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População: 10.000 (80% goblin; 20% outros - 35% orcs, 30% tauren, 20% trolls, 8% anões, 5% gnomos, 1% elfos noturnos, 1% humanos).
Government: Trade princes (Ratchet) and elected council (Crossroads).
Rulers: Gazlowe, Intendente de Ratchet (Goblin ladino 10).
Línguas: Goblin, Comum, Orcish.
Fé: Nenhuma.
Resources: Alchemy, arcanite, entertainment, gems, gold, imported goods, shipping, silver, technology, thorium,
timber, transportation, vice.
Afiliação: Neutra.
Ratchet is a port town governed by the trade princes, and populated primarily by goblins. It is a neutral town, so all
races are welcome here. This is also a town built on trade and profit — both of legitimate and less legitimate varieties.
Ratchet imports goods from Azeroth and exports supplies from Kalimdor through their trade alliance with Booty Bay,
which makes both cities a hefty profit.
For an adventurer looking to make money, Ratchet is ripe with opportunity. Gazlowe is the goblin in charge.
Ratchet’s ships cross the sea all the way to Booty Bay in Azeroth and are a reliable method of transporting goods and
passengers between Azeroth and Kalimdor. Ratchet also serves as a base of operations for many members of the
Venture Company, which is infamous for its massive numbers of goblin shredders.
Fortunately, Ratchet proved a surprisingly pleasant place to stay for a while as well. The goblins here accommodate
creatures of every race, and I actually found myself quite comfortable during my stay. The prices are not as ridiculous
as one might expect from goblins, but most products are expensive nonetheless. The advantage is that one can find
damn near anything here — I even found a couple urns from a Titan ruin on sale and hastily purchased them. I had the
goblins ship them to Ironforge — if the urns are there and intact when I return, the goblins will officially have me

Gazlowe, 10 Level Rogue Goblin: CR 10; Small humanoid (goblin); HD 10d6+6, hp 19; Init +8; Spd 20 ft.; CA 20,
touch 15, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +2; Grp –2; Atk +8 melee (1d4+1/18–20, short sword); Full Atk +8 melee
(1d4+1/18–20, short sword) or +7 ranged (2d6, grenade); SA backstab +2d6, finishing strike; SQ low-light vision,
evasion; AL NG; SV Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0; Str 11, Agy 19, Sta 15, Int 14, Spt 11, Cha 16.
Languages Spoken: Common, Goblin, Low Common, Orcish.
Skills: Appraise +11, Balance +10, Craft (alchemy) +10, Craft (technological device) +11, Diplomacy +11 , Disguise
+9, Listen +10, Open Lock +10, Stealth +12, Tumble +10.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Skilled (Listen and Stealth), Weapon Finesse.
Possessões: Espada curta +1 de arcanita, 6 granadas, armadura de couro +3, 3 poções de cura moderada.
“O sorriso deste goblin parece quase amigável, mas por seus dentes afiados”.
Em seus dias mais jovens, Gazlowe foi um ladrão, como muitos goblins. Através da aventura, ele gradualmente
conseguiu ganhar dinheiro suficiente para começar negócios legítimos e provou se destacar nisso. Agora, aos 40 anos,
ele dirige uma das maiores e mais bem sucedidas cidades portuárias de Kalimdor - se não do globo inteiro. Enquanto a
cidade de Gazlowe opera sob os olhos atentos dos príncipes comerciantes, ele possui uma força livre considerável e
prova-se eficaz por causa disso. Um membro bem respeitado da comunidade goblin, ele também tem um bom coração
e está disposto a ajudar alguém por pouco, em troca, às vezes - mas ele não se importaria com o retorno mais tarde, é

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