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Dark web

The paataal lok of internet

Those who have read the basics of psychoanalysis know about the structure of the mind i.e., the
three layers; 1) The conscious, 2) The preconscious and 3) The unconscious. The conscious mind
deals with what is happening in the present. The kind of information we are receiving through
our senses. This part of the mind can usually be referred to as the tip of the iceberg. While the
preconscious deals with our immediate memory. These are the thoughts we are not usually aware
of, but can be recalled through a cue. For instance, you might not immediately remember your
primary school teachers’ name but upon giving necessary cues, as in asking you to recall their
attitude, their behavior, their slang, the catchphrases they were known for etc… might bring back
their name to your memory. The third level, the unconscious is a little different though; it
consists of the kind of memories that you have repressed which can only be brought back
through some kind of hypnosis techniques or free association. It also consists of the darkest
fantasies you have, your dreams, your deepest desires etc… This part of the mind can usually be
compared to a reservoir of darkest thoughts because as explained earlier, these thoughts cannot
be shone a light upon through easy recalling. This part is the deepest level of iceberg whose
stubborn rigidity is what has caused the titanic to go down.

The dark web is analogous to this unconscious part of mind. Forget being analogous, it might as
well act as an agent to fulfill the dark wishes of an average joe’s unconscious mind. Just like you
cannot easily shed a light on the unconscious mind, you cannot trace the ip address of anyone
accessing dark web through special browsers like Tor and that’s not even the worst part. There
are companies which sell all kinds of illegal stuff on dark web; like drugs, violent pornography,
child pornography, brutal murder videos and according to some sources, you can also hire
assassins through dark web.

How do people elude law through this dark web?

Basically, for anyone to have access to dark web, they must install a web browser known as
‘Tor’. It differs from normal browsers like chrome and safari, in the way it is operated. For
instance, if one sets up a child pornography website using the chrome browser, his information
can be easily tracked down by legal authorities through his internet ip address provided through
his internet service provider as the information regarding all activities of an individual on
internet will be accessible to the internet service provider. But the same is not the case with
‘Tor’. Tor usually hides your ip address and masquerades it through a different ip address. And
the information regarding whatever you search goes through different computer servers before
reaching the sender and receiver of information, ensuring anonymity. Users of the dark web
generally use cryptocurrency to conduct their transactions due to the anonymity it provides.
Hence the users can also be not traced through something like bank accounts. In spite of all these
security measure, one cannot be assured about their anonymity as the government always finds
some way to tackle these kinds of problems.

A well known case study of illegal marketing through dark web can be that of the silkroad. This
website used to sell drugs online, and also allegedly has been responsible for 6 paid
assassinations. The website was set up by Ross Ulbricht, under the pseudonym Dread pirate
Roberts. Ross ulbricht believed in, according to his linkedin profile, "creating an economic
simulation to give people a first-hand experience of what it would be like to live in a world
without the systemic use of force" of the kind imposed by "institutions and governments." These
were the exact same views expressed by Dread pirate Roberts. In addition to this, a couple more
mistakes wherein Ross Ulbricht bragged about silk road at a couple of places online under a
different pseudonym and also posted a job offer for which the resume had to be sent to, ratted him out to the fbi from where it was not a difficult task for them
to catch him. So don’t ever think that you can get away with anything you do on the dark web.

Following are some movies about dark web

1) Silk road: drugs, death and dark web

2) Unfriended: Dark Web
3) Deep web
4) Who am i
5) How to sell drugs online (A webseries)
6) Don’t click
7) Megan is missing
8) The den
9) Feardotcom
10) Polaroid

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