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Composition 3

Draft 2
Name: Johan Pepper

Date: 29/07/2019
Teacher: Gianluigi Laverde
Topic: My favorite city to live.

San Sebastian, the city where I want to live.

Six years ago, I was in Germany because of my studies, and I received an
invitation from my aunt to visit her in San Sebastian, Spain. She invited me
for summer vacations and bought me the airplane ticket. At the beginning, I
wasn’t excited about going there because I had too much to study during
vacations, but I couldn’t say no to that invitation. So finally I accepted to go

San Sebastian is a city in the north coast of Spain. The first thing I saw when I
arrived there was the beautiful beach. I would say the city is a combination
between old and modern architecture. When I first took a walk around the
city, I saw a lot of museums, parks and historical places. For me, the most
interesting thing about San Sebastian is the beach because it is a nudist
beach and a lot of people get there to be nude without problems. However,
that is not the only interesting fact about the beach. San Sebastian is a gulf,
so the form of the coast is like an “u”, and in front the beach there is an
island. At night, you can go to a zone called “Casco Viejo” at the pier. There
are more than 200 bars and restaurants in an area of 4 blocks, so there are a
lot of things to do.

To sum up, I found the city very interesting. If I could have the opportunity to
choose a city to live, it would be San Sebastian.

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