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Summer Training

 All our courses this summer will be online.
 the courses will be conducted through Zoom.
 for each course, there will be a slack channel for the interaction between
the students and mentors.

1- Python & machine learning 5- Django Full Stack
2- Java (SE) +Android package 6- ODOO ERP System
3- MATLAB &Image processing 7- Flutter
4- cyber security 8- C++/Python hybrid
9- Php & MySQL

Address: 80 Hesham Labib st, Nasr city, Cairo, Egypt.

Phone: (+20) 115-666-9910 / (+20) 102603466
Machine Learning + Python
(1600 LE)
Main Topics Description

An Overview of Python
Variables, Expressions and statements
Conditional Statements && loops
Standard containers (Str, Lists, Tupeles, Dictionaries, Sets)
Introduction to Programming Working with Files
with Python Functions && Modules
Errors and Exception Handling

Highlights of the Standard Libraries(os, datetime, sys, time,


Introduction to multiprogramming programming

Threading module

multiprogramming Sharing variables between threads

The multiprocessing module

inter-process communication (ipc) mechanism

image Introduction to image processing in python

processing( Opencv )
Image manipulation

Object detection

Face recognition using classic algorithms

OOP In Python Defining classes

Class data/methods
data analysis & visualization Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn

Machine learning Introduction to machine learning.

Model Loading data into Pandas

and Splitting data into training and testing set
Training models in sklearn
techniques Evaluation metrics (accuracy, precession,
recall, F1-Score and F-Beta Score)

Model Selection (error functions, hyper-

parameters and grid search)

Supervised Definition and use cases

Linear Regression

Logistic Regression

K Nearest Neighbors

SVM & Decision Trees

Naive Bayes

Ensemble methods (Bagging - Adaboost)

Unsupervised Difference between supervised and

Learning unsupervised learning.

K-Means clustering and its limits


principal component analysis

Deep Deep neural networks (MLP)

Convolutional neural networks (CNN) in Keras

Extra We going to cover some topics of these topics

1- introduction to databases in python
2- introduction to git and how to use it in actual project

3- introduction to raspberry pi and how can you use it to run

you're app

4-how to develop GUI app in python.

Projects 1 - hangman game 2- Face Recognition Application.

3- Housing Prices Prediction 4- Handwritten Digit Classification

5- chest x ray pneumonia classification
Java (SE) +Android
(1600 LE)
Main Topics Description

Introduction to java
Data types and classes
Arrays and lists
Introduction to Java
Operators and flow control


Inheritance and polymorphism

OOP Basics and DB Abstract class

Files & Introduction to databases

GUI Development GUI & Controllers


Getting started with What is Android?

Android Obtaining the Required Tools
Creating Your First Android Application
Android life cycle

Activities, Fragments, Understanding Activities

and Intents
Linking Activities Using Intents


Calling Built-In Applications Using Intents

Displaying Notifications

Android User Interface Android widgets

Adapting to Display Orientation

Managing Changes to Screen Orientation

Utilizing the Action Bar

Creating the User Interface Programmatically

Listening for UI Notifications

User Interface with Using Basic Views

Views Using Picker Views

Using List Views to Display Long Lists

Understanding Specialized Fragments

Displaying Pictures Using Image Views to Display Pictures

and Menus with Views
Using Menus with Views

Some Additional Views

Data Persistence Saving and Loading User Preferences

Persisting Data to Files

Creating and Using Databases

Content Providers Sharing Data in Android

Using a Content Provider

Creating Your Own Content Providers

Using the Content Provider

Messaging& Location- SMS Messaging & Sending E-mail

Based Services
Displaying Maps

Getting Location Data & Monitoring a Location

Project – Building a Location Tracker

Networking Consuming Web Services Using HTTP

Consuming JSON Services

Sockets Programming

Developing Android Creating Your Own Services

Establishing Communication between a Service and an Activity

Binding Activities to Services

Understanding Threading

Publishing Android Preparing for Publishing

Deploying APK Files
(1800 LE)
Main Topics Description

Data Types
Operators and Conditions
intro about dart Loops
Functions and OOP

Why use Flutter

Flutter vs ionic vs React

intro about Flutter
Flutter –Native & Flutter lifecycle

install flutter on your Device and conclusion

UI (Martial Widget - UI stateful - stateless


navigation and routing


Logic Code in Flutter Access Widget with set State

Rest API Call Get / Post / patch / Delete


Auth with firebase social login (Facebook, Google, Apple if Can)

phone verify (OPT)

Notifications (Firebase) Notifications on Android / iOS

background Notification with sound

Location-Based Services Displaying Maps

Getting Location Data

Monitoring a Location

Internationalization& Preparing for Publishing

Deploying APK Files
Django Full stack
(2000 LE)
Main Topics Description

Course introduction course over view

How web work
HTML basics & CSS
small project with HTML and CSS
java script data types
Conditions and Loops

Functions & objects

Frontend introduction DOM

calculator project
vue Vue instance
introduction Directive and methods
computed Properties
Templates & components

Backend python data types

Loops & control flow


Django install and run django
django architecture
URL Mappings
Templates & Static Files
Django Models Overview
Creating Models
Models-Templates-Views Paradigm
Django Forms & Form Validation & Model Forms
django views
django rest framework
App deployment
MATLAB &Image processing
(1600 LE)
Main Topics Description

Command window
variable & elementary
mathematical function
string operation
condition statement
vectors operation
matrix operation
Function and symbolic math
Introduction to Simulink
block library
Basics Math operation

Logic operation

Bit operation

Continuous block library

Sinks library

Sources library

Matlab programming

GUI (graphical user interface)

Image types

Importing and exporting images

Displaying images

Finding image characteristics

Image processing Converting image formats

Adjusting image

Enhancing images using arithmetic operations

Correcting image alignment – Rotating images

Cropping and resizing images

Reducing noise

Deblurring images

Correcting background illumination

Image thresholding

Edge detection


Morphological segmentation

Color-based image segmentation

Watershed segmentation

Basics of image registration

Basics of object reconstruction

Morphological reconstruction
ERP System with Odoo
(2000 LE)

Main Topics Description

Quick Overview
Odoo Sales Module
Odoo CRM Module
Odoo business view Odoo - Project Management
Odoo Accounts and Finance
Odoo HR
Other Module
Python data types
Python Refresher Control flow
Install Odoo

Create Odoo file configurations

Odoo installation
Run Odoo from terminal

Using Odoo with Pycharm

Running Odoo and create database

Backup and restore database

Odoo debug mode

Odoo overview Dealing with Odoo UI

Create Fields and add custom field to tree view

Odoo action

Odoo menus and views

Create first app

Odoo Application
Create custom view and add fields
Install your app

Add new model to your app

Learn to use Related Models and Many2One Fields

Odoo ORM

Learn How to Create Computed and Functional Fields

Model security

Adding a Related Field To Your Model

Creating the Basic Template and Print Menu for your Custom Report

Learn to Report Data from Related Models in Odoo Reports

Odoo Report
Odoo report types

how Odoo API work

Odoo API
API perform action on resource

Data Storage

Git blobs and trees

Git commits

Git area
History and Diffs

Fixing Mistakes

Final Project
Cyber Security
(2800 LE)
Main Topics Description

Introduction to Networking

OSI Model

Physical Layer (1) and Network Topologies

Data Link Layer (2) (switching, Arp, Examples and some commands in
Linux and windows OS)

Network Layer (3) IP Classes


Reserved Addresses & Subnet Mask


Default Gateway


CCNA essentials
Routing Table & Routing Protocols


ICMP Protocol

Transport Layer (4) Introduction of TCP, UDP

Important Ports to Know

TCP, UDP in deep

Session (5), Presentation (6)

Application Layer (7) DNS Protocol

HTTP Protocol

HTTP Status codes


CCNA security Firewall, VPN, IPS, IDS and Proxy

windows server AD
DHCP Server & DNS server

Make some Policies

Create User & Create group

Configure policies, rights, permissions on User, group and files

Disable USB and DESKTOP

Delete User or Group

windows OS and Windows commands


Linux +Linux security Booting up kali Linux

Linux filesystem

Basic Linux commands Man pages

Listing Files

Moving Around

Creating Directories

Finding Files in Kali Linux

Which & Locate & Find

Managing Kali Linux Services (SSH Service)

Searching, Installing, and Removing Tools



bash scripting The Bash Environment

Tab completion

bash History Tricks

piping and redirection

Text Searching and Manipulation

Editing Files from the Command Line

Compare Files

Managing Processes

File and Command Monitoring

introduction to Python Syntex

variables & Data types

Operators & Conditions & Loops


Scripts for network

Scripts for Security

Html ,css , php introduction to html,css,php

Penetration Testing Essential tools(wireshark, tcpdump ,netcat,ncat)

with Kali (PWK)
Passive Information Gathering
OSCP content
Active Information Gathering

Port Scanning & vulnerabality Scanning

Search ploit and Metasploit

Client-side attack (send malicious link)

Client-Side Attack send malicious file

web attacks (XSS,sql injection)

Password Attacks

offline attacks password Attack (Hash Cracking)

Post Exploitation Privilege Escalation (kernel exploit, Files


Advanced buffer overflow

Network penetration General Enumerations

Zone Transfer &Subdomains

Subdomains & Reverse lookup

Subdomains Brute force

Emails &Users& metadata

Google Dorks &Shodan

Scanning tips & TCP-dump

Network sweeping &Tracing

Network Behavior

Port Scanning & OS & Version scanning

Vulnerability Scanning&Nessus

Enumerating Users


Search for Exploit


Blind shell&Reverse shell

Shell vs meterpreter

Service side Exploit

Client-side Attack

Antivirus Evasion

Port forwarding

Meterpreter &

Metasploit Post Exploitation

Windows Privilge Escalation

Web Application install course requirements

Penetration Testing
Large scale data leaks (NOSQL DBS Security Issues)

Exploiting leaked databases for Penetration Testers and RedTeaming

Linux Revision

Hashing How it Works

Encoding, how it works and why we need it

Symmetric Encryption vs Asymmetric Encryption

How HTTPS Works

What Happens when I open in my browser

Subdomain Takeover and Different DNS Records

how to find Vulnerabilities in Subdomain Takeover

Nmap, advanced Nmap, Nmap moreover


HTTP Methods, Request and Response Headers

why vulnerability happens?

XSS (Reflected, Stored and DOM based XSS)

How to mitigate XSS, response headers and input filtering.

Advanced XSS Exploitation

SOP, CORS, CSP and Exploiting Misconfigured CORS

How WAF's works, Bypassing XSS filters, HPP and more

Solving the XSS Challenges

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

Cache Poisoning & Cache Deception Attacks

C++/Python hybrid course content
(1800 L.E)

Main Topics Description

A. What is git?
B. Installing git
C. Github

D. Creating repository
1. Version
control (git) E. Workflow (add, commit, push, pull)

F. Pull requests and issues

G. Collaboration

H. Branches

A. Installing the development environment virtual machine

B. Linux fast introduction

2. Setting Up a C. Working over SSH

D. Installing the local webserver
E. Exploring VS-Code IDE

F. Exploring JupyterLab

A. Print

B. Variables
3. Python
Introduction C. String Manipulation

D. Lists

E. Dictionaries
F. Tuples

G. Indentation

H. Conditional statements

I. Loops

J. Functions

K. Using 3rd party packages:

i. Pip Package manager
ii. Anaconda

L. Object-oriented programming

M. Creating a Python package (API)

N. Creating a Python package (CLI app)

A. Basic program structure

B. The compiler

C. Print
4. C++
Introduction D. Basic syntax

E. Variables & Data types

F. Strings

G. Flow control
H. Vectors

I. Tuples

J. Lists

K. Key-value data structures

L. Conditionals

M. Loops

N. Functions

O. Object-oriented programming introduction

A. CPython Introduction
5. Binding C++
with Python B. SWIG

C. Creating a Python app with C++ backend

A. Students should form small groups and present a project

6. Capstone proposal to be discussed.
B. The implementation should be totally done on Github and hosted
on a free webserver

A. Unit Testing

7. Bonus topic
B. Continuous Integration (CI)

C. Travis & Github actions

Php & MySQL course content
(1800 L.E)

Main Topics Description

A. The client-server workflow

1. Introduction to
B. The Request/Response Procedure
Dynamic Web C. Php is a very popular language
D. The best databases that work seamlessly with Php

A. Installing git

B. Github

C. Creating repository
2. Version D. Workflow (add, commit, push, pull)
control (git)
E. Pull requests and issues

F. Collaboration

G. Branches

H. Github pages

A. What is WAMP, LAMP?

B. Installing the development environment virtual machine

3. Setting Up a
C. Linux fast introduction

D. Working over SSH

E. Installing the local webserver

F. Exploring VS-Code IDE

A. What is HTML?

B. Tag structure

C. Text structure

D. Links, Images, Line breaks, Tables

E. lists, images, and links.


F. Line breaks, Borders

G. Forms

H. Basic CSS introduction

I. Create a personal profile HTML page

J. Hosting the profile page on Github pages

A. Incorporating PHP Within HTML

B. Basic syntax

5. Php C. Variables
D. Operators

E. Variable assignment

F. Multiple-line commands
G. Printing

H. Functions

I. Variables scopes

J. Conditional statements

K. Loops

L. Form handling

M. Cookies

A. Introduction

B. PhpMyAdmin

C. Tables
6. MySQL
D. Data types

E. Indexing

F. CRUD syntax

G. Introduction

A. Querying a MySQL Database with PHP

7. Accessing
MySQL Using B. Connecting to a MySQL Database
C. CRUD using PHP
D. Form Handling

A. Students should form small groups and present a project

8. Capstone proposal to be discussed.
B. The implementation should be totally done on Github and hosted
on a free webserver.

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