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Identity in Coaching Worksheets

The Expensive Perfume

One day when Al Masih was invited into a feast, a woman who had been purified
from seven jinns came also, for she wanted to honor him. Maryam from Magdala
brought a very expensive perfume, but the host at the feast did not invite her in, for
everyone knew that she was a sinner and would bring shame to the whole house.

In a moment, when the eyes of her accusers had moved away, she reached towards Al
Masih Isa and felt down at his feet. For the first time in her life, all she wanted was to
taste the mercy of God and feel pure love, even if it was for once.

Many of the men sitting in that room had loved themselves through her, but none
had loved her. And now they despised her and called her evil, demon possessed, cursed,
and a sinner; but only Al Masih said to her, Maryam you are Abraham’s daughter,
Maryam you are God’s beloved!

All that Maryam of Magdala wanted was the approval of Al Masih Isa. Everyone else
did not matter anymore. In silence she poured the expensive perfume mixed with tears
of repentance and dried the dusty feet of Al Masih with her long hair.

Shimon was angry and said, “if this truly were God’s messenger, he would not allow
such shameful woman to touch him.” He said that because he did not know that Al
Masih had come to open the door of forgiveness and purify those touched by the finger
of Iblis.

Others said, why this waste? This perfume could have been sold at a high price and
the money given to the poor.

But Al Masih could read the intention of their hardened hearts so he looked at
Maryam with love and said, Woman your sins are forgiven, go home in peace. After that
day, the sword of His words slew the voices of shame that had trapped her, and she
became a changed woman— a woman who had tasted real love. A woman whose story is
told all over the world.
Reflection Time
What do you think Maryam thought about herself and her value at the beginning of
the story?
How would Maryam have seen herself in the presence of the Almighty?
What Message did Maryam want to communicate through the expensive perfume?
How was the life of Maryam changed after meeting Al Masih and tasting God’s
Why did Al Masih protect Maryam if she was a very shameful and sinful woman?
What does that tell us about God?
Questions of Identity – Awareness – Outcome

• What do the people that know you well like about you?
• What do you think you already know about your God-given strengths and
• Can you name at least three abilities and God-given strengths that you have?
• What picture or image would describe you? Why?

Questions of Identity – Vision - Goals

• Who is the person you wish to become? What kind of person would you like
to be known to be?
• Growing up, what things did your family and friends tell you that may have
shaped what you believe about yourself? Are those things worthy to pass on
to your children? What is, and what is not?
• If you could imagine yourself as a strong and confident person, what would
that person be like?
• What have life experiences shown you about situations where you were
• If you would see yourself as God’s sees you, as God’s beloved, accepted just as
you are, how would that impact what you think of yourself and how you view

Questions of Identity – Strategy – Actions Steps

• What steps are you willing to take to begin to receive your new identity—
your God-given identity?
• What can you do to hear God’s truth and reject the lies that Iblis has made
you believe about yourself?
• What would a believer whose trust is in God look like?
• What steps can you take so that your life will move in that direction?
• Jesus said, “Come to me all who are weary and tired, and I will give you rest.”
Is there anything that you need to give him so that you can experience his

Identity Is Foundational
• If you don’t like yourself or value yourself, how can you love others deeply?
Prayer time
Please ask permission to pray with your friend as your coaching session is finished. Ask God
for strength, wisdom and guidance as the identity that God has for your friend is revealed
and received in your friend’s life and heart. God’s identity transforms us into obedient and
God’s character-like children.

Date: Session No: Date: Session No:

Review last week

Outcome: Outcome:

My Goals: My Goals:

My Action Steps: My Action Steps:

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