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1.) Tell me about yourself?

Since I was young I have always enjoyed the mechanical sides of things, workings on cars with
my dad from a young age. Which lead to choose my Mechanical Engineering degree at RMIT.
During my time at RMIT I joined the FSAE (Formula Society Automotive Engineers) as team
member in the suspension dynamics, where I learnt about suspension valving and dynamics. and
in my last year of University worked with on a project with TOMCAR. This project that I choose, I
knew it would be the hardest project I have encountered as it pushed my boundaries in my
skillset. Dipping my toes in Arduino, C++, 3D Printing, Electronics and wiring.

The project encompassed the propulsion of a scale model of the EV Fast Charger & Renewable
Energy Storage.

2. Why do you think you can add value to the company?

Don’t want to take credit for Russells work and research, as I was working on Norden pre new
Jaws and chain links. I was the first one to notice the chains not functioning as required as it
sagging down and recovering at the tube cleaner station. This meant I was helping find the root
cause of the item, increasing seal quality and seal predictability.

This displays my attention to detail.

2.) What do you know about Ego? What do you know about the role at Ego?

Reliablity Engineer
The primary role of the Reliability Engineer is to identify and manage asset reliability risks that could
adversely affect plant or business operations. This broad primary role can be divided into  three
smaller, more manageable roles: Loss Elimination, Risk Management and Life Cycle Asset
Management (LCAM).

Create solutions to minimize the amount of deviations.

Develop engineering solutions for repetitive failures that encompass, capacity, quality, cost or
regulatory compliance.

Process Engineer

Process engineer specializes in creating and implementing manufacturing methods and systems,
with the goal of minimizing cost while increasing productivity. Manufacturing process
engineers typically work in industrial settings, such as with an electronics manufacturer. They
usually work full-time and often spend time on the production floor.

2.) Why are you leaving your current role / why do you want to leave your casual employment / why
do you want a full time job? Why do you want this one?

3.) Where do you see yourself at Ego?

4.) What has been your biggest work / personal achievement overall? Why?

5.) We have gained a large amount of interest, how do you differentiate yourself from the rest? Why
should we hire you?
3 Questions at the end of the interview

What do I do if I cannot find a root cause after Root Cause Analysis?

Can I count on OEM recommendations for my job plans and maintenance procedures?

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