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My portrayal in this artwork of mine is Gender Inequality.

To described, Gender inequality is the

idea that men and women are not equal and also gender affects an individual's living experience.
Most studies show the different experience of genders across many domains in life including
education, personality, interests, family life, political affiliations and careers especially to
women. Gender inequality is experienced differently across different countries and cultures.. As
based on my illustration, the image of the man is higher than the woman representing the
dominance of men in society. Cultural stereotypes are engraved in both men and women and
these stereotypes are some reasons why gender inequality exists. Women have traditionally been
viewed as being caring and nurturing and are designated to occupations which require such
skills. While these skills are culturally valued, they were typically been called housekeeper, so
occupations requiring these skills are not economically valued. Men have traditionally been
viewed as the main worker, so jobs held by men have been economically valued and occupations
led by men continue to be valued in the economy and earn higher wages. Other issues regarding
occupations and workplace is that, employers favor more on hiring men applicants than woman
applicants due to the perception that men perform better on average at certain task. In fact,
women are less likely to get offered jobs especially when they just gave birth because employers
believed that they can't take full responsibility at work. In addition, women overall receive
lower-quality of medical care than men. This is linked to other gender inequality reasons such as
a lack of education and job opportunities, which results in more women being in poverty. They
are less likely to be able to afford good healthcare. However, women in this generation have
proven enough that they can keep up and can have the skills just like men do.

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