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Summery of covid 19 (corona virus)

Done by Tiba Younis Ahmed.

In this research I will talk about the
recent development of corona virus
and when I know to isolate myself
at home ,or do I go to the hospital ?
How can I know that this symptome
is mild ,sever or critical?
If i isolate myself at home,How
should I behave?
All thses question I will cover it in
my research
Note : My information that I will
write in this research is based on
the latest developments that were
revealed to the virus on the first day
of August.
In figure below we can see stages of
corona virus :

1.incubation period :this peroid take

from 1to5 day at this period theris
no symptoms appear to the patient.
pateint is( asymptomatic) every
thing is normal .
2.symptomatic period : from day 5
to 11,in this period pateint become
symptomatic and covid 19
symptoms start to appear they are
Highly sweating (note we should
differentiate if the sweating occour
normally such as I do heavy work or
some thing like this .; but in this
virus sweating is very large, even
during rest. I mean, I am sitting and
relaxing, but I have a very large
B.anosmia ،lack of taste ,weaknest
Diarrhea ,hyperthermai….
Note: in this stage corona virus start
to replicate it selfe.
Note: In this stage, the role of
innate immunity appears, either as
it overcomes the virus or it
overcomes it, and we pass throgh
3rd stage.
Third stage: from (11to14 ) in this
stage dyspnea start to appear
pateint start to fell dufficult
breathing o2 level drop Because of
the lack of oxegen breathing speed
begins to increase(tachepnea )also
in this stage pateint have

Fourth stage:(Critical stage)if the

symptoms still after14 day and o2
continue to reduce to low level
difficult breathing continue this
stage only5% of people pass
through (pateint need (ICU).
This image summerise covid 19
What should we do when civid19
symptoms appear :
When we feel
hyperthermia;anosmia ,lack of taste
; dirrhea;highly sweating
,weaknest ,cough ….
We should
1.take vit C twice aday
2.CBC ,(‫) تحليل الصورة الكاملة للدم‬to
know if theris
anemia ,lymphocytopenea to
correct them
3.vit D ;Ca level if thereis defeciency
we must correct it
Note :we should correct vit D
because research say that vit D is
high risk for pateint with civid 19 so
we should correct it

This is what was written in

research and what the scientists
reached .
Pateint should also take
4.azithromycine. But we should ask
patient if he take any drug to know
well what to do.
Note : we do all these thing to
improne our innate immunity to can
face covid19 and overcome it.
During this stage(symptomatic
stage) zinc is very important to
improve our immunity but not in
high level because as we know zinc
and cupper in compitition and if zinc
increase copper will decrease and
pateint will have neurological
problem because copper is
important in the controlling of
neurological signal .
Right until now
but what I do if I start to fell difficult
breathing?should I stay at home?or
go to the hospital?if I go to the
hospital what will I do??
Right , Immediately after feeling
short of breath, the patient must go
to the hospital
In the hospital pateint must take
the following:
1.cT scan if it isnt available X'-
ray .for pcr its not available in all
hospitals and takes time so it is
possible to lose the patient if he is
in an advanced stage of the
disease .also some times pcr
appears negative but pateint have
covid19 because of theris some
error in the I depend on
How can I know from CT that this
pateint have covid19?
We can see that there is bilaterl
periphral patch on the lung that
indicate theris covid 19 as its clear
in this image.
we can see that virus attack the lung

from periphry and bilaterally

Also during this stage (difficult
brathing stage 3) require a D dimer
to see the thrombosis level because
the level of thrombosis start to raise
in advance stage
Note if the level if thrombosis
higher than 1000 directly pateint
must take aspirin.
Note:d dimer not only important to
pateint with covid 19 also for other
disorder such as DVT.
Note:theris different between pcr
and CRP this CRP is not specific and
get high if theris any infection .

Note:if pcr is posative 100%corona

virus if pcr is negative This does not
negate the presence of the virus we
can get sure about the presence of
virus from CT.
in this image theris different Ct look

to them carefully.
We say that in fourth stage (critical
stage)only 5%of people enter to it
and pateint need ICU in this stage
our inflamatory response increase
and attack the lung sooo not virus
attack lung ,the virus in this stage is
low ,but our immune system release
interlukin1 and 6 that attack the
lung so during this period o2 level
reach to avery low level and pateint
need to a lot of o2 in this peroid
pateint must take cortisone drug
that suppress our imune response
.remember that only 5%of people
pass throgh this stage.
This image summerise what

happened in each stage of

corona virus .
Lets explain it :
X-axis represent the time in days
Y axis represent severity of
Red colur curve represent
oxygen saturation
Green colur curve represent the
virus and its level .
Violet curve represent our
inflamatory response .
We can see that in the first and
second stage o2 is ok our
immune response still low ,but
we see that in the 3rd stage the
o2 saturation start to drop our
inflamatory response start to
raise and during this stage
respiratory alkalosis appear
because of tachpnea .
In 4th stage our immune
response raise enough to release
interlukine 1and 6 that attack
the lung (critical stage )pateint
need cortisone drug to supress
the immunity.
So This is what the Corona virus
was found during these days .
For summerisation :
Corona virus symptoms appear
after 5th day this what we call it
2nd stage after that if 2nd stage
doesn’t control 3rd stage start
with defficult breathing in this
stage pateint directly must go to
the hospital not still at home and
take CT scan ; x-ray and finally
5%of peaple pass through 4th
stage when the immune
response attack the lung not
Hope that this topic make sense
if threis any mistake or
something not true u can search
about it and till us .

Thank u.
at the end of my report
For enjointment at the end of
2020 and the beginning of 2021
all ganeration will have moon
face because of cortisone drug
that taken by covid 19 pateint.

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