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Exercises: Verb to be

Level: Beginner

1. Responda las preguntas.

a. What is your name?

b. Are you from the United States?
c. Where are you from?
d. Are you a student?
e. Is your teacher from England?

2. Complete las oraciones.

a. Kaka _________ a soccer player. He _________ an attacking midfielder.

b. His full name _________ Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite.
c. He _________ 27 years old.
d. He _________ from Brasilia, Brazil.
e. He _________ 6.1 feet tall (=1..86m).

f. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt _________ both American.

g. They _________ actors.
h. They _________ married and they have six children!
i. In your opinion, _________ they a perfect couple?

3. Choose some of these adjectives to write three sentences about yourself.

happy – beautiful – intelligent – stubborn – short – tall – stressed – calm

tired – good-looking – old – young – single – married – hungry
a. I
b. I
c. I

4. Realice preguntas o respuestas.

a. She is living in San Gil.
b. No, I am married.
c. Where are you from?
d. Are you an astronaut?
e. They are working at a bank.
f. Who are you studying with?
g. Yes, I am from Barichara.
h. Is she your mother?

5. Corrija los errores.

a) Sarah and I am sisters.
b) Ben and Tim is at school.
c) Horses and cows is animals.
d) England are a country.
e) Tim are from America.

6. Convierta en oración Negativa.

a) She is a young girl.
b) I am a detective.
c) They are ugly cats.
d) We are strong girls.
e) Steven is from England.
f) You are a nurse.
g) He’s a basketball player.
h) They are bottles.
i) That is a fish.
j) The black cat is small.
k) This boy is lazy.

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