with this question you need to be specific and highly district that's in line
with what the company or organizations specifically looking for.

0:58 JEFF - Number three What is your greatest strength?

Be specific and told brief work related example hints s a budding that strengthen, again,
pick an example the strength that is based on your knowledge of what they are specifically
looking for.

1:11MIKE - number four on the list is what is your greatest weakness?

The three things to remember when answering this question is to be honest show that
you're taking the steps to conquer the weakness and most importantly don't mention a
weakness with the skills or abilities that are essential to the job you're interviewing for.

1:25 JEFF -number five: why do you wanna work here?

For this question be specific and mention aspects of the company or organization that you
admire and show how your strengths and abilities make you a perfect fit.

1:36 MIKE - Question number six on the list is: why did you leave your last job?

Now if you left on entirely and reference a specific characteristic that the company your
interviewing for has that you're attracted to obviously one that your previous employer
didn't have.
1:49 Now if you were let go beyond us and explain the situation in our own it explain what
you learned from the experience because the interviewer knows you´re human you make
mistakes and just wants to see that you were able to do something about it.

2:01 JEFF- Number seven: What is your greatest accomplishment?

For this question be specific and talk about past work accomplishment make sure you pick
an accomplishment that shows how valuable you will be in the position you're looking for.

2:13 MIKE - question number eight is: describe a difficult work situation and what you
did to overcome it.

Again the key is to be specific bring up a pass work situation that you handled well and try
and pick an example that shows you tackling a problem but could arise of the new
company failure interviewing for this will help show your value.

2:28 JEFF - Number nine Where do you see yourself in five years?

Your answer should show that your personal direction that you have goals, you should
show that these goals include you advancing into arriving at the company organization that
you're interviewing with but don't overdo it.

2:41 You're going for an entry-level job don't say you plan to be C_E_O_ in five years it'll
seem unrealistic it could take you out of the running

2:48 MIKE last but not least question ten is: Do you have any questions for me?

2:52 the interviewer is asking if you have any questions to ask that you should be saying
yes every single time, this will be a chance to demonstrate you've done your research on
the company so try to focus your questions on topics that your company puts high value in.

JEFF- All right, that´s wraps up our top ten job in the questions you need to be prepared

3:09 Now that you've got the top ten interview questions you'll be asked and some great
tips on how to answer them you're well underway.

3:15 JEFF- If you're still worry that you feel icky and need more help the interview guys
have got your back Mike and I have written a brand new special report explaining our
proven methods answering any job interview question perfectly every time


TOP TEN JOB INTERVIEW QUESTIONS –The Interview Guys. The Most common job
interview Questions you need to be prepared for. Recovered November 21, 2013.
Available in

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